Series Editors Kathy Schick and Nicholas Toth
THE OLDOWAN: Case Studies into the Earliest Stone AgeNicholas Toth and Kathy Schick, editors
Taphonomic Studies in Honor of C.K. (Bob) Brain
Travis Rayne Pickering, Kathy Schick, and Nicholas Toth, editors
New Approaches to the Archaeology of Human OriginsKathy Schick, and Nicholas Toth, editors
Paleoneurological Studies in Honor of Ralph L. Holloway
Douglas Broadfield, Michael Yuan, Kathy Schick and Nicholas Toth, editors
Series Editors Kathy Schick and Nicholas Tothbreathing life into fossils: Travis Rayne Pickering Kathy Schick Nicholas Toth
Stone Age Institute Press ·
1392 W. Dittemore Road · Gosport, IN 47433
Front cover, clockwise from top left.Top left: Artist’s reconstruction of the depositional context of Swartkrans Cave, South Africa, with a leopard consuming a hominid carcass in a tree outside the cave: bones would subsequently wash into the cave and be incorporated in the breccia deposits. 1985 Jay H. Matternes.Top right: The Swartkrans cave deposits in South Africa, where excavations have yielded many hominids and other animal fossils. 1985 David L. Brill.Bottom right: Reconstruction of a hominid being carried by a leopard. 1985 Jay H. Matternes.Bottom left: Photograph of a leopard mandible and the skull cap of a hominid from Swartkrans, with the leopard’s canines juxtaposed with puncture marks likely produced by a leopard carrying its hominid prey. 1985 David L. Brill.Center: Photo of Bob Brain holding a cast of a spotted hyena skull signed by all of the taphonomy conference participants. 2004 Kathy Schick, Stone Age Institute.Bottom left: 2004 Kathy Schick, Stone Age Institute.Bottom right: 2005 Greg Murphy.
Published by the Stone Age Institute.
Copyright 2007, Stone Age Institute Press.
All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this
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This study explored quantitative and qualitative
Although the tremendous importance of immature
methods for deducing the taphonomic history of imma-
crania for documenting the growth, development, and
ture hominid crania, in the hopes of developing models
evolution of various hominid species is widely recog-
for use in diagnosing the timing and pattern of break-
nized, their taphonomy has not been systematically
age in specimens of unknown history. First, two sets of
addressed. That immature crania are rarer in the fossil
cranial inventory data (of modern human archaeological
record than adult crania is generally attributed to their
samples) were used to develop a model of the taphonom-
greater vulnerability to damage because immature su-
ic vulnerability of the different parts of the immature
tures are unfused and immature bones are thinner than
hominid cranium. We found that the nasal bones, vomer,
adult ones (see discussion in Saunders, 2000). Here, we
basilar and lateral elements of the occipital, and zygo-
report a fi rst step toward deducing the taphonomic his-
matic arches were highly vulnerable to breakage or loss,
tory of immature hominid crania, which may prove use-
while the orbital rim of the frontal bone was rarely miss-
ful in determining the timing, causes, and implications of
ing. In fact, the frontal bone plays an important role as
a keystone that keeps crania articulated. Second, we re-
The primary aim of our project was to establish the
viewed the pertinent medical and forensic data on cranial
expected pattern of breakage and destruction to imma-
damage, and discussed three temporal stages of cranial
ture hominid crania that have been subjected to minimal
breakage: stage 1 (wet or fresh bone breakage), stage 2
taphonomic disturbance. To this end, we carried out both
(dry bone or postmortem breakage), and stage 3 (post-
quantitative and qualitative studies. We relied upon two
fossilization breakage). Patterns of breakage and disar-
sets of cranial inventory data. One of us (G.K.) conduct-
ticulation in 20 immature fossil hominid crania were also
ed an inventory of the immature cranial remains of 272
included in this discussion. Several new fracture types
recent humans in six cemetery populations from four
were observed in the fossil hominids, including temporal
broad geographic regions. Here, we refer to these crania
line, perpendicular, and metopic or para-metopic frac-
as the Krovitz sample. For each cranium, she recorded
tures, and a mosaic fracture pattern. Finally, the mod-
the presence or absence of anatomical landmarks as an
els discussed above were used to deduce the breakage
indicator of the loss or breakage of cranial elements.
histories of three immature fossil specimens that were
From these inventory data we developed a model of the
exposed to different taphonomic infl uences: Taung 1
taphonomic vulnerability of the different parts of the im-
(Australopithecus africanus), Mojokerto (or Perning 1,
mature hominid cranium. We also analyzed bone inven-
Homo erectus), and Herto BOU-VP-16/5 (Homo sapiens
tory data on a sample of 81 modern human crania from
a cemetery population in England that was excavated and studied by the Sedgeford Historical and Archaeo-logical Project (SHARP); unpublished data were kindly
208Breathing Life into Fossils: Taphonomic Studies in Honor of C.K. (Bob) Brain
provided to us by Patricia Reid of SHARP. The SHARP
sample had been scored by the original researchers for the presence or absence of eight major cranial bones; age
Materials and methods
at death and sex had also been assigned. Only three of 82 individuals in the SHARP sample were immature, so
To determine how immature crania were preserved
this sample must be taken as representative of the cranial
and damaged in specimens that were exposed to rela-
taphonomy of adults. Description and comparison of the
tively few taphonomic forces, we used two sources of
results of the inventory studies constitute Part I of this
The Krovitz sample consists of a landmark inven-
In Part II, we fi rst review the pertinent medical and
tory of 272 immature crania of recent humans from ar-
forensic data on cranial damage and then describe and
chaeological samples conducted by one of us (Krovitz,
discuss the results of qualitative and quantitative obser-
2000). Although the inventory was not designed for a ta-
vations conducted on photographs, casts, and occasion-
phonomic study, the results are useful here. The samples
ally upon originals of 20 immature fossil crania of Homo
represent cemetery populations from England (Christ
erectus, Australopithecus africanus, Neandertals, and an-
Church Spitalfi elds, 18th and 19th centuries; Adams and
atomically modern Homo sapiens (including H. sapiens
Reeve, 1987; Molleson and Cox, 1993), Medieval Den-
idaltu). Following forensic practice, we recognize three
mark (A.D.1000-1500 ), Nubia (A.D. 0-1500; Vagn
temporal stages of cranial or bone breakage: stage 1, wet
Nielsen, 1970), Edo Period Japan (A. D.1603-1867;
or fresh bone breakage, which incorporates the stages
Mizoguchi, 1997), St. Lawrence Island Yupik Eskimo
forensic scientists recognize as antemortem breakage,
(A.D. 1800; Collins, 1937; Utermohle, 1984; Heathcote,
which shows signs of healing on the broken edges, and
1986), and Indian Knoll (2500-2000 B.C.; Snow, 1948).
perimortem breakage, which does not; stage 2, dry bone
For each cranium, G.K. recorded the presence or absence
or postmortem breakage; and stage 3, post-fossilization
of a set of 39 anatomical landmarks (Figure 1, Table 1).
(fossilized bone) damage. These three stages grade into
This provides fi ne-grained data on the location of break-
one another along a temporal continuum and the place-
age or complete loss of cranial elements.
ment of a specimen along this continuum has a marked
Specimens were only included if they were undis-
impact on its response to potentially damaging agents.
torted, non-pathological, and had at least one anatomical
From our observations of modern and fossil crania, we
region (face or neurocranium) that was largely articu-
summarize the types, frequency, and morphology of
lated. Since disarticulated cranial bones, no matter how
breaks seen in crania in each of these stages for potential
complete, were not included in the Krovitz sample, this
use in diagnosing the timing of breakage in specimens of
inventory provides a conservative estimate of breakage
for these samples. Recent human samples where com-
Finally, in Part III, we use the quantitative and quali-
pleteness of the crania was a primary criterion for collec-
tative results from the previous two sections to deduce
tion were excluded from the inventory.
the breakage histories of three immature fossil specimens
Individuals in the Krovitz sample were divided into
that were exposed to different taphonomic infl uences.
four developmental age groups based on tooth formation
These are: Taung 1, Australopithecus africanus, which
and eruption sequences: 0 – 3.0 years (Age Group 1), 3.1
was dropped into a cave, probably by a leopard, while it
– 6.0 years (Age Group 2), 6.1 – 9.0 years (Age Group
was both fresh and fl eshed (McKee, 2001; McKee, 2004,
3), and 9.1 – 13.5 years (Age Group 4). Tooth formation
personal communication to P.S.); Mojokerto, Homo
was the primary method for dental age estimation (us-
erectus, which was deposited in fl uvial sediments (Huff-
ing data from Thoma and Goldman, 1960; Moorreeset
man, 2001; Huffman and Zaim, 2003) and subjected to
al., 1963; Smith, 1991), although tooth eruption was also
breakage and plastic deformation (Anton, 2003, personal
used when necessary (see discussion in Krovitz, 2000).
communication to P.S.) at an unknown time; and Herto
These developmental age groups roughly coincide with
BOU-VP-16/5, Homo sapiens idaltu, which was modi-
the following developmental criteria (after Minugh-Pur-
fi ed and curated by hominids after the death of the indi-
vis, 1988): 1) infancy (birth to completion of deciduous
vidual (Clark et al., 2003; White et al., 2003) and under-
tooth eruption and development), 2) early childhood (pe-
went primarily post-fossilization damage (White, 2004,
riod between deciduous tooth development and perma-
personal communication to P.S.). We use the taphonomic
nent tooth eruption), 3) mid-childhood (eruption of the
vulnerability model developed from the inventory data
fi rst permanent teeth), and 4) late childhood (completion
and the patterns of breakage and taphonomic destruction
of permanent tooth eruption and development, except for
observed on casts and high resolution photographs of
these specimens to deduce the specifi c taphonomic his-
The SHARP data, which were made available to us
but were not collected by us, consist of bone invento-ries of 82 individuals represented by articulated remains from the Anglo Saxon cemetery at Sedgeford buried be-tween 662 and 881 A.D. (Stillwell, 2002; Sedgeford His-torical and Archaeological Research Project or SHARP,
Krovitz and Shipman 209 Figure 1. Landmarks used in this study. See Table 1 for landmark descriptions.Table 1. Description of landmarks used in this analysis; see Figure 1 for location of landmarks. All landmarks described with L/R were collected from either the right or left side, depending on which side was better preserved in that individual.
22. BRG (Bregma, coronal-sagittal 32. L/R CAR (Carotid canal, pos-
15. L/R PTN (Pterion, intersection 25. L-O (1/2 way between lambda
18. L/R IZA (Inferior temporal-zy- 28. L/R MXT (Maxillary tuberos-
ity = junction maxilla and palatine in midline)
29. L/R PAL (Junction on palatine 39. L/R DPM (Behind DM2/P4 on
10. L/R ORB (Top of orbit, 1/2 way 20. L/R AST (Asterion = parietal- 30. VSJ (Vomer sphenoid junction,
210Breathing Life into Fossils: Taphonomic Studies in Honor of C.K. (Bob) Brain
unpublished data; Reid, 2004, personal communication
to P.S.). For each individual, the presence or absence of
We could not derive a single predicted sequence of
the frontal, maxilla, palatine, zygomatic, sphenoid, pa-
disarticulation and damage from these landmark inven-
rietal, temporal, and occipital was scored separately for
tory data because the variability among specimens was
the right and left sides; the values for both sides were
too great. Instead, we identifi ed clusters of landmarks
averaged for our purposes. If present, each bone was
that exhibited high taphonomic vulnerability, interme-
scored in completeness categories consisting of: < 25%
diate taphonomic vulnerability, and low taphonomic
complete; 25-50% complete; 51-74% complete; and 75-
vulnerability (Figures 2 and 3; Table 2). The high and
low vulnerability clusters together comprise 16 of the 39
Unlike the Krovitz sample (which consisted entirely
landmarks (41%). The remaining 23 landmarks (59%)
of immature individuals), 79 out of 82 (95%) individu-
als in the SHARP sample were adult. Cranial fragments
We argue that: (1) the primary factor determining
and isolated bones that could not be associated with a
the taphonomic vulnerability of a landmark is its struc-
particular burial were excluded from the database pro-
tural resistance to breakage and destruction, which is a
vided to us; however, the SHARP sample did include
function of the density of the skeletal element and of its
disarticulated cranial bones that could be associated with
placement within or projection from the cranium as a
a burial (for example, one individual’s cranial remains
whole; (2) the breakage of immature hominid crania is
consist solely of an occipital bone). This is an important
intimately related to the placement and physical nature
difference from the Krovitz sample that only considered
of sutures; (3) although crania of younger individuals
relatively articulated crania and no disarticulated bones.
were generally less complete, the taphonomic vulner-
Although healed lesions were observed on fi ve individu-
ability grouping of most cranial landmarks does not
als in the SHARP sample (Stillwell, 2002), no crania
change dramatically between the ages of 0-13 years.
were grossly pathological. The SHARP bone inventory provided coarser-grained data on the preservation of var-
High taphonomic vulnerability
ious cranial elements in a predominantly adult sample of
Landmarks with high taphonomic vulnerability are
illustrated in Figure 3 and listed in Table 2a. Several
We selected deliberately buried specimens because
landmarks in the facial region are missing with remark-
this greatly simplifi ed the potential range of taphonomic
ably high frequency in the Krovitz sample. These most
histories exhibited by the samples. Further, most mod-
vulnerable landmarks are missing in almost 70% of in-
ern humans are buried in some fashion, so most size-
dividuals in the youngest age group and are absent in
able samples of modern human crania are derived from
40-47% of the specimens across all age groups. All of
cemetery populations. Since interment occurred shortly
the most vulnerable facial landmarks are associated with
after death, the possibility of lengthy surface weathering,
the nasal bones (NAL), the zygomatic arch (SZA, IZA),
signifi cant waterborne transport, or substantial carnivore
and the vomer (VSJ). Each of these bones has sutures
damage was eliminated. What we observed on these
with other bones that cover small linear distances and
specimens represents a generalized or baseline pattern
which therefore probably break or separate more easily
of destruction, damage, and preservation of immature
than do more extensive sutures. The nasals and the vo-
crania undergoing deposition rapidly after death. There-
mer are thin and fragile bones prone to damage, and both
fore, the condition of crania in our samples refl ects the
have an edge projecting into open space. In contrast,
taphonomic vulnerability of various parts of the cranium
the zygomatic is not a particularly fragile bone but the
based primarily on their mechanical resistance to break-
zygomatic arch projects from the generally ovoid shape
age and on the structural integrity of various sutures be-
of the cranium, which makes it vulnerable to breakage.
tween bones. The ways in which specimens of unknown
The anterior portion of the zygomatic arch is also a thin
taphonomic history, such as the fossil crania considered
strut of bone that is very susceptible to crushing. In ca-
in Part III, deviate from this baseline pattern should pro-
daver experiments, McElhaney and colleagues found
vide clues to their exposure to other destructive agents.
that the zygomatic arch will break under as little as 130 psi (McElhaney et al., 1976; Mackey, 1984), whereas the
Results and discussion
pressure required to fracture the cranial vault is much
From the landmark inventory, we calculated the
greater: 450 to 750 psi (Cox et al., 1987). On dry crania,
percentage of specimens in which each landmark was
the zygomatic arch encloses empty space and requires
absent in each age group, and in all age groups averaged.
The presence or absence of many landmarks was high-
Out of the 272 individuals inventoried, 163 (60%)
ly correlated with that of other nearby landmarks, with
had a face judged to be in good condition, while pres-
three obvious clusters of covarying landmarks (face,
ervation of the face was judged to be fair or poor in the
neurocranium, and basicranium). These groupings were
remaining specimens. The entire face was missing in 25
undoubtedly caused by the close spatial relationships of
specimens (9% of the sample), suggesting that loss of
the landmarks within each anatomical region and the
the entire face, usually from nasion downwards, is only
general similarity in terms of robustness and/or geom-
moderately common in archaeological remains. This
Krovitz and Shipman 211 Figure 2. Percentage of landmarks missing for each age group, ordered into low, intermediate and high taphonomic vulnerability. Landmark numbers as in Table 1.Figure 3. Landmarks with high and low taphonomic vulnerability (see Table 2).212Breathing Life into Fossils: Taphonomic Studies in Honor of C.K. (Bob) Brain Table 2. Taphonomic vulnerability of landmarks, separated into High (a), Intermediate (b) and Low (c) taphonomic vulnerability. Landmark abbreviations and numbers as in Table 1.
2b. Intermediate Taphonomic Vulnerability
Krovitz and Shipman 213
pattern of damage is known in the forensic literature
into the intermediate vulnerability group; just over 20%
as a LeFort III fracture (described below, after Rogers,
of the specimens (regardless of age group) were missing
1992) and occurs in about 10% of patients seeking medi-
at least one of the landmarks on the squamous temporal
cal attention for cranial fractures (Richardson, 2000). A
LeFort III fracture leaves the cranium in two pieces, the face and the skullcap (neurocranium plus basicranium).
Low taphonomic vulnerability
The thinness and vulnerability of the facial bones to ta-
Landmarks with low taphonomic vulnerability are
phonomic forces means that once these two portions of
illustrated in Figure 3 and listed in Table 2c. These land-
the cranium have separated, the skullcap is much more
marks were present in nearly all of the specimens in the
likely to survive and be recovered than the face. Addi-
samples examined here regardless of the age at death of
tionally, the sphenoid is extremely likely to be broken or
the individual. All of the landmarks with the lowest ta-
phonomic vulnerability are facial and all are located on
Three landmarks in the basicranial region are also
the sturdy orbital rim of the frontal bone. They are na-
consistently missing in high frequencies (25-42% across
sion (NAS), orbitale (ORB), the top of the nasomaxillary
all age groups): the anterior part of the jugular process
suture at the frontal bone (NMT), the frontomaxillary
(JUG); the anterior point of the foramen magnum on the
suture at the orbit (FMO), and the frontozygomatic junc-
midline or basion (BAS); and the posterior border of the
tion at the orbit (FZJ). It is apparent that the robustness
occipital condyle with the foramen magnum (CFM). All
and structural strength of the orbital rim of the frontal
are clustered spatially and are intimately related to the
bone has a substantial impact on the frequency of preser-
basilar and lateral parts of the occipital bone. The sutures
vation of this region of the cranium.
between these ossifi cation centers and the squamous oc-
We also believe that the frontal bone acts as a physi-
cipital are short and vulnerable to separation; the squa-
cal keystone in holding the cranium together and is criti-
mous fuses to the basilar portion at about fi ve years, and
cal in determining how an immature cranium will break.
the lateral and basilar parts fuse in the sixth year (Byers,
The frontal has sutural connections with the parietals,
2002). The basilar suture is vulnerable to separation until
temporals, sphenoid, maxillae, zygomatics, nasals, and
it fuses to the sphenoid between 18-21 years.
ethmoid. The frontal bone plays a key role in hafting
Three landmarks on the vault are also missing in
the face onto the neurocranium and in reinforcing and
moderately high frequencies (25-30% across all age
strengthening sutural connections (such as the sagittal
groups). These are: lambda (LAM) at the junction of
suture) within the neurocranium. If the coronal suture
the lambdoid and sagittal sutures; a point (L-O) halfway
opens and the face and frontal separate as a unit from the
between lambda and opisthion on the midline; and opis-
rest of the cranium, then the face has an improved chance
thion (OPI), the posterior midline point of the foramen
of survival, although the rest of the cranium will almost
magnum. All are associated with the squamous occipital.
certainly disarticulate. However, if the face breaks off
One of the most likely types of taphonomic damage to
below nasion in a LeFort II or III fracture (discussed
occur to an immature cranium is the loss of the occipital
below), then the neurocranium has a better chance of
bone due to separation of the lambdoid suture.
survival, but the facial bones will almost certainly dis-
The high frequency with which both basilar and
squamous occipital landmarks are missing shows that
In general, once a cranial bone is isolated its indi-
loss of part or all of the occipital must be considered
vidual chance of survival is lessened. However, isolated
one of the most common types of cranial damage among
cranial elements vary in their likelihood of survival due
immature individuals, as is loss of the vomer, nasals,
to their structural or mechanical properties. Sturdier
and zygomatic arches. Separation at the coronal suture
bones (or bone parts, such as the petrous temporal, suit-
seemed common in the Krovitz sample but was not spe-
ably named for its rocklike properties) almost always
survive in higher frequencies and with less damage than delicate bones (such as the nasals or vomer), thin bones
Intermediate taphonomic vulnerability
with a complex shape (such as the sphenoid), or bones
This grouping includes most of the neurocranial
with projecting processes (such as the zygomatic).
landmarks and a mixture of facial and basicranial land-
The Krovitz sample considered only fairly well
marks (Table 2b). Because these landmarks exhibit the
articulated crania; thus most individuals preserved the
greatest variability, both within and between age groups,
frontal bone, which explains the apparent low tapho-
we suggest that the preservation of and damage to these
nomic vulnerability of the landmarks on the frontal
landmarks tends to refl ect particular differences in indi-
bone. Individuals with a missing or badly broken fron-
vidual growth and taphonomic history.
tal bone probably did not survive to be included in the
Because the squamous temporal suture is bev-
Krovitz sample. Because of its general robustness and its
eled and not interdigitated, we expected that this suture
many sutural attachments to other bones, the frontal has
would be more likely to open and fall apart than other
an unusually large effect on the taphonomic survival of
neurocranial sutures. Contrary to our expectations, the
landmarks along this suture (AST, PTN, and SPH) fell
214Breathing Life into Fossils: Taphonomic Studies in Honor of C.K. (Bob) Brain Application of taphonomic
landmarks change taphonomic vulnerability categories
vulnerability categories
with increased age: the juncture of the palatine suture with the edges or curve of the palate (PAL); the top of
The categories described above represent three lev-
the zygomatic-maxillary suture at the inferior orbital rim
els of taphonomic vulnerability. In general terms, know-
(ZYS); the foramen ovale (FOV); and the incisive fora-
ing which cranial parts are missing from a specimen can
be used with the taphonomic vulnerability categories to
The taphonomic vulnerability of PAL is intermedi-
judge the intensity of the taphonomic damage to which a
ate in the youngest individuals and steadily diminishes
as age increases, until PAL eventually ranks among the
Specimens showing only a few fractures or absences
landmarks showing the lowest vulnerability in individu-
in the high vulnerability category have probably been
als aged 9-13 years. Between the ages of 0-13 years, the
subjected to minimal taphonomic destruction. Those
palate lengthens and strengthens considerably and, be-
showing breaks in high and intermediate categories (but
tween ages of 5-12 years, the fi rst and second permanent
not necessarily the loss of all landmarks in those catego-
molars erupt. We hypothesize that the presence of these
ries) have been subjected to moderate taphonomic de-
molars may partially shield the palatine suture from de-
struction. Those crania showing some fractures to or loss
struction in older individuals. A similar drop in vulner-
of some landmarks in all three groupings have been sub-
ability is shown in ZYS, which is in the intermediate
jected to extensive taphonomic destruction. The catego-
vulnerability group in the youngest group of individuals
ries of taphonomic vulnerability are nested, so that spec-
and drops to the low vulnerability group in individuals
imens subjected to any level of taphonomic destruction
older than 3 years. This change may be related to the
have also, by defi nition, been subjected to the less severe
increasing strength and buttressing in the face as adult-
types of damage as well. Especially indicative of intense
hood is approached. We can offer no hypotheses for the
taphonomic destruction is the breakage and partial loss
change in taphonomic vulnerability of FOV and ICF in
of the orbital margin on the frontal bone or separation
the different age groups other than individual variability
of the frontal bone from other parts of the cranium. As
argued above, once the frontal is absent, the cranium as a whole is less likely to be preserved in the archaeological
Comparison of breakage in the
or fossil record. However, it is important to note that the
Krovitz and SHARP samples
response of a cranium to taphonomic agents is highly variable according to the particular circumstances of
The results of the Krovitz landmark inventory were
burial. Further, these categories do not necessarily rep-
compared with those of the SHARP bone inventory to
resent three widely separated points in the time (relative
see if these patterns of survival were consistent between
to death) at which damage occurred. For example, ex-
immature and adult crania. To calculate frequency of
tensive damage can and does occur early in a specimen’s
damage/absence in the SHARP sample, we added the
taphonomic history while the bone is fresh and the cra-
numbers of bones that were entirely missing to those in
nium is fully fl eshed; conversely, minimal damage can
which a signifi cant portion (25% or more) of the bone
was missing (Table 3). As there are only three immature
If the age at death of an immature cranium can be
crania in the sample (Reid, 2004, pers. comm. to P.S.),
determined with some precision, then a more refi ned
we did not subdivide the sample into age groups.
deduction can be made using both age at death and ta-
Generally, the frequency and location of cranial
phonomic vulnerability data. Within the Krovitz sample,
damage is similar between the two samples. The Krovitz
most landmarks show decreasing vulnerability as age
data showed that the category of high taphonomic vul-
increases (Table 2), although landmarks rarely shift
nerability included facial landmarks associated with the
from one vulnerability category to another. Only four
maxilla, nasals, zygomatic arches, and vomer. Although
Table 3. Completeness of bones in the SHARP sample (N=82; 79 adults and 3 immature crania). Completeness data represent an average of lefts and rights for each bone. Bone abbreviations as follows: Front = frontal, Pariet = parietal, Occipit = occipital, Temp = temporal, Sphen = sphenoid, Zygo = zygomatic, Max = maxilla, and Pal = palatine.Krovitz and Shipman 215
data on the nasals and vomer were not available for the
sample did not. If a large number of the sphenoids and
SHARP sample, facial bones (zygomatics and maxillae)
temporals contained in the SHARP sample were from
were damaged or absent in a high number of individuals
disarticulated crania then they would likely be less well
(63% and 53% respectively). Thus, in both the immature
preserved than those from the more articulated crania in
sample inventoried by Krovitz and in the largely adult
SHARP sample, aspects of the facial bones were among
In summary, cranial breakage and survival in the im-
the most highly vulnerable to taphonomic destruction.
mature sample studied by Krovitz and the adult SHARP
Landmarks in the category of lowest taphonomic vulner-
sample show a generally similar pattern. There are im-
ability, based on the Krovitz sample, were related to the
portant exceptions pertaining to the survival of the oc-
sturdy superior margin of the orbit and the crucial role
cipital, the sphenoid, and the temporal bones.
of structural keystone that the frontal bone plays within the cranium. This is consistent with the observation that
only 33% of individuals in the SHARP sample had seri-
ously damaged or absent frontals, making the frontal the
second least vulnerable bone after the occipital.
Qualitative observations on patterns of fracture lo-
The two samples differed strikingly in the vulner-
cation and morphology provided additional tools with
ability of the occipital bone. Landmarks in this region
which to deduce the approximate timing of damage
were among the most highly vulnerable in immature
in an immature cranium. We examined some original
individuals in the Krovitz sample. In the largely adult
specimens but more usually photographs and casts of 20
SHARP sample, the occipital bone was the least vulner-
fossilized immature hominid crania that were relatively
able bone, being missing or seriously damaged in only
complete and thus might be comparable to the Krovitz
32% of individuals. We hypothesize that this difference is
sample (Appendix I). These data were compared with
related to the adult nature of the SHARP sample. Despite
similar observations on crania in the forensic and medi-
considerable variability in the timing of the closure of
cal literature (primarily representing damage to living or
cranial sutures in adults (Todd and Lyon, 1924; Todd and
recently dead individuals) and with archaeological spec-
Lyon, 1925a, b, c; McKern and Stewart, 1957; Meindl
imens from the inventory sample (representing primarily
and Lovejoy, 1985), the lambdoid sutures in adults of the
SHARP sample would have fused to some degree, and
For each fossil specimen we observed, we noted the
sutures between the basilar and lateral occipital elements
general frequency of damage, the location of fractures,
would be completely fused. Stronger bony attachments
and the attributes (length, course, texture, and type) of
between the occipital and other cranial bones would
fractures and of the fractured surfaces. We used stan-
make the occipital bone itself less likely to separate from
dardized terminology from the forensic literature, where
the rest of the cranium and less vulnerable to damage.
possible, to describe fracture type and morphology and
Another marked difference in the survival of cranial
to deduce the time of fracture relative to death. Appendix
bones in these two samples involves the sphenoid and
I summarizes our observations for each of the 20 imma-
the temporal bones. In the Krovitz sample, landmarks as-
sociated with the sphenoid and temporal bones fall into the intermediate category. In the SHARP sample, these
Chronology of taphonomic damage
bones are highly vulnerable, showing serious damage or
We divide the taphonomic history of an immature
destruction in 62% and 55% of the individuals respec-
cranium into three phases at which breakage can occur.
tively. Thus the sphenoid is the second most vulnerable
bone and the temporal is the third most vulnerable bone
Stage 1) Wet or fresh bone breakage, incorporating
in the SHARP sample. We hypothesize that the beveled
antemortem and perimortem breakage, generally takes
nature of the squamous temporal suture is a more impor-
place while the bone is partially or wholly fl eshed. An-
tant source of vulnerability in adults because the other
temortem breakage is recognized by the fact that healing
endocranial sutures are partially or wholly fused. In
began before death; under controlled conditions, grossly
contrast, in immature individuals, the squamous tempo-
detectible healing may be evident in as little as one to
ral suture is not distinctly more vulnerable to separation
two weeks after the time of injury (Sauer, 1998; Gal-
than the other cranial sutures. Similarly, the sphenoid is
loway, 1999: 15, citing Murphy et al., 1990 and Rogers,
relatively more vulnerable in adults than in immature in-
1992). Identifying perimortem breakage (occurring at
dividuals. The sphenoid is a very thin and fragile bone
the time of death) can be less straightforward than an-
in adults compared to the other vault bones, which have
temortem damage, but still incorporates fresh bone frac-
thickened and acquired greater robustness with age; in
ture patterns (Sauer, 1998). Although antemortem and
immature crania, the sphenoid is not so markedly dif-
perimortem fractures can be differentiated by evidence
ferent in robustness from the other cranial bones. This
of healing, they both occur on wet, fresh bone and both
difference could also be due to sampling differences be-
have similar fracture characteristics; therefore, they are
tween the Krovitz and SHARP samples, as the SHARP
sample included disarticulated bones and the Krovitz
216Breathing Life into Fossils: Taphonomic Studies in Honor of C.K. (Bob) Brain
Fresh or living bone is a composite tissue comprised
tissue left and behaves more like a brittle, inorganic ma-
of fl exible protein (mostly collagen) and brittle hydroxy-
terial, such as stone or ceramic, than like fresh bone. We
apatite. In both antemortem and perimortem breakage,
do not know of anyone who has measured of mechanical
the bony tissue and the sutures between bones con-
strength of fossilized bone; strength would presumably
tain intact collagen and other organic components that
vary with the degree of mineralization. As a crude ap-
give bone its elasticity, meaning that it is able to bend
proximation, we might expect fossilized bone to have the
or deform under load before failure (breaking) occurs.
very low tensile strength, very low modulus of elasticity,
The fl exible collagen and membranes surrounding un-
and high compressive strength of stony substances such
fused sutures stop cracks from propagating through the
bony tissue by deforming and dissipating force (Currey,
Another issue in breakage is microstructure. Living
bone is riddled with osteons and other spaces that house
The mechanical properties of one square inch sam-
bone cells; these “holes” can and do serve as the sites of
ples of fresh tissue from long bones has been measured.
fracture origin because they are inherently weak places
In tension, such a sample of whole fresh bone fractures or
in the tissue. Similarly, foramina act as stress concentra-
fails at only about two-thirds the pressure that is required
tors where fractures often initiate (Currey, 1984). In fos-
to fracture bone under compression (Gordon, 1968: 42-
silized bone, these “holes” are more or less completely
44). This is why, in fresh bone subjected to blows, frac-
fi lled with mineral. The increased strength caused by the
tures are initiated not at the point of impact where the
absence of holes seems to be more than offset by the
bone is compressed but in the surrounding bone which is
placed under tension (Rogers, 1992). Whole, fresh bone
Both the diminished fl exibility and the geometry or
has a low modulus of elasticity, which means it has a
morphology of the bone(s) assumes greater importance
tendency to bend without breaking (Gordon, 1968: 42-
in determining breakage in stages 2 and 3 than in stage 1.
44). Younger individuals with bones that are more car-
It is also important to appreciate that breakage of stage 1
tilaginous and less mineralized will have an even lower
crania is more likely to be the result of accident or human
violence than breakage in older crania. Fractures caused
Stage 2) Dry bone breakage occurs postmortem af-
by violence are more likely to be directed at the face than
ter the bone has lost much of its organic content, and
fractures caused in other ways during stages 2 or 3.
is usually defl eshed, although dried or mummifi ed fl esh can be found on stage 2 crania. Dry bone breakage may
Review of the forensic and medical
occur during a lengthy time span ranging from shortly
terminology: fracture types
after death to centuries later, depending on specifi c pres-
Six basic types of cranial fractures, differentiated on
ervation conditions; the organic component of bone will
the basis of location and morphology, are frequently dis-
also vary according to the time since death and preserva-
cussed in the medical and forensic literature (e.g., Gallo-
tion conditions. The archaeological sample we invento-
way, 1999; Byers, 2000; Richardson, 2000). Three com-
ried had been subjected primarily or exclusively to stage
bined fracture patterns are frequently identifi ed in the
face (i.e., LeFort fractures), and disarticulation of cranial
Immature crania in stage 2 are substantially more
sutures is also noted. These types of cranial damage are
vulnerable to separation along unfused sutures than stage
reviewed here with particular focus on immature crania.
1 bones since the connective tissue holding the sutures
(1) Linear fractures are elongated, single breaks that
together is degraded or decayed in stage 2. Therefore, the
go through the outer table of the bone, the diploe, and the
modulus of elasticity of the bone tissue is compromised
inner table of the cranial vault bones. Linear fractures
as is the crack-stopping ability of the fl exible compo-
comprise 70-80% of observed fractures in the forensic
nents of bone. Thus breakage will occur in stage 2 bones
context (Gurdjian, 1975; Rogers, 1992), which usually
at lower loads than in stage 1 bones (Lyman, 1994; Gal-
involves stage 1 breakage. Linear fractures are often the
loway, 1999). The loss of elastic tissue from the bone
result of impact with objects having a large mass, such as
not only lowers the force needed to produce failure in
heavy weapons or automobiles. In forensic cases, linear
bone but also alters the morphology of the resulting frac-
fractures occur less commonly in children than in adults
ture. As elastic tissue degrades, the fracture surface be-
due to the greater elasticity of immature bone (Duncan,
comes progressively fl atter, more planar, and less likely
1993) but are known to occur in cases of child abuse, es-
to splinter or bevel. The course of vault fractures is more
pecially in children under the age of three years (Naim-
likely to be curvilinear and longer in fresher crania and
Ur-Rahman et al., 1994). In fresh crania, linear fractures
occur as a result of forces between 450 to 750 psi (Cox
Stage 3) Post-fossilization breakage occurs after the
et al., 1987) although there is considerable individual
bone has been mineralized, but fossilization is not an all-
or-nothing event. Bones at a single site may range from
(2) Diastaticfractures are linear fractures that fol-
fully mineralized to a condition close to that of dry bones
low the course of sutures, fused or unfused, in stage 1
with only minimal geochemical changes. What typifi es
crania. In antemortem or perimortem circumstances, dia-
this stage is that the bone has no signifi cant elastic or soft
static fractures cause traumatic interruptions of sutures,
Krovitz and Shipman 217
sometimes leading to the springing outward of the vault
(Tillier, 1999), but this does not appear to be a ping-pong
bone on one side of the fracture and the evulsion of brain
fracture and the individual is older than those who typi-
tissue through the crack. This springing out is a result of
cally incur such fractures. Close-up photographs in Til-
the release of the inherent tension of the intact cranial
lier (1999) support her suggestion that some healing had
vault by a fracture. This phenomenon is very unlikely to
occurred at the time of death, proving that this fracture
occur in dry or fossilized crania because elasticity of the
bones is so diminished that fracture is more likely to oc-
(4) Stellate fractures are a set of linear fractures
cur than a rebounding outward of part of the cranium.
radiating in a star-shaped pattern from a single point
In the forensic context, diastatic fractures consti-
where impact occurred. Gurdjian (1975) found that stel-
tute about 5% of all fractures and occur most commonly
late fractures are typical of heavy loads of relatively low
in the coronal and lambdoid sutures (Galloway, 1999).
velocity on stage 1 crania and are somewhat more com-
Blount (1955, 1977) observed that true diastatic frac-
mon on upper parietals than elsewhere. Where stellate
tures are rare in children in stage 1. He postulated that
fractures are centered on a depressed fracture, they are
linear fractures made on fresh or wet bone very rarely
functionally identical to radiating fractures.
cross a suture because the area of the suture has differ-
Although radiating fractures do not usually occur
ent mechanical properties from the bone surrounding it.
later than stage 1, we observed stellate fractures with-
The greater fl exibility of connective tissue in and near
out depressed fractures on crania in stages 2 and 3. We
sutures in immature crania acts to stop cracks by dis-
inferred that these were caused by the slow crushing or
fl attening of curved bones or parts of bones probably
(3) Depressed fractures, together with comminuted
under sedimentary load. Examples of stellate fractures
and stellate fractures (discussed below), comprise 15%
centered at inion but not involving a depressed fracture,
of fractures in forensic contexts (Gurdjian, 1975). De-
which probably occurred in stage 2 or 3, can be seen on
pressed fractures involve deformation of the cranial vault
the immature fossil crania from Engis, Pech de l’Azé, or
in response to impact, usually of high velocity by a blunt
object of small or moderate diameter. The bone at the
(5) Communited fractures of the vault involve large
point of impact is pushed inward while the area immedi-
numbers of small fragments, usually produced by low
ately surrounding the impact is bent outward, placing the
velocity/heavy impact force. Crushing incidents are one
bone under tension and initiating fractures (Gurdjian et
common cause of comminuted fractures of fresh (stage
al., 1953; Gurdjian, 1975; Rogers, 1992). The fragments
1) crania. We suggest that comminuted fractures may
of bone pushed inward by the impact in stage 1 remain
also result from sedimentary pressures acting on stage 2
attached to the cranium; Byers (2002) refers to this phe-
or 3 (dry or fossilized) crania. The fossil crania Dederi-
nomenon as hinging and regards it as diagnostic of stage
yeh 1 and 2, Qafzeh 11, and KNM-WT 15000, among
1 breakage from depressed fractures. We have observed
others, exemplify an overall comminution of the cranial
a specimen that received a depressed fracture in stage 1
vault (which we call a mosaic fracture pattern, see be-
with the fragments still in place some 200 years later,
low). We discuss below ways in which stage 1 and stage
well after the cranium had reached stage 2 (G. Milner,
2 comminuted fractures may be distinguished.
personal communication to authors, 2003). Depending
(6) The tripod or zygomatic-maxillary fracture
on the strength of the blow, a depressed fracture may
is one of the most common cranial fractures observed
be surrounded by a number of linear breaks that radi-
in medical and forensic circumstances (Rogers, 1992;
ate outward from the depressed area known as radiating
Richardson, 2000). Frequently caused by a blow to the
fractures. A depressed fracture surrounded by radiating
malar eminence, the tripod fracture separates the zygo-
fractures is one typical result of blunt force trauma un-
matic bone from the rest of the cranium by breaks in the
der stage 1 conditions. Radiating fractures are unlikely
zygomatic arch, at or near the zygomatic-maxillary su-
to occur in dry stage 2 bone (Byers, 2002: 270) or in
ture, and at or near the zygomatic-frontal suture (Rogers,
Depressed fractures are 3.5 times more common in
In addition to the six types of cranial fracture de-
stage 1 children than in stage 1 adults (Zimmerman and
scribed above, forensic experts distinguish three com-
Bilaniuk, 1981). Even though an immature cranium is
bined fracture patterns involving the face called LeFort
more fl exible than an adult’s, the absolute thinness of the
fractures (see Figure 4) (Galloway, 1999; Byers, 2002).
cranial vault bones makes immature crania more prone
These fractures may occur in combination as well as
to fracture. Sometimes depressed fractures occurring in
separately. A LeFort I fracture is an approximately hori-
young individuals do not break through both inner and
zontal break above the alveolar processes of the maxillae
outer bony tables of the vault but may simply dimple the
and below the nasal aperture. The typical cause of a Le-
surface; this stage 1 phenomenon is known as a ping-
Fort I fracture is a blow to the lower face from the front
pong fracture because similar depressions occur on
or side. A LeFort II fracture isolates the midface from the
ping-pong balls. Among the immature fossil crania we
vault, with breakage passing through the maxilla, the in-
examined through photographs, Qafzeh 11 shows a clear
fraorbital foramen, and nasion; these fractures typically
depressed fracture on the frontal just above the left orbit
result from a blow to the midface at midline. A LeFort III 218Breathing Life into Fossils: Taphonomic Studies in Honor of C.K. (Bob) Brain Figure 4: Illustration of LeFort fractures (after Byers, 2002, and Galloway, 1999).fracture passes through nasion, through the bony orbits
sutural membranes themselves. Although diastatic frac-
below the superciliary ridge, back through the sphenoid
tures are breaks that follow the course of a suture, they
and zygomatic arch. This fracture separates the cranium
differ from sutural separations in that the application of
into a skullcap and a facial portion and occurs in forensic
force is necessary to produce a diastatic fracture; while
circumstances when a blow is struck to the upper central
sutural separations occur naturally as a by-product of de-
compositional changes in an immature cranium. Sutural
In the Krovitz sample, 9% of the crania showed
separations occur in stage 2 rather than stage 1 unless
breaks that appeared to be LeFort III fractures, i.e., the
there is some processing of the fresh cranium (such as
specimens were neurocrania without faces. Eight per-
cooking or chemical treatment) that destroys or degrades
cent of the SHARP sample showed LeFort III fractures,
the organic component of the bone. Sutural separations
as judged by the simultaneous absence of right and left
yield cranial fragments that may be entirely unbroken
maxillae, zygomatics, and palatines. However, because
but which are separated from the rest of the cranium. The
we did not have data on isolated cranial bones (those not
vast majority of crania from individuals who die under
associated with skeletons) in the SHARP sample, the
the age of one year (and many older immature individu-
actual frequency of LeFort III fractures may have been
als as well) will come apart along sutural lines once the
collagen and membrane at the sutures has broken down
Breakage that appears as a LeFort III fracture seems
(i.e., once stage 2 is reached). However, since the exposed
to be relatively common among fossil hominids. Numer-
sutural edges involve many small, protruding points that
ous adult crania of Homo erectus show this pattern as
are vulnerable to further breakage, not all cranial bones
do immature crania including Engis 2, Subalyuk 2, Mo-
isolated by sutural separation will be complete. Close
jokerto 1, and Skhul 1. We hypothesize that during burial
inspection of the sutural edge should reveal whether the
and taphonomic destruction, crania with LeFort I and II
breakage is a single diastatic fracture or a series of frac-
fractures (or other facial damage) are so weakened that
tures subsequent to a sutural separation.
they tend to deteriorate further and present as LeFort III
The Taung 1 cranium shows a separation of the
fractures by the time of excavation and study. It is un-
coronal suture, with subsequent minor breakage of the
common to fi nd fossil crania with LeFort I or II types of
frontal. Gibraltar 2, the Devil’s Tower Neandertal, also
experienced a separation of the coronal, sagittal, and
Finally, sutural separations are another type of cra-
temporal sutures; subsequent to that separation, there
nial “damage” that is commonly observed in immature
has been some breakage of the exposed sutural edges.
crania. A sutural separation involves the falling apart of
The Amud 7 specimen preserves the occipital bone of a
an unfused or open suture due to the loss or degrada-
young Neandertal which was isolated by sutural separa-
tion of the collagen component of bone tissue and of the
tion; the rest of the cranium was not recovered. Krovitz and Shipman 219
In summary, six types of fracture, three patterns of
Burial per se may protect the cranium from further
facial fracture, and sutural separations are distinguished
damage by many taphonomic agents. Although crania
in the forensic and medical literature. Many but not all
buried in stage 1 may undergo non-traumatic sutural
of these were recognized in the archaeological or fossil
separations, especially on very young (<1 year old) in-
dividuals, it is important to remember that these sutural separations do not normally occur at the time of burial
Infl uence of chronological stage
but after burial, during stage 2, when the organic com-
on fracture morphology
ponents of the cranial bone have decayed. Stage 1 crania do not generally show sutural separations unless there
Stage 1
is some processing of the fresh cranium that destroys or degrades the organic component of the bone.
To assess stage 1 fractures, we turned again to the
In summary, stage 1 fractures are usually few in
medical and forensic literature. Richardson (2000), a
number per specimen, except in cases of warfare, vio-
radiologist, reports the frequency of different fractures
lent attack, or accidents. Stage 1 depressed fractures fre-
for a hospital population. Less than 10% of the injuries
quently show a rounded outline that refl ects the shape
in his sample were incurred by children. Most probably,
of the object responsible for the damage; depressed
his sample was biased toward adults and toward young
fractures often show hinged pieces or retention of the
males, since in many medical reports young males are
pushed-in fragments. Linear fractures occur and are
found to sustain a higher frequency of facial fractures
elongated and curving in course; where they intersect
than other age and sex categories (Barker et al., 2003).
sutures, the course may change abruptly to follow the
In Richardson’s sample, automobile accidents and as-
plane of weakness represented by the suture, becoming
saults were the two most common causes of the facial
a diastatic fracture. Stage 1 breaks are often beveled and
the fracture surface itself will show irregularities caused
Richardson found that the most common type of
by microscopic variations in the amount of elastic tissue
midfacial fracture is a tripod fracture of the zygomatic
in the bone. The fracture itself is sharp-edged and ap-
and maxilla (40%). LeFort I fractures comprise 15%; Le-
pears crisp and cleanly defi ned. Sutural separations are
Fort II, III, simple zygomatic arch fractures, and commi-
nuted fractures each comprise another 10%; and alveolar fractures, often associated with fractured teeth, make up
Stage 2
the last 5%. Richardson points out that 60-70% of all
Breakage occurring after the bony tissue has dried
facial fractures (the tripod fractures plus LeFort II and
and its organic component has decayed differs from that
in stage 1 because the material properties of the bone
Any of the cranial fractures described above may oc-
tissue have changed (as discussed above). Generally, the
cur on stage 1 crania, with the exception of sutural sep-
edges of fragments fractured during stage 2 are fl atter and
arations (see discussion on sutural separations above).
more planar than those resulting from stage 1 fractures,
Since most stage 1 crania do not sustain trauma prior to
indicating that the bone is responding more uniformly to
death, Richardson’s sample is not expected to parallel
pressure since it is no longer elastic. Stage 2 fractures of
the incidence of facial fractures in a general cemetery
the cranial vault may or may not be beveled.
population. Prior to the invention of mechanized forms
Synthesizing our original observations of immature
of transport, an individual cranium probably experienced
archaeological and fossil crania with those reported in
few breaks during stage 1 except in cases of attack, war-
the literature, we observed meaningful differences in the
fare, or a major accident. Even then, the point or points
general frequency of the different fracture types on cra-
of impact may be evident. The effects and sequence of a
nia in different temporal stages. Long, linear fractures
series of blows or impacts can be deduced by a skilled
with a curving course across the cranial vault are rare
examiner in forensic or archaeological cases (e.g., Sauer,
in crania that were dry (stage 2 or 3) when broken, as
are true diastatic fractures. In contrast, sutural separa-
The morphology of fractures is helpful in deduc-
tions commonly occur in immature crania during stage
ing the chronological stage of the cranium at the time of
2, judging from the Krovitz sample. Fully or partially
breakage. Linear fractures in stage 1 crania are usually
separated sutures, especially interdigitated ones, are very
long and curved rather than straight; their course relates
vulnerable to further breakage because of the irregular-
more to the direction and magnitude of force applied
ity of the exposed edge. One common consequence of
than to the geometry of the cranium per se. The outline
this post-separation breakage is the loss of an angular
of a depressed fracture is also often curved into a round-
piece of vault bone at bregma, as in the specimen from
ed or oval shape, refl ecting the shape of the object which
Le Figuier or Qafzeh 11. Another is the loss of small
impacted the cranium. Concentric rings of fracture may
fragments along the course of separated coronal, sagittal,
encircle a depressed fracture. Stage 1 fractures of crania
or lambdoid sutures, such as in the Mojokerto specimen.
are often beveled, with the direction of the bevel indicat-
The lack of a linear course in such sutural fragments dis-
ing the direction of movement of the force causing the
tinguishes them from true diastatic fractures.
220Breathing Life into Fossils: Taphonomic Studies in Honor of C.K. (Bob) Brain
Dry crania (stage 2) show fewer discrete depressed
involved in the orbital rim. The frequency of orbital frac-
fractures than wet ones (stage 1). Oval or curving holes
tures in this sample can be assessed only from data on
where pieces are missing—holes which might represent
the completeness of the frontal and maxilla. Twenty-two
depressed fractures that have lost their small fragments—
percent of the SHARP individuals show breakage to
are uncommon in stage 2 breakage. An exemplar might
some part of the frontal bone and an additional 11% are
be the rounded hole on the right side of the Roc de Mar-
missing their frontal bones. Twenty-seven percent of the
sal cranium. However, if this was originally a depressed
SHARP individuals show maxillary breakage, with an
fracture, there is no hinging nor are the depressed frag-
additional 26% percent missing the maxillae entirely.
ments still attached. Holes in stage 2 are much more
Pure LeFort I fractures, which comprised 15% of
commonly geometric or angular in outline. Comminuted
Richardson’s sample, were not observed in the Krovitz
fractures in stage 2 crania may separate into fragments.
sample and LeFort II fractures appeared to be rare, sug-
Their recovery and recognition depends largely on exca-
gesting that both types probably progressed to LeFort III
vation and curation techniques. Cases where large num-
fractures by the time they were observed in archaeologi-
bers of fragments have been reassembled into partial fos-
cal or fossil samples. In other words, specimens missing
sil crania include Dederiyeh 1 and 2, KNM-WT 15000,
the landmarks near the maxillary teeth were invariably
also missing much more of the face. LeFort III fractures
A comparison of the frequency of various fracture
occurred in 9% of the Krovitz specimens versus 10% in
types in stage 1 and stage 2 crania is instructive. It is
Richardson’s sample. Our inventory data show that the
important to remember, however, that breaks occurring
nasal sutures and the zygomatic arches are especially
in stage 1 crania are likely to weaken the specimen and
likely to open or break in dry immature crania. Loss of
make it more vulnerable to further breakage. This means
both of these regions would encourage the separation of
that the initial fractures may be obscured by later dam-
the face and vault in a LeFort III pattern. The number of
age, and if stage 1 damage is signifi cant, the specimens
LeFort I and II fractures could not be readily estimated
may not survive to be examined as archaeological (stage
from the SHARP data. LeFort III fractures, as judged by
the simultaneous absence of maxillae, palatines, and zy-
The frequency of tripod and zygomatic arch fractures
gomatics, apparently occurred in 8.5% (N=7 out of 82)
(together 50%) in stage 1 crania reported by Richardson
of the SHARP sample. Among the immature fossilized
matches closely with the high frequency of fractures to
crania, there was only one LeFort I fracture (Herto BOU-
the zygomatic arch, 40-47% across all age groups in the
VP-16/5). LeFort II or III fractures occurred in 8 of 20
Krovitz stage 2 crania (Table 2a). The zygomatic frac-
(40%) of the specimens. Because the original specimens
tures observed in the Krovitz sample were not sutural
were not examined in most cases and the sample size
separations but fractures of the zygomatic arch. In the
is small, we do not know if this difference between the
SHARP sample, 27% of the individuals showed zygo-
archaeological and fossil samples is meaningful.
matic breakage and another 37% were missing the zygo-
In the Krovitz sample, common sutural separations
in stage 2 crania occur at the basilar suture (37-64% of
In contrast, the high frequency of orbital fractures
the specimens according to age) and, less frequently,
(60-70%) cited by Richardson is not paralleled by the
along the lambdoid suture. Separation along the basilar
frequency of orbital fractures in stage 2 crania. Richard-
suture contributes to further breakage of the basicrani-
son does not specify where the orbits are fractured, sim-
um; separation along the basilar and lambdoid sutures
ply that fractures involving the orbit are very common
results in the isolation of the occipital from the rest of the
in patients seeking medical attention for cranial trauma.
cranium. Separation at the coronal suture occurred, sepa-
In the Krovitz sample, four landmarks (ORB, FZJ, ZYS,
rating the face and frontal bone from the rest of the cra-
and FMO) refl ect damage to the superior, lateral, in-
nium in 38 specimens (14% of the Krovitz sample); note
ferior, and medial parts of the orbital rim respectively.
that in these individuals the rest of the cranium did not
Three of these landmarks (ORB, FZJ, and FMO) are
survive intact once the face and frontal bones separated.
so rarely missing in the Krovitz sample that they are in
Other observed (though not quantifi ed) sutural separa-
the low taphonomic vulnerability category. The fourth
tions include the zygomatic-temporal suture (contribut-
landmark, ZYS, falls into the intermediate taphonomic
ing to zygomatic arch breakage), zygomatic-maxillary
vulnerability category, being missing in 18% of the 272
suture (contributing to loss of the maxilla or zygomatic),
specimens in the landmark sample. Clearly, then, either
and springing out of the beveled parietal-temporal suture
orbital fractures are substantially less common in stage 2
(contributing to loss of the temporal bone, especially if
than in stage 1 immature crania or, because of the impor-
the occipital bone is also missing).
tant structural role the frontal bone plays in protecting
We observed two new forms of linear fracture regu-
crania from breakage (as discussed above), crania with
larly in stage 2 crania although we did not quantify their
frontal or orbital fractures that occurred during stage 1
occurrence. We call the fi rst of these a temporal line
did not survive to be inventoried in stage 2. fracture. This fracture differs from an elongated, curving
This conclusion is supported by the SHARP sample
linear fracture by its anatomical placement. A true linear
data which do not show high levels of breakage on bones
fracture occurring on a stage 1 cranium curves across the
Krovitz and Shipman 221
vault of the cranium with no characteristic placement. A
ditionally, the cause might be due to the change in cur-
temporal line fracture is found on one or both sides of a
vature which becomes more acute at or near the midline
cranium or skullcap that has been subjected to a compres-
of the frontal bone, thus rendering this region especially
sive force after burial and drying. Dry crania can be con-
vulnerable to breakage. The Le Figuier and Qafzeh 10
sidered ovoids that may be hollow, incompletely fi lled
specimens show metopic or parametopic breaks, which
with sediments, or fi lled with unconsolidated sediments.
are distinct from patent metopic sutures such as in Pech
Slow compression, such as the weight of accumulating
sediments overlying the cranium, will tend to fl atten the
During our reading of descriptions of fossil crania,
cranial vault from side to side. Such compression will
we noted a disturbing tendency for any fracture along
produce a linear fracture that follows the approximate
the midline of the frontal bone to be described as a pat-
course of the temporal line on one or both sides of the
ent metopic suture, even when the edge of the break was
specimen. It is not the location of this muscle marking
planar and not interdigitated. Similarly, missing frag-
but the more acute curvature of the cranial vault in this
ments at bregma were sometimes labeled as patent ante-
region that renders it especially vulnerable to fracture.
rior fontanelles without anatomical evidence. Great cau-
This acuteness of curvature is especially evident in pos-
tion is needed in concluding that missing bone indicates
terior view, where modern human crania show parietal
a natural anatomical consequence of immaturity rather
bosses or the typical “en maison” shape. Temporal line
fractures typically pass from the superior margin of the
A stellate fracture of the squamous occipital, cen-
orbit (or from the coronal suture) through the parietal and
tering on inion, occurred in a number of fossil crania al-
stop when the fracture encounters the lambdoid suture,
though the bone tissue is thicker at inion. This pattern of
as in the La Quina H18 and Teshik Tash specimens.
breakage is common on stage 2 specimens. The cause of
The second new type of fracture we observed in
such breaks would seem to be the geometry of the oc-
stage 2 crania is a perpendicular fracture in our termi-
cipital, which is effectively a very blunt cone the point of
nology. These fractures run perpendicular to the sagittal
which is at inion. Virtually any diffuse pressure on such
suture inferiorly from that suture until they encounter the
a structure will tend to fl atten the cone, producing a stel-
temporal suture or a temporal line fracture. Single speci-
late fracture at inion, as in Engis 2 and Amud 7.
mens often show two or more perpendicular fractures,
We may make some broad generalizations in com-
which are the natural result of diffuse pressure applied to
paring stage 1 and stage 2 fractures. Breakage in stage 2
the ovoid cranium. Perpendicular fractures are common
typically involves the orbit much less often than in stage
in archaeological specimens (G. Milner, 2004, personal
1, and in stage 2 the lateral or inferior orbital margins are
communication to G.K. and P.S.). Longitudinal bending
more often damaged than the superior margin. Temporal
stress tends to fl atten the curvature toward the front and
line, perpendicular, and metopic/parametopic fractures
back of the cranium, causing the perpendicular fractures,
are typical stage 2 breaks. Sedimentary pressure during
as in the Teshik Tash, Engis 2, Grotte des Enfants 6, and
stage 2 may cause a widespread mosaic fracture pattern
comprised of numerous geometric fragments lacking a
The intersection of temporal line and perpendicular
discrete area of impact, as distinct from a circumscribed
fractures effectively breaks the parietal into large, rough-
area with a comminuted or depressed fracture, which is
ly rectangular or trapezoidal fragments. We hypothesize
more typical of stage 1. The surfaces of stage 2 fractures
that continued sedimentary pressure (or some other type
are usually planar with blunt edges lacking beveling or
of diffuse compressive load) will break these rectangular
hinging. The course of stage 2 fractures is not curved or
fragments further until most or all of the cranial vault
rounded. Immature crania damaged during stage 2 sus-
surface is broken into triangular or irregularly geometric
tain more breaks per specimen and frequently show non-
fragments in what we call a mosaic fracture pattern. This
traumatic sutural separations. Overall, stage 2 breaks
pattern differs from a comminuted fracture in that the
rarely show a discrete point of impact and instead result
mosaic fracture pattern covers a large area of the cranial
vault and has no clear outline or point of impact. The mosaic fracture pattern can be observed in KNM-WT
Stage 3
15000, Mojokerto, Herto BOU-VP-16/5, Dederiyeh 1
Post-fossilization breakage occurs after the bone has
and 2, Subalyuk 2, and Qafzeh 10 and 11.
been mineralized. Though rarely of concern in forensics,
Another new type of fracture we saw in stage 2 cra-
post-fossilization breakage is important to paleoanthro-
nia is the metopic or parametopic fracture. Younger in-
pologists as it may yield clues to the circumstances under
dividuals, under the age of about four years, may show
which a hominid died and became buried in sediments.
a vertical fracture of the frontal bone either along the
In this stage, the cranium acts very much like a ceramic
metopic suture or parallel to it. Although Cobain et al.
vessel of similar shape. The primary infl uences on break-
(2002) report that the metopic suture is fused in most
age of a stage 3 cranium seem to be the geometry of the
individuals by the time of birth, the site of the former
cranium or parts of the cranium in question, as in stage
suture may be weaker than the adjacent bone over the
2, and the lack of bony elasticity. Bone density per se
orbits, which is reinforced by the superciliary ridge. Ad-
is a less important issue in post-fossilization breakage
222Breathing Life into Fossils: Taphonomic Studies in Honor of C.K. (Bob) Brain
than in earlier breakage because stage 3 bone tissue is
age than the surrounding rock, the endocast helps the
cranium resist fl attening with the result that the vault
Determining the timing of postmortem fractures
bone shatters but the pieces are not destroyed. A partial
relative to the time of death can be diffi cult; we are not
endocast, as in Taung 1 or Skhul 1, obviously leaves the
confi dent of our ability to distinguish between stage 2
portion of the cranium without the endocast extremely
and stage 3 breakage in most cases. Stage 3 breakage
vulnerable to fragmentation and loss.
may reveal internal surfaces of the fossil that are dif-ferent (often lighter) in color than those that have been
exposed longer; thus fresh breaks on fossils are often readily recognizable. Some fossil specimens we exam-
ined showed mosaic fracture patterns generally similar to those produced in stage 2 with many discrete, short,
Taung 1, the type specimen of Australopithecus afri-
and straight fractures yielding numerous geometric frag-
canus, was collected during quarrying of a South African
ments. These specimens generally lacked either a long
limestone cave and was recognized by Raymond Dart as
temporal fracture or perpendicular fracture, which we
a previously unknown species of hominid (Dart, 1925).
believe are more common in stage 2 crania. We hypothe-
The specimen is that of a young individual about 3-4
size that crania subjected primarily to stage 3 damage are
years old (Bromage, 1985); only the partial cranium and
more likely to show an overall diffuse shattering rather
mandible have been recovered. There are no other homi-
than the creation of longer, more linear fractures along
nid remains to date from the site. Subsequent studies of
geometric planes of weakness. As a subjective impres-
the remaining portions of the Taung deposits and similar
sion, we believe that the average fragment size is some-
caves nearby suggest a complex taphonomic history for
what smaller in stage 3 mosaic fracture patterns than in
the bones preserved in those caves. It is most probable
stage 2 patterns, but it will be diffi cult to test this because
that the Taung 1 skull was washed or dropped into a cave
we cannot reliably separate stage 2 and 3 breakage. Frag-
in the tufa by a leopard or other mammalian predator,
ment edges, where visible, are generally planar in both
while the skull was both fresh and fl eshed (Brain, 1981;
McKee and Tobias, 1994; McKee, 2001; McKee, 2004,
Another taphonomic factor that has a considerable
personal communication to P.S.). An alternative interpre-
infl uence upon the breakage of stage 3 crania is the
tation made by Berger and Clarke (1995), that the Taung
presence or absence of a consolidated natural endocast
individual was preyed upon by a large avian raptor, is
that was formed while the cranium or a portion of the
less likely (McKee 2001). Whatever the precise cause of
cranium was still intact. A cranium that is largely intact
death, the skull became a sedimentary particle while it
when it becomes a sedimentary particle in an open air or
was largely or completely intact and the mandible was
cave site is likely to become fi lled with sediment which
will eventually harden into an endocast. At least some
The Taung skull is one of those rare specimens with
deliberately buried crania also develop natural endocasts
a natural endocast, which preserves the impression of the
(i.e., Skhul 1, see McCown and Keith 1939: 299-301).
entire right side of the cranial vault and occiput although
Because these sedimentary infi llings obscure the internal
those parts of the cranium are now missing. The endocast
surfaces of the fossilized bones, they are usually removed
did not fi ll the skull completely and does not preserve the
during preparation. The exceptions are cases where the
left side of the cranium, which was not recovered. The
sedimentary infi lling (endocast) preserves an impression
face, frontal bone, and mandible of the individual were
of bones which were not recovered or where the endo-
intact and in anatomical position when found. Because
cast separates naturally from the fossilized bone without
the venous markings and the sulci and gyri of the inte-
rior surface of the right side of the braincase are clearly
We have few examples to generalize from in which
preserved on the endocast, it is obvious that the skeletal
endocasts have been recovered intact or where their ex-
elements of this side of the cranium were also present
tent and placement at the time of discovery is document-
in the rock. The vault fragments from the right side and
ed. However it is intuitively obvious that the presence
occiput were either destroyed by the blast that exposed
and nature of a consolidated natural endocast effectively
the skull or were not collected by the workmen who re-
transforms a fossilized cranium from a hollow ovoid,
structurally similar to a ceramic vessel in terms of poten-
Remarkably, the face and frontal bone show no
tial for breakage, into a solid comprised of a dense center
weathering and no fractures; very fragile regions of the
(the endocast) and a relatively thin outer covering (the
skull with high taphonomic vulnerability are preserved
fossilized bone). We suggest that a consolidated, natural
(such as the nasal bones and zygomatic arch). The coro-
endocast will not necessarily prevent fragmentation of
nal suture has separated neatly and there is only minimal
a fossilized cranium as pressure is exerted but will act
additional breakage on the frontal. The right zygomatic
to keep fragments together and in or near their original
arch is intact. The mandible was found in place, attached
anatomical position. Although a fossilized cranium with
to the maxilla by sediment (Dart, 1925). This is strong
a complete endocast may be more vulnerable to break-
evidence that the cranium and mandible were deposited
Krovitz and Shipman 223
shortly after death while the bone was in stage 1 condi-
tures did not separate. Most of the small fractures along
tion and held together by soft tissue. Burial in alkaline
the sutures have beveled edges with the inner table being
sediments and the partial infi lling of the skull protected
more extensive; they may represent bending and fractur-
it from further damage until the specimen was exposed
ing of the specimen in situ that caused small fragments
to separate from the cranium. Alternatively, it is possible
There is one area where a small fragment, probably
that this damage occurred during excavation or prepa-
of parietal, was pushed into the then-unconsolidated
ration, procedures which are not well documented. The
endocast, to which the fragment still adheres although
cranium shows a possible temporal line fracture, several
the surrounding bone is missing. This damage could not
perpendicular fractures on the cranial vault and a stellate
have occurred when the specimen was fresh or the frag-
fracture at inion. A number of fragments of the cranial
ment would have been pushed into the brain tissue and
vault have beveled edges, suggesting that these fractures
would not now adhere to the endocast (McKee, 2001). A
occurred before all organic tissue and fl exibility of the
pointed rock or other object probably caused this small
bones was lost. Most of the occipital portion of the basi-
fracture before the endocast was fully consolidated.
cranium is missing although the (damaged) petrous por-
We conclude that the Taung skull came into the
ancient tufa cave during stage 1 when its fl esh was still
Once buried, the Mojokerto skullcap fi lled with sedi-
intact, as has been proposed before (e.g., Brain, 1981;
ment which became a natural endocast. Venous markings
McKee and Tobias, 1994). A natural endocast was
are visible on the better preserved (and exposed) left side
formed. The specimen was subjected to minimal tapho-
of this endocast, showing that additional vault fragments
nomic destruction thereafter except for sutural separa-
were present in the rock. If these fragments survived
tion during stage 2. Possible crushing or destruction of
until the moment of discovery, they were unfortunately
left side of cranium occurred during late stage 2 or early
not collected. It is important to note that the fossil was
stage 3, after drying of the cranium and before consoli-
collected as an aid in geologic mapping and biostratigra-
phy, not for paleontological studies (Duyfjes, 1936). An alternative interpretation is based upon the fact that at
Mojokerto (Perning 1)
least one credible report of the discovery of the cranium
Mojokerto is an immature Homo erectus specimen
mentions that there were fossil fragments lying on the
(Anton, 1997), approximately 4-6 years old, that was
surface, which prompted Andoyo to excavate there and
discovered in Java in 1936 by Andoyo, an Indonesian
discover the cranium (Duyfjes, 1936). Possibly the now-
geological assistant (Duyfjes, 1936; von Koenigswald,
missing fragments of the left side of the cranial vault
1936a, b). The specimen was deposited in fl uvial sedi-
were the surface fragments seen by Andoyo and presum-
ments (Huffman, 2001; Huffman and Zaim, 2003). To
ably judged too small to be useful. If so, the discovery
our knowledge, no one has attempted to reconstruct the
occurred after these pieces became separated from the
taphonomic history of the Mojokerto skull as a bony
rest of the fossilized specimen but before weathering and
specimen, although its taphonomic history as a geologi-
erosion could destroy the impression of interior surface
cal and sedimentary particle has been discussed (Huff-
of the parietal and temporal fragments on the endocast.
Several pieces of bone from the right side of the
The Mojokerto cranium appears to have suffered a
vault and from the occipital bone are pushed sharply
LeFort III fracture; the face and much of the basicranium
into the endocast, which is not complete in this area, and
of the specimen was lost or destroyed. Transport of the
there are sizeable areas where there is no preserved bone
specimen after this fracture may have occurred but was
at all but only endocast. The placement of bevels and
probably not extensive, judging from the preservation of
pushed-in fragments suggests that, prior to the complete
fragile edges of the broken right parietal, the occipital,
consolidation of the endocast, sedimentary pressure pro-
and the frontal where it articulates with the ethmoid. Von
duced numerous fractures and forced some of the result-
Koenigswald (1936a) perhaps overstated the fragility of
the parts that remain intact, writing: “It is in fact a mira-
The Mojokerto cranium is subtly but markedly
cle that such a fragile object has been so well preserved
deformed (Anton, 2003, pers. comm. to P.S.); symme-
under these circumstances.” Later he wrote (1937: 25):
try could not be restored even if all of the pieces were
“we are certain that it [the cranium] was found in situ,
separated from the matrix endocast. The remaining por-
because the bone is so thin that it would have been de-
tion of the left temporal, bearing the zygomatic process,
stroyed by any movement or rewashing.”
has been moved in an anterior direction and rotated in
The Mojokerto cranial vault is broken into many
a clockwise direction from lateral view. It is possible
angular fragments. A piece of the frontal is missing at
that the plastic deformation and warping of the specimen
midline, and a fracture which runs from the edge of the
occurred in stage 1, while the bone was still somewhat
missing section to bregma suggests that there was prob-
elastic. However, we cannot judge with certainty when
ably a metopic fracture. Small pieces of bone are missing
in the taphonomic history of the specimen this plastic
at bregma and at various points along the coronal, sagit-
deformation and warping of the bony tissue occurred,
tal, and occipital sutures. However, the main cranial su-
since sedimentary pressures are capable of warping con-
224Breathing Life into Fossils: Taphonomic Studies in Honor of C.K. (Bob) Brain
and portions of the temporal bones were not recovered.
Fractures of the Mojokerto cranium typical of post-
Only the squamous occipital is preserved; the basicranial
mortem stage 2 include: the deduced metopic fracture,
part of the occipital and the sphenoid are both missing.
the perpendicular fractures, and the mosaic fracture pat-
These features might be expected in either in dry-bone
tern of the cranial vault. The number of angular frag-
damage or in post-fossilization fractures (stages 2 or 3).
ments are neither as numerous nor as small as those in,
White (2004, personal communication to P.S.) con-
for example, Herto BOU-VP-16/5 (see below). The Mo-
cluded that the fractures were primarily or wholly post-
jokerto specimen also shows various fragments of bone
fossilization based on three observations. First, matrix-
pushed into the endocast, a possible temporal line frac-
fi lled cracks between pieces and ectocranial matrix that
ture, and a rotation of the temporal, all of which must
bridged adjacent pieces indicate that the cranium was
have occurred after the bone had dried but before the
embedded whole. Second, the fi lling of various voids
(such as sinuses, diploe spaces, etc.) with matrix shows
Many areas of the cranium in the high and interme-
in many cases that anatomically adjacent fragments were
diate taphonomic vulnerability groups have been broken
in place when the matrix hardened. Finally, there were
or are missing in this specimen: the entire face, the zy-
plant rootcasts on the endocranial and ectocranial surfac-
gomatic arches, and the basilar occipital. Much of the
es but none on the fracture surfaces, showing that break-
squamous occipital is preserved, as is most of the neuro-
age occurred well after sedimentary burial and probably
cranium. The superior margin of the right orbit is broken,
even though this is an area of the cranium most likely
The Herto BOU-VP-16/5 cranium shows defl eshing
to be intact in archaeological specimens (see discussion
cutmarks around the perimeter of the glenoid fossa and
polishing of the broken edges of the occipital and tem-
In summary, the Mojokerto cranium was probably
poral bones. These alterations are taken as evidence of
subjected to late stage 1–early stage 2 breakage. Damage
postmortem treatment of the cranium by hominids, per-
most likely occurred after sedimentary burial but before
haps as part of a mortuary ritual (Clark et al., 2003: 751).
consolidation of the endocast and while the cranial bones
This damage was most probably infl icted during stages 1
were suffi ciently elastic to warp and deform as well as
(the defl eshing) and 2 (the polishing of broken edges).
break with beveled edges. Without the natural endocast,
Despite the extensive fragmentation of Herto BOU-
it seems likely that many of the individual fragments
VP-16/5, which bespeaks intense exposure to tapho-
would have separated from one another along fracture
nomic agents of destruction, large parts of the fragile
lines. There is little or no evidence of separation along
facial bones are preserved. Both nasals are present; the
sutures. The face was broken off in a LeFort III pattern.
left orbital rim is intact as is most of the left zygomatic
The preservation of this cranium suggests exposure to
arch; substantial parts of both maxillae are present. The
survival of some (but not all) of the elements in the most taphonomically vulnerable category combined with ex-
Herto BOU-VP-16/5
tensive fragmentation suggests that breakage occurred
Herto BOU-VP-16/5, an immature cranium of Homo
after fossilization had enhanced the structural strength
sapiens idaltu, was discovered in 1997 in the Herto Bouri
of elements that are fragile in stages 1 and 2. The pres-
region of Ethiopia (Clark et al., 2003; White et al., 2003).
ence of a LeFort I type fracture is very rare in imma-
The specimen was recovered in over 180 pieces, which
ture fossils. If the specimen had been subjected to more
were found on the surface after eroding out of an indurat-
extensive taphonomic destruction, the LeFort I fracture
ed sandstone. In the view of the discoverers, the cranium
would have probably progressed to a LeFort III fracture.
was modifi ed and curated by hominids after the death
If efforts to recover fragmentary pieces of the cranium
of the individual (Clark et al., 2003; White et al., 2003).
had been less intensive, the specimen might well appear
The pieces of the Herto cranium are numerous, angular,
and appear to be planar on the edges (White et al., 2003;
We fi nd no evidence that would lead us to ques-
White, 2003, personal communication to P.S.). The mid-
tion the interpretation that the cranium was defl eshed
dle part of the face is missing but the maxillary alveoli
and curated (during stage 1), resulting in polishing of
are preserved; this is the only example of a LeFort I frac-
edges around the broken-out basicranium (probably dur-
ture we observed among the fossil crania. Much of the
ing stage 2). From the observations and data presented
basicranium is damaged or missing with the exception
above, we deduce that most of the mosaic fragmentation
of the petrous temporals. Metopic or parametopic, tem-
and fracturing of the vault and face of Herto BOU-VP-
poral line, and perpendicular fractures are absent as are
16/5 occurred during stage 3, the post-fossilization pe-
elongated linear and diastatic fractures. Fractures of the
cranial vault are numerous, short, and straight, but do not follow the sutures. Thus the entire neurocranium is com-
prised of angular fragments in a mosaic fracture pattern. While the coronal, sagittal, and lambdoid sutures have
We have summarized and integrated quantitative and
not separated, the temporal sutures apparently opened
qualitative data from medical, forensic, archaeological,
Krovitz and Shipman 225
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NATALIA MARTÍN CRUZ JUAN HERNANGÓMEZ BARAHONA JUAN MANUEL DE LA FUENTE SABATÉ El ámbito institucional en el que se circunscribe la regulación delos medicamentos en España y los cambios que en él se han producidohan influido necesariamente en el proceso de autorización de nuevosmentos genéricos y precios de referenciaen 1996. Los resultados de estas actuacio-rios creados para