No está claro cuán grande es el papel de los antibióticos en las relaciones competitivas entre los microorganismos en condiciones naturales. Zelman Waxman creía que este papel era mínimo, los antibióticos no se forman sino en culturas limpias en entornos ricos. Posteriormente, sin embargo, se descubrió que en muchos productos, la actividad de síntesis de antibióticos aumenta en presencia de otros tipos o productos específicos de su metabolismo.
Environmental Management Unit, Monash University,NTRODUCTION DESIGN FOR THE SOUTH WEST SLOPES
A design prepared in 1997 has been used to illustrate
Commercial plantation forestry in Australia has been
the concepts of analogue forestry. The property is
focused on producing timber products at minimal cost
located near Jindera on the southern margin of the
and in the shortest time possible. This has commonly
NSW South West Slopes and is managed for lifestyle,
led to ‘industrial’ plantations on a large scale, using a
grazing and timber production. Analogue forestry
few highly productive species. Despite the widespread
requires careful planning based primarily on the
use of this ‘industrial’ approach and the popularity of
architecture of the natural forest ecosystem and the
farm forestry, other tree-based production systems
outcomes of the decision model (see Figure 1).
(‘permaculture’ and ‘analogue forestry’) are being
Consequently, the design that was prepared is highly
developed in Australia. Analogue forestry differs from
specific and cannot be used for other locations.
farm forestry and industrial forestry practices as itincludes an explicit focus on biological diversity. Inaddition, analogueforestry aims to identify
Design and Management Economic Description of current and Proposed Land Uses and Monitoring of Change Ecological Does it satisfy conditions of:Local needs - culture, food, medicine,
Sustainable at the catchment and farm scale Figure 1. Analogue forestry decision model.
Adapted from Senanayake, R. and Jack, J. Analogue Forestry: An Introduction, Department of
Geography and Environmental Science, Monash Publications in Geography: Number 49.
Monash University Press, Melbourne [in press].
The design site comprises about 4.5 ha and is located
about 575 mm/year and light frost can occur between
in the south-west corner of the property adjacent to a
August and October. The initial aim of the land
road reserve, that contains locally native trees and
managers was to produce a sustainable farming system
shrubs. Minimal salinity and erosion is evident on the
that was financially viable and included locally native
site, although much of the native vegetation has been
cleared for farming (simplified plant and animalcommunity, low amounts of soil carbon, high soil
A large number of commodities are planned for
compaction and high soil acidity). The soils are grey,
production in the analogue forest design (see Table 1)
duplex clayey-loam and are relatively acid (pH
However, without ecosystem stability, no long-term
5.0–5.5). The site has a north-western aspect of slight
productivity is expected and the value of such a design
grade and has reasonable drainage. Average rainfall is
would be low. Thus, some species in the analogue
Table 1. Species Selected Botanical Name Common Name
F — Fuel; Tc — Timber for construction; Tf — Timber for furniture; P — Pharmaceuticals; C — Culinary or condiment; IS — Locally native seed; SF — Stock feed; He — Herb.
E — Erosion control or prevention; N — Nutrient enhancement; S — Shelter; H — Habitat.
forest offer no economic benefit but are included
eliminate some existing environmental weeds. In
because they provide functions to support the overall
addition, the potential for good returns from the
herbfield early in the forests development will assistthe entire system to advance economically. The mid to
The analogue forest will create functional products
late sere open forest provides firewood and native fruit
(greater nutrient availability, high energy capture,
as its principal commodities, although pharmaceuticals
stabilised environment and water control) as well as
(tannin, adhesives), poles and posts, and locally native
commercial products (pharmaceuticals, timber and
seed are additional commodities that could be
culinary fruits, nuts, spices and herbs) that help to
harvested if market demand is high. The presence of a
move the system towards sustainability. With time, the
high proportion of Black Wattle (analogous species)
natural progression of any undisturbed forest
enhances soil nutrient levels (by preventing erosion
community is to increase in diversity and stability,
and ‘fixing’ atmospheric nitrogen) while providing
until a highly complex ecosystem or climax state is
valuable habitat due to several structural similarities
reached. Each level of complexity that develops during
(height, branch size and form, leaf form, flower form)
such community succession is known as a ‘sere’. The
to Silver Wattle (locally native species). Importantly,
analogue forest was designed to mimic the structure of
the three communities, or sere, are interactive and
the locally native open forest community at three
localized disturbance in the system (especially the
levels of complexity (see Figure 2): late plant
herbfield) during cultivation and harvesting will not
community successional stage (high biological and
create any serious degradation in the ecosystem. Such
product diversity, and good stability); mid-late plant
disturbance would promote a higher level of biological
community successional stage (low biological
diversity across the entire system due to the creation of
diversity but high product diversity and stability); and
niches not normally available in an advanced stable
early plant community successional stage (low
biological and product diversity, and low stability).
The diversity of products and their maturing times
In this design, the late sere open forest consolidates
mean that the forest sustains production with many
remnant habitat on the road reserve (which provides a
economic cycles, of various periods up to 50 years
biolink to other habitat patches and the nearby State
(Walnut and Yellow Box timber). Such economic
Forest) and products (e.g. spices, medicinal herbs) that
bases are very stable and with a high degree of quality
bring in revenue. This vegetation community will
assurance (attainment of organic certification and use
undergo little disturbance during ongoing management
of world best standards) can offer greater returns and
of production. Subsequently, the microhabitats and
marketability. In addition, the commodities have been
‘forest furniture’ created will support high numbers of
selected to reflect the culture and lifestyle of the land
animals, plants and microorganisms and help stabilise
managers and thus the system has relevance and
the entire system. Plants such as Sweet Bursaria (for
butterflies and native parasitic wasps), Heath Tea-tree(for insects), Mat-rushes (for frogs) and KangarooThorn (for birds and small animals) have beenincluded to provide habitat, while other species occupya dual role (e.g. Globe Artichoke and HickoryWattle/Lightwood provide habitat and commodities). The early sere herbfield is primarily for the productionof medicinal and culinary herbs and has littlefunctional role, although it provides the opportunity to
ommodity Species: unctional Species: Figure 2. Profile of analogue forest. ommodity Species: unctional Species:
Commodity Species: Functional Species: REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING Mallet, P. 1997, Analog Forestry Manual, Falls Brook Centre, New Brunswick, Canada.
Senanayake, R. and Jack, J. Analogue Forestry: AnIntroduction, Department of Geography andEnvironmental Science, Monash Publications inGeography: Number 49. Monash University Press,Melbourne [in press].
Medications and medical conditions FactsheetFoR FINANCIAl INTeRMeDIARIeS oNly. NoT APPRoVeD FoR uSe wITH CuSToMeRS. This guide lists approximately 1,700 of the most commonly prescribed medications and the principal condition(s) that each is prescribed for. The information is provided in connection with the principal condition(s) listed. This information is provided underwriting of annuities o
“Infektiöse Katzenkrankheiten - eine diagnostische Herausforderung in der tierärztlichen Praxis” Feline infektiöse Peritonitis - die größte diagnostische Herausforderung? Die feline infektiöse Peritonitis (FIP) ist eine wichtigezies. Katzen infizieren sich mit dem primär avirulentenKrankheit bei Katzen und ein häufiger Überweisungs-FCoV, das sich in Enterozyten vermeh