Publication list of the last 5 years, dr

Publication list of the last 5 years, Dr. Gerhard Laux

Schlee M, Schuhmacher M, Hölzel M, Laux G and Bornkamm G W. c-MYC
Impairs Immunogenicity of Human B Cells Adv. Cancer Res. 97: 167-188,
Schlee M, Hölzel M, Bernard S, Mailhammer R, Schuhmacher M, Reschke J,
Eick D, Marinkovic D, Wirth T, Rosenwald A, Staudt L M, Eilers M, Baran-
Marszak F, Fagard R, Feuillard J, Laux G and Bornkamm G W. c-MYC
activation impairs the NF-κB and the interferon response in conditional B cell
systems: implications for the pathogenesis of Burkitt’s lymphoma. Int. J.
120: 1387-1395, 2007.
Bornkamm G W, Berens C, Kuklik-Roos C, Bechet J M, Laux G, Bachl J,
Korndoerfer M, Schlee M, Holzel M, Malamoussi A, Chapman R D, Nimmerjahn
F, Mautner J, Hillen W, Bujard H and Feuillard J. Stringent doxycycline-
dependent control of gene activities using an episomal one-vector system.
Nucleic Acids Res. 33: e137, 2005.
Dudziak D, Nimmerjahn F, Bornkamm G W and Laux G. Alternative splicing
generates soluble CD83 proteins that inhibit T cell proliferation. J. Immunol.
174: 6672-6676, 2005.
Pagès F, Galon J, Karaschuk G, Dudziak D, Camus M, Lazar V, Camilleri-Broët
S, Lagorce-Pagès C, Lebel-Binay S, Laux G, Fridman W-H and Henglein B.
Epstein-Barr Virus Nuclear Antigen 2 Induces Interleukin-18 Receptor
Expression in B-cells. Blood 105: 1632-1639, 2005.

Schlee M, Krug T, Gires O, Zeidler R, Hammerschmidt W, Mailhammer R, Laux
G, Sauer G, Lovric J and Bornkamm G W. Identification of Epstein-Barr Virus
(EBV) Nuclear Antigen 2 (EBNA2) Target Proteins by Proteome Analysis:
Activation of EBNA2 in Conditionally Immortalized B Cells Reflects Early
Events after Infection of Primary B Cells by EBV. J. Virol. 78: 3941-3952,
Dudziak D, Kieser A, Dirmeier U, Nimmerjahn F, Berchtold S, Steinkasserer A,
Marschall G, Hammerschmidt W, Laux G and Bornkamm G W. The latent
membrane proteine 1 of Epstein-Barr virus induces CD83 by the NF-κB
signalling pathway. J. Virol. 77: 8290-8298, 2003.
Moreno S, Laux G, Brielmeier M, Bornkamm G W and Conrad M. Testis-
specific expression of the nuclear form of phospholipid hydroperoxide
glutathione peroxidase (PHGPx). Biol. Chem. 384: 635-643, 2003.

Ten most important publications older than 5 years, Dr. Gerhard Laux

Pajic A, Polack A, Staege M S, Spitkovsky D, Baier B, Bornkamm G W and
Laux G. Elevated expression of c-myc in lymphoblastoid cells does not support
an Epstein-Barr virus latency III-to-I switch. J. Gen. Virol. 82: 3051-3055,

Kaiser C, Laux G, Eick D, Jochner N, Bornkamm G W and Kempkes B. The
proto-oncogene c-myc is a direct target gene of Epstein-Barr virus nuclear
antigen 2. J. Virol. 73: 4481-4484, 1999.
Brielmeier M, Mautner J, Laux G and Hammerschmidt W. The latent
membrane protein 2 gene of Epstein-Barr virus is important for efficient B cell
immortalization. J. Gen. Virol. 77: 2807-2818, 1996.
Laux G, Adam B, Strobl L J and Moreau-Gachelin F. The Spi-1/PU.1 and Spi-B
ets family transcription factors and the recombination signal-binding protein
RBP-Jκ interact with an Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 2 responsive cis-
element. EMBO J. 13: 5624-5632, 1994.

Laux G, Dugrillon F, Eckert C, Adam B, Zimber-Strobl U and Bornkamm G W.
Identification and characterization of an Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 2-
responsive cis element in the bidirectional promoter region of latent
membrane protein and terminal protein 2 genes. J. Virol. 68: 6947-6958,
Rowe D T, Hall L, Joab I and Laux G. Identification of the Epstein-Barr virus
terminal protein (TP) gene products in latently infected lymphocytes. J. Virol.
64: 2866-2875, 1990.
Laux G, Economou A and Farrell P J. The terminal protein gene 2 of Epstein-
Barr virus is transcribed from a bidirectional latent promoter region. J. Gen.
70: 3079-3084, 1989.
Laux G, Perricaudet M and Farrell P J. A spliced Epstein-Barr virus gene
expressed in immortalized lymphocytes is created by circularisation of the
linear viral genome. EMBO J. 7: 769-774, 1988.
Laux G, Freese U K, Fischer R, Polack A, Kofler E and Bornkamm G W. TPA
inducible Epstein-Barr virus genes in Raji cells and their regulation. Virology
162: 503-507, 1988.
Laux G, Freese U K and Bornkamm G W. Structure and evolution of two
related transcription units of Epstein-Barr virus carrying small tandem
repeats. J. Virol. 56: 987-995, 1985.



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