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PDT Treatment Guidelines

Whether or not you have a history of cold sores, an anti-viral medication will be
prescribed to prevent a potential outbreak.
You will be in the office for approximately 2 hours. Planning for your appointment
You must stay out of direct sunlight for 48 hours after the PDT treatment.
• 2 days before treatment you must stop taking photosensitive medicines, unless
advised otherwise by the prescribing doctor, such as:
Anti-arthritis drugs (gold or methotrexate)
Antibiotics from the tetracycline group: Tetracycline, Minocycline, Doxycycline,
Vibramycin, Doryx, Solodyn, and Dynacin.
Acne Medicines: Accutane, Cipro, or any of the “quinolone medications”.
Oral antifungals: including Griseofulvin,
Anti-arrhythmia drugs: including Chlorpromazine.
NSAIDS: including Naprosyn, Advil, St. John’s Wort.
For patients receiving face or scalp treatment, we will provide you with a wide brimmed hat or bring your own hat to wear home. No baseball caps. For men receiving face treatment, shave on the morning of the procedure.
Plan on not shaving for two to three days afterward. If you must shave, do not
use razor blades. You can use an electric shave to buzz off the top of the hair,
avoiding an actual close shave.
There is time between the procedure where you will be in a darkened room for 45-60 minutes. You may use a laptop, phone or music device. Wifi is available. What to expect after treatment
You may experience a sunburn-like effect: from light pink to a swollen, red, and
itchy sunburn, which may last up to 5-7 days. By the 3rd or 4th day peeling may begin. Please do not pick it off.
Where there was sun damage and/or Actinic Keratoses, crusting may occur.
Some patients with severe sun damage may experience a much more severe
sunburn-like effect. To avoid any permanent damage, follow our instructions listed below. 110 East 55th Street, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10022  Phone: 212.230.1212  Fax: 212.230.1331  PDT Treatment Guidelines - 2

Post treatment instructions
It is IMPORTANT to avoid direct or reflected sunlight. This means staying
away from windows, no driving, walking or being outside for even a few minutes
at a time. It is best to stay indoors for 2 days following the PDT treatment. If
this is not strictly followed, phototoxicity is likely to occur. If this is not possible,
outdoor exposure should be very limited and a physical block sunscreen, such as
zinc oxide, of at least SPF 30 or broad spectrum (UVA and UVB) sunscreen with
SPF of 30 or more, should be applied prior to leaving along with a physical
barrier of clothing.
Avoid excessive heat for 2 days post PDT treatment, such as hot tub, jacuzzi,
sauna, or strenuous exercise.
Cool compresses and ice packs can be used to alleviate discomfort, decrease swelling and reduce pain. Tylenol or Advil may also be used. Keep the treated area clean. Skin care products should be non-irritating and non-
clogging until your skin is no longer peeling or flaking. Do not use Retin A,
Renova, scrubs, toners or glycolic acid until your skin has healed. Your skin may
feel dry and tightened after the second post-procedure day. A good moisturizer,
such as Livad, should be used daily. Use a broad spectrum protection (UVA and
UVB) sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or more.
Makeup may be applied as soon as you feel comfortable and once any crusting has peeled.
Additional Instructions for more severe reactions
Apply Aquaphor 2 times a day as needed.
If blisters form, use an antibiotic ointment such as Bacitracin or Polysporin 2
If the treated area is stinging, soak the area with 1 tablespoon white vinegar in 1
cup of cold water for 20 minutes, 4-6 times a day.
After treatment skin care
Intense sunlight should be avoided for up to three months and apply a minimum of SPF 30 sunscreen 20 minutes before going out and again immediately before you head outdoors. 110 East 55th Street, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10022  Phone: 212.230.1212  Fax: 212.230.1331  PDT Treatment Guidelines - 3

Supplies provided for post treatment care:
Broad spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or more
Livad Cream
Wide brimmed hat
Supplies you should have on hand:
Tylenol or Advil
Oral anti-viral medication to take 3 x a day for 3 days. Start on day of treatment
Aquaphor Ointment
Bacitracin or Polysporin Ointment
White Vinegar
Please feel free to call the office with any questions before or after your procedure: 212-230-1212 110 East 55th Street, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10022  Phone: 212.230.1212  Fax: 212.230.1331 


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