Microsoft word - cfar08-09.doc

Family Service Planning Team & Title XXI Intervention
*Client Name:
Section 1 : If purpose of evaluation is 4-Administative discharge complete areas with paper/pencil picture only.
**Provider Initial Evaluation Date from MH Outcome Form at Admission:
***HSA Initial Evaluation Date from MH Form at Admission:
1. *Social Security#:
2. *Contractor ID:
3.*Provider Purpose of Evaluation:
1- Admission to agency
4- Administrative Discharge (Complete areas with
(Select a choice, then complete the sections 2- 3 month Interval
3- Discharge from Agency
5-Immediate Discharge
1- Admission to agency
4- Administrative Discharge (Complete areas
3.(a) *HSA Purpose of Evaluation:
2- 3 month Interval
3- Discharge from Agency
5-Immediate Discharge
4.*Evaluation Date:
5. *Provider ID:
5(a).*HSA Provider ID:
Section 2 :
6. *Provider Site ID:
7. Client ID:
6(a) .*HSA Site ID:
8. *Mental Health

(799.9) = Unknown Cause For ICD-9 code enter the first three digits from DSM-IV Code (i.e. Major depression disorder,
recurrent – DSM-IV (296.30) / ICD-9 (296)

9. Substance Abuse

(799.9) = Unknown Cause For ICD-9 code enter the first three digits from DSM-IV Code (i.e. Major depression disorder,
recurrent – DSM-IV (296.30) / ICD-9 (296)

10. **CFARS
Rater ID: Note:
Full Rater ID is
Definition for first two digits:
03 – BA/BS
06 – PhD/PsyD/EdD – Licensed
01 – Non-Degree Trained Technician
04 – MA/MS
02 – AA Degree Trained Technician
05 – MA/MS Licensed Practitioner
07 – MD/DO – Board Certified
CFARs Section: Note: If completing at the 3 or 9 month interval choose “5- None of the Above” on Question 1.
1.* Purpose of CFARS Evaluation:
1- Admission to Agency
4- Administrative Discharge
2- 6 month Interval
5- None of the Above
3- Discharge from Agency
2. *Substance Abuse History:
1-Yes (Abused Drugs or Alcohol in the last 6 months)
3. *Problem Severity Rating Scales: Assign a severity Rating Number to each Section to describe the consumer’s problems or assets during the last
3 weeks.
Mark an “X” through this section if completing this form at the 3 or 9-month interval
Slight to
Severe to
Than Slight
to Severe
a. Depression:
e. Cognitive Performance:
i. Interpersonal
m. Select:
b. Anxiety:
f. Medical/Physical:
j. Home Setting
n. Danger to Self:
c. Hyper Activity:
g. Traumatic Stress:
o. Danger to
d. Thought Process:
h. Substance Abuse:
l. Socio-Legal:
p. Security
HSA Form #4: Children MH Outcome/CFARS Page 1 of 4 Effective: 7/01/2008 Revised 4/11/2007, 5/29/2008, 7/30/2008 Family Service Planning Team & Title XXI Intervention
Section 2 Cont.
11. * Primary Source of Income:
1 - Salary
3 - Retirement/Pension/SSI
7 – Unknown
4 - Disability
12. *Psychiatric Disability Income:
13. *Service to Exceed or has Exceeded 12 Months
Adjudicated Children
Non-Adjudicated Children
01 – Delinquent – In physical custody
08 - Other DCF program status
02 - Delinquent – not in physical custody
09 - Under custody & supervision of
03 - Dependent, in physical custody
Criminal Status:
04 - Dependent, not in physical custody
Incompetent to Proceed
05 - Dependent & Delinquent, in physical custody
27 - Incompetent to Proceed–Ages 0-17
06 - Dependent & Delinquent, not in physical custody
28- Incompetent to Proceed – Ages 18-20
07 – CINS, not in physical custody
15. *Admission Type:
1 - Voluntary Competent
3 - Involuntary Competent
2 – Voluntary Incompetent
4 - Involuntary Incompetent
Performance Measures
16. *Days Spent in the Community in Last 30 Days:
17. *Rx? Is client taking atypical antipsychotic medication in past 90 days:
18. *Total School Days Available (last 30 days):
19. *School Days Attended (last 30 days):
20. *Current CGAS Rating:
21. *Committed to DJJ (last 90 days):
22. *Risk Factor: (No MH diagnosis, but risk factors for Emotion Disturbance)
07 - Foster Care/Home
01 - Independent – alone
08 - Group Home
02- Independent – shares costs with relatives
13 - Correctional Facility
09 - Homeless
03 - Independent – shares costs with non-relatives
14 - DJJ Facility
23. *Residential Status:
10 - Hospital
04 - Dependent – not sharing costs with relatives
99 - Not Available or Unknown
11 - Nursing Home
05 - Dependent – not sharing costs with non-relatives
12 - Supported Housing
06 - Assisted Living Facility (ALF)
24. *Marital Status:
7-Registered Domestic Partner
8-Legally Separated
10 – Active military, overseas
50 – Leave of Absence
83 – Disabled
25. * Employment Status:
20 – Active military, USA
60 – Retired
84 – Criminal Inmate
30 – Full Time
70 – Terminated (unemployed)
85 – Other Inmate
31-Employed in Family Run Business
81 – Homemaker
86-Not Authorized to work
40 – Part Time
82 – Student
26. *County of Residence:
32 - Master’s Degree (MA, MS, MSW,
20 - No Schooling
26 - 11th Grade
21 - Nursery Schooling to 4th Grade
27 - 12th Grade, No Diploma
27.*Highest Education:
33 - Prof. Degree (MD, DDS, JD, etc.)
22 - 5th to 6th Grade
28 - High School Graduate-Diploma
34 - Doc. Degree (PhD, EDD, etc.)
23 - 7th to 8th Grade
29 - 1 or > year College, No Degree
35 - Special School
24 - 9th Grade
30 - Associate’s Degree (AA, AS,
36 -Vocational School
25 - 10th Grade
HSA Form #4: Children MH Outcome/CFARS Page 2 of 4 Effective: 7/01/2008 Revised 4/11/2007, 5/29/2008, 7/30/2008 Family Service Planning Team & Title XXI Intervention
Section 3
a.*Developmental Disability:
b.*Physical Disability:
c.*Non-ambulatory (bedridden, wheelchair): f. *Person’s English Language understanding and speaking are severely limited g. *ADL Function: (Difficulty performing independently in day-to-day living) 29. *Zip Code:
88888 – Homeless 99999 – Unknown
30. *Mental Health Problem:
1 - Shows evidence of recent severe stressful event and problems with coping
2 - Displays symptomatology placing person at risk of more restrictive intervention if
3 – Both (1 & 2)
4 – None
31. *TANF Status:
1 - Temporary Cash Assistance
2 - Diversion Family Program
3 - Not a TANF Client
32. *Family Size:
Number living in home (1-9) 9 = 9 or more
33. *Annual Personal Income (00-99):
(98) - Income over $98,000 (99) – Unknown 34.*Primary
01 - Individual (Self-Referral)
08 - Other social
14 - Other court order/legal entity
22 - Physician/Dr
02 - SA Care Provider
service/health/Community Ref. 16 - CINS/FINS
23 - Law enforcement
Referral Source:
03 - MH Care Provider
24 - Fam Safe: Foster
04 - Juvenile Justice
10 - Probation/Parolee
18 - Outreach Program
05 - County Public Health Unit
11 - DUI/DWI
19 – DCF/ADM
25 - Fam Safe: Prof.
06 - School (Education)
12 - Pretrial
20 - Community Hospital
07 - Employer /EAP
13 - Prison/Jail
21 - State Hospital
35. *Baker Act: (Meets criteria for admission to Baker Act facility)
36. *Did client receive medication through Indigent Psychiatric Medication Program in the past 90 days?
37. *Is client taking any medication through Patient Assistance Program in the past 90 days? (e.g.
Zyprexa, Risperdol, Seroquel, Geodon, Clozaril, etc.)
38.* SAMH Contract #:
39.*Contractor NPI #
40.*Provider NPI #:
Veteran of US Armed Services?
40(a). HSA Provider NPI #:
HSA Representative:
HSA Representative Signature:
HSA Form #4: Children MH Outcome/CFARS Page 3 of 4 Effective: 7/01/2008 Revised 4/11/2007, 5/29/2008, 7/30/2008 Family Service Planning Team & Title XXI Intervention
Children’s MH Outcomes/CFARS Form Schedule
~ Upon admission or initiation - MH Outcomes and CFARS
~ 3 months – MH Outcomes Section Only
~ 6 months – MH Outcomes and CFARS
~ 9 Months – MH Outcomes Section Only
~ 12 Months – MH Outcomes and CFARS
~ Discharge – MH Outcomes and CFARS
NOTE: Use above scheduled intervals until the client is discharged.
HSA Form #4: Children MH Outcome/CFARS Page 4 of 4 Effective: 7/01/2008 Revised 4/11/2007, 5/29/2008, 7/30/2008


Microsoft word - stopping estrogen4jcp june 2004.doc

STOPPING ESTROGEN TREATMENT (Sometimes called “HRT”) Dr. Jerilynn C. Prior, Scientific Director, Centre for Menstrual Cycle and Ovulation Research In July 2002 the largest randomized placebo-controlled study of “Hormone Replacement Therapy” for healthy menopausal women was stopped early because it showed that estrogen plus very low dose medroxyprogesterone therapy caused seriou


KemiForsøget Gert Bergstein, kemistyrelsen coffein (trivialnavn) dss. thein (triv.), 1,3,7-trimethyl-7 H -purin-2,6(1 H ,3 H )-dion [58-08-2] I sidste nr. af LMFK-bladet forsøgte jeg at in-troducere KemiForsøget. Det var mit håb, at det kunne være et fast punkt i bladet, men det vil afhænge af bidrag fra jer læsere. Jeg har ik-ke fået nogen bidrag, men vil give det en chan-ce

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