No está claro cuán grande es el papel de los antibióticos en las relaciones competitivas entre los microorganismos en condiciones naturales. Zelman Waxman creía que este papel era mínimo, los antibióticos no se forman sino en culturas limpias en entornos ricos. Posteriormente, sin embargo, se descubrió que en muchos productos, la actividad de síntesis de antibióticos aumenta en presencia de otros tipos o productos específicos de su metabolismo.

October / November 2008

Rhapsody in Black and White. The main gallery at DIVA will feature 31 photographs by Charles Teenie Harris,
selected from Archives of the Carnegie Museum of Art in Pittsburgh, PA. Harris' photographs reflect African-
American urban life in the mid-20th Century, from the Depression to the Civil Rights Movement. This touring
exhibit, Charles "Teenie" Harris: Rhapsody in Black and White; Photos that inspired Ronald K. Brown's dance One
Shot, is owned and organized by the August Wilson Center for African American Culture. There will be a dance
performance of One Shot at the Hult Center on 10/26/08.
This exhibit is co-curated by Deborah Willis, New York University Professor of Photography and Imaging and an
expert on African American photography, and the celebrated contemporary dancer-choreographer Ronald K.
Brown. Dr. Willis will give a Gallery Talk about the exhibit on Friday, October 17th at 5:30 PM. The free exhibit is
open to the public.
Coinciding with the Charles Harris exhibit is a three day festival of Early African American Film Festival from the
archives of the Mayme A. Clayton Library and Museum in Culver City, California. Avery Clayton who heads the
Clayton Library and Museum will host this film series, October 14-16th. At 8:30 on Thursday, October 15th, Avery
Clayton will discuss the history of the Mayme A. Clayton Library and Museum as one of the nations largest
repository of African American culture. See the DIVA Events Calendar for details. (Photo: Charles "Teenie" Harris
c.1926, courtesy the Carnegie Museum of Art Photo courtesy of Blaffer Gallery).
Read more on-line about October's special events!
Other Exhibits:
Galleries 1 and 2: Rhapsodies in Hue by Material ARTistry. A passion for creating art that makes use of fiber,
textiles, thread, and other seemingly humble materials brings together the diverse visions of Sally Zehrung, Jae
McDonald, Mardee Hansen, Sandra McMorris Johnson, and Janet Hiller, the members of Material ARTistry. Each is
drawn to the idea of presenting ideas which appeal to two senses simultaneously the visual and the tactile. Each
works in some way with cloth but the results are as varied as their makers.
Gallery 3: Tacrolimus by Jessie Weitzel (Installation). "Tacrolimus" is the name of the generic drug Fujimycin that
is used to suppress the immune system during organ transplants. Weitzel believes this drug / patient interaction
acts as a metaphor for human romantic relationships. Falling in love is an experience of complete openness and
The installation comprises a variety of media that includes plaster, sea urchin spines, paraffin wax and various
found objects. "Tacrolimus" is meant to capture a violent moment of heartbreak.
Gallery 5: Prison Art Project sponsored by Red Lodge Transition Services. Troy "Ravenwolf" Jones will be the
featured artist of the exhibit. A Koyukon Athabaskan and Muscogee Creek Indian, Troy was considered a child
prodigy. He has no formal art training, yet has a full portfolio reflecting American Indian culture. The owner of a
small, viable art business, Bear and Raven, near Anchorage, Alaska, Troy specializes in fine, life-like portraits.
Members Gallery: Willamette Valley Views by Kate McGee. This body of work expresses the artistís
interpretation of the Willamette valley landscape. McGee explores the tension between the looping wild roses,
redtwig dogwoods and hawthorns, and adjacent grasslands. "I push the space back with cool purples and draw it
forward with fiery reds and oranges".



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Microsoft word - internement gl das magazin

Au nom de la sécurité Dans un article paru le 28 mai 2011 dans « Das Magazin », Mathias Nink présente le cas d’un alcoolique condamné pour conduite en état d’ébriété à quatre mois de prison et qui, dix ans plus tard, est encore en internement. Voici de larges extraits de ce texte : (Traduction : AC-MS) „Das Magazin“ est un supplément hebdomadaire encarté dans les

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