Cannabis use improves retention and virological outcomesin patients treated for hepatitis CDiana L. Sylvestrea,b, Barry J. Clementsb and Yvonne Malibub
Objectives Despite the widespread use of polypharmacy,
likely than non-users to take at least 80% of the prescribed
the management of hepatitis C virus (HCV)
interferon or ribavirin, they were significantly more likely to
treatment-related side-effects is often incomplete, and
remain on HCV treatment for at least 80% of the projected
many patients turn to cannabis for symptom relief.
treatment duration, 95 versus 67% (P = 0.01).
Unfortunately, there are few data about cannabis use ontreatment outcomes, leaving clinicians without the data
Conclusions Our results suggest that modest cannabis
use may offer symptomatic and virological benefit to some
patients undergoing HCV treatment by helping them
Methods To define the impact of cannabis use during HCV
maintain adherence to the challenging medication
treatment, we conducted a prospective observational study
regimen. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 18:1057–1063
of standard interferon and ribavirin treatment in 71
2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
recovering substance users, of whom 22 (31%) usedcannabis and 49 (69%) did not.
European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology 2006, 18:1057–1063
Keywords: cannabis, compliance, hepatitis C, interferon
Results Seventeen of the 71 study patients (24%)discontinued therapy early, one cannabis user (5%) and
aDepartment of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, California, USA
16 non-users (33%) (P = 0.01). Overall, 37 patients (52%)
and bOrganization to Achieve Solutions in Substance-Abuse (OASIS), Oakland,California, USA
were end-of-treatment responders, 14 (64%) cannabisusers and 23 (47%) non-users (P = 0.21). A total of 21 out of
Correspondence to Diana L. Sylvestre, MD, Department of Medicine,
71 (30%) had a sustained virological response: 12 of the
University of California, San Francisco, CA, USATel: + 1 510 834 5442; fax: + 1 510 834 0196;
22 cannabis users (54%) and nine of the 49 non-users
(18%) (P = 0.009), corresponding to a post-treatmentvirological relapse rate of 14% in the cannabis users and
Sponsorship: This study was supported in part by unrestricted educational grants
61% in the non-users (P = 0.009). Overall, 48 (68%) were
from Schering Oncology Biotech and The San Francisco Foundation.
adherent, 29 (59%) non-users and 19 (86%) cannabis
Received 27 September 2005 Accepted 27 January 2006
users (P = 0.03). Although cannabis users were no more
so affected may compensate by reducing their inter-
Although hepatitis C virus (HCV) treatment outcomes
feron or ribavirin doses or by discontinuing treatment
have improved dramatically over the past decade, the
altogether. Maximizing HCV treatment outcomes thus
intolerability of interferon/ribavirin combination therapy
requires a thorough familiarity with an array of successful
remains a barrier to treatment success. The majority of
side-effect management strategies [5,9,10].
patients develop significant treatment-related side ef-fects [1–5], with almost 80% experiencing an initial ’flu-
Faced with intolerable treatment-related side-effects that
like syndrome that includes fevers, chills, and muscle and
respond inadequately to conventional medications, some
joint aches. Although the acute effects of treatment tend
patients turn to Cannabis sativa (marijuana) for symptom
to modulate over time, many will experience debilitating
relief. Cannabis sativa contains over 400 chemical entities
fatigue (70–72%), headaches (66–67%), nausea (35–46%),
[11,12], but delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the
anorexia (19–27%), depression (21–44%), and insomnia
major psychoactive component. Although the majority
of studies of cannabis are observational in nature, thereis anecdotal evidence that it may have benefits in
Many patients require the use of adjunctive pharmaco-
modulating some of the common side-effects associated
logical agents for side-effect management [5,8]. These
with HCV treatment, including nausea [13,14], anorexia
include a spectrum of medications including antiemetics,
[15,16], weight loss [17], musculoskeletal pain [18–21],
anti-inflammatory agents, antihistamines, sleeping pills,
insomnia [22], anxiety [23], and mood instability [24].
antidepressants, anxiolytics, stimulants, and antipsycho-tics. Unfortunately, symptom relief is often incomplete
However, the benefits of cannabis during HCV treatment
despite the widespread use of polypharmacy, and patients
remain unconfirmed and concerns about its safety remain
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology
[25–27]. Cannabinoid receptors appear to be upregulated
in hepatic myofibroblasts of human cirrhotic liver samples
HCV treatment consisted of IFN-a 2b, 3 Â 106 units
[28], and smoking daily cannabis has been reported to
administered subcutaneously three times a week and
accelerate the progression of hepatic fibrosis in patients
ribavirin capsules, 1000 mg taken orally daily in two
with chronic HCV [29]. Cannabinoid receptors are also
divided doses for patients weighing less than 165 lb, or
present on immune cells [30], and cannabis use may
1200 mg daily for those weighing 165 lb or more. Patients
suppress a variety of immune functions, including anti-
were initially treated for 48 weeks regardless of genotype;
body production [31], cell proliferation [32], natural
however, subsequent data supporting the efficacy of 24
killer cell activity [33], and macrophage function [34,35],
weeks of treatment for genotypes 2 and 3 led to a
and also alter the production of such cytokines as
protocol amendment that shortened the treatment course
interferon gamma and tumor necrosis factor [36]. In
for patients with these genotypes. Medications were self-
addition, there is a potential drug–drug interaction
between ribavirin and marijuana, as both are metabolized
by the cytochrome P450 system [37]. Obviously, theoverall benefit of cannabis in terms of side-effect
management may be outweighed by worsening histology
The use of cannabis during study was neither endorsed
and impairments in virological outcomes; therefore, its
nor prohibited by study staff, and all patients obtained
use as a potential therapeutic agent must be more clearly
their cannabis outside the construct of the study protocol.
defined in the setting of HCV treatment.
However, because marijuana use was legalized for medicaluse in the state of California, it was often obtained with
Although widespread restrictions limit the ease with
outside medical approval through local ‘cannabis clubs’.
which these questions can be formally studied, the
Cannabis use was quantified by self-report, with ‘regular’
pervasive use of cannabis during HCV treatment provides
use defined as the use of cannabis every day or every
a means for an observational study of its potential risks
other day for a minimum duration of 4 weeks; ‘occasional’
and benefits. In the context of a prospective study of
reflected the use of less than daily quantities.
HCV treatment in recovering heroin users maintained onmethadone we have conducted such a study, by measur-
ing the impact of intercurrent cannabis use on treatment
After providing informed consent, participants completed
adherence, retention rates, and virological outcomes.
a questionnaire that elicited baseline demographic,psychosocial, psychiatric, and substance use character-istics. The duration of HCV infection was estimated as
one less than the number of years since injection drug use
was initiated. Liver biopsy was suggested but not
Recruitment and treatment took place at OASIS
required, and was scored on the METAVIR scale of 0–4,
(Organization to Achieve Solutions in Substance-Abuse),
with 0, none; 1, minimal–mild; 2, mild–moderate; 3,
a community-based non-profit clinic providing medical
moderate–severe; and 4, cirrhosis.
and psychiatric treatment to substance users in Oakland,CA. Although the clinic does not provide methadone
Patients were monitored for treatment-related neutro-
treatment, comprehensive primary medical and psychia-
penia, thrombocytopenia, and hemolytic anemia using
tric care services are provided on-site. All experimental
standard published algorithms, and medication doses
procedures were followed in accordance with the
were adjusted accordingly [38]. Drug and alcohol
Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 1983, and
consumption were assessed by monthly self-report
were approved by the Ethical Review Committee (Kansas
questionnaires, and monthly random urine drug test
results were obtained from the subject’s methadonetreatment program. An HCV-RNA PCR was performed at
Men and women aged 18 years and older were considered
baseline, at 6 months, at the end of treatment, and 6
eligible if they had been maintained on methadone for a
months after the completion of therapy. Substance use
period of 3 months or more and had a positive HCV
during HCV therapy was actively discouraged, but did not
polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Patients with non-
result in treatment discontinuation unless the patient
HCV-related liver disease or decompensated liver disease
became unreliable in attending appointments or the
were excluded. Those with untreated depression were
clinician felt it represented a safety risk. HCV treatment
excluded until stabilized on antidepressant treatment.
was discontinued if requested by the patient, or forsevere cytopenias, uncontrolled or worsening psychiatric
Drug use was assessed by self-report as well as by random
conditions, or decompensating liver disease. The protocol
monthly urine toxicology testing, as per standard protocol
was evaluated and approved by the Ethical Review
Committee, Kansas City, Missouri, USA.
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Cannabis and hepatitis C virus treatment Sylvestre et al.
Demographic characteristics of study patients
The primary study endpoint was sustained virological
response (SVR), as determined by undetectable levels of
HCV RNA on analysis 6 months after the completion of
therapy using the Bayer HCV-RNA branched DNA 3.0
assay, with a lower limit of detection of 550 IU/ml.
Patients were classified as sustained virological respon-
ders at this time point if they had no detectable virus, or
as non-responders if the PCR was positive. End-of-
treatment response was defined as undetectable levels of
HCV RNA at the completion of therapy. All analyses were
performed on an intent-to-treat basis.
AdherenceAdherence to interferon was assessed by the timing ofreturned empty interferon vials and by a monthly
(P = 0.31). Thirty patients underwent liver biopsy.
questionnaire that detailed the number of missed doses
Among these, the mean METAVIR inflammation grade
of medication. Adherence to ribavirin therapy was
was 2.4 (1.5–3.5) and the mean fibrosis stage was 2.6
assessed by pill counting and by query during a monthly
(0–4). There was no significant difference in liver fibrosis
questionnaire. Using adherence criteria developed by
between the two groups; the mean fibrosis stage was
others, patients were considered adherent to the HCV
2.5 ± 0.4 for the cannabis users and 2.7 ± 0.2 for the non-
treatment regimen if they took 80% or more of the
users (P = 0.36). The 20 patients (28%) who had platelet
prescribed interferon and 80% or more of the prescribed
counts of less than 100 000 cells/ml were also equally
ribavirin for at least 80% of the projected treatment
divided between the groups, comprising 29% (n = 14) of
the non-users and 27% (n = 6) of the group that usedcannabis.
Statistical analysisAll data were compiled in and analysed using SPSS
Forty-two patients (59%) reported a previous psychiatric
version 11.5.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois,
diagnosis; the majority had depression (n = 33) or
USA). Associations between outcome measures and
depression/anxiety (n = 6). Cannabis users were no more
cannabis use were determined using the Student’s t or
likely to report a psychiatric diagnosis than non-users
Wilcoxon signed rank test for categorical variables.
(P > 0.5), and there were no differences in the rates of
Bivariate analysis of categorical data was performed using
antidepressant use between users and non-users during
the chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests. P values less than
HCV treatment (P > 0.5). Similarly, a total of 25 (35%)
0.05 in two-tailed comparisons were considered statisti-
used other illicit substances during HCV treatment,
cally significant. Logistic regression was used to assess for
including heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine, but
statistical independence among variables that showed a
this did not differ between the two groups (37% in the
univariate association with a P value of 0.20 or less.
cannabis non-users and 32% in the users; P > 0.5), norwere there differences in rates of alcohol consumption
(24% in the non-users and 14% in the users; P = 0.36).
Baseline characteristicsSeventy-one patients were enrolled; 22 (31%) smoked
cannabis while undergoing HCV treatment and 49 (69%)
The majority of patients, 93% (n = 66), reported at least
did not. The demographic characteristics of the study
one treatment-related side-effect, most commonly ’flu-
patients are shown in Table 1. The median age was 50
like symptoms, nausea, or headache, but there was no
years, and 43 (61%) were male, 53 (75%) Caucasian, 10
difference in reported symptoms between the cannabis
(14%) African-American, and eight (11%) Latino; there
users and non-users (P > 0.5). The association of
were no differences in the demographic characteristics
cannabis use with HCV treatment outcomes is shown
between the cannabis users and non-users. The median
in Fig. 1. Seventeen of the 71 study patients (24%)
estimated duration of HCV exposure was 30 ± 9 years.
discontinued therapy before completing the full course. Of these, 16 did not use cannabis and one was a cannabis
Forty patients (56%) had genotype 1, 29 (41%) had
user. The discontinuation rate of the 49 cannabis non-
genotypes 2 or 3, one patient had genotype 8a, and one
users was 33%; it was 5% in the cannabis users (P = 0.01).
patient’s genotype was untypable. There was no differ-
Of the 16 non-users who terminated treatment early,
ence in the frequencies of genotypes between the
eight discontinued as a result of intolerable side-effects
cannabis users and non-users; 30 of the non-users (61%)
and four discontinued because of depression. Three of
and 10 of the cannabis users (48%) had genotype 1
the 16 were terminated at the discretion of the medical
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology
provider: one because of excessive alcohol intake, one
because of worsening liver disease, and one because ofintractable anemia. The remaining patient in this cohort
relocated and was unable to obtain medications. Thesingle cannabis user who discontinued treatment devel-
oped worsening liver disease and was unable to continue.
Overall, 37 of the 71 patients (52%) were end-of-treatment responders and 21 (30%) had an SVR. The
association of cannabis use with response rates is shownin Fig. 1. Fourteen of the cannabis users (64%) and 23 of
the non-users (47%) were end-of-treatment responders(P = 0.21). Twelve of the 22 cannabis users (54%) and
nine of the 49 non-users (18%) had an SVR, correspond-
ing to a post-treatment relapse rate of 14% (n = 2) with
the cannabis users and 61% (n = 14) with the non-users. Multivariate logistic regression analysis taking sex, race,
genotype, and the use of other illicit substances intoaccount, revealed that this finding was statistically
Quantity of cannabis versus hepatitis C virus treatment outcomes
The association of the estimated quantity of cannabis
(P = NS). ETR, End-of-treatment response; SVR, sustained virological
used with virological outcomes is shown in Fig. 2. Ten of
regular (n = 16); & occasional (n = 6).
the 16 occasional cannabis users (62%) had an end-of-treatment virological response compared with four of thesix regular users (67%, P > 0.5). SVR were also not
71 study patients (68%) took at least 80% of the prescribed
statistically different between the occasional and regular
interferon and ribavirin for at least 80% of the projected
users of cannabis, seen in two of six of the regular users
duration of treatment, and were therefore considered
(33%) and 10 of the 16 (62%) occasional users (P = 0.35).
adherent. Of those, 29 did not use cannabis and 19 werecannabis users. The corresponding adherence rates were59% in the non-cannabis group and 86% in the cannabis
AdherenceThe association of cannabis use with the components of
group (P = 0.03); there was no difference in adherence
treatment adherence is shown in Fig. 3. Overall, 48 of the
between occasional users (87%) and regular users (83%)(P > 0.5).
As shown in Fig. 3, cannabis users were no more likely
than non-users to take at least 80% of the prescribedinterferon, 91 versus 76% (P = 0.2), nor were they more
likely to take at least 80% of the prescribed ribavirin, 91
versus 84% (P > 0.5). However, cannabis users were
significantly more likely than non-users to remain onHCV treatment for at least 80% of the projected
treatment course, 95 versus 67% (P = 0.01). The average
duration of HCV treatment in cannabis users was 38
weeks compared with 33 weeks for the non-users.
The results of this observational study suggest that the
use of cannabis during HCV treatment can improve
adherence by increasing the duration of time that
patients remain on therapy; this translates to reduced
Hepatitis C treatment outcomes versus cannabis use. ETR, End-of-
rates of post-treatment virological relapse and improved
treatment response; SVR, sustained virological response. & All
SVR. Although other potential mechanisms may con-
tribute to its enhancement of treatment outcomes, such
P = 0.009 for SVR difference, 0.01 for treatment discontinuation. *Difference is statistically significant.
as altered immunological function and improved nutri-tional status, it appears that the moderate use of cannabis
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Cannabis and hepatitis C virus treatment Sylvestre et al.
ganglia, cerebellum, and hippocampus, accounting for itseffects on motor coordination and short-term memory
[46]. It is also expressed at high concentrations onprimary afferent nociceptors of the dorsal spinal cord,
which are responsible for the ability of cannabinoids to
Although CB1 cannabinoid receptors mediate the central
nervous system effects of cannabinoids [46], an additionalsubset of cannabinoid receptors, the CB2 receptors, is
present on immune cells [30]. The presence of these
receptors on B lymphocytes and natural killer cellssuggests that cannabinoids may impact upon the immune
response. Some studies have shown that THC can be
immunosuppressive and can impair cell-mediated im-munity [32,47,48], humoral immunity [49], and cellular
defences against a variety of infectious agents in
experimental animals [35,47,50]. There is an increased
recurrence of herpes simplex viral lesions in marijuanasmokers [51] and an altered responsiveness of human
Cannabis use versus treatment adherence. & Cannabis non-users(n = 49);
cannabis users (n = 22). Adherence, percentage that took
papilloma virus to IFN-a 2a treatment [52]. Although
at least 80% of both interferon and ribavirin for at least 80% of the
uncontrolled studies suggested an association between
projected duration of treatment. P = 0.01 for difference in treatment
marijuana use and the progression of HIV disease, a
duration, 0.03 for overall adherence. *Difference is statisticallysignificant.
recent prospective study demonstrated no evidence ofdetrimental effects of cannabinoids on immune para-meters in patients with HIV [53]. The majority of studies
during HCV treatment does not lead to deleterious
on the effects of cannabis have been conducted in cell
culture or on animal models with supraphysiological dosesof the compound, and their clinical relevance is unclear.
Although its availability in the United States has been
Although their potential contribution to liver disease is not
restricted since 1937 and its benefit unconfirmed,
understood, both the CB1 and CB2 receptors have also
cannabis is frequently obtained illicitly for self-medication.
been reported to be expressed on hepatic myofibroblasts in
It has been used recreationally for millennia, and is the
cirrhotic livers [28]. Activation of these receptors can lead
third most commonly used drug after tobacco and alcohol
to cellular apoptosis, and a recent study demonstrated that
[39]. In the United States, 6.2% of individuals aged 12
the use of cannabis on a daily basis may enhance the
years or older have used cannabis in the past month, with
progression of hepatitis fibrosis in patients with HCV [29].
4.8 million individuals using it on 20 or more days [39].
By implicating these receptors as mediators of the fibroticprocess, these results raise concerns about the safety of
THC can produce alterations in mood, perception,
cognition, and memory [14], and studies have shownthat THC has anticonvulsive, analgesic, anti-anxiety, and
In spite of this, our results suggest that moderate
anti-emetic properties [13,14]. Clinical trials have
cannabis use during HCV treatment may offer significant
demonstrated that cannabinoids reduce nausea and
benefit to certain patients. Although the lack of a direct
improve appetite in humans [15,16], and cannabis has
dose response suggests that its principal contribution is
shown benefit in modulating the nausea of cancer
related to a non-specific improvement in the tolerability
chemotherapy [40–43], multiple sclerosis-related spasti-
of the challenging medication regimen, we cannot rule
city [44], and the wasting syndrome of HIV [17].
out additional biological effects. We did not measurerelevant immune parameters in our patients, nor did we
Progress has been made in understanding the pharmacol-
assess potential differences in nutritional status. P450-
ogy of cannabinoids in humans. Of the two known
mediated drug–drug interactions between cannabinoids
cannabinoid receptors, CB1 is responsible for the
and ribavirin may have led to additional benefit, but these
neurological and behavioral effects of marijuana. CB1
were not assessed. However, the lack of dose response in
was the first cannabinoid receptor identified [45], and is
our study argues against specific receptor or metabolism-
the most abundant G-protein-coupled receptor in the
related effects, and suggests instead that cannabis
central nervous system [13]. It is also expressed on
exerted its benefit by non-specific improvements in
peripheral neurons and is found abundantly in the basal
symptom management. Interestingly, because the bene-
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology
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