No está claro cuán grande es el papel de los antibióticos en las relaciones competitivas entre los microorganismos en condiciones naturales. Zelman Waxman creía que este papel era mínimo, los antibióticos no se forman sino en culturas limpias en entornos ricos. Posteriormente, sin embargo, se descubrió que en muchos productos, la actividad de síntesis de antibióticos aumenta en presencia de otros tipos o productos específicos de su metabolismo.
Microsoft word - june 2008.doc
June 2008
PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND matters such as regulations, drug related PHARMACY BOARD incidents, etc. are published in it. The PEI Pharmacy Board therefore assumes that all pharmacists are aware of these matters ARE YOU USING YOUR NAPRA/PEIPB EMAIL?
system? If not, you are left out of receiving
Administrative Assistant: Rachel Lowther-
The Board sends information to registrants
Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 9am-5pm
using only electronic means. You could lose
out on safety or other information important
to your practice if you aren’t part of the e-
If you haven’t signed on, please do so soon.
forward the Boards e-mail to another e-mail
Nadine Pettipas (The Drugstore Pharmacy)
Every P.E.I. Pharmacist has been given a
username and password for the system. If
you’ve forgotten yours, please contact the
Pharmacists are reminded that the renewal
Permits: 41 + 7 hospitals + Provincial Phcy
and file updating process is now done on-
line. If you require assistance, contact the
This newsletter is distributed to all licensed
adding permits, and students to the process.
pharmacies in PEI, emailed and posted on our website. Decisions regarding all ONTARIO & QUEBEC TO REJOIN NATIONAL PHARMACY TECHNICIANS COMPETENCIES DOCUMENT ADOPTED
representatives from NAPRA, the National
process to establish national competencies
practice. NAPRA recognized the need for a
Pharmacists (OCP) as well as the Ordre des
pharmaciens du Quebec about both Colleges
rejoining NAPRA. Presentations were made
educational, accreditation and examination
discuss the proposed changes to the vision;
Recognizing the considerable work already
Quebec to rejoin. In November, President
Gdyczynski and Registrar Williams, as well
pharmaciens du Quebec attended a visioning
representatives from provincial regulatory
reviewed. Size of the board, committee to
Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Canadian
board relationship, voting structure and
funding issues were discussed. The result of
Association, Association of Faculties of
both Ontario and Quebec, similar to the one
Pharmacy Programs. The Board adopted the
NAPRA Professional Competencies for Canadian Pharmacy Technicians at Entry to
was satisfied that this model will focus on
similarities rather than the differences, and
will ensure that all NAPRA activities move
The PEI Pharmacy Board is participating in
Society studying for a process to formalize
structure which requires Alberta, British
technicians. Norma Vass (Pharmacist) and
annual fees of $75,000, a significant drop
from the previous per capita levy of $26.57
BRUSH UP ON TEETH/HEART CONNECTION Can oral hygiene regimen make or break a
endeavor has ensured that Quebec rejoins
If you are looking for a topic to discuss with
patients at an upcoming information session,
that suggests a like between tooth decay and heart disease?
A recent study in the journal Heart has
than one when it comes to controlling blood
added more information to this theory. The
sugar levels in Type 2 diabetes patients.
journal study followed 12,000 people in the
The two drugs in the study were sitagliptin
diabetes patients received either one of the
The researchers examined the participants’
drugs, both of the drugs, or placebo. At
school-entry medical and dental records, and
baseline, the average A1C level was 8.8 per
cent. All study patients who received drug
Health System records. The scientists were
treatment benefited over those in the placebo
experienced teeth loss due to cavities and
registering the greatest improvement. After
gum disease early on in the study were at
six months, 66 per cent, and 44 per cent of
risk of developing heart disease later in life.
the same group had A1C levels of less than
Other academic studies have reached similar
conclusions, although no study, including
this most recent one, has based its findings
on a comparative clinical investigation.
In the Heart study, researchers found that
subjects missing nine or more teeth in young
adulthood were one-third more likely to die
teeth. Overall, those with the most severe
seeking cancer-related treatment information
tooth loss as students were 35 per cent more
likely to have died than those missing fewer
launched a website with access to scientific
The tooth decay-heart disease scenario is
bacteria based. Scientists believe the same
(URL below) provides access to a number of
germs that cause cavities and gum disease
academic publications, including Lancet Oncology, The Breast, Cancer Letters and
The American Journal of Medicine, and
inflammation response in the body that lays
links to other resources. Users must register
the groundwork for future heart disease.
with the site, but the company has waived
University of Leeds, told Reuters Health that
unlike similar studies this one looked at oral
health early in life rather than in old age.
The Institute for Safe Medication Practices
alert earlier this year, following up on a
Blood sugar levels better controlled
comprehensive safety bulletin published in
2003, to help health care providers avoid
A recent study published in Diabetes Care,
Association, found that two drugs are better
and the U.S. of medication errors resulting
bulletin illustrate some of the potential
Case Study #1
have standardized policies and procedures
concentration of 1mg/mL. The patient was
The following risk-reduction actions should
hospitalized, and a telephone order for 12 ml
be incorporated into practice if they are not
methadone po daily was received by a nurse
hospital’s stock solution was the same
¾ All methadone orders must be written in
¾ Prescribers should write the methadone
A technician using 10 mg/mL stock solution
¾ Dates and times for administration should
pharmacist checked it against the pharmacy
be specified (avoiding the use of the word
copy of the original order and the patient’s
¾ Concomitant use of methadone with other
methadone stock bottle was verified, and the
narcotics, benzodiazepines and sedatives
measure the volume pulled back to 12 mL.
The patient received 120 mg methadone, but
¾ If more than one concentration is required
fortunately, vomited much of the dose. The
Case Study #2
formula, maintain a manufacturing log and
reported that she felt unwell (pale, sweaty,
Providing bone density testing results
clammy, shaky) two days after receiving her
prescription for 8 mL of a 5 mg/mL stock
offering bone density screening clinics in
prescribed dose for the patient was 14 mL
public awareness about the importance of
(total dose 70mg). The significant under
dose resulted in withdrawal symptoms, in
Performing the technical functions of the
bone density test is not a reserved action of
Keeping patients safe
any designated health profession. Because
Methadone’s dosing complexities and other
practice limitations, the council of the Board
contributing factors, such as dosing errors
agrees that pharmacists can provide this
and errors associated with nomenclature,
have resulted in multiple reports in Canada
However, it is incumbent on each individual
products has accepted responsibility for the
required knowledge, skills and abilities to do
safe and effective drug treatment of that
It is also very important that test results not
Pharmacists can provide the numerical test
call from a patient who was denied access to
a Schedule II injectable local anaesthetic
questionable results should be referred to
product. After a brief conversation with the
their family physicians for follow-up and
individual, it soon became apparent that the
pharmacist had intervened and it had been
the pharmacist’s professional judgment that
self-treatment with this drug product would
have been unsafe for the individual. While
“prescribing” by the pharmacist, it also
suggests that some individuals are under the
• Side-effects of Baby’s Bliss Gripe Water
misconception that the pharmacist cannot
• Unauthorized health products by Wild
provided the appropriate care by refusing to
provide the product and referred the patient
• Precautions during cold and flu season.
It is possible that some pharmacists may
have facilitated this public misconception.
• Availability of Trasylol® (aprotinin).
pharmacist can only sell a Schedule II drug,
including exempted codeine products, after
discussing with the purchaser (patient) the
gesture to the pharmacy technician to supply
a Schedule II product, does not comply with
Precision Xtra™ blood glucose monitor
profession is involved in developing new
prescriptive authority, it is important to
review the regulations and the Standards of
Practice for Schedule II and III Products to
The answer should probably be “Yes”,
responsibilities with respect to providing
especially when we consider drug products
safe and effective care for patients. The Supplemental Standards of Practice for Schedule II and III Products (June 2005)
strictly regulated than Schedule F, controlled
or narcotic drugs, access to Schedule II drug
( by selecting Pharmacy Practice.
products requires professional intervention
prescription is not required under the current
pharmacist’s license. Rather it will be a
“certification” – or recognition of an
“advanced practice”. “Specialist” would
“Continued Care Prescriptions” and met
professions with broader education – eg:
How a physician becomes a specialist in a
particular field of medicine. Highlights of
pharmacists prescribing. We were successful
in having a Bill tabled in the legislature this
• Once certified, there would be a time
include pharmacists under the definition of
• If you have been practicing in that area,
“prescription”: a direction for the preparation and dispensing of a drug that is
than if you haven’t been practicing the
(i) a person authorized by the laws of any
• The “certification” will not be done by
province or territory to practice as a physician, dentist or veterinarian (ii) a person authorized to do so by the Minister under section 14.1 (eg: nurse
• The programs cannot just be knowledge-
based programs – they must be practice
• There is a need to develop standards for
It also includes under the definition of the
“practice of pharmacy” “giving a
knowledge and practice standards for the
Under the “functions of the Board” is added
• A pharmacist could be liable if they
“prescribe conditions and restrictions on the
advertise a certification without ensuring
• There is a need to get on with a new
can start work on the specific regulations.
rigorous framework for recognizing these
Our proposal is to initially have “continued
care prescriptive authority” – that will, over
time expand the role of the pharmacist in
prescribing and ordering certain lab tests.
If anyone would like to have a copy of the
proposal – please contact the Board office
pharmacist would receive a “certificate of
completion” being certified. For vendor type
possibly assess the program based on set
representative that should be keeping their
Director in April to discuss their initiative in
“Post Entry to Practice Certification
process – as there are regulatory issues that
Programs in Pharmacy”. This is not
need to be monitored and addressed as this
intended to be “specialization” – it is not intended to add a designation to a
all unfolds. Nationally, the NAPRA ED will
whose medication error claimed the life of a
maintain a close link with the CCCEP ED.
result, an Ohio grand jury indicted him on
Pharmacists are reminded again:
manslaughter and reckless homicide. Both
Section 29 defines professional misconduct
charges carry penalties of up to five years in
prison. The technician, Katie Dudash, was
(k) “purporting to have a qualification or special expertise which he does not in fact
The medication error occurred at Rainbow
possess and which has not been recognized (o) “advertising that is, in the judgment of
undergoing chemotherapy. The intravenous
the Board with reference to such written
medication that Emily received should have
guidelines as may be developed, improper
been mixed in a standard bag of 0.9% saline.
Instead, Dudash reportedly mixed the drug
Such advertising guidelines go further to say
(2)(c) “use of the term “Specialist” or any similar designation suggesting a recognized
nonetheless, the mistake was overlooked,
special status or accreditation as a
and the lethal dose was administered. The
pharmacist or pharmacy on any letterhead or business card or in any marketing activity, unless the person to whom the
Dudash was fired after the incident. The
Ohio Board of Pharmacy revoked Cropp’s
specialization granted pursuant to a
license in April 2007 for this mistake and 14
program approved by the PEI Pharmacy
other errors he committed since Emily’s
jurisdiction over technicians, Dudash did not
(See “Child’s Death Prompts State and
Report to the PEI Pharmacists Association.
Until such time as the CCCEP accreditation
Regulations for Pharmacy Technicians” in
process is complete, pharmacists may not
claim a specialty or advanced practice in any
Again, I do have a copy of the initial draft
The Competition Bureau released its study
of Self-regulated Professions on December
PRACTICE ELSEWHERE Ohio Pharmacist Indicted for
pharmacists and real estate agents. Some of
Manslaughter after Lethal Error
Ohio pharmacist Eric Cropp was responsible
for reviewing the work of the technician
Graduates) and advertising. The Executive
physician are not authentic, secure or
Summary is a disappointing read from the
private and do not meet Health Canada’s policy. The graphic picture of a signature
surprisingly, the report leans towards an
analogous to a rubber stamp and therefore
not acceptable. Prescriptions issued in this
advertising restrictions will better serve the
manner are not legal and do not meet the
particularly for privacy protection, security
applicable to the self-regulation of a health
care profession. The report can be view at:
The future of the e-Rx initiative will be best
realized within an integrated electronic
health record system. There is much work
to be done to deal with such a fundamental
pharmacists and practitioners. For example:
Contrary to the previous advice given to
Canada’s provincial and territorial pharmacy
• Prescription data entry will become the
and medical regulatory authorities by Health
responsibility of the prescriber, not the
Canada we are now in receipt of a Policy Statement on E-prescribing stating “there
are currently no regulatory impediments to
modifications to the prescription made by
moving ahead with electronically generated
and transmitted prescriptions and that these
• How will the system handle dispenser
are permissible to the extent they achieve
the same objectives concludes by advising
• How will the system handle transfers of
Health Canada has initiated discussions with
regulatory authorities in order to determine
how it can be of assistance in facilitating
• There needs to be freedom of choice of
The full potential of e-Rx will also require
responsible to Health Canada to ensure the
appropriate standards are in place regarding
authenticity, security, privacy-protection and
authorities are looking to Canada Health
Pharmacy Only Sale: In Prince Edward
there are development projects underway in
directly covered by regulations to The PEI Pharmacy Act. The regulations and the Act
restrict the retail sale to pharmacies only.
To date there is no system of e-Rx approved
Single ingredient pseudoephedrine must be
for implementation in Prince Edward Island
sold as a NAPRA Schedule II product from
Prescriptions faxed to pharmacies from a physician’s office software system, without being actually signed or
“immediately adjacent” to the dispensary.
providing a “unique identifier” by the Non Pharmacy Sale: The regulations and
Schedule A to the FDA is a list of diseases,
the Act restrict the retail sale in pharmacies
(hereafter referred to as diseases) for which
strong or as direct a regulatory link to
preventative, treatment, and cure claims are
prohibited by subsections 3(1) and 3(2) of
pseudoephedrine from outlets that are not
the FDA (hereafter referred to as section 3)
in the labeling and advertising to the general
court challenges to over rule the “Pharmacy
Only” sale may have been successful in
other provinces, these decisions do not apply
Island pharmacists, noticing the sale of
“treatment” that are used in the FDA have
pseudoephedrine in a Prince Edward Island
always been interpreted by Health Canada to
include “risk reduction” and “symptomatic
governing the sale. The retailer can return
preventative, risk reduction, treatment,
the product to their wholesale, as it should
symptomatic, and cure claims are prohibited
not have been sold to someone who cannot
in the labeling and advertising to the general
sell the product by retail. Should the retailer
public for diseases listed in Schedule A.
choose not to discontinue the sale, the matter
can be referred to the Registrar, Neila Auld
cancer, appendicitis, gout, and heart disease.
NHPs and drugs that are subject to these
new regulations will be permitted to carry
advertising to the general public for diseases
that remain in Schedule A. For these NHPs
practitioner intervention, but treatment or
more restrictive than in United States. The
restrictions are contained in the federal Food and Drugs Act (FDA) and its regulations.
subject to all other provisions in the FDA,
Advertising any drug to the general public
the Controlled Drugs and Substance Act
as a treatment, prevention or cure of any of
(CDSA), and their regulations, therefore, any
the diseases listed in schedule A to the FDA
is not permitted. This will change June 1st
advertising of claims or any conditions for
the market authorization of these products
Changes will occur to the Food and Drug Regulations (FDR), the Natural Health
diseases would not be permitted for drugs
Products Regulations (NHPR), and the
Medical Devices Regulations (MDR) that
In 2008, the health care environment has
(1) Revise the list of Schedule A diseases;
changed substantially from when Schedule
(2) Exempt natural health products (NHPs)
Medical science has advanced, pre-market
and certain drugs from the prohibition of
preventative claims for the diseases listed in
prescription drug regime exists, and publicly
funded health care is available. Information
about diseases where self-help is appropriate
is increasingly available to the Canadian
make more informed decisions about their
health. The public’s desire for this approach
is reflected in an increasing emphasis on
I own a small community pharmacy. I do
involvement of patients in their choice of
not have the room or expertise to do specialty compounding. If I get a prescription for a specialty compound, can
The new list of Schedule A diseases coming
I fill the prescription using product
into effect on June 1, 2008 is as follows:
compounded by another pharmacy?
Pharmacists who do not provide specialty
• Acute infectious respiratory syndromes
1. Refer the patient to a pharmacy that can
• Acute, inflammatory and debilitating
• Addiction, except nicotine addiction
provides the service. A contract between the
two pharmacies must be signed and retained
by both pharmacy managers if the service is
regarding the requirement for Establishment
selling/transferring prescription drugs not pursuant to a prescription, is considered
“wholesaling” and specific federal laws
Re: Wholesaling & Establishment Licenses – Drugs
As a follow up to a previous Health Canada
Associations across Canada on the issue of
regulatory responsibilities with respect to
wholesaling by pharmacies, this letter serves
• Ulcer of the gastro-intestinal tract
to provide further guidance to your members
obtained through the Health Canada website
“.to sell any of the following drugs, other
than at retail sale, where the seller’s name
Guidance on Good Manufacturing Practices,
does not appear on the label of the drugs:
Establishment Licensing requirements and
(a) a drug listed in Schedule C, D, or G to
the application forms can be found on the
Regulations or a controlled drug as defined
(b) a narcotic as defined in the Narcotic
Further information on this matter; feel free
subsection (2), no person shall, except in
accordance with an establishment license,
Krista Ricketts, Senior Compliance Officer
An Establishment License holder is subject
to the Good Manufacturing Practices section
An update from Health Canada – June
(Division 2) of the Food and Drug 2008 Regulations as it applies to wholesalers.
Requirements include, but are not limited to:
A patient just presented an electronically- generated prescription with an
¾ Maintain adequate distribution records to
electronically-generated prescriber’s signature. The signature is legible, but is
¾ Store drugs under acceptable conditions
this an acceptable form of prescriber authorization?
An electronic prescriber’s signature is only
acceptable if the signature is unique. Health
signature to be equivalent to a paper-and –
signature written on the prescription with an
mutual benefit where one pharmacy engages
electronic pen pad, similar to signing a pen
and paper prescription. It is an illegal
electronic signature if it is cut and pasted
members, these activities are considered to
be wholesaling and would be subject to the
Similarly, if a pharmacy routinely purchases
signatures should be slightly different if they
distributes them to one or more pharmacies,
are unique, as is an original signature each
it is also considered wholesaling and subject
If you don’t have an old signature with
please call the prescriber to determine if a
activities need to apply for a Health Canada
an Establishment License would constitute a
violation of the Food and Drugs Act.
A computer-generated prescription that is
given to the patient or faxed to the pharmacy
Health Canada is now determined that the
must have an original prescriber’s signature
automated many recordkeeping functions. It
Is it legal to complete a prescription transfer by fax?
when second and subsequent part-fills are
A prescription transfer must involve direct
program allows tracking between the part-
pharmacist must enter on the patient record
number) and the original prescription. A
“paper trail” copy of the prescription must
continue to be filed in the daily prescription
• Identification of the pharmacist from
pharmacists may continue to document each
part-fill on the reverse side of the original
prescription. A “paper trail” copy filed on
• Identification of the pharmacist to who
pharmacist must transfer all remaining refill
Beginning with re-licensing for 2009/2010
year there will no longer be “carry-overs” of
The prescription transfer may be completed
development log, available on-line or by
request must be emailed to the Board
contain all of the required information cited
office or mailed through Canada Post. We will no longer accept faxed forms. They
are often illegible and when there is trouble
What is the proper way of documenting
with either the sending fax machine or the
part-fills for controlled drugs and substances (including narcotics)?
reminder also that they can be sent in at any
point in the year and must be received by
controlled drugs and substances (including
Attending or participating in continuing
education is not “about getting 20 points. It
dispensed on a given date on the reverse side
of the original prescription, along with the
knowledge base for practice. It is for this
reason that we also require you to indicate
responsible for dispensing the part-fill. In
the particular competency element from the
addition, a “paper trail” copy of the
Standards of Practice achieved. Pharmacists
prescription, for information purposes, had
should recognize where they are lacking in
to be included in the daily prescription file
particular element and seek CE training in
letter of standing, jurisprudence examination
and applicable fee. You are a Pharmacist,
The Board has purchased annual access to
not a student and not an intern. The Board is
the newsletters of the Institute for Safe
flexible in allowing jurisprudence to be
Medication Practices (ISMP) Canada. They
written in another province and also works
will be forwarded to pharmacists through the
available for a sitting at their earliest
convenience. In practicing, colleagues and
the public would view you as a pharmacist.
In the future, the pharmacist-in-charge, the
permit holder and the pharmacist will be
Medication Safety Self-Assessment (MSSA)
held accountable for failure to complete the
for Community Pharmacies”. It would be
proper licensing process. Other provinces
made available/accessible for pharmacists
have taken pharmacists to task for failure to
across PEI. It meets the needs for a quality
assessment of pharmacy systems and acts as
an educational tool of what constitutes a safe
identify opportunities for improvement in a
Poor reading skills can make the difference
between taking three pills once a day or one
immediate results in tabular and graphic
Canada spends $2 billion a year on hospital
form of one’s own results as well as a
admissions as a result of people taking their
comparison with aggregated results of other
respondents on both a national and regional
People with low literacy skills experience
basis (if sufficient numbers). ISMP Canada
more health problems; prescription labels
provides support for questions, provides
and written instructions about medications
self-assessment booklets/PDF versions, and
are useless to patients who can’t understand
passwords for on-line access. ISMP is also
active in encouraging medication incident
And health information on the Internet is
informed. The fee for access to this overall
often at an even higher level, making it
program is $400 for the newsletters (giving
the Board authorization to distribute them)
and $1600 for pharmacists having access to
MSSA. The Board is working on a training
A recent Ontario literacy council report
session/sponsor for PEI before we purchase
access. More information can be found at
Canadians hide their low literacy skills and
are lies likely to feel confident to ask
questions of their health-care providers. The
study found they may also overestimate their
literacy skills and few health-care workers
are aware of how common literacy problems
As a licensed pharmacist transferring into
PEI from another province or jurisdiction,
the complete registration process must be
“Literacy is hidden. It’s a shameful thing.
completed prior to commencing
disclose it. They don’t disclose it to the
people who really need to know it, who are
reviewed the safety and effectiveness of this
pharmacists,” said Julie Patterson, a literacy
You are reminded that the Standards for Pharmacist Practice state that a pharmacist
Standard 7 of the Standards for Pharmacist
prescription is appropriate. The Standards
Practice (Pharmacist’s duty to provide
sufficient information to patients in relation
to Schedule 1 drugs and Schedule 2 drugs),
take into consideration the possibility of low
prescription orders a drug for indication that
literacy when counseling patients. Verbal
is approved by Health Canada, considered a
instructions, having the patient repeat back
best practice or accepted clinical practice in
and/or paraphrase instructions, and using
peer-reviewed clinical literature, or part of
With regards to prescribing, the Standards
state that a pharmacist must not prescribe a
drug or blood product unless the intended
Pharmacists are reminded that it is good
practice to critically evaluate and reflect on
2. is considered a best practice or accepted
whether the learning activity is accredited or
non-accredited. It is through reflection that
you can consider the new information – the
3. is part of an approved research protocol.
validity of the information, how it fits with
practice. You may want to seek additional
blister packs to patients please ensure the
information from independent, objective,
and peer-reviewed scientific literature.
package. This is of particular importance in
those packages that have a fold over cover.
You may want to be particularly diligent
Hospitals have been reporting that they have
regarding off-labels uses of approved drugs.
It is not illegal to dispense drugs prescribed
patient. When presented in outpatients or
for unapproved drugs. It is not illegal to
admitted, the hospital staff cannot identify
dispense drugs prescribed for unapproved
the contents, the dose or the directions. On
indications, nor is it illegal or contrary to
dispensing, the pharmacist should ensure the
accreditation guidelines for a continuing
patient is appropriately counseled on the use
indications. (It is contrary to the Food and
enclosed. It may be advantageous to have
Drug Act for pharmaceutical manufacturers
unapproved conditions.) However, lack of approval means that Health Canada has not
A un anno dall'incidente alla ThyssenKruppEcco, in ordine cronologico, gli incidenti mortali riportati dalla stampa nel 2008 e i nomi dei tanti eroi ignoti morti di lavoro e nel lavoro e relegati in qualche breve di cronaca, quasi fossero oggetti ingombranti per i teorici della subcultura della flessibilità e della precarietà a tutti i costi . Il nome del caduto è completato dall’età, d
R x U p d a t e Drugs recently approved or pending approval AVANDAMET (n = 269) received Roferon-A 3 MIU thrice weekly, Pegasys 90 µgGlaxoSmithKline of Research Triangle Park, NC, received ap-once weekly, or Pegasys 180 µg once weekly. In all 3 studies, treat-proval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) toment with Pegasys 180 µg resulted in significantly more respond-