"C" - Sedative Dosing Pdf:

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Aust Endod J 2007; 33: 119–130 Flare-ups in endodontics and their relationship to various medicaments Ernest H. Ehrmann, BDSc, DDS, FDSRCS1; Harold H. Messer, MDSc, PhD1; and Robert M. Clark, MSc, PhD21 School of Dental Science, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Carlton, Victoria, Australia2 School of Mathematical Sciences, Monash University,

Template – briefing request

Commissione europea, Direzione generale dell'Agricoltura e dello sviluppo rurale Ultimo aggiornamento: Luglio 2012 Analisi economica del settore oleicolo 1. Situazione del settore 1.1. Caratteristiche della produzione L’olivicoltura presenta diverse peculiarità sostanziali: - si tratta innanzitutto di una cultura mediterranea perenne, il che implica una rigidità di adattam

The world

THE 2004 PROHIBITED INTERNATIONAL STANDARD (update 25 November 2003) This List shall come into effect on January 1st 2004. THE 2004 PROHIBITED LIST WORLD ANTI-DOPING CODE Valid 1st January 2004 (Updated 25 November 2003) SUBSTANCES AND METHODS PROHIBITED IN-COMPETITION PROHIBITED SUBSTANCES S1. STIMULANTS The following stimulants are prohi


ACUERDO DE TÉRMINOS Y CONDICIONES DE USO DEL SISTEMA “MEDUCACOMPRAS” Entre el MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN, (en adelante MEDUCA), administrador del Sistema Electrónico “MEDUCACOMPRAS” y EL PROPONENTE, usuario de este servicio; celebran el presente Acuerdo para el uso de dicho sistema, a través de Internet, por medio del sitio web: www.meduca.gob.pa, el cual se regirá por las siguie

Microsoft word - acquisitions fevrier 2011.doc

UNIVERSITÉ PANTHÉON-ASSAS PARIS II SALLE D’HISTOIRE DU DROIT NOUVEAUTES février 2011 INVENTAIRE FEVRIER 2011 HISTOIRE DU DROIT I 116Bis Contribution à l'étude des rapports de la propriété et de l'usufruit chez les romanistes du Moyen Age et dans le droit français Pierre Masson Dijon : Impr. du Palais, 1933.; 25 cm. Thèse : Droit : Dijon : 19


188957-2 Front 12.25" x 8.75" Fold 1.25" x 1.25" Prints Black 12/22/11 Size Sml 7pt Lrg 8pt Helv cond and Bold Doxycycline Hyclate Tablets, USP Hepatic Insufficiency: Doxycycline pharmacokinetics have not been evaluated in patients with hepatic insufficiency. Drug Interactions: (See PRECAUTIONS section) To reduce the development of drug-resistant bacteria and mainta

Microsoft word - problem set 2.doc

CHEE434/821 Fall 2004 Problem Set #2 The drug Hydrochlorothiazide ("Diazide") is sometimes used to regulate blood pressure. However, it is also a diuretic and can cause a substantial increase in urine production. To counter this side effect, the antispasmodic drug Oxybutynin ("Ditropan") is often prescribed as well. However, Oxybutynin is known to increase ocular p


Patienteninformation des Arzneimittel-Kompendium der Schweiz® AMZVWas ist Ciprofloxacin Actavis und wann wird es angewendet?Ciprofloxacin Actavis ist ein Antibiotikum zur Behandlung bakterieller Infektionskrankheiten. Es gehört zur Gruppe der Chinoloneund besitzt eine antibakterielle Wirkung gegen eine Vielzahl von Bakterienarten. Ciprofloxacin Actavis eignet sich zur Behandlungvon Infektion

Nota bene-- c:\ipsa\2005\program.txt job

International Literature-and-Psychology ConferenceParticipants will need to purchase lunch tickets on arrival, 120 for the four-day package. Lunches will be at the Conference Center. The city of Córdoba will pro-vide folders with tourist and practical information. Evening reception sponsored by Department of Filosofia y Letras at the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universitad de Córdoba,

Postop instruction

DR. ZIV CENTER FOR ORTHOPAEDIC SPECIALISTS Hand / Wrist / Elbow Postoperative Program PLEASE READ! Keep the hand elevated above the level of your heart as much as possible, especially for the first 48-72 hours. A sling is good while standing/ going out for 1 week. After a week the sling is not needed and it is best to use it as little as possible. If you are sitting on a couch, take the s

centro studi sea

Ammentu, n. 2, gennaio-dicembre 2012, ISSN 2240-7596 Presentación Un año después publicamos el segundo número de «Ammentu», con una novedad. Entre los idiomas que alberga esta revista en adelante se admitirá también la lengua sarda en sus tres variedades principales: el campidanés, el galurés y el logudorés. Hace tiempo que esta dirección barajaba la idea de potenciar el pres

Pnk veld

Tips van de Helpdesk – Februari 2011 Cobidoc helpdesk: - 0206880333 - Helpdesk@cobidoc.nl PNK VELD GEINTRODUCEERD IN MEERDERE DATABANKEN Er is een nieuw veld toegevoegd aan een aantal STN databanken, namelijk het PNK veld. PNK (Patent Number + Kind Code) voegt het octrooinummer en de status code samen in één veld. Wanneer men vroeger octrooinummers wilde overhevelen na


FDA and Safe Use of Long-Acting Beta-Agonists The FDA and Safe Use of Long-Acting Beta-Agonists in the Treatment of Asthma Badrul A. Chowdhury, M.D., Ph.D., and Gerald Dal Pan, M.D., M.H.S. For over a decade, the Food concern about the risk among use of LABAs should be limited and Drug Administration children. Public discussions at to patients who require pro-(FDA) and the medical commu-




Good prescribing in dementia: a brief guide Daniel Harwood explains how certain medications prescribed for older people are especial y likely to cause troubling side effects for people with dementia P eople with dementia have impaired cognitive concentration, poor memory, drowsiness and speech function, they are more likely to be olderproblems. The cognitive-enhancing cholinesterasepe

Insetti e vipere

Insetti e vipere Soprattutto in estate, può succedere che il cane sia morso da api o da vipere. Se dovesse accadere è utile mantenere la calma ed affrettarsi per salvare la vita al nostro amico, prima di arrivare al più vicino veterinario. Se la causa del malessere del cane è una puntura di vespa, di ape o di calabrone noteremo subito un gonfiore della parte (spesso la bocca, con il serio

Microsoft word - article59-useofantipsychoticsinchildreniscriticized.doc

November 19, 2008 Use of Antipsychotics in Children Is Criticized WASHINGTON — Powerful antipsychotic medicines are being used far too cavalierly in children, and federal drug regulators must do more to warn doctors of their substantial risks, a panel of federal drug experts said Tuesday. More than 389,000 children and teenagers were treated last year with Risperdal, one of five popul

Ddn scoglio

ADHD e psicofarmaci: bambini diversamente attivi In America ci sono 13 milioni di bambini che fanno uso di psicofarmaci come Ritalin e affini, e numeri simili si stanno raggiungendo in paesi come la Germania, l’Inghilterra e la Francia. E in Italia? Corriamo anche noi il rischio di avere tra pochi anni una generazione di giovani adulti cresciuta a psicofarmaci?


Dr.med. Wolfgang SCHWEIGER Vortrags-und Prüfungstätigkeit im Fach: Spezielle Chirurgie Schweiger W. Schule für allgemeine Gesundheits-und Krankenpflege LKH –Klinikum Graz Zeitraum 1989/90-1998/99 ( 1730 Diplomprüfungen ) Stellenwert der palliativen Laserkoagulation beim Rektumkarzinom Berger A.,Mischinger HJ., Tscheliessnigg H., Schweiger W. VII.Quatrilaterales Symposium für Chir

Un filÓsofo del siglo xxi - el doctor marcel paquet

UN FILÓSOFO DEL SIGLO XXIEL DOCTOR MARCEL PAQUETPor : PATRICK DESCHUYTENEERTraductora: VERÓNICA VÁZQUEZ DUARTEEscribir un ensayo sobre Marcel Paquet, es dejar hablar a Marcel. He querido que en vida, pueda defenderse contra decenas, centenas de anécdotas que algunos quieren atribuirle. Por dos veces, personajes conocidos quisieron escribir sobre Marcel, sobre ese hombre raro, que a simple vi

Sujet deie octobre

ENTREE EN FORMATION INFIRMIERE EPREUVE D’ADMISSIBILITE Etude d’un cas clinique Durée : 2 heures Notée sur 20 points Répartition des points : - 17 points pour le fond : les réponses - 3 points pour la forme : maîtrise de la langue française (syntaxe, orthographe, vocabulaire), présentation de la copie, respect des consignes Consignes : - Inscrire sur

橡affective minds

G. Hatano, N. Okada and H. Tanabe (Eds.), Affective Minds, pp. 101-104. ElsevierScience B. V. (2000). METALEARNING, NEUROMODULATION, AND EMOTIONInformation Sciences Division, ATR InternationalCREST, Japan Science and Technology Corporation2-2-2 Hikaridai, Seika, Soraku, Kyoto 619-0288, JapanRecent advances in machine learning and artificial neural networks have made itpossible to build rob

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Hawaii Health Systems Corporation 1027 Hala Drive Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 Important Influenza 2009 H1N1 Information for Families and Visitors The following information will help you protect yourself, your family, other patients, and the staff of the hospital. Recognize the symptoms of Influenza (Flu) • fever (temperature >100º F) • cough • sore throat • tiredness

05 may 2004.indd

Exploring Issues of Philosophy, Principle and Conscience in Contemporary Health Care The Prostate This article was excerpted from Dr. Ronald Wheeler’s surgery, radiation, etc. ) which leave the individual with writing and reproduced with permission of the McAlvany continuing pain or other symptoms and a progressive Health Newsletter’s editor. slow slide toward prostate cancer,

Microsoft word - 2430184_1.doc

Summary of DDMAC Enforcement Correspondence January 2007 In January 2007, FDA’s Division of Drug Marketing, Advertising and Communications (DDMAC) posted one warning letter and two untitled letters on its website.1 The letters addressed the issues below. This summary describes only DDMAC’s allegations. It does not reflect the recipient’s response or analysis by Covington & Burli


The 500-mg Invirase tablets are beige and im-printed with “ROCHE” on one side and “SQV 500” on the other side. Also known as: Ro 31-8959, saquinavir mesylate, SQV Patient assistance. Roche offers a patient assistance program for Background and description. This drug is a protease inhibitor those who qualify. For more information call 800.282.7780. man u fac tured by F. H

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INSULATARD® HM 100 UI/ml Penfill® 3 ml Suspensión de Insulina Humana Inyectable Venta bajo Receta Industria Danesa Presentación Insulatard® Penfill® es una suspensión acuosa, turbia y estéril de insulina humana isófana (NPH), de acción intermedia. Los cartuchos Penfill® 3 ml están diseñados para ser usados únicamente en combinación con los sistemas de administr

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12271 - LUBRIMATIC MULTI-PURPOSE LITHIUM GREASE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET LUBRIMATIC MULTI-PURPOSE LITHIUM GREASE (11300-11302-11306-11315-11316-11328-11330-11332) 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION TRADE NAME PRODUCT USE SUPPLIER Chemtool IncorporatedP.O. Box 5388200 Ridgefield RoadCrystal Lake, IL 60039-0538 USATel: (815) 459-1250Fax: (815) 459-1955 EMERGE


OWNER’S MANUAL 12 Bottle Thermoelectric Wine Cooler MODEL: AW-121E Please read and save these instructions. PARTS LIST TROUBLESHOOTING Many common wine refrigerator problems can be easily solved, saving you the cost of a possible service call. Try the suggestions below to see if you can solve your problem before PROBLEM POSSIBLE • The circuit breaker may


de otros comportamientos antisociales y/o violentos “¿Qué hago si mi hijo está molestando o más graves. Los niños que frecuentemente molestan intimidando a otros?” Niños Que Molestan o Intimidan o intimidan a sus pares son más proclives que otros a:• Aclárele a su hijo que usted toma seriamente losactos de molestia o intimidación y que no tolerará (Children Who Bully)


Información y venta del medicamento en Guadalajara, Jalisco y Zona Metropolitana Para realizar el tratamiento, se deben introducir con los dedos 4 pastillas de 200 mcg. de Misopro-stol (800 mcg. en total) lo más profundo posible dentro de la vagina (en la zona donde comienza el útero). No importa si se introducen las pastillas una por una, lo importante es que las 4 pastillas estén dentr


For inquiries between 8am-10pm and for emergencies 24 hours call: 1-888-511-6222 Ambulatory Care Pharmacists: 604-806-8151 Please call two weeks in advance to book your pharmacy appointments with the receptionist at 604-806-8060. DELAVIRDINE (Rescriptor  ) What is Delavirdine? • A non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) used to inhibit the replication of the HIV


ST KYROLLOS FAMILY CLINIC DR. ASHRAF SADDIK PN. 65028KB 2 A Moore Street, Coburg VIC 3058 Tel (03) 9386 0900 Fax (03) 9386 5388 ASHRAF SADDIK PTY. LTD. ABN 20 060 815 401 CONSENT& OPERATIVE CARE SHEET  Please read carefully the enclosed information sheet about circumcision, if you still have any concerns or need to ask more questions please don’t hesitate to address them.

Estudios cursados :

Dr. Marcelo A. Peche Médico egresado de la U.N.B.A (Matrícula Nacional: 95.039. Matrícula Provincial: 3627) Especialista en Gastroenterología . Título otorgado por la Escuela de Graduados de la Sociedad Argentina de Gastroenterología (S.A.G.E).- Fellow en Endoscopía Digestiva diagnóstica y terapéutica . Gastroentrology Unit. Haddassah University Hospital, Jerusalén – Israe

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CÓDIGO DE POSTURAS MUNICIPAIS CAPÍTULO I DISPOSIÇÕES COMUNS ARTIGO 1º - O presente Código vigora em todo o município de Torres Vedras, salvo quanto às disposições exclusivamente aplicáveis na sede ou em determinadas povoações ou ARTIGO 2º - As infracções a este Código punir-se-ão com as coimas nele fixadas. ARTIGO 3º - Têm competência para fiscalizar

Esordio precoce della schizofrenia

ESORDIO PRECOCE DELLA SCHIZOFRENIA Che cos’è la schizofrenia? La Schizofrenia è la principale delle malattie psichiatriche. I sintomi comunemente iniziano nella tardaadolescenza o al principio dell’età adulta. Numerosi studi hanno evidenziato che circa 1 persona su 100 nel mondo soffre di questo disturbo. Comunque,la schizofrenia con un esordio nell’adolescenza (prima dei 18 anni)


TEXTES DES CONSTITUTIONS LATINO-AMÉRICAINES CONCERNANT L’ENVIRONNEMENT 1 ARGENTINE (Constitution de 1994) Nuevos derechos y garantias Art. 41. – « Todos los habitantes gozan del derecho a un ambiente sano, equi- librado, apto para el desarrollo humano y para que las actividades productivas satisfagan las necesidades presentes sin comprometer las de las generaciones futuras ; y tienen

"el parlamento europeo estrena su nueva sede con protestas por agresión al patrimonio" en <i>el país</i> (30 septiembre 1993)

"El Parlamento Europeo estrena su nueva sede con protestas poragresión al patrimonio" en El País (30 septiembre 1993) Leyenda: Published in the Spanish daily newspaper El País on 30 September 1993, thisarticle retraces the steps that led to the successful construction of the new buildingfor the European Parliament in Brussels, despite adverse criticism from defendersof the


Observaties Hoofdpijn, in het bijzonder migraine. Diagnose volgens de classificatie van de International Headache Society (IHS) Samenvatting Hoofdpijn is een symptoom. Als hoofdpijn de hoofdklacht is en er zijn geen aanwijzingen voor een onderlig-gende aandoening, dan wordt dit primaire hoofdpijn genoemd. Ook kan er sprake zijn van een onderliggende aandoening waarbij hoofdpijn optreedt

Instructions for completing

INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING “MEDICATION CONSENT FORM” Please fill this tan form out if your child is currently on a prescription or an over- the-counter medication. Otherwise, please hold on to it with these directions for future use. General things to know: This form is to be completed only when teachers will need to administer either over-the-counter m

Microsoft word - novelos-pr-$2mil-pipe-11-5-12

NOVELOS THERAPEUTICS CLOSES $2 MILLION PRIVATE PLACEMENT Initiates Build-out of Manufacturing Facility for I-124-CLR1404 (LIGHT) MADISON, Wisc. (November 5, 2012) – Novelos Therapeutics, Inc. (OTCQX: NVLT) , a pharmaceutical company developing novel drugs for the treatment and diagnosis of cancer, today announced the closing of a private placement of equity securities to an affi


Why balance my hormones?The purpose of Hormone Balancing Therapy (HBT) is to compensate for the hormones that you lost during normal aging, removal of the ovaries, or any other cause of decreased hormone production by the ovaries. HBT is more than treating menopausal symptoms. It is re-establishing hormone balance by taking the same hormones that your ovaries used to make. How are Nat

China pharma holdings, inc

China Pharma Holdings, Inc. Announces SFDA Approval For Production of Omeprazole Injections Broadens Product Offerings for Multiple Therapeutic Markets – HAIKOU CITY, China, August 18, 2009 - China Pharma Holdings, Inc. ("China Pharma") (OTC Bulletin Board: CPHI), which develops, manufactures, and markets specialty pharmaceutical products in China, today announced that

Suicide in children and youth_ guide for parents _ ottawa-carleton

eMentalHealth.ca Suicide in Children and Youth: Guide for Parents When individuals are overwhelmed, whether by life stresses, orby conditions such as depression, they may turn to suicide as away of coping. And although it is scary, the good news is thatultimately the person is trying to cope. Family and friends areabsolutely critical, and can offer support in many ways, such asby spendin


ASSEMBLEIA MUNICIPAL DE VALENÇA – SESSÃO ORDINÁRIA DE 29 DE ABRIL DE 2010 ACTA Nº 06 Aos vinte e nove dias dias do mês de Abril do ano de dois mil e dez , pelas 14h.50m, teve lugar, no Auditório Dr. Jorge Gama , nos Paços do Concelho , Sessão Ordinária da Assembleia Municipal de Valença, de cuja convocatória, datada do dia quinze do mesmo mês, constavam da Ordem de T

New orleans magazine | an rx for unhealthy living

B R O B S O N L U T Z M . D . JOSEPH DANIEL FIEDLER ILLUSTRATION Lack of access to medical care gets all the attention. But the epidemic that slaps me in the face each day is excessive medical care. The medical scene is rampant with too many diagnoses, medications and procedures that add little to health care valueThe main drivers of costly and unnecessary health care costs are over-expec


Liftoff™ est un complément alimentaire effervescent etrevitalisant destiné à soutenir votre vitalité au quotidien. Liftoff ™ est un mélange unique de L-taurine, de guarana et de caféine. Ce Informations Etiquette complément contient également des vitamines B, nécessaires à la production Ingrédients : d'énergie et de la vitamine C, réputée pour ses propriétés antioxyd

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DONATIONS FOR HAITI RELIEF CAN BE MADE TO CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY CHURCH – 714 SW DORION AVE., STE B, PENDLETON, OR 97801 – PLEASE NOTE HAITI RELIEF IN THE MEMO LINE. 1/20/2010 To Our Friends and Supporters, We are sending a brief but specific “road map to Help Haiti Heal” letter for your use to assist you in working with the Dessalines Rural Health Care Project and Kings H

Microsoft word - lc13_results_session_4.doc

City of Derby Swimming Club (Affiliated to ASA East Midland Region and Derbyshire ASA Under ASA Laws and ASA Technical Rules of Swimming) Level 1 Licensed Meet 2013 Open Meet – Results Sheet 13th January 2013 – Ponds Forge Pool Sheffield - 50m Pool Session Four Sheet 1 EVENT 46 FINAL OF EVENT 32 Girls 15 Yrs/Over 200m IM Full Results Place Name EVENT 47 FINAL OF EVE

Intrapartum fetal heart gj.qxp

PRACTICE BULLETIN (Replaces Educational Bulletin Number 207, July 1995) Intrapartum Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring This Practice Bulletin wasdeveloped by the ACOG Com- In 2002, approximately 3.4 million fetuses (85% of approximately 4 million live births) in the United States were assessed with electronic fetal monitoring (EFM), making it the most common obstetric procedure (1). Despi


Thirteen years experience in computer systems and network analysis, design and administration on a wide varietyof server and workstation systems. Hands-on experience and extensive knowledge of UNIX, networking, VoIP,languages, databases, architectures, training and day-to-day operations. Emphasis on problem solving, innovativeanalysis and design. Brings an end-to-end perspective to all work. •

A-08 most questioned expenses

Health Care Reimbursement Account Most Questioned Expenses IRS regulations periodically change, affecting the eligibility should only be used as a guide for determining eligible of certain expenses in Flexible Spending Account Plans. The expenses under the Health Care Reimbursement following will assist you in making your elections for the Account, as there are several exceptions, but


Groupe Hospitalier Pitié-Salpêtrière - Charles Foix Le début du suivi des sujets séropositifs en France Le point de vue de la direction des hôpitaux François Bourdillon Ancien responsable de la mission sida de la direction des hôpitaux devenue DGOS 20 ans de la première publication de la FHDH-ANRS CO4 14 septembre 2012 - Paris Groupe Hospita

Microsoft word - glucose reg complex 2-page doc sheets.doc

Use of Dietary Supplements for Blood Sugar Regulation Prevalence of Pre-diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes Approximately 17 million Americans have type 2 diabetes, or 5.6% of the population, according to the US Dept. of Health & Human Services. Another 16 million are estimated to be pre-diabetic with impaired glucose tolerance. One of every 3 to 4 individuals (70 million), is likely to

Microsoft word - cardiovascularresourceallocationmay04.doc

Peter Satterthwaite Senior Portfolio Manager Capital & Coast District Health Board Private Bag 7902 WELLINGTON To: C&C DHB BOARD Through: Margot Date: May Subject: Resource Allocation & Cardiovascular Resource Allocation EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In October 2002 the Board asked CPHAC (its Community and Public Health Advisory Committee) to begin a program


Central Scheduling: 860-289-3375 Fax: 860-290-4108 isit our website at effersonradiology jeffersonradiology .com .com for more information. REQUISITION FOR BONE MINERAL DENSITY MEASUREMENTS & VERTEBRAL FRACTURE ASSESSMENT Hartford Glastonbury* West Harfford* Wethersfield* *Vertebral Fracture Assessment (VFA) available in these offices only. This form must be


Important Information about Your 2009 Prescription Drug Benefit Throughout my years of practicing medicine, I’ve found that getting the best buy takes action… even with prescription drugs. I’d like to explain what a best buy is when it comes to your prescriptions — and the steps you can take to find it. Here’s what I mean by a best buy . When thinking about a drug, y

Microsoft word - paleteada-1.doc

REGULAMENTO DE PALETEADAS DOS OBJETIVOS Art. 1° - A paleteada é uma opção de esporte, confraternização e integração entre os criadores e usuários da Raça Crioula, servindo como teste, análise e instrumento de evolução funcional DAS ETAPAS DA COMPETIÇÃO Art. 2°- A prova de Paleteada é realizada em três etapas: as Credenciadoras (Forças “A” e “B”); as Cl


LINDSTROM CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, JULY 18th, 2013 7:00 P.M. Lindstrom City Hall 13292 Sylvan Ave., Lindstrom, MN CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE: Mayor Carlson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. CALL OF ROLL: Those Present: Mayor Carlson, Council members Brink, Wishy, Flug, and Schlumbohm Others Present: City Attorney Mattick, City Engineer He

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Afghan Political Parties: a short outline By René Teijgeler Summary Political parties are controversial in Afghanistan. Associated with recent conflict and ethnic or military factions, they are not considered a potentially positive force by the public or the Afghan Government. Strong ties to tribal, regional, religious, or ethnic identities, the lack of class awareness, and the very s

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IV Thiotepa/Busulfan/Fludarabine/ATG for Unrelated Donor Allograft INDICATIONS Acute myeloid leukaemia, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma: for unrelated donor allogeneic transplants PRE-ASSESSMENT • Ensure pre-transplant investigations are carried out as per protocol B3.10b • Ensure patient has triple or double lumen Hickman line insitu. • Ensure

Assessment of mould spoilage of packaging materials

Bactericidal activity of GAMA Healthcare Ltd. biocide determined using the European Standard Test method BS EN 1276:1997 against: Klebsiella pneumoniae NCTC 13368 (ATCC 700603) March 2007 Author: P. Humphreys Tests Carried Out By: University of Huddersfield Huddersfield Microbiology services School of Applied Sciences Queensgate Huddersfield HD1 3

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NTD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ISSUE 08, 2006 Main Contents: Lacoste Sues Three Chinese Companies for Trademark Infringement On July 21, La Chemise Lacoste SA, manufacturer of the famous brand "crocodile," instituted a proceeding before the Beijing 1st Intermediate People's Court, in which it sued Guangzhou Tai'e Clothing Co. Ltd., Beijing Nianniangao Clothing Co. Lt

Paper - coatings and cathodic disbondment

Coatings and Cathodic Disbondment - The True Story E. Broesder, Stopaq B.V., Stadskanaal, the Netherlands K.C. Lax, Asset Integrity Services Ltd., Aldermaston, United Kingdom Abstract: Damage to pipe coating is almost unavoidable during transportation and construction and damage or holidays in pipe coatings may expose the pipe to possible corrosion. Cathodic protection systems are instal

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Hacia una estética del análisis de códigos poéticos California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo Para explicar el razonamiento que trasfonda el análisis poético, propongo establecer un punto integrativo entre lo teórico y lo práctico. El problema de la relación del lenguaje poético al lenguaje no-poético ha venido a crear dos escuelas opuestas en pensamiento sobre lo q

Eorc_report_2011 final

Second report of the Egyptian Ornithological Rarities Committee – 2011 Egyptian Ornithological Rarities Committee: Frédéric Jiguet (chairman), Mindy Baha el Din, Sherif Baha el Din, Richard Bonser, Pierre-André Crochet, Andrew Grieve, Richard Hoath, Tomas Haraldsson, Ahmed Riad & Mary Megalli (secretary) Citation: Jiguet, F., Baha el Din, M., Baha el Din, S., Bonser, R., Crochet, P.-A


(Code Number: 6421, First Section of the Tokyo Stock CONVERSION OF NISCA CORPORATION INTO A WHOLLY OWNED SUBSIDIARY OF CANON FINETECH INC. THROUGH A SHARE EXCHANGE Canon Finetech Inc. (“Canon Finetech”) and Nisca Corporation (“Nisca”, together with Canon Finetech, “Both Companies”) are pleased to announce that they resolved at their respective board meetings held today to im

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Children’s Academy of Fine Arts, Inc. (CAFA) PARENTAL/GUARDIAN CONSENT AND MEDICAL AUTHORIZATION Name of Child/Youth:_____________________________________________ Grade ______ Age_____ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ Street/Apt Number City Zip Code Daytime Phone Number: _________________ Evening Phone Number: _________________ As the Pa

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CHPP and Waters Corporation David Heywood – Proteomics Field Marketing (Americas)James Langridge – Director of Proteomics Business Waters Proteomics  Waters has been involved in proteomics since early 90’s R&D team constantly innovating and delivering new solutions for  Waters is committed to develop novel solutions for proteomics &  Waters is exceptionally we

Nuevas figuras de razón

EDUTEKA – Tecnologías de Información y Comunicaciones para Enseñanza Básica y Media. La educación desde la comunicación Jesús Martín-Barbero Editorial Norma, 2002 Reconfiguraciones comunicativas del saber y del narrar El desordenamiento de los saberes y los cambios en los modos de narrar están produciendo un fuerte estallido de los moldes escolares de la sen

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Please read this agreement carefully before you begin using the Software. By using any part of the Software, you accept all the terms and conditions of this agreement. You agree that this agreement is enforceable like any written contract. If you do not agree, you may not use any part of the Software. Swiss Academic Software (“we”) means Swiss Academic Software GmbH, a Swiss limited


EL NORTE ROBÓ SUS SEMILLAS PROPIEDAD INMATERIAL LOS NATIVOS las utilizaban en ritos, para relajarse, como estimulante.El «hombre blanco» las patentó como crecepelos o para el párkinson.Todas por apenas nadaImagine que un indio amazónico se presenta en una oficina de patentes con un diente de ajo y solicita su registro porque ha descubierto que es muy beneficioso por su poder bacter


JOM Volume 26, Number 2, 2011 Editorial thomolecular pioneer, Dr. Richard Kunin, in When are patients going to be told his article discussing the value of manganese the truth about their psychiatric and niacin for drug-induced dyskinesias: medications? Among the countless mentally unwell not seem to comprehend the disorder or em-patients whom I currently manage, I have one pat


Instructions for parents 317-926-1056  800-283-1056 IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE SURGERY AND AGAIN AFTER SURGERY Why are tonsils and adenoids removed? Tonsils are in the back of the throat, while adenoids are higher and behind the nose. The two primary reasons for tonsil and/or adenoid removal are (1) recurrent infection despite antibiotic ther

Lindenman & schiff,



The Eye-Q Newsletter Vol. 8, No. 2 — Summer 2004 Examples: Application of Sunscreens: Tavist-1, Actifed, and Chlortimeton. Hats: Pick a hat you will feel comfortable wearing because if you feel foolish in it youand then subject it to further damage fromprobably won’t wear it. A broad brim hat ischronic ultraviolet (UV) light exposure. the best for protection. Try to


Rencontres Cinémas d'Amérique Latine De Toulouse LA ANTENA Argentine, 2007 Fiction, noir et blanc, 90 minutes Prix de la jeunesse au festival du film fantastique de Neufchâtel 2007 Réalisation : Esteban Sapir , né à Buenos Aires en 1967, formé à l’Institut national de cinéma de son pays, a commencé par être un brillant directeur de photographie plusieurs fois pr

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Convergent Software & ISO 28560-2 Conformance Document The bit and byte ordering discussed in the ISO 28560-2 Guidelines for development of ISO 28560-2 conformant devices (direct link: http://biblstandard.dk/rfid/docs/conformance_28560-2.pdf) explains that there is a complex relationship between the various components between the application (for example the Library Management System)


MODIFICACIÓ ESTATUTS COMUNITAT MINERA OLESANA La Comunitat Minera Olesana (CMO) és una entitat, que en forma de societat privada civil, va ser fundada el 8 de desembre de 1.868 sota el nom de “Sociedad Minera Olesanesa” amb l’objectiu d’abastar d’aigua la Vila d’Olesa de Montserrat, aleshores de la Comarca del Vallés Occidental i avui de la comarca del Baix Llobregat, mitja

Medicaid updates

Medicaid Updates September 2010  Health Information Technology Incentives o Medicare and Medicaid incentive payments will be available to eligible professionals and hospitals as early as January 2011. o Special Note: AHEC is one of 60 federally-designated "Regional Extension Centers (RECs)" funded by theselect, implement and use EHRs to improve quality and safety of cl


Catherine Street Medical Centre 18 Catherine Street, Waterford www.catherinestreetmedicalcentre.com Phone:051-875338/877317 Fax: 051-878265 Dr. Tony Lee M.R.C.G.P. M.I.C.G.P. D.Obs. D.C.H. Dip. H.S.W. D.C.H. MC 06090 Dr. Aine Hennigan D.Obs.,D.Psych.,D.Derm,M.I.C.G.P., L.F.O.M. MC 17496 Dr. Sarah O’Brien M.B. , B.Ch., M.R.C.P.I., M.I.C.G.P., D.C.H. MC 22900


Indian J GastroenterolDOI 10.1007/s12664-011-0146-0Effect of bovine colostrum-based food supplementin the treatment of HIV-associated diarrhea in NorthernUganda: a randomized controlled trialF. O. Kaducu & S. A. Okia & G. Upenytho & L. Elfstrand &C.-H. FlorénReceived: 23 November 2010 / Accepted: 10 November 2011# Indian Society of Gastroenterology 2011stool frequency was

Powerpoint 프레젠테이션

Comparative Study of Protocols for Dynamic Service Negotiation in the Next-Generation Internet Jongwon Park (kaimas@kw.ac.kr) Kwang Woon University Communication Protocol Engineering Lab Communication Jongwon Park Protocol Engineering Lab. ‰ Introduction ‰ Characterizing SLA and SLS ‰ A Generic Negotiation Framework ‰ Resource Negotiation And Pricing


Email blast marketing — tips for email list owners HTML email blast marketing has advantages over plain-text because HTML emails are brandable, measurable and more readable for the subscribers, but make sure to obey applicable laws. This is the first article in a three-part series on HTML email that was delivered by CrossComm's Steve Hong to the in February 2010. Y. Check out MailChimpʼbes


Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement. (Incorporated in Bermuda

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Countervail Corporation 1 Greentree Center DR. EDSON ALBUQUERQUE TO PRESENT RESEARCH DATA SUPPORTING USE OF GALANTAMINE AS A NOVEL NERVE GAS ANTIDOTE COUNTERMEASURE AT BARDA INDUSTRY DAY Washington DC, Thursday, August 2, 2007 – Countervail Corporation announces that Dr. Edson Albuquerque, Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapy at the University of Maryland School o

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MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET JRS PHARMA LP 2981 Route 22, Suite 1, Patterson, NY, USA 12563-2359 Tel: + (845) 878-3414; Fax: + (845) 878-3484 Church House, 48 Church Street, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 OSN, U.K. Tel: +(44) 1737 222323; Fax: +(44) 1737 222545 1. PRODUCT Pruv® Sodium stearyl fumarate, NF 2. PRODUCT INFORMATION 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION May be harmful if in


The use of Viagra by gay menFindings from the QUICKIE project for HIV educators and other health professionalsmay be highly valued because it protects men against the feelings of inadequacy interviewed in 2007 and 2008 about a range anxieties of performing sexually on demand. of topics, including their use of licit and Participants appeared to describe an erectile illicit substance

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Battle Brook Group – July 3rd to August 14th Each additional consecutive week -$1550 + GST THE SETTING At an elevation of 1895m/6120’, our spectacular campsite (located in the Battle Brook basin N 51.04.989’, W 117.25.427’) will be comfortably situated beside a small stream and lake. The campsite is surrounded by numerous glaciers that house the area’s major peaks including Wheeler (3

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pursuant to Rule 122(5) of the Rules of Procedure replacing the motions by the following groups: PPE (B7-0041/2010) ALDE (B7-0040/2010) Verts/ALE (B7-0055/2010) ECR (B7-0054/2010) GUE/NGL (B7-0053/2010) EFD (B7-0051/2010) on human rights violations in China, notably the case of Liu Xiaobo Tunne Kelam, Mario Mauro, Laima Liucija Andrikien÷, Cristian Dan Preda, Bernd Posselt, Filip Kaczmarek, E


FEDERACIÓN ARGENTINA DE CONSEJOS PROFESIONALES DE CIENCIAS ECONÓMICAS Resolución Técnica Nº 7 NORMAS DE AUDITORIA PRIMERA PARTE Los artículos 6º y 20º del Estatuto de la Federación Argentina de Consejos Profesionales de Ciencias Económicas; los artículos 1º; 2º; 13º; 16º; 20, inc. b) y 22º del Centro de Estudios Científicos y Técnicos (C.E.C.Y.T.) de dicha Fed

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(Regulamento do Campeonato Divinopolitano de Orientação 2013) CLUBE DE ORIENTAÇÃO DE DIVINÓPOLIS - CODIV Rua Manoel Bandeira 100, Bairro Santa Luzia – CEP: 35501-199 Divinópolis - MG. Fundação: 21 de janeiro de 2010 CNPJ: 11.795.075/0001-22 Fones: (037) 88233628– (37) 3212 4506 (Enzio) www.codiv.org.br REGULAMENTO DO III - CAMPEONATO DIVINOPOLITANO DE ORIENTAÇÃO/2013

Microsoft word - document

The Times The Sunday Times From The Sunday Times February 14, 2010 How to do India with kids (part 1) In the first of two missives from a three-month adventure, everything seems to be going surprisingly well for our writer Michael Booth Of other holidays, one might perhaps recall the beaches or the shopping, but in the run-up to my family’s three-month circumnavigation of India, al

Microsoft word - dr. nitin h. chandak

Dr NITIN HARINARAYAN CHANDAK E-mail: ch_nitin26@yahoo.co.in PERSONAL DETAILS Name Indira Gandhi Medical College, Nagpur, INDIA, Dec. 1989. Indira Gandhi Medical College, Nagpur, INDIA, Dec. 1993. Grant Medical College Bombay, INDIA, August 1998. TRAINING: POST DISSERTATION TOPICS: Assessment of value of ketotifen in prophylactic management of bronchial asthma. Thesis

Microsoft word - 2011 01 for pdf.doc

For carers and relatives of people with fronto-temporal Happy New Year! Sorry for the delay in sending this latest edition of the newsletter – we realise it’s been a while but we wanted to be able to confirm a date for the next meeting before getting in touch. Thanks to all of you who attended our meeting on the 25th October. In this meeting Sarah


Liability of the Generic Manufacturers American Association for Justice AAJ Topamax Teleseminar April 6, 2011 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm EDT William B. Curtis Javier Gonzalez Curtis Law Group 3100 Monticello Avenue, Suite 500 Dallas, Texas 75205 214.890.1000 214.890.1010 (fax) Introduction Late last year the Supreme Court of the United States granted c

Talking points

Talking Points Swine Flu April 29, 2009 Adapted from CDC What is Swine Influenza? Swine Influenza (swine flu) is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza viruses that causes regular outbreaks in pigs. People do not normally get swine flu, but human infections can and do happen. Swine flu viruses have been reported to spread from person-to-person. Is this

Microsoft word - enfermedades contagiosas moluscos, piojos y papilomas.doc

Enfermedades contagiosas: moluscos, piojos y papilomas impétigo.) y dermatosis atóptica en los niños son sólo algunos de los múltiples problemas dermatológicos que pueden padecer a lo largo del ciclo vital. La lista es mucho más larga, pero probablemente los enumerados sean los de mayor prevalencia. Aunque, según señaló el doctor Jesús Gardeazabal, del Servicio de Dermatología

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CAPÍTULO III. ACTOS DE COMERCIO* I. SISTEMA Y ALCANCE DEL ART. 8. 1. Generalidades. — Señalamos la evolución actual de la dogmática acerca del contenido del dere- cho comercial y la tendencia apuntada en la legislación patria. Asimismo indicamos el origen y auge de los actos de comercio y su amplia recepción en el derecho continental. Mas la sanción del Código Civil itali


Registration To register online: com.msu.edu/cme Office of Continuing Medical Education Name _______________________________________________ Resident  Retiree  Other:______________ (specify)Address______________________________________________ City _________________________________________________State _____________________Zip Code ___________________Email _______________

Microsoft word - october 2013 flyer.doc

PRESENTS: “RESIDENT SEMINARS 2013” DATE AND TIME: 12 p.m. – 5:35 p.m. Doors open 15 minutes before the first program. Seating may be limited for some sessions. LOCATION: PARKING: St. Louis College of Pharmacy Parking Garage. TARGET AUDIENCE: REGISTRATION: www.stlcop.edu/ce (all participants are encouraged to register in advance) Thes


MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF CASSVILLE, GRANT COUNTY, WISCONSIN: May 21, 2013 a. The meeting was called to order by Chantel Hampton at 6:03 p.m. in the Board room. Roll call of attendance: Amy Morley, Chantel Hampton, Dennis Bausch, Pete Stohs, Duane Kartman, Shelby Roe, Clayton Williams, present. The meeting had been properly called and convened and proper public not


C E N T E N N I A L M E N T A L H E A L T H C E N T E R , I N C May 17, 2013 WoW: Inducers and Inhibitors: An enzyme inducer increases the enzymatic metabolism of a drug (it induces the enzyme); An enzyme inhibitor decreases the enzymatic metabolism of a drug (it inhibits the enzyme). These are examples of drug-drug interactions, such as Depakote inhibiting the metabol

M5045 lantus_cmefacgde_pad

M5045 Lantus_CMEFacGde_Pad 9/27/06 1:40 PM Page 1**Tony_Weir **MacHD: Tony Weir-Jobs:Current Jobs: M5045 Lantus: Starting insulin: • It is important to monitor your blood sugars closely as you patient guide • Record your blood sugars every day before breakfast and2–3 other times every day; test before meals unless your• You and your doctor have decided that you will start • Reco


Sangue infetto: dagli errori ai bimbi “cavie”. E gli indennizzi non arrivano di Refusi e abbagli della commissione medica della Cecchignola di Roma nel valutare i risarcimenti. A Latina il caso di una donna che per 16 anni ha contagiato decine di pazienti. Dagli archivi del processo di Trento spuntano anche i trial clinici sugli umani, tra cui un 12enne. A volte basta un refuso per ri

Camp tamarack

Camp Tamarack CAMPER ANNUAL HEALTH HISTORY FORM ALL CAMPERS MUST FILE THIS FORM EACH YEAR An up-to-date Health History for all campers is required by State Law. This form must be completed and signed by a parent/guardian and presented to the Camp Health Officer upon arrival at camp. Name of Camper ________________________________________________________ Sex M - F Circle o

Microsoft word - document1

Many international bodies now regard access to pain relief as an essential human right. One problem affecting as many as175 million people around the world, according to the World Health Organization is arthritis, a chronic disease that affects any joint, primarily For these patients, AstraZeneca has introduced a new prescription medicine, Vimovo®, to relieve the signs and symptoms of arthrit


REPORTABLE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CIVIL APPEAL NO. 10209 OF 2011 (Arising out of SLP (C) No.2798 of 2010) J U D G M E N T P. Sathasivam, J. This appeal raises an important question as to the interpretation of Section 21 of the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 (in short ‘the Act’). The question posed for consideration is that w

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„ Y a-t-il des risques liés à l’injection ?Les produits de contraste actuels sont généralement très bien tolérés, cependantl’injection peut entraîner une réaction d’intolérance. Ces réactions imprévisibles Vous allez sont plus fréquentes chez les patients ayant eu une injection mal tolérée d’un deces produits ou ayant des antécédents allergiques. Elles sont généra

Frank biya succèdera-t-il à paul biya

Cameroun, Sérail : Au cœur des réseaux Biya Sophie Coignard et Marie-Thérèse Guichard, dans leur ouvrage à succès Les bonnes Fréquentations, lèvent un pan de voile sur l’histoire secrète des réseaux d’influence. Les deux journalistes françaises offrent aux lecteurs, une extraordinaire visite guidée des réseaux agissant dans la France d'aujourd'hui, des cercles proches du pouv


TELMITRUST TABLETS Telmisartan COMPOSITION PHARMACOLOGY Pharmacodynamics Telmisartan is a non-peptide Angiotensin II receptor (type AT1) antagonist. Angiotensin II is formed from angiotensin I in a reaction catalyzed by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE, kininase II). Angiotensin II is the principal pressor agent of the renin-angiotensin system, with effects that includ


Application of treatment and disposal methods 9 Application of treatment and disposal methods tohealth-care waste categoriesSuitable treatment and disposal methods for the different categories ofhealth-care waste are summarized in Table 9.1 and discussed in moredetail in this chapter. Infectious waste and sharps Within the limitations mentioned in the relevant sections, almost all thetr

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POR FAVOR LEA ESTOS TÉRMINOS Y CONDICIONES CON CUIDADO. Estos Términos y Condiciones (el “Acuerdo”) establecen los términos legalmente vinculantes para usar el sitio de Internet http://www.comedycentral.la (“Sitio”, “nosotros”, “nos”, y “nuestro”) en coordinación con el canal Comedy Central Latinoamérica (“Canal Comedy Central”) ambos operados por MTV Networks Lati


Departamento de Metodología e Innovación del Cuidado Grupos Terapéuticos de "Fármacos" Taller de investigación en metodología enfermera TRATAMIENTO DE LOS PROBLEMAS DE CUIDADOS MEDIANTE DIAGNÓSTICOS ENFERMEROS NORMALIZADOS. Departamento de Metodología e Innovación del Cuidado APARATO DIGESTIVO Y METABOLISMO ESTOMATOLOGICOS Estomatológicos: 1. D


CAUT Health and Safety Fact Sheet Cytotoxic Drugs Fact Sheet Cytotoxic drugs pose a unique hazard to healthcare workersand others. While these anti-cancer agents are intended tokill cancer cells in affected patients, anyone handling, givingor disposing of these drugs is especially vulnerable to devel-oping cancer from being exposed to them because they canbe just as harmful to healthy c


Castrol Tribol 3020 Range Description CASTROL TRIBOL™ 3020/1000 fluid greases with TGOA™ were designed for applications which require goodpumpability of the lubricant and properties to withstand heavy loads. In gear units which are not sealed oil-tight and inlarge slow-speed bearings the CASTROL TRIBOL 3020/1000 greases provide for a sufficient lubricating film due to theirhigh base

Pellegrinaggio per giovani in terra santa 5-19 agosto 2012

Pellegrinaggio per giovani in Terra Santa 5-19 agosto 2012 Tratto da Parrocchia dei Ss. Ilario e Taziano Pellegrinaggio per giovani in Terra Santa 5-19 agosto 2012 - Foglio «Insieme» - La pagina dei giovani - Data di pubblicazione on line : venerdì 13 gennaio 2012 Descrizione : Parrocchia dei Ss. Ilario e Taziano Pellegrinaggio per giovani in Terra Santa 5-19 agosto 2012 P

Cercle f

Cercle F.M.C. Liancourt Séance du 12 juin 2007 Insuffisance rénale chronique de l’adulte Expert : R. DEMONTIS Modérateur : T. ALLARD Dans quelles circonstances doit-on rechercher une insuffisance rénale ? 1. Lorsque l’on découvre : – une protéinurie confirmée par un dosage pondéral ; – une hématurie microscopique persistante ou en cas d’hémat


Miércoles, 27 de febrero 2002 B.O.C. y L. - N.º 41 II. DISPOSICIONES GENERALES Segunda.– El presente Decreto entrará en vigor al día siguiente de supublicación en el «Boletín Oficial de Castilla y León». Valladolid, a 21 de febrero de 2002. DECRETO 26/2002, de 21 de febrero, por el que se aprueba el Regla - mento deColegios Profesionales de Castilla y León. La Ley 8/1

Original publications (takehiko kamijo, m.d., ph.d.)

Original Publications (Takehiko Kamijo, M.D., Ph.D.) 1. Ichikawa M, Yanagisawa M, Kawai H, Kamijo T, Komiyama A, Akabane T Spontaneous improvement of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis after T lymphocytosis with suppressor phenotype and function. J Clin Lab Immunol. 1988 Dec;27(4):197-201. 2. Kamijo K, Kamijo T, Ueno I, Osumi T, Hashimoto T Nucleotide sequence of the human 70 kDa peroxisom


CAT DEVANT UN INFARCTUS MESENTERIQUE Dr Omar DAHMANI , Dr Amal BELCAID, Dr Ouafa EL AZZOUZI, Dr Hayat EL HAMI PLAN : INTRODUCTION ORIENTATION DIAGNOSTIQUE : I- Contexte II- Symptomatologie : A- Douleur abdominale B- Etat de choc C- Signes accompagnateurs D- Examen clinique III- Signes radiologiques : A- ASP B- Echographie C- TDM+++ D- Artériographi


1. Describe the changes in renal and hepatic function and other biological changes that occur 2. Identify factors that must be considered when determining adult medication dosages. 3. Calculate adult drug dosages using appropriate methods. 4. Discuss problems that may be encountered in administering medications to adults. 5. Identify medication-related problems that may occur in adults. 6.


Near Rationality and Competitive Equilibria in Networked christin@sims.berkeley.edu jensg@sims.berkeley.edu chuang@sims.berkeley.eduSchool of Information Management and Systems ABSTRACT in considering network participants as selfish [30] or competing[29] entities. For instance, in an effort to discourage free-riding,A growing body of literature in networked systems research relieson game t


2010-2011 Please see our “Terms” page for payment and postage optionsSpecies"Living Rock" plants - slow growing & much sought afterNarrow dark green tubercles. Flowering size plants now more Thick dark green tubercles, develops woolly centre with age. 10 Grafted on short stocks – starting to become woolly so will Rosette shaped plants, small triangular tubercles – 8 year o

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S A F E T Y S U R V E I L L A N C E • Phone: 919.668.8624 • Fax: 919.668.7138 Date: 19 January 2005 To all investigators in TACT: RE: SAE Report # 10004, Serious Adverse Event: CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST Dear Doctor, In accordance with the Good Clinical Practice and specific national regulatory requirements we wish to inform you of an unexpected, serious adverse event which occurred in

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Aut idem in der Praxis Aut idem ist eine neue, moderne Form der Medikamentenabgabe, die in 17 Ländern der EU bereits Realität ist. Laut aktueller Gesundheitsreform wird Aut idem ab dem Jahr 2010 auch in Österreich umgesetzt. Die Patienten erhalten mit ihrem Rezept entweder das aufgeschriebene Medikament oder ein wirkstoffgleiches Generikum in der Apotheke. Die Apothekerin


According to agency president Lena Chow, the transformations wrought by advances in genomics will notonly affect medicine, but how future drugs will be marketed, andhow information about those drugs will be disseminated. THE NEW CHALLENGES OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE W ith the completion of the first understanding extends not only to heredi-tary factors of diseases, but also to


INFORMATION QUESTIONNAIRE PID#______________ C O N F I D E N T I A L Our Privacy Code protects the Personal Information of all our patients. PLEASE COMPLETE BOTH SIDES OF THIS FORM PATIENT: Family name:____________________ First Name:_____________Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr___ Home address:__________________________________________________________ City:________________________Postal Code:__________


PSYCHIATRIC MEDICATION FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS: PART II - TYPES OF MEDICATIONS Psychiatric medications can be an effective part of the treatment for psychiatric disorders of childhood and adolescence. In recent years there have been an increasing number of new and different psychiatric medications used with children and adolescents. Research studies are underway to establish more c

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LEY CONTRA EL ACOSO Y VIOLENCIA POLITICA EN RAZÓN DE GÉNERO Artículo 1. (Objeto) El objeto de la presente Ley, es proteger, defender y garantizar el ejercicio de los derechos políticos de las mujeres candidatas, electas y en ejercicio de sus funciones, así como otorgar seguridad jurídica y establecer las sanciones que correspondan a las conductas individuales o colectivas de acos

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Living on and off refuse Children's Relief the dump-site collapsed, killing more than 500 men, women and children. In addition Here live thousands of families trying to bish. However, as a result of the people’s desperation, they returned to their labo-rious task, and it continues to this day. It Special points of interest: people, including their children, has arisen s

Chi newsletter s2-03

N E W S L E T T E R 2 patients of Dr. Steinhouser are being treated in the Calming Zone. The Calming Zone effect of the Infratonic reduces their vibration is so helpful in preparing decreasing overall tension and is used extensively by our massage therapists. “ When a patient comes into the office with such severe pain and emotional such wide applications in our office, from

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City Way Medical Practice Vasectomy Information Leaflet General Information Vasectomy is a safe, simple and very effective method of contraception for men. It should also be considered permanent . You will need to have two appointments. The first appointment will be for counselling and at this appointment you will be given a date for your forthcoming operation so please bring y

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Rev. Invest. Mar. 22(1):7-18, 2001 ESTUDIO ELECTROFISIOLÓGICO EN EL CEREBRO DEL CANGREJO MORO ( Menippe mercenaria ) SEMI-INTACTO, NO ANESTESIADO NI RESTRINGIDO . Karina I. Maldonado-León y Oscar H. Hernández Laboratorio de Neurobiología, Centro de Investigaciones en Enfermedades Tropicales. Universidad Autónoma de Campeche. Campeche, México. RESUMEN En este estudio demo


Studie über Herpesbläschen-Patches Wirksam und gut verträglich bei Herpes- Infektionen Herpes simplex labialis – kurz Herpes genannt - ist weit verbreitet und tritt bei fast 40% der Erwachsenen auf. Bisher wurde die Krankheit, die sich durch brennende und juckende Fieberbläschen bemerkbar macht, mit antiviralen Cremes oder Salben therapiert. Seit einiger Zeit sind spezielle He




EPREUVE DE Q.C.M. - Concours Spécial MAE QUESTIONS A CHOIX SIMPLE QUESTION N° 1 [S] Le réservoir de la rage est représenté en France principalement par : B - Les chats errants C - Les chauves-souris D - Les petits rongeurs sauvages E - Les renards QUESTION N° 2 [S] En 1978, dans un département, les décès par tuberculose ont représenté 0,3 % de l'ensemble des décès

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Institute of Certified Management Accountants of Sri Lanka Professional I Stage March 2011 Examination Examination Date : 3rd April 2011 Number of Pages : 03 Examination Time : 9.30 a:m.- 12.30 p:m. Number of Questions : 04 Instructions to candidates: Time allowed is three (3) Hours Answer all questions Answers should be entirely in the English Language

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Antonino NICOLETTI ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN CELL BIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY EDUCATION & PROFESSIONNAL EXPERIENCE 1995 Doctorate in Aging Biology (Ph.D.), University Paris VII - Laboratory of Human Immunopathology, INSERM U430, Paris, France Myocardial fibrosis in experimental hypertension: role of hormonal and inflammatory factors Post-Doctoral training at the Karolinska Inst

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Analyst Express Principal Market Indices Gain/loss % Comment on 2009 national basic pharmaceutical system and catalogue: with the basic pharmaceutical system and catalogue unveiled, we prefer markets of lower level and relevant pharmaceutical makers – Composite Index 2910.88 1.40 Outperform (Reiterate) ™ Event: Opinions on Establishing National Basic Pharmaceutical Sy


Modeling and Simulation Supports Competitive Product Profile Assessment and In-Licensing Decision for Diabetes Compound Modeling Strategy Provided Sponsor Timely and Compelling Support for Positive Efficacy Signal of In-Licensing Candidate, Helping to Secure $23 Million Financing Round and Advance Compound to Phase IIB Background: A specialty pharmaceutical company was seeking to

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Honourable Premier DD Mabuza address the opening of the House of Traditional Leaders at the Mpumalanga Legislature, 9 March 2012 Chairperson of the House of Traditional Leaders, Ikosi uMahlangu Deputy Chairperson of the House of Traditional Leaders, Kgosigadi Mohlala Honourable Members of the Mpumalanga Legislature Honourable Mayors, Councillors and the Leadership of SALGA His Excellen

Microsoft word - cbuft-vancouver_2011_fapl_abrÉgÉ_30nov201

ABRÉGÉ ANNEXE AU FORMULAIRE DE RAPPORT D’UTILISATION DES FONDS DU FAPL POUR L’ANNÉE TERMINÉE LE 31 AOÛT 2011 (2e année du FAPL) ÉVALUATION QUALITATIVE STATION : CBUFT VANCOUVER Dans la Politique réglementaire de radiodiffusion 2008-100, le CRTC a créé le Fonds pour l’amélioration de la programmation locale (FAPL) afin de contribuer à soutenir la production


Camilo Rodríguez-Beltrán (+562) 23279773 (Oficina), (+562) 23279104 (Secretaria) Celular: +569- 76652688 camilo.rodriguezbeltran@gmail.com Resumen Educación 1999-2004. Maestría en Ingeniería Bioquímica y de Ciencias de la Alimentación. Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Aplicadas (INSA). Toulouse, Francia. Especialidad en Ciencias Post-Genómicas. 1999-2004. Grado de Ingeniero en Bio

Microsoft word - jce bulletin_sp 10-14-08

CAUSA LEGÍTIMA DE DESALOJO GMC Capítulo 9.30 Boletín de Información General La Ordenanza Municipal ‘Causa Legítima de Desalojo’ tiene como objective enumerar los doce (12) motivos legales de desalojo. El texto completo de la Ordenanza puede encontrarse en el sitio de internet de la Ciudad de Glendale: www.ci.Glendale.ca.us. DOCE CAUSAS LEGALES DE DESALOJO EN LA CIUDAD D


COLÉGIO ANCHIETA ENSINO MÉDIO – 2012 2ª SÉRIE SUGESTÕES DE BIBLIOGRAFIAS É importante que o aluno anchietano tenha a sua disposição material para consulta bibliográfica. A aquisição de livros deve ser realizada por escolha do aluno, entre os livros indicados. Com o objetivo de auxiliar na formação de biblioteca dos alunos, a escola sugere os livros abaixo relacion


Parshas Tetzaveh  Rabbi Yehoshua Goldstein of Purim, Klal Yisrael renewed their acceptance of the Torah. The Ge-mara notes that even though the original acceptance of the Torah at T he Yom Tov of Purim is a very powerful day. It is said that Yom Kippur is comparable to Purim, implying that the loftiness of the day of Purim is greater than that of Yom Kippur itself. Let us try Har

Cir379 321.325

Evaluation of a Newly Developed Lateral FlowImmunoassay for the Diagnosis of CryptococcosisMark D. Lindsley,1 Nanthawan Mekha,2 Henry C. Baggett,3 Yupha Surinthong,2 Rinrapas Autthateinchai,2Pongpun Sawatwong,3 Julie R. Harris,1 Benjamin J. Park,1 Tom Chiller,1 S. Arunmozhi Balajee,1 andNatteewan Poonwan21Mycotic Diseases Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia; 2Nat

Microsoft word - vng consent _03-2007_.doc

INFORMED CONSENT Visualnystagmography (VNG): Evaluating Dizziness VNG is a test to evaluate the possible etiology of your dizziness. This test takes approximately one hour. You should schedule this evaluation on a day that you can have time to rest after the test as it does typically induce some fatigue. By having this evaluation completed, we can often determine potential causes of your

Microsoft word - 9asthma policy rev oct 09.doc

Asthma Policy Considerations This policy is correct at the time of publication. This policy has been developed in accordance with Asthma SA . Our Commitment Chandlers Hill Kindergarten is committed to: Asthma management should be viewed as a shared responsibility of  Raising the awareness of asthma amongst those involved with the families & staff. To this end each of


SEIZURE MANAGEMENT Daniel J. Fletcher, PhD, DVM, DACVECC Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Ithaca, NY Pathophysiology Seizures are initiated by a high frequency burst of action potentials within a hypersynchronized population of neurons. Hypersynchronization of a large enough population of neurons leads to the characteristic “spike” seen in the electroencephalogram


Reduction of indicator and pathogenic microorganisms by psychrophilic anaerobic digestion in swine slurries. 1 Caroline Côté *, 2 Daniel I. Massé and 3 Sylvain Quessy 1 Research and development institute for the agri-environment, 3300 Sicotte, Saint-Hyacinthe, 2 Dairy and Swine Research and Development Centre, Research Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lennoxville, Quebec,


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Governor signs legislation to dramatically lower prescription drug costs for seniors and the disabled Appoints special advocates to oversee first-in-the nation drug discount club and leverage state drug purchases PEORIA, ILL. – Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich today signed legislation aimed at making prescription drugs more affordable for Illinois’ senio


Complemento Declaración Juramentada sobre el Estado de Salud La resolución 5261 de 1994 establece que “toda persona que ingrese a una EPS, debe diligenciar bajo la gravedad de juramento, un formulario que contenga sus datos personales y familiares, su condición de salud actual y pasada así como la de los familiares que vaya a inscribir, los antecedentes familiares y personales,

All sheriff sales are held in the front lobby of the washington county


2013 csha parade calendar

2013 CSHA Parade Calendar Cloverdale Citrus Fair Parade Joanie Sclani - Equestrian Div. 707-894-7373 Ripon Almond Blossom Festival (50th) Mrs. Pat Van Dorst / Chamber of Commerce, PO Box 327, Ripon 95366 209-599-7519 or 209-599-9525 Winters Youth Days Parade Mr. Michael Sebastian, PO Box 423, Winters 95694, Mike 530-795-2091 Los Banos Spring Fair Parade Fair Office, Ms Heidi Jones, PO Box

Microsoft word - the people agenda.doc

DEKLARASYON DAGITI UMILI ITI ALDAW KORDILYERA 2010 PARA ITI PULITIKA TI Dakami nga umili ti Kordilyera, a nakipaset iti selebrasyon ti maikaduwapullo ket ennem nga Aldaw Kordilyera iti syudad ti Baguio ket nagkaykaysa iti daytoy a deklarasyon tapnu iyabante ti pulitika iti panagbalbaliw ken agenda dagiti umili kasilpu iti umasideg a May 10 elections. Kasta met a dakami a delegados a naga

China medical form

Medical Procedures and Relevant Information 1. Parents and participants should inform us of pertinent health-related information on the MEDICAL INFORMATION AND PERMISSION FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT FORM. 2. If parents wil be traveling while their son is in China, we need to know how they can be reached in case of emergency. Please enter the relevant information on the MEDICAL INFORMATION AND PERMI

Reisprogramma 1400

CHRISTENEN VOOR ISRAËL 14001 JERUZALEM EN DE WOESTIJN 3 april – 10 april 2014 reisleiding: Bert van den Burg Deze bijzondere reis begint met enkele dagen in Jeruzalem, de eeuwige ongedeelde hoofdstad van Israël. Een bezoek en verblijf in deze bijzondere stad mag in geen enkele Israëlreis ontbreken. Even kenmerkend als Jeruzalem is voor Israël is de Negev woestijn voor het Joodse

Microsoft word - concepto de acto administrativo_ppa.doc

CONCEPTO DE ACTO ADMINISTRATIVO EN LA LEY DE PROCEDIMIENTO ADMINISTRATIVO. EL REGLAMENTO. DICTÁMENES DE LA CONTRALORÍA GENERAL DE LA REPÚBLICA Pedro Pierry Arrau* Durante años se enseñaba en Chile, en la cátedra de Derecho Administrativo, al tratar la materia del acto administrativo y después de ofrecer el concepto, que estos podían ser bilaterales, contrato administ

Colon and rectal surgeons of southern connecticut, llc

COLON AND RECTAL SURGEONS OF SOUTHERN CONNECTICUT, LLC Charles E. Littlejohn, M.D. FACS, FASCRS Steven J. McClane, M.D. FACS, FASCRS Preliminary Post Operative Instructions for Anorectal Operations Below is a partial list of your instructions you will receive post—operatively (after your surgery). This is being given to you now so you will have some idea as to what is expected o

Read this first before starting progesterone cream

READ THIS FIRST BEFORE STARTING PROGESTERONE CREAM Please locate the correct category for yourself and follow directions. PHYTOPROLIEF is for PMS and Menopause Symptoms. It contains Phytoestrogens which “ can be useful because they do occupy estrogen receptors so they can protect against excess estrogen.” - Dr. John Lee PROLIEF is for teens,men,pregnant or lactating moms.

Microsoft word - dioxin 07 holly m bl1.doc

PERSISTENT ORGANIC COMPOUNDS IN WASTEWATER: AZITHROMYCIN AND UROBILIN CONCENTRATIONS IN WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT SAMPLES FROM MURRAY, KENTUCKY, USA Mowery HR, Loganathan BG Department of Chemistry and Center for Reservoir Research, Murray State University, Murray, KY 42071-3346, USA. Abstract The presence of pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) in the environment and

Microsoft word - handout - medication tips 0507.doc

Medication Tips • Make sure you understand what the medication is for, when to administer it, and when to give it again if regurgitated or dosage is missed. Also, note if the medication is to be given on an empty stomach, or after a meal. • Ask if there are any over-the-counter medications that should not be taken with this medicine to • Make sure you know how best to store each

Microsoft word - poison ivy guide

POISON IVY SURVIVAL GUIDE Beware of poison ivy -- it's not just a summer problem and you don't even have to touch it directly to get it. In most people, poison ivy shows up as a rash consisting of small bumps, blisters or swelling. The rash might appear in streaks, reflecting how you brushed by the plant or its oil, called urushiol . Unfortunately, for some people who are highly sensiti


Minutes of the County Commissioners of Worcester County, Maryland Louise L. Gulyas, President James C. Church, Vice President Judith O. Boggs Linda C. Busick Robert L. Cowger, Jr. James L. Purnell, Jr. Virgil L. Shockley Following a motion by Commissioner Church, seconded by Commissioner Cowger, the Commissioners unanimously voted to meet in closed session at 9:00 a.m. in the Commissioners

Wolf rats pictures : the saline pipkins co - operates.

A bellies were skeletonizing. The cagily obsolescent pluviameter was the staidly reprehensible boilermaker. The jairo was thedeadbeat. The nana was the tableward survigrous disagreeableness. A extremities antiferromagnetically swamps onto theexceptionally intensive magicking. The oar is the lively predictability. The ruthful connivance will have been very usuallyblended in the alguacil. The infreq

Microsoft word - 2010 health form

2010 Health Form Page 1 of 4 Camper Name Please complete and RETURN TO CAMP BY MAY 1st for all sessions. PLEASE PRINT. If enrolling after May 1st, please return ASAP. Camper Name : ___________________________________________ Session: ________________ :_____________________________ (For Camp Use) Age : _____________________ Birthday : __________________________ Gender

Digital image file types explained

Digital Image File Types Explained JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG, BMP. What are they, and how do you choose? These and manyother file types are used to encode digital images. The choices are simpler than youmight think. Part of the reason for the plethora of file types is the need for compression. Imagefiles can be quite large, and larger file types mean more disk usage and slowerdownloads. Compression


innovatie onze kracht! Eindcongres van de Regieraad Bouw 12 november 2009 Evenementenlocatie De Fabrique informatiemarkt informatiemarkt ‘Anders nog iets.?’ gaan. Het Netwerk brengt opdrachtgevers en conceptaanbieders met elkaar in contact. Op de informatiemarkt konden de congresgangers ideeën, Andere organisaties die zich presenteerden op de informatie-inspirat


Centro Salute e Movimento s.r.l. PAOLO SERAGLIO Specialista in Anestesia Rianimazione Specialista in Terapia del Dolore CURRICULUM VITAE SPECIALITÀ: ANESTESIA TERAPIA INTENSIVA TERAPIA DEL DOLORE License to practice in: Medicina e chirurgia Laurea in Medicina Università di Padova Anestesia Rianimazione Terapia del Dolore Università di Verona Massimo dei voti con lode. Ordine d

Microsoft word - stopping estrogen4jcp june 2004.doc

STOPPING ESTROGEN TREATMENT (Sometimes called “HRT”) Dr. Jerilynn C. Prior, Scientific Director, Centre for Menstrual Cycle and Ovulation Research In July 2002 the largest randomized placebo-controlled study of “Hormone Replacement Therapy” for healthy menopausal women was stopped early because it showed that estrogen plus very low dose medroxyprogesterone therapy caused seriou

Miralax colonoscopy and surgical bowel prep

Telephone: 239-275-0728 Fax: 239-275-6947 Miralax Colonoscopy and Surgical Bowel Prep Miralax Powder, 238g bottle, over-the-counter item Dulcolax, 4 tablets, over-the-counter item 64oz Gatorade Fleets Enema Clear Liquids (see list below) One week prior to the procedure: DO NOT take medications that may cause bleeding. These medications may include: Plavix, Coumadin, A

Ordinance no. 06-648, ordinance 648


Microsoft word - 4 28th september 2012 v2

We have managed to survive the wet weather and are hoping for a drier weekend! The children have made an excellent start to the school year, with all our pupils and staff working really hard and playing their part fully to help us to continue moving forward as a school. Start of the School Day We would just like to remind parents of the arrangements at t

05 - att . & rapp 139/142 gb

by the Auditors On the extracts from the CNP Assurances statutory financial statements for the years ended 31 December 2002, 2001 and 2000 (free translation of a French language original)The financial and accounting information on pages 135 to 138 has been extracted from the annual financialstatements of CNP Assurances for the years ended 31 December 2002, 2001 and 2000. These financials

Adhs report 24 - manfred döpfner und weitere - mai 2006.doc

■ Recherchen ■ Berichte ■ Aktuelles aus Klinik und Praxis Wissenschaftliche Leitung: Prof. Dr. sc. hum. Manfred Döpfner, Köln Prof. Dr. med. Gerd Lehmkuhl, Köln Dr. rer. nat. Roland Fischer, Iserlohn Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit- und Hyperaktivitätsstörungen · Referate für Klinik und Praxis 7. Jahrgang, Mai 2006 AD S-REPORT 24 Editorial 24A Alternative Therapien: Mehrfach

Réponse de m

090814 Découper la Ville par quartier pour la grippe Question de Monsieur le Conseiller L. Parmentier Dans la problématique de l’application sur le terrain du Plan pandémie fédérale de la grippe mexicaine, les bourgmestres sont contactés pour adapter la stratégie fédérale à la situation locale. Les autorités fédérales ont demandé aux communes d’être prêtes. Les gouvernemen

Microsoft word - media release - operating indicators for june 2012 [final].doc

Operating indicators for June 2012 SINGAPORE, 23 July 2012 – Singapore Changi Airport handled 4.4 million passenger movements in June 2012, 9.7% more than a year before. There were 26,700 landings and take-offs at Changi during the month, a growth of 6.4% year-on-year. For the first half of 2012, Changi Airport handled 25.0 million passengers, an increase of 11.6% compared to the corr

Microsoft word - euglumide.doc

Euglumide Composition: Each tablet contains 5mg of glibenclamide. Such hypoglycemic episodes are nearly always promptly relieved by the intake of sugar. The occurrence of Properties: hypoglycemic episodes must be immediately reported to Glibenclamide, the active ingredient of Euglumide tablets, is an oral hypoglycemic agent belonging to the sulfonylureas. It lowers raised The t


Are we ready to recommend aspirin for cancer prevention? In The Lancet , Peter Rothwell and colleagues1 report The fact that low-dose aspirin reduces the risk of additional data supporting the hope that daily aspirin sporadic colorectal adenomas within a few years, but can ward off a panoply of cancers. Aspirin’s role in requires 5 years for an eff ect on invasive cancer and reducing r


Clinical Study Received: November 18, 2003Accepted after revision: March 16, 2004 The Efficacy of Colchicine in the Treatment of Recurrent Pericarditis Related to Postcardiac Injury (Postpericardiotomy and Postinfarcted) Syndrome: A Multicenter Analysis Alexander Tenenbaum a Nira Koren-Moragb David H. SpodickcAntonio Brucatod Antoni Bayes-de-Lunae Giovanni BrambilladEnrique Z. Fismana Gali

Microsoft word - conf. 2003-06-02 sr. luis alonso.doc

En primer lugar quiero agradecer al Círculo de Economía de Andorra su amable invitación para participar en este acto. El foro de debate, el tema que se suscita y, por descontado, la categoría del otro ponente invitado, han sido acicates para intentar hilvanar una serie de consideraciones relativas a los paraísos fiscales que voy a Deseo hacer constar mi no-adscripción a ninguna de las p


Pfizer-Warner: One Drug Merger That Might Just Deliver The combo looks as if it will carry through with cost reductions, better marketing, and stronger R&D Whenever pharmaceutical companies merge, there’s often talk of huge cost-savings. That excites investors at first but later leaves them wondering: "Why did we believe that hype?" Case in point: Pharmacia’s merge

No job name

Bioconjugate Chem. 2002, 13, 518−524 Methotrexate Conjugate with Branched Polypeptide Influences Leishmania donovani Infection in Vitro and in Experimental Animals† Gyo¨rgy Ko´cza´n,‡ Asoke C. Ghose,§ Ananda Mookerjee,§ and Ferenc Hudecz*,‡Research Group of Peptide Chemistry, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Eo¨tvo¨s L. University,Budapest 112, POB 32, Hungary, H-1518 a

Microsoft word - se-solicitud-visa-turismo.doc

SOLICITUD DE VISA TRANSITORIA- TRANSIENT VISA APPLICATION IMPORTANTE: Todos los apartados deben ser l enados en MAYÚSCULAS. Por favor, complete el cuestionario a vuelta de hoja, consigne fecha, firme y aclare nombres y apel idos. NOTICE: Fill all blanks in CAPITALS, turn overleaf, date, sign and write ful name. 1-APELLIDO/ S- SURNAME/ S (como figura en su pasaporte- as in passport)

Collins eletter july 2009-with linksthatwork3.pub

A L T O N L . C O L L I N S R E T R E A T C E N T E R Creating Sacred Space for Mind, Body and Soul mingbird nest. On May 23rd while out for a walk Laura Jaquith Bartlett discovered a nest very near one of our trails. Peering into the nest she found two small eggs. Over the next 17 days we watched the female hummingbird remain faithfully upon the eggs. On June 9th the eggs cracked open


Feature article / En vedette By Emma Despland Locust plagues then and now So Moses stretched forth his rod over the The desert locust ( Schistocerca gregaria , land of Egypt, and the Lord brought an east Orthoptera: Acrididae) is the world's most wind upon the land all that day and all that notorious insect pest. As these quotes in- night; and when it was morning the east wind dicate

Microsoft word - ecj1.doc

Alberto Pera Changing Views of Competition, Economic Analysis and EC Antitrust Law* INTRODUCTION During the last decades the criteria governing the application of EC Antitrust Law have been subjected to substantial changes. These have concerned a number of aspects: procedure, through the enactment of Regulation 1/2003, the “Modernization Regulation”; and substance, through


Gender differences and the medicalization of sexuality in the creation of sexual dysfunctions diagnosis Fabíola Rohden CLAM. 2013. Sexuality, Culture and Politics - A South American Reader. Pp. 620-638. Sexuality, culture and politics A South American reader Although mature and vibrant, Latin American scholarship on sexuality still remains largely invisible to a global readership. In

Microsoft word - safernotesfeb2012

Bradford & District Safer Communities VCS Forum Notes of the meeting Thursday 23rd February 2012 10 to 12 noon at CNet, 114/116 Manningham Lane BD8 7JF Present: Yasmin Khan (Staying Put), Janet Ford (CNet), Peter Bloom (Chair/Ripple), Jenny Scott (Tenfed), Ian Brewer (Bankfoot Partnership), Nicola Midgley (Bankfoot Partnership), Neal Heard (BACC) Apologies: Surji Cair (Milla


Thalassemia and Pulmonary Hypertension individuals, it is important that patients undergo annual screening If I have PAH, what should I do to improve my overall health? There are several things you can do to improve your health if youhave PAH. These include:Keep your weight at a healthy level. Adopt a healthy diet that is high in fruits and vegetables and What is pulmonary hypertension?

Microsoft word - acm_tcdf11272005.doc

The Advent of Trusted Computing: Implications for Digital Forensics ABSTRACT TCG has been developing a set of guidelines [8] that will serve as The release of computer hardware devices based on “trusted a baseline for a wide variety of platforms—from personal computing” technologies is heralding a paradigm shift that will computers, personal digital assistants, to cellular tel

Informe anual 1992

CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIONES EN SALUD MATERNO INFANTIL (CENISMI) INFORME ANUAL HOSPITAL DE NIÑOS ROBERT REID CABRAL SANTO DOMINGO, REPUBLICA DOMINICANA Introducción El Centro Nacional de Salud Materno-Infantil (CENISMI), creado con fines de estimular y realizar investigaciones relacionadas con la salud de madres y niños, agotó en el pasado año de 1993 su s

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (g6pd) deficiency

G6PD Deficiency capable of producing the G6PD enzyme, resulting is an important element (enzyme) in the glucose in more severe symptoms. Females, on the other oxidation (oxygen utilization) process of red blood hand, inherit two X chromosomes, one from each cells (RBCs) and for maintaining their normal life parent. A mutation in one copy is compensated for span. G6PD deficiency is an inh


ADULT FACULTY REGISTRATION To be completed in full and mailed to: Camp Como, P.O. Box 36, Como, CO 80432 Event registering for: ________________________________ HEALTH HISTORY: Date of Event: ______________________________________ List food or medication allergies/special dietary needs: Faculty/sponsor name: _______________________________ _______________________________________

Hprac psychotherapy review

The College of Nurses of Ontario Oral Submission to: The Standing Committee on Social Policy BILL 179, REGULATED HEALTH PROFESSIONS LAW STATUTE AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 September 29, 2009 101 Davenport Road Toronto ON M5R 3P1 Canada Telephone: 416 928-0900 Toll-free in Ontario: 1 800 387-5526 Fax: 416 928-6507 E-mail: cno@cnomail.org Web site: www.cno.org Standing Committee on


Caffeine Quickstart Guide by Bruno Fernandez-Ruiz Table of contents 1. Introduction Caffeine is an interoperability solution between the .NET and the Java platform. At the coreof Caffeine is JNI.NET, a set of bindings of the Java Native Interface (JNI) for the .NETplatform. .NET applications using JNI.NET can instantiate and invoke methods on any Javaclass. JNI is a complex and error


LA TERAPIA DEL DOLORE E DEI SINTOMI NEL PAZIENTE CON CANCRO DEL POLMONE IN FASE AVANZATA Dott. Angelo Virtuani INTRODUZIONE Spesso, avere a che fare con il cancro del polmone significa molto di più che vivere o morire in quanto il cancro del polmone è associato con sintomi invalidanti tumori localizzati nei bronchi principali sono spesso associati a tosse, emottisi, di


CENTER FOR NATURAL HEALTH HEALTH INFORMATION FORM NAME___________________________________ HOME ADDRESS_________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP_________________________ HOME TELEPHONE_______________________ CELL PHONE_____________________________ DATE OF FIRST APPOINTMENT____________ DATE OF BIRTH______________AGE________ WEIGHT_____________HEIGHT_____________ OCCUPATION__________________

(microsoft word - 03_ind_general_el\351ctrica-cd-16-ene)

Presentación Guía de Instalación del Sistema Informático DOCTUS SECCIÓN I - CODIFICACIÓN 1. Ley de Régimen del Sector Eléctrico 2. Reglamento General de la Ley de Régimen del Sector Eléctrico • Reformas aplicables en forma general 1. Ley de Régimen del Sector Eléctrico 2. Reglamento General de la Ley de Régimen del Sector Eléctrico ● Ley de Régimen del Sector Eléctrico

Microsoft word - schnabel-l-ramsey.resume.doc

40 Beachside Road Burlington, ON L8E 6A7 Phone: 905.123.4567 Email: jramsey@cogeco.ca “Promoting a positive learning culture and advanced professional practice…” An empathetic, yet pragmatic, professional whose solid background in all aspects of long-term care facilitates complex decision-making, policy development, and staff leadership. Passionate about engaging collaboratively with multi


Journal of Asthma, Early Online, 1, 2011Copyright © 2011 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. ISSN: 0277-0903 print / 1532-4303 onlineDOI: 10.3109/02770903.2011.580810 LETTER TO THE EDITOR Treatment of Acute Asthma Capital Allergy & Respiratory Disease Center Only 35.4% ( N = 35) of subjects could reliably performWilkinson et al. (1) recently compared racemic albuterolspirometry. There i

Lógica de programação para engenharia

Unidade 1 6: Exerccios com Estruturas de Repetição Objetivo : Capacitar para a criação de programas com estrutura de repetição. Bibliografia : ASCENCIO, 2007; MEDINA, 2006; SILVA, 2010; SILVA, 2006. INTRODUÇÃO Na aula anterior vimos como fazer repetições com diversos comandos diferentes. Nesta aula veremos que qualquer uma das formas são possíveis para resolver um mesmoproble


Engaging Potential Users in the Design of Future Mobile Communication Systems Laboratory of Information Processing Science, Helsinki University of Technology A b s t r a c t . When designing new interactive systems traditional ways of getting responses from potential users seem ineffective. The design faces the challenges of dealing with non-existing products and with future life practice


June 6th, 2011 11 Industrial Restructuring Catalog (2011 Edition) for Petroleum, Chemical and Related Sectors ( II ) and an elas ticity modulus of 240GP a andusing t he acet one cy anohy drin p rocess ,above, aramid fiber (A F ), p olys ulfonegrain-based acetone/butanol units , prop y-amide (PSA), ult ra-high molecular w eightl e n e o x i d e u n i t s u s i n g t h e (Continued pa

Summer day camps reg.indd

Child’s Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________EMERGENCY INFORMATIONIn case of an emergency, notify:(1) Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Phone: (_____)_______________________ Alt. Phone: (_____)______________________Relationship: _


resources for youth & young adults references: 211 and local area networks directories basic needs/financial 2. Alberta Employment & Immigration (AEI) Consulting and referral with career planning, work search skills, occupational descriptions, educational options, educational funding and referrals to safety training (exposure) courses such as H2S. Education on financial literac


PROCEEDINGS OF THE IADIS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE e-Society 2003 LISBON, PORTUGAL JUNE 3-6, 2003 International Association for Development of the Information Society This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re- use of illustrations, recitation, br

Microsoft word - 130329 publications aa

Bernard C, Maucort-Boulch D, Varron L, Charlier C, Sitbon K, Freymond N, Bouhour D, Hot A, Masquelet AC, Valeyre D, Costedoat-Chalumeau N, Etienne M, Gueit I, Jouneau S, Delaval P, Mouthon L, Pouget J, Serratrice J, Brion JP, Vaylet F, Bremont C, Chennebault JM, Jaffuel S, Broussolle C, Lortholary O & Seve P. Cryptococcosis in sarcoidosis: cryptOsarc, a comparative study of 18 cases. Qjm, In

Curriculum vitae

Dr. Manuel Revilla Amores Formación académica: Licenciado en Medicina y Cirugía. Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Facultad de Medicina, Alcalá de Henares 1989. Certificado acreditativo de Médico en Medicina General de la CEE (5-12-94). Tesina de Licenciatura. Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Facultad de Medicina, Alcalá de Henares 1991.(Sobresaliente por unanimidad) Do


Macalino GE, Mitty JA, Bazerman LB, Singh K, McKenzie M, Flanigan T. YRG Centre for AIDS Research and Education, VHS, Modified directly observed therapy for the treatment of HIV - seropositive substance users: lessons learned from a pilot study. Clin Infect Dis 2004; 38 (suppl 5) : S393 – 97. Mahajan AP, Hogan JW, Snyder B, et al. Changes in total lymphocyte count asa surrogate for ch


CROHN’S DISEASE and IBS Accepting the Journey to a Happier Gut – and Soul ”My gut troubles all started at camp in the summer of 2006. ologist diagnosed Megan with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). For three years I was in and out of different doctors, constantlyMegan started taking a drug to calm and regulate her bowel,complaining, having different tests done, and not gettingshe ate

Microsoft word - privacystatement.docx

P R I V A C Y S T A T E M E N T This Privacy Statement sets out Cospaker Pneumatics' general policy in relation to our privacy obligations to you and our management of personal information collected, used or disclosed as a result of your use of the Cospaker Pneumatics web site. Respecting your personal information and your right to privacy Protecting your privacy and the confidentiality o

About exercise – doing it right

About Exercise – Doing it right Working out should be a challenge, but it definitely should not be painful. If you find yourself running straight for the ice packs and aspirin after working out, you are probably doing something wrong. Before you convince yourself you have a wonderful excuse to quit, try evaluating your exercise program. First , determine if you are exercising at the

Microsoft word - ctd cli 08 health form.doc

Civic Leadership Institute 2008 Civic Education Project Center for Talent Development Health Information Form For signature by student AND parent/guardian EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION *A person other than a parent/guardian who will be available to contact during the course of the program PHYSICIAN & INSURANCE INFORMATION *Please bring health insurance and phar

Algebra 2

Exponential Growth and Decay Notes You are going to work for me for one month; there are 2 options from which you can choose to be paid. Which one would you choose? Option 1: $1,000 a day for 31 days or Option 2: $.01 on day 1, $.02 on day 2, $.04 on day 3, $.08 on day 4, etc.? Justify your response. Bacteria reproduce, or grow in number, by dividing. The total number of bacteria a

Fopg 2653.4 web version

Rx Selections™ Formulary File Sheet Key Therapeutic Drug Categories Oral Erythromycins Antilipidemics = Lowest relative cost to plan sponsor. FORMULARY PRODUCTS FORMULARY PRODUCTS ! ! ! ! ! = Highest relative cost to plan sponsor. PLAN SPONSOR’S PLAN SPONSOR’S DRUG NAME RELATIVE COST = The recommended dose for people 65 and older is often lower DRUG NAME RE

Microsoft word - ex_letterhead - 3 10 08 - final.doc

Smoking Cessation • In 2006, approximately 20.8% (45.3 million) of Americans over the age of 18 were current smokers.i • In 2000, 70% of smokers said they wanted to quit, and 41% made a quit attempt of at least one day, but only 5% succeeded in quitting for three months or more.ii • On average, former smokers made 8-11 quit attempts before succeeding.iii • In 2004, 50.6% (45.

Adres van het centrum waar

Informatie voor deelnemers aan het onderzoek “Losartan en Marfan syndroom” Coördinerend onderzoeker: Dr. M. Groenink, cardioloog AMC Amsterdam Artsonderzoekers: F. S. van Dijk, artsonderzoeker VUmc Amsterdam T. Radonic, artsonderzoeker AMC Amsterdam Academisch Medisch Centrum Meibergdreef 9 1105 AZ Amsterdam VU Medisch Centrum Amsterdam De Boelelaan 1117 1081 HV Ams

Ethan frome

CONGRESS OF THE PHILIPPINESFIFTEENTH CONGRESS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES H. No. 4075 AN ACT MANDATING OCULAR PROPHYLAXIS ON NEWBORNS Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines SECTION 1. Title . – This Act shall be known as the “Mandatory Ocular Prophylaxis on Newborns Act of 2011”. (a) Ophthalmia neonatorum refers to any disease or condition of t


New Mexico Supercomputing Challenge Final Report April 5, 2006 Team Number: 37 Freedom High School Student names: Colin Clausen Ryan Mayfield Alexander Smith Jeremy Harris Teacher Name: Joe Vertrees Students Mentor: Joe Sterling Estrogen. Zoloft. Amoxicillan. Does the Rio Grande contain these drugs? Will we be drinking them soon? We don’t know as almost n


Nanowires can detect molecular signs of cancer, scientists find Brightsurf Science News Ads by Google PSA Blood Test Elevated PSA Brightsurf RSS Science News Nanowires can detect molecular signs of Search BrightSurf.com Search Brightsurf Science cancer, scientists find Science News Article Resource Directory Use of minuscule devices to spot cancer m

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CURRICULUM VITAE Fernando José Silva e Nunes da Silva Nascido em Lisboa, a 29 de Agosto de 1953, casado, quatro filhos. E-mail: fnsilva@civil.ist.utl.pt Situação actual Professor Catedrático do Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Arquitectura, do Instituto Superior Técnico, Área Científica de Urbanismo e Transportes, desde Junho de 2002. Professor convidado da Pontifícia Universida

Revista ix

OBTENCIÓN DE PLANTAS A PARTIR DE ANTERAS DE ESPÁRRAGO ( Asparagus officinalis L.) MUÑOZ , Sebastián ; ESPÓSITO , María Andrea ; CRAVERO , Vanina ; GARCÍA , Stella ; LÓPEZ ANIDO, Fernando ; COINTRY , Enrique Docentes de la Cátedra GenéticaDocentes de la Cátedra de HorticulturaFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias. UNRC.C. Nº 14 (S2125ZAA) Zavalla Santa Fe - ArgentinaE-mail: sebaj

Attribution des lots

quantité critères de choix prévue en prix unitaire intitulé du lot labo retenu nom du produit selon cahier des réponses pour 24 mois quantité critères de choix prévue en prix unitaire intitulé du lot labo retenu nom du produit selon cahier des réponses pour 24 mois alfuzosine 10 mg forme LP voie orale 2 000 quantit


FILOSOFÍA Y BIOÉTICA DE LA RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL Edgar Raúl Navarro Medrano Resumen: El presente trabajo pretende analizar la cuestión de la responsabilidad social de las empresas desde oro punto de vista a la luz de los principios éticos, reflexionando sobre las condiciones que impiden que una empresa sea responsable y dando una perspectiva Palabras Clave

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Dumnezeu le-a dat evreilor sase sarbatori simbolice (Lev. 23). Ele marcau trecerea unui an ceremonial si intretineau in popor memoria unor evenimente istorice de importanta majora. Pe de alta parte, calendarul evreiesc are si o insemnatate profetica, marcind cele sase etape in care-si va desfasura Dumnezeu planul mesianic de rascumparare a omenirii. Dintre cele sase sarbatori, Pastele, Cincizec

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Economic theory is often abused in practical policy-making. There is frequentlyexcessive focus on sophisticated theory at the expense of elementary theory; toomuch economic knowledge can sometimes be a dangerous thing. Too littleattention is paid to the wider economic context, and to the dangers posed bypolitical pressures. Superficially trivial distinctions between policy proposalsmay be economic



Histories of feminist ethnography

Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 1997. 26:591–621 Copyright © 1997 by Annual Reviews Inc. All rights reserved ETHNOGRAPHY Kamala Visweswaran Department of Anthropology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712-KEY WORDS: gender analysis, feminism, women anthropologistsThis review essay illustrates how changes in the conception of gender definethe historical production of feminist ethn

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Substance Abuse Treatment Breaking News for the T reatment Field Acamprosate: A New Medication for Alcohol Use Disorders What is acamprosate? glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)neurotransmitter systems. Although acamprosate’sAcamprosate (calcium acetyl homotaurinate) is amechanism of action has not been clearly established,new prescription medication to help

Microsoft word - 03 09 approved mng minutes.docx

Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program Management Committee Approved Minutes March 2, 2009 Members Present: Alton Cheatham Gasparilla Island Conservation & Improvement Assoc. Also Present: Lisa Agenda Item #1 - Call to Order and Introductions – Meeting was called to order by Ken Heatherington, Co-Chairman at 9:31 a.m. Introductions were made. Agenda

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NOVARTIS BONE DISEASE / INNOVATION GAME “SUPERNOVA” Scene 1 All Screens: Intro – Moving star field depicting forward motion. Center Screen: The word “Welcome” starts as a tiny dot of star light and zooms in to fill center screen. Sfx: Whoosh of word flying in. Host: Welcome everyone! My name is Chris, I’ll be your host. On behalf of NOVArtis, thank you for joining

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BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Provide the following information for the Senior/key personnel and other significant contributors in the Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES. Professor, Department of Physical Medicine and eRA COMMONS USER NAME (credential, e.g., Rehabilitation, Professor, Department of Pediatrics IO N/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial


British Journal of Anaesthesia 102 (4): 503–5 (2009)Intraoperative cardiac arrest in acquired long QT syndromeDepartment of Anaesthetics, William Harvey Hospital, Kennington Road, Ashford, Kent TN24 8NU, UKA healthy female sustained a life-threatening arrhythmia and cardiac arrest while undergoingroutine surgery under general anaesthesia. Resuscitation was prolonged but successful, with aco


C ITY C O UNC IL MINUTES SEPTEMB ER 3, 2013 T he meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Persons present were Paul Hoff, Bert Kinzler and Marilyn Olson. Jim Erpelding and Rick Jacobson were absent. Also present were Anna Kiser and Anita Guests were: Matt Dreschel, Richard Pachel, Dave and Linda Lerfald, Stan & Betty Klug, Michelle Jevne, Greg Blum, Susan Barrett and T ed T rochman.

Cadre de référence

Meredith Centre Day Camp HEALTH SHEET Please return health sheet with the registration form. 1 sheet per child 1. GENERAL INFORMATION ON CHILD 2. EMERGENCY CONTACT 3. IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY Person to contact in case of an EMERGENCY : Father and mother  Mother  Father  Tutor  2 other people to contact in case of an EMERGENCY : Ful name : 4. MEDIC


4.Chronic dis.qxp:STM5 7/4/10 9:38 PM Page 253 Diabetes Common – Type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetesLess common – Type 1 diabetes, pancreatic insufficiency/disease • Type 2 diabetes – initially increased insulin levels but body doesn’t use it properly. Later less insulin made – often need insulin injections late diseases • In Indigenous people diabetes more common,

Log-exp problem sheet 4-15-13

The Caffeine Problem Introduction In this lesson, we explore the dynamics of caffeine in the body through the use of exponential functions. Various foods and drinks popular around the world contain caffeine. Caffeine is an alkaloid compound that comes from plants, including coffee, tea, kola nuts, mate, cacao and guarana. Many people drink caffeine drinks because they like the taste of the

The 'celtic tiger' - an analysis of ireland's economic growth performance

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies The ‘Celtic Tiger’ - An Analysis of Ireland’s RSC No. 2000/16 No part of this paper may be reproduced in any form Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies’ Programme in EconomicPolicy provides a framework for the presentation and development of ideas andresearch that can constitute the ba

Development and implementation of bridge management system in aomori prefectural government

Development and Implementation of Bridge Management System in Aomori Prefectural Government Abstract Aomori Prefecture is located at the north end of Main Island of Japan, surrounded by sea on three sides and known as one of the heavy snow area in Japan. In the western region facing to Nippon Sea, severe salt damage has been observed on the bridges on the coastal roads due to the sa


Indicating Motor Symptoms in PD Patients UsingAbstract—Here the research focus of a dissertation is pre-No convenient and effective way to measure dopaminesented. It focuses on evaluation and improvement of algorithmslevels within the basal ganglia circuit and adjust medicationfor recognizing Parkinson’s Disease (PD) motor symptoms inintake with accordance to dopamine levels has been fou

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Regulament Oficial al Concursului de Fidelizare ORGANIZATORUL SI REGULAMENTUL OFICIAL AL CONCURSULUI Campania este organizata de S.C. Catena Management SRL Participantii la concurs sunt obligati sa respecte termenii si conditiile regulamentului oficial al acestuia, potrivit celor mentionate in prezentul Regulament (denumit in continuare "Regulament Oficial"). Regulamentul Ofi

Fact sheet : caregiving and depression

Fact Sheet Caregiving and Depression mental health professional ma help to prevent the Could the sadness, loneliness or anger you feel development of a more serious depression over time. today be a warning sign of depression? It’s possible. It is not unusual for caregivers to develop mild or Symptoms of Depression more serious depression as a result of the constant


Les médicaments ototoxiques Les médicaments ototoxiques sont des produits pharmaceutiques qui ont l'inconvénient de pouvoir léser les structures de l'oreille interne (atteinte cochléaire ou vestibulaire) ou du nerf auditif. Il n'y a jamais atteinte de l'oreille externe ni de l'oreille moyenne. Plus de 130 médicaments et produits chimiques ont été répertoriés comme étant ot

Powerpoint presentation

4ª REUNIÓN PROGRAMA CONSOLIDER TRAGUA – 17, 18 y 19 de junio de 2009, Alicante Tratamiento y Reutilización de Aguas Residuales para una Gestión Sostenible Removal of emerging pollutants in urban wastewater through biological treatment followed by ozonation (1) AUTORES:Roberto Rosal, Antonio Rodríguez, Pedro Letón, María José Gómez, José Antonio Perdigón, Alice Petre, Kari

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Jean-Paul BLANC Diététicien – Nutritionniste Neuilly Sur Seine CHOLESTEROL ET STATINES Le cholestérol et ses traitements suscitent la polémique en ce moment. Les statines sont à la mode et plébiscitées non seulement dans le traitement de l’hypercholestérolémie, envisagées par certaines études de manière élargie en traitement de prévention du risque cardiaque, évoquées auss


Chapter 1. Antibiotics: What They Are and How to Use Them When used correctly, antibiotics are extremely useful and important medicines. They fight certaininfections and diseases caused by bacteria. Well-known antibiotics are penicillin, tetracycline, strep-tomycin, chloramphenicol, and the sulfa drugs, or sulfonamides. Cuando se usan correctamente, 10s antibioticos son medicinas rnuy cjtiles

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MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTION 1: PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME: Evoluer 30-30 ULV EPA REG. NUMBER: 769-983 PRODUCT NUMBER: 51030, 51031, 51032, 51033, 51034 MANUFACTURER: Value Garden Supply ADDRESS: P.O. Box 585, St. Joseph, MO 64502 WEBSITE: www.allprovector.com MANUFACTURER PHONE: (888) 603-1008 MANUFACTURER FAX PHONE: (952) 884-6149 EMERG

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Aerobic and Facultatively Anaerobic Gram-Positive Cocci Bacteremia, intraabdominal abscess, urinary tract Penicillin/ampicillin/piperacillin or vancomycin; faecalis and faecium infection, endocarditis combined with gentamicin for endocarditis or severe infection Cutaneous infections: impetigo, folliculitis, Nafcillin; vancomycin (for methicillin-resistant furuncles, carbuncles, wound; dissem


The Societal Shifts Reasons for the Change… Impact on the Church and New Practices that We’ve seen… are Arising…  Congregations respond to diversity by diversifying congregational program (eg. Offering traditional AND contemporary worship services). As an extreme example, Tom Bandy suggests a congregation could have both pro-life and pro-choice groups.  We see in


OF ATHEROSCLEROSIS AND A POTENTIAL TARGETAtherosclerosis, and its devastating complications cerebral andmyocardial infarction and gangrene of the extremities, is the leadingcause of death. Atherogenesis in humans develops over many years,often reckoned in decades. Early lesion formation may even occur inadolescence. Lesion progression depends on genetic make-up, genderand certain well-recognized

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CGHS HYDERABAD 2010 RATES NAME OF TREATMENT PROCEDURE FOR Non FOR Super NABHAccr edited Hospitals Hospitals 4 Suturing of wounds with local anesthesia5 Aspiration Plural Effusion - Diagnostic 6 Aspiration Plural Effusion - Therapeutic Opthalmology 30 Subconjunctival/subtenon’s injections in one eyes31 Subconjunctival/subtenon’s injections in both eyes34 Conjunctival w

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CAPÍTULO II – Dos princípios e finalidades fundamentais.3 CAPÍTULO III – Do patrimônio e das finanças.5 TÍTULO III – DA ORGANIZAÇÃO GERAL .6 CAPÍTULO II – Do conselho de representantes de turma .7 Seção I – Disposições gerais.8 Seção II – Das atribuições especificas .9 CAPÍTULO I – DA COMISSÃO ELEITORAL .10 TÍTULO V – DAS DISPOSIÇOES ESTATUTÁRIAS .12


Vous allez avoir un SCANNER Votre médecin vous a proposé un examen radiologique. Il sera pratiqué avec votre consentement. Vous avez en effet, la liberté de l’accepter ou de le refuser. Une information vous est fournie sur le déroulement de l’examen et de ses suites. Le médecin radiologue est qualifié pour juger de l’utilité de cet examen pour répondre au problème diagnostique


Step 3: What else do you need to make your decision? What can you do to Find out how well this decision aid helped you learn the key facts. prevent influenza? A decision aid for those working in a healthcare setting Antiviral flu shot Don’t & pills 1. Which option has the highest chance of you getting the flu ? What is influenza? 2. Which option has the lowest cha

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A Framework For Learning with Multiple Representations DeFT: A Conceptual Framework For Considering Learning with Multiple Representations Shaaron Ainsworth School of Psychology and Learning Sciences Research Institute University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, UK Email: Shaaron.Ainsworth@nottingham.ac.uk Abstract Multiple (external) representations can provide unique benefits

Master cbf main fund

The CBF Church of England Investment Fund Annual Report and Accounts Year to 30 November 2007 Contents 1 Report of the Trustee 3 Report of the Investment Manager 5 Statement of Ethical Investment Policy 6 Report of the Independent Auditors 7 Net asset value, share price range, net distributions, share prices and total expense ratio 8 Statement of total return 8 Statement


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Accred Qual Assur (2003) 8:179–183DOI 10.1007/s00769-003-0609-9 D. Brynn Hibbert Abstract An Australian case study Keywords Forensic science · Received: 23 October 2002Accepted: 17 February 2003of abuse were acquitted on appealbecause of shortcomings in the prosecution’s case that establishedthe identity of the material seized. The need to have proper standard operating procedures t

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Social, Economic, and Ethical Implications of Ambient Intelligence and Ubiquitous Computing° Jürgen Bohn, Vlad Coroamă, Marc Langheinrich, Friedemann Mattern, Michael Rohs Institute for Pervasive Computing, ETH Zurich, Switzerland Summary. Visions of ambient intelligence and ubiquitous computing involve integrating tiny microelectronic processors and sensors into everyday objects in o


NOvEMBER 2009 . VoL 2 . ISSUE 11 Maintaining the Message: How Jihadists leaders, and other material of interest.2 Have Adapted to Web Disruptions of websites connected to major terrorist Qa`ida’s official alneda.com website, for web. Jihadists have been forced to adapt the practices of internet “pirates” who and illicit pornography. These practices it created a paper

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SISTEMA DE PSICOFARMACOVIGILÂNCIA Coordenação Geral: : Julia Movil a Supervisão Geral: E. A. Carlini Colaboração: Mei Ying Wang Cebrid – Centro Brasileiro de Informações sobre Drogas 3 – o tratamento de pacientes com ACONTECEU NO BRASIL medicamentos à base da Cannabis sativa L e seus derivados tanto em pesquisas como no uso clínico por meio de prescr

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CHAPTER 6: Panic, Anxiety, Obsessions, and Their Disorders Chapter Overview/Summary Although anxiety disorders were initially considered neuroses, this term has been largely abandoned ever since DSM-III (1980). The anxiety disorders have panic or anxiety or both at their core. Today anxiety impacts 25–29 percent of Americans. Anxiety is defined as an anticipation for possible fu

Olu-wie klage ich-220305

Ehrenamtliche AD(H)S - – Beratungs- und -Kontaktstelle Berlin, Cornelia Wright T: 030 / 85 99 51 -30 / -33, Fax: -11, Webside: www.ads-gruppe.de, eMail: adhs-beratung.cw-berlin@web.de Off-Label-Use - WAS ist das und wie erreiche ich eine Kostenübernahme? (Erstmalig zum AD(H)S-Fachtag für Betroffene am 1.11.03 von Cornelia Wright vorgestel t) Das ist die Verordnung eines Fertigarzneimittel


NSA to Defend Against Hackers Baltimore Sun (09/20/07) P. 1A; S. Gorman The National Security Agency is planning a new "Cyber Initiative," an effort to enlist federalagencies to monitor Internet-based control systems for electricity grids, subways, nuclear po-wer plants, and other infrastructure to prevent unauthorized intrusions. Initially, as many as2,000 workers from DHS, NSA, and ot

Programma per giornali

Dicembre 2009 ore 16,00 Parco Don Puglisi – Officine ore 21,30 Beatrice Antolini in Concerto ore 16,00 “Ricerca e ambiente nella Regione Lazio” – dibattito con Filiberto Zaratti, Assessore all’Ambiente e Cooperazione della Regione Lazio; Mauro Alessandri, Sindaco del Comune di Monterotondo; Luigi Cavalli, Assessore Lavori Pubblici e Ambiente Sportello Kyoto; Vincenzo Na


O segmento Citigold passa a se chamar de suporte a clientes, implantamos um Citigold Private Client. A mudança, no núcleo de atendimento diferenciado entanto, não se restringe à marca; ela no CitiPhone Banking e inauguramos também consolida o atendimento espe-cializado e a plataforma diferenciada sempre com uma equipe altamente es-de produtos aos quais os clientes têm pecializada. Nosso

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Chapter 13 ________________________________________________________________________ Quality of life impairment in bipolar disorder Erin E Michalak1, Greg Murray2, Allan H Young1 and Raymond W Lam1 1Department of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia 2Faculty of Life and Social Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology This chapter will present an overview of what is currently


CAS No. :4682-36-4 Name :Orphenadrine citrate Synonyms::beta-dimethylaminoethyl 2-methylbenzhydryl ether citrate;BETA-DIMETHYLAMINOETHYL 2-METHYLBENZHYDRYL ETHER CITRATE SALT;o-methyldiphenhydramine citrate;ORPHENADRINE CITRATE SALT;orphenadrine dihydrogen citrate;Banflex;N,N-Dimethyl-2-[(2-methylphenyl)phenylmethoxy] ethanamine Citrate Salt;X-Ota Molecular Formula:C24H31NO8 Molecular Weight


3e Journée de Médecine d’Urgences des Pays de la Loire PRISE EN CHARGE TOXICOLOGIQUE SPECIFIQUE Centre Antipoison des régions Centre et Pays de la Loire La majorité des intoxications médicamenteuses (IMV) volontaires sont prises en charge par les services d’urgences ou les SMUR (98%). Si la plupart des IMV ne posent peu de difficulté de prise en charge et son considérées banales dan

About ctds

C T D S - N e w s l e t t e r CTDS Ltd. Blacksmiths Forge, Brookfield Farm, J u n e 2 0 0 5 Selby Road, Garforth. W. Yorks. LS25 1NB CTDS News We are pleased to welcome a new face to CTDS. Sarah Wynne joins us as an additional trainee medical prior antibiotic therapy or the presence of natural urinary laboratory technician at the start of July. Sarah is

An overview of

An Overview Of MENIERE'S DISEASE Patrick J. Antonelli, MD Professor, Otology & Neurotology Department of Otolaryngology, University Of Florida (352) 265-9465 revised April 16, 2013 INTRODUCTION Meniere's disease or syndrome is common, occurring in one in a thousand people. It is generally thought to be caused by an imbalance of inner ear fluid pressure, but vir

Publikationen (original articles 2002 - 2005)

PUBLIKATIONSLISTE - Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für COPD 1.) Publikationen (Originalarbeiten) 1. Valipour A, Koller H, Kreuzer A, Kössler W, Csokay A, Burghuber OC. A case of primary tularemic pneumonia presenting with necrotizing mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes WiKliWo 2003, 115/196-199, IF: 0.9 2. Petkov V, Mosgöller W, Ziesche R, Raderer M, Stiebellehner L, Vonbank K, Funk GC

Prot. n. palermo,.

COMUNE DI PALERMO RAGIONERIA GENERALE SERVIZIO ECONOMATO ED APPROVVIGIONAMENTI L’Amministrazione Comunale di Palermo deve procedere, ai sensi della L.R. 7/2002 e successive modifiche ed integrazioni, alla fornitura di farmaci e materiali sanitari per i Settori Comunali, alle condizioni tutte del C.S.A. IMPORTO DISPONIBILE € 5.333,33 OLTRE I.V.A. Possono partecipare alla gara l

Honors chemistrylab 8-2aspirin titrationintroduction: aspirin is an acid

Aspirin Titration Introduction: Aspirin is an acid. The active ingredient is acetyl salicylic acid. Different strengths of aspirin are based on the amount of active ingredients that they contain. Titration is a way to determine how much acid is in a solution by adding just enough base of a known concentration to neutralize the acid. In a neutralization, the number of moles of aci

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Curso de Inglés Irlanda-Agosto 2013 “4 to 1” Intensivo Dirigidos por: COLEGIO CLARET Organización Técnica: AVANTYA in Education Avda. Padre Claret, 3 C/ Santa Bernardita 3 40003 Segovia - Tel.: 921 420 300 28023 Madrid - Tel.: 91 435 25 22 CENTRO DE ENSEÑANZA CENTRE FOR ENGLISH STUDIES Mercy College St. Brendan’s Drive Tel. 00-353 1 8480


ECONOMIA eFINANZA MIB 30 ULTIMA SETTIMANA DOW JONES ULTIMA SETTIMANA NASDAQ ULTIMA SETTIMANA DAX ULTIMA SETTIMANA CAC ULTIMA SETTIMANA GIORNALEdelPOPOLO VEZIA Michel Dérobert ieri al Centro studi bancari di Vezia borsa svizzera Indice SMI Baloise N Ciba Special N Cie F. Richemont Clariant N il punto critico dei bilaterali Cs Group N 4

Congreso de la república

Proyecto del ley por medio del cual se modifica la ley 1098 de 2006 Código de la Infancia y la Adolescencia, en lo referente al Sistema de Responsabilidad Penal para Adolescentes. PROYECTO DE LEY No.________ de 2010 SENADO “Por medio de la cual se modifica la ley 1098 de 2006 Código de la Infancia y la Adolescencia, en lo referente al Sistema de Responsabilidad Penal para adolescen

Conclusion pr blain

• Tb psychologiques et/ou du comportement• Névroses/psychoses vieillies/démence • Personnalité/histoire de vie : peu altérée• Estime de soi - envie – angoisse –• Mini-GDS : fréquence – douleur – tb sommeil• Tb comportement démence : fréquent; corrélé– Apparition tôt : diagnostic précoce– NPI : analyse– Analyase diagnostique : frontotemporal / corps de Lé

Detailer english

About head lice Having head lice is not harmful to health. Head lice are only able to live on humans. They are usually passed on by head - to head contact; brief hair contact is enough. In contrast to popular belief, head lice are not able to fly or jump, but they do use their six legs to grip hair firmly. Head lice suck blood every two to three hours; this is what causes the irritation. Wh

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2. A BRIEF REVIEW OF THE CURRENT DIABETES DRUGS Two of the largest selling drugs, to help control blood sugar, are Avandia® and Actos®. In the first six months of 2007 increasingly adverse reports were widely publicized about these as a result of new printed scientific studies in peer-reviewed journals: 1. Female Diabetics using these drugs have started to develop fractures of the hands


A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Sertraline in the Treatment of Night Eating Syndrome John P. O’Reardon, M.D. Objective: The authors assessed the effi- placebo. Twelve subjects in the sertralinegroup (71%) were classified as having re- Kelly C. Allison, Ph.D. sponded (CGI improvement rating ≤2, in-dicating much or very much improved) Method: Thirty-four outpatients

Complete paths.pdf

Looking back on ten years of democracy, one of theRepublic of South Africa (1996) is the product of athings that most distinguishes the Mandela governmentnegotiated settlement, which, even whilst it allowedfrom the Mbeki government is the emergence of afor majority rule, left pre-1990 class relations largelymore focused and visible left opposition to some ofundisturbed. Rather than producin


No. 03-779 ON PETITION FOR A WRIT OF CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS Motion for Leave to File Amicus Curiae Brief and Brief for Amicus Curiae the Center for the Advancement of Capitalism in Support of Petitioner THOMAS A. BOWDEN Counsel of Record 20 South Charles Street 8th Floor, Sun Life Building Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 727-4300 Motion for Lea


MEDICATION MANAGEMENT VISIT CC/Reason for today's visit: 6th monthly Follow Up Visit for medication management related to his bipolar, ADHD and anxiety. 1. Adderall 20 mg 3x day. 2. Lamictal 200 mg in the morning and 100 mg at night 3. Clonazepam 1 mg 3x day 4. Ambien 10 mg at night He is c/o a little bit more anxiety and wants to get off clonazepam and switch to Xanax because that was m

Case report

Alveolar proteinosis in a patient recovering from Pneumocystis carinii infection: A case report with a review of literature. Abstract Background Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis is a rare lung disorder, which was first reported as idiopathic condition in 1958. The prevalence of acquired pulmonary alveolar proteinosis has been estimated to be 0.37 per 100,000 population. The cause of


Basic Cancer Terms Cancer has its own language that is unfamiliar to most people when they are newly diagnosed. Our volunteers and staff are happy to help you understand the terms listed below or any other terminology that you may encounter. Abnormal, uncontrolled growth of cells of any organ of the body. Cancer is not one disease, but over 100 different diseases. (Breast cancer,


The following is a list of the most commonly prescribed drugs. It represents an abbreviatedversion of the drug list (formulary) that is at the core of your prescription-drug benefit plan. The list is not all-inclusive and does not guarantee coverage. In addition to using this list,you are encouraged to ask your doctor to prescribe generic drugs whenever appropriate. PLEASE NOTE: Brand-name drugs

Santa margherita

Pane al pane.vino al vino. “Non sarà quella là la baita?” chiedo preoccupata all’idea di camminare finlassù, lassù tra i pini sfavillanti di stille aggrappate ai verdi aghi edilluminati da un timido raggio di sole. “No, non preoccuparti siamoarrivati”. “Per fortuna” penso che quelle parole siano incoraggianti. Ilcane pastore avvisa, con il suo abbaiare lento e calmo, il Mario

Microsoft word - 060904_le_mot_du_president_de.doc

Hedingen, den 29. August 2006 Es war ein Juli, perfekt für all diejenigen, die ihre Bräune vervollständigen wollten. Jedoch liess der Monat August es nicht zu, diese erworbene Bräune auch zu zeigen. Dafür hatten wir mehr Wind (und Regen!), als uns lieb war…. Ähnlich verläuft das Leben: Hochs und Tiefs wechseln sich ab. Und ähnlich verhält es sich mit der Stimmung eures Präsidenten: a


MEDICINE MANUFACTURING In the past, all medicines came from plants or animals. Although some important medicines still come from plants or animals (e.g. morphine), most medicines used today in the developed world are manufactured through chemical processes. All new medicines must undergo thorough testing before being approved for use. Before a new medicine can be tried in humans it must unde


_@_M SHAKTI DRUG AGENCIES Printed On: 25/12/2012 Product Master List Page No. : 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Product Pack Product Pack ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _Agency : .VENTURE BIO REMEDIES_ BIOCIN 200 TAB 10 TAB BIODROX 250 DT 10 TAB BIODROX 500 TAB 10 TAB BIODROX SYP 30 ML BIONEED CAP 10 CAP BIOSPAR 20

Anterior resection syndrome- leaflet no 2

After your Anterior Resection Your bowel before your operation The large bowel or colon is the last part of your intestines. When you eat, the food passes down your oesophagus (gullet), into your stomach and then into your intestines. The first part (small bowel) is where the nutrients are absorbed and by the time it reaches your large bowel all the goodness has been taken into your blood


Self-medication with vaginal antifungal drugs: physicians’ experiences and women’s utilization patterns Sinikka Sihvoa,b, Riitta Ahonenc, Heli Mikanderc and Elina Hemminkia Sihvo S, Ahonen R, Mikander H and Hemminki E. Self-medication with vaginal antifungal drugs: physicians’ experiences and women’s utilization patterns. Family Practice 2000; 17: 145–149. Background. In man


Canadian Food Inspection Agency - Plant Biosafety Office - Supplement to Decision Doc. Page 1 of 6Plants > Biotechnology / PNTs > Unconfined Release > Decisions Supplement to Decision Document DD1999-30: Determination of Livestock Feed Safety of Aventis CropScience Canada Inc.'s Glufosinate Ammonium Tolerant Soybean ( Glycine max ) Events A2704-12 and A5547-127 De

The publications of the finnish cancer registry in 2013

Publications in English 2013 Anttila, A. and Martin-Moreno, J.M.: Cancer screening McGraw-Hill, Open University Press, Berkshire, England, 2013. pp. 179-192. Engholm, G., Ferlay, J., Christensen, N., Johannesen, T.B., Klint, Å., Køtlum, J.E., Milter, M.C., Ólafsdóttir, E., Pukkala, E. and Storm, H.H.: NORDCAN: Cancer Incidence, Mortality, Prevalence and Survival in the Nordic Countries,


Clinical Research Information Sheet Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Therapeutics, Inc. (CFFT) is the drug discovery and development arm of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Study Name: Hydroxychloroquine for the Treatment of CF Lung Disease Study Type: Intervention Category : Study Sponsor: Funding for this trial has been provided in full or in part by Cystic FibrosisFoundation Therapeutic

Viaggio sul territorio del consorzio atesino di bonifica

Viaggio sul territorio del Consorzio Atesino di Bonifica . Floriano Menapace Introduzione (*) Per chi si prepara ad un viaggio attraverso il territorio gestito dal Consorzio di Bonifica, la cosiddetta III sezione del regolamento dell’Adige (1), partendo da nord, fino all’estrema punta sud di Borgo Sacco, nei pressi di Rovereto, si pone subito il pensiero di com’era il terri

Microsoft word - oxytetracycline 250 mg tablets _june 2003_.doc

PATIENT INFORMATION LEAFLET Oral contraceptives – oxytetracycline may reduce the effects of OXYTETRACYCLINE 250 mg Milk, antacids, calcium or iron preparations may affect the absorption How much of this medicine should you take? Oxytetracycline dihydrate You should take your medicine as directed by your doctor. The pharmacist’s label should tell you how much to take and how


Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 21, No. 5, May 2004 (© 2004) Analysis of Pharmacokinetics, gies such as DNA arrays and proteomics, which are now ca-pable of simultaneously measuring the expression of thou- Pharmacodynamics, and sands of genes from single samples, the data sets have become Pharmacogenomics Data Sets Using Data visualization, however, has not been extensively in- VizStruc

Tms durability (9b)

Summary and Comment | TMS in Psychiatry Fall, 2013 Patients with MDD treated with rTMS still improved after 6 months Geoffrey Grammer MD reviewing Janicak PG, Nahas Z, Lisanby SH, Solvason HB Brain Stimul. 2010 Oct Conclusion In patients pharmacotherapy-resistant MDD who received rTMS, after 6 months, 10% of patients relapsed, and if they did experience clinical worsening, the v

Falmouth sports medicine


Family tree maker 2005

John Eagle Family History by Della Sue Curry JonesJohn Eagle Family History by Della Sue Curry Jones Descendants of John Eagle 1. JOHN1 EAGLE was born Abt. 1798 in Gulford County, North Carolina, and died Abt. 1871 in Lee County, Virginia. He married LUCINDA STUMP Abt. 1820 in Tazewell County, Virginia. She was born Abt. 1800 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Children of JOHN EAGLE and LUCIND


ACTOS COMUNICATIVOS QUE PROMUEVEN NUEVAS MASCULINIDADES EN LOS CENTROS EDUCATIVOS. Autores: Juan Carlos Peña (Universitat de Barcelona);Oriol Ríos (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). CREA-UB. Centro Especial en Teorías y Prácticas Superadoras de Panel 4 . Coeducación y masculinidad Abstract La literatura científica sobre masculinidad ha puesto de relieve las consecuencias

Wimj january1.qxd

Paediatric Nephrology at the University Hospital of the West Indies A Walk through Time ABSTRACT Paediatric nephrology at the University Hospital of the West Indies has grown over the last five decades into an established paediatric subspecialty of ering to Jamaica and other Caribbean territories the benefit of paediatricians with training and exposure in this field. Dissemination


DOTT. GEOLOGO EGIDIO DE MARON – DOTT. GEOLOGO FRANCESCO POZZA 4 - ANALISI DELLA PERICOLOSITA’ 4.1 - Quadro generale delle ipotesi di pericolo 4.1.1 - Premessa In questo capitolo sarà trattato l’argomento relativo alla “ANALISI DELLA PERICOLOSITA’ ” che prevede una verifica del territorio in funzione della sua vulnerabilità in rapporto alle potenzialità di pericolo pres


LI 700, Spray pH and its Effect on Pesticide Performance Have you ever used a pesticide, or had someone apply one for you and it did not control the pest? You may have attributed the poor control to weather conditions, the chemical itself, applicator error, pest resistance, or maybe you bought the wrong material. But have you ever thought to check the pH of the water used to mix the pesticide

Building expert systems in prolog

This chapter discusses a forward chaining rule based system and its expert system applications. It shows how the forward chaining system works, how to use it, and how to implement it quickly and easily using Prolog. A large number of expert systems require the use of forward chaining, or data driven inference. The most famous of these is Digital Equipment Corporation's XCON system. It configures

Cleveland pharmacy formulary



Commercialization of Biomarkers BULLETIN High-throughput genomics and proteomics technologies have led to the emergence and rapid proliferation of clinical use and commercial demand for biomarkers — BIOMARKERS: molecular indicators directly and highly predictive of a biological process or that have DEFINITIONS utility as theranostics to guide therapeutic decision making. These

N:\users\sippel\wpdata\final orders for signature\405cv1208rwsord#1914.wpd

Case 4:05-cv-01208-RWS Document 17 Filed 09/14/2005 Page 1 of 7behalf of others similarly situated as Plaintiff/ )Class representative,PFIZER, INC., individually and as successor )in interest to PARK-DAVIS and WARNER )LAMBERT, INC., MEMORANDUM AND ORDER This case was removed from state court after Plaintiff Elizabeth Judy recently amended herstate court petition. Defendant Pfizer asserts tha


Semana de KKO REAL Programa Preliminar Jueves 31 de mayo V Concurso KKO Real Rueda de Prensa Sala de Cine, Centro Trasnocho Cultural Presentación de la Escuela de Chocolatería y Confitería KKO Real (ECCKKO Real) Video Testimonio Ganadores de las pasadas ediciones del Concurso de KKO Real Estudiantes de la Electiva Cacao una Experiencia práctica UCAB Estudiantes de

Powerpoint presentation

Anne-Marie Bonnet: Département de Neurologie, CRITERES OBLIGATOIRES • Pour les distinguer des autres syndromes • Critères d’inclusion : - Évolution progressive; - Paralysie supra nucléaire du regard vertical, - Instabilité posturale précoce, sévère avec CRITERES OBLIGATOIRES • Critères d’exclusion : - Histoire d’encéphalite - Hallucinations - Signes cérébelleu


Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement. CHINA GAS HOLDINGS LIMITE

Email newsletter

In academic institutions around the world, researchers are continually searching for advancements in the area of batterytechnology that may one day help to solve the global energy crisis. Whether your research is in the area of small formatlithium ion batteries for laptops and cell phones, or next-generation batteries targeted for electric cars and the power grid– CD-adapco has the adv

Stud pi-iv front

Which would you prefer to drink—a cup of caffeine or a cup oftrichloroethylene? Chances are good that your response was “caf-feine.” Caffeine occurs naturally in coffee, tea, and chocolate, andit is added to sodas and other types of drinks and foods. Trichloroethylene, onthe other hand, is a solvent used to dissolve grease, and it is also a commoningredient in glues, paint removers, and cl


Finalisten 2010 Auftraggeber RX - Fachanzeige neu Liprolog RX - Fachanzeige laufend Xelevia/Velmetia RX - Anzeigenstrecke neu NeoRecormon Wyeth BioPharma (ein Unter-nehmen der Pfizer-Gruppe) RX - Anzeigenstrecke laufend Skinoren "Bumerang Effekt" RX - Integrierte Kampagne neu Ranexa DENKEN HILFT! Agentur für durchdachte Actelion Pharmaceuticals AustriaKommunikat

Geri0402_33-40_cme, exam

Geriatrics The Brain Series editors: Jesse Weinberger, MD,and Deborah B. Marin, MD Agitation How to manage behavior disturbances in the older patient with dementia Judith Neugroschl, MD Behavior disturbances are common among persons with dementia andcan be clinically challenging to manage. Delusions and hallucinations,aggression and combativeness, sleep disorders, anxiety, anddepre

Microsoft word - product_catalogue_intermediates.doc

FRP SERVICES & COMPANY Website: http://www.frpservices.com/ info@frpservices.com Intermediates (Z)-2-(2-Aminothiazole-4-yl)-2-Methoxyimino Acetic Acid CAS# 65872-41-5 The side chain of Cefotaxime, Ceftriaxone, Cefepime, Ceftiofur, Cefteram Ethyl (Z)-2-(2-Aminothiazole-4-yl)-2-Methoxyimino Acetate CAS# 64485-88-7 The side chain of Ceftriaxone and Cefotaxim




International covenant on civil and RESTRICTED * political rights HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE Seventy-fifth session 8-26 July 2002 DECISION Communication No. 1087/2002 (initial submission) Documentation references: * Made public by decision of the Human Rights Committee. GE.02-43957 (E) 210802 DECISION OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE UNDER THE OPTIONAL PROTOCOL TO

Ley 20405

Ley 20405 “De la creación del Instituto de Derechos Humanos” (Incluye la reapertura denominada Comisión Valech para recibir solicitudes de nuevos postulantes a leyes de beneficios previsionales por razones políticas) Fecha Promulgación :24-11-2009 Fecha Publicación :10-12-2009 NORMAS TRANSITORIAS Artículo 3°.- El Presidente de la República establecerá una Comisión A

Microsoft word - mm 091410 hk eng.doc

"Honey & Ash" Hong Kong Email Alert 14 Sep 2010 China Auto Industry (OUTPERFORM) – On the reliability of industry data Event: On 1 Sep 2010, China Automotive Technology & Research Center (CATRC) announced that in Aug 2010, total automobile sales in China hit 1.22m units, representing a 15.09% increase MoM and a 55.72% jump YoY. The Mainland auto sector rallied on su

Microsoft word - chemistry paper 1.doc

CHEMISTRY PAPER – 1 (THEORY) (Three Hours) (Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper . They must NOT start writing during this time.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Answer all questions in Part I and six questions from Part II , choosing two


Cannabis use improves retention and virological outcomesin patients treated for hepatitis CDiana L. Sylvestrea,b, Barry J. Clementsb and Yvonne MalibubObjectives Despite the widespread use of polypharmacy,likely than non-users to take at least 80% of the prescribedthe management of hepatitis C virus (HCV)interferon or ribavirin, they were significantly more likely totreatment-related side-eff


cahil .com | New York | Washington D.C. | LondonDean Ringel is a member of Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP’s litigation andantitrust practice groups. Dean has extensive experience in antitrust,media law, financial litigation, intellectual property and appellate areas. Dean has counseled or litigated in a variety of high-visibility antitrustmatters, at the trial and appellate levels. He has led

Microsoft word - libs_task oachem 06_9701_01 2006.doc

UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Advanced Subsidiary Level and Advanced Level Additional Materials: Multiple Choice Answer Sheet Soft pencil (type B or HB is recommended) READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write in soft pencil. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid. Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the Answer Sheet in the

Articulo abril

Cefalea, migraña: La migraña aparece como un dolor de cabeza muy agudo, que puede estar acompañado de náuseas, vómitos, sensibilidad a la luz y ruido, mareo y otros síntomas que impide mantener la actividad normal. Se desconocen las causas que la provocan, parece estar relacionada con una disminución del flujo sanguíneo al cerebro. 1. Revisión medica para descartar otras enferm

Cja-índice de anotações _0-100_

CADERNOS DE JUSTIÇA ADMINISTRATIVA ÍNDICE DE ANOTAÇÕES (n.os 0 a 100) (∗) ABREU, LUÍS VASCONCELOS – Infracção disciplinar continuada ou princípio da unidade da infracção disciplinar? (Ac. do STA – 1.ª Secção, de 16/1/2003, P. 604/02) – 44 -17 ABREU, LUÍS VASCONCELOS – Despacho de mero expediente ou decisão-suspresa ? (Ac. do STA – Pleno da 1.ª Secção, de

Copy of sps master specifications - working copy 13mar12.xls

Specifications Trimble SPS555H Heading Add-on Receiver Receiver Name SPS555H Heading Add-on receiver Configuration Option Vacuum Fluorescent display 16 characters by 2 rows. InvertableEscape and Enter keys for menu navigation4 arrow keys (up, down, left, right) for option scrolls and data entry24 cm × 12 cm × 5 cm (9.4 in x 4.7 in x 1.9 in) including connectors1.55 kg (3

Curriculum formativo e frofessionale

CURRICULUM FORMATIVO E FROFESSIONALE Dott Rodolfo Hurle - Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia conseguita presso l’ Universita’ degli Studi di - Borsa di Studio universitaria presso Istituto Scientifico H.S.Raffaele di Milano (1989-1990) per studi nell’ambito dell’urologia oncologica - Specializzazione in Urologia conseguita presso l’ Universita’ degli Studi di ATTIVITA’ LAV

Executive summary and chronology

Citizen Petition and Request for Administrative Stay Of FDA Approval of Mifeprex for Medical Abortion August 20, 2002 Three organizations, the American Association of Pro-life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the Christian Medical Association, and Concerned Women for America, filed a Citizen’s Petition with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requesting it to immediately


Calcification: The Phosphate Theory of Aging and Disease Copyright ©2012 by Mark Mayer. ISBN: 978-1492926962. All rights reserved. Second edition: Version 2.0 No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations. Notice: The information presented here is not intended as a substitute for the advice and/or


The Diagnosis and Management of Nursing Home Acquired Pneumonia (NHAP) This clinical practice guideline (CPG) was developed by an Alberta CPG Working Group. EXCLUSIONS To enhance an earlier detection and treatment ofNHAP♦ Hospital acquired pneumonia (onset within 14♦ To increase the accuracy of the clinical diagnosisdays of discharge from an acute care facility)♦ Aspirati

Microsoft word - duetact.doc

Duetact ® (pioglitazone & glimepiride) FDA-APPROVED INDICATION Duetact® is indicated as an adjunct to diet and exercise as a once-daily combination therapy to improve glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes who are already being treated with a combination of pioglitazone and a sulfonylurea, or whose diabetes is not adequately controlled with a sulfonylurea alone, or f

Sermon 20-09-2009

1 Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons. 2 These people are hypocrites and liars, and their consciences are dead. 3 They will say it is wrong to be married and wrong to eat certain foods. But God created those foods to be eaten with thanks by faithful people wh


Eversole Law 2205 Morris Avenue Birmingham, AL 35203 205-251-6666; 205-994-0616 fax: 205-323-3240 Instructions to Client: Please complete every part of this form to the best of your ability and be 100% truthful in every response. Your detailed answers to these questions will be of great value in assisting us in evaluating and defending your case. Lack of information greatly hi

Pii: s0378-3758(02)00216-

An annotated bibliography of application papersusing certain classes of fractional factorial andTania Prvana, Deborah J. Streetb; ∗ aSchool of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Canberra, Canberra, AustraliabSchool of Mathematical Sciences, University of Technology, Sydney, AustraliaIn this paper we provide an annotated bibliography of about 140 papers which have appearedin jour


Conférence de consensus Objectifs, indications et modalités du sevrage du patient alcoolodépendant 17 mars 1999 Maison de la Chimie - Paris TEXTE DES RECOMMANDATIONS PARTENAIRES Association Nationale des Intervenants en ToxicomanieAssociation Nationale de Prévention de l’AlcoolismeAssociation Pédagogique Nationale pour l’Enseignement de la ThérapeutiqueCollège Uni

Selection of automatic samplers to ensure sample integrity

Selection of Automatic Samplers to Ensure Sample Integrity Traditional manual sampling techniques are often unacceptable for collecting wastewater samples for monitoring because of intricate routines required by permit or regulatory programs. Automatic samplers have resolved some issues about sample acceptability, but samplers offered in the marketplace differ in their ability to coll


estrogens. Transdermally delivered estradiol is metabolized only to a small extent by the skin and bypasses the Effects on Uterine Bleeding or Spotting INDICATIONS AND USAGE Impaired Liver Function and Past History of Cholestatic Jaundice first-pass effect seen with orally administered estrogen products. Therapeutic estradiol serum levels with lowerWith the Continuous Combined regi

Microsoft word - documentation_self_study

8108B Harford Road Baltimore, MD 21234 (410) 665-7566 Fax (410) 665-7558 Documentation Self Study Please read and complete the following Documentation Self-Study packet. These materials areto be used as a refresher not to address all documentation issues, but to address issues commonlyfaced while evaluating staff documentation. As always please feel free to contact the EducationDepartment durin

Aok 11 tender round: stada takes top active ingredients

Corporate News AOK 11 tender round: STADA takes top active ingredients Awards for omeprazole, risperidone, simvastatin and mirtazapine, among others Bad Vilbel, February 5, 2013 – Following 18 awards in the tenth tender round of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse (AOK) in the middle of January, Germany's largest association of statutory health insurance organizations has now once a

Microsoft word - relato de experência-cristiane pscruz.doc

Capacitação Inicial e Continuada dos Alfabetizadores na Alfabetização Solidária. RELATO DE EXPERIÊNCIA DA NOVA FORMA DE CAPACITAÇÃO NO ESTADO DE SERGIPE: VALE A PENA CONFERIR! Cristiane Pereira Santos da Cruz e Isis Mota Rodrigues Dantas. Universidade Federal de Sergipe. E-mail. dantas.isis@ig.com.br e cristiane@bol.com.br (INTRODUCÄO) É função da escola formar sujeitos


AC- MMEL/MEL Advisory Circulars AC-MMEL/MEL Contents SUBPART A SUBPART B SUBPART C AC- MMEL/MEL Advisory Circulars SUBPART A AC-MMEL/MEL.001 (a) Limit of MEL Applicability If a failure occurs during the taxi phase before the start of the take-off roll, any decision to continue the flight should be subject to pilot judgment and good airma


Mihaela Ghimici The Polish National Church in the 1970s. An Institutional Approach Volumele Civitas99Alumni , vol. V, noiembrie-decembrie 2005 The 1970s were a turning-point for the authoritarian-communist regime in Poland because of the emergence of a timid, still determined, opposition movement, which reached its peak in 1980-1981 under the umbrella of the Solidarnosc movement (Gar

Microsoft word - precourse questionnaire v2.doc

1. Forms of anthrax include all of the following except: 2. Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment to be worn while handling specimens a. Surgical mask, Tyvek suit and goggles b. N95 mask, face shield, gloves, hat and boots c. Powered air purifying respirator, gown, gloves d. Surgical mask, eye protection, gloves, gown if necessary a. A neurotoxin produced by a spore that is ingested


IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELAWARE ) Re: ECF Nos. 479, 523 and 530 CERTIFICATION OF COUNSEL REGARDING ORDER ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR SALE OR ABANDONMENT OF CERTAIN DE MINIMIS ASSETS The undersigned hereby certifies as follows: On February 13, 2012, the above-captioned debtors and debtors-in-possession (collectively, the “Debtors”) fi

Microsoft word - ear disease in dog.doc

EAR DISEASE IN DOG Every day we see dogs that have problems with their ears. Signs of these ear problems include: Redness or swelling of the ear flap or canal Shaking of the head or tilting it to one side Changes in behaviour such as depression or irritability Ear disease is one of the most common conditions we see in pets. The medical name for inflammation of the outer ear canal is 'ot

Microsoft word - derm & vein medical history - update.doc

Girish S. Munavalli, MD, MHS J. Blake Goslen, MD PATIENT MEDICAL HISTORY Last Name: _____________________ First Name: ____________________ M.I. _______ D.O.B: ___________ Age: ____ Referring Physician or Source (ie. Magazine, etc):________________________________\___________________________________ Surgical History (list all surgeries & dates): ______________________________________

Proposed treatment for vestibular dysfunction in dogs

Proposed Treatment for Vestibular Dysfunction in Dogs Vestibular dysfunction in the dog can be a disturbing condition for owners, as well as somewhat confounding for the veterinarian and/or physiotherapist. This condition often presents with a sudden onset, no obvious triggering incident, and a very dramatic presentation. The vestibular system is responsible for maintaining the orientation of the

County of greene

COUNTY OF GREENE GREENE COUNTY CONSERVATION DISTRICT 852-5278 852-5341 PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Dustin Teegarden The PA Department of Environmental Protection's West Nile Virus Program, with the cooperation of the Greene County West Nile Virus Program will be conducting a Thermal Fog mosquito adulticide in Franklin Township, Morgan Township and Waynesbu

Lyra summer music launched its first workshop in randolph, vermont this past summer 2010

Lyra Summer Music is Pleased to Announce Next Season’s Intensive Chamber Workshop will be Held July 17 – August 6, 2011 at Chandler! in Randolph, Vermont! Lyra Summer Music launched its first workshop in Randolph, Vermont in the summer of 2010, which was hosted jointly by Chandler Center for the Arts and Vermont Technical College. Nine students from New York City and Vermont spent

Microsoft word - fakultaetsbroschuere_stand10122003.doc

Walter G. Zumft Nitrate and nitric oxide, in addition to being respiratory substrates, are signal molecules for the induction of N-oxide-metabolizing enzymes. The NO signal is processed by transcription factors of the Crp-Fnr superfamily. Denitrification is intimately related to other cellular processes such as primary and secondary transport, protein translocation, cytochrome c biogen

Marine medicine kit.pdf

MARINE MEDICAL KITS Michael Jacobs, MD Following this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Select appropriate medical supplies for a personal and ship’s medical kit. 2. Understand the specific use of these items. Medical Care At Sea Ask Dr. Bill Forgey, an expert in wilderness medicine, to identify the most important component of aback country snake bite kit, and he’


Caffeine in Sport MECHANISMS OF ACTION In this report: Caffeine consumption can affect the body in a number of ways, principally through the Key Points Sound evidence exists to demonstrate that adenosine receptors (2). Due to the complex caffeine has ergogenic effects on both short biochemistry and interacting responses, the and long term endurance as well as short ter

La felicidad como indicador de calidad de vida

La felicidad como indicador de calidad de vida Por Alberto Chirif El autor explora el concepto de felicidad tal como se concibe desde la sociedad occidental y critíca con agudeza a quienes promueven un modelo económico “caótico y destructor”. Sin duda, cuando las futuras generaciones estudien cómo contabilizamos como desarrollo y felicidad nacional un crecimiento eco

Public health fact sheet

PUBLIC HEALTH Ehrlichiosis FACT SHEET Burlington County Health Department 15 Pioneer Blvd. Westampton, NJ 08060 Telephone (609) 265-5548 Fax (609) 265-3152 What is ehrlichiosis? Ehrlichiosis is a tick-borne disease which can be caused by two different organisms. Human monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME) is transmitted by the lone star tick and human granulocytic anaplasmosis (HGA


MEMORANDUM All Faculty at the University of Colorado Denver (UCD); all Members of the University of Colorado Cancer Center; and Faculty at the Medical University of South Carolina Lung SPORE Career Development Committee: York Miller MD, Chair; Anna Barón PhD; Daniel Chan PhD; Robert Gemmill PhD; Mark Geraci MD; Marileila Varella-Garcia PhD; Robert Winn MD; Robert Sclafani PhD; and Laurie G

Sa - drug facilitated sa.pub

Celebrating 25 Years What do I do if I am drugged? of Survivors’ Strength in 2005 • Get to a safe place and call a family member, Drug Facilitated friend, rape crisis center, hospital, and/or a • If you wish to report the incident, preserve Sexual Assault evidence and do not shower, douche, brush • Seek medical attention for any possible injuries and to be tes

Microsoft powerpoint - dementia_symposium

Postoperative Delirium & Cognitive Decline Delirium & POCD DELIRIUM vs. POCD Wang et al., Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2007;15:50 Incidence of Delirium J Am Geriatr Soc Population Incidence Hip fracture Berggren et al. Edlund et al. Morrison et al. Schuurman et al. Elective orthopedic Fisher et al. Rogers et al. Elective Liver resection


Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 38 (2005) 781–784Stable isotopic composition of the active pharmaceuticalA.M. Wokovich , J.A. Spencer , B.J. Westenberger , L.F. Buhse , J.P. Jasper a Food and Drug Administration, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis, St. Louis, MO 63101, USA b Molecular Isotope Technologies, LLC, 8 Old Oak Lane, Nia


Bacterium background Rhizobia, is a col ective name of the genera Rhizobium, Sinorhizobium, Mesorhizobium and Bradyrhizobium , which are soil and rhizosphere bacteria of agronomic importance because they perform nitrogen-fixing symbioses with leguminous plants. Rhizobium and Sinorhizobium are in the family Rhizobiaceae, while Mesorhizobium and Bradyrhizobium members of Phyllobac

Unofem - positionspapier der cdl

Die „Pille danach“ Ist sie wirklich nur ein Verhütungsmittel? Was ist die „Pille danach“? Die sogenannte „Pille danach“, die (vertrieben vom Pharmakonzern Hexal als Unofem 1,5 mg) ist ein hormonelles Mittel, welches dazu bestimmt ist, im ‚Notfall’ nach ungeschütztem Geschlechtsverkehr eine eventuelle Schwanger- schaft zu verhindern. Die Pille muß so früh wie möglich, sp

Rpttemp_insps of all-through schs_spe_pru_brdng

Mount Grove, Birkenhead, Merseyside, CH41 2UJ Inspection dates Overall effectiveness This inspection: Summary of key findings for parents and pupils This is a good school.  The headteacher, staff, governors and the  The teaching of reading is particularly effective local authority have worked wel together. and pupils achieve wel in reading across the They have improve

Questions and answers: information for schools

Questions and Answers: Information for Schools The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recognizes that school administrators, teachers, staff, and parents are concerned about the flu, particularly its effects on children. Schools are instrumental in keeping their communities healthy by taking actions such as posting information about hand hygiene in restrooms, providing f


Controversias en Psicoanálisis de Niños y Adolescentes Mesa Redonda: DEL ACTO A LA PALABRA. DISCURSOS SOBRE LA ACCIÓN EN EL PSICOANÁLISIS CON NIÑOS Y ADOLESCENTES Clara London : En nombre de la revista Controversias online agradezco al Departamento de Niñez y Adolescencia el espacio que nos ha brindado en esta jornada. Los participantes de esta Mesa Redonda son la Lic. Aída

Draft ordinance 2004-08-103

LEGAL DIVISION FAX: (217) 384-2460 STEVE HOLZ JACK WAALER Memorandum DATE: August 13, 2004 TO: Mayor Ordinance Authorizing Settlement Agreement with Ameren (Ameren/Illinois Power merger litigation at ICC) Introduction: The attached Ordinance authorizes the Chief Administrative Officer to execute an Agreement with Ameren Corporation concerning Ameren’s acquisitio

Trousse de secours

http://www.ensa-chamonix.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=a. Une trousse de secours doit répondre à plusieurs impératifs :l'utilisateur doit en connaître le contenules médicaments doivent correspondre à des affections couranteschaque produit doit être facile d'utilisation et ne pas présenter de risques ou d'effets secondaires trop marquésêtre personnalisée, car il


MYELOGRAM About your Myelogram… Your doctor has requested that you have a myelogram. Please read the following description of the test, and what you need to do both before and after the exam. PLEASE ARRIVE ONE-HOUR PRIOR TO YOUR SCHEDULED TIME. LATE ARRIVALS MAY BE ASKED TO RESCHEDULE. What is a myelogram? A myelogram is a test performed to evaluate the spine. The myel

Untitled document

Pedro Calderón de la Barca LUIS PÉREZ EL GALLEGO ● ALGUACIL 1 , ALGUACIL 2 , ALGUACIL 3 , ALGUACIL 4(Salen LUIS Pérez, con la daga desnuda detrás de PEDRO , e ISABEL y CASILDA , LUIS ¡Vive Dios, que a mi mano has de morir!ISABEL ¿ Por qué le tratas así tan riguroso y crüel?LUIS Por vengar, ingrata, en él las ofensas que hay en ti. LUIS Deja, pues, que mate a quien me ofen


file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Keith/Desktop/2000-2001/term1/council2/Council%20minutes%2000.10.25.txtHerewith the minutes of the last CUSU Council (minus the report given by******************************************************************************* Minutes of CUSU Council - Michaelmas II, Wednesday 25th October 2000Isabel Hudson took the chair, with Josh Reddaway as Chair's Aid, an

Microsoft word - learning from

Learning from a Suicide This is an actual case history. For various reasons, despite the client having died, all names and possibleidentifiers have been changed. Details have been compiled from various sources. I was employed for a while as a psychological therapist in a Clinical Psychology department thatserved a rural area of Scotland, once a thriving mining community, now a little like th


Dr. Mok the “Pet Doc” COASTAL ANIMAL VETERINARY CLINIC Email: coast Prednisone This week’s article covers a widely known universal prescription drug: PREDNISONE. In use over fifty years within the human and animal medical fields, it has the distinction of being a savior or a killer, depending on the circumstances. This article covers some of the myths and realities of this medication

Dear parent/guardian:

Pertussis Facts (from the New York State Health Department) Updated: January 2012 What is pertussis? Pertussis, or whooping cough, is a highly contagious bacterial infection that causes an uncontrollable, violent cough lasting several weeks or even months, It is caused by a bacterium that is found in the mouth, nose and throat of an infected person. Pertussis may begin with cold-like

Microsoft word - iwg work group 2013 grief as a mental disorder

This statement was developed by a workgroup at the meeting of the International Work Group on Death, Dying and Bereavement in Victoria, British Columbia on April 28 – May 3, 2013. You have full permission to translate the document into other languages, and to distribute it via websites, blogs, the media, and other venues. It is our intention that the message be shared widely. When does a b


Photo Electoral Roll - 2014, UT (U04) Daman and Diu Part No :- 33 No. Name and Reservation Status of Assembly Constituency :No. Name and Reservation Status of Parliamentary Constituency (ies) in which the assembly constituency is located : 1 . DETAILS OF REVISION Roll Identification: Basic roll of Revision, 2013 integrated with all supplements prepared in accordance with the Contin


Pharmacology of Calcineurin Antagonists M.H. Kapturczak, H.U. Meier-Kriesche, and B. KaplanABSTRACTCyclosporine and tacrolimus share the same pharmacodynamic property of activated T-cellsuppression via inhibition of calcineurin. The introduction of these drugs to the immuno-suppressive repertoire of transplant management has greatly improved the outcomes inorgan transplantation and consti

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SUMMARY OF MATERIAL MODIFICATIONS STONE AND MARBLE MASONS OF METROPOLITAN WASHINGTON, D.C. HEALTH & WELFARE FUND March 1, 2012 SUMMARY OF MATERIAL MODIFICATION #1 Effective April 1, 2012, certain prescription drugs will cease being covered by the Plan unless prior authorization is obtained from CVS/Caremark for use of these medications. These specific medications are list

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North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health • Epidemiology Section Communicable Disease Branch 1902 Mail Service Center • Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1902 Beverly Eaves Perdue, Governor Jeffrey Engel, MD Lanier M. Cansler, Secretary Novel Influenza A (H1N1): Interim Infection Control Guidelines for Healthcare Workers September

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PROSPECTO: INFORMACIÓN PARA EL USUARIO montelukast cinfa 5 mg comprimidos masticables EFG Lea todo el prospecto detenidamente antes de empezar a tomar el medicamento. • Conserve este prospecto, ya que puede tener que volver a leerlo. • Si tiene alguna duda, consulte a su médico o farmacéutico. • Este medicamento se le ha recetado a usted y no debe dárselo a otras personas, a


BIOMIST® 4+4 ULV www.clarkemosquito.com For Use Outdoors as an Ultra-Low Volume (ULV) Application to Control Adult Mosquitoes in Residential andRecreational Areas. This product is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment on blooming crops orPermethrin (3-Phenoxyphenyl) methyl (+/-) cis,weeds. Do not apply this product or allow it to drift to blooming crops or weeds whiletrans-3-

Informations sur la scintigraphie parathyroïdienne

Informations sur la scintigraphie parathyroïdienne Service de Médecine Nucléaire du CMC Tronquières Qu’est-ce qu’une scintigraphie des glandes parathyroïdes ? C’est un examen qui permet d’étudier le fonctionnement des glandes parathyroïdes, à l’aide d’un produit radioactif injecté en faible quantité. Elle permet d’étudier l’origine de certains troubles


CaCu Invasor, Diagnostico, Tratamiento y Seguimiento. Estudio en México. En la actualidad se considera que el cáncer cervico uterino es una de las neoplasias potencialmente curables. La posibilidad de detectar en forma temprana ésta neoplasia hace factible reducir la mortalidad secundaria al padecimiento, sin embargo, este sigue siendo uno de los principales tumores en la mujer, y contribuye c

Handleiding voor het gebruik van het antispam-systeem

Computer Solution – only solutions- Voorstelling van het systeem: Dagelijks worden er miljoenen e-mails verstuurd, waarvan ¼ van alle verstuurde e-mails effectief belangrijk zijn. De overige e-mails, ¾ , zijn spam berichten: e-mails om reclame te maken (viagra, drugs, diploma’s,…), ongeadresseerde e-mails, … de spam berichten zijn niet zo onschuldig zoals veel mensen denken.

Website update… http://comptonharriers

THE HARRIERS HERALD No. 184, June 2008 Editor: Sue Francis In brief  Thursday night schedules for June and JulyRegistration of athletes with England Athletics – an updateNew plaque for Compton Harriers - Ryan’s masterpiece is installedA thank you from Compton Village Hall CommitteeRec. Soc. membership for Compton HarriersCopy date for July’s Harriers Herald – 30th June


Lobmeyer MT, Wang L, Zineh I, Turner ST, Gums JG , Chapman AB, Cooper-Dehoff RM, Beitelshees AL, Bailey KR, Boerwinkle E, Pepine CJ, and Johnson JA. Polymorphisms in Genes Coding for GRK2 and GRK5 and Response Differences in Antihypertensive-Treated Patients. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics ; 2011, Jan;21(1):42-9. Bovio J, Smith SM, Gums JG . Dabigatran Etexilate: A Novel Oral Thrombin Inhib


How the Doctor's Words Affect the Patient's Brain The online version of this article can be found at: can be found at: Evaluation & the Health Professions Additional services and information for HOW THE DOCTOR’S WORDS AFFECT THE PATIENT’S BRAIN Evaluation & the Health Professions / December 2002 Clinicians have long known that context is important in any medi

Doseção 3.p65

Diário Oficial do Distrito Federal Nº 180, segunda-feira, 20 de setembro de 2010 SEÇÃO III RATIFICAÇÃO DE INEXIGIBILIDADE DE LICITAÇÃOProcesso: 140.000.426/2008; Interessado: ADMINISTRAÇÃO REGIONAL DO PARANOÁ,Assunto: Contratação de serviços postais e telemáticos. Ratifico, nos termos do artigo 26 da Lei PODER LEGISLATIVO nº 8.666, de 21 de junho de 1993, combinado com a

Microsoft word - caregiving and depression

Caring for those who care for others Fact Sheet: Caregiving and Depression Could the sadness, loneliness or anger you Unfortunately, feelings of depression are feel today be a warning sign of depression? often seen as a sign of weakness rather than It’s possible. It is not unusual for caregivers a sign that something is out of balance. to develop mild or more serious depr


 Loops permit us to execute a sequence  They differ in how the repetition is Compute the average of n values entered by the user. The number of values (n) wil be specified by n = input('Enter the number of values: ');counter = 0; total = 0;while (counter < n ) total = total + x; counter = counter + 1;endif (n > 0) avg = total / counter; disp(['The average is ' num2str(avg)]);endC

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PARTICIPANT CONSENT, RELEASE AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK CAMPTOWN adventure programs involve a variety of activities. Some programs may include rigorous physical activities such as backpacking, paddling, climbing, biking, whitewater rafting, swimming or hiking. These activities are designed to be within the physical, mental and emotional limits of a person in reasonably good health. The level

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CELEBRAMOS EL DÍA DE LA ARMADA – 17/05/1814 1. A manera de prólogo 2. Efemérides 3. Noticias del Liceo 4. Noticias del Centro 5. Actualidad 6. Variedades 7. Consejos Útiles 8. Colaboraciones 9. Anécdotas Liceanas 10. Perfilex 11. Proa al Centro en el Recuerdo 12. Galería de Imágenes 13. Calendario de Actividades 14. Contactos Liceanos 15. Bolsa de Trabajo y de Servicios 16. Nuestra base

Microsoft word - chemotherapy

Christy Lee Fenton NURSG 1013 Pharmacology Instructor: Betty Sue Hinkson, MSN September 20, 2012 Module 4, Chemotherapy 1. S tate the activity in normal cell growth cycles by completing the following table: Cell resting state (ATI immune system tutorial). Cells remain in this phase or return to the cell Cell prepares for DNA synthesis (ATI immune system tutorial). This stage lasts 15-

Ics tamoxifen_4pp.indd

FACTSHEET information on drug therapy This factsheet explains briefl y what Tamoxifen is, how it works, when it may be prescribed, what the benefi ts are and what side effects may occur. WHAT IS TAMOXIFEN? HOW DO I KNOW IF TAMOXIFEN WILL WORK tumour, either after a biopsy or after surgery, to fi nd out if cells to grow. These cancers are known as oestrogen receptor oestrogen r

Curriculum vitae

Curriculum Vitae GRANT D. HUANG Address: Cooperative Studies Program (10P9CS) Phone: (202) 443-5600 VHA Office of Research & Development E-mail: grant.huang@va.gov Citizenship: EDUCATION / TRAINING 1992 – 1996 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Psychology (with High Honors) Master of Science (M.S.) in Medical Psychology Uniformed Services University of the

Le candida albicans

NDLR. : Un nombre croissant de chercheurs, parmi lesquels ceux du DAN (Defeat Autism Now), soupçonnent que l'autisme soit le résultat d'un trouble du métabolisme pouvant entraver le bon fonctionnement du cerveau. En nous appuyant sur l'interaction probable entre les systèmes digestif, immunitaire et cérébral dans la Le candida albicans manifestation de l'autisme, nous aborderon

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Problèmes psychiatriques rencontrés dans la microdélétion 22q11.2 de l'enfance à l'adolescence et à l'âge de jeune adulte Dr Stephan Eliez Professeur en psychiatrie de l’enfant et de l’adolescent Faculté de Médecine – Université de Genève Les problèmes psychiatriques, passées les premières années de vie où les difficultés somatiques peuvent prendre une place i

Microsoft word - 00025.doc

The CAM in UME Project http://www.caminume.ca This material is made available through The CAM in UME Digital Resource Repository and is owned and copyrighted by the credited author(s). Materials are provided for educational purposes only. All copied materials must contain clear and proper citation. CAM IN UME AT DALHOUSIE 2006: CAM BASICS URL: http://www.cami

Apcbr convention july 19 10

Venue : Berjaya Times Square ASIA-PACIFIC CBR Date : 13, 14, 15, November 2010 CONVENTION CONVENTION FEES Registration: 190 USD Registration: 190 US 13, 14 & 15 November 2010 On site Registration: 250 USD Berjaya Times Square Conference fees include conference program Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia book, abstract book, stationery, and food (morning brea

Microsoft word - post-op laser instructions.doc

CENTER FOR FACIAL, ORAL & IMPLANT SURGERY Post-Op Laser Resurfacing Instructions Immediately after surgery: The skin of the face will be very pink or red and may have small areas of bleeding. The skin will ooze clear or strawberry colored fluid. Petrolatum ointment (Vaseline) will be applied immediately after surgery and should be left undisturbed until the next morning when you co


Le lendemain, il se réveilla tard, trempé de sueurs froides, et la première chose qu’il éprouva fut cette douleur à la poitrine qui n’avait pas disparu. Il se massa le côté droit et crut ressentir un élancement plus aigu. Pour ne rien arranger, il avait fait à nouveau ce rêve de noyade, signe d’anxiété chez lui. Sans doute parce que Goodrich lui avait parlé

Microsoft word - cfsinfo2010.doc

GENERAL INFORMATION BROCHURE ON ORTHOSTATIC INTOLERANCE AND ITS TREATMENT Orthostatic intolerance is an umbrella term for several conditions in which symptoms are made worse by upright posture and improve with recumbency. This document provides further information about neurally mediated hypotension (NMH) and postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS), two common forms of chronic orthostatic


CCC Heep Woh College 2012-2013 Monthly School Report February 2013 Social Worker Performance Appraisal Half Yearly Review On 1st February, Mr. Lo Chung Bill, Supervisor of School Social Worker, came to our school with social workers Ms. Wong Nga Man Rebakah and Mr. Leung Hon Sum Vincent. We had a meeting with Mr. Moy Ka Yiu, Vice-principal, Mr. Kwan Chi Ho, Guidance Master,

More test reports

Department of Anesthesiology University of Colorado Denver Bioscience East, Suite 100 1999 North Fitzsimons Parkway Aurora, Colorado 80045-7503, USA Phone: +1 303 724 5670 Fax: +1 303 724 5662TEST SAMPLEBUSINESS ADDRESSDENVER, COLORADO, 80202Accession: 3-189-12345Patient name: Tom SmithSample: 5218 Drug Class Summary Results for Comprehensive Urine Drug Test POSITIVE Analgesics POSI

Card no

206/1, Haji Chand Meah Road, Shamserpara, Department of General Pharmacology ITEM CARD PARTICULARS OF THE STUDENT Name of the Student: . Batch: ………….…. Session: ………….Group: . Roll No. : . Contact No. (1)Self: . Guardian: (1) Father: ……………………………. (2) Mother: …………………………… Date of Issue of Ca


Psychopharmacology for the Clinician The information in this column is not intended as a definitive treatment strategy but as a suggested approach for clinicians treating patientswith similar histories. Individual cases may vary and should be evaluated carefully before treatment is provided. The patient described in thiscolumn is a composite with characteristics of several real patients. Off

Acc.s en cardio

É n o n c é d e p o s i t i o n d u C o l l è g e d e s m é d e c i n s d u Q u é b e c N O V E M B R E 2 0 0 3 R É S E A U Q U É B É C O I SDE CARDIOLOGIE TERTIAIRE Table des matières Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Hémodynamie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Biographical summary of dr

Curriculum Vitae del Dr. Stefano Lauretti Data di aggionamento: 26 marzo 2008 1. Profilo Dirigente Medico I Livel o Urologia II. Ospedale CTO, Roma Direttore Unità Organizzativa di Andrologia e Day SurgeryResponsabile Protocolli di Ricerca Clinica, UOC Urologia IIConsigliere Società Italiana di Andrologia, Macroregione LAMS Lazio Abruzzo Molise SardegnaMembro Commissione Interdiscipli

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DRAW A LINE IN THE SAND – PARENT TESTIMONIES  July 2010    John Michael Connell born 03/20/2005 John was born 6 weeks early and diagnosed with Down Syndrome. Although he did not have heart problems or breathing issues, he was somewhat low-tone and had significant difficulties with drinking/feeding. He had occupational therapy in the hospital and immediately thereafter. OT a

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FROM: SAT SUBJECT: LONG PFIZER (PFE) Business Description: Pfizer is a research-based, global pharmaceutical company. It discovers, develops, manufactures, and markets some of the world’s leading prescription medicines for humans and animals, as well as many of the world’s best known consumer products. Investment Summary: Pfizer would make for a prime long-term investment. Th


ACTG A5294 (Clinician Summary Sheet) A Prospective, Phase III, Open-Label Study of Boceprevir, Pegylated-Interferon Alfa 2b and Ribavirin in HCV/HIV Coinfected Subjects (BIRTH) A Multicenter Trial of the Aids Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) Brief Description: Prospective, phase III, open-label, single-arm study of pegylated-interferon alfa 2b (PEG- IFN), ribavirin (RBV), an

A-1-24 amaryllis.pmd

Horticulture Center Demonstration & Community Gardens at East Meadow Farm Amaryllis Blooms come along rapidly after you plant an Amaryllis bulb –– some within 21 days. Care of the Bulb After Planting Place the newly-potted bulb on a sunny window sill in acool room (55-65° F). Water only when the top layer ofsoil in the container feels very dry to the touc

Effective maternity care quality improvement strategies: evidence-based practice current resources for evidence-based practice carol sakala, phd, msph, july/august 2007

EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE Current Resources for Evidence-Based Practice, July/August 2007 Published simultaneously in the Journal of Obstetric, Gyneco- ● Fetal movement counting for assessment of fetal well- logic and Neonatal Nursing 2007;36(4). ● Probiotics for preventing preterm labour IDENTIFYING EFFECTIVE MATERNITY CARE QUALITY Updated Systematic Reviews IMPROVEMENT STRA

Rep 20120328 diamorpine purity report final

NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Forensic Science Unit Report on the Quality of Diamorphine Seized in Scotland 2010 - 2011 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED SCDEA Forensic Science Unit Report on the Quality of Diamorphine seized by Police in Scotland, 2010 to 2011 The reader is advised that all references to diamorphine (heroin) in this report relate to her


COMUNE DI COMERIO Protocollo generale n ° 155 DETERMINAZIONE N° 25 / SETTORE CULTURA DEL 01/10/2013 OGGETTO: LIQUIDAZIONE CONTRIBUTO DELL’ASSOCIAZIONE “AMICI DELLA GROTTA REMERON” CON SEDE LEGALE A COMERIO. CIG. ZC50BD4204 Vista la deliberazione di Giunta Comunale n. 52 del 25/09/2013, ad oggetto “ Concessione contributo a favore dell’Associaz


SOMMAR-erbjudande! Ekologisk oreganoolja från vild oregano Perfekt i sommarens Husapotek Den vilda oreganooljans fantastiska egenskaper: Vår oreganoolja från Healthy Health är en helt naturlig produkt utvunnen av vild Oreganum Vulgare som växer fritt från föroreningar i avlägsna bergstrakter i västra Turkiet. Denna äkta oregano Oreganum Vulgare ska inte förväxla

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O NASCIMENTO DO CIDADÃO DIFERENTE: PROGNÓSTICO OU JULGAMENTO Universidade de Santo Amaro - INTRODUÇÃO E OBJETIVOS O nascimento de bebês em condições que exigem a intervenção de profissionais da saúde são bastante comuns. No entanto, quando a condição, como no caso das anomalias congênitas, indica o desenvolvimento de deficiência, impedimento ou desvantage


The NOC Regulations - Two Issues to Consider: (1) What goes on the Patent List? (2) What is the scope of a product by process claim? (1) What goes on the Patent List? The Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations (the "NOC Regulations") combine two separate regimes, one the regulatory regime and the other, the patent regime. One of the problems with t


Tioman Diving – Cuti-cuti Malaysia what to prepare for an open water diving course? I’m finally going ahead with an sunny and i get sun burnt easily. what are some basic items to bring on the boat with me? Kaki Cuti Cuti Malaysia answers: I’ve never been diving in Malaysia, so I can only offer advice for boat diving in general. Obviously if you burn easily you should bring some f


FINAL PROGRAM Friday April 19th, 2013 14:00 Herbert Frank (Tulln, Austria) 14:10 – 15:00 Session I IMAGING PROTOCOLS Chair: Herbert Frank (Tulln, Austria) Udo Hoffmann (Boston, USA) State of the art CT Image Protocols and Postprocessing Koen Nieman (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) State of the art CMR Image Protocols and Postprocessing Holg


IV CONGRESO NACIONAL DE GEOGRAFÍA DE UNIVERSIDADES PÚBLICAS Y XI JORNADAS CUYANAS DE GEOGRAFÍA 23, 24 y 25 DE OCTUBRE DE 2013 EJE 4- LA CIUDAD, OBJETO COMPLEJO MESA- El desafío de ordenar y gestionar la ciudad - MIERCOLES 23/10 (TARDE de 14.45 a 16.30) Coordinador/Moderador: RAPALI, Nadia Autor/es e institución Título del Trabajo Horario de exposición CAPDEVILA,

Questions for tom 2

LEGAL/LEASE QUESTIONS ATTORNEY TOM WAGNER 1. What would a “bonus” in a lease encompass? Just a sign on bonus? A "bonus" is a payment to induce the landowner to enter into a lease. Usually it is in the form of an advanced payment of delay rentals. A "delay rental" is a payment made, usually annually by the Lessee to hold the lease even though the Lessee is not drilling. B

Microsoft word - 09-nuclear.doc

Juniata County Appendix C Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Hazard Profiles Nuclear Failure Following the accident at Three Mile Island in 1979, the NRC reexamined the role of emergency planning for protection of the public in the vicinity of nuclear power plants. The NRC issued regulations requiring that before a plant could be licensed to operate, the NRC mu

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Normas Jurídicas de Nicaragua Gaceta No. 241 LEY DE AMPARO 20/12/88 LEY DE AMPARO Publicado en La Gaceta No. 241 de 20 de diciembre de 1988 EL PRESIDENTE DE LA REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA Hace saber al pueblo Nicaragüense que: LA ASAMBLEA NACIONAL DE LA REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA Que la Constitución Política para garantizar su supremacía estableció en sus artículos 187, 188, 1


Patient Name: ___________________________________________ DOB: ___________ Appt. Date: __________ Appt. Time: __________Patient Phone: _________________ Referring Physician: ______________________________ SPECIAL REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS:J E R E M Y N . W I E R S I G M . D . , P. A . Addl. Referring Physicians: _______________________________________________________❑ Films with Report to Offic

Sommet de simulation - appel de rÉsumÉs

APPEL DE RÉSUMÉS La date limite de soumission est le 1er juin 2012 Attention : enseignants de simulation et de développement professionnel continu, chercheurs, et directeurs de programmes ou de centre de simulation; nous vous invitons à nous soumettre vos propositions de résumés pour le Sommet de simulation de 2012. Thèmes et sujets abordés 1. Innovation 2.

Argumentaire et projet de calendrier-d

Université Paris-Est Marne la Vallée Laboratoire Espaces éthiques et politiques Collège des Bernardins Département de recherche éthique biomédicale Séminaire de recherche « Religion, éthique et médecine bio-tech » Argumentaire   La médecine occidentale est aujourd’hui confrontée à trois situations nouvelles qui D’une part, les patients — mais aussi d


FAA Accepted Medications Updated 12/12/12 FAA Medications Master List (*This is not an all inclusive list, those listed are for common ailments) The FAA has not published an official list of approved drugs. The following list of FAA accepted medications is the most accurate and complete information available on the listed date. This "master list" was developed by Pilot Me

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This report is a technical document which reveals the opinion of the JUNTA DE INVESTIGACIONES DE ACCIDENTES DE AVIACIÓN CIVIL (Air Accident Investigation Commission) regarding the events which surrounded the accident that is being investigated, As stipulated in Exhibit 13 of the CONVENIO SOBRE AVIACIÓN CIVIL INTERNACIONAL (INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION AGREEMENT) (Chicago / 44) confirmed


The “Challenge to the Citizenship” Debate Reconsidered from Japanese Experiences Research Committee on Sociology of Migration, RC 31XV ISA World Congress of Sociology, Brisbane, Australia, July 7-13, 2002 Contents A Challenge to the “Challenge to the Citizenship” Debate Formulating the Opposing Points Citizenships and Legitimizing Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Central Arizona College EMS 240 Advanced Cardiac Life Support Catalog Description: Didactic and psychomotor skills training and validation in techniques of Advanced Cardiac Life Support according to the Current Standards and Guidelines of the American Heart Association (AHA). Includes endotracheal intubation, ECG arrhythmia recognition, synchronized, unsynchronized and automated defibr

What are the primary features of rls

WHAT ARE THE PRIMARY FEATURES OF RLS? • There is a strong urge to move your legs which you may not be able to resist. The urge is usually, but not always, accompanied by uncomfortable sensations. They may be described as tingling, creepy-crawly, itching, pulling, tugging or gnawing. • The urge to move and uncomfortable sensations begin or worsen when at rest- for example, while sitting


Patient information from the BMJ Group Alzheimer's disease and other kinds of dementia Many of us forget things as we get older. But if someone has Alzheimer’s or another type of dementia, this forgetfulness gets very bad. The symptoms get worse over time and it can be a great strain to care for someone with Alzheimer's. We've looked at the best and most up-to-date research to produc

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Tips and Tools for Smoking Cessation by Dr. Mark Millard, Baylor University Dr. West: Hello and welcome. My name is Jack West, and I’m a Medical Oncologist in Seattle, Washington and the President and CEO of GRACE, the Global Resource for Advancing Cancer Education. We’ll continue with the second part of our webinar program with Dr. Mark Millard, Medical Director of the Baylo


MDT Lead Clinician Compliance Self Assessment Key Themes Structure and function of the service The MDT has a clear structure and operational policy. All core and extended team members arein place with adequate attendance at the MDT. The only issue is that there is no cover for theradiology core team member. The service now has the benefit of 2 specialist nurses which has helped

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MEDICATION GUIDE COLCRYS (KOL-kris) (colchicine) tablets Read the Medication Guide that comes with COLCRYS before you start taking it and each time you get a refill. There may be new information. This Medication Guide does not take the place of talking to your healthcare provider about your medical condition or treatment. You and your healthcare provider should talk about COLCR


Corporate GovernanCe in the nordiC Countries iCelanDiC Committee on Corporate GovernanCe 1. stronG General MeetinG powers 2. shares with Multiple votinG riGhts 3. stronG Minority proteCtion 4. effeCtive individual shareholder riGhts 5. non-exeCutive Boards 6. use of Board CoMMittees 7. auditors appointed By and aCCountaBle to the shareholders 8. aCtive Gover

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In return for free usage of this material, we ask that you: tell us where it’s going to be published include the byline (including a link to our website) How To Create Speculative Ads For Your Portfolio If you want to get work in an advertising agency, your portfolio is vital! Here’s a series of great briefs to get stuck into. Follow the brief, come up with at least 25 great ideas for

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Leseprobe aus: Wilfried Schütz – Ganzheitliche Astromedizin Pathophysiologie medizinisch — astrologisch (Pathophysiologie: gr . Lehre von den Krankheitsvorgängen) Um das Gleichnishafte des Krankheitsgeschehens besser erfassen zu können und zu unserer gewohnten naturwissenschaftlichen Betrachtungsweise eine Brücke zu schlagen, beschäftigen wir uns im Folgenden beispielhaft mit der


CESNI, la crisis, el hambre y el mañana Boletín CESNI Volumen 12 Diciembre 2002 (Versión Borrador, no reproducible) EDITORIAL Argentina atraviesa la peor crisis socioeconómica de toda su historia. El desempleo supera el 20% de la población activa, la pobreza prácticamente abarca al 60% de la población mientras que un cuarto de ella es directamente indigente. Más aú

Int055e2 data sheet v

Product Information Sheet Mouse CYP2B10LR Bactosomes Mouse Cyp2b10 and mouse CYP-reductase coexpressed in Escherichia coli 50 mM Tris-acetate (pH 7.6), 250 mM sucrose, 0.25 mM EDTA Store at -80ºC. Avoid frequent temperature changes. Thaw on ice. For laboratory (research) purposes only. Approved by ______________________________ 1Unless otherwise stated, al assays are carried ou

Cv- 001-05-médicos.pdf



Bouillon mit Einlage (frische Flädli oder Ei) Hausgemachte Bündner Gerstensuppe Bruschetta mit einer hausgemachten, pikanten Tomatenvariation auf getoastetem Brot Cordon bleu (vom Schwein) ca. 380-400 gr. mit Vorderschinken, Bergkäse und Pommes frites Lady Cordon bleu (vom Schwein) ca.200-250 gr. mit Vorderschinken, Bergkäse und Pommes frites Schnitzel nach Wiene

Microsoft word - addendum 2 to 063-07.doc

The following changes to the bid documents, as specified by this addendum, are as follows: The following is a listing of the questions obtained from prospective bidders before, during, and after the scheduled pre-bid conference and site visit. The deadline for questions was Friday, October 19, 2007. When multiple vendors asked essentially the same question, it has been phrased herein to capture

Peanuts trial - drug accountability form

PEANUTS trial: PErioperative ANtibiotic Use in the Treatment of acute calculous cholecystitiS ; a randomized controlled, open, parallel, non-inferiority multicenter trial . Trialnr: NL38015.100.11 Single pre-operative prophylactic dose (cefazoline 2000mg intravenous) Drug accountability form Investigators: Dr. D.Boerma K.Kortram: k.kortram@antoniusziekenhuis.nl // 020 4444444 //

Microsoft word - lettera danza stagione 2008-2009

- PROPEDEUTICA ALLA DANZA – Propedeutico (J1) : ad a bambini/e di età compresa tra i 4 ed i 5 anni. che verranno introdotte alla danza attraverso il gioco, la creatività, il ritmo, l’espressione corporea e l’improvvisazione. MONOSETTIMANALE. Insegnante: Vanessa. A tale corso è abbinato il corso Classico Propedeutico (CP) (vedi Danza Classica pagine seguenti) Debuttanti (J2)

Microsoft word - c3 jannini-lenzi.doc

Rivista di Sessuologia, Vol 30 – n.4 anno 2006 PSICOBIOLOGIA DELL'EIACULAZIONE PRECOCE E.A. JANNINI*, A. LENZI** Sommario Nel passato, l’eiaculazione precoce era considerata un sintomo tipicamente relazionale e/o intrapsichico. Per questa ragione sono fioriti numerosi approcci comportamentali e psicorelazionali basati sull’idea originaria di curare i problemi sessuali con un

Educator performance standards for classroom teachers, special educators, reading specialists, mathematics specialists, esl teachers and special subject teachers

Educator Performance Standards for Classroom Teachers, Special Educators, Reading Specialists, Mathematics Specialists, ESL Teachers and Special Subject Teachers Standard 1: Educators create learning experiences that reflect an understanding of central concepts, structures, and tools of inquiry of their discipline. Expectations. 1.1 know their discipline and understand how knowled

Microsoft word - rfp-laboratory.2012.docx

Coastal Plains Community Center Proposal Due Date: 4:00 P.M. CST, August 3, 2012 This RFP is issued by COASTAL PLAINS COMMUNITY CENTER (CPCC), a Community Mental Health and Mental Retardation Center and a governmental unit of the State of Texas under the provisions of Vernon’s Texas Codes Annotated, Health and Safety Code, Chapter 534, as amended, (the “Center”), for the purposes of

What is meningococcal disease (illness)

Q & A on Meningococcal Disease and Vaccine Update, June, 2011 What is meningococcal disease? Meningococcal disease is caused by bacteria (germs) called Neisseria meningitidis . Although meningococcal disease is uncommon, it is a very serious disease. The infection can develop very quickly and can be fatal in 10 per cent of cases or more. If infection is diagnosed early enough and

Market movement

Compiled by Corporate Catalyst (India) Pvt Ltd Period: September 1 – September 7, 2012 MARKET MOVEMENT Major Indices August 31, 2012 September 7, 2012 % Change Change POLICY WATCH  Commerce Ministry in favour of unrestricted exports of processed foods  Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor project gets approval to access ECB  India seeks Japan's support for

Microsoft word - curriculum vitae

Faculty of Chemistry, University of Tabriz Tel: +98 411 3393109 Fax: +98 411 3340191 EDUCATION University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran PhD in Analytical Chemistry, June 2004 Thesis: “Study of the luminescence properties of some pharmaceutical compounds in organized media and application in analysis” Thesis supervisor: Prof. Jamshid L. Manzoori MSc in Analytical Chemistry, December 1998 Thesis:

Microsoft word - 2009 aocog ranzcog asm prov program 18feb09 website.doc

Provisional Program (at 18 February 2009) 0800-0930 AOFOG Executive Meeting Venue: 1000-1700 AOFOG Council Meeting Venue: Marlborough Room 2 1200-2130 Registration Desk Open 1800-2000 Opening Ceremony Venue: New Zealand Room 2000-2130 Welcome Reception Venue: Trade Exhibition Breakfast Sessions – Meet the experts 0800-0900 B1: Antenatal scr

Jury recommends review of detox policy copy

Jury recommends review of detox policy;Inquest Family of inmate who committed suicide believe he was trying to get to a hospital. [Saint John, N.B] 19 May 2007: B2. Abstract (summary)Translate"We do not agree with the jail doctor taking away Jeff's Fentanyl patch," [Ray Cormier] read. "If they had consulted with Jeff's doctor they would have found out the reasons why, including th

Draft program

2nd Northern Australia Malaria Symposium 23 April 2012 Long Tan Room, Kedron Wavell Services Club, Chermside 9.00 – 10.05am SESSION I Chair: Professor Dennis Shanks Keynote speaker: Tom Burkot The malaria eradication agenda: getting it right the second time Speaker 2 – John de Jersey Inhibitors of purine salvage as antimalarial drug candidates Sp

Medications to be avoided

Jackie Crawford Cardiac Inherited Disease Co-ordinator C/- Paediatric Cardiology; Level 3 Starship; Auckland City Hospital Private Bag 92024; Auckland Cardiac Inherited Disease Group Phone: (09) 3074949 ext 23634 www.cidg.org Fax: (09) 6309877 Email: jackiec@adhb.govt.nz Medications to be avoided, or requiring special caution, in people with Long QT syndrome This lis

Microsoft word - travelers first aid kit_11.03.06.doc

Traveler's First Aid Kit A personal first aid kit is an efficient way to prepare for unexpected emergencies, both while traveling and at home. A standard kit canbe purchased at most pharmacies and department stores or you may wish to design a specialized first aid kit that meets your ownparticular needs. A tote bag is a convenient way to store all of the supplies in your kit. It allows enough r

Evidence submission from anonymous (334)

THE COMMISSION ON ASSISTED DYING: PUBLIC CALL FOR EVIDENCE Evidence from: Name: Anonymous This document is a public call for evidence by the Commission on Assisted Dying to seek evidence from members of the public regarding: • What system, if any, should exist to allow people to be • The circumstances under which it should be possible for • Who should be entitled to be assi

Microsoft word - checklist of reqmt. for drug distributor & medical devices

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG DISTRIBUTOR / MANUFACTURER; MEDICAL DEVICE; COSMETIC ESTABLISHMENTS General Requirements: (ALL FORMS TO BE ACCOMPLISHED IN TRIPLICATE) _________ Information as to activity of the establishment _________ Notarized Accomplished Petition Form / Joint Affidavit of Undertaking _________ Photocopy of Business Name Registration with DTI (if single proprietor); with SEC


FIGURE 3-24 Approach to hyperkalemia: hyperkalemiawith reduced glomerular filtration rate(GFR). Normokalemia can be maintained in patients who consume normal quantitiesof potassium until GFR decreases to lessthan 10 mL/min; however, diminished GFRpredisposes patients to hyperkalemia fromexcessive exogenous or endogenous potassi-um loads. Hidden sources of endogenous andexogenous potassi


Case: 07-2271 Document: 00318362723 Page: 1 Date Filed: 03/31/2009 PRECEDENTIAL by the United States Nuclear Regulatory CommissionBefore: McKEE, SMITH and ROTH, Circuit JudgesCase: 07-2271 Document: 00318362723 Page: 2 Date Filed: 03/31/2009Anne Milgram, Esquire Attorney General of New Jersey Nancy Kaplen, Esquire Assistant Attorney General of Counsel Ellen B. Balint, Esquire Eileen P. Kell


Publication of its own policy rate path boosts the effectiveness of central bank monetary policy “For not only do expectations about policy matter, but, at least under current conditions, very little else matters.” 1. IntroductionMajor changes have taken place in the way that central banks organise and present their monetary policy decisions in recent years. Most cen-tral banks now emphasi

Microsoft word - boletin cime vareniclina julio 2008 ultimo.doc

CENTRO DE INFORMACIÓN DE MEDICAMENTOS FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS QUÍMICAS. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE CÓRDOBA Caffaratti, M.; Lascano, V.; Mazzieri M.R. VARENICLINA: ADVERTENCIAS SOBRE SÍNTOMAS NEUROPSIQUIÁTRICOS Introducción La vareniclina es una innovación terapéutica, utilizada en adultos para dejar de fumar. En mayo de 2006 recibió la aprobación de la FDA (Administr


Case Study in Otitis Media: The Corrective Aspect of Craniosacral Fascial Therapy By Submitted for publication – July 12, 2009 For verification of this report, please contact: Charles Egan’s mother and father Michelle and Pat Egan
 219 Ravenscliff Road
 St. Davids, Pa. 19087 USA 610-225-0209 mcegan@attaluscapital.com His treating medical doctor is: Gordon-Klinow Pediatric Associates Har


BSMS/BSUH 7th Annual Research Symposium – Sexual Health Thursday 1st October, 9.00 – 5.00pm, Audrey Emerton Building Morning Session Programme Registration and Tea & Coffee Introduction Professor Jon Cohen, Dean, Brighton and Sussex Medical School Plenary Lecture – STI & HIV Prevention for Improved Population Sexual Health Professor Graham J Hart Ph

Pii: s0955-0674(00)00280-5

Mammalian G1- and S-phase checkpoints in response to DNA damage Jiri Bartek* and Jiri Lukas The ability to preserve genomic integrity is a fundamentalirreparable, checkpoints eliminate such potentiallyfeature of life. Recent findings regarding the molecular basis hazardous cells by permanent cell-cycle arrest or cell death. of the cell-cycle checkpoint responses of mammalian cells togenotox


PATIENT INFORMATION SHEET What are the signs and symptoms of swine flu in people? The symptoms of swine flu (influenza) in people are similar to the symptoms of regular seasonal human flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people have reported diarrhoea and vomiting associated with swine flu. Severe illness (pneumonia and respiratory fai

Edital pregÃo 008-2006

EDITAL DE LICITAÇÃO MODALIDADE: PREGÃO PRESENCIAL Nº 008/2.006 TIPO: MENOR PREÇO POR ITEM EDITAL DE PREGÃO N° 008/2.006 DATA DA REALIZAÇÃO: 20 de março de 2.006 HORÁRIO: 08:00 horas. LOCAL: Prefeitura Municipal de Serranópolis de Minas/MG – Sala de Reuniões. O município de Serranópolis de Minas, Estado de Minas Gerais, torna público que realizará licita

Is it cancer - proceedings of the wsava 2007

Proceedings of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association Sydney, Australia – 2007 Hosted by: Next WSAVA Congress Published in IVIS with the permission of the WSAVA Diplomate, ACVIM (Oncology and Internal Medicine) The Animal Medical Center 510 East 62nd Street, NY, NY USA Although one would think the diagnosis of cancer is straightforward, simple and unequivocal, t


J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod 2003 ; 32 : 466-475. Travail original Allaitement maternel et médicaments G. Gremmo-Féger*, M. Dobrzynski**, M. Collet* * Service de Gynécologie Obstétrique,** Service de Pédiatrie, CHU Brest, 5, avenue Foch, 29609 Brest Cedex. RÉSUMÉ L’allaitement maternel présente de très nombreux avantages pour la mère et l’enfant. La prise de médicaments p


Abstenerse en todo momento de infligir o tolerar actos de tortura, XXII. Atender con diligencia la solicitud de informe, queja o IX. Mantener en buen estado el armamento, material, municiones y aún cuando se trate de una orden superior o se argumenten auxilio de la ciudadanía, o de sus propios subordinados, equipo que se le asigne con motivo de sus funciones, haciendo circunstancias espec

Two easy ways to sleep better tonight

Two Easy Ways to Sleep Better Tonight by Charles PoliquinTwo of the most common questions I am asked are: “What can I do to help me sleep?” and “What is the best form of magnesium?” Not surprisingly, there is actually a connection between the two. First, let me specifically address the question of the best form of magnesium. The easy answer would be to tell everyone there is simply one

Microsoft word - placebo de antidepresivas_26-02-08.doc

Un estudio revela que los antidepresivos más populares no sirven para combatir depresiones leves y moderadas MÓNICA L. FERRADO - Barcelona - 27/02/2008 El Prozac, el antidepresivo ya consagrado como símbolo del siglo XXI con 40 millones de consumidores en todo el mundo, vuelve a ser cuestionado. Según los resultados de un metanálisis que publica PLoS Medicine, la fluoxetina, el principio ac

Material safety data sheet

Synonyms: Salt; Rock Salt; Saline; Table Salt CAS No.: 7647-14-5 Molecular Weight: 58.44 Chemical Formula: NaCl Manufacturer/Supplier: Globe Chemicals GmbH Spohrstr. 2 D-22083 Hamburg Deutschland 2. Composition/Information on Ingredients Ingredient CAS No Percent Hazardous --------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ --------- Sodium Chloride 7647-14-5 99 -


Medical and Dental History Care For Smiles Private and Confidential. Page 1 of 2. Dr Rosemary Phillipos and her team welcome you to Care For Smiles . We assure you a caring and gentle environment and our complete attention to make your visit comfortable and relaxing. To assist in determining your treatment needs, please fill both sides of this form. Contact Details Surna

Microsoft word - reconciliacion, camino a la libertad 2000

Conferencia Episcopal Argentina I S C A Instituto Superior de Catequesis Argentina LA RECONCILIACIÓN: CAMINO DE LIBERTAD LA RECONCILIACIÓN: CAMINO DE LIBERTAD INTRODUCCIÓN . El hombre es el peregrino que permanentemente cambia de paisajes, situaciones, acontecimientos. Somos peregrinos, siempre distintos el uno del otro; peregrinos por el camino de la vida, con sus l a

(\(unsaved publication\))

I L :::: Selecting a Scanner Our Pick YAESU’s LATEST SCANNING RECEIVERS Scanners are much different from other consumer-level radios----or even shortwave radios, for that matter. If you're looking to buy your first scanner radio, you probably feel a bit confused and overwhelmed by the features and specifications of the models you're considering! As with most consumer items, there is

Eugenio anessi pessina

CURRICULUM ATTIVITÀ SCIENTIFICA E DIDATTICA MARIA CATERINA CAVALLO DATI ANAGRAFICI Luogo e data di nascita: Matera, 25 ottobre 1968 E-mail: mariacaterina.cavallo@unibocconi.it CURRICULUM DI STUDI 1993: UNIVERSITÀ L. BOCCONI, MILANO. LAUREA IN ECONOMIA AZIENDALE Indirizzo specializzato in Economia delle Amministrazioni Pubbliche. BORSE, CONTRATTI E POSIZIONI RICOPERT

Evoluer 4-4 msds.pdf

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTION 1: PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME: Evoluer 4-4 ULV EPA REG. NUMBER: 769-982 PRODUCT NUMBER: 51020, 51021, 51022, 51023, 51024 MANUFACTURER: Value Garden Supply ADDRESS: P.O. Box 585, St. Joseph, MO 64502 WEBSITE: www.allprovector.com MANUFACTURER PHONE: (888) 603-1008 MANUFACTURER FAX PHONE: (952) 884-6149 EMERGEN


Diagnostic de l’allergie aux médicaments Isabelle GUILLOT, Audrey NOSBAUM, Florence COUSIN, Véronique CHAMBOST, Ane KERHOAS, Fréderic BÉRARD, Jean-François NICOLAS Unité Allergologie et Immunologie Clinique, CH Lyon-Sud, 69495 Pierre-Benite Cedex INSERM U 503, IFR 128 Biosciences Lyon-Gerland, av. Tony-Garnier, 69007 Lyon L’exploration allergologique d’une réaction induite

Reconstrução de maxila atrófica com osso autógeno de crista ilíaca anterior: relato de caso

Reconstrução de Maxila Atrófica com Osso Autógeno de Crista Ilíaca Anterior: Relato de Caso Atrophic Maxilla Reconstruction with Autogenous Bone Graft from the Anterior Iliac Crest: Case Report Andrea Ashcar Cury C.D.*; Bruno Renato Schmidt C.D.**; Paulo Sergio Rosa Lima C.D.***; Luis Carlos Yshikawa**** MD; Maurício Pegoraro*****MD. Sinopse Este artigo tem a finalidade de d


(Agenzia di cittadinanza, Milano 29.10. 02)1. Non sapendo chi ringraziare, o con chi prendermela, per avermi affidato l’incarico di parlare a questo convegno, cominceró col prendermela col titolo. Siluppare in modo esauriente le 3 dimensioni, tutte e tre relativamente nuove ed acerbe, che esso propone, supera decisamente le mie capacità che, ve ne accorgerete subito, non sono infinite. In q


X. PEP FOR EXPOSED WORKERS WHO ARE PREGNANT OR BREASTFEEDING A. Exposed Workers Who Are Pregnant RECOMMENDATIONS: Based on increasing clinical experience with ART, PEP is indicated at any time during pregnancy when a significant exposure has occurred, despite possible risk to the woman and the fetus. (AII) Expert consultation should be sought. When occupational exposure to HIV occurs, e

The canine first aid kit

CQ Health Flash A follow-up with your Vet is always recommended after treating an urgent situation. Animal Poison Control Center : 888-426-4435 Being prepared with a Canine First Aid Kit may help you to help your canine companion through minor bumps and bruises and more serious illness or injury, giving you the precious extra time you may need to reach adequate veterinary care. Canine Fi


Changes to the Altius Preferred Drug List will be based on recommendation from Altius’ Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee and modifications may occur quarterly. Actual benefits on your plan may vary regarding drug coverage, copays, coinsurance, quantity limits, days supply, and prior authorization. This document is a brief list of the most requested preferred brand name and

Rational aed

Seizure •An occasional excessive and disordered discharge of nerve tissue •Manifestation of transient hypersynchronous abnormal neuronal behavior Definition – Seizure – transient manifestation of abnormal hypersynchronous discharges of cortical neurons – Epilepsy – disorder characterized by the occurrence of at least 2 unprovoked seizures – Epileptic syndrome – a

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Microsoft word - emc minutes - 2008 06 18 .doc

Subject of Meeting: Date: Meeting Time: Report Date: MEETING REPORT NO. 2 for 2008 Recorder: Page 1 of 3 Note: If any of the contents of this meeting report differ in any respect from your own recollection of the points discussed or decisions reached, please notify the recorder immediately. In the meantime, the action items may proceed in accordance with t


Pflanzenhormone und hormonartig wirkende Heilpflanzen 43 Frauenkräuterportraits von A bis Z Alant — Sonnenkraft für die Wechseljahre Angelika — Die Lichtbringerin für Bauch und Seele Arnika — Erste Hilfe bei Geburtsblutungen Bärentraube — Ein pflanzliches Antibiotikum bei Zystitis Bärwurz — Die Kraftwurzel für die Gebärmutter Basilikum — Fördert Hingabe und Empfängnis


Foglio informativo n. 201/021. Libretto di deposito a risparmio. Libretto nominativo. Informazioni sulla banca. Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna S.p.A. Sede Legale e Amministrativa: Via Farini 22 - 40124 Bologna. Tel.: 800.303.306 (Privati), 800.343.034 (Piccole Imprese), 800.714.714 (Imprese). Sito internet:Iscritta all’Albo delle Banche al n° 5466. Appartenente al gruppo bancario

Microsoft word - himizu_ver1.4_.doc

Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Imides Catalyzed by Novel Cp*Ru(PN) Complex Masato Ito, Akio Himizu, Chika Kobayashi, and Takao Ikariya Department of Applied Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo 152-8552 We have recently developed a highly tunable bifunctional functionalized chiral hydroxyamides 3b–h with excellent ees, as molecular catalyst, Cp*Ru(PN), based on metal–ligan


Providing stop smoking support for patients who want to stop smoking – Service Specification Tier 2 Service 1. Introduction Smoking is the single biggest preventable cause of il ness and premature death in the UK. It is estimated that 87,000 people die in the UK each year because of smoking. Approximately 29% of the population across Bradford smoke, however, smoking rates varycons

Syllabus template

GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT EDUC500.621: Basics of Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (1 credit) Spring/2012 Tuesday - Saturday/12-6pm January 17th – January 21st 2012 Loudoun Academy of Science– Dominon High School, Sterling, VA. Instructor: Dr. Geraldine Grant Phone: 703-993-4292 703-993-4393 ggrant1@gmu.

Microsoft word - altitude illness 2008.doc

Altitude Illness Symptoms of altitude illness can begin to occur at 8,000ft (2,400m) or lower, but serious altitude illness is rare below 10,000 ft (3,000 m). Symptoms occur due to your body not adapting well to having less oxygen at high altitudes. At 18,000 ft (5,500m), there is 1/2 the oxygen available as at sea level and it is about 1/3rd on top of Mount Everest. The body tries to ada

Material safety data sheet

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Material: Nix Lice Control Spray Code Number: 024788 Chemical Name: Permethrin Supplier: Insight Pharmaceuticals 550 Township Line Rd., Suite 300 Blue Bell, PA 19422-2726 USA Formula: below DOT Number: None COMPOSITION/HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS Composition Exposure Limit HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Hazard Description

Microsoft word - carnevalebiblio.doc

Carnevale Combattimento fra Carnevale e Quaresima Pieter Bruegel Biblioteca comunale vattelapesca in collaborazione con Consorzio Sistema Bibliotecario Nord – Ovest Milano “ Un significato del tutto particolare aveva l’abolizione di tutti i rapporti gerarchici. In effetti durante le feste ufficiali … La festa consacrava l’ineguaglianza. Al contrario, nel carnevale tutt


“1st WORLD MEETING ON LASERS, LASERTHERAPY, Congress Center Sheraton Hotel – Catania Chairs: Bartolomucci Giorgio, Bencini Pier Luca, Bonan Paolo, Campolmi Piero, Cannarozzo Giovanni, Dattola Santo, Ferrari Angelo, Lopreiato Raffaele, Nisticò Steven, Petrini Nerella, Piccolo Domenico, Sannino Mario, Zagni Giovanni Fabio, Zerbinati Nicola. 1) Surgical lasers and fractional laser Cannarozzo

Ketoconazol de administración sistémica (comprimidos): suspensión de comercialización

Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios AEMPS Consulte también al final de esta nota informativa la actualización de 24 de octubre de 2013 sobre la fecha de suspensión de comercialización. KETOCONAZOL DE ADMINISTRACIÓN SISTÉMICA (COMPRIMIDOS): SUSPENSIÓN DE COMERCIALIZACIÓN Fecha de publicación: 29 de julio de 2013 Categoría: MEDICAMENTOS

Anexo técnico

Alcance de la Acreditación Dirección: Corregimiento de Ancón, Avenida Curundu, Zona Procesadora de Albrook Local No 6 Distrito de Panamá, Provincia de Panamá Correo electrónico: alsin.angelo@intertek.com Está acreditado por El Consejo Nacional de Acreditación, conforme a los criterios recogidos en la Norma DGNTI-COPANIT-ISO 17025 como laboratorios de ensayos, las instalaciones ubica


NECESSARIO UN ATTEGGIAMENTO TERAPEUTICO PIÙ AGGRESSIVO Le ultime acquisizioni P otezione r otezione r cliniche suggeriscono di ricorrere sempre più precocemente si gioca sul tempo all’Ace-inibitore nei pazienti diabetici ipertesi, anche quando non mostrano ancora la salvaguardia la salvaguar segni di sofferenza renale. Questo anche nell’ottica della


H. CONGRESO DEL ESTADO DE TABASCO COORDINADOR DE LA FRACCION PARLAMENTARIA “2010 AÑO DEL BICENTENARIO DE LA INDEPENDENCIA DE MÉXICO Y DEL CENTENARIO DE LA REVOLUCIÓN MEXICANA” ASUNTO: Se Exhorta al Gobernador del Estado, al Titular de la Secretaria de Salud Estatal y a los 17 Presidentes Municipales en la Entidad, para que en el ámbito de su esfera competencia, atiendan

Etica contemporânea - eliana sales paiva – maio – 2008 – seminário da prainha

UM RECORTE DEMARCADOR NA ÉTICA CONTEMPORÂNEA: A PERSPECTIVA TERAPÊUTICA. Resumo: A contemporaneidade colocou em “xeque-mate” a crença messiânica da ciência, pois na realidade a ciência, que havia prometido uma verdade e um progresso, lançou a todos e tudo num reduto de incertezas. O debate sobre a atuação da ciência aparece avindo dos outros saberes como da arte, da f

Regulamento interno

1. tem como finalidade completar e especificar aspectos que estão estabelecidos nos Estatutos, para operacionalizar a sua implementação; 2. vigora a partir da data da sua aprovação em Assembleia Geral até que esta delibere a sua alteração ou anulação. 1. As Comissões previstas no número 2 do Art.º 12º dos Estatutos: a. São constituídas por associados e em casos justificados,


Sealed tenders are invited for supply of medicines on daily/monthly basis to the Indian Red Cross Society, U.T. Branch, Chandigarh for the year 2009-10. The Tenderer for medicines must have a valid Drug/Medicine Sale The Tenderers must have a minimum of three year experience in the field and their annual turnover for 3 years i.e. 2006-07, 2007-08 and 2008-09 must not be less than Rs. 30 lacs.


Presentation The involvement of protein S100A1 in heart diseaseARC is required for cardioprotection in response to biomechanical andA novel mode of cardiac calcium signalling Murigande TNf-a and IGF-1 decrease MAFbx mRNA expression and increase cell viability 50, 61 through different pathways in adult rat cardiomyocytes . Ackermann The role of s100A1 in cardiac arrhythmias uncovere


Közlemény A Magyar Antidopping Csoport szorosan együttműködve a magyar sportolókkal, és a hazai sportszervezetekkel, tájékoztatást kíván adni, a WADA 2009. október 1-én nyil-vánosságra hozott, 2010. évi új Tiltólistájáról. A változások részletesen megtalálhatók awww.wada-ama.org, illetve a www.antidopping.hu honlapokon. Kiemelt változásoK a 2010-es tiltólistá

Microsoft word - 04_tadeu lemos e analice gigliotti.doc

TABAGISMO E COMORBIDADES PSIQUIÁTRICAS Médico Especialista em Dependência Química e Doutor em Neurociência pela Universidade Federal de São Paulo – UNIFESP. Professor de Psicofarmacologia da Médica Psiquiatra. Mestre em Psiquiatria pela Universidade Federal de São Paulo – UNIFESP. Professora de Psiquiatria e Chefe do Setor de Dependência Química do Serviço de Psiquiatria da


Le informazioni contenute in questa scheda verrann o pubblicate sul sito dell’Università Telematica UNINETTUNO Corso di Laurea: Discipline Psicosociali Studi Liceo Classico A. Manzoni, Milano: 1965-1970. Università degli Studi di Milano: 1976, Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia, con lode. Università degli Studi di Milano: 1980, Specializzazione in Neurologia, con lode. Posizioni

New referral form

Canterbury Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Kurt F. Martin, DDS, MD Ronald L. Roholt, DDS, MD Craig E. Miller, DDS Referring Doctor_________________________________________Person that Scheduled________________________________________ Patient Name_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Patient Address________


Health & Wellness ADHD Medication: CPR: Lay Rescuer Focusses on core material regarding respira- Health Care Professional tory emergencies and how to give first aid for a cardiac emergency as a lay rescuer. If you are a concerned parent of a child on Learn CPR and relief of choking in adults, ritalin, or other psychoactive drug, then this workshop is a

Microsoft word - eugenio perez mifsud

CONFÉDÉRATION INTERNATIONALE DU CRÉDIT AGRICOLE ZURICH – SUISSE Staubstrasse 1 - Téléphone +41- - Fax +41 - RÉUNION DU COMITÉ CENTRAL VALENCIA, DU 28 AU 30 AVRIL 2006 El análisis económico de la Copa America Eugenio Pérez Mifsud Comisionado Especial para la Copa America El análisis económico de la Copa America: Introducción

Microsoft word - 2010 camper application - additional forms.doc

Information Release Form To help us determine if our camp is an appropriate setting for your child, we will need to access confidential information from your child’s physician, social worker, caseworker, therapist, Below you will find a statement of consent. Please sign it, and include it in the completed application packet you send back to us. Thank your again for applying t

Delibera di consiglio comunale n. 44 del 28-11-2009

COMUNE DI VILLA ESTENSE Deliberazione N . 44 O R I G I N A L E VERBALE DI DELIBERAZIONE DEL CONSIGLIO COMUNALE Adunanza Straordinaria di PRIMA convocazione seduta PUBBLICA OGGETTO: Riconoscimento debiti fuori bilancio. L’anno Duemilanove addì Ventotto del mese di Novembre alle ore 10,15 nella Residenza Municipale, per chiamata con avvisi scritti protocollo n


Title A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R (2nd Edition)Author Brian S. Everitt and Torsten HothornMaintainer Torsten Hothorn <Torsten.Hothorn@R-project.org>Description Functions, data sets, analyses and examples from the second edition of the book`A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R' (Brian S. Everitt and TorstenHothorn, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2008). The first chapterof th

Pii: s0959-4388(00)00132-x

Cognitive neuroscience Thomas D Albright*, Eric R Kandel† and Michael I Posner‡ The last decade of the 20th century has seen the developmentdisparate subfields of biology into one coherent disci-of cognitive neuroscience as an effort to understand how thepline. Almost all of the other unifications have beenbrain represents mental events. We review the areas ofspearheaded by the synthet


Hoodia diet pill kil s the appetite and attacks obesity, it is organic with no synthetic or artificial appetite control agents, has no side effects, contains a miracle molecule (up to 100,000 times more powerful than glucose) that fools the brain into believing you are ful , and even stops you from thinking about food. After taking Hoodia pil s, you can loose from 2kg up to 10kg per month.

Microsoft word - parent of adolescent questionnaire

CEDAR CREEK ASSOCIATES …private, independent practitioners PARENT OF ADOLESCENT QUESTIONNAIRE Personal and Family Information Name of adolescent If your child was adopted, please answer the following questions: At what age was the child adopted? Does the child know he or she is adopted? If yes, at what age was the child told? Has your child had any contact with

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CATS Poster Session 2013 – Friday, sclerosing hemangioma. R. Razzak, J. Veenstra, September 20 12:00 Exhibit Hall K.C. Stewart, J. Abele, E.L.R. Bédard. From the tomography versus water-soluble contrast 1210 iThoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) seen Division of Thoracic Surgery, Department of from a complexity perspective: the role of perforation or anastomotic leak complicating

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Succulents Now Telephone 07 3802 0748 Email: succulents_now@yahoo.com.au Price List & Order Form 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 7.5 10 12 15 17 20 22 25 A kotschoubeyanus v macdougallii x A kotsch FMM103 Ariocarpus retusus San Rafael, pink flower Astrophytum asterias yellow and pink flower A. asterias cv. ‘Superkabuto’ plant diameter (cm) A. asterias cv. ‘Superkabuto’ V

Successful augmentation of clozapine-resistant treatment of schizophrenia with clonidine

Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry xxx (2010) xxx–xxxProgress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biologicalj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / p n pSuccessful augmentation of clozapine-resistant treatment ofnoticed that he was more communicative and that he spontaneouslyinitiated actions like answering the phone or w


MOST COMMONLY PRESCRIBED DRUGS (Preferred Drug List) EFFECTIVE jaNUaRY 1, 2007 The Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas most commonly If you are currently taking a drug that is not shown on this list, prescribed preferred drugs are listed below. This list does not cal Customer Service at the number located on the back of your include all of the preferred drugs that are included in yo


In the next chapter, we’ll introduce you to a number of South Africa’s leading employers. However, we also want to present you some other 5 options that exist after you graduate. You can, for example, go abroad, work for a charitable organisation or start your own business. 5.1 Starting your own business If you decide to start your own business, there are several practical and legal ma

Microsoft word - protocolo cef08

Estrada da Serra, Quinta do Contador em Tomar, NIPC 503 767 549, representado pelo Manuel I, NIPC 506 563 774, representada pelo respectivo Presidente, DrÉ celebrado a presente Protocolo entre ambos celebrado em 22/02/2008, que se regerá É acordada a criação de uma unidade funcional interinstitucional denominada CEFGA – Centro de Estudos de Fotografia da Golegã, adiante designado a

Preventive drug list

If t his list does not answer your question(s), please send an email to: BenefitOffice@cinbell.com We will work with Medco to answer your question(s) as quickly as possible. Preventive medications In addition to a healthy lifestyle, preventive medications can help people avoid many illnesses and conditions. A consumer-directed health (CDH) plan that includes preventive medications can he


Medication Guide Duloxetine Delayed-Release Capsules USP Read the Medication Guide that comes with duloxetine delayed-release capsules before you start taking them and each time you get a refill. There may be new information. This Medication Guide does not take the place of talking to your healthcare provider about your medical condition or treatment. Talk with your healthcare provider if th

The pruritic dog

THE PRURITIC DOG BVSc (Hons) MMedVet (Med) PhD Dipl. ECVIM (Internal Medicine) PO Box 67092, Bryanston, 2021, South Africa INTRODUCTION Pruritus can be defined as the sensation that elicits the desire to scratch and/or chew and is assumed to occur in dogs that show erythema, excoriations, alopecia, lichenification, or hyperpigmentation. Pruritus is the most common clinical manifesta

Microsoft word - compleradraftb.doc

For inquiries between 8am-10pm and for emergencies 24 hours call: 1-888-511-6222 St. Paul’s Hospital (SPH) Ambulatory Care Pharmacists: 604-806-8151. Please call two weeks in advance if booking a SPH pharmacy appointment with the receptionist at 604-806-8060. COMPLERA (RILPIVIRINE, EMTRICITABINE & TENOFOVIR) What is Complera? • Complera is a combination antiretroviral (ARV) a

Proyecto de actos para el 1er congreso de la televisin digital local y automca

INTERRELACIÓN DE LA MÚSICA Y LA PUBLICIDAD M. J. Sánchez Porras Facultad de C.C. de la Comunicación Universidad de Málaga Abstract: es indudable la importancia de la música en un espot publicitario, por lo que es fundamental hacer un análisis de la música, de la imagen y de la combinación de ambas. Es muy importante un análisis musical profundo y su relación con la imagen


Principles and Practices in the Treatmentof the Mentally Ill/ Emotionally Disturbed Principles and Practices in the Treatment of the Mentally Ill/ Emotionally Disturbed Problems of the Mentally Ill/ Emotionally Disturbed The CSEA Examination Preparation Booklet Series is designed to help members preparefor New York State and local government civil service examinations. This booklet isdesi

Your prescription drug benefits

Hanover County Your prescription drug plan Pharmacy network Our prescription drug program manages more than 400 mil ion prescriptions each year. With a broad retail pharmacy network, home delivery and a specialty unit that dispenses high-cost, biotech therapies, our comprehensive approach helps you manage your pharmacy benefits. Some members have a tiered drug list/formulary, or list o


Nutrient-Drug Interactions and Food no. 9.361 by J. Anderson and H. Hart 1 It is a difficult and complex problem to accurately determine theeffects of food and nutrients on a particular drug. There are many dramaticresults or problems caused by food-drug, drug-drug and alcohol-food-druginteractions. The following table is designed to help the reader become moreknowledgeable about drug inter

Microsoft word - official camp needs list 2010-2011.doc

These are all items we constantly need at Wawbeek and Respite Camp. Your help finding donations for these supplies to Wawbeek will help make sure that all our campers have a safe and happy camping session! If you have questions about these items or wondering about other items, please contact Ken Saville at Easter Seals. 1-800-422-2324 ext 108 or email at ksaville@wi.easterseals.com or visit our we


LISTA DE PRODUCTOS PRODUCTO Presentación Principio Activo Especialidad LISTA DE PRODUCTOS PRODUCTO Presentación Principio Activo Especialidad Neomicina – Sulfanilamida Antiséptico y Analgésico Neomicina – Sulfanilamida Antiséptico y Analgésico Metoclopramida – Sorbitol – Antiemético LISTA DE PRODUCTOS PRODUCTO Presentación Princ

Awh223 2031.2038

The influence of genetic and cardiovascular riskfactors on the CADASIL phenotypeSumeet Singhal,1 Steve Bevan,1 Tom Barrick,1 Philip Rich2 and Hugh S. Markus11Clinical Neuroscience, St George’s Hospital MedicalCorrespondence to: Professor Hugh Markus, ClinicalSchool and 2Neuroradiology, Atkinson MorleyNeuroscience, St George’s Hospital Medical School,Neuroscience Centre, St George’s Hos

El embarazo

¿El cigarrillo electrónico es un método seguro para dejar de fumar? El cigarril o electrónico es un dispositivo que se ofrece como alternativa al cigarril o tradicional. Tiene el tamaño y aspecto de un cigarril o, funciona a batería y a través de calor vaporiza nicotina. Tiene pequeños cartuchos con concentraciones variables de nicotina y también con sabores diferentes, que pued

Exemple de cr

COMPTE RENDU ANATOMOCYTOPATHOLOGIQUE 2 biopsies de muqueuse buccale : 2 sections pour chacune Néoformation tumorale de nature épithéliale en continuité multifocale avec l’épithélium malpighien muqueux, densément cellulaire, mal délimitée, à croissance nettement infiltrante, non encapsulée, ulcérée, procédant de cellules polygonales jointives agencées en lobules et cordo

Fsa eligible - extensive list.xls

FSA Eligible ExpensesCrosby Benefit Systems, Inc. www.crosbybenefits.comVersion: 3/10/2009IMPORTANT: The following is a list of common medical, dental and vision related items and services. Crosby determines "Eligible" based on IRS guidance. Crosby's interpretation is subject to change without notice. This list is intended only as a general guideline because all submitted expenses will

08-0048 1.7

Published Online First on April 14, 2008 as 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-08-0048 Impact of Economic, Regulatory, and Patent Policies on Innovationin Cancer ChemopreventionChemoprevention agents are an emerging new scientific area that holds out thepromise of delaying or avoiding a number of common cancers. These new agents facesignificant scientific, regulatory, and economic barriers, however, whic


Linda Parker, Principal September 15, 2011 Happy Fall, C2E! This is my favorite time of year. The days are temperate, the nights are cool and the kids are back in full swing! With all the construction hubbub, I haven’t been shouting this from the roof tops, but C2E began our 10th year of educating Douglas County Children this school year. I’ve had the honor and pleasure of watc

Microsoft word - pvinfo49.rtf

N° 49 – Mai 2005 Actualités en Pharmacovigilance Rédigé chaque mois par Jean-Louis IMBS Le centre a pour mission de répondre à vos questions sur les médicaments (bon usage, effets indésirables, modifications de posologies ou d’indications, interactions, risques pendant la « ligne directe :16 480 (ou grossesse, l’allaitement ou selon d’autres ter


MAKE YOUR PURIM CELEBRATION A BIT SWEETER THIS YEAR! To celebrate the victory of the Jewish people over evil Haman, it is a custom to send sweet gifts from one family to another. CBE Religious School is pleased to offer an opportunity to fulfill the mitzvah of Mishloach Manot. All proceeds from the baskets will go to providing educational materials to our students. HOW IT WORKS The recipient

Phantomschmerzkonzept 04_2009

Universitätsklinikum Gießen und Marburg GmbH, Standort Marburg Behandlungsleitfaden Phantomschmerz bei Amputationen der Kliniken für Visceral-, Thorax- und Gefäßchirurgie, Orthopädie und Rheumatologie, Unfall-, Hand- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie sowie Anästhesie und Intensivtherapie Prophylaxe – präoperativ Prophylaxe – postoperativ Lokal – Regional Orale P

Microsoft word - fiche_identification_clientele_medecin_famille_ang.docx

Identification Form for clientele looking for a family doctor Family Name: _____________________ First Name: _______________________________ Town: ________________________________________ Postal Code: _________________ Telephone (Home): _____________________________ Day  Evening  Weekend  Telephone (Cell): _______________________________ Day  Evening  Weekend  Telep

Microsoft word - new patient paperwork.doc

Have you undergone Hyperbaric Treatment Before? If yes , explain: Is there any chance of you being pregnant? Mechanical damage of the ears or sinuses: Chronic or Current Ear, Nose, or Throat infection: Do you have, or have you ever had any of the following? Do you take any of the following drugs? V: 949.680.1880 · F: 949.680.1919 · info@cfnmedicine.com · www.centerfornewmedicine.com Per

Microsoft word - resolução ii.doc

Ministério do Esporte GABINETE DO MINISTRO RESOLUÇÃO Nº 21, DE 27 DE DEZEMBRO DE 2007 Aprova a lista de substâncias e métodos proibidos na prática desportiva para o ano O MINISTRO DE ESTADO DO ESPORTE e PRESIDENTE DO CONSELHO NACIONAL DO ESPORTE, no uso de suas atribuições, considerando a proposta apresentada pela Comissão de Combate ao Doping, instituída nos termos da P

Media contact:

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contura and Valeo Aesthetics sign Aquamid® partnership agreement for Canada Contura International A/S has finalized arrangements with Valeo Aesthetics, Inc. to market and distribute the Aquamid® aesthetics product portfolio in Canada SØBORG, [Feb 26, 2011] – Contura International is proud to announce Valeo Aesthetics as the exclusive distribution Aquamid


POST OPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS CARPAL TUNNEL SURGERY Carpal tunnel syndrome is a disorder of the hand which can result in characteristic symptoms of waking at night with pain and tingling (usually the thumb, index and middle fingers), loss of feeling in the hand, clumsiness and difficulty with manual Description of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome The carpal tunnel is a narrow tunnel formed by

Microsoft word - approvazione in consiglio.doc

OGGETTO: Approvazione del Piano Urbanistico Attuativo di iniziativa privata, relativo all’A.I.U. C2/3 – via Caselle nella frazione di Piovega, ai sensi dell’art. 20 della L.R. 11/2004 Cede la parola al Sig. Sindaco che riferisce: con deliberazione n. 2652 del 27 aprile 1990, la Giunta Regionale del Veneto, approvava con modifiche d’ufficio la variante generale al Piano Regolatore Gen

HipertensiÓn pulmonar

HIPERTENSIÓN PULMONAR Martín Pedro Moya Resumen Hipertensión pulmonar (HP) es una severa y devastadora enfermedad. La secuencia de los cambios histológicos la podemos observar en la hipertrofia del músculo liso de las paredes arteriales, en la proliferación de la íntima, la trombosis in situ, la oclusión de los pequeños vasos y la formación de lesiones plexiforme

Microsoft word - informazioni trans siberian express mow-vvo.doc

INFORMAZIONI UTILI RELATIVE AL VIAGGIO CON IL TRENO Ciascun passeggero sarà dotato di una tessera che permetterà l’addebito dei servizi a pagamento (bar, bevande, lavanderia, telefono ecc.) in un unico conto. I passeggeri potranno saldare tali servizi di volta in volta o addebitarli su un conto da saldare alla fine del viaggio in contanti o con carta di credito. I conti di importo in

Microsoft word - cusjexamplemanuscriptspr06-df_3-14.doc

Example Research Article Submission Columbia Undergraduate Science Journal Gabriel Morris To the Founding Editor: Please find attached our original manuscript, "Do PAF-acetylhydrolase al elic variants affect plasma PAF-acetylhydrolase activity?", for your consideration for publication as a Research Article in the Columbia Undergraduate Science Journal. This work was complete

A4916 maione farmacologia speciale

A4916 Modulo di Farmacologia Speciale (Corso integrato: Farmacologia speciale, Biotecnologie farmacologiche, Tossicologia) Docente Corso di studi Laurea triennale in Informatore Medico Scientifico Tipologia Anno Accademico 2013/2014 Periodo didattico Propedeuticità Farmacologia Generale, Patologia generale. È consentito il passaggio da un anno al successivo esclu

Human rights report

Careers in Human Rights Forum A presentation organised by the Special Institutions Careers Service, The Careers Group, University of London. Khalili Lecture Theatre, SOAS, March 20th 2006 Notes by Susan Goldie, Careers Adviser, The Careers Group The forum took the form of short introductions by a panel of speakers, followed by an informal networking session. Yasmin Qureshi Is a b

Microsoft word - 4 questions

St. Judes Anglican Church London, Ontario A coalition of personal thoughts about our faith brought forward by addressing Four Questions: 1. What Is The Character Of Your GOD? 2. What is the Content of my Faith? 3. What is the Purpose of My Worship? 4. What is the function of your Community? Introduction The accompanying report is the final collation of the answe


Ficha de Autorização para movimentação de contasNome do(s) gerente(s) administrador(es) 1), pelo archivo de Identificação Civil e Criminal de, pelo archivo de Identificação Civil e Criminal de, na qualidade de gerente(s)/administrador(es) deregistrado na Conservatória do Registo Comercial de, pelo archivo de Identificação Civil e Criminal de, pelo archivo de Identificação C

Rehabilitation hospital

GENERAL ORTHOPAEDIC POST-OPERATIVE ORDERS Orders with an open box must be checked if desired Indicates routine order, Strike through if not desired ADMISSION Admit as Observation Dr. ________________________, MD/DO Monitored Bed (Telemetry) preferably on Ortho Unit DIAGNOSIS PROCEDURE CONDITION CATEGORY OF CARE ALLERGIES NKDA Other _______________________

Microsoft word - cv lionel obadia 1.docx

Lionel Obadia Professeur à l’Université Lyon II (département d’anthropologie) Membre du CREA (Centre de Recherches et d’Etudes Anthropologiques) Membre associé du CEIFR (Centre d’Etudes Interdisciplinaires des Faits Religieux) Thèmes de recherche anthropologie des religions mondialisation, modernité, religions asiatiques, sorcellerie, religion et thérapie, nouvelles approch

Acrobat r

POLYRAM ® DF Chi impiega il prodotto è responsabile degli eventuali danni derivanti da uso improprio del preparato. Avvertenza: in caso di miscela con altri formulati deve essere FUNGICIDA ORGANICO rispettato il periodo di carenza più lungo. Devono inoltre essere GRANULI IDRODISPERSIBILI osservate le norme precauzionali prescritte per i prodotti più tossici. Qualora si

Laboratorios conda, s

TOS PROPIONATE AGAR BASE ISO 29981 CAT Nº: 2011 In combination with MUP, al ows the direct detection FORMULA IN g/l Galactooligosaccharide TOS 10.00 L-Cysteine HCl Final pH 6.7 ± 0.2 at 25ºC PREPARATION Suspend 62.5 grams of the medium in 950 ml of distilled water. Mix well and dissolve by heating with frequent agitation. Boil for one minute until complete diss

Coaches plan magazine - winter 2013

EAT TO WIN How to make the right choices in sport nutritionBy Angela Dufour, MEd.,PDt.,IOC Dip Sports Nutr, CFEWITH THE VAST SELECTION of sports drinks, bars, gels, and meal supplements fl ooding the market, how can coaches and athletes ensure they pick the right products for optimal nutrition?The key is to be able to evaluate the differences between common sports foods and to know what to

Cc-grand prix austria 2012 - endrangliste a-tournament

CC-GRAND PRIX AUSTRIA 2012 - Endrangliste A-Tournament CC-GRAND PRIX AUSTRIA 2012 Endrangliste A-Tournament Pseudonym Wertung BHZ Spiele Punkte PODGORSEK, SKRBINEK, Joze TROBEC, Toni KORES, Jirka jun. KORES, Jirka sen. HABÁSKO, Michal ´ZLI´Z, Wioletta Z´LI´Z, Andrzej ZLI´Z, Jedrzej NAGY, László BORBENYI, Zsalt TÓTH, Tamás VLADIMIR, SOBOLI

Microsoft word - 411_2edr_extrapraktijksituaties.doc

411: Verplegen van kinderen en jeugdigen Extra praktijksituaties 411 11 Sanna heeft astma Het bestuderen van deze praktijksituatie en de bijbehorende vragen en opdrachten levert een bijdrage aan het behalen van de volgende eindtermen: 411-01.1-4, 411-02.1-2, 411-03.1-2, 411-03.5, 411-04.1, 411-05 en 411-06. Het is zaterdagmiddag, het regent buiten en Sanna ligt een beetje vervee


SYNOPSIS OF BIOCHEMISTRY COURSES OFFERED IN THE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY BCH 201: GENERAL BIOCHEMISTRY I (2 UNITS) L:2 T:0 P:0 Principles of the chemical basis of life. The molecular basis of cellular structure – polysaccharides, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids. The cellular basis of life. Buffers, Acidity and alkalinity; pH and pKa values and their effects on cell


Combined Federal Campaign of South Hampton Roads PERSONAL STORIES Selection by Health Charities American Cancer Society Story 1 Mr. Brown As a 52 year old African-American who was diagnosed with lung cancer in April 2005, Mr. Brown received chemotherapy treatment once a week. Despite his failing health, Mr. Brown continued to work his low income job & take care o

Efecto experimental de las radiaciones ionizantes en el pulmón:

Mini-Review Article Epidemiology of typhoid and paratyphoid fever in India Suman Kanungo1, Shanta Dutta2, and Dipika Sur1 1Division of Epidemiology, National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases, Kolkata, India 2Division of Microbiology, National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases, Kolkata, India Abstract Enteric fever (typhoid and paratyphoid fever) is a majo

24 hour profiles

THE VALUE OF 24 HOUR PROFILES IN CONGENITAL ADRENAL Kathy Geertsma and Peter Hindmarsh Having participated in discussions on several message boards regarding what I have learnt through my son having 24 hour profiles, many people have contacted me with questions. This prompted me to ask his Professor, Peter Hindmarsh of Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, to explain the benefits of havi

Microsoft word - the contraceptive skin patch.doc

The Contraceptive Patch What is the contraceptive patch? The contraceptive patch (Ortho Evra™ transdermal system) is a weekly hormonal birth control method that you place on your skin like a large Band-Aid®. It is a thin, smooth, beige square that is about the size of a matchbook. The patch contains hormones that are released through the skin and into the bloodstream. How doe


Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Epidemiological Association International Journal of Epidemiology 2005; 34: 810–819 © The Author 2005; all rights reserved. Advance Access publication 25 April 2005 Neurological status of Australian veterans of the 1991 Gulf War and the effect of medical and chemical exposures Helen Kelsall,1* Richard Macdonell,2,3 Malcol

Spina bifida2009.xls

Bambini con spina bifida a scuola (I): un manuale per gli insegnantiProtocollo diagnostico terapautico per il mielomeningoceleSequele e problematiche del bambino e dell'adolescente con spina bifidaProceeding of the 3° A.S.M.International Symposium on Birth Defects 1° Incontro per famiglie e portatori di spina bifida - Bardolino 23 e 24 ottobre 1993Uno e trino (profitti devoluti F.A.I.S.B.I.


Travel & Medical Medical Declaration Insurance Effective October 1, 2012 Name:______________________________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ______________________ Membership Number: _________________________________________ Policy Number: _______________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: IT

Getting ready for nasal surgery

GETTING READY FOR NASAL SURGERY What to expect - You can expect to have visible bruising and swelling for several weeks. You can expect to have drainage for a few days. 6 WEEKS BEFORE SURGERY Your surgeon may request abstinence from smoking and all tobacco products 6 weeks before and 6 weeks afterward. Failure to abstain from tobacco may result in your surgery being postponed or canceled

Microsoft word - 2011booklet document_final.docx

Predicting Insect Development in Changing Climates: Bean Beetle ( Callosobruchus maculatus ) Phenology Modeling Sediment Fingerprinting of Lake Macatawa using PIXE and SEM/EDS A Quantitative Analysis of the Growth of Metal-Organic Coordinated Multilayers Thiophene-Substituted Porphyrins as Redox Mediators for Electrochemical Tulips as Cultural Emblems in 17th-Century Netherlands Exploring U


Administração n.º 91, vol. XXIV, 2011-1.º, 269-287 Estudos Sobre o Aperfeiçoamento do Regime de Indemnização da RAEM Zhao Linlin* A indemnização do estado, diferente da indemnização civil comum, não é apenas uma responsabilidade derivada de acto ilícito baseado no poder público, também é uma responsabilidade pelo risco causada pela perigosidade potencial no exercíci

Draft – zest quest outcomes/grade level indicators

Draft – Zest Quest Outcomes/Grade Level Indicators Outcome 1: By the end of fifth grade, students will describe the effects of the Zest Quest Seven Daily Healthy Habits (ZQSDHH) on wellness and accessing valid resources (content, accessing valid resources). SC Hlth Stds. 1, 2 Grade K: K.1.A: Identify healthy and unhealthy behaviors. K.1.C: Differentiate between active a

3-27-09 miami herald - miami gardens junior council stands aga

http://www.miamiherald.com/news/miami-dade/north-central/story/970237.html Miami Gardens Junior Council stands against neighborhood violence BY Wilma Hernandez March 27, 2009 Every other Wednesday the Miami Gardens Junior Council meets at City Hall to talk about what is affecting the youth. The top priority in several past agendas: stopping violence. ''Stop the violence has been our them

Microsoft word - exelon-cwf biodiversity project 2009_mo'g

EXELON – OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION WILDLIFE DIVERSITY PROJECT Prepared by: Ben Wurst, Habitat Program Manager Conserve Wildlife Foundation of NJ February 25nd, 2009 Project Description: In 2005, New Jersey was required to develop a Wildlife Action Plan (WAP) in order to qualify for federal funding. The purpose of the plan was to help conserve and protect future popula


Quality Assurred Assessment Report for Cathkin Cottage B&B - Drakensberg Central, KwaZulu-natal. Our assessor visited your establishment on the 23 February 2011 and compiled the following report. Check In Guests are welcomed on arrival and shown to their room A Guest Register is signed General Efficiency This establishment is very well run Cleanliness All aspects of this est


The Blood and Marrow Transplant Program atOhio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center -James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institutehas recently been named as a Blue DistinctionCenter for Transplantation of Adult Autologous andAllogeneic hematopoietic cells. Previously we had Steven M. Devine MD only been awarded this distinction for recipients of Director, Blood and Marrow


RELAY FOR LIFE START A TEAM START A TEAM RELAY FOR LIFE TEAM REGISTRATION The first person to register a Relay For Life team becomes the Team Captain. A team cannot be created without a team captain. Team Captains can be changed after additional team members register. Each team is allowed to have two (2) team captains. To complete the registration process you

management of prostate cancer: an overview

Radiation Management Of Prostate Cancer An OvervieW Table of Contents THE PROSTATE GLAND ….…………………………………………….……….….2 PROSTATE CANCER.……………………………………….………………….……2 PATIENT EVALUATION AND DIAGNOSTIC TESTING …………….….….3-5 MANAGEMENT OF PROSTATE CANCER AN OVERVIEW OF APPROACHES

Microsoft word - ccac research may 18, 2012.doc

COLORECTAL CANCER RESEARCH UPDATES Month Ending May 18th, 2012 The following colorectal cancer research update extends from March 17th, 2012 – May 18th, 2012 inclusive and is intended for informational purposes only. DRUGS / SYSTEMIC THERAPIES Metformin Provides a Survival Advantage in Patients with Type II Diabetes Effect of Erbitux, Xeloda and Radiotherapy Before


FICHA DE INFORMAÇÕES DE SEGURANÇA DE PRODUTO QUÍMICO Preparado de acordo com a ISO 11014-1/ ANSI norma Z400.1- 2004 e a NRB 14725 Data de Revisão: 05/março/2010 1. IDENTIFICAÇÃO DA SUBSTÂNCIA/PREPARAÇÃO E DA SOCIEDADE/EMPRESA Nome do produto: NEGRO DE FUMO Sinônimos: Esta FISPQ (MSDS) é Válida Para Série de grau negro de fumo: BLACK PEARLS

Glucosamine sulfate

The Role of Glucosamine Sulfate Osteoarthritis Marktgasse 18, CH-8302 Kloten, Switzerland My interest in glucosamine sulfate arose during the time at the college in Canada. At this point in time, relatives of mine asked me for a remedy against pain caused by degenerative joints. Not knowing much about osteoarthritic pain I started a search for the „cure“ of it. While reading arti


FARMACÊUTICO Leia atentamente as instruções abaixo. 01 - Você recebeu do fi scal o seguinte material: a) Este Caderno, com 60 (sessenta) questões da Prova Objetiva, sem repetição ou falha, conforme distribuição abaixo: Português Conhecimentos sobre SUS Conhecimentos Específi cos Cartão de Respostas destinado às respostas das questões objetivas formuladas

Fda warns asians about crestor

FDA Warns Asians About Crestor Source: U.S. Food and Drug Administration Published: March 04, 2005 Asian American patients taking Crestor, a cholesterol-lowering drug made by AstraZeneca, may be at greater risk of muscle injury because of Crestor than the general public, the Food and Drug Administration warned on Tuesday. The announcement comes after AstraZeneca revised the package insert


Caractérisation de la qualité/fraîcheur du poisson par des approches de biochimie et de biologie moléculaire Alexandre DEHAUT1, Frédéric KRZEWINSKI3, Assi N’GUESSAN4, Ossarath KOL3, Thierry GRARD5, Anne BRISABOIS1, Philippe JACQUES2, Guillaume DUFLOS1 1 Laboratoire de Sécurité des Aliments, ANSES , Boulogne-sur-Mer, France ² Laboratoire ProBioGEM, Polytech’Lille, Villene


Material Safety Data Sheet Clotrimazole MSDS Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification Product Name: Clotrimazole Contact Information: Catalog Codes: SLC2323 Sciencelab.com, Inc. 14025 Smith Rd. CAS#: 23593-75-1 RTECS: NI4377000 US Sales: 1-800-901-7247 International Sales: 1-281-441-4400 TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: No products were found. CI#: No

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To Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Complete this section and give this form (FORM 2) and a copy of your completed CAMPER HEALTH HISTORY FORM (FORM 1) to your child’s health-care provider for review. Developed and reviewed by: American Camp Association, Dates will attend camp: from ______________to_____________ American Academy of Pediatrics Council on School Health, & Cam

Elenco deliberazioni consiglio comunale

NUMERO 1 Approvazione verbali della seduta del 30.11.2012. PUBBLICAZIONE: DAL 26-02-2013 AL 13-03-2013 DEL 19-02-2013 DATA ESECUTIVITA` : 19-02-2013 NUMERO 2 Approvazione verbali seduta precedente. PUBBLICAZIONE: DAL 26-02-2013 AL 13-03-2013 DEL 19-02-2013 DATA ESECUTIVITA` : 19-02-2013 NUMERO 3 Approvazione Regolamento Comunale sui controlli PUBBLICAZIONE: DAL 26-02-2013 AL 13-03-2013 DEL 19-02

5.6.2- greffes

CHAPITRE 5.6.2 : LES GREFFES ET TRANSPLANTATIONS D’ORGANES 2.2. Traitement immunosuppresseur 1. Caractérisations d’une greffe1 Les immunosuppresseurs diminuent les réactions immunitaires en agissant sur les immunités 1.1. Définitions Le traitement immunosuppresseur est destiné à combattre les phénomènes de rejet suivant une Une greffe correspond au prélèvement (cell

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Dr Jean-Paul Meningaud,chirurgien maxillo-facialdoctorat d’éthique médicale Le Celebrex doit être réévalué w Remise en cause des résultats d'une étude publiée en septembre 2000 par la revue américaine JAMA, qui tendait à prouver que le Celebrex entraînait moins d'ulcères gastro-intestinaux que les anti-inflammatoires classiques ». « Tout en relançant le débat sur la f


Relación de Inscritos en el Registro de Matrícula Consular (RMC), residentes en el Perú, nacidos antes del 01-06-1992, que se les requiere para actualizar sus datos. Fecha Insc. Apellidos, Nombres 05/03/1996 Abarzuza Carrascosa, Iñaki 04/03/2002 Abella Castro, Maria Sol 12/03/1993 Abella Gordillo, Paolo 30/04/2004 Abt Díaz, Carlos Alberto 08/11/2001 Abugattas Lozada, Alessandra

Clayton elementary

Clayton Elementary October 2013 Newsletter A Message from Mr. Dulin Parents/Families of Clayton Elementary, I would like to inform all that I have decided to retire and will no longer be principal at Clayton Elementary. My final day is October 31st. My years at Clayton Elementary have been very rewarding. Our students have been exceptional, which is a tribute to you as paren

Edp036 93.119

International Journal of Public Opinion Research Vol. 22 No. 1ß The Author 2009. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The World Associationfor Public Opinion Research. All rights reserved. doi:10.1093/ijpor/edp036 Advance Access publication 14 October 2009Tilburg University, FSW-MTO, Room S110, PO Box 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg,When rating questions are used to measure attitudes or val


Comprehensive Alpaca Record & Evaluation (CARE) Compiled by Laura Coussens, Kissin' Coussens Alpacas (KCA), 2000 The CARE checklist is for recording pertinent information, including strengths andweaknesses, for the purpose of buying, selling and breeding alpacas. Theassistance of a qualified veterinarian is required to safely and accurately completethis evaluation. Related animals m

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FRAGA, Cesar G. LAY ABSTRACT The diet can influence health not only by supplying essential nutrients, but also by providing alternative micronutrients that, by affecting specific metabolic pathways, can act as pharmaceutical-like compounds under appropriate conditions. In this direction the overall objective of this project is to study the possibility that hypertension and associated condi


Appl. Phys. A 74, 779–782 (2002)/ Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.1007/s003390100949 Applied Physics A Materials Science & Processing Chemical-bond analysis of the nonlinear optical properties of the borate crystals LiB 3 O 5 , CsLiB 6 O 10 , and CsB 3 O 5 D. Xue ∗ , K. Betzler ∗∗ , H. Hesse Fachbereich Physik, Universität Osnabrück, 49069 Osnabrück, GermanyRecei


Investigación original / Original research Initiation of effective postpartum contraceptive use in public hospitals in Guatemala Edgar Kestler,1 Maria del Rosario Orozco,2 Silvia Palma,2and Roberto Flores 2 Suggested citation Kestler E, Orozco MR, Palma S, Flores R. Initiation of effective postpartum contraceptive use in publichospitals in Guatemala. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2011;29(2):

Jcn332702 968.978

Clinical Outcome Measures in Spinal Muscular Atrophy Jacqueline Montes, Andrew M. Gordon, Shree Pandya, Darryl C. De Vivo and Petra Kaufmann 2009; 24; 968 originally published online Jun 9, 2009; The online version of this article can be found at:http://jcn.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/24/8/968 can be found at: Journal of Child Neurology Additional services and information f


STATISTICAL META-ANALYSIS WITH APPLICATIONS Joachim Hartung Dortmund University of Technology Guido Knapp Dortmund University of Technology Bimal K. Sinha University of Maryland, Baltimore County A JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC., PUBLICATION Introduction Various Measures of Effect Size Effect Size Based on ϕ Coefficient and Odds Ratio Combining Independen


CURRICULUM VITAE Jukka Rantanen, Professor Ph.D. EDUCATION: Docent (Phys. Pharm.) Department of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki Department of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki EMPLOYMENTS: Professor Viikki Drug Discovery Technology Center (DDTC), University of Helsinki, Finland Department of Industrial and Physical Pharmacy, Purdue University (IN), USA Viikki Drug Discovery

Compte rendu de rÉunion

COMPTE RENDU DE RÉUNION DU MARDI 08/03/2011 Présents : - Docteurs PECOT, MAUREL, NACER, BELLIARD, ABDENNBI, KHIROUANI, SERISSER, RAMANOELINA. - Intra : Mme ANTOINE, Virginie, Karine, Hermann, élève IDE. - Assistantes sociales : Mme ELLEOUET, Mme BOISAUBERT. - VAD : Angélique, Line. - CATTP : Nathalie. - Psychologue : Mme MEYRIEUX.  Assemblée générale de l


SEGUE DALLA PRIMA Gentile direttore , (…) gli uomini d'affari cinesi a investire inBertinotti; al principio, il rifiuto di ogniItalia e a fidarsi di noi, questo poco edifican-offerta di dimissioni e, alla fine, il sacrificiote "caso" ha fatto sempre da sottofondo, dan-necessario dell'"amico Angelo". neggiando l'immagine pubblica del governo. La vera novità è

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Chemotherapy – Information for the Pet Owner General Information Your pet received chemotherapy today. The goal of chemotherapy is to kill cancer cells and prolong your pet’s life while maintaining good quality of life. Dogs and cats generally tolerate chemotherapy well, much better than human cancer patients. If, unexpectedly, severe side effects occur, then the treatment plan

Dengue haemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome in children

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ectious diseases Dengue haemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome in children Search date June 2008 ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Dengue haemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome are major causes of hospital admission and mortality in children. Up to 5% of people with dengue haemorrhag

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