Oldbrook First School Year 1 Autumn Term 1; What I am learning this half term; This half term our topic will be animals and much of our work will be cross-curricular, linking subjects wherever possible. English: To read and spell key high frequency words and use them to write simple sentences. To read and spell 3 letter rhyming words e.g. cat, pot, etc. To read stories with familiar settings and share rhymes. Maths: To be confident counting, writing and ordering numbers to 20. To know one more and one less than a number. To add and subtract to 5, 10 and then 20. To name the days of the week and the months of the year. To measure length and be able to describe 2D and 3D shapes. To develop mental maths strategies to help calculate quickly. ICT: To gain confidence and enhance ability in using a computer. To know that there are many different ways of carrying and transferring information. Science: To know the five senses and to be able to name them. To know that animals grow and change as they get older. To classify animals as living and be able to group them. Geography: To know that animals live in particular habitats and that those habitats differ in climate and physical characteristics. History: To understand animals‛ roles in helping us in the past and present. RE: We will be exploring what it means to belong, and particularly what it means to belong to a religion. Art and Design: To look at the use of animals in art and explore the different techniques available to portray them. Design Technology: There will be some design and construction work linked to animal homes, taking care of pets, making jointed creatures showing the creatures movement. PE: To move on different body parts and use large apparatus with confidence. To learn to follow instructions and develop throwing and catching skills. To use dancing to move in an expressive way with animal movement as a stimulus. Music: We will be working with Music Express following a scheme. We will be exploring sounds, with a strong emphasis on listening skills. How you can help your child this half term:
· Make sure the children have their PE kit in school on the right days.
Robins on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
· Encourage your child to read a little each night and continue to read to
· Look in your child‛s book-bag regularly for letters and information
from school. There may also be work that your child has done that you could go over with them
· Reinforce letter sounds especially middle sounds in words eg
· Recognise and name each letter of the alphabet and alphabetical order.
· Talk to your child about the work they are doing at school.
· Learn the days of the week and months of the year.
· Let your child do some practical maths measuring things at home.
High frequency/Key Words to focus on this half term: THANK YOU
Considerando os entendimentos mantidos com os Presidentes SUPERINTENDÊNCIA NACIONAL I - concentrador: empresa terceirizada que já possui a comunicaçãodas Juntas de Recursos e com os dirigentes da Coordenação Geral de DE PREVIDÊNCIA COMPLEMENTAR com o sistema de vendas do PFPB e irá prover os serviços, a qual é con-Logística do Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social - INSS, RESOL-
Informazioni generali Superficie 583.000 kmq – circa la dimensione della Francia Popolazione 31.639.000 abitanti – 42 gruppi: Kikuyu, Luhya, Luo, Kalenjin, Kamba, Kisii, Meru, Samburu, Mijikenda, Masai, Turkana, El Molo. Capitale Il ki-swahili e l’inglese sono le lingue ufficiali del Kenya. L’italiano è compreso nelle zone più turistiche della costa Geografi