Novartis bone game script excerpt

Scene 1
All Screens:
Intro – Moving star field depicting forward motion.
Center Screen:
The word “Welcome” starts as a tiny dot of star light and zooms in to fill center screen.
Sfx: Whoosh of word flying in.
Welcome everyone! My name is Chris, I’ll be your host. On behalf of NOVArtis, thank
you for joining the fun here as we embark on a virtual tour back through the cosmos to
test your knowledge of discoveries and inNOVAtions throughout history.
Scene 2
Center Screen:
“Welcome” takes off and continues to zoom in “past us” to exit screen.
Another distant star zooms into us, becoming the word “Discovery”.
“Discovery” continues past us to exit frame, leaving behind only the letters “OV”,
remaining in the frame.
“InNOVAtion” flies through the same way. The “OV” in “InNOVAtion” lines up with the
existing “OV” and as “InNOVAtion” exits, it leaves behind the word “NOVA”.
The letters “RTIS” fade in on the end of “NOVA” as the word morphs into the NOVArtis
This is a great topic for us. With ground-breaking products like Exjade, Zelnorm, and
Gleevec, NOVArtis has been at the forefront of discovery and inNOVAtion for [______

Scene 3
All right, let’s get started. First of all, does everyone have a keypad?
[Insert keypad intro material here].
Scene 4
To give you a feel for the keypads and give us a feel for what’s happening in your world,
we’ll start with a couple of practice questions about your experience with bone disease.
There’s no right or wrong answer here, just tell us what you think.
Center Screen:
Practice Round:
Your Thoughts…
Scene 5
Both Side Screens:
Questions fly in the same way as previous titles, starting as a distant star and zooming
1. Roughly what percentage of your osteoporosis patients do you estimate were diagnosed before receiving a fracture? 1. Less than 25%2. over 25%3. over 50%4. over 75%5. 100%6. I do not currently see any osteoporosis patients Host:
First practice question:
Roughly what percentage of your osteoporosis patients do you estimate were diagnosed
before receiving a fracture?
Less than 25%over 25%over 50%over 75%100% orI do not currently see any osteoporosis patients Audience Response Screens
Audience response shown.
All right, time is up, let’s see how you responded. (Comment on where the majority of
responses fell, etc.)

Scene 6
Both Side Screens:
How many Paget’s disease patients do you currently see in your practice?
1. 1-52. 5-103. 10-204. 20-505. more than 506. I have no Paget’s patients at this time Host:
And our last practice question:
How many Paget’s disease patients do you currently see in your practice?
1-55-1010-2020-50more than 50I have no Paget’s patients at this time Audience Response Screens
Audience response shown.
All right, time is up, let’s see how you responded. (Comment on where the majority of
responses fell, etc.)
As we play our game, the response that receives the majority of votes
will be considered your team’s official response.
Scene 7
All screens return to moving star field.

Center Screen:
NOVArtis logo reappears and morphs back into “NOVA” and the word “SUPER” flies in
from the left to create the game title: “SUPERNOVA”.
Sfx: Whoosh.
OK, here we go—let’s play SUPERNOVA!
All Screens:
All stars become lines as we launch into “warp speed”. If possible, a few seconds of a
light show rushing at us (similar to 2001: A Space Odyssey). Then slowing to normal.


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