Microsoft word - econ programme plan 10 11.doc

Economics Programme Plan (2010/2011)
(I) Objectives
(A) Students will develop knowledge and understanding about economic terminology and concepts, as well as elementary economic theories; 2. basic economic problems faced by every individual and society, and alternative 3. the considerations and forces underlying the economic decisions that need to be taken by individuals, firms, institutions and government; the interactions of different economic sectors; the HK economy and its relationship with the economies of other parts of the world. (B) Students will develop skills to interpret economic information presented in vertical, numerical or graphical form; 2. apply their economic knowledge to a variety of problems and issues in a range of analyze information through the use of economic concepts and theories. evaluate information, arguments, proposals and policies from different economic perspectives and make informed judgements; and communicate economic ideas and informed judgements, in a clear, logical and (C) Students will develop values and attitudes so that they may 1. participate as informed persons in the discussion of economic issues and decision become active and responsible citizens and contribute to the well being of the local (II) Action Plan
1. A proper sequence of concepts and skills should be observed, so that concepts ranging from ‘easy to difficult’, ‘concrete to abstract’, specific to general’, etc, can be introduced Key concepts should be applied and reinforced in different economic contexts at different In the classroom, teachers will provide adequate learning opportunities for each student. For the long-term benefit of students, teachers should encourage students to become (a) fostering intrinsic motivation in students through a conscious effort to use authentic cases and observations to make economic explanations interesting; (b) designing meaningful learning tasks in and outside the classroom. 3. In the classroom, students differ in their attention levels and in their ability to receive and interpret messages. Teachers are encouraged to adopt a variety of learning and teaching For example, besides direct instructions, teachers can also involve students in hands-on tasks, communicating with peers, presenting ideas, commenting on social events, drawing diagrams for an idea on blackboard, doing search on the Internet, etc, so that students can develop their strengths in these tasks and gain confidence, competence and a sense of achievement. Making use of eClass of School Intranet could facilitate this process. 4. Use of formative assessment in respect of catering for the diverse needs of the students. Use of detailed feedback on students’ performance as a mean of further improvement in 5. Assignments and tasks are designed with graded scales of skill levels in mind. This helps students to assess and develop their own level of achievements. 6. Develop critical thinking skills and skills of applying information technology through the 7. Encourage students to collaborate with fellow students through short-projects or news 8. Develop the students’ skills on knowledge construction through news analysis of current events with close relationships to their daily experience. 9. Members of the panel are encouraged to attend workshops and seminars as appropriate to learn about the latest development of the curriculum and in pedagogies. Sharing of experience and resources are welcomed for collaborative efforts to bring benefits to the 10. Liaisons with commercial and educational entities to bring the business world into the classroom. Extra-curricular activities will serve to bridge the gap between theories of textbooks and the real life. HSBC Living Finance, Citi Foundation as well as Hong Kong Economic Times are some of the examples. The school will bring in also volunteers from businesses in the Adopt a School Programme hosted by the Rotary Club of Hong Kong 11. Generous provision of resources for members of panels and students alike as supported by publishers and other organizations. Books and self-learning computer packages for NSS and ALE economics are free for borrowing by staff and students. 12. There is a need for comprehensive revision for the students before taking the New Senior Secondary Economics Examinations for they have already covered two years of syllabuses in the previous years. It will be done regularly through the year. 13. In order to provide for reference materials to facilitate self-learning, S7A students have access to a class library of books and references as provided by Mr. Pang Wai Kin. Evaluation of Outcomes:
1. Response and continual feedback from students in handing in works 2. Enthusiasm demonstrated by students in participation of related activities 3. Records of works by students in eClass System at School Intranet 4. Improvement in students’ performance 5. Demonstration of oral and written presentation skills by students 6. Improvement in students’ literacy of economic and financial knowledge 7. CPD hours as recorded by members of staff. Enrichment and remedial measures will apply for students with diverse learning needs. Past Paper Questions in demand-supply theories; Past Paper Questions in demand-supply theories; AL (past exam paper) Microeconomics topics; National income accounting, International Trade (b) Enrichment and remedial lessons will be held for S.7 between their mock examinations and public examinations. There will be 2-hr sessions for S.7 frequently. (c) To cater for the learning diversity among S.4 English-class students, a brief remedial session will be conducted for no more than ten low achievers in the test of each topic/sub-topic and extra tasks will be assigned and marked. (d) All the answers to test questions (together with solutions) will be provided at the end of each topic for self-learning purposes on the school intranet. Means of assessment
Students’ learning attitudes – by teachers’ observation in class. Students’ learning outcome – by students’ performance in class-work, homework, quizzes (after each topic/sub-topic), term tests, internal exams and public exams. Summative assessments to be conducted according to the test and exam schedules of the Formative assessment is to be conducted on frequent basis as appropriate according to subject content covered. Case studies and news analysis are to be conducted for such purposes with scales of achievements graded according to table of rubrics. *Formative Assessment consists of a series of assessments on the skills of the students in using graphs and diagrams as representation of concepts and for the aid in analysis of They are arranged in the order of ranking of difficulties and the different levels of cognitive skills as illustrated by the Bloom’s Taxonomy. Students would be given feedback continuously to improve on their level of skills in order to accomplish more demanding tasks as the teaching schedule progress through the year. Records of students’ works on eClass System at School Intranet also provide out-of-school hours support for teaching and learning. The predominant emphasis in S4 Microeconomics Analysis is on the graphing skills as it is the most common genre of skills in microeconomic analysis in the economics curriculum. In addition, skills of problem solving and numeric skills are also required. In S5 Macroeconomics, it will instead concentrate on computational skills and skills in numerical and qualitative analysis of macroeconomic information. (VIII) Budget : Reference books – for NSSC & AL / CE Level……………………… $2,000


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