www.Nrg4U.org CLIENT INTAKE FORM Please update me on any changes in your contact information!
Date: ____________________ Name: ___________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ City:______________________________ State: ________ Zip: ______________ Birth Date: ____________ Current Age ____ Social Security #: _____________________ Occupation: _______________________________________________________ Referred by: ______________________________________________________ Contact information Home phone: ____________________ Work phone: ____________________ Cell phone: ____________________ email: _______________________________
Please check the box if confidential messages may be left at any of these contact points. Please circle your preferred contact method. EMERGENCY CONTACT Name: ______________________________________________________________ Phone(s): __________________________________________________________ Relationship: _________________________________ Please list the name and specialties of other health care professionals you are currently seeing, as well as the name of your primary physician and approximate date of your last physical exam: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY
I understand that the energy medicine sessions I receive are provided for the basic purpose of harmonizing my body’s energies. If I experience any pain or discomfort during a session, I will immediately inform my practitioner.
I further understand that energy medicine should not be construed as a substitute for needed medical attention. Energy medicine practitioners do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe for medical conditions. Energy medicine brings about physical improvements by impacting the electromagnetic fields that regulate the body as well as by shifting the more subtle energies described in other cultures with terms such as chakras, meridians, and etheric fields.
Signature: _______________________________ Date: ___________________ What do you hope to gain from your energy medicine sessions? Describe problems you wish to address. Include how long you have had them, any medical or psychological diagnosis for them, treatments you have tried, and their effectiveness: Do you have a Pacemaker? ____ Do you have Metal Plates or Screws in your body? ____ Do you have Diabetes? ____ Are you pregnant? ____ FAMILY MEDICAL HISTORY (please circle all that apply) Diabetes
Other Significant Illnesses (please list):
YOUR MEDICAL HISTORY (please circle all that apply) Diabetes
Mental Illness Other Significant Illnesses (please list):
Briefly describe any major accidents or traumatic events and approximate dates: ALLERGIES (drugs, chemicals, foods, airborne allergies, etc.)
How much plain water do you drink per day ? ______________________ Water source? (Please circle) Tap, Filtered (Type of filter__________), Well, Spring, Distilled,
Current prescription medications/hormones
Current nutritional and herbal supplements (use back if necessary)
What food(s) do you crave? __________________________________________________________ All answers on this form are confidential. However; if substance-use appears to be life threatening, I am required by law to report it.
What gives you joy? What is your biggest stress? How do you deal with stress? Where does your body hold stress? How do you relax? How do you take care of your body? Are there any other issues you would like to discuss?
The Charlotte County School Board shall provide programs to improve the education of limited English proficient children by assisting the children to learn English and meet Virginia’s challenging academic content and student academic achievement standards. Assessments The School Board will annually assess the English proficiency of all students with limited English proficiency
EL DEBIDO PROCESO Y EL NIÑO EN LA TERMINOLOGIA CONSTITUCIONAL PUBLICADO en “VERBA IUSTITIAE” – Revista de la Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Políticas y Sociales – Universidad de Morón – Año VIII – nº 17 – pág.51 EL NIÑO COMO SUJETO DE DERECHOS La Convención Sobre los Derechos del Niño (1) es el primer instrumento internacional que ha establecido