No está claro cuán grande es el papel de los antibióticos en las relaciones competitivas entre los microorganismos en condiciones naturales. Zelman Waxman creía que este papel era mínimo, los antibióticos no se forman sino en culturas limpias en entornos ricos. Posteriormente, sin embargo, se descubrió que en muchos productos, la actividad de síntesis de antibióticos aumenta en presencia de otros tipos o productos específicos de su metabolismo.

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Shock / trauma / unconscious / unresponsive / altered mental status

SHOCK / TRAUMA / Unconscious / Unresponsive / Altered Mental Status / Hypotension / Hypoglycemia / Abdominal Complaints (non traumatic) / Seizures / Syncope Acute Adrenal Insufficiency or Addisonian Crisis Assessment Identify if the patient is at risk for acute adrenal insufficiency or Addisonian crisis by either the presence of a medical alert bracelet, designation in patient records o

Microsoft word - effects of estriol on skin.rtf

International Journal of Dermatology, Vol. 35, No. 9, September 1996 PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS JOLANTA B. SCHMIDT, M.D., MARTINA BINDER, M.D., GABRIELE DEMSCHIK, M.D., CHRISTIAN BIEGLMAYER, PH.D., AND ANGELIKA REINER, M.D. Conclusions. Both estrogen compounds were found to be highly Background. The coincidence of climacteric symptoms and the effective in preventing or



DOWNOV SINDROM DOWN'S SYNDROME Downov sindrom jedan je od naj~e{}ih uzroka du{evnog zaostajanja. Down’s syndrome is one of the most common causes of mental retar-Premda je etiologija njegova nastanka jo{ nedovoljno poznata, u zad-dation. Although the understanding of its pathogenesis is still incom-nje je vrijeme napravljen zna~ajan napredak u spoznaji o spektru medi-plete, there has

LE QUÉRÉ, A., D. P. WRIGHT, B. SÖDERSTRÖM, A. TUNLIDcorrhizal fungi and adventitious root formation in Scotsand T. JOHANSSON (2005): Global patterns of gene regu-pine in vitro. Tree Physiol 22 : 373–381. lation associated with the development of ectomycor-NIEMI, K., M. SALONEN, A. ERNSTSEN, H. HEINONEN-TANSKIrhiza between birch ( Betula pendula Roth.) and Paxil- and H. HÄGGMAN (

PREDICTING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF HYDROXYUREA IN INDIVIDUAL SICKLE CELL ANEMIA PATIENTS Homayoun Valafar, Faramarz Valafar, Alan Darvill and Peter Albersheim, Complex Carbohydrate Research Center and the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Georgia, 220 Riverbend Road, Athens, GA 30602 Abdullah Kutlar, Kristy F. Woods, and John Hardin, Department of Medicin

Users guide c14 cap

14C-Urea Breath Test for Presence of H. pylori User's Guide Kit Contents • 1 14C-Urea Capsule • 2 Breath sample collection balloons • 2 Straws: for inflating balloons • 2 30cc dosing cups • 1 3-part patient data and reform form • 1 Product package insert • 1 Package insert summary and test procedure directions • 1 Pa

Prevalence of crab asthma in crab plant workers in Newfoundland and Labrador André Cartier 1, Samuel B. Lehrer 2, Lise Horth-Susin 3,Mark Swanson 4, Barbara Neis 5, Dana Howse 5, Michael Jong 5 1 Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal2 Tulane University, New Orleans3 Valley Regional Hospital, Kentville4 Mayo Clinic5 Memorial University ABSTRACT Objectives. The aim of the study was to determine

Nadine jurdi

NADINE JURDI ALAEDDINE – Page 1 of 5 N A D I N E J U R D I A L A E D D I N E PERSONAL PROFILE I am a well respected, dedicated and hard working professional with diverse experience across many areas. I am recognized for my ability to achieve results due to exceptional interpersonal, analytical and problem solving skills, as well as the ability to be detail oriented and multi task eff


Hyperthermia TOO HOT FOR CANCER Alternative Medicine Issue 37 September, 2000 Hyperthermia (InfraRed) and Electrotherapy by Harvey Kaltsas, D.O.M., A.P. Janice wasn’t flattered when the German shopkeeper congratulated her on the baby she looked about to deliver. For despite her severely swollen abdomen, Janice was not pregnant. She had advanced multi-drug resistant peritoneal cancer w


FDA Warns Consumers Not to Buy or Use Prescription Drugs from Various Canadian Websites t. Page 1 of 2FDA Home Page | Search FDA Site | FDA A-Z Index | Contact FDA | FDA Centennial FDA News FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Inquiries: Catherine McDermott, 301-827-6242 Consumer Inquiries: FDA Warns Consumers Not to Buy or Use Prescription Drugs from Various Canadian Websites that Appar


Pferdesporttage Solothurn / Dubenmoos Schneider Fredy, Kallnach / Willener Christian, Uettligen Rangliste Prüfung Nr. 2 Kategorie: Preise gestiftet von: Reitsport Heinz Mägli, Mümliswil Plaketten gestiftet von: Barbara Herzog, Solothurn Flots gestiftet von: Nicole Wyss, Sprachen nach Mass, Solothurn Siegerschleife gestiftet von: Bigler Schmiede AG, Hansjörg Bi


De Léo Delibes Opera en tres actos de Léo Delibes, compositor francés que vivió entre los años 1836 y 1891, con libreto de Edmond Gondinet y Philippe Gille. La primera representación de esta obra tuvo lugar en Teatro de la Opéra- Comique, París, 1883. Interpretan esta versión, La Orquesta Nacional y el Coro de la Opera de Monte Carlo, bajo la dirección de Richard Bonynge. Repart

Microsoft word - mammakirurgi final

SPECIALEBESKRIVELSE MAMMAKIRURGI REGION HOVEDSTADEN Specialegruppens sammensætning: Afdelingssygeplejerske Vivi Vallebo, Sygehus Nordsjælland Klinikchef Jack Hoffmann, Sygehus Nordsjælland Klinikchef Esbern Friis, Rigshospitalet Oversygeplejerske Helene Williams, Rigshospitalet Ledende overlæge Christen K. Axelsson, Herlev Amtssygehus Ledende oversygeplejerske Birgitte Andersen,

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P o i n t d ’ i n f o r m a t i o n Utilisation du baclofène dans le traitement de l’alcoolo-dépendance : actualisation De nouvelles données relatives à l’utilisation et à la sécurité d’emploi du baclofène (Lioresal et générique) dans le traitement de l’alcoolo-dépendance conduisent l’Agence française de sécurité sanitaire des produits de santé (Afssaps)

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RT-BPO-50 Page: 1 of 5 Revised: 02.25.10 Product Name: RT-BPO-50 Hazardous Materials Identification System (HMIS) Rating HEALTH -1 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Dibenzoyl peroxide, BPO-50 with phthalate Product and/or Components Entered on EPA’s TSCA Inventory: This product is in U.S. commerce, and is listed in the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Inventory of C

RAINS COUNTY POST May 2005 EMPLOYEE SPOTLIGHT My favorite things about Rains County: This is my first time to live “in town”, but still be in the country. I can go to the grocery store, post office, church, gas station, hardware store, feed store, or a place to eat in five minutes or less. I like that! My hobbies are: Doing anything with my family, especially Brady

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Mapping autism research on behalf of the steering group from The National Autistic Society (NAS) and Parents Autism Campaign for Education (PACE) Funded by the Baily Thomas Charitable Foundation Research activity in the UK and the rest ofConclusions: integrating findings from themapping exercise with other recent reviewsMapping autism research Identifying UK priorities for the fu

Ruhberg südlich arzberg

Regierung von Oberfra nken Naturschutzgebiet Nr. 94 - "Ruhberg südlich Arzberg" Gutachten - gekürzte Fassung - weitere Informationen: RD Dr. Johannes Merkel – Tel.: 0921-604 1476 Beurteilung der Schutzwürdigkeit des geplanten Naturschutzgebietes "Ruhberg südöstlich Brand b. Marktredwitz" 1. Größe, Lage, Morphologie und Geologie Das etwa 2

Institute of International Relations and .S. Wars Japan’s Passive Support for U.S. Wars: Examining the Case for Humanitarian Intervention in Libya and Syria Abstract This paper examines Japanese Foreign Policy in regards to claims that it is both passive and unfailingly supportive of US Foreign Policy even when the latter’s military actions clash with Japan’s professed commi

Ecxracy addiction

Phoenix House American Council for Drug Education 164 West 74th Street, New York, NY 10023, 1-800-488-DRUG (3784), BASIC FACTS ABOUT DRUGS: ECSTASY What is Ecstasy? Ecstasy is one of the most dangerous drugs threatening young people today. Called MDMA (3-4- Methylenedioxymethamphetamine) by scientists, it is a synthetic chemical that can be derived from an essent

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Lezione 1 - parte

Lezione n.1 DAL LATINO AL VOLGARE (le origini di una lingua) di Pier Paolo Benucci 1° testo INDOVINELLO VERONESE (fine IX secolo) 1° scheda Storia di un indovinello 2° testo ISCRIZIONE DI COMMODILLA (metà IX secolo) 2° scheda Sostrati e lingue neolatine 3° scheda Appendix probi: il volgare nasce dagli errori 3° testo I PLACITI DI MONTECASSINO (960



Post Operative Care Every operation has a healing process that is similar to the way in which the body responds to injuries. As such, the corner-stone of this period is analgesia, rest, ice, and gentle movement. Analgesia Pain can be modified through a number of pathways, and medications are tailored accordingly. Oxycontin 10mg twice per day by mouth – this is a very powerfu

Pbio.1000412 1.5

Improving Bioscience Research Reporting: The ARRIVEGuidelines for Reporting Animal ResearchCarol Kilkenny1*, William J. Browne2, Innes C. Cuthill3, Michael Emerson4, Douglas G. Altman51 The National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research, London, United Kingdom, 2 School of Veterinary Science, University ofBristol, Bristol, United Kingdom, 3 School of Biol

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Fragebogen zur Kontrastmitteluntersuchung 1. Wurden bei Ihnen die Nieren schon einmal untersucht? 2. Liegt bei Ihnen eine Funktionsstörung der Nieren vor? JA O 3. Liegt bei Ihnen eine Nierenerkrankung vor? JA O WELCHE? 4. Liegt bei Ihnen eine Schilddrüsenerkrankung vor? WELCHE? 5. Nehmen Sie Medikamente für die Schilddrüse ein? WELCHE? 6. Besteht bei Ihnen einen Jod- oder anders

Korea military retiree e-le.

Korea Military Retiree E-Letter - Still Serving in Korea Issue 2008-04 — April, 2008 Korea Retirees' Schedule of Events Apr 1 – For USAG-Yongsan, your Retirement Services Officer will be at Yongsan in the Soldier Support Center, Bldg 4034, Room 140, from 0900-1300. Apr 7 – For USAG-Humphreys, an Information Luncheon will be


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Outpatient Hysteroscopy – Patient Information Leaflet What is a hysteroscopy? Hysteroscopy or visualisation of the uterine cavity is a test carried out to see if anything is wrong inside the womb (uterus). You may be having this investigation if you have had some abnormal or irregular uterine bleeding, if there is suspicion of endometrial polyps of fibroids, if there is suspicion of en


Which of the following divisions of the trigeminal nerve passes through the Which of the following extraocular muscles has a primary function of intorsion Secondary deviation is always greater than primary deviation in Noncomitant strabismus (paralytic strabismus)Concomitant strabismus (non-paralytic strabismus)Hypertropia (vertical misalignment of eyes)

JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY, Dec. 2006, p. 4625–46270095-1137/06/$08.00ϩ0 doi:10.1128/JCM.01740-06Copyright © 2006, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved. Emergence of a Unique Multiply-Antibiotic-Resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 7B Clone in Dhaka, Bangladesh ᰔ Streptococcus pneumoniae is a frequent cause of potentiallylife-threatening infections,

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HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION ------------------------------ADVERSE REACTIONS------------------------------- These highlights do not include all the information needed to use Most common adverse reactions are headache and dizziness. (6) RECTIV ® (nitroglycerin) Ointment 0.4% safely and effectively. See full prescribing information for RECTIV. To report SUSPECTED ADVE


Renaissance Global Health Care Fund Annual Management Report of Fund Performance for the financial year ended August 31, 2008 All figures are reported in Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted. This annual management report of fund performance contains financial highlights but does not contain the complete annual financialstatements of the investment fund. If you have not received a copy

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Biochemistry 2001, 40, 4323-4331 P-Glycoprotein-Mediated Colchicine Resistance in Different Cell Lines Correlateswith the Effects of Colchicine on P-Glycoprotein Conformation†Todd E. Druley,‡ Wilfred D. Stein,§ Adam Ruth,‡ and Igor B. Roninson*,‡ Department of Molecular Genetics, Uni V ersity of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60607, and Department of Biological Chemist

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INFORMATION ABOUT GRANT OF SCHOLARSHIP In March 1993, German Bishops and the Central Committee of German Catholics have established „ Renovabis “ as an „action for mutual solidarity of German Catholics with people in Central and Eastern Europe”. Name and intention of Renovabis The name refers to the psalm 104,30: You send forth your spirit, they are created; and you

Russell Collins: Are Relationships the New Prozac? New theory about depression suggests mood fluctuates with experiences of being either connected or alone By Russell Collins, Noozhawk Columnist | Published on 09.21.2011 10:07 p.m Maybe you heard onlast weekend that the number of medical diagnostic codes is about to be increased from 18,000 to more than 140,000 in America. These codes (called

. Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Boston: ACM Press pp. 354-363. 1996. Documents and Professional Practice: 'bad' organisational reasons for 'good' clinical records Christian Heath and Paul Luff Centre for Work, Interaction and TechnologySchool of Social SciencesUniversity of NottinghamNottinghamUnited Kingdom ABSTRACT (Landauer, 1995) . Moreover,

What is alzheimer's disease? What is Alzheimer's disease? Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia, affecting around417,000 people in the UK. The term 'dementia' is used to describe thesymptoms that occur when the brain is affected by specific diseases andconditions. This factsheet outlines the symptoms and risk factors forAlzheimer's disease, and describes what treatments are cur

Microsoft word - may 14 2009 uhc minutes.doc

Gallatin County Unified Health Command Meeting Minutes May 14, 2009 8:00 – 9:00 am Sapphire Room Introductions Mike Layman (Belgrade Urgent Care), Mark Winton, Steph Nelson, Tim Roark, Sid Williamson, Jim Feist, Buck Taylor, Betty Kalakay, Leslie Teachout, Ita Killeen, Pam Shrauger, Patrick Lonergan, Kevin Stickler, Sean Grabbe, Vickie Groeneweg Review prior minutes

Androgen responsiveness of the pituitary gonadotrope cell line L T2 M A Lawson, D Li, C A Glidewell-Kenney and F J López Department of Pharmacology, Ligand Pharmaceuticals Inc., 10275 Science Center Drive, San Diego, California 92121, USA (Requests for offprints should be addressed to F J López)(M A Lawson is now at Department of Reproductive Medicine, School of Medicine, University of

Treatment of Depression and Effect ofAntidepression Treatment on Nutritional Statusin Chronic Hemodialysis PatientsJA-RYONG KOO, MD; JONG-YOO YOON, MD; MIN-HA JOO, MD; HYUNG-SEOK LEE, MD;JI-EUN OH, MD; SEONG-GYUN KIM, MD; JANG-WON SEO, MD; YOUNG-KI LEE, MD;HYUNG-JIK KIM, MD;JUNG-WOO NOH, MD; SANG-KYU LEE, MD; BONG-KI SON, MD ABSTRACT: Background : Depression, which is the most malized prote


Downloaded from on June 6, 2013 - Published by group.bmj.comIncreased incidence of sterile endophthalmitisfollowing intravitreal preserved triamcinoloneacetonideJ Jonisch,1 J C Lai,1,2 V A Deramo,1,2 A J Flug,1 D M Fastenberg1,2possible aetiologies have been proposed. It has beenAim: To report an increased incidence of sterilehypothesised that sterile endophthalmitis repre-endoph

A Comparison of 10 and 14 Days of Lansoprazole Triple Therapy for Eradication of Helicobacter pylori M. Brian Fennerty, MD; T. O. G. Kovacs, MD; R. Krause, MD; M. Haber, MD;A. Weissfeld, MD; N. Siepman, MD; P. Rose, MD Background: Data from large, multicenter, US studies in 84% (103/123) of those receiving 10-day triple therapydetermining the efficacy of triple therapy for the eradi-by

Pastoral pharmacology, part ii

Pastoral Psychopharmacology Historical Evolution of Behavioral Disorders and Psychopharmacology Beginning in the late nineteenth century a systematic study of disordersof the mind (thought processes and emotions) began to evolve out of themedical discipline of neurology. The nomenclature was empirical anddescriptive, usually with little relation to cause, since causes of the diseaseswere no

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Postgraduate Resident’s Information Handbook DERMATOLOGY,VENEREOLOGY & LEPROSY Use your five senses. Learn to See The journey of ‘Tanda Sanitarium to Medical College’ is perhaps that of the strong will of the decision makers. The history of ‘Tanda’ dates back to the reign of Rajas Dharam Chand and Langarpal of Kangra during early 16th century. The original inha

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ANALGESIA E SEDAÇÃO EM TERAPIA INTENSIVA: RECOMENDAÇÕES GERAIS ANALGESIA AND SEDATION IN INTENSIVE CARE: GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS ANALGESIA Y SEDACÍON EN TERAPIA INTENSIVA: RECOMENDACIONES GENERALES RESUMO Trata-se de estudo descritivo e exploratório sobre analgesia e sedação em terapia intensiva. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram conceituar e caracterizar a intensidade dolor

CORRESPONDENCE Ann Thorac Surg 2012;94:1782–9 References Davide Pacini, MD 1. Parolari A, Pesce LL, Pacini D, et al. Monzino Research Department of Cardiac Surgery Group on Cardiac Surgery Outcomes. Risk factors for S Orsola-Malpighi Hospital perioperative acute kidney injury after adult cardiac sur- University of Bologna gery: role of perioperative ma

Pii: s0010-7824(01)00322-5

Anti-implantation effects of indomethacin and celecoxib in ratsNongluck Sookvanichsilp*, Pawitra Pulbutr Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand Abstract Pregnant Wistar rats were used to investigate the anti-implantation effect of cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors, indomethacin (nonse-lective COX-1/COX-2 inhibitor) and celecoxib (specific COX-

Priftin (rifapentine)

HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION ————————————— WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS ————————————— These highlights do not include all the information needed to use PRIFTIN® safely and • Do not use as a once weekly Continuation Phase regimen with isoniazid in HIV seropositive effectively. See full prescribing information for PRIFTIN. patie

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J. Med. Chem. 2004, 47, 4975-4978 Interaction between an Amantadine Analogue and the Transmembrane Portion of the Influenza A M2 Protein in Liposomes Probed by 1H NMR Spectroscopy of the Ligand Antonios Kolocouris,† Raino K. Hansen,‡ and R. William Broadhurst*,§ Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, School of Pharmacy, University of Athens, Panepistimioupolis, Zografou,Athens 15

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Canada Product Ingredients This list is compiled based on product information provided by Subway® approved food manufacturers. Every effort is made to keep this information current however it is possible that ingredient changes and substitutions may occur before this list is updated. This list does not include regional or special promotional items as ingredients vary. BREADS

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The Japan Wild Rogaining Navigation Challenge 2004 in Sugadaira NaganoThe brand-new outdoor sports “Rogaining” in Japan. The vastextent of highland “Sugadaira”is waiting for wild rogainers. 【Date】 June 27 2004 Sunday 【Place】 Sugadaira,Nagano JAPAN【Class】 9 hours / 6 hours (Start 5 o'clock)【meet place】 Sugadaira Kogen Ski area【Organizer】Japan Ro

Rochester urology, p

Rochester Urology, P.C. Robert A. Badalament, MD & Fred Lee, MD Dear Sir: You are scheduled for transrectal ultrasound of the prostate on _______________________________ at ________ AM / PM. Although prostate biopsies are not always performed, you should be prepared to have a prostate biopsy. If you are on coumadin, aspirin, almost all over the counter pain medications (motrin, ale

Cette série de travaux pratiques numériques a pour vocation de montrer l'utilité de calculseffectués par une approche théorique utilisant exclusivement la mécanique moléculaire. L'ensemble des calculs sera réalisé en utilisant le champs de force MM3 à l'aide d'un logiciela) Inversion de l'éthane: D'un point de vue structural, la molécule d'éthane possède deuxconformations: un

BetegtÁjÉkoztatÓ: informÁciÓk a felhasznÁlÓ szÁmÁra

Betegtájékoztató: Információk a felhasználó számára Rennie Deflatine rágótabletta kalcium-karbonát, magnézium-karbonát, szimetikon Mielőtt elkezdi szedni ezt a gyógyszert, olvassa el figyelmesen az alábbi betegtájékoztatót, mely az Ön számára fontos információkat tartalmaz. Ezt a gyógyszert mindig pontosan a betegtájékotatóban leírtaknak, vagy az Ön ke

Alzheimer 37.qxd

Documento descargado de Copia para uso personal, se prohíbe la transmisión de este documento por cualquier medio o formato Memantina asociada a anticolinesterásicos en la enfermedad de Alzheimer Juan José Ruiz Ezquerro Servicio de Neurología. Complejo Asistencial de Zamora. Abstract Las posibilidades terapéuticas específicas para la enferme- T

Microsoft word - volume 2 number 3.doc

RAM NEWSLETTER Volume 2 Number 3 My Rotary Friends and Friends of Rotary. What a start to the year! Dreadful flooding in Queensland and in parts of New South Wales and Victoria, Cyclone Yasi in North Queensland, and the bushfires in Western Australia. On behalf of everyone involved with Rotarians Against Malaria, I hope nobody receiving this Newsletter was affected, or had anyone bel

Taking small steps towards targets perspectives for clinical practice in diabetes, cardiometabolic disorders and beyond

Taking small steps towards targets – perspectives forclinical practice in diabetes, cardiometabolic disordersand beyondA. Golay,1 E. Brock,2 R. Gabriel,3 T. Konrad,4 N. Lalic,5 M. Laville,6 G. Mingrone,7 J. Petrie,8T.-M. Phan,9 K. H. Pietil€ainen,10,11 C.-H. Anderwald12,13,14Big changes are hard. When trying to achieve guideline targets in diabetes andLiterature review of the effects of cha

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Unità dei cristiani e temi etici L'incontro panortodosso a Istanbul di Marco Bellizi L'unità degli ortodossi. Ma anche una posizione comune sui temi della bioetica. El'attenzione confermata all'ambiente, tema da inserire sempre di più nella catechesi,nelle omelie e in generale nelle attività pastorali. Sono questi i punti nodali deldocumento finale dell'incontro panortodosso che si è

Featured in this booklet Clip and Save: 20 Common Investing Mistakes Compliments of Morningstar Library Services Even tough markets have opportunities. Our top analysts map out the New Year with tips for where to invest in 2009. The past year has been unforgiving, to say the least. Dramatic market fluctuations, historic government intervention, and hard-hitting corporate failures have str

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De christenen hebben zeker 3 eeuwen lang Gods feesten gevierd. Sabbat, Pesach, Wekenfeest, Loofhuttenfeest. En alles volgens de Joodse kalender. Vanaf de 4e eeuw mocht dat niet meer. En nu, in de 21e eeuw zijn we zo ver verwijderd van die basis, dat veel mensen zeggen dat Gods feesten niet voor christenen zijn en dat het vieren ervan wettisch is. Evangeliegemeente Reveil viert wel deze feesten. Wi

Sicherheitsdatenblatt gemäß 1907/2006/EG, Artikel 31 ABSCHNITT 1: Bezeichnung des Stoffs bzw. des Gemischs und des Unternehmens 1.1 Produktidentifikator Handelsname: Anti-Insekt Artikelnummer: 2059, 2060 1.2 Relevante identifizierte Verwendungen des Stoffs oder Gemischs und Verwendungen, von denen abgeraten wird Keine weiteren relevanten Informationen verfügbar. Verwendung d

Article 34 medical position

ARTICLE 34 MEDICAL POSITION STATEMENTS OF THE RHODE ISLAND INTERSCHOLASTIC LEAGUE The following position statements were developed by the Rhode Island Interscholastic League's Sports Medicine Advisory Committee and approved by the RILL Principals' Committee on Athletics: Section I. CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE IN ATHLETES The Rhode Island Interscholastic League in an attempt

Valutazione programma rdi

VALUTAZIONE DEL PROGRAMMA DI INTERVENTO DI SVILUPPO RELAZIONALE RDI® Di Steven E. Gutstein, The Connections Center, Houston, USA Audrey F. Burgess, The Connections Center, Houston, USA Ken Montfort, The Connections Center, Houston, USA ABSTRACT: Questo studio è il secondo di una serie di studi che valutano l’efficacia dell’Intervento di Sviluppo Relazionale (RDI) per trattare i deficit unici

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Organization Function/Status Location Start Date: 2006-11-29 End Date: 2007-11-29 Description: Field of intervention: Volunteer for Lebanon Start Date: 2007-05-01 End Date: 2007-08-30 Description: Field of intervention: Lebanese expatriates from all over the world are Home Rehabilitation / encouraged to sign-up with SayabqaLubnan. com for volunteer oppo

Shofar 201403 master copy

M A R C H 2 0 1 4 A D A R I / A D A R I I 5 7 7 4 Wednesday Thursday Saturday 09:20 Prayers & Blessings 10:30 Shabbat Morning Service Lili Jefferson 10:30 Tots’ 09:45 Cheder 10:00 Baby & 10:00 Jews 11:15 Novel 10:30 Pre- 10:00 Hadracha 10:30 Shabbat 18:30 GCSE 1 18:30 Youth Choir 20:00 Bridge Club

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Romsey Baptist church 29th October 2006 pm Esther 9 & 10 At the end of chapter 8, which we looked at last week, the crisis that this story is all about, the threatened annihilation of the Jews in the Empire was almost resolved. Mordecai and Esther, in partnership with God, had saved the day – and yet that day, the day of the contradicting edicts, still had to be faced. Despite t


Return to Appendix Local Reactions Your skin may have something to say - Marine Stinging Creatures and show - when it contacts underwater Hydroids, anemones, jellyfishes, fire corals, sponges irritants and worms are examples of marine stinging creatures that can cause reactions with blisters, itching and pain. By Paul S. Auerbach M.D., M.S. The reaction occurs onl

Microsoft word - hip fracture primary operation form1.doc

RIKSHÖFT Q2. Patient  /  /  -  Year, month, day and 4 digit security number fracture Q7. Sex  1= Male 2= Female. Q14. Type Fracture  (see figure on the back of this form) 1=Undisplaced cervical fracture 2=Displaced cervical fracture 3= Basocervical fracture 4= Trochanteric two fragments fracture 5= Trohcanteric fracture mul


Management of chronic pain in the elderly: focus on transdermal buprenorphine Abstract: Chronic pain in the elderly is a signifi cant problem. Pharmacokinetic and metabolic changes associated with increased age makes the elderly vulnerable to side effects and overdosing associated with analgesic agents. Therefore the management of chronic cancer pain and chronic nonmalignant pain in this gr

24th YAKULT 10 MILER Cultural Center Complex Grounds Sunday * March 17, 2013 * 5:30 a.m. 16K Overall Results Place No. Name Age S Time Pace ===== ====== ===================== === = ======= ===== 1 5219 Willy Rotich 21 M 51:30 3:14 2 5239 Eliud Kering M 52:46 3:18 3 5875 Elijah Kipruto 26 M 54:20 3:24 4 5535 Darwin Lim 25 M 56:55 3:34 5 6085 Gerald Sabal M 59:44 3:44 6 5685 Marc Dave Macaraeg 9 M


PRINTER-FRIENDLY VERSION AT RHEUMATOLOGYPRACTICENEWS.COM June 2013 Rheumatology Practice News SPECIAL EDITION All rights r Stanford University School of Medicine Copyright © 2013 McMahon Publishing Gr Dr. Marcus is a retiree of Eli Lilly & Company and serves as an advisor to both Amgen Inc. and Lilly. eserved. Repr Not long ago, FDA-approved pharmacologic oducti

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Tel: (01886) 832288/832000 Fax: (01886) 833517 Tel: (01886) 832288/832000 Fax: (01886) 833517 CELL GROWN WILD FLOWERS, MARGINALS & REEDS Availability The following varieties which are listed will give you a selection of Nature Plant Varieties which are available throughout the season. Some wild flower species have erratic germination, causing these species to be ready at diff

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Tips for Advanced Cataract Surgery Michael Reynard, M.D. Posterior Capsule Tears If the posterior capsule tears during cataract surgery, the natural tendency is to continue phacoemulsification and remove as much of the nucleus as possible before resorting to mechanical irrigation-aspiration or vitrectomy. However, this approach may extend the capsular tear and worsen prolapse of vitreous. When con

Programma Duindigt 22 september 2013 GRATIS INFORMATIE In deze programmafolder treft u gegevens aan over de paarden die vandaag starten. Veel meer informatie vindt u in het ook op de baan verkrijgbare magazine Draf & Rensport, waar de laatste verrichtingen van de paarden duidelijk zijn vermeld. In onze folder vindt u geen uitgebreide tips; die vindt u wel in Draf & Rensport. Dat

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Pharmacokinetic Interaction Between Norgestimate/Ethinyl Estradiol and EVG/COBI/FTC/TDF Single Tablet RegimenPolina German, Maggie Wang, David Warren and Brian Kearney Presented at the 12th Int. Workshop on Clin. Pharmacology of HIV Therapy, 13-15 April 2011, Miami, Fl, USA Introduction Elvitegravir (EVG) is an HIV-1 integrase inhibitor Cobicistat (COBI) is a potent, mechanism-based inhibito

SUSAN IVEY; REGINA CARRADO; RAY PALMIERI SUBJECT: 2014 RELIABILITYFIRST BUDGET DATE: Thank you very much for your comments/questions. 1. Personnel Wage Increases: NERC plans for “average salary increases below industry average.” How does RFC compare with NERC in this area? Reliability First is using a 3% general wage increase for the 2104 budget. This percentage was recommended

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COLONOSCOPY / EUS (circle one) GLYCOLAX / GATORADE PREP *Immediately purchase 4 Dulcolax (Bisacodyl) laxative tablets (non-prescription) in the laxative section of the pharmacy, along with the 255 gram bottle of Glycolax at your requested pharmacy, and 64 oz of Gatorade ( NO red or purple )  Heart of Lancaster Regional Medical Center  Lancaster Regional Medical Center MEDICATI

La Busana (right side): David Uriel Hasson & Rivca Galante Alberto & Jaco Levy family Cohen family Menashe family (Grandmother of Fortune Soriano) Chilibee Turiel (daughter: Lea—Brussels--grandfather of Fortune & Bella Soriano) Dr. Mercado Hasson (lived upstairs & had medical clinic downstairs) Allegra Alhadeff (upstairs) (teacher of embroidery & French) Moshe Alhadeff childr

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An update on “Bleeders” and that reported in Japan, Britain and South Africa, and less than that reported in Singapore, Hong Kong Defining a “bleeder”. and the USA. definition of a “bleeder” in various world. In Australia, bleeding is defined as the appearance of blood indicate that some degree of EIPH at both nostrils, irrespective of the ma

Republique francaise

PRÉFET DE LA REGION BRETAGNE DIRECTION REGIONALE DES AFFAIRES CULTURELLES ARRÊTÉ portant attribution de licence d'entrepreneur de spectacles Le Préfet de la région Bretagne Préfet d'Ille-et-Vilaine Vu le traité sur l’Union Européenne et les traités instituant les communautés européennes ;Vu le code du commerce ;Vu le code de la sécurité sociale ;Vu le code du trav

Teilnehmerübersicht ACHTERBERG,ANNCHRISTIN RV Tönisberg-Schaephuysen 1921 e BACKES,LENA RF Luisenhof 2002 e.V BAUMANN,JULIA RFV Graf v.Schmettow Eversael e.V. BAX,ALEXANDRA RFV Repelen-Baerl e.V. BECHERT,CLAUDIA RFPZV Ziethen Issum 1887 e.V. BECHTLOFF,CLAUDIA RFV Ziethen Trompet 1884 e.V. BEST,SONJA RFV Rayen e.V. BEST,SONJA RFV Rayen BIERBAUM,


COSTO E MODALITÀ DI PAGAMENTO: PARTECIPANTI: Costo del corso: € 200,00 (prezzo finito) Le iscrizioni sono limitate a n. 50 partecipanti Il corso È possibile scegliere tra le seguenti opzioni di Medici (M ED . FISICA E RIABILITAZIONE - N.P.I. - - Sconto del 10% pagando un acconto di €. 100,00 PEDIATRI – NEUROLOGI) entro il 5 novembre 2012 e il saldo di €

Deterioro cognitivo en pacientes epilepticos

Revista Argentina de Neuropsicología 2, 1-14 (2004) Deterioro cognitivo en pacientes epilépticos Deterioro cognitivo en pacientes epilépticos Servicio de Neurología, Hospital Borda - Facultad de Medicina, UBA Los hallazgos de los Tests Neuropsicológicos en enfermos epilépticos se hallan influenciados porel/las áreas cerebrales comprometidas, el tipo de lesión (si la hubiere), la

Far forest

PUNCHING WELL ABOVE ITS WEIGHT by Beth Whitaker Far Forest is too small a place to feature on most road atlases. Located in the heart of rural Worcestershire, on the edge of the Wyre Forest, you can drive through it without blinking. And so a casual observer could really wonder where all the customers for the local Far Forest Stores are coming from. On the outside, the shop does not look any

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PREFEITURA MUNICIPAL DE RIO POMBA Pag. 0001GES2550 73 48 37LPRODADQ.656-666 19-3 Produtos Adquiridos P/Periodo - 2011 07:43:50===========================================================================================================================================================RELACAO DE CONTRATACOES REALIZADAS NO PERIODO : 01/10/2011 A 31/10/2011=============================================

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Michael Francis Addison Woodruff Bibliography Michael Francis Addison Woodruff—Bibliography (With R. Douglas Wright) The diagnosis, incidence and treatment of avitaminosis A and D in obstructive jaundice. Aust. N.Z. J. Surg., 10 , 135-145. (With R.L.R. Sampimon) Some observations concerning the use of hypnosis as a substitute for anaesthesia. Med. J. Aust., 1 , 393-395. In

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Report for Brighton and Hove Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB) and Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) 9.8.13 By John Kapp, 22, Saxon Rd Hove BN3 4LE, 01273 417997, CURING THE NHS AND DEPRESSED PATIENTS BY MASS-COMMISSIONING THE MINDFULNESS COURSE The crisis in the NHS is caused by the following factors, which can be solved locally by councillors initiating culture change

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Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics (2001), 15, pp. 201–220. SURVIVAL ANALYSIS: PARAMETRICS TOSEMIPARAMETRICS TO PHARMACOGENOMICSPranab K. SenDepartments of Biostatistics and Statistics, University of North Carolinaat Chapel Hill, USA. Email: pksen@bios.unc.eduSummarySurvival analysis with genesis in biometry and reliability analysis evolved withstatistical modeling and analysis o

Ergebnisübersicht: Metelen,PLS vom 01.-04.07.2010 [ 461027021 ] 01.07.2010 - 04.07.2010 Springpferdeprüfung Kl A** Preis der Fa. Scho, Kulturbau, Ochtrup 1. P Wolfgang Zimmermann (RV Hof Wissing Gescher e.V.)2. P Hendrik Zurich (Ländl.ZRFV Gronau e.V.)3. P Andrea Ulmker (ZRFV St.Hubertus-Neuenkirchen e.V.)4. P Heinz Flothmann (RV St.Georg Saerbeck e.V.)7. P Gerd Könemann (ZRFV

Linda LangfeldAlbis Plastic GmbHMühlenhagen 35D-20539 Hamburg Moplen HP501M A product of Basell Sales & Marketing, BVThe following is in response to your request for Product Stewardship Information (PSInfo) for the product listed above. The attached Product Stewardship Bulletin (PSB) details the regulatory status of this product. LyondellBasell Industries responds to product stewards

R I C H M O N D L E G A L A D V I C E S E R V I C EDuke Street Church, Duke Street, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DHMortlake Community Association, St. Mary the Virgin Church, MortlakeEach Wednesday in Richmond, between 8.00pm and 9.00pmFirst Tuesday of each month in Mortlake, between 8.00pm and 9.00pm Firms of solicitors providing “legal aid” in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames


Negotium Revista Científica Electrónica de Ciencias Gerenciales / Scientific e-journal of Management Sciences / PPX 200502ZU1950 ISSN: 1856-180 Edited by Fundación Unamuno / Venezuela / REDALYC, LATINDEX, CLASE, REVENCIT, IN-COM UAB, SERBILUZ / IBT-CCG UNAM, DIALNET, DOAJ, Yokohama National University Library / / , Google Scho

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Revista Iberoamericana de Arritmología – ria Reporte de Caso Asistolia por administración de bisoprolol y propafenona César R. Cáceres Monié, José F. Estepo, Marcelo Mulé, Juan Taccari, Oscar Yunk INTRODUCCIÓN El uso de antiarrítmicos clase 1C está cardiopatía. Su uso es seguro, relativamente rápido y con baja tasa de efectos adversos. Los estructural. Sin embargo, puede

Past Recipients for the Zumberge Individual/Interdisciplinary Awards 2012 Interdisciplinary Awards Yigal Arens, Information Sciences Institute, Viterbi School of Engineering Geoffrey Cowan, Center on Communication Leadership & Policy, Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism Mark Latonero, Center on Communication Leadership & Policy, Annenberg School for Communication &a

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Revista Electrónica de Enseñanza de las Ciencias Vol. 12, Nº 2, 243-268 (2013) Análisis de materiales para la enseñanza de la naturaleza del conocimiento científico y tecnológico Ángel Vázquez Alonso1, María Antonia Manassero Mas y Silvia Ortiz 1Universidad de las Islas Baleares, España. E-mail: Resumen: La naturaleza del conocimiento científico y tec

Vous allez avoir une

Vous allez avoir une Ablation d’une Lésion Abdominale par Radiofréquence De quoi s’agit-il ? L’ablation par radiofréquence (RFA) est une technique qui consiste à faire passer du courant électrique alternatif à travers une lésion. Ce courant entraîne une friction des cellules entre elles ce qui provoque une élévation de la température, elle-même entraînant une

LISTE DES PUBLICATIONS Articles originaux publiés dans des journaux à politique éditoriale 1. Rabe E, Guex JJ, Morrison N, Ramelet AA, Schuller Petrovic S, Scuderi A, Staelens Y, Pannier F. Treatment of chronic venous disease with flavonoids: recommendations for treatment and further studies. Submitted 2. Lapp A, Furrer P, Ramelet AA, Aubort C, Aubort P, Laurent P, Applegate LA. Cellu

Microsoft word - bhri publications 2006

Baker Heart Research Institute 2006 Publications Listing Journal Articles Adams DJ, Head GA, Markus MA, Lovicu FJ, van der Weyden L, Kontgen F, Arends MJ, Thiru S, Mayorov DN, Morris BJ. Renin enhancer is critical for control of renin gene expression and cardiovascular function. J Biol Chem 2006;281(42):31753-61. Ahimastos AA, Lawler A, Reid CM, Blombery PA, Kingwell BA. Ramipril ma

Observation of Lunar Impact Flashes with the SPOSH Camera: System Parameters and Expected Performance R. Luther (1,2), A. Margonis (2), J. Oberst (2,3), F. Sohl (3) and J. Flohrer (3) (1) Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany, (2) Technische Universität Berlin, Germany, (3) Institute of Planetary Research, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Berlin, Germany. 1. Introduction surfac

Statutory law usa: requiring silver nitrate in eyes of newborns

Statutory Law in the USA: Requiring Silver Nitrate in Eyes of Newborns Copyright 2006 by Ronald B. Standler Table of Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21. History of Prophylaxis of Ophthalmia Neonatorum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3side

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Pedro Solbes Chairman EFRAG Supervisory Board 35 Square de Meeûs B-1000 Brussels Belgique Our ref : IFRS and IASB Interpretations Committee Due Process Handbook Dear sir, The Dutch Accounting Standards Board (DASB) appreciates the opportunity to respond to the EFRAG draft comment letter on the enhancement proposals with respect to the IFRS and IASB Interpretations Committee Due Process Handbo

mhaviTüal½y viTüasa®sþ nigevC¢sa®sþstV\T§iBlénkareRbIR)as;emImdMLÚgmIeRkómCaexperimental station of Royal University of Agriculture\T§iBlénkareRbIR)as;søwkdMLÚgmIeRkómelI BiesaFn_stVénsaklviTüal½yPUminÞksikmµkasikSaGMBICMgWrakkUnRCUkkMBuge)AedaHenA CHHEANG NORA ksidæan Ca epg RsukBjaB¤ extþkNþaleqg esAeLg \T§iBlénkareRbIR)as;GnuplbgÁaCacMNIpSMCin esAesrImunI cM


The Clinical Corner Cardiovascular Health, part 5 The nutritional component of cardiovascular health is truly foundational. A lack of key nutrients and minerals is found at the crux of heart disease. Therefore, we’re looking at the proverbial “chicken or the egg”. Which comes first? Is it a disease state, like cardiovascular disease, which causes the body to suffer a decline in

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Evaluation of Current Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies Alicia Gilsenan, Elizabeth Andrews, Brian Calingaert, Debra Crozier, Abenah Vanderpuije RTI Health Solutions, RTP, NC, United States BACKGROUND OBJECTIVE CONCLUSIONS The role of the United States (US) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) with regard to To review characteristics of active REMS in the US for drugs with s

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F E A T U R E S AT5140 Tol Tag® • Exterior mounting • Factory-programmed or field-programmable • 120-bit storage • Security coding available • Powered by lithium • 10-year average service T he AT5140 TollTag® is a battery-powered field disturbance device used in the 915 MHz radio frequency (RF) band applications with other • Compatible with multip


Trabajos de autores extranjeros • Traducción realizada por la Dra Claudia Rodari con autorización de las partes involucradas Recomendaciones y bases para el tratamiento de la enfermedad pelviana inflamatoria Oluwatosin Jaiyeoba, Gweneth Lazenby, David E Soper Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Medical University of South Carolina. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther 2011;9(1):61-70 Rep

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CEMIG DISTRIBUIÇÃO, S.A. TEXTO REFUNDIDO DE LOS ESTATUTOS SOCIALES El presente texto refundido incorpora las modificaciones aprobadas por la Junta General Ordinaria y Extraordinaria celebrada el día 29 de abril de 2009. C A P Í T U L O I DE LA DENOMINACIÓN, CONSTITUCIÓN, OBJETO, DOMICILIO SOCIAL Y DURACIÓN DE LA COMPAÑÍA Artículo 1º. - La Compañía se denomina CE

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CURRICULUM VITAE OF DR. M. SEENIVASA PERUMAL Assistant Professor Gandhigram Rural Institute Gandhigram, Dindigul PERSONAL DETAILS Date of Birth : 03-04-1975 Marital Status : Married Nationality : EDUCATION Ph. D. – Synthetic Organic Chemistry , University of Hyderabad (Central University), M. Sc. – Chemistry, I class, University of Hyderabad (Central Univers

Clinical Neuroscience Assignment- Option 1 Introduction: For the purpose of this report, the interviewee has been given a pseudonym of Michael. The condition to be discussed is traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI). The report will include diagnosis; clinical manifestations; diagnostic procedures; treatment/management; future strategies and the pathophysiology of the condition. Carlson &

Knockoff: the deadly trade in counterfeit goods

Knockoff: The Deadly Trade in Counterfeit Goods By Tim Phillips London, England & Sterling, VA; Kogan Page Ltd., 2005, ISBN 0-7494-4389-0 (Price $29.95), pp. 231 Reviewed by Erika Jacobsen White Journal of High Technology Law Suffolk University Law School The global counterfeit market currently wields nearly $538 billion annually. The U.S. counterfeit market alone is estimated to rake in

Nieuwsbrief september 2009 pdf

Postbus 317 2910 AH Nieuwerkerk a/d IJssel E-mailadres: Website: Seizoen 2009-2010 is begonnen met de informatie avond in Hotel vd Valk. De avond werd door velen van u be-zocht. Dat waarderen wij zeer. Via deze nieuwsbrief will en wij u o.a. op de hoogte brengen van bijeenkomsten, die in de komende weken zullen plaatsvinden. Maandag 21-09 DAS

Southend Gastroenterology Associates, PLLC Sanjay Jain, MD Colonoscopy 4402 Churchman Ave, Suite 408, Louisville, KY 40215 Colyte Preparation Instructions Please follow the following instructions one day prior to examination. 1. Prepare the colon prep by filling the gallon jug to the fill line with tap water, shake well, and set on the counter. Do not refrigerate. 2. That mornin

Science magazine

Consumer activism, genetic information, andsocial networking technologies are creating Repurposing with a Difference many opportunities for drug repurposing. Mark S. Boguski,1* Kenneth D. Mandl,2 Vikas P. Sukhatme3 There is widespread belief that current number ofremarkable examples of repur- gerous side effects became tragically evidentin the late 1950s and early 1960s only afterwere

Emergency Evacuation of Building Procedure Standard− Under Critical Incident Policy & Procedure (Staff, Trainers, Students) The purpose of this procedure is to recognise the Emergency Procedure in case of fire,earthquake or terrorist attack and bomb threat or any type of emergency situation where theInstitute needs to evacuate the building for the safety of students, staff


Anatomy of plasmid vectors used in genetic immunizationBrazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (1999) 32: 147-153 Main features of DNA-based immunization vectors Departamentos de 1Biologia Geral, 2Microbiologia, and3Bioquímica e Imunologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas,Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil4Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingenie

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By Renal NurseMrs. Pam Davies. (retired) Mr David Crosby was the first transplant surgeon is and was initially based at Llandough, the first transplant was done in approximately 1967. He then moved to Cardiff Royal Infirmary. The first renal physician was Dr John Henry Jones, followed by Dr Gerry Coles. They were also based on the old CRI. It was not until the early 1970


Five themed seminars – each taking Neighbourhoods, Health, Education, Employment or Criminal Justice as theirstepping-off points – allowed session presenters and delegates to reflect directly on the new strategy and considerthe implications for their work and civil renewal. Each seminar aimed to address the three key streams within theGovernment’s strategy: tackling inequalities and open

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Health Information and History Today’s Date: ___________________ Patient’s Name: _________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth:_ ___________________ Address: ________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________ Cell Phone: _________________ Employer:____________________ Address:__ ________________________________________

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Glossary ACP Acepromazine: Mild oral or injected sedative. Comealong Correctional rope halter for impressing Adequan Intramuscular injectable aid to joint wear and ‘Follow Me’ lesson. See War bridle. tear. Oral equivalent is chondroitin sulphate. Seek Crooked knees Blanket term for knee deformity. See text. Cut Castrate, geld, make a gelding. Back up, or down State of mu

Building commissioning is an important qualitycated design and systems, commissioning may beassurance service in the building industry. More andessential to assure integration and operability. more engineering firms are considering commis-sioning services as a core business component. Existing-building commissioning, also known asCommissioning is being integrated into the con-re t ro-c


Factsheet Chiffres au 30/11/2012 Robeco Emerging Conservative Equities I EURRobeco Emerging Conservative Equities investit dans des actions à volatilité faible sur des marchés émergents à travers le monde. L'objectif à long terme du fonds est d'atteindre des rendementscomparables à ceux d'actions de marchés émergents, mais à un niveau de risque baissier nettement inférieur. La sél

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Replagal (agalsidase alfa) Prescribing Information : Please consult the Summary patient receiving Replagal. Extensive renal of Product Characteristics (SmPC) before Presentation: Concentrate solution for IV infusion. 1ml of concentrate for solution for infusion contains 1mg of agalsidase alfa. Indication: Long-term enzyme intracellular a-galactosidase activity. replacement therap

607 14th Street, NW, Suite 800 Washington, D.C. 20005 Tel: (202) 783-6040 Fax: (202) 783-6031 Email: Steven Lieberman Mr. Lieberman was born in New York City and admitted to the Bar of the State of New York in 1985 and the Bar of the District of Columbia in 1993. He is also admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court; the United States Cour


REGIONALES KOOPERATIVES RHEUMAZENTRUM HANNOVER e.V. Empfehlungen zur Diagnose und Therapie des Fibromyalgie-Syndroms Definition: Die Fibromyalgie ist ein nicht entzündliches, weichteilrheumatisches Syndrom unklarer Ätiologie und Pathogenese mit chronischen Schmerzen. Diagnose: Die Druckpunkte liegen bevorzugt an Muskelansätzen, Sehnen und Sehnenansätzen. Über die vom AC

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Safety and Efficacy of Lamotrigine for Adult Bipolar Disorder Patients Lawrence D. Ginsberg, MD Red Oak Psychiatry Associates, Houston, Texas Figure 2. Patient Response and Relapse on Lamotrigine Figure 4. After Lamotrigine Treatment CGI-I Scores ABSTRACT Were Mainly 1 and 2 81.3% Response Objective „ Of the 587 subjects reviewed in this study, 72.2% were female, an

Columns to be called:

Tech Talk: May 2012 Staphylococcus aureus – The Cowman’s Curse Protecting your dairy cows from mastitis is easier said than done, particularly when you consider the difficult nature of some very hard-to-kil bacteria. This is the cowman’s curse. Mention mastitis-causing bacteria and a few BIG names spring to mind, Staphylococcus aureus being one of the most prominent in mo

The co-evolution of people, plants, and parasites: biological and cultural adaptations to malaria*


African Snakebite Institute E-Mail: REPTILE NEWS A newspaper article that appeared in Volksblad Newspaper recently relating to first aid in snakebite. It appeared next to an article that was based on my previous newsletter in which I discussed snakebite, especially the large number of people being bitten by Mozambique Spitting Cobras. Herewith a tran

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Spruw en Candidiasis Spruw is een schimmelinfectie in de mond. Het komt veel voor bij baby’s en jonge kinderen. Soms gaat het gepaard met hardnekkige luieruitslag. Borstvoedende moeders kunnen deze schimmelinfectie ook krijgen. Dit heet ‘candidiasis’ en kan voorkomen op de tepel en tepelhof. Bij sommige moeders kan het ook pijnklachten in de borst geven. Spruw en candidiasis worden ve

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Rosanelli Medical Associates Product Pricing List with short descriptions and prices of products (all products include tax) TRICOMIN® Revitalizing Shampoo --$20 Developed for men and women with thinning hair, this non-alcoholic shampoo may be used after a hair restoration procedure and combines a unique cleansing and body-building formulation with the exclusive Triamino Copper


136 Drugs That Can Cause Cognitive Impairment /Home/Alzheimer's Treatments/ Medicines to Avoid for Alzheimer's Patients Drug-induced dementia and delirium are commonly misattributed to underlying medical illness or merely to "old age." But patients (and even their doctors!) might not know that by stopping or modifying the dosage o

Microsoft word - summary1010 oct-sept 2005.doc

New England Botanical Club - Minutes of the 1010th Meeting 30 September 2005 Karen Searcy, Recording Secretary pro tempore The 783rd meeting of the New England Botanical Club, being the 1010th since its original organization, was held on Friday, September 30, 2005, in the auditorium of the Peabody Museum of Natural History, New Haven, CT. There were 12 members and guests in attendance.

Hip replacement

A Patient’s Guide to Hip Replacement Dr Ashish Mittal, MBBS, MS(Orth), MRCS, MCH(Orth), Diploma in Sports & Exercise Medicine (London) Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon The Royal Orthopaedic & Sports Injury Center, Jaipur & Kota Understanding Your Hip Replacement Surgery INTRODUCTION A Hip replacement is an operation for serious arthritis of the hip.

Multisweep operating instructions

Pre-operating Instructions • Remove all packing material, carefully inspecting the unit for shipping damage. If any damage is found, inform the transport company and sign the delivery note damaged. If necessary notify your supplier of this product. • Check machine for tightness of bolts and fittings. • Grease all wheels, castors and kingpins. • Fit the appropriate quick release coup

Glossaires des sigles

GLOSSAIRES DES SIGLES Agent civil des services hospitaliers qualifié du service de santé desADMINISTRATION ET SOUTIEN DE L'HOMME (domaine deAssistance extérieure / Affaires étrangèresAttestation de formation complémentaire aux premiers secours avecAttestation de formation aux premiers secoursBureau conception des systèmes de force (EMAT/BCSF)Bureau d'édition et de diffusion de l'a


S.No. Name Composition 1 ACUDOL Tabs. 2 ACUDOL - D Tabs. Tramadol 50mg + Paracetamol 325mg + Domperidone 10mg. 3 ACX-P* Tabs 4 ACX-P* Tabs 5 ACX SP Tabs Aceclofenac 100mg + Para 325mg + Serratio 15mg 6 ACX MR** Tabs Aceclo100mg + Para 325mg + Chlorzoxone 250mg 7 ACX S** Tabs 8 M-ZOX** Tabs. Diclo-K 50mg + Para 325mg + Chlorzox 250mg + MgTrisil icate 100mg9 M-ZOX


Der Ratgeberwird vomZentralverbandder Ärzte fürNaturheilverfahrene. V. empfohlenWeitere Ratgeber zu ernährungsbedingten Krankheitenund Themen rund um die gesunde Ernährung sowieindividuelle Beratung zu Gesundheitsfragen erhalten Sie im Reformhaus. Die verschiedenen Krebsformen können 04 durch den Lebensstil und die Ernährung beeinflusst werden. Gesundes, genuss- volles Esse


Description of construction General remarks in construction of model: Model this was worked out in 1:25 scale. Before construction of the model, you should precisely acquaint with assembly drawings documentation and build the model on the basis of dequence described in this decsription. You should to know, that right and left side of the model run according to drive vector direction. To

by Burkhart and Burkhart demonstrated that tacrolimus hasInternational Cosmetic Dictionary) such as deionized water,superior efficacy to alclometasone dipropionate which,zinc oxide, magnesium oxide, calcium oxide, isopropanol,according to several classifications, is a mid-potent cortico-triethanolamine and benzoic acid. This composition has lowsteroid similar to hydrocortisone butyrate. s


Drug Safety Latest advice for medicines usersThe monthly newsletter from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agencyand its independent advisor the Commission on Human MedicinesVolume 3, Issue 10 May 2010 Contents Drug safety advice Stop press Other information from the MHRA Professionals who prescribe antidepressants will wish to be aware of our The Medicin

La construcción de identidades, sujetos e instituciones en el mundo de las artes

LA CUESTIÓN DEL EXTRANJERO EN “LOS RÍOS PROFUNDOS” DE JOSÉ MARÍA ARGUEDAS Leticia Alle Este artículo analiza Los Ríos Profundos de José María Arguedas a partir de la figura del extranjero. Se propone una hipótesis de lectura basada en la idea según la cual Ernesto, el protagonista de la novela, se encuentra atravesado por una doble condición de extranjería. De un l

Bulletin no

BULLETIN NO. 022 Issued May 2000 Revised June 2009 THE RETAIL SALES TAX ACT SALES TO BEEKEEPERS This bulletin outlines the Retail Sales Tax (RST) exemptions on farm implements, machinery and other items used “principally for farming” that are purchased by persons engaged in beekeeping. General • The Retail Sales Tax Act provides an exemption for farm implem

Renal Imaging PREPARED BY: APPROVED BY: _____________________________ _______ ___________________________ _________ With renal scintigraphy, the relative amount of the radionuclide extracted from the blood by a kidney is proportional to that kidney’s function. The radiopharmaceutical (Tc-99m MAG3) passes through the vascular system, renal tubular cells, tubular lumens and


A child with Polyglandular autoimmune syndromeType-I and immune thrombocytopenic purpura Mohamad Pedram1, Korush Riahi2, Kaveh Jaseb3, Mohammad Hasan Alemzadeh Ansari4, Mohammad Javad Alemzadeh Ansari5 ABSTRACT Polyglandular autoimmune syndrome type I (PGA I) is a rare disease. Its hallmarks are chronic mucocutaneous candidasis, hypoparathyroidism and adrenal insufficiency. Immune thrombocy

Dust Mite Lure Although there are many methods of house dust mite control, they are not without their limitations. Synthetic chemical acaricides found in commercially available products, can be used to control house dust mites by applying them to house dust mite habitats (carpets, mattresses, soft furnishings). Permethrin can be impregnated on to mattress-liners, and a clinical trial de

Microsoft word - instructieboekthuisbehandeling

1. Rood = vraagstelling aan collega´s voor feed-back ! kijk voor meest recente versie naar de datum in de page-footer 2. Blauw= nog aan te passen en/of te accorderen door werkgroep ……. 3. Graag aan- en opmerkingen opsturen naar Corinne ( ) of Wolfgang vóór 01 maart 2008, gelieve onder vermelding van regelnummer en pagina. 4. Overal vervangen : instruct

Benfotiamine Inhibits Intracellular Formation of Advanced Glycation End Products in vivo JIHONG LIN, ALEX ALT, JUTTA LIERSCH, REINHARD G. BRETZEL, MICHAEL BROWNLEE*, HANS-PETER HAMMES Third Medical Department, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany *Albert-Einstein College, New York, NY, USA ABSTRACT Glycolysis We have demonstrated previously that intrac

Collecting Data with the Blood Pressure Sensor This sensor can be used with the following interfaces to collect data: Blood Pressure • Vernier LabQuestTM as a standalone device or with a computer (Order Code BPS-BTA) Here is the general procedure to follow when using the Blood Pressure Sensor: The Vernier Blood Pressure Sensor is used to 1. Connect the Blood Pressure Sensor to th


Weiter Warten auf Details zu AbspaltungenDie Novartis AG ist ein weltweit tätiges Schweizer Pharmaunternehmen und teiltsich in fünf Divisionen auf: Die Division Pharma (dazu zählen die Bereiche Herz-Kreislauf, Onkologie und Neurologie), die Division Generika (Sandoz), die Divi-sion Gesundheitsprodukte (Tiergesundheit und rezeptfreie Medikamente) sowiedie Divisionen Impfstoffe & Diagnosti

Dr. doug rokke address on depleted uranium, true democracy, 11/10/00

The following is mirrored from its source at: Dr. Doug Rokke Address on Depleted Uranium True Democracy , Spring 2002, Vol. 2, Issue 2 10 November 2000 The following is a copy of the Address given by Dr. Doug Rokke, former head of the Pentagon’s Depleted Uranium Project,at the National Vietnam and Gulf War Veterans Coalition 17th Annual Le

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ARTIGO ARTICLE Diagnóstico das práticas de alimentação complementar para o matriciamento das ações na Atenção Básica Diagnosis of complementary feeding practicesfor creating a matrix model for action in primary health careLaís Amaral Mais 1Semíramis Martins Álvares Domene 2Marina Borelli Barbosa 1José Augusto de Aguiar Carrazedo Taddei 1 Abstract Timely and appropriate compl

This chemical compatibility guide was assembled from known compatibility data for PTFE materials andshould be used only as a general guide for determining the suitability ofGORE sealants for specific applications. An independent study of the compatibility with your specificfluids is advised for confirmation of chemical compatibility. When immersion tests are performed withGORE sealants, the test s

Microsoft word - ratblitzmsds_231009.doc

RUTH CONSOLIDATED INDUSTRIES PTY LTD A.B.N. 18 001 840 080 Unit 5, 7-9 Kent Road Mascot NSW 2020 Australia Postal Address: P.O. Box 6316, Alexandria NSW 2015 Australia. Phone: 61 2 9667 0700 Fax: 61 2 9669 0430 Emergency Telephone: 1800 257 193 E-mail: Internet: SECTION 1 - IDENTIFICATION OF THE MATERIAL AND THE SUPPLIER Product Name:


1. Control of any predisposing stress factors. Dr Colin Walker, of the These can take the form of: Knox Bird Veterinary Clinic Australian Pigeon Company (a) Environmental triggers, e.g. dampness, overcrowding, low & Aussie Bird Vet Pty Ltd. (b) Management triggers, e.g. poor feeding, excessive tossing, or(c) Concurrent disease, in particular parasitism. This includes

Bsg poster - march 2000

Colonic mucosal concentrations of prednisolone following oral administration of a novel formulation of prednisolone metasulphobenzoate (Predocol) 1Bell GD, 2English J, 3Spiers C, 4Nylander D, 4Hancock J, 5Rowland RS 1Sunderland University Medical Sciences Faculty, 2School of Biological Sciences, University of Surrey, 3Flexpharm Ltd, Watford, Herts, 4Department of Gastroenterology, Sun


LETTERS TO THE EDITOR UNDERTREATMENT OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE IN ETHNICALLY DIVERSE OLDER ADULTS: WHO SHOULD RECEIVE AN ELECTROCARDIOGRAM? To the Editor: There is an increased prevalence of cardio-vascular disease and its associated risk factors such as hy-pertension in older African Americans and probably otherethnic groups as well.1,2 Several factors likely contribute tothis increas

Pre clinical curriculum in biochemistry

MODULE 1 : Introduction to study of man Biochemistry – Undergraduate Programme Faculty of Medicine and Allied Sciences Rajarata University of Sri Lanka 1 Origin of Life Primordial Soup 1.1.1 Review the evidence that support evolution of life. 1.1.2 Recall the conditions that may have been present on the primitive earth favorable for the formation of biomolecules. 1.1.3 Des

PROPOSTA E IMPLEMENTAÇÃO DE PROTOCOLO DE TRANSFERÊNCIA DE ARQUIVOS USANDO SEGURANÇA POR CHAVE PÚBLICA (Fast-TP) Resumo O Protocolo de transferência de arquivos (FTP) é muito bem definido, implementado e utilizado pelo mundo. Apesar disto, algumas situações ocorrem onde seria desejável ter uma forma mais simples, rápida, mas ainda confiável de transmitir informaçõ

Hinduismus Hinduísmus [persisch], Religion, der etwa 950 Mio. Menschen, überwiegend in Indien angehören. - Das Wort Hindu ist persischen Ursprunges. - Die Hinduistische Kultur ist von den um 2000 - 1500 v. Chr. aus dem Iran eingedrungenen Arier (Aryan) in die Ganges- ebene begründet. Hierbei zerstörten oder lösten die Arier die schon bestehende Kultur der Drawiden (hohe Baue

Bath Soak (30 mins) + Jade & Ginseng Sugar Scrub Treat your five senses & the sixth will follow. Our (30 mins) + Couple’s Massage (60 mins) signature body ritual begins with a soothing bath soak to relax the body & mind, muscles & joints. A massage of your choice follows, including a Harmonizing Scalp Massage with organic Mediterranean Myrtle, Juniper, & organic Jojoba

Safety Data Sheet Sulfamethoxazole according to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 1. Identification of the substance/preparation and of the company/undertaking - pharmaceutical active substance: bacteriostatic, especially incombination with trimethoprim (e.g. BACTRIM,trimethoprim:sulfamethoxazole 1:5)F. Hoffmann-La Roche AGPostfachCH-4070 BaselSwitzerland 2. Hazards identification - Very

Principaux antidiabetiques oraux

Médicaments hypoglycémiants (en dehors de la grossesse, allaitement et de l’enfant) Mise à jour le 23 octobre 2009 REVESDIAB Principaux effets Effet sur la Contre-indication ou Commentaire et commercial maximale/j prendre ? secondaires morbi-mortalité indications -1 à 2% HBA1c Diarrhée Clairance <40 ml/mn Action sur la GAJ Douleurs 1

Microsoft word - expert opinion on house bill 4643 on abortive substances and devices in the philippines _7nov06_.doc

EXPERT OPINION ON HOUSE BILL 4643 ON ABORTIVE SUBSTANCES AND DEVICES IN THE PHILIPPINES UNDP/UNFPA/WHO/World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP) Department of Reproductive Health and Research BACKGROUND The Committee on Revision of Laws, House of Representatives, Republic of the Philippines requested a position paper on H

Microsoft word - 6.doc

Revista Pediatría Electrónica Universidad de Chile Servicio Salud Metropolitano Norte Facultad de Medicina Hospital Clínico de Niños Departamento de Pediatría y Cirugía Infantil Roberto Del Río Actualización en RGE en pediatría Becaria APS 1º año Programa de Formación de Especialistas en Pediatría. Departamento de Pediatría y Cirugía Infantil. Campus Norte. Universidad d

First Published: 20:09 IST(27/5/2012)Last Updated: 20:23 IST(27/5/2012)I am a bit of a dreamer. And that’s one of the reasons I am able to do this show. I dream that one day wewil be living in a country where things wil be different. I dream that one day, in our country, the rich and thepoor wil both get the same good quality healthcare. To many it may seem like a totaly impractical, and anunac

Aceclofenac + Paracetamol (100 mg + 325mg) TabsAceclofenac + Paracetamol+ Serratio Peptidase(100 mg + 325mg+15mg) TabAluminium Hydroxide + Mg. Hydroxide (250mg. +250mg)Tabs. Aluminium Hydroxide 250mg+Magnesium Hydroxide 250mg/5ml Susp. Amlodipine + Atenolol (5 mg + 50 mg) TabsAmoxycil in + Clavulanic acid (1000 mg + 200mg) Inj. Amoxycil in + Clavulanic acid (200 mg + 28.5 mg / 5ml) Dry Syrup


WELCOME TO OUR PRACTICE Patient Information Sex: Male Female Marital Status: Married Single Divorced Separated Responsible Party (if someone other than patient) Spouse and/or Parent Information Responsible Party is also a Policy Holder for Patient Primary Insurance Information Responsible Party (if someone other than patient) Spouse and/or Parent Information Responsible Party


P E R F O R M A N C E C O M P O N E N T S THREE YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY C O M P A C T L I T H I U M I O N B A T T E R Y Ballistic Performance Components Batteries are built by hand in the USA. Each battery is then run through the most stringent quality control standards and bench tested to insure that it performs as advertised. Ballistic Performance Components Batteries are shipped fully char

malaria update 2012

Malaria update 2012 Gunnar Holmgren, Infectious diseases clinic, Ryhov Hospital, Jönköping, Sweden May 2012 About 3.3 billion people are at risk of malaria globally, 350 million have the parasite in their body and 250 million will be ill with malaria in 2011 with almost 1 million dying as a result. Some new research suggests that 1.24 million died of malaria in 2010 with 85% of the dea

Odontología 2011 1) ¿Cuál, de las siguientes opciones, es una característica de la periodontitis del fumador? d) Respuesta inflamatoria disminuida. 2) De acuerdo a la experiencia realizada por Harold Loe (1965), ¿qué característica tiene la presencia de placa bacteriana supragingival? a) Necesaria pero insuficiente para producir gingivitis marginal crónica. b) Necesaria y su

Parasitenvorbeuge und behandlung im weidebetrieb

Parasitenvorbeuge und Behandlung im Weidebetrieb Parasiten sind ständige Begleiter bei der tierischen landwirtschaftlichen Produktion. Jedoch befinden sich die verschiedenen Entwicklungsstadien zu ca. 90 % in der Umgebung und nur ca. 10 % der Parasiten (juvenile und adulte Stadien) befinden sich am und/oder im Tier. Um eine geeignete Strategie zur Bekämpfung der Parasiten zu erarbeiten, ist es n

The search for perfection.doc

The search for perfection John Harris: The only traits it would be morally diversity. Politicians who appeared on TV in the problematic to induce are those that would be 1960s had bad teeth. Today you do not have any harmful to the individual or to others. It wouldn’t choice but to fix them, because we have no be morally problematic if a woman had a boy tolerance for politicians

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la revue applique la réforme de l’orthographeNOU E U V RE LA O ù en sommes-nous avec notre sexualité ? Dans une transition problématique entre deux modèles normatifs. Celui d’où l’on vient, appelé par Foucault le « dispositif d’alliance », est basé sur la parenté, la transmission du nom et des biens. Les rôles respectifs de l’homme et de la femme sont prescrits par

NEWS RELEASE News Release Grant Thornton 5K Run in Colour for Kelowna General Hospital For Immediate Release | August 21, 2013 Be a kid at heart again and join Kelowna's first Run in Colour! KELOWNA, BC - August 21,2013 - Kelowna's inaugural Grant Thornton 5K Run in Colour on behalf of Kelowna General Hospital Foundation (KGH Foundation) takes place on September 21 start

Microsoft word - prostate enlargement.doc

Prostate Enlargement BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA The Prostate Gland The prostate is a walnut-sized gland that forms part of the male productive system. The gland is made of two lobes, or regions, enclosed by an outer layer of tissue. As the diagrams show, the prostate is located in front of the rectum and just below the bladder, where urine is stored. The prostate also surroun


Microsoft word - precommitment white paper final.doc

PRE-COMMITMENT AS A STRATEGY FOR MINIMIZING GAMBLING-RELATED HARM Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences & Coordinator, Alberta Gaming Research Institute Abstract Pre-commitment is a relatively new harm minimization strategy for problem gambling. To date, its primary use has been in casino self-exclusion programs, a few Internet gambling sites, and to limit land-based EGM play in a few juris

Update on export regulations for ginseng

Update on Export Regulations for Ginseng By Elise George and Chip Carroll American Ginseng, one of the world’s most valued plants, was first exported from the United States in the mid-1700s. In August 2005, the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) revised export regulations for this CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) listed species. Typically, CITES listed

Microsoft word - iv year.doc RAGHU College of Pharmacy IV B.PHARM. – I SEMESTER Course No. 411 – Pharmaceutical Chemistry – V (Medicinal II) 1. Physic-chemical properties of biological activity: Influence of partition coefficient, covalent bonding, hydrogen bonding, surface activity, redox potentials, chelation, enantiomerism and geometriacal isomerism on biological activity; 2. Factors

CONSEILS PRATIQUES EN CAS DE DOULEUR VULVAIRE Les conseils proposés le sont à titre informatif, il ne s’agit en aucun cas de directives ou de contraintes supplémentaires. Ils doivent être modulés et adaptés par chacune d’entre vous et en fonction des traitements qui vous ont été proposés. 1) Conseils pour éliminer toute source d’irritation locale ‐ Porter de préférence des

Microsoft word - topnalbums_jan_13

Last Update: 14/4/13 – Changes & additions since the December 2010 version highlighted thusly By universal acknowledgment, the greatest of the Old Masters of acoustic blues. It’s said that Eric Clapton wouldn’t even talk to you in the 1960s if you were not au fait with Robert Johnson. This is one of the exceptions in which I’ve allowed a “best of” compilation. I just had to in thi

The Clinical Corner Drug Induced Nutrient Deficiency by Robert J. Lukasik, DCN, FACACN Robert J Lukasik, DCN The pharmaceutical industry in the United States has been growing at sustained, record levels. The benefits of pharmaceutical therapy are widespread and in many cases life-saving. All of us, however, are familiar with the fact that drug therapy often results in side-effects. H

Bulletin march 2006

Poste-publications de la convention no 40048697 Changements importants apportés au RSSFP! TABLE DES MA Le présent numéro décrit les modifications importantes qui sont apportées au RSSFP à compter du 1er avril 2006. Ces modifications sont le fruit d'un travail de collaboration Voici les nouveaux avantages. d'une durée de deux ans qui a été accompli par le Secrétariat du Consei

Product info. template

P H A R M A N E X ® S O LU T I O N S / I M M U N E S U P P O R T ANTIOXIDANT DEFENCE SYSTEM SUPPORT Positioning Statement What Makes This Product Unique? Tegreen 97® is a proprietary, highly concentrated extract of the • A proprietary green tea extract containing 97% polyphenols ofantioxidant catechins found naturally in green tea that promote• Has the antioxidant power of seve

1. Name of your regular family doctor ______________________________________ Phone _____________________OR ❏ I do not have a regular family doctor2. Have you ever had any problems with blood pressure, previous heart disease, palpitations or angina? ❏ Yes ❏ No If yes, please explain: _______________________________________________________________________________3. Have you had an EKG in t

PR No. 12 - 05 - 071 ROMBLON STATE UNIVERSITY L. C. No. 12 - 07- 079 Date: July 11, 2012 Sir/Madam: Please quote your government price(s) on the following articles needed by the school. ATTY. ERWIN M. FORTUNATO The Committee on AwardRomblon State UniversityOdiongan, Romblon Gentlemen: Our government price(s) on the articles listed below are as follows: No. Quanti

Nebulized Saline Solution of Dry Powder Formoterol is Useful for Acute Bronchospasm A Pérez Puigbó1, E Capriles Behrens2 and L Giannoni Delgado3. 1. Instituto de Clínicas y Urología Tamanaco. 2. Escuela de Medicina "J.M. Vargas", Caracas. 3. Centro Médico Docente La Trinidad, Medicina Comunitaria. Dos nuevos beta agonistas de efecto prolongado son actualmente usados clí

Microsoft word - appendix 5 - picrite ecotox report.doc

Generic Quantitative Risk Assessment Report, Bishopton Redrow Group & BAE Systems Property Investments Ltd. Appendix 5; Eco-toxicity of Nitroguanidine (Picrite) and its Degradation Products 1.0 Background Nitroguanidine is a constituent of some gun propellants. This substance was manufactured at the now decommissioned Royal Ordnance Factory, Bishopton. Relatively high concen

Microsoft word - bioterrorismfornevadanurses_2012.docx

Bioterrorism for Nevada Nurses This course has been awarded four (4.0) contact hours. This course expires on January 18, 2016. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction and distribution of these materials are prohibited without the express written authorization of Revised: January 3, 2007 Revised: January 3, 2009 Acknowledgements acknowledges the valuable contributio

Roaccutane (istretinoin) consumer medicine information (cmi)

Roaccutane® contains the active ingredient isotretinoin Consumer Medicine Information What is in this leaflet Your doctor, however, may have Vibramycin®, doxycycline prescribed ROACCUTANE for hydrochloride, Doryx®, another purpose. Frakas®, Minomycin®) Ask your doctor if you have any 5. you have severe liver disease questions about why 6. yo


ROSACEA Dialogue with a Mentor Albert Kligman, M.D., Ph.D., is a pioneer who continues to break new ground in dermatology. knowledge remains so poor. Consider that rosaceahis career to challenging the status quo,and acne vulgaris are related disorders, and while A and to this day continues to play an active we have a good understanding about the causes of role in the ever-cha

Microsoft word - third circuit limits equitable mootness doctrine 101613

Third Circuit Limits Equitable Mootness Doctrine By L. Katherine Good Recently, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit reaffirmed its narrow construction of the doctrine of equitable mootness in In re SemCrude L.P. (Samson Energy Resources v. SemCrude L.P.) , Case No 12-2736 (3d Cir. Aug. 27, 2013) (Ambro, J.). FACTS AND PROCEDURAL HISTORY Prior to commencing their Chapter 11

Important Safe Use Document for Lithium Polymer Batteries WARNING: You must read and understand before charging or using your lithium polymer battery. Failure to read and follow the below instructions may result in fire, personal injury and damage to property if charged or used improperly. B&Y Hobby Supplies, our distributors/dealers and employees assume no liability for failures to compl

Nordic Section of the Regional Science Association Submitted to Parallel 2: Networks, Innovations and Infrastructure Robert Sörensson, CERUM, Umeå University, SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden Are MAR, Jacobs and Porter externalities less important for multi-plant firms than single plant firms? In the literature treating endogenous growth models, human capital accumulation and knowledge spillov

Microsoft word - 1314c00.doc

Hazard Communication Sheet CAFFEINE C8H10N4O2 1,3,7-Trimethylxanthine White crystalline solid or powder; m.p. 134-236oC. Soluble in water. DESCRIPTION HEALTH HAZARDS CAUTION : TOXIC Swallowing of gram quantities causes palpitations, excitement, insomnia, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, and . Larger doses cause convulsions, pulmonary oedema and de

Ready for revalidation: supporting information for appraisal and revalidation

During their annual appraisals, doctors will use supporting information to demonstrate that they are continuing to meet the principles and values set out in Good Medical Practice . This guidance sets out the supporting information that you will need to provide at your annual appraisal and the frequency with which it should be provided. It also gives further details on how the information can be

Rex Bariatric Specialist NUTRITIONAL AND DIET EVALUATION A. Weight/Dieting History: 1. List your approximate weight in pounds at the following ages? 10 y/o ____ lbs, 20 y _____ lbs, 30 y _____lbs, 40 y ____ lbs, 50 y ____ lbs, 60 _____ lbs 2. Please list your heaviest weight, (exclude pregnancies) __________ lbs __________ age. 3. Have you tried weight loss through structure

Pii: s0360-3016(99)00063-2


Sa umt meeting

HPR I Substance Abuse Regional Access Team Meeting Minutes February 9, 2011 Attending were: Nancy Haden, NWCSB; Christy Cacciapaglia, Alan Cale, WSH; Mary Montgomery, Jim Clark, Mary Schlimm, Region Ten; Tracy Koblish, HRCSB; Debra McPhee, RACSB; Jackie Dare, Jan Lizotte, RRCSB; and Paul Regan, HPR I. Review Agenda / Approve Minutes: No agenda change. The Minutes fro

intravenous paracetaMol salg recoMMendations 1 Intravenous (IV) paracetamol should be prescribed carefully, according to the weight, age and co-morbidities of the patient. The upper dose limit for each single dose and in each 24-hour period should not be exceeded. 2 50ml vials of IV paracetamol should be used for patients less than 33kg. In infants and small children, doses shou

Participant Information and Agreement Participant Name ___________________________________________________ Age___________ Home Phone___________________Address__________________________________________ City___________________________________ State_________ Zip________Email Address____________________________________________________________________________________________________Outing/Trip Na

Microsoft word - revel_9_los_marcadores_del_discurso_del_lenguaje_juvenil_de_madrid.doc

JØRGENSEN, Annette Myre; LÓPEZ, Juan A. Martínez. Los marcadores del discurso del lenguaje juvenil de Madrid. Revista Virtual de Estudos da Linguagem – ReVEL . Vol. 5, n. 9, agosto de 2007. ISSN LOS MARCADORES DEL DISCURSO DEL LENGUAJE JUVENIL DE Annette Myre Jørgensen1 Juan A. Martínez López2 RESUMEN : En este trabajo describimos un aspecto concreto del lenguaje juvenil: e


RUBA RENOVA AMI Allgemeine Beschreibung Renovationsemail für Innenanwendung. Sehr rasche Description générale Trocknung, damit die Arbeit nicht durch lange Wartezeit ver-Email de rénovation pour intérieur. Séchage très rapide pour zögert wird und der Besitzer die Räume rasch wieder benüt-éviter une période d'attente trop longue. Très haut pouvoir-zen kann. Hohe Deckkr

No. Research Name of Trial Date Agreed Trial Status number of to recruit Committee patients Reference to recruit number of patients agreed time A Randomized, Double-blind, Multiple Dose Placebo-Controlled Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of AMG 181 in Subjects with Moderate to An open, non-randomised, study to provide data on the art


American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (2004) 190, S30e8James Trussell, PhD,a,* Charlotte Ellertson, PhD,b Felicia Stewart, MD,cElizabeth G. Raymond, MD, MPH,d Tara Shochet, MPHeWoodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Office of Population Research, Princeton University,Princeton, NJa; Ibis Reproductive Health, Cambridge, Massb; University of California San Francisco,

R. dror_r. rothstein.qxd

Join Rodef Sholom Temple’s Israel Adventure October 6 – 16, 2013 Optional: Oct 16-21, Extension to Negev, Arava plus exciting additions around Tel Aviv Hi-Tech/Masorti/Eco-Tour Highlights: US Air Flights from Newport News - Philadelphia - Tel Aviv and return Dan Panorama Hotel Jerusalem, Kibbutz Lavi Hotel Tiberias, Renaissance Hotel Tel Aviv All Breakfasts, Shab


Using Business Intelligence to Discover New Market OpportunitiesUsing Business Intelligenceto Discover New MarketOpportunitiesJanice FratesCalifornia State University Long BeachMany companies have customers of which theyBusiness Intelligence, Marketing, Competition,are only minimally aware, people who started using agiven product while seeking a solution for an appar-ently unrelated need. Th

Bulletin 3.doc

2005 DHL Australian Rowing Championships Interstate Regatta Sydney International Regatta Centre, Penrith, NSW Monday, 7 March to Sunday, 13 March, 2005 BULLETIN 3 DHL, global market leader of the international express and logistics industry, has made a major investment aimed at securing the future prosperity of Australian rowing, in becoming the naming rights sponso


China Security Memo: April 8, 2010 | STRATFOR China Security Memo: April 8, 2010 Counterfeit Viagra The head of the Hong Kong customs office’s Intellectual Property Investigation Bureau said that approximately 80 percent of counterfeit drugs seized in Hong Kong are used to treat impotence, according to an April 5 report in a


Matrizes Bidimensionais Exemplos de algoritmos 1 – Adicionar valores à matriz A e B 2 – Soma dos valores da matriz A com a matriz B 3 – Subtracção dos valores da matriz A com a matriz B 4 – Multiplicação dos valores da matriz A com a matriz B 5 – Achar o valor mínimo e máximo da matriz A 1 - Adicionar valores à matriz A e B Inicio j <--- 1 i <--- 1 * es

Pmb cdl conditions

CDL Condition Clinical Entry Criteria / Information required • Dx required by specialist physician, paediatrician or endocrinologist, or state hospital provider • All other disciplines, to submit pathology confirming the diagnosis• Spirometric demonstration of at least partially reversible airflow obstruction (adults and children > 5 years)• Changes in peakflow in response


Gabapentin Important drug interactions Clinical use Anti-epileptic – adjunctive treatment of partial• Antidepressants: antagonism of anticonvulsiveseizures with or without secondary generalisation Administration Dose in normal renal function 300 mg on day 1, 300 mg twice daily on day 2,300 mg three times daily on day 3, then increasedaccording to response to 1.2 g daily (in t

plantas. Cada planta tiene su manera de ser, igual que tú tienes la tuya y yo tengo la mía. R: No. Pero sospecho que una planta que no le gusta el cobre no lo va a absorber y siEntonces si tú la respetas le vas a sacar buen provecho. Por eso que yo no haría unalo absorbe, en vez de ser un verde pálido será de un verde oscuro. No sé cuál será el efectoselección artificial, porque esto

Fiche dÕinformation au patient

Fiche UG5 Vous allez avoir une ponction-biopsie de la prostate sous échographie Vo t re médeci n vous a prop osé une inter ve n t i o n radio l o g i q u e. Elle sera pratiq u ée avec votre consente m e n t. Vo u s avez en effet la liberté de l’accep ter ou de le refuser. Une info r m a t i o n vous est four n ie sur le dérou le m e n t de l’inter v e n t i o n et de ses suite

Anlage pl-13258-01 druckversion

Anlage zur Akkreditierungsurkunde D-PL-13258-01-00 nach DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Gültigkeitsdauer: 15.03.2012 bis 16.12.2013 Institut für Rechtsmedizin der Universitätsmedizin der Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Am Pulverturm 3, 55131 Mainz Prüfungen im Bereich: Forensik Prüfgebiete: Forensische Toxikologie, inkl. Fahreignungsdiagnostik Forensische Alkohologie Forensis

Microsoft word - endometriose.doc

Endometriose ► Was ist Endometriose ? Unter Endometriose versteht man eine gutartige, oft chronisch verlaufende Erkrankung . Dabei kommt es zum Auftreten von Gewebe, das normalerweise die Innenseite der Gebärmutterhöhle auskleidet (Endometrium), an anderen Stellen des Körpers. Das Endometrium kann dabei z.B. im Bereich der Eierstöcke, der Scheide, des Darmes, in oder au

Traitement des symptômes de la Sclérose en Plaques La spasticité +/- déficit moteur Aggravée par toute « épine irritative »: infection urinaire, fécalome, ongle incarné, etc. Traitement en fonction de la gène fonctionnel e, approche globale de l’état neurologique. Rôle de la rééducation (étirements, massages.) +++ Médicaments par voie orale: Baclofène

Infiltration Une récrudesence de la douleur dans les 24 heures suivant l'infiltration peut être possible : Dans ce cas, il est recommandé au patient de prendre le traitement antalgique habituel dont il dispose. Il est recommandé de même de ne pas conduire aprés une infiltration quelle qu'elle soit. Deux infiltrations différentes ne peuvent être réalisées le même jour ( en dehors d

VERENIGING VAN EIGENAREN ALGEMENE VOORWAARDEN Artikel 1: Definities 1. VvE: de Vereniging van Eigenaren of dien overeenkomstige organisatie met wie Renova BV een opdrachtovereenkomst sluit; 2. Vergadering van Eigenaren: de vergadering van eigenaren van de VvE zoals bedoeld in artikel 5:125 lid 1 BW. In geval van een Coöperatieve flatvereniging of andere vereniging wordt hier bedoel

7-renal drugs final

Diuretics and Drugs Affecting Renal Function, Water, and Electrolyte Metabolism Subcommittee: Strandhoy, Jack W., Chair, Jeffries, William B. Diuretics Recommended Curriculum Equivalent: 2 hrs  Drug Classes and Drugs to Consider Learning Objectives  Physiology and Pathophysiology Describe the location and function of major ion transporters and ch

Clinical News Peter F. Buckley, MD Phase 1 Results of New Putative Antipsychotic Use in Anorexia Antipsychotic RP5063 Reported Nervosa: Mouse Model Provides Results were presented at the recent New Clinical Drug New Evidence Evaluation Unit (NCDEU) Conference on a Phase 1 study Klenotich and colleagues recently provided an elegant of a putative antipsychotic RP5063 in 55

Microsoft word - differentiating instruction for advanced learners-tomlinson

Differentiating Instruction For Advanced Learners In the Mixed-Ability Middle School Classroom By Carol Ann Tomlinson ERIC EC Digest #E536, October 1995 A particular challenge for middle school teachers is being able to differentiate or adapt instruction to respond to the diverse student needs found in inclusive, mixed-ability classrooms. This digest provides an overview of some k


COMMON PEDIATRIC PROBLEMS Special Thanks to Dr. Joel Schwab, Residency Director, Dept. of Pediatrics, University CONTENTS ACUTE GASTROENTERITIS Characterized by rapid onset of diarrhea with or without vomiting, fever and abdominalpain. Diarrhea is defined as frequent, loose, unformed liquid stools. Most cases causedby viral or self-limited bacterial disease. 1. Recent travel. 2. Known si

Europäisches Patentamt European Patent Office Office européen des brevets EP 0 989 848 B1 EUROPEAN PATENT SPECIFICATION (51) Int Cl.7: A61K 9/28 of the grant of the patent: 29.09.2004 Bulletin 2004/40 PCT/IB1998/000883 (21) Application number: 98921690.8 (22) Date of filing: 08.06.1998 WO 1998/056360 (17.12.1998 Gazette 1998/50) (54) FILM-COATED TABLET FOR IMP


Patient Education and Counseling 67 (2007) 293–300To err is human: Patient misinterpretations of prescriptionMichael S. Wolf ,Terry C. Davis William Shrank David N. Rapp ,,Pat F. Bass , Ulla M. Connor Marla Clayman , Ruth M. Parker a Health Literacy and Learning Program, Institute for Healthcare Studies, Northwestern University, United Statesb Center for Communication and Medicine, Divi


69-5485-00-8 VIAGRA® (sildenafil citrate) Tablets DESCRIPTION VIAGRA®, an oral therapy for erectile dysfunction, is the citrate salt of sildenafil, a selective inhibitor of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)-specific phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5). Sildenafil citrate is designated chemically as 1-[[3-(6,7-dihydro-1-methyl-7-oxo-3-propyl-1 H -pyrazolo[4,3- d ]pyrimidin-5

ESBRA 2009 ABSTRACTS - Symposium 11 INTRA-VTA INFUSION OF THE POSITIVE ALLOSTERIC MODULATORS OF THE GABAB RECEPTOR MODULATES ACCUMBAL DOPAMINE DURING ALCOHOL SEEKING BEHAVIOR IN RATS Kimberly A. Leite-Morris, Heddy B. Kerrestes Boston University School of Medicine & VA Boston Healthcare System, Boston, MA, USA The motivational behaviors that precede ethanol drinking namely see

International rogaining federation

International Rogaining Federation Rules of Rogaining Rogaining is an amateur sport to be enjoyed by social and competitive participants and event organisers. These rules have been drafted with simplicity and enjoyment as primary guides and govern the conduct of all rogaining events organised by any group affiliated with the International Rogaining Federation. The rules are composed of four

Microsoft word - periodic limb movement disorder

Restless Legs Syndrome and Periodic Limb Movement Disorder Restless Legs Syndrome is a movement disorder where a child reports uncomfortable sensations in the legs when sitting still or lying in bed. To relieve these sensations the child will move and stretch their legs, hence the term ‘restless legs’. Many young people with restless legs syndrome also suffer with periodic limb movement

Microsoft word - jessel, abstract clinam.doc

Nanostructured and Multilayered Active Materials for Clinical Applications S. FACCA1, A. DIERICH2, J.-C. VOEGEL1, N. BENKIRANE-JESSEL1 1Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, Unité 977, Faculté de Médecine, 11 rue Humann, 67085, Strasbourg Cedex, France and Faculté de Chirurgie Dentaire, UDS, Strasbourg 2Institut de Génétique et de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire

Princípios do processo eletrônico

El Juez y la Conectividad – el nuevo principio de la José Eduardo de Resende Chaves Júnior1 Aunque haya virado cliché enaltecer el potencial colectivo de la red, en el Poder Judicial eso todavía es un gran tabú, pues la decisión judicial, mismo cuando proferida de forma colegiada, es fruto todavía de un proceso de convicción profundamente monocrático. Sin perquirir sobre las compleja

Hot Flashes in Palliative Care Part 2 Authors: Carolyn Lefkowits, MD and Robert Arnold MD Background: Hot flashes (‘flushes’) are a common anddisabling symptom, particularlywhen caused by cancer treatment. Assessment of hotflashes was reviewed in April’s newsletter. This month’snewsletter will cover procedural and pharmacologicaltreatment of hot flashes. Pharmacologic Treatments: The


‘How can we use architecture to communicate global environmental issues to our communities?’ Corus Undergraduate Architects Award Brief 2006 The Eighteenth Corus Undergraduate Architects Award is supportedby the Steel Construction Institute (SCI), the British Constructional Steelwork Association Limited (BCSA) and the Architect’s Journal. The competition is approved by the RIBA. Ack


Revitalizing Neighbourhoods From once-polluted shoreline, industrial land and former sawmills, Vancouver’s False Creek, SoMa and River District areas are emerging as outstanding examples of urban renewal. By STEVEN THRENDYLE Decades after artists and bohemians sought cheap rents in vermin-infested loft space throughout inner cities across North America, the conversion of warehou

CURRICULUM VITAE 8, B-1, Harshal Resi.,Talegaon- chakan Rd. Email- / Career Objective To maximize the potentials and utilize them effectively to attain organizational goals and objectives through positive attitude, flexibility and an open mindset. To be a part of a team that excels in the effort towards the growth of the organization and g

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