Microsoft word - fiche_identification_clientele_medecin_famille_ang.docx
Identification Form for clientele looking for a family doctor
Family Name: _____________________ First Name: _______________________________
Town: ________________________________________ Postal Code: _________________
Telephone (Home): _____________________________ Day Evening Weekend
Telephone (Cell): _______________________________ Day Evening Weekend
Telephone (Other): ______________________________ Day Evening Weekend
Sex: Female Male Date of Birth: ___________/________/_______
Health Insurance Card: ____________/___________/__________ Expiration: _______ /______
Language of communication: _________________________
Do you have a family doctor? Yes No
If Yes, what is his / her name and place of practice? ____________________________________
If No, have you previously had a family doctor: Yes No
of last visit: ______________________________________________________
Reason for loss of your family doctor: ________________________________________________
If Yes, expected date of birth: ______________________________________________________
Have you been to the hospital in the last two years: Yes No
If Yes, please check box and explain why:
Hospitalization: ____________________________________________________________
Emergency Room: _________________________________________________________
For an operation: __________________________________________________________
Are you currently being monitored by specialist doctors, or have you been in recent years?
If Yes, by whom? (names and specialties): ___________________________________________
Are you currently receiving services from a CLSC? Yes No
Youth Clinic Day Hospital Psychosocial Reception
Do you have one or more of the diseases listed below? Yes (specify)
without hyperactivity (ADHD) Hearing impairment requiring an
Drug or alcohol addiction or withdrawal during the past five
Degenerative disease of the central nervous system, Alzheimer’s,
Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and/or
psoriatic arthritis Chronic renal failure
Atrial fibrillation or other problem requiring the taking of Coumadin for
Please send us your list of medications provided by your pharmacist and this duly completed form by mail or fax to:
Guichet d’accès pour la clientèle orpheline
Fax: 450 566-3323
I authorize the Argenteuil Health and Social Services Centre (CSSS d’Argenteuil) to transmit the information necessary for the provision of care and services required by my state of health to the physician who is willing to become my family doctor through this registration process.
I accept, if my state of health permits, to be followed by a specialized nurse practitioner. Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: _____________________
EURO-MEDITERRANEAN PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY AD HOC COMMITTEE ON ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND WATER Special Report on the Situation in the Jordan Valley tabled by the co-rapporteurs Stefan Schennach (Austria), Mongi Cherif (Tunisia) and Antonyia Parvanova (European Parliament) CONTENTS I. DRAFT RECOMMENDATION The Ad Hoc Committee on Energy, Environment and Water ,
LI 700, Spray pH and its Effect on Pesticide Performance Have you ever used a pesticide, or had someone apply one for you and it did not control the pest? You may have attributed the poor control to weather conditions, the chemical itself, applicator error, pest resistance, or maybe you bought the wrong material. But have you ever thought to check the pH of the water used to mix the pesticide