No está claro cuán grande es el papel de los antibióticos en las relaciones competitivas entre los microorganismos en condiciones naturales. Zelman Waxman creía que este papel era mínimo, los antibióticos no se forman sino en culturas limpias en entornos ricos. Posteriormente, sin embargo, se descubrió que en muchos productos, la actividad de síntesis de antibióticos aumenta en presencia de otros tipos o productos específicos de su metabolismo.
Name of the Chemical Qty. required
1-Methylimidazole ≥99%, purified by redistillation
Titanium(IV) butoxide( 97% Sigma Aldrich CAS
Titanium (IV) iso propoxide (99.9% Sigma Aldrich
Titanium (IV) Chloride(99.9% Sigma Aldrich CAS
Vinyl magnesium bromide (Sigma Aldrich CAS
Grubbs Catalyst, 2nd Generation Cas No. 569747
Oxalyl Chloride 98%( CAS No. O-8801 Sigma
2-Methoxy propene , (97% Sigma Aldrich CAS
1-butyl-2,3-dimethyl imidazolium chloride(Sigma
hexafluorophosphate(Sigma Aldrich) No. 70956-5G
1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide(Sigma
Palladium(II) acetate Reagent grade 98% Cas
Sodium tetraflouroborate(98%Sigma Aldrich CAS
Hexafluorophosphoric acid solution 60% solution
based on PF6- only basis, ~65 wt. % in H2O, 70%
solution based on hydrolysis products and PF6- basis. Cas no. 200956 (Sigma aldrich)
1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide(Aldrich)
1-butyl-3-methyl imidazole(Aldrich) CBR00531-1G
Bis(trifluoromethane)sulfonimide lithium salt , cat
Sodium borohydride(Sigma Aldrich)Cat.No.21346-
4-Nitrophenol (Sigma Aldrich)Cat.No44575-3
Lithium Aluminum Hydride Powder (16853-85-3)
Lithium Aluminum Hydride 1M in diethyl ether
Magnesium Chloride Hexahidrate M9272 -5004
Aluminium Chloride Hexahydrate 11091-5004
Subject: Quotations
Quotations are hereby invited in respect of the articles mentioned
below/as per list attached. The quotations should be sent direct to the
undersigned in sealed cover with wax/transparent fixing tape duly signed in ink underneath by post marked ‘Quotations’ and due dated on the top of envelope so
as to reach this office on or before 18.11.2011 through post office.
These will be opened by the committee members on 21.11.2011 at 11.00
AM in the presence of the tenders’ or their representatives who may wish to care to be present The right of acceptance or rejecting any quotation without assigning
any reason is reserved. Necessary literature of the articles may please be sent.
Description of the articles & specifications Quantity Required
Requirement list is attached herewith for chemicals
imported only these make may be quoted Sigma-
Terms & Conditions :
As per tender document It may please be specified if the packing, insurance and sales tax/excise duty etc. will be inclusive or extra of the prices quoted. Please quote delivery period also. Samples where possible should be sent alongwith material and should
confirm to BSS/ISI specifications where applicable. Only best quality should be quoted.
PEC University of Technology Chandigarh.
Terms & Conditions for consumable items : 1.
Payment will be made after verifying the material in the lab.
All bids must be accompanied by a refundable earnest money/bid security of Rs. 7,000/- (Rupees Seven Thousand only) in the form of Bank Draft / Bankers Cheque drawn from a scheduled bank in favour of the Director,
PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh, payable at Chandigarh.
The rate quoted for imported chemicals should be valid for a period of one year from the date of opening of quotation. The quantity of item given in the list is tentative and can vary upon actual requirement. The order will
be placed to the successful firm as per requirement.
The quotations would be evaluated for all the items separately.
All disputes will be subject to Chandigarh Jurisdiction and will be interpreted under Indian Laws.
The prices shall be quoted in Indian Rupees Only.
10. Please quote the minimum packing rates alongwith the desired
Payment of bill will be made through crossed account payee by Cheque.
12. This tender document is not transferable. The categories of items and
quantity indicated in the Tender Document are tentative, PEC reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity or delete some or all of the items
depending on the needs of the Department/University without assigning any reasons.
13. There is no provision for making advance payment to the Company as per
14. This Institute being a Premier Education and Research Institution funded
by Govt. Discount as applicable to Research Institutes / Educational Institutes may be provided in the quotation.
15. The bidders shall not be permitted to alter or modify the bids after expiry of
16. The successful bidder may send the material insured if necessary but the
insurance charges will be borne by the same bidder only.
The Director PEC reserves the right to rejecting any or all quotations without assigning any reason.
The rate quoted should be inclusive of taxes.
Generally the bid offer will be opened on the day as specified in the schedule. If the above day is declared as a holiday, then the tender shall be opened on the next working day.
The firm who have been blacklisted by the Central/State/UT Board/Corporation or any government authority/PEC University of Technology are not eligible to the quote.
The order must be executed within the stipulated period. In case the selected vender is not able to deliver the materials within the stipulated
period, a penalty @ 0.5% per week of the total cost of the material will be imposed.
The supplier shall be responsible for any loss or damage caused during
transportation handling or storage till their successful supply. The supplier will lodge all the complaints, regarding damage done in the transit and shall
Situation in which bid security will stand forfeited i.e. If a bidder withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity specified by bidder on the
10 effective ways to get yourself out of a rut "Control your own destiny or someone else will" -- Jack Welch There's nothing worse that being stuck in a rut. It leads to feelings of despair, frustration, isolation and a feeling that life is going nowhere. Do not despair, it's incredibly easy to get yourself out of it. Grab a notebook and pen and start by following the below:: 1.
L’incontinence urinaire est la perte d’urine involontaire. C’est un problème fréquent, avec un impact important sur l’hygiène et la qualité de vie. Elle peut s’expliquer par différents mécanismes: hyperactivité vésicale, diminution de la contractilité vésicale, hyperactivité sphinctérienne et/ou du périnée, déficience sphinctérienne et/ou du périnée. On distingue