John Harris: The only traits it would be morally
diversity. Politicians who appeared on TV in the
problematic to induce are those that would be
1960s had bad teeth. Today you do not have any
harmful to the individual or to others. It wouldn’t
choice but to fix them, because we have no
be morally problematic if a woman had a boy
tolerance for politicians with dodgy teeth. This
rather than a girl, or a child with a particular skin
pressure to conform can be seen in a very toxic
or eye colour or high intelligence. No one has a
reason to bemoan the birth of such a child. Nor
And because we can now screen pregnancies
would the child have grounds for complaint.
for certain genetic conditions there’s also a
On the other hand, to choose to bring a child
reduced tolerance of disability. In the past, when
with diseases or disabilities into being is morally
we saw a family with a Down’s syndrome baby,
problematic. A child born permanently deaf, or
we might have thought, that’s sad or that’s
lame, or blind, or with short life expectancy would
different. Now we ask, why didn’t you have a
surely have grounds for complaint if these
test? Insurance companies in the US will not
characteristics were deliberately chosen. Why
cover your medical costs if you have what they
then do some people feel that designing children
call “elective disability”. What sort of freedom is
to be healthy, talented or to possess some
beneficial feature might be wrong? If it’s not
wrong for a prospective parent to wish to have a
intervene in the genetic lottery. People like me are
bonny, bouncing brown-haired baby boy, how
born with a bad hand genetically. But society can
does it become wrong if we have the technology
change that. It can eliminate the genes, it can give
cosmetic surgery to Down’s people so they don’t
The phrase “designer children” has clear
have slitty eyes. Well, no it can’t, because we
negative connotations. The implication is that
don’t have enough money to do what we already
parents are more concerned with pleasing
do, let alone enter this Utopian world of fixing,
themselves than with valuing children for their
own sake. However, normal sexual reproduction
The “eliminate at all costs” mentality is a real
has always had a large element of design in it.
problem. Disability is the grit in the oyster that
Cultures, religions and races that have encouraged
promotes interesting, creative ways of looking at
their members to marry other members of the
the world. Moreover, a good society looks after its
same group are all into designer children. If
weakest members regardless of whether they
creating a world with less disability and disease
seems preferable, then, like me, you will believe
Embodiment is about limitation, suffering,
in minimising disease and disability and
mortality. That’s the sad truth. Nobody wants to
live in the Stone Age. But there is a limit. We
The principle of procreative autonomy - your
need to accept our glorious diversity rather than
right to control your own role in procreation - is
resort to ever more undignified, toxic and
embedded in any genuinely democratic culture.
expensive attempts to deny reality and achieve
The presumption must be in favour of access to
assisted reproductive technologies unless you can
Kathy Phillips: Unlike Tom, you could say
show good and sufficient reasons not to do so.
that coming from Vogue, I don’t live in the real
Tom Shakespeare: It’s always entertaining to
world. Well, maybe not. But like it or not,
listen to John. Perhaps less so this time because
cosmetic enhancement procedures are part of the
the world he has in mind wouldn’t have me in it.
real world. And from where I stand it makes no
difference what any of us think, we will be able to
do little to stem the demand for these procedures.
choices John talks about as though we are merely
We can wave pictures of Liza Minnelli’s wedding
individual free agents. We have to consider the
guests at people. We can show them close-ups of
complex patterns of other people we are involved
Michael Jackson’s nose. But they’ll still be
with. The world is messy and complicated, as are
Britons spend £180 million a year on Botox
Genetic screening, surgery, Prozac all have
injections and laser skin resurfacing. Teeth
side effects and problems. They seldom do exactly
bleaching is a new growth area as are vein
treatments, mole removal and what is known as
One consequence of the many interventions
practised at the moment is a reduced tolerance of
women, and men; with tattooed eyebrows and lid
lines. I’ve watched a facelift, a brow lift, thigh
Now suppose you could enhance some other
liposuction, lips, and chin, nose jobs, eyelid
characteristic. You’re not going to have this
enhancements, tummy tucks, breast enlargements.
enhancement on the NHS, so what you’ve got is
In Japan, the situation is even scarier. The
the rich hard-wiring their economic and social
Japanese are being operated on to round their
slanted eyes, to sculpt their cheeks, deny their
The dream of perfection is an illusion. It’s
Moon-round faces. They want to deny their
who we are inside that matters. Is genetic
genetic heritage via Slavic cheek bones,
engineering going to make peace between Israelis
Scandinavian blonde hair, American height and
Audience Question: Recently, a deaf
Some will say such vain attempts are encouraged
American couple controversially attempted to
by magazines such as Vogue setting impossible
increase their chance of giving birth to a deaf
aesthetic standards. Life endlessly proves to us
child by using a deaf sperm donor. Should society
that the pretty girl gets the job, the blonde at the
Tom Shakespeare: I had two children
best-looking couple gets all the attention. If
knowing there was a 50 per cent chance they
people believe a nose job will transform their
would be disabled, so the coverage of that case
lives, it is not all down to the media. It’s because
was saying that people like me shouldn’t have
they are looking for self-respect and confidence in
kids. If choice and parent autonomy are your
watchwords, then what are you going to say when
people come to you with curious choices? If I
embryo to produce a blonde, blue-eyed, long-
were to go with a partner for pre-implantation
limbed baby, there will be a customer. But the
genetic diagnosis to ensure we had a baby
future population of Barbie dolls won’t be
impaired with achondroplasia, most doctors would
necessarily content. In my experience perfection
say, “Oh, we’re not sure about that.” And they say
often leads to more insecurity-and ultimately more
John Harris: If it’s genuinely not a bad thing Donald Bruce: Just over a year ago, we had
to be deaf, then there couldn’t be anything wrong
the Nash family in the US using IVF to choose an
with deafening a hearing child. But I don’t believe
embryo of the same sex and as close a match as
anyone thinks it is a matter of moral indifference
possible to their child who was suffering from
whether a child is deaf or not. We think it’s a bad
serious bone marrow disease. The same week, a
thing. Because I believe in reproductive freedom,
family in Scotland was turned down when they
I would uphold the parents’ right to choose, but I
asked for IVI` to select a girl to replace their only
wouldn’t protect them from criticism. I think
daughter they had lost in a bonfire accident. They
claimed it was their right to re-establish the
Audience Question: Why are we not also
gender balance in their family and they were
talking about the state potentially improving its
I’m part of the European church working
Donald Bruce: The problem with eugenics is
group on bioethics, and under Europe’s
that it doesn’t work. (Chair: That’s the only
convention on human rights and biomedicine,
problem with eugenics?) The problem with the
exactly that case is proscribed. They said that the
rhetoric of eugenics is that you’ll only do it to
only case for using sex selection is for serious
some bits of the population, and the question is
gender-related genetic disease. And I think that is
Tom Shakespeare: I think the state does have a
For all the anguish of that individual case, we
responsibility to improve the quality of the
are all part of a wider society. Once you have said
population, which is why I support good maternity
yes to sex selection in a non-medical situation,
care, an excellent NHS, well-structured and
there is no real reason to say no to other things
well-funded free education for all. That is the
that are down to personal preference. But there
cost-effective, humane and egalitarian way to
really is a difference between the non-medical and
medical situation. It’s not just a continuum. You
John Harris: The OED defines eugenics as
should not make your own preference a factor in
the attempt to have a fine healthy child.
the desirability of a child. We are too close to
According to that description we should all be
commodifying child-bearing, and we’re losing the
eugenicists. But I’m against the state or medical
profession imposing decisions on us. We need to distinguish this from individual eugenic choices
that are free and unfettered. These are the best
Audience Question: If we take perfection as
a template and try to alter our genetic make-up, aren’t we sending humanity down a disastrous biological cul-de-sac?
John Harris: Evolution has almost stopped
(audience dissent). The only way it’s going to go on is if we take it in our own hands. That’s the reality. I’m not particularly in favour of continued evolution, but if you are then you’ve got to do it-for yourselves.
Tom Shakespeare: The fact that evolution
has stopped is news to the TB bacterium for a start. But who would you trust to design these people? Politicians, doctors, fashion gurus? Parents? Almost everyone in this room probably has a complaint against their parents. If we’re going to give parents the chance of choosing characteristics, then you’ll not have seen anything like it – litigation for years!
Chair: When I appeared before the Select
Committee last week, one of the MPs said that MPs would make the best judgements.
Kathy Phillips: The idea that politicians
should decide on the aesthetics of the future population is really terrifying.
Audience Question: Will our desire for
perfection drive us into becoming completely obsessed with physical perfection?
Kathy Phillips: I hate to say this but I don’t
think we will stop worrying. There may be 20,000 plastic surgery operations in the UK but I think the statistics are going to rise hugely. (Chair: Leading to a sort of MeDonaldisation of physical looks . ) Yes – lots of Lara Crofts. Tom Shakespeare: The comic book 2000AD ran a story about a future world where there’s a guy who makes his living selling designer blemishes. One day there might be a backlash against conformity. New Scientist 11 May 2002
Viruserkrankungen Verrucae planae juveniles 1.1.1 Klinik Die planen Warzen sind vorwiegend im Bereich des Gesichtes und zwar an der Stirn, den Wangen sowie perioral nachweisbar (Abb. 1). Zumeist treten sie als multiple, fla-che, hautfarbene, rundliche, ovale Papeln mit einem Durchmesser von 1–4 mm auf. Sie kommen besonders bei Kindern und Jugendlichen vor, seltener bei Erwachsene
SUEÑO DE UNA NOCHE DE VERANO WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE el aleph .com 1999 – Copyright www.el aleph .com www.el aleph .com PERSONAJES LISANDRO, DEMETRIO, apasionados de Hermia. FILÓSTRATO, director de fiestas de Teseo. HIPÓLITA, reina de las Amazonas, prometida de Teseo. HERMIA, hija de Egeo, enamorada de Lisandro. FLOR-DE-GUISANTE, TELARAÑA, POLILLA, GRANO-DE-PÍRAMO, TISBE,