Microsoft word - 2009 - changes to wada code memo.doc
CHANGES TO THE WADA ANTI-DOPING CODE AND BANNED LIST 2009 From the 1 January 2009 there will be significant changes to the process we have previously used for notifying asthma medication and cortisone injections into joints/tendons. From 1 January 2009, there will no longer be a process called aTUEs (Abbreviated Therapeutic Use Exemptions) which was mainly used for asthma medications. This affects the following: 1. Inhaled Beta-2 Agonists The use of inhaled B2-agonists (ie "relievers" eg ventolin, salbutamol) will require "evidence", most probably in the form of respiratory function tests. This is still being finalised, so WADA has agreed that if athletes have a current aTUE for their asthma medications, this will be accepted until the end of 2009 to allow time to sort out the new process. ALL athletes that currently have an aTUE for these asthma medications should check that it will not expire before the end of 2008 or early in 2009. If it does, then the athlete should get a new aTUE that will last through 2009. Swimming Australia and ASADA will communicate to you the details of the new process as soon as WADA confirms with us. 2. Glucocorticosteroids (GCS)
a. Local injections of Glucocorticosteroids
The use of local injections of GCS (i.e.cortisone injections) will NOT need an aTUE from 1 January 2009. However if you are drug tested and you have had a cortisone injection in the previous two weeks, you need to declare this on the Doping Control Form. International athletes will have an extra reporting requirement however this system is still being finalised.
b. Inhaled Glucocorticosteroids
The use of inhaled GCS (ie “preventors” eg pulmicort) does NOT need an aTUE only a declaration on the Doping Control Form, as for cortisone injections above. International athletes will again have an extra reporting requirement which is still being finalised.
Swimming Australia
However we are advising all athletes to ensure they have a current aTUE for the use ABN 14 109 333 628 of their inhaled GCS that will last well into 2009. Summary – Significant Changes from 1 January 2009
• the new Therapeutic Use Exemption process is still being finalised by WADA
• all athletes who currently have an aTUE for asthma medications to check that it
Tel: (02) 6219 5600 Fax: (02) 6219 5606
• if the aTUE expires before the end of 2008 or early 2009, athletes should
complete a new aTUE to cover them through to end of 2009
• From 1 January 2009, Cortisone injections no longer need an aTUE, however
athletes must declare the use of a cortisone injection in the previous two weeks
prior to a drug test on the Doping Control Form
• Athletes on inhaled GCS are to ensure their aTUE is valid until well into 2009 • You MUST declare the use of glucocorticosteroids (“preventors”) on your Doping
Control Form at the time of a drug test.
1523 Il inois St, Meyer Hall, Golden, CO 80401 EDUCATION California Institute of Technology, Pasadena CA • Dissertation: “Silicon microwire arrays for photoelectrochemical and photovoltaic applications” • Advisor: Dr. Nate Lewis (co-advisor: Dr. Harry Atwater), GPA: 3.6/4.0 University
ATUALIZAÇÃO Genética e Meio Ambiente na Etiologia do Parto PrematuroGene-environment Interaction in the Etiology of Preterm Birth Tenilson Amaral Oliveira* Márcia Maria Auxiliadora de Aquino*/** *Hospital Maternidade Leonor Mendes de Barros**Universidade Cidade de São Paulo pal causa de morbidade e mortalidade perinatal (Creasy & Merkat, 1990). Em nosso meio, segundo estatística