The Role of Oxidative Stress in Alzheimer Disease Increasingevidencedemonstratesthatoxidativestresscausesdamagetocellfunctionwith
aging and is involved in a number of age-related disorders including atherosclerosis, ar-thritis, and neurodegenerative disorders. In the neurodegenerative diseases, oxidative stresshas been implicated in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson disease, Huntington dis-
ease, and Alzheimer disease (AD). The neurodegenerative disorder receiving the most attentionhas been AD, in which an increase occurs in oxidation of brain lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, andDNA. Some of the products of oxidation have been found in the major histopathologic alterationsin AD: the neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) and senile plaques (reviewed in Markesbery and Car-ney1 and Ceballos-Picot2). These oxidative modifications are closely associated with a subtle in-flammatory process in the brain in AD.
Oxidative stress refers to a state in which
free radicals and their products are in ex-
cess of antioxidant defense mechanisms.
This imbalance can occur as a result of in-
posed of easily oxidized lipids, has a high
oxygen consumption rate, and lacks strong
crease in antioxidant defenses. Free radi-
antioxidant defenses, it is quite vulner-
able to oxidative injury. It has been dem-
onstrated that there is an increase in oxi-
lecular oxygen to water is a major source
the most consistent risk factor for AD. An-
of potent radicals. The initial step in this
other factor that makes the brain more sus-
ence of increased iron, a critical element
dition of an electron. The reduction of hy-
in the generation of ROS. The gradual ac-
tive hydroxyl radical. These radicals plus
singlet oxygen are called reactive oxygen
the late-life onset and gradually progres-
species, nitric oxide, and peroxynitrite also
stress. These free radicals and others are
capable of reacting with lipids, proteins,
nucleic acids, and other molecules and al-
of the oxygen is reduced to hydrogen per-
tering their structure and function. Oxi-
dative stress can lead to alterations in cells
stressful conditions and in aging, the elec-
tron transport system can increase ROS for-
dria are both a source and a target of toxic
ROS. Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxi-dative metabolism may play an impor-
From the Sanders-Brown Center on Aging, Departments of Pathology and Neurology,University of Kentucky Medical Center, Lexington.
other neurodegenerative diseases (see Beal3
1999 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: by David Perlmutter on 08/04/2012
for review). Reduced cytochrome oxidase activity and
messenger RNA levels have been found in autopsied brainsof patients with AD. Using cybrid techniques, research-
The oxidation of proteins by free radicals may also play
ers have shown that AD cytochrome oxidase defects can
a meaningful role in AD. Hydrazide-reactive protein car-
be transferred into cybrid cell lines that demonstrate in-
bonyl is a general assay of oxidative damage to protein.
creased cytosolic calcium concentrations and an in-
Several studies demonstrate an increase in protein car-
crease in free radical production.4 Overall, it seems that
bonyls in multiple brain regions in subjects with AD and
the mechanisms by which mitochondrial dysfunction can
in their NFTs.10 The oxidation of brain proteins may be
lead to neuron degeneration in AD is through impaired
at the expense of enzymes critical to neuron and glial func-
production of adenosine triphosphate, altered calcium
tion. Two enzymes that are especially sensitive to oxi-
homeostasis, ROS generation, activation of the mito-
dative modification are glutamine synthetase and cre-
chondrial permeability transition, and excitotoxicity.
atine kinase, both of which are markedly diminished inthe brains of subjects with AD. Oxidative alterations in
glutamine synthetase could cause alteration of gluta-mate concentrations and enhance excitotoxicity, whereas
Increased lipid peroxidation occurs in the brain in AD and
oxidative impairment of creatine kinase could cause di-
is most prominent where degenerative changes are most
pronounced.1 Brain membrane phospholipids are com-
Pathologic aggregation of proteins into fibrils is a
posed of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are especially
characteristic of AD. Oxidative modifications can cause
vulnerable to free radical attack because their double bonds
crosslinking of covalent bonds of proteins leading to fi-
allow easy removal of hydrogen ions. Decreases in poly-
bril formation and insolubility. Neurofibrillary tangles
unsaturated fatty acids, primarily arachidonic and doco-
are characterized by the aggregation and hyperphos-
sahexaenoic acids, accompany lipid peroxidation in AD.
phorylation of tau proteins into paired helical fila-
Oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids produces alde-
ments. Phosphorylation is linked to oxidation through
hydes, one of the most important of which is 4-hydroxynon-
the microtubule-associated protein kinase pathway and
enal (HNE), a highly reactive cytotoxic substance capable
through the activation of the transcription factor NFB,
of inhibiting glycolysis, nucleic acid and protein synthe-
thus potentially linking oxidation to the hyperphos-
sis, and degrading proteins. Four-hydroxynonenal levels
phorylation of tau proteins. Oxidation of cysteine in tau
are increased in autopsied specimens from multiple brain
protein controls the in vitro assembly of paired helical
regions and in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in subjects with
filaments. The role of oxidation damage in NFT forma-
AD, and HNE adducts are present in NFTs.1 Glutathione
tion is supported by the presence of protein carbonyls,
transferases, a group of enzymes that inactivate the toxic
nitrotyrosine (a marker of the potent radical peroxyni-
products of oxygen metabolism including 4-hydroxy-
trite), HNE, acrolein (another highly reactive aldehyde
alkenals such as HNE, are markedly diminished in mul-
product of lipid peroxidation), advanced glycation end
tiple brain regions and in the CSF in subjects with AD, sug-
products (AGE), and hemeoxygenase-1 (an antioxidant
gesting a loss of protection against HNE.5
Four-hydroxynonenal causes degeneration and death
of cultured hippocampal neurons by impairing ion-
motive adenosine triphosphatase activity and disrupt-ing calcium homeostasis.6 Exposure of cultured hippo-
Oxidation of DNA can produce strand breaks, sister chro-
campal neurons to -amyloid (A) peptide causes a
matid exchange, DNA-protein crosslinking, and base
significant increase in levels of free and protein-bound
modifications. The DNA damage accumulating in non-
HNE and increases ROS. Four-hydroxynonenal impairs
dividing mammalian cells may play a major role in aging-
glucose and glutamate transport and is capable of induc-
associated changes. Several studies demonstrate an
ing apoptosis in cultured neurons. Administration of HNE
increase in oxidative DNA damage in the brains of sub-
into the basal forebrain of rats causes damage to cholin-
jects with AD (see Gabbita et al11 for review). The most
ergic neurons, diminished choline acetyltransferase, and
pronounced DNA adduct described is 8-hydroxy-2Ј-
deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), which is increased in nuclear
The F2-isoprostanes are prostaglandin-like com-
and mitochondrial brain fractions in AD. Elevations of
pounds that are formed nonenzymatically by free
5-hydroxyuracil, 8-hydroxyadenine, and 5-hydroxycy-
radical–induced oxidation of arachidonic acid. Oxida-
tosine levels also have been found in nuclear brain frac-
tion of docosahexaenoic acid forms F4-neuroprostanes.
tions in subjects with AD. The pattern of damage to mul-
F2-isoprostanes are elevated in postmortem ventricular
tiple bases is most likely due to hydroxyl radical attack
CSF of subjects with AD,8 and in the lumbar CSF from
on DNA. Elevations of 8-OHdG levels in intact DNA have
living patients with probable AD, but not in the CSF from
been described in the CSF of patients with AD, along with
living patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.9 F4-
a decrease in free 8-OHdG, representing the repair prod-
neuroprostane levels are elevated in postmortem ven-
uct, suggesting that there is a double insult of increased
tricular CSF8 and are more abundant in the brain than
DNA damage and deficiencies in repair mechanisms re-
F2-isoprostane levels. This suggests that these quantifi-
sponsible for removal of oxidized bases in AD.12
able markers of brain lipid peroxidation potentially could
The importance of finding increased products of
be used to assess the efficacy of therapeutic agents to de-
oxidation in the CSF of patients with in AD (HNE, F2-
isoprostanes, F4-neuroprostanes, 8-OHdG) deserves fur-
1999 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: by David Perlmutter on 08/04/2012
ther study. Perhaps, coupled with the elevated tau pro-
that damage enzymes. They also generate radicals through
tein levels and decreased levels of A peptides in AD CSF,13
interaction with iron and zinc, both of which are in-
they could possibly be used to improve the diagnostic ac-
creased in the brain of subjects with AD.
Familial, early-onset, autosomal-dominant AD is as-
sociated with mutations in the presenilin genes 1 and 2
and the amyloid precursor protein. Experimental stud-ies using cultured cells and transgenic mice expressing
Advanced glycation end products are posttranslational
presenilin gene 1 mutations have yielded considerable
modifications of proteins that are formed when the amino
progress in understanding the pathogenetic mecha-
group of proteins reacts nonenzymatically with mono-
nisms of presenilin mutations.17 Neurons expressing mu-
saccharides, and may play a role in AD that is linked to
tant presenilin gene 1 exhibit increased levels of A pep-
oxidative modifications of A peptides and tau.14 Ad-
tides and altered calcium homeostasis in the endoplasmic
vanced glycation end products are present in senile
reticulum that lead to increased ROS production, mito-
plaques in subjects with AD, and AGE-modified A pep-
chondrial dysfunction, and adenosine triphosphate deple-
tides accelerate aggregation of soluble nonfibrillar A pep-
tion. This causes an apoptotic death of neurons that can
tides. -Amyloid peptide binds to the receptors for AGE
be prevented by vitamin E and glutathione.
and generates ROS, activating ⌵F〉, which induces ex-
Studies of transgenic mice and cultured neurons ex-
pression of macrophage colony-stimulating factor, en-
pressing the amyloid precursor protein mutations sug-
hancing proliferation of microglia. Activated microglia
gest that these mutations also lead to an increased pro-
are capable of producing the superoxide radical and ni-
duction of free radicals in neurons.16 Cultured cells
tric oxide. Tau and AGE antigens are localized in NFTs,
expressing mutated forms of amyloid precursor protein
and glycated tau added to neuroblastoma cells in
have an increased production of A peptides and set in
cultures induces lipid peroxidation.
motion a process of increasing oxygen free radicals, lipidperoxidation, and calcium dysregulation. Transgenic mice
overexpressing the amyloid precursor protein mutationdemonstrate HNE and hemeoxygenase-1 around A pep-
Multiple studies of copper/zinc– and manganese-
tide deposits, and iron and pentosidine (an AGE) in the
superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathi-
center of A deposits, indicating an association be-
one reductase, catalase activity, and gene expression in
tween oxidative stress and A deposition.18
autopsied brains of subjects with AD have not demon-
Meta-analysis findings from 17 epidemiologic stud-
strated a consistent pattern of change.1 Several studies
ies suggest that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs play
of brains from autopsies with short postmortem inter-
a protective role against AD.19 A number of markers of
val show elevation of activity and gene expression of these
inflammation are present in the brain in AD, and some
antioxidants in brain regions that demonstrate an in-
are related to the morphological changes associated with
crease of lipid peroxidation in AD, possibly reflecting a
AD. Although the details of the inflammatory response
compensatory rise in response to free radical genera-
are beyond the scope of this review, it seems that the in-
tion.1 Importantly, none of these major antioxidants is
flammatory cascade is important in the pathogenesis of
consistently diminished, indicating that this aspect of the
AD and that microglia are key mediators of this re-
defense mechanism against free radicals is intact. Recent
sponse. The relationship between the inflammatory re-
evidence suggests that methionine may act as an antioxi-
sponse and free radical generation is of considerable theo-
dant defense molecule in proteins by its ability to scav-
enge oxidants and in the process undergo oxidation to form
Although AD is probably associated with multiple
methionine sulfoxide. The enzyme methionine sulfoxide
etiologies and pathophysiologic mechanisms, it appears
reductase reverses methionine sulfoxide back to methio-
that oxidative stress is a part of the pathophysiologic pro-
nine. Our recent study shows a statistically significant de-
cess. It is not clear whether oxidative stress is a primary
cline in methionine sulfoxide reductase in postmortem
process in AD or the result of the disease, although emerg-
brain specimens from subjects with AD,15 which may con-
ing data indicate that oxidative damage is an early event
tribute to an increase in protein oxidation in the AD brain.
in neurodegeneration in AD. Regardless of whether oxi-dative stress is a primary or secondary event, therapeu-
tic measures to decrease the level of oxidative stress and
to reduce the risk or slow the progression of the diseaseare appropriate. Findings of a large multicenter trial sup-
Data from cell culture and animal experiments by
port this concept, showing that antioxidant therapy (vi-
Mattson16 demonstrate that oxidative stress and dysregu-
tamin E and/or selegiline hydrochloride) may slow the
lation of calcium can damage neurons, which indicates
progression of AD.20 Long-term treatment of subjects at
a role for oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of AD. Ex-
risk for AD, using more efficacious antioxidant thera-
posure of cultured neurons to A peptides causes an
peutic agents, could potentially slow neuron degenera-
increase in oxyradical formation and radical-mediated
tion and delay or prevent the onset of the disease.
damage to membrane lipids and proteins. -Amyloid–induced neuron death in vitro is attenuated by antioxi-
Accepted for publication April 12, 1999.
dants such as vitamin E and glutathione. -Amyloid pep-
This work was supported by grants 5P50 AG05144 and
tides are capable of spontaneously forming oxygen radicals
1PO1 AG05119 from the National Institutes of Health,
1999 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: by David Perlmutter on 08/04/2012 Bethesda, Md, and grants from the Abercrombie Founda-
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Dr Markesbery is on the scientific advisory board of
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9. Montine TJ, Beal MF, Cudkowicz ME, et al. Increased CSF F2-isoprostane con-
financial interest in the company.
centration in probable AD. Neurology. 1999;52:562-565. The author thanks Paula Thomason for editorial as-
10. Smith MA, Sayre LM, Perry G. Morphological aspects of oxidative damage in
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Reprints: William R. Markesbery, MD, 101 Sanders-Brown Building, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
11. Gabbita SP, Lovell MA, Markesbery WR. Increased nuclear DNA oxidation in the
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1999 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: by David Perlmutter on 08/04/2012
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