Nadine jurdi

I am a well respected, dedicated and hard working professional with diverse experience across many areas. I am recognized for my ability to achieve results due to exceptional interpersonal, analytical and problem solving skills, as well as the ability to be detail oriented and multi task effectively. I have outstanding communication and interpersonal skills: a proven ability to work well with individuals at all levels. I am a proactive individual with a logical approach to challenges and I am able to perform effectively and efficiently in a highly pressurized working environment. __________________________________________________________________________________ PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE
Rafik Hariri University Mechref, Lebanon 05/2011 – present Psychology Instructor
 Presented lectures and presentations, and conducted activities to help with learning process  Devised exams, tests and assignments for students  Amended course outlines based on overall students’ needs Rafik Hariri University (formerly Hariri Canadian University) Mechref, Lebanon, 07/2009 – 12/2009 Psychology and English Instructor
 Devised and developed a Freshman Psychology (Psych 190) course Curriculum (This had never been given as a course previously)  Wrote up ‘Freshman English’ and ‘Introduction to Psychology’ Syllabi  Presented lectures and presentations, and conducted discussions and activities to help with  Devised exams, tests and assignments for students  Amended course outlines based on overall students needs Psychosocial Counselor/Psychologist
 Assessed students in UNRWA schools with physical disabilities and visual impairments for  Worked with students with physical disabilities and visual impairments  Conducted short term therapy for students with physical disabilities and visual impairments  Developed Biopsychosocial assessments for these children and adolescents  Developed Psychosocial assessment reports  Conducted Awareness sessions for parents  Interviewed and assessed family members NADINE JURDI ALAEDDINE – Page 2 of 5
 Devised and wrote up daily, weekly and monthly schedules  Coordinated with other specialists and professionals  Devised and wrote up project proposals for future projects for UNRWA  Researched specific physical and psychological disabilities and made recommendations for  Referred students to appropriate specialists for various follow up or assessment.  Followed up students and their families with relevant home visits and school visits Consultant
 Acted as consultant for the University and helped Dr. M. Khawaja and Dr. B. Khoury in a  Undertook a literature review on current research for Professors at Institution  Drafted and wrote up paper to be published  Co-author to article (not yet published) Nour Al Shorouk (NGO) Beirut, Lebanon 2005 – 12/2007 Counselor/Psychotherapist
 Initiated Individual and group counseling sessions  Followed up on clients, their progress and re-evaluated them when the need arose  Consulted with and coordinated with other professionals in regards to clients  Developed and implemented Drugs, Eating Disorders and Smoking Awareness and  Developed and implemented clinical treatment program for clients with various difficulties,  Devised and presented lectures and presentations to colleagues, other professionals and  Conducted Educational seminars, workshops and training on clinical topics to staff members and other individuals as well as clients  Developed documents, reports, informative material, educational material, group formats and lectures in relation to counseling, addiction and other psychosocial issues.  Established and worked with a unique concept CTC12 (combination of core trauma counseling and 12 steps) in counseling and therapy  Acted as coordinator between Nour Al Shorouk and other Mental Health Organizations  Operated as Acting Clinical Director, while Clinical Director was on annual leave  Coordinated with IT specialists in regards to clinical computerized forms and clinical American University of Beirut Medical Clinic Research/Clinical Assistant
 Worked for Dr. H. Al-Amin (Psychiatrist) on Lamictal drug study  Interviewed patients in relations to their medications and associated disorder  Administrated tests/questionnaires to patients NADINE JURDI ALAEDDINE – Page 3 of 5
 Coordinated with Psychiatrists and Study Coordinator  Administrated study medications according to appropriate dosage American University of Beirut Medical Clinic Research Assistant
 Worked for Dr. B. Khoury (Psychologist) on Sexuality and Child Sexual Abuse studies  Carried out data entry and basic data analysis using Statistical Package for Social Sciences  Carried out research in various areas and on various clinical topics  Administrated and scored Intelligence tests: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) and Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISCH) Special Education Teacher (Learning Support)
 Taught Special English, Math, Science and Social Studies to students at different levels of understanding and education due to ADHD, slow learning, slight retardation and problem behaviors  Communicated with parents and other teachers  Developed and wrote up student evaluations  Coordinated with teachers, coordinators and school counselor Test Administrator and Scorer (Casual basis)
 Administrated and scored Intelligence tests: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) and Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISCH) for Dr. M. Gharzeddine (Psychologist) -- on a need to use basis Research/Graduate Assistant
 Independently worked as a research assistant for Dr. S. Kazarian (Psychologist)  Carried out data entry and analysis using SPSS  Conducted research on various projects Grade 4 and Special Education Teacher
 Communicated with Students and Parents  Provided support teaching for Special Students  Coordinated academic activities to facilitate student understanding and education NADINE JURDI ALAEDDINE – Page 4 of 5
American University of Beirut Outpatient Clinic Beirut, Lebanon 2003 - 2005 Psychotherapist Intern
 Observed Psychiatric and Psychotherapy interviews and sessions  Initiated and conducted individual therapy sessions for own patients  Processed cases with colleagues and supervisors  Coordinated with other medical departments in regards to patients Child Care and Administration
Magistrates Civil Courts Adelaide, Australia 1995 Work Experience Candidate
Masters of Arts
University of Adelaide Adelaide, Australia 1997-2000 Bachelor of Arts
Thesis: Expressed Emotions among Schizophrenic, Depressed and Normal Populations in Lebanon
Article: Social Networks and Psychological Distress in Low Income Women: Findings From a
Community Study in Beirut, Lebanon. (Co-author; In Progress, waiting to be published in Social Science & Medicine Journal) ACCREDITATIONS/MEMBERSHIPS
 Member of the Lebanese Psychological Association (LPA) NADINE JURDI ALAEDDINE – Page 5 of 5
 Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Training Pt 1: by EMDR-HAP trainer  SKOUN Drug and Methadone Conference – 2005  “Disasters and Trauma” Conference by Lebanese Psychiatric Association (continuing  Core Trauma Counseling and Developmental Immaturity model Training I by Dr. R. Teed  Core Trauma Counseling and Developmental Immaturity Model Training II by Dr. R. Teed  Codependency Training I by Dr. R. Teed (Lebanon) – 3 days, July, 2005  Codependency Training II by Dr. R. Teed (Lebanon) – 4 days, September, 2005  12 Step Training by Dr. A.R. Hassan – July, 2005  Drugs and Addiction Training by Dr. A.R. Hassan – Continuous, August, 2005  Training in Administrating Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WAIS) – 2003  Training in Administrating and Scoring Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WISC) – 2003 COMPUTER EXPERIENCE
 Internet and Portfolios Workshop – Hagazian University, 2004  Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) LANGUAGES
 English: Very fluently spoken and written  Arabic: Very fluently spoken and fairly written REFERENCES


Rafael Navas Vazquez La jurisdicción contable y la revisión de los RESUMEN /ABSTRACT: La jurisdicción contable ocupa una posición especial entre los demás órdenes ju-risdiccionales. Esta circunstancia repercute en distintos aspectos de su función, como la dificultad de delimitar claramente el ámbito de sus competencias, la especialidad de sus procedimientos, etc. Pero está también


VIII Mostra da Produção Universitária – 2009PNEUMOTÓRAX ESPONTÂNEO SECUNDÁRIO ASSOCIADO À PNEUMONITE Área Temática: Saúde Márcia Rodrigues1, Rossana Patrícia Basso2, Roseli Stone Vieira3, Cláudio Moss daSilva4, Jussara Maria Silveira5 (Coordenadores da Ação de Extensão)Pablo Wanglon Richter6, Fábio Duarte da Silva6, Denize M. A. Santos7 Palavras-chave: pneumotórax, pneu

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