20130507 api's ypp committee - expressions of interest _3_
Young Property Professionals Committee Expression of Interest
To register your expression of interest, please complete this form and return it to the Australian Property
Please note that to be a member of the API’s Young Property Professionals (YPP) Committee, you must be a current member of the Australian Property Institute. For information on membership please contact the API.
Applicant’s Details
About YPP
Since its establishment in the late 1990s, the Young Property Professionals (YPP) has provided a dynamic, interactive forum for its members on both a social and professional level.The Young Property Professionals are typically under 35 years of age.
The API provides the group with autonomy to conduct and promote themselves as an important sector of its membership. They are a dynamic group that conducts events with a youthful style. Some of the events have a professional development focus and others a social and networking style. YPP events are also open to non-Members of the Australian Property Institute and are often excellent opportunities to network with young professionals from outside the property industry.
The YPP Committee is an energetic committee set up to represent the views of Young Property Professionals and to provide them with support, while bringing a fresh approach to the Australian
Property Institute. YPP welcomes everyone from a property or related professional background. It is a forum for making industry contacts, meeting other professionals and getting involved with social and professional
development events. The YPP Committee is working to promote the needs and interests of Young Property Professionals.
Phone: (07) 3832 3139 Fax: (07) 3839 0438
Young Property Professionals is an initiative of the Australian Property Institute Young Property Professionals Committee Expression of Interest
Other Information
YPP Committee meetings are held in the Brisbane CBD on a monthly basis as scheduled by the Chair of the Committee. Committee members are required to organise or assist in the organisation of 1 to 2 events per year and are required to promote all events on the YPP calendar. Committee members are expected to commit to scheduled meetings and provide a valuable contribution. Please provide a brief summary of your current role and career history or attach a copy of your current CV.
Please answer the following questions:
Have you attended any YPP events? If yes, please advise which events.
What do you think the YPP Committee is doing well?
What do you think the YPP Committee could improve on?
Phone: (07) 3832 3139 Fax: (07) 3839 0438
Young Property Professionals is an initiative of the Australian Property Institute Young Property Professionals Committee Expression of Interest
Please explain how you believe your experience would be of assistance to the committee?
Do you have any future event ideas or an industry contact who could be a keynote speaker at a future YPP event?
Do you have any ideas as to how to increase student membership of the API and ensure young members stay engaged with the API?
Do you have any ideas on how the Committee can attract sponsorship opportunities?
As a volunteer, what do you wish to get out of becoming a YPP Committee Member?
Phone: (07) 3832 3139 Fax: (07) 3839 0438
Young Property Professionals is an initiative of the Australian Property Institute
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