No está claro cuán grande es el papel de los antibióticos en las relaciones competitivas entre los microorganismos en condiciones naturales. Zelman Waxman creía que este papel era mínimo, los antibióticos no se forman sino en culturas limpias en entornos ricos. Posteriormente, sin embargo, se descubrió que en muchos productos, la actividad de síntesis de antibióticos aumenta en presencia de otros tipos o productos específicos de su metabolismo.

Info pack battle brook revised

Battle Brook Group – July 3rd to August 14th Each additional consecutive week -$1550 + GST THE SETTING At an elevation of 1895m/6120’, our spectacular campsite (located in the Battle Brook basin N 51.04.989’, W 117.25.427’) will be comfortably situated beside a small stream and lake. The campsite is surrounded by numerous glaciers that house the area’s major peaks including Wheeler (3336m/11,110’), Grand (3287m/10,784’), Kilpatrick (3224m/10,577’) and Purity (3149m/10,331’ ). Other prospective summits include Pristine (3037m/9963’), Chastity (2921m/9583’), Vestal (2928m/9606’ ) and Oz (2862m/9389’). There are four unnamed, but also worthy mountains, located to the south and west of the GMC basecamp in the Van Horne Névé area. The area’s rock presents a buffet of options from Van Horne’s granite, to the quartzite of Mt. Purity to Mt. Kilpatrick, to the mixed rock of the Mt. Wheeler/Mt. Grand area. This is a brand new area for the GMC and we’re excited to offer ACC members a chance to explore this remote and spectacular location where (according to extensive historical research) few mountaineers have ever set foot. The area around camp presents diverse experiences of moderate peaks, meadow hikes and non-technical scrambles. Our basecamp is also situated near a number of slabs, glaciers and snow slopes that will work well for our rock and snow schools. Not far off in the distance, more technical and longer challenges in the mountains to the north await. The GMC welcomes all Alpine Club of Canada members, 16 years of age or older, novice to expert and is designed for all our members in terms of difficulty. A wide range of objectives are available, depending on participants’ ability, fitness and length of day desired. The various peaks and approaches may include everything from glacier, ice, snow scrambling and technical climbing. Introductory and intermediate skill reviews are offered on snow, rock and ice (depending on available terrain). In addition to the more technical climbing on the big peaks, there are easier routes on the smaller sub-peaks surrounding the campsite. Some short hikes are available above Battle Brook. If you love to explore in the mountains, the 2010 Battle Brook GMC is a great place to satisfy this interest. ABOUT THE GMC The camp operates on a seven day, Saturday to Saturday basis. Attendance fees (per week) will cover the flight in and out, tent accommodation, guiding and instruction in all disciplines, sumptuous meals and group climbing equipment (other than personal gear). All our camp equipment, along with the participants’ personal gear and climbing equipment will be flown in by helicopter. Once in camp, participants will be tended to by our friendly, capable and professional staff headed by a camp manager. During daily outings, participants will benefit from the services of ACMG-certified full and assistant mountain guides who will lead climbs and provide on-going instruction in all aspects of mountain craft. There will be refresher courses offered on alpine snow, ice and rock during the first two days of camp for those participants who wish to acquire or review their mountaineering skills. Amongst the camp staff will be a contingent of amateur leaders, comprised of experienced Club members who volunteer their services and help lead climbs throughout the week. There will also be a camp doctor on site. All climbing and related activities are planned and organized daily by a Climbing Committee, made up of the camp manager, the guides and the amateur leaders. Each evening, the Committee plans a number of trips and posts sign-up sheets. Camp participants then sign up for their first and second choices. These choices should be based on the difficulty of the climbing objective and an assessment of the respective participant’s ability. The Committee then reviews the sign up sheets, assembles parties and assigns leaders to them. With prior approval of the Climbing Committee, experienced members may form private climbing parties under their own leadership. As the Committee is ultimately responsible for the safe conduct of climbing activities associated with the camp, it has final authority on ALL trips. Participants wanting to complete personal climbing trips should talk to the committee about the details of their proposed trip. The GMC continues to be incredibly popular amongst our members. In order to keep guide-client ratios low, we will have 8 leaders (guides, assistant guides, and amateur leaders) per week. This will allow for smaller rope teams and more flexibility in our ability to tackle different and more difficult objectives. As well there will be more elbow room at meal times. The Battle Brook area is one of those best kept secrets in the climbing world with numerous climbing opportunities and a wide range of objectives. Don't miss out, contact us today to register! ACCESS This year’s camp will be staged out of Golden, B.C. where participants will drive for 1.5 hours to the helicopter launch site at McMurdo Creek. Participants will then be whisked by helicopter from McMurdo Creek to our basecamp. The flight is brief but picturesque, providing spectacular views of the Bugaboos to Roger’s Pass traverse. RENDEZVOUS FOR THE CAMP Incoming participants will meet at the Kicking Horse River Lodge, 801 9th St N, 250- 439-1112 in Golden BC on the Saturday morning of which your week begins. Breakfast that morning is not included, but hearty, reasonably priced breakfasts are available in the Bugaboo Café. All participants must check in with the ACC representative on site at the Kicking Horse River Lodge. This representative will be in charge of organizing carpooling, convoy formation and providing directions to the staging area. If you would like to join the group for breakfast, please arrive at the restaurant by 6:00 a.m. All participants, volunteers and guides for the week will depart from the meeting place to the staging area at 7:00 am sharp (Note: Mountain Daylight Time)! Please ensure you have gas tanks filled and gear Our National Office tries to assist participants with carpooling arrangements by providing participant lists for each week of the Camp. You will be sent this list twelve weeks prior to your camp along with confirmation of your final payment. Please use this list to contact other participants and arrange for carpooling to and from Revelstoke. If you are unable to arrange transportation to our rendezvous location, please telephone (403) 678-3200, ext. 112, and we will try to assist you. The most convenient airport to Golden is Calgary International Airport. Golden is about 3 hours from Calgary and can be easily reached by bus or car. From Calgary, take the #1 Highway (also known as the Trans-Canada Highway) west. Bus service is also available out of Calgary five times a day. For more information on bus schedules between Calgary International Airport and Golden, please call Greyhound at (403) 265-9111. Accommodation is available at the Kicking Horse River Lodge, 801 9th St N, 250-439-1112 in Golden BC. Please advise the receptionist that you are a GMC participant to receive the discounted rate. For additional information on the Kicking Horse River Lodge visit the following website at Check out the following website for accommodation in the Golden area, There are also two campgrounds in Golden. Phone the Golden Municipal Campground at (250) 344-5412 or the Whispering Spruce Campground at (250) 344-6680. Be sure to book well ahead to ensure your accommodation. Before being flown into camp, participants must check in with the designated ACC official at the helicopter staging area. Dunnage will be weighed and collected. Participants will be organized into groups for flying and provided with helicopter safety information. Please keep only the following in your day pack, which you will carry with you: lunch, sweater, rain gear, hat, sunglasses, camera if desired, water, all your valuables (wallet, airline tickets, etc.) and your sleeping bag. An ACC representative will assist you while you are boarding the helicopter. Please be prepared to be patient, delays throughout the day are to be expected. When you arrive at camp please report immediately to the Camp Manager, who will check you in and direct you to your tent. Please respect the mountain environment you are in at The WEIGHT ALLOWANCE for personal gear that we will fly into and out of the camp is 35 kgs (77 lbs), including your daypack. In keeping with Canadian Aviation Standards, your main duffel bag must not weigh more than 22.5 kgs (50 lbs). This limit will be closely adhered to because of the load limit for each flight and risk of injury to loading staff. Bags will be weighed. Your helicopter dunnage should be secured in one bag, with prominent identification indicating the week number you are attending and your name. Nothing should protrude from, or be attached to the outside of your duffel bag. Keep ice axes and walking poles separate as they will all be packaged together and sent on the helicopter in one load. We also suggest that you label your personal effects individually. Be sure to pad all breakable items adequately as the dunnage can be expected to undergo a certain amount The return helicopter is expected to arrive for the first flight soon after breakfast each Saturday. Please organize your equipment on the Friday evening, leaving a minimal amount of final packing for the Saturday morning. Baggage will normally be airlifted to the parking area by noon, but you need to allow for the possibility of a delay of several hours or more when planning your post camp travel. Please do not plan to travel further on Saturday (i.e., do not commit to a flight out of Calgary Saturday evening). If you need to be reached because of an emergency while you are in the camp, your family (etc.) should contact the base camp voice mail at 604-970-7382. This voice mail is checked each evening. Please note that this voice mail should be used IN CASE OF EMERGENCY ONLY. We do not have instantaneous contact with the camp – there may be a delay of 1 day before the Camp Manager is reached. A doctor who has volunteered his/her time will be available to deal with any medical emergencies that may arise. Participants with any ongoing medical problems should see their own personal doctor prior to arriving at camp, as well as provide this information to the ACC on their camp application form. We require that anyone who discloses a serious medical condition provide a note from their doctor, stating that they are fit enough to attend the camp. Mountaineering is a strenuous activity. Your enjoyment of the GMC will be greatly enhanced if you are in good physical condition. Physical activity during your pre-camp program should include strengthening and aerobic exercises. You must bring your own prescription medications and a personal first aid kit. The most common medical problems at camp can be prevented; they include: Blisters - these are often the result of a lack of conditioning prior to the camp, and can ruin several days of activity. Blisters can usually be prevented by simply knowing your feet and your footwear. Boots should fit properly, be comfortable and be well broken-in. Problem areas must be treated and protected from the moment of detection. Don’t wait! Sunburn - is common but avoidable by using an effective UV sun-blocking product. A sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 30 or more is suggested, as this region has a lot of snow and ice, which strongly reflects the sun’s rays. Drinking plenty of water can reduce cramps and heat exhaustion - avoiding overexertion and ensuring you have a good supply of salt in your diet. Personal First Aid Kits are essential in dealing with any minor personal first aid needs you may have. Contents should include items such as moleskin, medications, Band-Aids, and tape (duct or hockey tape is good). Medications will be available in camp for emergencies, but participants must bring their own personal medications and prescriptions to camp. Examples of frequently used medications and prescriptions which are to be supplied by the individual participants are Gravol, Benadryl, Immodium, Tylenol, Aspirin, and Ibuprofen/Advil. Check for topographical maps. Climbing Guide: The Columbia Mountains of Canada - Central, Fox et al. Putnam, W. (1990) Place Names of the Canadian Alps. Footprint Publishing Cox, SM & C Fulsaas (2003) The Freedom of the Hills. Mountaineers Books Maps and photos of the Battle Brook area will be available for viewing on the website, in October. Maps will be available for purchase at the camp at a discounted price. Some maps and guidebooks are available from the ACC. To order, contact the National Office by phone at (403) 678-3200, ext. 1, fax (403) 678-3224, e-mail, or send your request by regular mail to The Alpine Club of Canada, P. O. Box 8040, Canmore, Alberta, Canada, T1W -2T8. You can also purchase ACC merchandise by visiting our website at Remember, ACC members get a 15% discount when items are purchased through the office. If you’ve attended a GMC in the past, you already know how rewarding it is. If you have always wanted to join us, please take this opportunity to enjoy the varied challenges, beautiful vistas and camaraderie of our 2009 GMC. We are visiting the Battle Brook area because of the outstanding climbing opportunities available and the opportunity to again visit a remote area. Remember that the GMC has been an ACC tradition since 1906. If you have any general inquiries about the camp, please contact: Brad Harrison – GMC Camp Manager at 604-970-7382 or at Dave Dornian – Chairman, GMC Committee at 403-969-9673 To register, contact the National Office by email at or by phone at 403-678-3200, ext. 112 The GMC has been an ACC tradition since 1906. Mountain Hardwear is a supportive sponsor of the GMC and having their excellent gear to use is an integral part in the successful operation of the camp. In general, no personal equipment or replacements will be available at Camp, so be sure you arrive properly equipped, with all items adjusted and in very good condition. Shortages and inadequate equipment may limit your enjoyment of the Camp experience, rule out your participation in some activities or impose an unnecessary burden on others. ESSENTIAL PERSONAL EQUIPMENT *Lunch for the first day* - (Saturday) - waterproof, sufficient to carry climbing gear/spare clothing/lunch - for daily lunches, no paper bags or wrapping materials are - 1 liter, with a tight lid (2 liter optional)  Glacier Goggles - or dark sunglasses; side shields recommended  Sunscreen - SPF 30 or more recommended  Insect Repellent  First Aid Kit - adhesive tape, elastoplast or moleskin, Aspirin, etc. (see pg. 5)  Mattress - Thermarest, ensolite, air or foamy with waterproof cover  Headlamp - with spare batteries and bulb  Duffel Bag - waterproof or plastic lined, large enough for fly-in gear  Underwear - long arms and legs, thermal or polypropylene recommended  Shirts - two long sleeved (knit synthetic, wool or flannel)  Sweaters - two (fleece, wool or down)  Mountain Jacket or Anorak; Goretex, medium nylon, etc. Avoid light nylon which tears  Over mitts - durable, with waterproof palms, leather or coated nylon  Mitt Liners - two pairs, fleece, knit synthetic or wool  Climbing Pants - durable, and non-restrictive; fleece, stretch knit synthetics, Schoeller  Rain Gear - jacket, suit or poncho (durable material) providing good wind protection  Socks - synthetic or wool. Three pairs minimum, including knee socks if using  Climbing Boots - sturdy, supportive, suitable for rock and snow and suitable for attachment of crampons (please check crampon fit and compatibility at home). Also spare laces  Footwear – approach-type shoes, sandals or other comfortable shoes  Gaiters - knee length (we recommend a waterproof bottom section) - towel, washcloth, soap, mirror, razor, personal medication and hygiene items, (toilet paper is provided but we recommend a small personal supply) ESSENTIAL CLIMBING EQUIPMENT NOTE: All of the following must be CE or UIAA approved and in good repair  Crampons with front points (Insure they fit the boots you’re bringing with you and are in good condition) Anti-bot plates are mandatory.  Climbing helmet  Climbing harness (Ensure that your harness is current and in good shape)  Mountaineering ice axe – appropriate size for general mountaineering (not too short)  Two locking carabineers - at least one Munter (pear shape)  Two non-locking carabineers  1” nylon webbing – 3 meters long  One Prusik cord – 1.5 meter (5’) long, 7 mm diameter (recommend Beal)  One Prusik cord - 5 meters (16.5’) long, 7 mm diameter (recommend Beal)  Belay/Rappel device  One ice screw  Ski pole(s) - for hiking and approaches. (Should be 3 section, collapsible poles in order to be stored safely on your back when climbing) ** Guides and leaders will have all the technical climbing gear needed for the GMC objectives  Shorts & t-shirt  Down jacket or vest  Compass/Altimeter/GPS  Swiss Army Knife  Umbrella - pocket size, for around camp in the event of rain  Ear plugs  Boot waterproofing  Camera + memory cards or film(s)  Spare eye glasses  Reading/writing material  Small personal amount of liquor / treats, if desired  Rock Shoes VEHICLE SAFETY SUPPLIES The logging road you will be driving on is suitable for all but the sportiest of two-wheel drive vehicles. You will be in a convoy with others going to the camp, but you need to make sure that you have appropriate emergency supplies for your vehicle. Spare tire with air pressure recently checked. Spare tire should be of normal size (not the little temporary spare) Car jack - ensure it works properly Tire wrench - ensure it fits your tire nuts (specialty wrenches are required for some 4- wheel drive wheels) Spare oil and water Chemical tire filler - these cans can be purchased at most gas stations Chicken wire - used to wrap around your car while you are in camp. Porcupines are known to chew on brake lines! Please remember to take your chicken wire with you when you go unless you have specifically arranged for someone else to use it. This will avoid the problem we’ve had in the past with a large mess of chicken wire being left behind. A definite must in the Bigmouth Creek staging area. Please respect the mountain environment you are in at all times. SAFE TRAVELING PROCEDURES Forest Roads are subject to continuous changes due to weather, surfacing materials, and traffic volume and traffic flow. All users are responsible for the safe operation of their vehicles based upon the vehicle condition, equipment and driver ability. All GMC participants and staff will travel in a convoy going to the staging area. The following are • If you own a two way VHF radio, bring it along, as it may come in handy on the road. ACC staff will be leading and following the GMC convoy, and will be equipped with radios. The small, personal short-range radios that have recently become popular are also useful for this purpose. Please refer to the recently changed regulations regarding VHF radio use on all British Columbia Forest Service Roads. The regulations are available on the web. • All vehicles are to be operated and equipped for the appropriate road conditions (see Vehicle Safety Equipment under Equipment List above). • Kilometer signs & road names will be used to identify turn-offs & meeting places. • Forestry crew vehicles (including logging trucks) will normally have right of way. Common sense must apply; crew vehicles will not assume they have safe passage. • Driving lights or headlights must be turned on while traveling on Forestry roads. • When the road is busy, traffic should bunch up but maintain safe sight distance out of the blowing dust of the lead vehicle. This will help to reduce radio traffic. • Be extremely cautious if you need to pass another vehicle. Dust, hills and bends in the road are hazards which make passing difficult and dangerous. There is no official convoy set up at the end of your week, but we urge you to “buddy up” with at least one other vehicle for the return trip, and exercise extreme caution when


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