Warwick School District Annual Health Update Building __________ Student _________________ Please complete this form and sign on the back at the bottom.
Student Name ___________________________________ Grade _____ Birthdate __________
Address _____________________________________________________ Homeroom/Teacher ______________ Home Phone _______________
Who does this student live with? Both Parents Mother Only
Mother/Stepfather Father/Stepmother Stepfather/Stepmother Foster Parent/s Please list below: Parent/Guardian________________________
Relationship to Student___________________
Relationship to Student_____________________
Email Address __________________________
Email Address ____________________________
Employer’s Telephone____________________
Employer’s Telephone ______________________
Cel Phone _______________________________
Other Adults to be contacted in case of emergency: (attach additional sheet if necessary) (School officials will not release your child to anyone without proper authorization) Name________________________________
Relationship to Student__________________
Relationship to Student_____________________
Home Phone______________________________
Email Address ____________________________
Employer’s Telephone ____________________
Employer’s Telephone _____________________
Cel Phone _______________________________
Are there any court orders on file with the school restricting a person’s contact with the student? Y or N
If yes, please list restrictions and provide a copy of the court order: _____________________________________
Family Physician _____________________________
Family Dentist _______________________________
Preferred Hospital ____________________________
(Please note that in an emergency, this student wil be transported to the nearest hospital)
Medical Information
Does this student have any of the following? (Please explain and provide dates for any YES answers) Allergies; please list_____________________________________________________________________________
Medication/s your child is presently taking: (list name, dose, frequency, and reason for taking) ________________
Immunizations received in the past year? List type, month/day/year: _____________________________________
A serious il ness, injury, or surgery in the past year: ___________________________________________________
A condition requiring ongoing medical care by a health care provider: _____________________________________
Restrictions or limitations from physical activities: _____________________________________________________
A medical condition requiring special seating in the classroom: __________________________________________
Any other health needs or concerns not listed above: _________________________________________________
The fol owing over-the-counter preparations (or generics) may be used to provide first aid treatment to students: Anbesol, antifungal ointment, Bacitracin or Neosporin ointment, bee sting wipes, Blistex, burn spray or gel, Calamine or Caladryl lotion, cough drops, Epsom salts, hydrocortisone cream, Neosynephrine, oil of cloves, sore throat spray, and Visine. These first aid measures include treatment of wounds, bee and insect stings, minor skin or eye irritations, sore throats, toothaches, nosebleeds, and other illnesses and injuries. Check one:
( ) I give permission for the nurse to use the above over-the-counter preparations when providing first aid treatment to my child.
( ) I give permission for the nurse to use the above over-the-counter preparations when providing first aid treatment to my child, with the following exceptions:__________________________.
May the nurse give your child the standard dosages of the following over-the-counter medications as per the standing orders from the school physician?
Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Y or N Naproxen (Aleve) (for ages 12 and up) Y or N Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) Y or N Calcium Carbonate (Tums, Mylanta) Y or N Benadryl (for allergic reactions only) Y or N
If you have any health concerns regarding your child, please contact the school nurse. Information related to your child’s health condition may be shared with appropriate school personnel when necessary to meet your child’s education, health, and safety needs. Please inform the school nurse of any changes in your child’s health status throughout the school year. Signature of Parent/Guardian ________________________ Date: _________________
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Autismo e disturbi pervasivi dello sviluppo (DPS) Approfondimento: domande e risposte Sommario Definizione, fattori esplicativi, diagnosi Presa a carico e interventi Autismo e fattori genetici Integrazione scolastica e tempo libero Età adulta, luogo di vita e di integrazione sociale L’autismo in Svizzera I. Definizione, fattori esplicativi, diagnosi