No está claro cuán grande es el papel de los antibióticos en las relaciones competitivas entre los microorganismos en condiciones naturales. Zelman Waxman creía que este papel era mínimo, los antibióticos no se forman sino en culturas limpias en entornos ricos. Posteriormente, sin embargo, se descubrió que en muchos productos, la actividad de síntesis de antibióticos aumenta en presencia de otros tipos o productos específicos de su metabolismo.
No job name
Aust Endod J 2007; 33: 119–130 Flare-ups in endodontics and their relationship to various medicaments
Ernest H. Ehrmann, BDSc, DDS, FDSRCS1; Harold H. Messer, MDSc, PhD1; and Robert M. Clark, MSc, PhD2
1 School of Dental Science, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Carlton, Victoria, Australia2 School of Mathematical Sciences, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia
Keywords Abstract
calcium hydroxide, endodontic therapy,flare-ups, medicaments, pain, VAS scale.
The purpose of this research is to investigate the frequency of endodonticflare-ups using a visual analogue scale. Definitions of flare-ups vary widely as
does their reported frequency. A flare-up was defined as an increase of 20 or
Dr Ernest H. Ehrmann, 17 Otira Road, Caulfield,
more points on the visual analogue scale for a given tooth, within the periods
of 4 h and 24 h after the initial treatment appointment. The data from a
previous study were used to determine the incidence of flare-ups after using
three modalities (Ledermix, calcium hydroxide and no medication) to managepatients presenting for relief of pain of endodontic origin. A statistical analysisshowed that there were no significant differences in flare-up rates at both the4-h and 24-h periods between the three modalities. Further research isrequired using the above definition of a flare-up and standardising treatmentprotocols. Introduction
or even anti-inflammatory medication during the weekprior to the endodontic consultation. This would result in
In the mind of the layperson, there is an association
the exclusion of many severe cases from his study.
between undergoing root canal treatment and the occur-
Thirty years ago, O’Keefe (35) reported that there was
rence of pain. It is obvious that this does occur because
a relationship between preoperative and postoperative
there is a voluminous literature on the subject of flare-
pain levels. This has been confirmed by Genet et al. (13)
ups during endodontic treatment (Table 1). What seems
who found that 65% of patients reporting with preo-
unusual is that there is no agreement among different
perative pain had postoperative pain, while only 23% of
investigators as to the incidence of such flare-ups. These
those with no preoperative pain had postoperative pain.
are said to vary between 1.58% (17) and 90% (16).
Genet’s findings are corroborated by many other investi-
Henry et al. (15) stated unequivocally ‘The majority of
gators (Claffey et al. (5), Houk et al. (16), Moos et al. (28),
patients with symptomatic necrotic teeth had significant
Marshall and Walton (24), Nist et al. (32), Nusstein et al.
postoperative pain, and required analgesic medication
(33)). It can therefore be observed that the single most
to manage this pain.’ On the other hand, Trope (44)
important determinant of severe postoperative pain is the
reported a flare-up rate of only 2.53%. A careful analysis
presence of a preoperative painful condition.
of Trope’s data discloses that he included both vital and
There is no objective method for measuring pain, as the
necrotic pulps in his investigation. It is generally accepted
pain experience is very subjective and is dependent on so
that the flare-up rate after the extirpation of a vital pulp
many factors. In the past, there have been numerous
is either non-existent or very low, even if the pulps were
methods of pain measurement. These have included tele-
painful before instrumentation. In view of this, a flare-up
phone interviews on certain days after the endodontic
rate of 48.5% after extirpation of a vital pulp as reported
procedure and asking patients to describe whether their
by Negm (31) seems rather unusual. Another factor in
pain has been mild, moderate or severe (4,9,10,11,26)
which Trope’s study differs from those of other authors is
Several investigators have considered the situation as
that it did not include patients who had taken antibiotics
painful only if the patient telephones the office with a
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Table 2 Analysis of variance: preoperative 4 h post-operative
complaint or requests an emergency appointment(17,43,41). Other investigators issued a ‘pain diary’ to thepatient (5,13,21,32,38) and suggested that the patientshould record pain as being mild, moderate or severe.
In order to minimise the various factors and to be able
to compare how different procedures can affect the pain
Figure 1 The VAS pain scale.
experience it is desirable to use a standard method. Withthis in mind, Rimmer (49) suggested a ‘Flare-up Index’This extends from 0 to 45 and encompasses no fewer than
is no absolute measurement for pleasure, there is no
nine variables. These include not only different degrees of
absolute measurement for pain. Pain still remains a sub-
pain but also swelling and trismus. This index has not
jective response on the patient’s part to a stimulus. An
found acceptance as it is altogether too complicated.
approximation of this scale to more subjective categories
In an effort to quantify and measure pain, the visual
analogue scale (VAS) has been proposed by Seymour et al. (50). This is a mathematical progression from 0 to 100, 0
The pain (or visual) analogue scale – VAS
being no pain and 100 being the most severe pain imag-
No pain to mild pain, requires no pain killer.
inable. Others have used numbers from 1 to 5 e.g. Abbott
Moderate pain requires Aspirin, Paracetamol,
et al. (50), Matthews et al. (26), Negm(31); numbers from
Ibuprofen, or similar medication for relief.
0 to 9 (Creech et al. 6), or numbers from 1 to 3 Houk (16).
The VAS from 0 to 100 seems the easiest to use because it
does away with decimal points. The introduction of the
Visual Analogue Scale has introduced some consistency
into the results. Nevertheless, it is realized that the VAS is
Extreme pain, pain not relieved by any mea-
only suitable for use in an academic or research environ-
ment and not in routine clinical practice.
Figure 1 is a horizontal representation of the pain scale.
Table 1 summarises the studies into flare-ups. It will be
seen that there are many variables that have not beenstandardised and that there is a great variation in the
Materials and methods
actual flare-up rates. Above all there is no satisfactory
definition of a flare-up. Some investigators (Mata et al. (25), Peters (36), Torabinejad (41), Walton and Fouad
The outline of this clinical trial was approved by the
(47), Mor et al. (29), Oguntebi et al. (34)) suggest that a
Ethics in Clinical Research Committee of the Royal
flare-up occurs when the patient requests a nonsched-
Dental Hospital of Melbourne. The trial was explained to
uled emergency appointment. Any definition of flare-up
patients who signed a form agreeing to treatment.
must be arbitrary to some extent. If a flare-up is defined
This investigation was confined to teeth that were non-
as a relatively small increase in pain, there will be many
vital and painful. All patients presenting for treatment
such cases. Conversely, if a flare-up is defined as a rela-
were included in the trial provided the tooth was func-
tively large increase in pain, there will necessarily be very
tional and the patient was willing to undergo endodontic
few such cases. As a practical solution to this problem, for
treatment. Teeth with a fluctuant facial swelling were not
the purposes of this study a flare-up was defined as a rise
accepted because it was felt that relief is often obtained
of 20 or more points on the VAS. This corresponds to
simply by incision and drainage. Full details of the 221
approximately one residual standard deviation as given in
patients have been reported previously (Ehrmann et al.
the Analysis of Variance table (see Table 2). This defini-
tion was then used in the subsequent statistical analyses
At the initial visit the following conditions were
applied to data that is available in Ehrmann et al. (51).
recorded: presence or absence of mild swelling, sensitivity
The VAS at least attempts to be quantitative. Just as there
to percussion, presence of a periapical lesion, previous
Journal compilation 2007 Australian Society of Endodontology
treatment, presence or absence of a coronal restoration/
with the patient, the pain score for the previous night was
seal, administration of a preoperative analgesic or antibi-
recorded. The patient was then requested to record the
otic. Before commencing treatment, the aims of the study
pain score 4 h after the completion of treatment and then
were explained to the patient and their consent was
obtained. When the patient so requested, a local anaes-
No antibiotics were prescribed and where patients had
thetic was administered. All caries and all suspicious
been taking antibiotics this was recorded. Patients were
restorations were removed and were replaced with
then requested to stop taking the antibiotics. They were
intermediate restorative material (IRM). Most posterior
also requested to stop taking analgesics, with the proviso
teeth were banded with stainless steel bands particularly
that if pain were to persist or recur analgesics could again
where caries had extended subgingivally. The tooth was
be taken. Prior to the trial, nine vital painful teeth (irre-
isolated under rubber dam, access was obtained and the
versible pulpitis) were treated according to the above
canals were measured and instrumented using the step
criteria. It was found that all pain either disappeared
back technique. Throughout the treatment teeth were
within 24–48 h regardless of the dressing used or if any
irrigated with Milton’s solution (1% sodium hypochlo-
pain remained it was of negligible proportions. As a result
rite) alternating with 15% EDTAC. At the conclusion of
it was decided to exclude vital painful teeth from the trial.
treatment the canals were dried and were medicated with
Originally there were 223 teeth belonging to 221
one of the following medicaments randomly selected
patients in the trial. However the data from only 195 teeth
were analysed. The reasons for the exclusion of 28 teeth
1. Group 1 – Ledermix paste (Riemser Arzneimittel Wolf-
were given in the previous paper (Ehrmann et al. 51).
sratshausen, Germany). 2. Group 2 – Calcium hydroxide paste. 3. Group 3 – No dressing; the canals were left empty.
Changes in pain levels 4 h and 24 h after treatment
Ledermix and calcium hydroxide were inserted into
the dried root canal by means of a file that was at least
Figures 2 and 3 show histograms for each treatment
two sizes smaller than the file last used to approximately
modality, of the changes in pain level from preoperative to
two millimetres of the apex. Cavities were sealed with
4 h and 24 h after treatment. Change was defined so that
either IRM or Cavit. At the conclusion of each appoint-
negative values correspond to an improvement (reduc-
ment, each patient was handed an evaluation sheet and
tion) in pain level and positive values correspond to an
the VAS was explained to the patient. In consultation
increase in pain level. At both postoperative time periods
Figure 2 Change in pain level from preoperative to 4-h postoperative. Vertical dashed line corresponds to the definition of ‘flare-up’.
Journal compilation 2007 Australian Society of Endodontology
Figure 3 Change in pain level from preoperative to 24-h postoperative. Vertical dashed line corresponds to the definition of ‘flare-up’.
and for all treatment modalities, a wide range in the
Table 3 Incidence of flare-up, 4 h post-operative
extent of change was evident (from a reduction of -90
to an increase of +60). The majority of patients recordeda reduction in pain level in all treatment groups. A one-
way Analysis of Variance (Table 2) suggested that there
were possible differences in the mean change in pain
level from preoperative to 4 h (P = 0.03). A similar
analysis indicated no significant differences from preop-
The corresponding c2-statistic was 2.841, with a P-value of 0.252.
erative to 24 h (P = 0.104). These significance levelsmust be treated with caution, since the data are clearlynot normally distributed. Accordingly, the nonparamet-
Incidence of flare-ups
ric Kruskal Wallis test was used to compare the medianchange in pain level in response to the three treatments.
As noted above a flare-up was defined as an increase in
A marginally significant (P = 0.04) difference in median
pain level of 20 or more on the VAS, since any smaller
levels was noted 4 h postoperatively, with the Ledermix
increase could be explained by random variability (based
group significantly lower by approximately 10 units on
on the standard deviations of the residuals in both Analy-
the VAS than either the calcium hydroxide group
ses of Variance). The incidence of flare-ups at 4 h and
24 h is summarised in Tables 3 and 4. The proposed defi-
(Mann–Whitney post hoc tests). No differences were
nition of flare-up is indicated by the dashed vertical line
in Figures 2 and 3. The overall incidence was 12.3% at
The sensitivity of this statistical analysis is measured by
4 h (24/195) and 6.7% at 24 h (13/195). No significant
the power, which in this case is the probability of cor-
differences among treatment groups were found at either
rectly detecting a difference in the flare-up rates between
time period (Chi square test, P = 0.252 and 0.161 at 4 h
the three treatments. This probability depends on the
actual (true) flare-up rates. With the large samples avail-
Flare-up rates and confidence intervals (C.I.) expressed
able here, the power is relatively high. For example, if the
in percentages are to be found in Table 5. All confidence
difference in flare-up rates is 15% (5% to 20%, close to
intervals overlap one another, confirming that there are
the estimated rates) then the power is approximately
no statistically significant differences in the incidence of
flare-up. It will be noted that at 4 h the flare-up rate for
Journal compilation 2007 Australian Society of Endodontology
Table 4 Incidence of flare-up, 24 h post-operative
this procedure is out-weighed by the problem of furthercontamination of the canal space.
Another unusual finding was that by Peters (36) who
reported that postoperative pain frequency for patients
treated in one appointment was higher (16%) than
patients treated in two appointments (9.6%). Most other
studies (Albashaireh and Alnehrish (3), Eleazer and
The corresponding c2-statistic was 3.840, with a P-value of 0.161.
Eleazer (8), Fox et al. (56)) found that one-visit treat-ments resulted in less pain than those taking two visits. Again, use of standardised scoring systems would allow a
Table 5 Flare-up rates and 95% confidence intervals (C.I.) expressed in
While it is not the focus of this study, the management
of flare-ups or their prevention also merits brief mention.
In order to reduce pain and swelling after an endodontic
intervention many practitioners prescribe antibiotics. This
is somewhat controversial. One study by Mata et al. (25)
found that the administration of penicillin V at the first
visit and continued for one week thereafter resulted inless pain than a placebo. A case was designated as aflare-up when the patient had pain and/or swelling that
Ledermix was 6.9%, which was less than that for calcium
necessitated an unscheduled emergency visit. In another
hydroxide or for no dressing, but not significantly differ-
very similar study, Abbott et al. (52) compared the efficacy
ent. This is in accordance with the work of Abbott et al.
of penicillin V with that of erythromycin and found no
(52) who found that the rate of release of triamcinolone
difference. They both were said to lower the incidence of
into the tissues from the tooth was highest during the
flare-ups. In a third study, Morse et al. (30) compared
first 3–8 h and declined exponentially thereafter and
cefadroxil with erythromycin and a low (2%) flare up
Ehrmann et al. (51) who found that the efficacy of Led-
rate was claimed. Controls were only used in the first
ermix was most marked at 4 h postoperatively.
paper cited. They were not used in the later papers.
The opposite view was held by Walton and Fouad
(47) who found no statistical difference in pain experi-ence when antibiotics had been used. However their
It has been observed that when the pain is either nonex-
definition of a flare-up differed from those reported by
istent or mild an increase of 20 points in the VAS scale of
Morse and his group. Patients who called their practi-
pain would still only be in the category of no or mild pain.
tioner with a problem were asked to report to the clinic
Out of 24 cases of flare-ups at 4 h, there were three cases
immediately. A decision was then made whether active
in this category. Their initial pain scores were 0 or 5 and
treatment was necessary. Simply talking to the patient
their pain reading at 4 h was 25. A score of 25 is the
and prescribing or dispensing medication did not con-
highest entry for a patient with no or mild pain. However
stitute a flare-up. A flare-up was recorded only when
it is also the lowest entry for a case where the pain is
treatment was carried out. As their definition of a flare-
moderate and an analgesic is required. Out of 13 flare-up
up is different from that of Morse, their results are not
cases at 24 h there was one case with an initial score of 5
strictly comparable. In another study Walton and Chi-
and a final score of 25. The same remarks as above would
appinelli (48) were able to confirm their earlier findings
that systemic penicillin does not alter the pain experi-
For many years, it was common practice to provide
ence. What is of great interest is that they used the
emergency relief in the case of an acute abscess by leaving
occurrence of an unscheduled appointment as a mea-
the canal open (Sommer et al. 53, Siskin 54). As late as
surement of a flare-up and the visual analogue scale to
1988 this was still being advocated by some authors
measure pain. The two are clearly related and it would
(Grossman et al. 55). None of the studies cited in this
be simpler if the VAS were to have been used to record
paper have advocated this course of action. Leaving a
canal open introduces more organisms into an infected
With regard to the VAS it must also be realised that
tooth thus negating all principles of modern endodontics
when no preoperative pain is present, an increase of 20
which strive to eliminate bacteria from the root canal
points in the VAS is not very significant as such pain is still
system. Any benefit in terms of relief of pain achieved by
only mild and does not require an analgesic.
Journal compilation 2007 Australian Society of Endodontology
12. Fouad AF, Rivera EM, Walton RE. Penicillin as a
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Arrhythmien sind Störungen im Ablauf der Erregungsleitung und/oder der Er regungsbildung. Antiarrhythmika versuchen durch Hemmung oder Blockierung den Rhythmus wieder inErbrechen wird oft durch abgehende Impulse aus dem oberen Verdauungstrakt zum Brech-zentrum in der Medulla oblongata oder durch Reizung des Gleichgewichtsnerves ausgelöst. Das Symptom der Übelkeit und des Erbrechens kann dur
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