Posterior Chamber Phakic Intraocular Lenses to Correct High Myopia: A Comparative Study Between Staar and Adatomed Models
José L. Menezo, MD, PhD; Cristina Peris-Martínez, MD; Angel Cisneros, MD, PhD;Rafael Martínez-Costa, MD, PhD
ABSTRACT Adatomed group (5/12; 41.66%) than in the Staar PURPOSE: To determine the feasibility of using group (2/12; 16.7%). Anterior subcapsular cataract posterior chamber phakic intraocular lenses was higher in the Adatomed group (4/12; 33.3%) (PIOLs) to treat high myopia, comparing two dif- than in the Staar group (3/12; 25%). ferent models, Staar and Adatomed. CONCLUSIONS: There was a higher incidence of METHODS: Twenty-four eyes from 12 patients lens decentration and anterior subcapsular were studied prospectively. A phakic Staar IOL was cataract in the Adatomed group than in the Staar implanted in one eye of each patient, and the other group. [J Refract Surg 2001;17:32-42] eye received a phakic Adatomed IOL. Patients with uveitis or ocular trauma prior to ocular surgery, diabetic retinopathy, or capsular pseudoexfoliation were excluded. The mean preoperative spherical
Europe, and appears to be more frequent in
equivalent refraction was -16.00 ± 5.05 D for the
women.1 The different refractive surgical
Staar group and -15.39 ± 2.83 D for the Adatomed
techniques developed to date to treat myopia
group. Average follow-up was 32.4 months (range,
include both intraocular procedures and methods
19 to 46 mo) for the Adatomed group and
that change the shape of the cornea.2 Corneal surgi-
18.3 months (range, 11 to 21 mo) for the Staar group and included evaluation of intraocular pressure,
cal options include keratomileusis3, excimer laser
intraocular lens pigment deposits, lens decentra-
surgery, ie, photorefractive keratectomy (PRK)—
tion, anterior subcapsular cataract, and visual
either superficial or intrastromal (laser in situ ker-
atomileusis, [LASIK])—and radial keratotomy. The
RESULTS: Spectacle-corrected and uncorrected
intraocular procedures comprise lens extraction
visual acuity improved in all eyes in both groups. No statistically significant differences in visual
with or without implantation of an intraocular lens
acuity gain were observed with the two materials
(IOL), and IOL implantation in phakic eyes in both
(Student t-test, P = .08 for the Staar group and
the anterior and posterior chamber. The posterior
P = .6 for the Adatomed group), although the gain in
chamber phakic intraocular lenses (PIOLs) for high
visual acuity was somewhat greater with the Staar
myopia, also known as pre-lens IOLs4, are from two
PIOLs. The difference in mean intraocular pressure before surgery and at last follow-up was 1.5 mmHg
types of material: silicone (silicone lenses are cur-
for the Staar group and 2.3 mmHg for the Adatomed
rently not on the market) and a copolymer, hydrox-
group (P = .36). The incidence of lens pigment deposits was the same in both groups (41.66%), with
HEMA is a hydrogel, a polymer with a high
deposits in 5 of the 12 eyes in both groups. The inci-
hydration capacity (over 20%), although it does not
dence of lens decentration was higher in the
dissolve in water. Its main monomer is 2-hydrox-yethylmethacrylate, which can copolymerize withacrylic polymers in aqueous solution to yield a softand elastic polymer. Hydrogels are rigid when dehy-
From the Department of Surgery, University of Valencia, School of
drated and become soft and elastic only upon hydra-
Medicine, Valencia, Spain (Menezo, Martinez-Costa), Department of
tion. Alterations in the polymerization process may
Ophthalmology, University Hospital "La Fe," Valencia, Spain (Menezo,Peris-Martínez,
alter the optical properties of the material. Its
Oftalmológica del Mediterráneo, Valencia, Spain (Menezo).
refraction index is 1.43, with a relative density of
The authors have no proprietary interest in the development or mar-
1.16. The hydrogel is less rigid than silicone and
keting of this or a competing instrument, drug, or piece of equipment.Correspondence: José L. Menezo, MD, PhD, La Fe University
contains 38% water.5 This increased hydrophilia
Hospital, Department of Ophthalmology, Avda. Campanar, 21, 46009
makes it softer and therefore less traumatic to the
Valencia, Spain. Tel: 34.96.3868767; Fax: 34.96.398732.
corneal endothelium than silicone. On the other
Received: December 6, 1999Accepted: November 1, 2000
hand, its greater biocompatibility allows for a more
Journal of Refractive Surgery Volume 17 January/February 2001 Posterior Chamber Phakic Intraocular Lenses for High Myopia/Menezo et al
prolonged permanence within the eye. The presentstudy investigates the feasibility of using posteriorchamber PIOLs to treat high myopia, and comparesthe Staar lens and the Adatomed lens. PATIENTS AND METHODS
12 adults treated in the Service of Ophthalmology(La Fe University Hospital, Valencia, Spain)received one Staar lens (STAAR Surgical AG,Nidau, Switzerland) for myopia that had remainedstable for at least 2 years. Stability was defined asthe absence of variation in spherical equivalentrefraction greater than 0.50 diopters (D). Thepatients selected had previously been implantedwith an Adatomed lens in the contralateral eye;mean time from Adatomed to Staar lens implanta-tion was 19.4 months (range, 14 to 26 mo). The peri-od during which the Adatomed lenses were implant-ed was from June 1994 to June 1997. Mean averagefollow-up was 32.4 months (range, 19 to 46 mo) forAdatomed PIOLs, and 18.3 months (range, 11 to21 mo) for Staar PIOLs. All lenses (both Adatomedand Staar) were implanted by the same surgeon
Figure 1. Schematic drawing of the Chiron-Adatomed posterior
(JLM), following informed patient consent in all
chamber phakic lens for high myopia. The optic is 5.5 mm indiameter.
cases. Patients had clear crystalline lenses, with noevidence of cataract previous to surgery. Patientswith uveitis, ocular traumas, prior ocular surgery,diabetic retinopathy, or capsular pseudoexfoliation
lenses from -3 to -20 D. The posterior chamber Staar
PIOL has undergone many modifications in design.
The Staar lens is known as an implantable con-
Most lectures at meetings about the Staar lens refer
tact phakic IOL has the trade name, “implantable
to versions V1 to V7. The models used in this study
contact lens” (ICL) (Deitz M. Lens potential looks
were the Staar ICM 120V2 to V4 (V2 in three eyes,
promising. Ophthalmology Times 1995; November:
V3 in four eyes, and V4 in five eyes).
13-19). Skorpik and colleagues described it as a fold-
able collagen-Collamer lens for implantation in the
(Adatomed 094M-1) comprises a boat-shaped single
piece lens with plane haptics composed of polydi-
Weghaupt H, Zehetmayer M. Clinical results with a
methylsiloxane—a thermostable high grade silicone
posterior chamber implantable foldable collagen col-
elastomer with a low water content (hydrophobic).
lamer lens for correction of high myopia.
The posterior surface of the optics is concave, with a
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science
curvature similar to that of the anterior capsule of
1996;12(suppl):321); Zaldivar6 used the same ini-
the lens and with a radius of 9.9 mm. The posterior
tials (ICL) to mean an “intraocular contact lens.”
surface of the optic is formed in such a way that it
The Staar implant is a one-piece, soft, elastic, and
touches the anterior natural lens curvature (the
hydrophilic collagen/HEMA copolymer (Collamer)
Staar lens is made to provide a space between the
IOL (Staar ICM 120V) composed of a polymer and
two surfaces—the posterior chamber PIOL and
porcine collagen (less than 0.1% collagen). The lens
anterior surface of the natural lens—so that they do
is a single piece or monoblock and measures
not touch, but allow a fluid exchange between
6 mm in width; it comes in three different diameters
them). The anterior curvature is also concave, with
(12.0, 12.5, and 13 mm length) for different eye
a radius depending on the dioptric power. The diam-
sizes. It has a central convex-concave optic zone
eter of the optic zone is 5.5 mm. The haptics are
4.5 to 5.5 mm in diameter (depending on the model
0.18 mm thick and are positioned in the ciliary
and dioptric power), and is introduced by means of a
sulcus. The lens comes in lengths between 10.5 and
Staar microinjector. Available powers are for myopic
12 mm (with stepwise increments of 0.5 mm). Journal of Refractive Surgery Volume 17 January/February 2001 Posterior Chamber Phakic Intraocular Lenses for High Myopia/Menezo et al Properties of Adatomed and Staar Clinical Data Used to Calculate PIOL Phakic Intraocular Lenses Power (Van der Heijde Formula*) Adatomed Standard Deviation
with F’ = F + F’ and F’ = F /(1 - t.F ), where F
of the IOL, F the power of the cornea, F’ the spectacle
correction (Fs) at corneal vertex, d the location of the IOL, t the
vertex distance of spectacles, and n the refractive power of the
that developed by van der Heijde8 are identical. Theparameters required for calculation with the latter
formula are indicated in Table 2. After processingthis information, we obtained the dioptric power for
The two types of PIOLs to correct high myopia
the lens to implant and the possible residual
The mean preoperative spherical equivalent
The length of Adatomed lens implanted was
refraction for the Staar group was -16.00 ± 5.05 D
determined based on the patient’s horizontal
(range, -11.50 to -28.00 D) and for the Adatomed
corneal diameter (white-to-white). The size of the
group, -15.39 ± 2.83 D (range, -10.50 to -18.25 D).
PIOL was horizontal corneal diameter plus 1 mm,
A complete ophthalmological examination was
rounded to the nearest 1-mm increment. Corneal
performed for all patients, including anterior seg-
diameter was measured preoperatively with the
ment and retina examination. In seven eyes with
computerized calipers on the videokeratoscope
high risk peripheral retinal degenerations, argon
(EyeSys). The goal was to implant a PIOL of slight-
laser prophylactic photocoagulation was performed.
ly larger size than the ciliary sulcus to promote
Anisometropia was observed in seven eyes (29.16%)
and amblyopia in two eyes (8.3%). Anterior chamber
Determination of Staar lens power was per-
formed using a proprietary formula. The indepen-
dent variables in the formula are preoperative
spherical equivalent refraction, keratometric power,
Ultrasonic; DGH Technology Inc., St. Louis, MO).
vertex distance, actual anterior chamber depth, and
Central keratometry was measured over two princi-
corneal thickness. The final power calculations
pal meridians, employing a calibrated Haag-Streit
incorporated the surgeon’s (JLM) personal constant.
keratometer (Haag-Streit, Bern, Switzerland). The
Posterior chamber PIOLs were also sized by length.
power of the Adatomed IOL was determined with
Horizontal limbal white-to-white measurement plus
the MYOPIOL program, provided by the Adatomed
0.5 mm was used to determine the IOL length.
GmHB company. Calculations were based on four
However, if a specific power in the white-to-white
models of lenses and eight refractive surfaces stud-
measurement plus 0.5 mm in length was not
ied by Haigis to establish the algorithm, and afford
available, the actual white-to-white measurement
results close to emmetropia.7 The results for
plus 1 mm was used to determine the length of the
emmetropia produced by other algorithms such as
Journal of Refractive Surgery Volume 17 January/February 2001 Posterior Chamber Phakic Intraocular Lenses for High Myopia/Menezo et al
One hour before the operation, the pupil was
applied every 12 hours, and 1% dexamethasone and
dilated with a mydriatic cocktail (2% homatropine,
3% gentamicin every 6 hours after the first postop-
2% tropicamide, and 2.5% phenylephrine), and a
erative day. The doses of these drugs were tapered
after 3 days, with total cessation after approxi-
The clinical parameters evaluated for comparison
Adatomed PIOL Surgical Technique
A partial thickness vertical limbal incision that
Intraocular Pressure (IOP)—Intraocular pres-
measured 5.5 to 6 mm was made superiorly from the
sure was determined preoperatively and after
11:30 to the 12:30 o’clock meridians. A temporal
surgery using a Goldman tonometer mounted on a
anterior chamber paracentesis was performed in all
slit lamp. The average of three measurements was
eyes to introduce a spatula to facilitate lens place-
ment between the iris and anterior natural crys-
Intraocular Lens Pigment Deposits—Lens
talline lens capsule. The anterior chamber was filled
pigment deposits were evaluated after surgery on a
with 1% sodium hyaluronate to maintain adequate
qualitative basis only, considering the presence or
intraocular pressure for facilitating implantation of
absence of pigment in a luminous area 4 mm in
the lens in the sulcus. The Adatomed lenses were
diameter generated by the slit lamp on the lens sur-
positioned using fine forceps. Following surgery, the
face in the pupillary zone (without pharmaco-
lens was left-centered in the 12/6 o’clock position. A
logically induced pupil dilatation).
peripheral iridectomy was performed at the
Lens Decentration—Lens decentration was
12:00 o’clock meridian to decrease the likelihood of
defined when the slit-lamp visualization showed the
iridotomy occlusion by the PIOL haptics. The limbal
optic lens edge in the pupillary zone, without prior
incision was then closed with five or six buried,
pharmacological mydriasis. In the postoperative
period, the optic was left-centered, with the hapticsin the 12/6 o’clock position—a fact that was verified
Staar PIOL Implantation Procedure
under mydriasis immediately after surgery.
A clear corneal single plane, beveled 3.0-mm inci-
Anterior Subcapsular Cataract—A single observ-
sion and superior paracentesis were performed. One
er identified by ophthalmologic evidence anterior
percent sodium hyaluronate was injected into the
subcapsular opacification with a slit-lamp biomicro-
anterior chamber. Under direct visualization with
scope (Zeiss SLO-10) after adequate dilation. Mean
the operating microscope, the PIOL was positioned
average follow-up was 32.4 months (range,
in the lens insertion cartridge. A 1.0-mm Merocel
19 to 46 mo) for Adatomed PIOLs, and 18.3 months
microsurgical sponge was cut and placed behind the
(range, 11 to 21 mo) for Staar PIOLs. Anterior sub-
cartridge within the lens injector to protect the
capsular opacification appearance was described,
PIOL from the injector arm. The PIOL was then
introduced into the anterior chamber with an injec-
Visual Acuity—Distance visual acuity was deter-
tor cartridge designed by STAAR Surgical. The
mined using Snellen-type optotypes of capital let-
PIOL has two dimples on the anterior surface that
ters of increasing size and located at a distance of
serve as positioning holes. One hole is located next
5 meters from the patient. Near visual acuity was
to the distal footplate, and the second is located next
not evaluated in this study. Both spectacle-corrected
to the proximal footplate. The peripheral plates of
and uncorrected distance visual acuity were
the PIOL were placed under the iris using a spatula
determined before, and 6, 12, and 18 months after
(P978B Deitz Tucker). Care was taken to avoid any
surgery in both groups and expressed on a decimal
central touch of the PIOL to the natural crystalline
lens and any downward pressure. The IOL was cen-tered and the pupil was constricted with acetyl-
Statistical Analysis
choline. Remaining viscoelastic was then removed
Quantitative variables are expressed as the mean
from the anterior chamber. The clear corneal
and corresponding standard deviation (SD), and
qualitative variables as relative percentages with
Immediately after surgery, 20 mg of gentamicin
respect to the total number of eyes. The statistical
with 2 mg of betamethasone were applied to the
analysis of the results was performed by paired
subconjunctiva. The patients were given 80 mg of
Student t-test for the comparison of means between
prednisone orally on the day of surgery, and 40 mg
groups. Statistical significance was considered
on the second day. Topically, 10% homatropine was
Journal of Refractive Surgery Volume 17 January/February 2001 Posterior Chamber Phakic Intraocular Lenses for High Myopia/Menezo et al
The mean patient age was 32 ± 3.84 years (range,
28 to 41 yr). There were 10 females (83.3%) and twomales (16.6%). Mean follow-up was 32.4 months(range, 19 to 46 mo) for Adatomed PIOLs, and18.3 months (range, 11 to 21 mo) for Staar PIOLs.
The mean preoperative spherical equivalent
refraction for the Staar group was -16.00 ± 5.05 D(range, -11.50 to -28.00 D) and for the Adatomedgroup, -15.39 ± 2.83 D (range, -10.50 to -18.25 D).
The mean amplitude of the anterior chamber was
3.52 ± 0.31 mm in the Staar group and 3.45 ±0.25 mm in the Adatomed group; the differencebetween the two PIOLs was not statistically signifi-cant (P = .61). The mean axial length of the eyeballswas 29.12 ± 1.97 mm in the Staar group and 28.94± 1.36 mm in the Adatomed group (P = .8).
Below are the clinical parameters evaluated to
Figure 2. Pigment dispersion on the Staar lens 11 months after
establish comparisons between the two groups.
surgery, accompanied by anterior capsular fibrosis on the lens. Intraocular Pressure
12.5 mm with a horizontal corneal diameter of
Mean preoperative IOP was 17.5 ± 3.08 mmHg in
11.5 mm and the haptics in the right 12/6 o’clock
the Staar group and 18.54 ± 1.07 mmHg in the
position, a fact that does not explain the
Adatomed group (P = .6, paired Student t-test).
Intraocular pressure was determined at day 1, 30,
90, and 180, and at 1, 2, and 3 years after surgery,
Adatomed PIOL (25%, 3/12 eyes) versus the Staar
depending on follow-up. Mean follow-up was
PIOL (8.3%, 1/12 eyes). As indicated in the patients
32.4 months (range, 19 to 46 mo) for the Adatomed
and methods section, the length of Adatomed lens
group and 18.3 months (range, 11 to 21 mo) for the
implanted was based on the patient’s horizontal
Staar group. The difference between the preopera-
corneal diameter (white-to-white). The size of the
tive mean IOP and the mean IOP after surgery was
Adatomed lens was chosen to be horizontal corneal
1.5 mmHg in the Staar group and 2.3 mmHg in the
diameter plus 1 mm, rounded to the nearest 1-mm
Adatomed group (P = .36, paired Student t-test).
increment. Staar lenses were also sized by length. The horizontal limbal white-to-white measurement
Lens Pigment Deposits
plus 0.5 mm was used to determine the PIOL
The incidence of lens pigment deposits was the
length. However, if a specific power in the white-to-
same in both groups (41.66%), with deposits in 5 of
white measurement plus 0.5 mm in length was not
the 12 eyes in both groups (Fig 2). Pigmentation on
available, the actual white-to-white plus 1 mm mea-
the anterior capsule had two peculiar distributions:
surement was used to determine the length of the
coronary, like Vossius ring following blunt trauma
(Fig 3A), and diffuse, similar to pigment dispersion
We saw decentration more frequently in the
Adatomed group (41.66%, 5/12 eyes) than in theStaar group (16.66%, 2/12 eyes). This suggests the
Lens Decentration
implanted lens lengths were too short. However, in
Lens decentration was more frequent in the
the five eyes with Adatomed PIOL decentration,
Adatomed group (41.66%, 5/12 eyes) than in the
mean horizontal corneal diameter was 11.12 mm
Staar group (16.66%, 2/12 eyes) (Fig 4). In no eye did
and mean implanted lens length was 11.69 mm.
PIOL decentration become clinically manifest in the
Even so, the two Staar lenses with decentration had
form of monocular diplopia. But, in the eye shown in
a mean horizontal diameter 12.34 mm and mean
Figure 4, lens decentration produced high intensity
implanted PIOL lens length was 12.65 mm. The
nocturnal glare, halos, and optical aberrations that
relationship between corneal diameters and
the patient could not tolerate, necessitating removal
implanted lens length was adequate for both lens
of the Adatomed lens. Implanted PIOL length was
types and does not explain the lens decentration. Journal of Refractive Surgery Volume 17 January/February 2001 Posterior Chamber Phakic Intraocular Lenses for High Myopia/Menezo et al Figure 3. A) Coronary pigment dispersion over the Adatomed lens. B) Image shows pigment dispersion over the anterior face of the lens, of no clinical significance. Figure 4. Adatomed lens. A) Image shows a 2-mm decentration associated with highly diffuse anterior subcapsular opacification. B) The same eye without pupillary dilation. Figure 5. Peripheral opacification of the anterior capsule of the lens, concentric to the optic zone of the Adatomed lens, 16 months after surgery. Journal of Refractive Surgery Volume 17 January/February 2001 Posterior Chamber Phakic Intraocular Lenses for High Myopia/Menezo et al Figure 6. Slit-lamp micrographs of a Staar lens 20 months after surgery. This intraocular lens type can be easily identified by the characteris- tic positioning holes in the haptic portion of the lens (arrows). Pharmacologically induced pupil dilation. A) Central middle dense speckled anterior subcapsular cataract, and B) the same anterior subcapsular cataract in retroillumination. Figure 7. Histopathologic section of the anterior capsular natural Figure 8. Mean uncorrected distance visual acuity in 12 eyes with
lens shows a hyalinized laminate structure covered by a smooth
epithelium with thickened hyaline areas. Note pigment deposits. Hematoxylin and eosin stain, 50X. Anterior Subcapsular Cataract
ished visual acuity, depending on proximity to the
Anterior subcapsular cataract was likewise more
optical axis. In our series, no opacified lens had a
frequent in the Adatomed group (33.33%, 4/12 eyes)
visible space between the posterior surface of the
than in the Staar group (25%, 3/12 eyes; two eyes
PIOL and the natural lens, for either lens type. One
with the V3 model and one eye with the V2 model).
patient, who developed anterior subcapsular
On the other hand, anterior subcapsuar cataract in
cataract and visual acuity of 0.1 in her right eye,
the Adatomed group developed more rapidly com-
required removal of the Adatomed PIOL and extrac-
pared to the Staar group. The average cataract
tion of the cataract. On histopathologic examina-
tion, the anterior capsular natural lens showed a
20 months (range, 19 to 21 mo) whereas in the
hyalinized laminate structure covered by a flat and
Adatomed group it was 11 months (range, 9 to
smooth epithelium with thickened hyaline areas
16 mo). We did not find differeces between the two
groups in relation to the clinical appearance of theanterior subcapsular cataract. Cataract types found
Visual Acuity Gain
were: peripheral concentric to the optical zone
Spectacle-corrected and uncorrected visual acuity
(Fig 5), central gray-white opacities in the pupillary
improved in all eyes in both groups. Mean
zone (Fig 6), and diffuse-dense. All of them dimin-
uncorrected distance visual acuity before surgery in
Journal of Refractive Surgery Volume 17 January/February 2001 Posterior Chamber Phakic Intraocular Lenses for High Myopia/Menezo et al
eye in the Staar group. Three eyes (25%) in theAdatomed group versus seven eyes (58.3%) in theStaar group gained one line of spectacle-correcteddistance visual acuity; two eyes (16.6%) in the Staargroup and three eyes (25%) in the Adatomed groupgained two lines; three eyes (25%) in the Staargroup and no eyes in the Adatomed group gainedthree lines; one eye (8.3%) in the Staar group and noeyes in the Adatomed group gained four lines; andthree eyes (25%) in the Staar group and one eye(8.3%) in the Adatomed group gained five or morelines of spectacle-corrected distance visual acuity.
Subjectively, practically all patients complained
of nocturnal halos to a greater or lesser degree—no
Figure 9. Mean spectacle-corrected distance visual acuity in 12 eyes with the Staar and the Adatomed PIOLs.
differences were noted between one eye and theother (ie, no subjective differences between lenstypes).
the Staar group was 0.03 (1.52 logMAR ± 0.55;count fingers at 2 feet) and in the Adatomed group,
Residual Spherical Equivalent Refraction
0.03 (1.50 logMAR ± 0.62). Following surgery, uncor-
Prior to surgery, the mean spherical equivalent
rected distance visual acuity improved in both
manifest refraction in the Staar group was -16.00 ±
groups and was slightly better in the Staar group
5.05 D (range, -11.50 to -28.00 D) and in the
(Fig 8). The stabilization of uncorrected distance
Adatomed group, -15.39 ± 2.83 D (range, -10.50 to
visual acuity 6 months postoperatively in both
-18.25 D). Six months after surgery, mean spherical
groups is shown in Figure 8. At 18 months after
equivalent manifest refraction in the Staar group
surgery, uncorrected distance visual acuity in the
was -1.12 ± 0.93 D and -1.41 ± 1.03 D in the
Staar group was 0.5 (0.3 logMAR ± 0.17) and in the
Adatomed group; 1 year after surgery in the Staar
Adatomed group, 0.45 (0.35 logMAR ± 0.29).
group it was -0.82 ± 0.97 D and -1.02 ± 1.11 D in the
Although the gain was slightly greater for the Staar
Adatomed group; and 2 years after surgery in the
PIOLs than with the Adatomed PIOLs, the differ-
Staar group it was -0.73 ± 0.98 D and -0.85 ± 1.31 D
ence was not statistically significant (P = .16, paired
in the Adatomed group. The refractive differences
Student t-test). At 18 months after surgery, uncor-
were statistically significant for all follow-up exam-
rected distance visual acuity was у0.5 (20/40) in
inations before and after surgery (P = .002, paired
nine eyes (75%) and 1.0 (20/20) in no eye of the
Student t-test). However, there were no statistically
Staar group; in comparison, in the Adatomed group,
significant differences among values after surgery
uncorrected distance visual acuity was у0.5 (20/40)
with either type of lens (P = .02), which demon-
in eight eyes (66.66%) and 1.0 (20/20) in no eye after
strates refractive stability. In refractive terms, the
results exhibited a tendency toward undercorrec-
The mean spectacle-corrected distance visual
tion. Overcorrection was not observed in any eye; six
acuity before surgery in the Staar group was 0.49
eyes (25%) exhibited emmetropia, eight eyes
(0.31 logMAR ± 0.19) and in the Adatomed group,
(33.3%) were within ±0.50 D of emmetropia, and ten
0.45 (0.34 logMAR ± 0.20) (P = .64). At 18 months
after surgery, spectacle-corrected distance visualacuity improved in both groups and was slightly bet-
ter in the Staar group (0.78; 0.11 logMAR ± 0.09)
One advantage of corneal refractive surgery is no
than in the Adatomed group (0.66; 0.18 logMAR ±
need for opening the eye.10 In contrast, its disad-
0.12) (P = .84). The paired Student t-test showed
vantages include limited predictability, lack of
that the visual acuity gain for the Staar lenses was
reversibility, and the potential of cicatrization in the
not statistically significant (P = .06). Figure 9 shows
that spectacle-corrected distance visual acuity
The extraction of the natural lens with or without
stabilized in both groups 6 months after surgery.
implantation of an IOL is a controversial procedure
After 18 months of follow-up, two eyes (16.6%) in the
in refractive surgery, as it may increase the risk of
Adatomed group failed to show any gain in
retinal detachment, and the technique is invasive
spectacle-corrected distance visual acuity, versus no
and leads to an early loss of accommodation in
Journal of Refractive Surgery Volume 17 January/February 2001 Posterior Chamber Phakic Intraocular Lenses for High Myopia/Menezo et al
relatively young patients.11 On the other hand, it is
these materials in application to posterior chamber
able to provide stable correction of refractive
lenses for the correction of high myopia. However, a
defects, with high predictability12,13, and without
number of authors have compared these two bioma-
effects upon clarity of the central cornea.
terials in capsular sac lenses for cataract surgery,
The correction of high myopia by implanting a
with conflicting results. Thus, although some
PIOL in phakic eyes is highly predictable, the PIOL
authors report a greater biocompatibility when
is removable, and does not alter accommodation.10
using HEMA over silicone26, other studies describe
Our experience, over 4 years after implantation of
posterior chamber PIOLs to correct high myopia, is
In our experience, the two materials afforded a
that they afford acceptable predictability and stabil-
gain in both spectacle-corrected and uncorrected
ity with regard to refractive outcome. Phakic
distance visual acuity. This gain in visual acuity was
intraocular lenses in high myopia patients have
slightly greater for Staar lenses than for Adatomed
been implanted in the anterior and posterior cham-
PIOLs, although the gain in visual acuity was not
bers. The complications observed as a result of
statistically significant for either PIOL. The
implantation of the first models of the Worst-
improvement in visual acuity has been confirmed by
Fechner iris claw lenses in phakic eyes made it nec-
other authors27,28 who relate it to the disappearance
essary to explant many of them.14 At present,
of the minification effect of spectacles. One of the
Artisan-style lenses of new design are being
complications posed by the implantation of the pos-
implanted to treat high myopia15-17, with good visu-
terior chamber PIOL is the possibility of inducing
al acuity results, but with a potential endothelial
anterior subcapsular cataract as a result of either
cell loss of as much as 10% after 3 years.17-19 We
direct trauma or a later metabolic effect. In our
have used both types, the initial Worst-Fechner lens
series, anterior subcapsular cataract appears to
(biconcave optic model) and the current model
have been somewhat less frequent with the Staar
Artisan (concave-convex design) of the iris-claw
lenses (22.2%) than with the Adatomed lenses
(33.3%). In any case, we obtained higher indices of
The modern era of PIOLs for high myopia began
anterior subcapsular cataract than other authors,
in 1977 when Pearce20 designed a lens for implanta-
such as Fechner (17.7% of cases with Adatomed
tion in the posterior chamber. This was derived from
lenses)25, Asseto10, and Castanera de Molina.28 This
the idea of Ridley in 1949 of implanting lenses in the
is probably attributable to the longer mean follow-
posterior chamber—with evident advantages over
up in our series. In this context, longer follow-up
the anterior chamber.21,22 The idea of implanting a
would be required to establish more precisely the
IOL in the posterior chamber to correct high myopia
lens opacification capacity of Staar PIOLs. The two
in phakic eyes was developed in Russia, where in
models have substantial differences in design, par-
1986, Fyodorov designed and began to implant sili-
ticularly the vault. The purpose of the Staar lens is
cone phakic lenses23,24—a procedure that avoided
to vault the lens, with no contact with the posterior
the endothelial decompensation problems posed by
iris and the crystalline lens, to avoid the possibility
phakic lenses implanted in the anterior chamber.
of late complications such as pigmentary dispersion
Fechner also implanted the Adatomed lens, using
syndrome and complicated cataract. The concern
the term “posterior chamber myopia lens implanta-
about whether the PIOL touches the natural lens is
tion in phakic eyes” to describe the procedure.25
one that has received much attention. Deitz6 states
The present study investigated the feasibility of
that ultrasonography shows that the Staar PIOL
using posterior chamber PIOLs to treat high
vaults over the crystalline lens without touching it
myopia, comparing two different models, the Staar
(Deitz M. Lens potential looks promising.
and Adatomed. The exact models used in this study
Ophthalmology Times 1995; November: 13-19).
were the Staar ICM 120V2, V3, and V4 (V2 in three
However, Assetto10 reported that because of the con-
eyes, V3 in four eyes, and V4 in five eyes). Model V3
tact between the posterior chamber PIOL with the
was a nonvaulted flat design that produced most of
crystalline lens and posterior iris, although not
the cataracts (two of three cases of cataract were
demonstrated in their study, the possibility of pig-
with the V3 type). The V3 model is no longer in use,
mentary loss and cataract formation must be
but more vaulted models are currently being
considered. Our study does not demonstrate by
implanted. The Adatomed lens is no longer in clini-
ultrasound biomicroscopy IOL-iris and IOL-
cal use, having been withdrawn in 1998 because of
crystalline lens touch, but clinical data determine
high cataract incidence. We have found no refer-
these problems occur with both types of posterior
ences in the literature to comparative studies of
chamber PIOLs. Slit-lamp biomicroscopy disclosed
Journal of Refractive Surgery Volume 17 January/February 2001 Posterior Chamber Phakic Intraocular Lenses for High Myopia/Menezo et al
that no opacified eye had a visible space between the
cerning long-term predictability with the Staar
posterior surface of the posterior chamber PIOL and
lenses. On the other hand, the parameters evaluat-
the natural lens, with either lens type. In our series,
ed may possibly lack the sensitivity required to
decentration was more frequent in eyes receiving
detect differences in viability between the two lens
Adatomed lenses (41.66%) than those with Staar
materials. Further comparative studies of new
lenses (16.66%). Few studies have specifically
Staar designs and new lens types (Adatomed-
addressed posterior chamber PIOL decentration.
silicone lenses are not currently marketed and spe-
Cisneros11 reported decentration in about 4% of all
cific models of the Staar lens with no vault (V3) are
implanted Adatomed lenses. This suggests that the
not in use due to potential cataractogenesis) are
implanted lens lengths were too short. However, in
thus needed, based on different parameters, to
the five Adatomed PIOL eyes with decentration,
establish the relative utility of the materials. In our
mean horizontal corneal diameter was 11.12 mm
experience, the Adatomed lenses afforded a slightly
and mean implanted lens length was 11.69 mm.
greater (although not statistically significant)
Even so, the decentration for the two Staar lenses
improvement in visual acuity gain over the Staar
had a mean horizontal diameter of 12.34 mm and
lenses, although the latter appeared to produce
mean implanted PIOL length was 12.65 mm. The
slightly fewer complications—with the exception of
relationship between corneal diameter and implant-
increased postoperative IOP and the presence of
ed lens length was adequate for both lens types and
lens pigment deposits, where the results were found
did not explain the lens decentration. This increased
to be similar for both types of lenses.
incidence is probably due to the longer follow-up
Due to the paucity of peer-reviewed articles about
period. Patients with lens decentration in both
the position of the posterior chamber PIOL and its
groups suffered optic complications such as
relation to the adjacent structures in the posterior
nocturnal halos and glare. As we suggest in the
chamber, there still exists much controversy about
results section, we have not found a relationship
its long-term safety, mainly in regard to the
among lens decentration, lens diameter, and white-
intimate contact between the PIOL and the natural
The intimate contact between the posterior cham-
ber PIOL and the iris increases the possibility of
pigment dispersion and the development of anterior
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Journal of Refractive Surgery Volume 17 January/February 2001
Shear Sensitivity Melt index and density are two properties that However, while higher MI resins lead to shorter help describe whether a polyethylene is useful cycle times as illustrated in Table 1, for for a given application. Density is the weight of reasons concerning both processing (parison the polymer per a given volume. Melt index (MI) melt strength) and bottle properties (
GOVERNMENT OF NCT OF DELHI MAULANA AZAD MEDICAL COLLEGE And Associated Lok Nayak, G. B. Pant Hospital & Guru Nanak Eye Centre, (Purchase Branch) IMPORTED CHEMICAL, GROUP-III Name of items Agarose Mol. biology grade for electrophoresisMMLV Reverse transcriptase with H minus activity (10000U)PCR master mix containing Taq DNA polymeraseTotal nucleic acid Extraction kit/ serum sa