
Five themed seminars – each taking Neighbourhoods, Health, Education, Employment or Criminal Justice as theirstepping-off points – allowed session presenters and delegates to reflect directly on the new strategy and considerthe implications for their work and civil renewal. Each seminar aimed to address the three key streams within theGovernment’s strategy: tackling inequalities and opening opportunities for all; building an inclusive sense of citizenshipand cohesive communities; and, eradicating racism and extremism. Speakers had been chosen to represent a policy/academic viewpoint, practitioner experience or both combined.
In the same time slot a Media Panel Debate looked at the role of the media in promoting race equality and community cohesion. An account of this debate follows, and is succeeded by seminar reports compiled from note- takers’ descriptions of the proceedings. We are grateful to all those who contributed to this section – the note- takers are credited in each session report. Some presenters also provided us with copies of their ohp slides.Thesecan shortly be seen on the Runnymede website [].
out that so much of journalism has beenabout contacts – about how you get to Media Panel Debate do ‘casual shifts’through someone you What is the role of the media in promoting race, ‘you have a lot of wel -meaning people,but there are a lot of iron-bound practices in place which have to bekicked out.’ Chair: Clive Jones, CEO of ITV News and Runnymede Trustee Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: Columnist for the Independent, the Standard and others events such as graduate fairs. ‘Some 6 to Chris Elliott: Managing Editor of the Guardian 7% of our editorial staff today come from Report by Vinay Menon,Visiting Hansard Scholar diverse backgrounds, which is double thenumbers of about 3 years ago.’ Sheffield University – which exposed the proper understanding of a particular race survey ‘Journalists at Work’ which had or community, it comes as little surprise figures have not improved since. ‘If it wasn’t for broadcasting … the figures would be even worse’, said Jones, as ‘in situation was so, real y make you wince,’ said El iott. ‘You have to go out there and shake preconceptions. It isn’t as simple as responsibilities of the media in building a stark and minimal. In some of the cities of newspapers have al white staff, editorial y El iott, Managing Editor of the Guardian, instance, Clive Jones raised the seminar’s first talking point: ‘why is the British press Britain’s foremost black newspaper, the there aren’t more black journalists out description. ‘For the past 10 to 12 years organisations as his starting point.
talked a lot about it, but couldn’t see howto kick down doors.’ ‘British Journalism sadly is one of the the realisation that ‘we’ve just got to RUNNYMEDE’S QUARTERLY BULLETIN MARCH 2005 inundated with young journalists, some of their paper, it’s important that journalists party complaints on behalf of the victims Especial y in terms of asylum-seekers, in of a misrepresentation in the press.
there aren’t more black journalists out El iott replied that a specific danger in sensitivity towards what they are talking dimension to this problem. ‘But as a black other hand, has a ‘Readers’ editor’ who Israel–Palestine conflict attracts from paper’s stylebook year on year, especial y such as race and religion. Not to mention and be able to turn around and say ‘this conduct. ‘But we stil get it wrong as we is al right, after al it’s coming from a black person’. For Forbes, ‘it’s important that they are the ones with votes. ‘But if you a different experience out to the readers, stylebook is ‘bogus asylum-seeker’ – an scapegoating.The deal is that this is the phrase ‘Islamist Terrorist’ in place of ‘Islamic Terrorist’. Explained El iott: ‘An representative journalism. I think it’s one from the faith, whereas Islamist suggests a and that’s one of the problems. We try, readers who felt the same way. It wasn’t journalism is an audacious occupation.
quintessential y ‘hysterical tones’ are religion of a terrorist captured by security forces. For instance, the use of the phrase ‘Islamic terrorist’ as opposed to merely especial y in the aftermath of 9/11.
journalists and politicians col ude in the seeing the word ‘asylum-seeker’ used in use of certain expressions, especial y on the Voice, ‘yet I read it daily in the Daily Mail, in the Sun’, Clive Jones asked Deidre different set of rules perhaps than those summed it up best when he said: ‘It’s not tougher than it presently is,’ said El iott.
easy. But I welcome such pluralism.’ ❑ describe people’, said Deidre, ‘but I think problem. ‘I am amazed that nobody black asks. ‘It [the PCC] seems toothless, a sort RUNNYMEDE’S QUARTERLY BULLETIN MARCH 2005


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