A review of evidence-based medicine for glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate use in knee osteoarthritis
A Review of Evidence-Based Medicine for Glucosamine and
Chondroitin Sulfate Use in Knee Osteoarthritis
C. Thomas Vangsness Jr., M.D., William Spiker, M.D., and Juliana Erickson, B.A. Abstract: The investigation of disease-modifying treatment options for osteoarthritis (OA) has become an important aspect of orthopaedic care. The purpose of this review is to critically evaluate the evidence for the use of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate for knee OA with the goal of elucidating their indications for clinical use. The published clinical studies of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate on OA are reviewed within the context of evidence-based medicine. Almost every included trial has found the safety of these compounds to be equal to placebo. In the literature satisfying our inclusion criteria, glucosamine sulfate, glucosamine hydrochloride, and chondroitin sulfate have individually shown inconsistent efficacy in decreasing OA pain and improving joint function. Many studies confirmed OA pain relief with glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate use. The excellent safety profile of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate therapy should be discussed with patients, and these supplements may serve a role as an initial treatment modality for many OA patients. Key Words: Glucosamine sulfate—Glucosamine hydrochloride—Chondroitin sulfate— Knee osteoarthritis—Nutritional supplement. As the most common musculoskeletal disease in status quo despite questionable efficacy and signifi-
the United States, osteoarthritis (OA) has long
cant risks such as peptic ulcer disease, renal failure,
been a topic of intense research and debate. Knowl-
edge about the biomechanical and biochemical pro-
pected to double in the next 20 years and NSAID-
gression of the disease continues to improve but re-
related gastropathy currently the second most deadly
rheumatic the investigation of disease-mod-
Americans incurring pain and disability from the dis-
ifying treatment options for OA has become an im-
ease, research has resulted in only minimal advances
Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate (CS), both
roidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) remains the
components to the extracellular matrix of articularcartilage, have been used for medicinal purposes fornearly 40 After gaining popularity in Europeand Asia for the treatment of arthritis for the last 20
From the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Keck School of
years, they gained popularity in the United States after
Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Califor-
the release of several lay publications in the late
The authors report no conflict of interest. Address correspondence and reprint requests to C. Thomas
One of the earliest studies to use glucosamine and
Vangsness Jr., M.D., Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Keck
CS for the treatment of the signs and symptoms of OA
School of Medicine, University of Southern California, 1520 SanPablo St, Suite 2000, Los Angeles, CA 90033, U.S.A. E-mail:
was a 1969 study by that showed a decrease in
joint symptoms with topical application. In the fol-
2009 by the Arthroscopy Association of North America
lowing decades, numerous studies were designed to
investigate the effects of glucosamine hydrochloride
Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, Vol 25, No 1 (January), 2009: pp 86-94GLUCOSAMINE AND CHONDROITIN SULFATE
(GH), glucosamine sulfate (GS), and CS on outcomes
ble-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized controlled
such as joint space narrowing, functionality, and pain.
trials (RCTs) using glucosamine and CS for knee OA
Although many trials have been published showing
that have incorporated established outcome measure-
significant treatment effects with these nutritional sup-
plements, they have been largely ignored by the med-ical community in the United States because of theirquestionable quality. SPECIFIC SUPPLEMENT STUDIES
Glucosamine and CS studies have been criticized
Chondroitin Sulfate
for small sample sizes, confirmation of supplementquality, short length of therapy, potential bias be-
In 1998 Bucsi and evaluated the use of CS
cause of manufacturer’s sponsorship of the studies,
inadequate masking of the study agent, and failure
symptoms via Lequesne’s index, the occurrence of
to adhere to the intention-to-treat principle. Despite
spontaneous joint pain, and 20-minute walk time in
these weaknesses, meta-analyses have concluded
80 OA patients who underwent 6 months of therapy
that these supplements likely have some efficacy
with 800 mg of CS sulfate or placebo. A statistically
in treating the symptoms of OA with possible dis-
significant improvement was shown in all 3 tested
ease-modifying effects. Combined with a strong
measurements over placebo with no difference in
safety profile, such conclusions have created sup-
side effects. In the same year Bourgeois et
port for glucosamine and CS in medical circles and
performed a similar study to determine whether the
dosing schedule of CS had any impact on the effi-
The purpose of this review is to critically evaluate the
cacy of the treatment. In this 3-month trial, 1,200
evidence for the use of glucosamine and CS for OA with
mg of CS (administered either as a single dose or as
the goal of elucidating their indications for clinical use. It
3 equally divided doses) reduced Lequesne’s index
is necessary to evaluate each supplement independently
and spontaneous joint pain scores versus placebo
(GS, GH, and CS) and jointly as a pair (glucosamine plus
(P Ͻ .01). Dosing schedules supported once-a-day
CS). Although placebo-controlled, “randomized,” dou-
administration. In a randomized clinical trial, Con-
ble-blind studies date back 25 years, many of the older
used an 800-mg dose in 104 patients treated
trials are difficult to analyze because of sponsorship
for 1 year. Functional impairment recovered by
from manufacturers and inadequate product conceal-
approximately 50%, with significant improvement
ment. Specifically, this review article focuses on dou-
over placebo for all clinical criteria.
and (2) walking time, globaljudgment, and acetaminophenconsumption
spontaneous joint pain (visualanalog scale)
400 mg CS 2 times per day v placebo
pain (visual analog scale), and 20-min walk time
In a study by Mazieres et published in 2001,
Michel et performed an RCT in 300 patients
130 patients were randomized to receive 1,000 mg of
with OA, testing 800 mg of CS against placebo for
CS daily for 3 months and were followed up for an
2 years. They evaluated joint space narrowing as a
additional 3 months after therapy. Lequesne’s index
primary outcome, with pain and function as second-
significantly improved (P ϭ .02) and remained ele-
ary outcomes. They found no significant symptom-
vated for 1 month after treatment. These findings did
atic effects between the treatment groups and con-
not reach significance when the results were viewed
cluded that CS may retard radiographic progression
with an intention-to-treat analysis. Mazieres et
in patients with OA of the knee. Future evaluation
also evaluated 307 patients with knee OA for 6
of these structural observations was recommended.
months using CS. They failed to show any efficacy
However, large well-designed studies are necessary
to prove such an effect, especially with respect to
Uebelhart et randomized 120 patients to re-
the reproducibility and consistent measurement of
ceive placebo or 800 mg of CS for two 3-month
periods during a period of 1 year. They showed a 36%improvement in Lequesne’s index scores in the CS
Glucosamine Sulfate
group whereas the placebo group only improved by26%. This significant decrease in pain with improved
GS is one of the most studied dietary supplements
function showed a long-term benefit with intermittent
available today In the last 30 years, many trials
have been conducted and published on the effects of
glucosamine on the signs and symptoms of
300 patients in 2002, showed that over a 2-year pe-
riod, CS reduced the radiographic progression of OA
4-week effects of 1,200 mg of GS using Lequesne’s
when compared with controls. In the CS group the
severity index and looked at the relative risks of side
radiologic parameters remained stable. These results
effects in the GS group versus the ibuprofen group. In
were further supported by the 2005 study of Michel et
this short 1-month study, GS was as effective as
which also showed a retardation of joint space
ibuprofen and significantly better tolerated (P Ͻ .001).
narrowing in patients who received the same nutri-
Only 6% of patients taking GS reported adverse
tional supplement for a 2-year period. Together, these
events, whereas 35% of ibuprofen users had an ad-
studies suggest a disease-modifying role of CS.
verse event (mainly gastrointestinal in origin).
1,500 mg GS per day v placebo Minimal joint space width and
1,500 mg GS per day v placebo Lequesne’s index, WOMAC,
1,500 mg GS per day v placebo WOMAC and minimal joint
Noack et published a 4-week study comparing
sion of Johnson & Johnson, Guelph, Ontario, Canada),
GS with placebo rather than ibuprofen. This short
and placebo. After 6 months, 1,500 mg of GS was
study of 252 patients showed that GS was more ef-
found to be better than placebo and acetaminophen by
fective than placebo in improving OA symptomatol-
use of Lequesne’s index and the WOMAC.
ogy. Patients in the GS arm of the trial enjoyed a
Hughes and performed a randomized clinical
3.3-point drop in Lequesne’s severity index, whereas
trial with GS in 80 OA patients for 24 weeks. They
those taking the placebo improved by 2.0 points. A
found a 33% placebo response rate and no statistical
6-week study by Reichelt et showed GS to de-
improvement over placebo as a symptom modifier.
crease Lequesne’s index over placebo in 155 patients.
Collectively, these GS studies showed that GS as an
Unfortunately, these studies are too short to make
individual agent may have some effect on the progres-
sion of the disease and was as safe as placebo at a dose
In 2001 Reginster et published the results of a
of 1,200 to 1,500 mg/d for up to 3 years. Many studies
trial in which 212 patients were randomized to receive
had a short-term follow-up, and the evidence inconsis-
placebo or GS daily for 3 years. Glucosamine was
tently supported the use of glucosamine as an effective
shown to protect the joint space from the narrowing
alternative to higher-risk medications such as NSAIDs
effects of OA. A trend toward improving Western
and cyclooxygenase II inhibitors for knee OA.
Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis In-dex (WOMAC) scores was seen without any statisti-
Glucosamine Hydrochloride
The hydrochloride salt of glucosamine is a common
A similar study by Pavelká et supported the
glucosamine product, yet it has received relatively
findings of Reginster et proving statistically sig-
little attention from researchers Houpt et
nificant effects of glucosamine on both radiographic
were unable to show statistically significant
changes in the WOMAC pain score subset versus
Bruyere et used the same outcome measures of
placebo after a short period of therapy with GH (8
joint space narrowing and WOMAC scores to prove
weeks). All tested parameters tended to show im-
that the disease-modifying effects seen in the study of
provement, and GH did significantly reduce the daily
Pavelká et were also found in the older postmeno-
pain reported by patients (P ϭ .018) and improved
pausal female population. Bruyere et investigated
findings on clinical knee examination (P ϭ .026). GH
joint space narrowing in 212 knee OA patients at 3
was shown to be as safe as placebo. Though failing to
years. Patients with less severe radiographic knee OA
prove its primary outcome measure, this study sug-
had the most dramatic disease progression as seen by
gested that GH benefited some patients with OA with-
joint space narrowing. The GS group, compared with
out the side effects of other treatment modalities.
the placebo group, showed a nonstatistical trend in
McAlindon et performed a 12-week GH study on
significant reduction of joint space narrowing.
205 patients, recruited over the Internet. By use of the
Cibere et tested GS in a 4-center 6-month
WOMAC as the primary outcome, GH was safe but
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
no more effective than placebo in treating symptoms
No differences were found in the severity of disease
pain episodes (flare-ups) or other secondary outcomesbetween placebo- and glucosamine-treated patients. Glucosamine and CS
They concluded that there was no evidence of symp-tomatic benefits from continued GS use from this
The highly publicized Glucosamine/Chondroitin
Arthritis Intervention Trial (GAIT) was published in
Herrero-Beaumont et evaluated 318 patients
the New England Journal of Medicine early in 2006
with knee OA in an RCT comparing GS, acetamino-
phen (Tylenol; McNeil Consumer Healthcare, a divi-
tients to randomly receive 1,500 mg glucosamine;
sodium 2 times per day for 1 mo and then1 time per day for 5 mo v diclofenacsodium
1,500 mg GH v 1,200 mg CS v GH plus CS
v 200 mg celecoxib v placebo
1,200 mg CS; both GH and CS; 200 mg of celecoxib
patients with more severe OA. Questions remain
(Celebrex; Pfizer, New York, NY); or placebo for 24
about the usefulness of glucosamine and CS in mild
weeks. Patients were allowed to take up to 4,000 mg
OA and their effect on other parameters such as joint
of acetaminophen for rescue analgesia daily (no pain
function, stiffness, and joint space narrowing. Limita-
medications were taken within 24 hours of clinical
tions of the study noted by the authors were the high
examination). All patients in the study were aged at
rate of response to placebo (60%) and the relatively
least 40 years, had both clinical evidence (knee pain
mild degree of OA pain among the participants. Con-
for most days of the month for Ն6 months) and
comitant treatments, such as physical therapy, were
radiographic evidence of OA (osteophytes Ն1 mm),
not clarified. These limitations decreased the ability of
and WOMAC scores from 125 to 400. The primary
the study to detect the benefits of treatment. Studies
outcome measure was a 20% decrease in the summed
with alternative medical therapies have shown a
score for the WOMAC pain subscale from baseline to
higher placebo response Celecoxib at 200 mg/d
week 24. Over 40 secondary outcome measures were
had noticeably smaller effects in the GAIT study
In the subgroup of 79 patients with moderate to
The GAIT study was designed to include 1,588
severe pain (determined by a score of 300-400 on the
patients to provide the study with statistical power to
WOMAC pain scale), GH and CS significantly reduced
detect 1 or more clinically meaningful differences
knee pain. In this subgroup of patients receiving GH and
based on an assumed placebo response rate of 35%.
CS, 79% showed a 20% reduction in knee pain, whereas
When this placebo response rate nearly doubled, the
only 54.3% of the placebo group showed this improve-
number of participants needed to obtain a similar
ment. However, GH and CS were not found to be sig-
statistical power increased substantially. With far too
nificantly better than placebo in reducing knee pain by
few patients given its placebo response rate, the data
20% from baseline in the pooled analysis of patients.
were barely able to prove its control (celecoxib) in the
Adverse effects were mild, infrequent, and evenly dis-
primary outcome measure (P ϭ .04) and was unable
tributed across all groups tested, supporting the safety of
to do so in the moderate/severe pain subgroup. Fur-
thermore, the choice of the product tested (GH) has
Celecoxib was found to yield a statistically signif-
been called into question given the fact that GS has
icant decrease in pain scores in the combined mild
been more rigorously studied in the literature. The
pain and moderate/severe pain subgroups but failed to
GAIT authors also chose less sophisticated methods
have a significant effect on the pain scores in the
for dealing with missing data, using the last observa-
moderate/severe pain subgroup. Celecoxib was also
tion– carried forward method rather than the multiple
found to yield a faster decrease in pain scores, show-
ing substantial decreases in pain scores at 4 weeks of
Alekseeva et alexamined 90 women aged between
treatment. Overall, celecoxib was found to have a
40 and 75 years with Kellgren-Lawrence stage II or III
significant effect on 6 of the 42 outcome measures
knee OA who had pain after 40 minutes of walking and
followed in the study, whereas glucosamine and CS
regularly took NSAIDs for pain relief. The patients were
were found to have a significant effect on 14 of the 42
randomly selected either to receive 500 mg of the glu-
cosamine and CS supplements with optional diclofenac
This study, the largest and most rigorous of its kind,
(50 mg) or to receive a placebo and optional diclofenac
showed that GH and CS had a significant effect on
for a total of 3 months. The results were measured by the
WOMAC, daily need for NSAIDs, and evaluation of
Richy et examined both structural and symp-
efficacy by the patient and the physician after 1 and 3
tomatic efficacy of CS and glucosamine. By examin-
months of treatment and again 3 months after the oral
ing structural changes via radiographic progression of
supplementation had been stopped. The true WOMAC
joint space narrowing, this analysis was the first to
score decreased after 3 months of therapy and 3 months
evaluate the disease-modifying effects of these sup-
after the supplementation had been stopped (P Ͻ .03). At
plements. Evaluating the results of 15 studies that
the end of the 3 months of therapy, the study group
included data from 1,775 patients, the authors showed
exhibited decreases in pain scores (P ϭ .008) and in-
a statistically significant improvement in symptom
creases in subjective functional ability. The patients tak-
scores with both glucosamine and CS therapy. They
ing the glucosamine and CS supplementation required
also were able to show a significant effect of glu-
less diclofenac. After 1 month of therapy, 4.5% stopped
cosamine on the progression of joint space narrowing
taking diclofenac and nearly 40% stopped taking it by
over a 3-year period, suggesting a disease-modifying
the end of the study. Although limited by its size and the
effect of the compound (no such studies existed for
small subgroup that was studied (older women), this
CS). Importantly, the tolerance for these supplements
study showed that combined medications offer signifi-
was again shown to be equal to that of placebo.
cant safety and effective pain relief in the short term with
Bjoral et reviewed 63 RCTs using opioids,
NSAIDs, glucosamine, CS, and acetaminophen (Ty-
Messier et in a double-blind 12-month GH/CS
lenol; McNeil Consumer Healthcare) for knee OA
study with 80 patients, incorporated 6 months of ex-
including some 14,060 total patients. Acetaminophen,
ercise after 6 months of a non-exercising treatment.
GS, and CS had maximum efficacies at 1 to 4 weeks
The primary end-point was the WOMAC and func-
with mild pain improvements. Overall clinical effects
tional measures such as the 6-minute walk. At 12
from these knee pharmacologic arthritic interventions
months, there was no difference between groups for
were found to be small and limited to the first 2 to 3
the 6-minute walk, knee strength, mobility, and func-
dence for glucosamine and CS studies analyzing
Meta-Analyses of Glucosamine and CS Studies
RCTs. Their results were inconclusive regarding thecontinuous use of these nutraceuticals because of
Several important meta-analyses have been pub-
lished in recent years about the efficacy of glu-
Reichenbach et performed a meta-analysis of
cosamine and CS therapy. By performing exhaustive
CS for OA of the knee or hip in 20 trials involving
searches in the literature and applying systematic
3,846 patients. After analyzing the small and large
quality assessment of these studies, these meta-anal-
studies, they found the trial quality to generally be
yses provided pooled information from the many pre-
low. They concluded that with the large-scale, meth-
odologically sound trials, CS had minimal to nonex-
McAlindon et examined 15 double-blind, ran-
istent symptomatic benefit. They discouraged CS use
domized, placebo-controlled trials of 4 weeks’ dura-
by itself in routine clinical practice.
tion or longer for their impact on the symptoms of hip
Leeb et performed a meta-analysis of 7 trials of
and/or knee OA. They included studies of glucosamine
CS including 372 patients. They cited the difficulties
and CS with various routes of administration, including
in design with co-mixing of medications in several
oral, intramuscular, intravenous, and intra-articular. Very
studies using the visual analog scale and Lequesne’s
few of the examined studies described adequate alloca-
index. The findings in the CS groups were signifi-
tion concealment or use of an intention-to-treat analysis.
cantly superior to those in the placebo groups. They
They also found evidence of significant publication bias,
called for better and longer time periods for symptom-
likely because of manufacturer’s sponsorship of trials
and the financial interests of the authors. When only the
The Cochrane Review is perhaps the most thorough
larger high-quality studies were evaluated, the effects of
of the meta-analyses performed on glucosamine’s ef-
glucosamine and CS persisted, although they were no-
fect on Updated in January 2005, this meta-
ticeably diminished. This study also suggested that the
analysis followed 3 selection criteria: they were
full therapeutic benefit of these supplements likely did
RCTs, they were either placebo controlled or compar-
not occur in the first 4 weeks and that longer studies
ative, and they were blinded (single or double were
both accepted). Twenty articles were found to meet
the selection criteria, representing 2,570 patients. Cu-
measured by the Short Form 36 score (P ϭ .05), but this
mulatively, these articles showed that glucosamine
study found no significant improvement in the total ag-
induced a 28% improvement from baseline in pain and
a 21% improvement in function by use of Lequesne’sindex. In 8 articles that showed adequate allocation
concealment, glucosamine failed to show a benefit foreither pain or function. The Cochrane Review con-
This review looked at the current research on the
firmed the safety findings of the incorporated studies,
sulfur-containing nutraceuticals and their effects on
finding glucosamine to have adverse events equal to
proven outcome measures. In the literature satisfying
the placebo. Although these conclusions were signif-
our inclusion criteria, GS and CS have shown an
icant for the number of studies they incorporate, they
inconsistent yet overall positive efficacy in decreasing
did have their limitations. This review was designed to
OA pain and improving joint function. Most trials
include a broad selection of clinical trials, accepting
found the safety of these compounds to be equal to
short-term studies, comparative control studies, and
that of placebo. The literature on GH, GS, or CS as an
single-blind studies. In accepting these lower-quality
individual supplement suggests a therapeutic value but
articles, the power of the pooled results was nega-
falls short of proving a role for its independent use.
Although the study by Clegg et called into
question the efficacy of GH and CS in mild OA, it
Other Sulfur-Containing Compounds
showed the effectiveness of these supplements in themoderate/severe pain subgroup. Their study lacked the
S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) and methylsulfonyl-
size to make up for a placebo response rate of over 60%
methane (MSM) are market leaders among the sulfur-
and the relatively mild disease state of the study partic-
containing compounds advertised for joint health.
ipants. When considered within the context of the other
Despite the public interest in these compounds, few
studies reviewed, it serves as another study to confirm
well-designed studies have been completed. An open-
the safety profile of glucosamine and CS and shows a
label study in 1987 showed that SAMe increased joint
reduction in pain scores with consistent use.
The scant literature on the sulfur-containing com-
Subsequent double-blind placebo-controlled studies
pounds SAM-e and MSM shows trends toward de-
have supported the use of SAMe and shown it was
creased pain and increased function with consistent use
effective as many anti-inflammatory and pain-reliev-
but fall short of proving any therapeutic benefit. How-
ever, they have a documented 3-month safety profile;
there is a need for more randomized clinical trials.
SAMe with Celebrex (Pfizer) for the symptoms of
Perhaps the most important trend seen in the current
OA. In the first month of their 4-month study, cele-
literature on nutraceutical use for OA is the impor-
coxib showed significantly more reduction in subjec-
tance of length of therapy. Although some studies
tive pain reports by the participants (P ϭ .024). By the
have shown significant improvement in OA symptoms
second month, both study arms were equally effective
during a short time period, these studies involved the
in reducing pain (P Ͻ .01). This study noted increased
use of concomitant pain relievers, were poorly con-
functional health measures and increasing joint mo-
cealed for allocation, or were monetarily supported by
bility in both treatment groups, without significant
manufacturers. In the more rigorous and lengthy stud-
differences in side effects. These trends were not
ies comparing these compounds, effectiveness was not
shown to be statistically significant.
seen until several months into therapy. For example,
Despite the presence of several studies suggesting
in studies on CS significant effects were not seen until
the efficacy of MSM in reducing joint pain and en-
3 to 6 months of treatment. In other studies the effec-
tiveness of CS was not shown until month 9 of the
cient. With a paucity of research, as well as the short
treatment phase or month 4 of the post-treatment
length of follow-up, it is difficult to recommend MSM at
phase. In glucosamine studies a similar trend can be
this time as an efficacious therapy for OA. Kim et
noted because treatment effects can be delayed until
showed significant decreases in WOMAC pain (decrease
post-treatment follow-up. These findings support the
of 25% from baseline) and physical function subcatego-
need for more long-term trials and the importance of
ries with MSM versus placebo. Improved performance
consistent use in patients who select these compounds
of MSM users was seen in activities of daily life as
It is important to understand that many of these glu-
cosamine and CS studies have been financed and spon-sored by industry and specific manufacturers. Not all
In the literature satisfying our inclusion criteria, GS,
studies document this well, and financial relationships
GH, and CS have individually shown inconsistentefficacy in decreasing OA pain and improving joint
with industry, scientific investigators, and academic in-
function. Many studies confirmed OA pain relief with
stitutions are widespread. These potential conflicts influ-
glucosamine and CS use. The excellent safety profile
of glucosamine and CS therapy should be discussed
When considering the use of vitamin or nutrient
with patients, and these supplements may serve a role
supplementation, it is important to realize that the
as an initial treatment modality for many OA patients.
supplements tested in trials are not necessarily thesame as the supplements sold in To reduceany potential complicating factors, clinical trials must
use products that have been rigorously tested withregard to the purity and quantity of the supplements.
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Analgesia in Shelter Medicine: How to Recognize and Manage Pain in our Patients Dr. Fran Rotondo B.Sc., D.V.M. Defining Pain in Animals “…an aversive sensory and emotional experience representing an awareness by the animal of damage or threat to the integrity of its tissues. It changes the animal’s physiology and behaviour to reduce or avoid the damage, to reduce the likelihood
El mercado de medicamentos en el Perú:¿libre o regulado?* / 1Los medicamentos siempre han sido cuestionados porsus precios altos, pues están directamente relaciona-dos con la salud de las personas. En el Perú, durantelos últimos años, se presentaron diferentes propues-tas legislativas que buscaron reducir los precios delos medicamentos mediante diversas fórmulas. Algu-nas de estas fó