RESEARCH ARTICLEA Systematic Review of Cognitive Stimulation Therapyfor Older Adults with Mild to Moderate Dementia: AnOccupational Therapy PerspectiveNatasha Yuill1*† & Vivien Hollis2
1Bethany Care Centre, Calgary, AB, Canada2Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada
AbstractIn response to the need for effective non‐pharmacological approaches for individuals with mild to moderatedementia, cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) interventions aim to optimize cognitive function. The presentliterature review explored the effectiveness of CST and the congruence of this approach with occupational therapy. Twenty‐four databases and 13 “grey” sources were searched. Relevant papers were analysed using the McMasterCritical Literature Review Guidelines, the Modified Jadad Quality Scale and the Oxford Centre for Evidence‐basedMedicine Levels of Evidence Scale. To establish the congruence of CST with occupational therapy, themes wereidentified using the International Classification of Functioning and professional values outlined by the CanadianAssociation of Occupational Therapists. Twelve studies demonstrated a trend towards delayed cognitive declinefollowing CST. This intervention strategy is congruent with occupational therapy values and may provide a usefulstructural framework to build rehabilitation programmes for this population. Psychometric properties of theMcMaster Guidelines have not yet been established, and there is no standardized way to extract quantitative datafrom this measure. There is a need for further research exploring outcomes of CST interventions within the contextof everyday function in individuals experiencing cognitive decline. Copyright 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Received 16 May 2010; Revised 26 September 2010; Accepted 22 November 2010
cognitive stimulation therapy (CST); dementia; systematic literature review; geriatric occupational therapy
Natasha Yuill, Bethany Care Centre, 1001 17 St NW, Calgary, AB T2N 2E5, Canada. †Email:
Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/oti.315
the year 2040, this is predicted to increase to analarming 81 million (ADI, 2005). Prevalence rates tend
to vary across regions and are dependent upon
It has been well established that the proportion of
diagnostic criteria utilized. In North America, for
individuals 65 years or older is increasing in most
example, the prevalence of dementia in individuals
industrialized countries. As populations age, it is
65 years or older ranges from 6 to 10%, a rate that
expected that the global burden of dementia will
doubles when milder cases are considered (Mathers &
continue to escalate. Worldwide, there are over
Leonardi, 2000). The cost of caring for this population
24 million individuals who have dementia, and by
is expected to reach $604bn (US) in 2010 worldwide;
Occup. Ther. Int. (2011) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
70% of this cost occurs in North America and Western
it shares strong conceptual connections to other
commonly used occupational therapy models. This
The International Classification of Diseases, 10th
includes the Canadian Model of Occupational Perfor-
revision (ICD‐10) describes dementia as a syndrome
mance, the Model of Human Occupation and the
typically characterized by chronic, often progressive
Occupational Performance Model (Australian) (Stamm
disturbances in higher cognitive functions including
et al., 2006). The comprehensive nature of the ICF is
memory, thought processing, orientation, comprehen-
valuable in guiding rehabilitation interventions for
sion, calculation, learning capacity, language and
individuals with dementia as it acknowledges relevant
judgment (WHO, 2009). The most common types of
factors that influence everyday function for this
dementia are Alzheimer's disease (AD) and vascular
dementia (VaD) (Alzheimer's Society, 2009). Accordingto the ICD‐10, AD is a neurodegenerative cerebral
International Classification of Function,
disease with unknown aetiology consisting of distinc-
tive neuropathological and neurochemical qualities(WHO, 2009). It is primarily characterized by the
accumulation of neurofibrilary tangles and amaloid
Cognitive symptoms associated with dementia are
plaques that damage neurons, altering brain function
related to structural brain changes (ICF code s110;
(Alzheimer's Society, 2009). The ICD‐10 defines VaD
subcategories s1100–s1109) resulting from neuropa-
as a progressive vascular disease resulting in small
thology. Structural changes include cerebral atrophy,
infarctions that have cumulative effects on brain
ventricular enlargement and reduced brain weight
function (WHO, 2009). The distinction between AD
(Patterson & Clarfield, 2003). These changes may
and VaD is not always clear. Most authorities consider
have widespread effects upon functional status;
the second most common aetiology of dementia to be a
however, the most prominent impact is on cognition
co‐existence of these two disorders known as mixed
and behaviour. Directly affected health domains
dementia, as pure VaD is uncommon (Patterson &
include global (b110–b139) and specific mental
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors aim to improve the
Functional changes include language disturbances,
cognitive symptoms of AD and mixed dementia;
difficulty carrying out motor activities, failure to
however, the efficacy of these treatments remains
recognize objects and disruptions in executive func-
limited. Recent systematic reviews on the use of
tioning (APA, 2000). The early stages of dementia
acetylcholinesterase inhibitors have indicated that
include difficulty learning, decreased ability to form
clinical trials tend to report small effects sizes; there is
new memories and significantly impaired episodic
a lack of demonstrated clinical importance of such
memory (personally relevant events), whereas other
drugs, and evidence that they improve quality of life
types of memory such as semantic memory (factual
remains inconclusive (Qaseem et al., 2008; Rodda &
knowledge) and procedural memory (performing
Walker, 2009). The clinical value of pursuing non‐
routines or previously acquired skills) may remain
pharmacological options as a first line approach is
relatively intact or mildly affected (Clare & Woods,
becoming increasingly recognized (Douglas et al., 2004).
2003). Psychomotor or behavioural functional
Occupational therapists play a critical role in the
changes (b147) are common in the moderate stages
development and implementation of such strategies.
of dementia. Such changes include wandering,agitation, resisting caregiver support, decreased emo-
tional or behavioural control, disorientation, confu-sion and communication difficulties (Novak &
The International Classification of Function, Disability
and Health (ICF) is a comprehensive framework usefulfor assessing functional status, setting goals, developing
interventions, monitoring change over time andmeasuring outcomes (WHO, 2001, 2009). The ICF is
This ICF component considers relevant task perfor-
appropriate to be utilized by occupational therapists as
mance abilities, life experiences and capacity to engage
Occup. Ther. Int. (2011) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
in life situations (WHO, 2001). Symptoms of dementia
demographic information, personal attributes, life
lead to significant disruptions in social and occupa-
experiences, personality or other health conditions.
tional participation (APA, 2000). The impact of
For individuals with mild to moderate dementia,
cognitive changes often remains unique to each
memory and cognitive difficulties often result in
individual, and a wide range of domains may be
personal factors such as anxiety, depression, decreased
affected (d110–d999). This includes, yet is not limited
self‐confidence or motivation and withdrawal from
to, learning and applying knowledge, general tasks and
activities (Clare & Woods, 2003).
demands, communication, mobility, self‐care, domes-tic life, interpersonal relationships, leisure activities
As the degree of functional impairment ranges from
The charter of principles outlined by Alzheimer's
mild to severe, activity and participation levels change over
Disease International is consistent with the inherent
time. In the mild to moderate stages, functional changes
values important to occupational therapy as it strongly
influence activity engagement; however, individuals still
encourages the implementation of a humanistic client‐
have some ability to learn new information or skills given
centred approach (ADI, 2005). Occupational therapists
the appropriate environmental conditions, support and
play an important role in addressing the unique needs
patience (Clare & Woods, 2003). The severe stage consists
of individuals with mild to moderate dementia.
of profound physical symptoms such as incontinence,
Through the strategic implementation of comprehen-
significantly limited mobility, extremely impaired com-
sive functionally based assessments and consideration
munication and dependence on others for all activities of
of ICF components, occupational therapists are able to
skilfully develop a holistic understanding of the impactthat cognitive changes have on the daily lives of theseindividuals. Common therapeutic goals include main-
tenance or remediation of cognitive function, com-
This component includes environmental and per-
pensation for deficits, reduction of behavioural
sonal factors. Although all environmental domains
symptoms and facilitation of supportive social and
outlined by the ICF are relevant to individuals with
care giving relationships. Therapists continually mod-
dementia, the one most commonly affected is support
ify intervention strategies according to the increasing
and relationships (e310–e399). Functional issues
experienced by this population may directly affect
As there is no cure for mild to moderate dementia,
relationships with informal (e310–e325) and profes-
the effectiveness of treatment is not measured by
sional care providers (e340, e355–e399). The degree of
complete functional recovery. Chapman et al. (2004)
caregiver burden, the amount of difficulty or stress
appropriately defined a positive response to treatment
experienced daily by caregivers, may place additional
for this population as either increased level of
strain on relationships between caregivers and care
functional performance, maintained ability over a
recipients (LoboPrabhu et al., 2006). Risk of caregiver
period where decline is commonly expected or reduced
distress increases when care recipients experience
rate of decline over time. Such positive functional
escalating behavioural symptoms, withdraw from
outcomes have the potential to maintain identity,
social interactions or begin to demonstrate a pattern
promote feelings of usefulness or enjoyment and
of reduced participation in activities previously con-
minimize anxiety that may result from progressively
sidered meaningful (Egan et al., 2006; Novak &
decreasing capacity in the face of environmental
Campbell, 2006). Strained relationships may lead to
demands (Egan et al., 2006). A randomized control
further exacerbation of such symptoms, causing
trial (RCT) found community occupational therapy
additional stress for both caregivers and recipients.
sessions that included cognitive and behavioural
Personal factors consist of background details
interventions for individuals with mild to moderate
pertaining to the life of an individual that are not
dementia to be associated with improved functioning
classified in the ICF because of the high degree of social
in daily activities, reduced caregiver burden and a
and cultural variances that exist between individuals
higher effects size in comparison with drug trials or
(WHO, 2001). Examples of these details include
other psychosocial interventions (Graff et al., 2006).
Occup. Ther. Int. (2011) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
evidence that it is beneficial (Clare & Woods, 2003).
Given the concerns regarding the potential forcognitive interventions to be insensitive experiences
Research has demonstrated that maintaining a consis-
for individuals with dementia, efforts to develop
tent pattern of frequent participation in cognitively
person‐centred cognitive stimulation approaches have
stimulating activities is associated with reduced risk of
developing dementia (Wilson et al., 2002). Regular
Although several different cognitive stimulation
participation in such activities may play a role in
therapy (CST) programmes have been described in
preserving the capacity of the brain to endure and
the literature, they all strive toward optimizing
compensate for neurodegeneration. Such a mechanism
cognitive function within a socially oriented context
or “cognitive reserve” was described by Stern (2002) as
through an integrative and inclusive approach. Central
the degree to which an individual is able to efficiently
to this is the acknowledgement that global and specific
recruit alternative brain networks in order to optimize
cognitive functions are interrelated with other impor-
cognitive function following brain damage or pathol-
tant functional aspects such as participation in daily
ogy. Valenzuela and Sachdev (2005) found that higher
activities, interpersonal relationships and overall qual-
cognitive reserves were associated with complex
ity of life. Designed to be enjoyable for participants,
patterns of mental activity sustained throughout the
CST focuses on fostering individual strengths through
life cycle and that increased mental activity in late life
structured functionally oriented activities that may be
was associated with lower rates of dementia.
adapted according to individual or group needs. It
There is also considerable neurobiological evidence
typically includes themed sessions that incorporate
demonstrating the adaptability of the central nervous
therapeutic techniques such as reality orientation or
system, indicating structural re‐organization (neuro-
reminiscence. Reality orientation is intended to
plasticity), and certain degrees of functional recovery
facilitate memory through the use of aids that serve
are possible following damage or pathology. Kleim and
as factual reminders about the self or the environment
Jones (2008) described principles fundamental to
(Douglas et al., 2004). Reminiscence therapy involves
experience‐dependent neuroplasticity and their impli-
discussion of past activities, events or experiences often
cations for rehabilitation following brain damage.
through the use of concrete prompts (Spector et al.,
These principles are applicable to individuals with
dementia, as research on animals with a pathology
Cognitive stimulation therapy is relevant to occu-
comparable with AD has demonstrated that stimulat-
pational therapy as it is based upon fundamentals that
ing environments with increased opportunities for
are important to the profession including client
learning enhances cellular plasticity (Herring et al.,
centredness, activity analysis, grading activities and
2009) reduces neuropathological hallmarks delaying
meaningful occupational participation (Salmon, 2006).
memory deficits (Berardi et al., 2007) and counteracts
Although CST may be administered by anyone with
neurovascular dysfunction (Herring et al., 2008).
previous training and experience supporting theunique needs of individuals with mild to moderate
Cognitive stimulation therapy for mild to
dementia, occupational therapists are particularly well
suited for this role because of their unique functionally
As research suggests that rehabilitation of cognitive
oriented knowledge base and skill set. Cognitive
function is biologically possible, cognitive stimulation
stimulation approaches have the potential to assist in
approaches may have therapeutic benefits for indivi-
striving towards therapeutic goals such as minimizing
duals with mild to moderate dementia by facilitating
psychomotor behaviours, enhancing social relation-
the delay of progressive cognitive impairments (Breuil
ships or reducing caregiver distress. CST programme
et al., 1994; Spector et al., 2001). Such approaches
leaders must be able to effectively manage individual
must not be confused with cognitive training, which
and group dynamics, remain flexible and person
typically involves guided practice on standardized tasks
centred, provide motivation and encouragement, adapt
such as recall of items on word lists; this strategy is
session content and interaction style, as well as
somewhat controversial as it fails to consider cognition
maintain a continued sensitivity to individual and
within a real‐life context and as there is no significant
group needs (Spector et al., 2008). Occupational
Occup. Ther. Int. (2011) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
therapists are well equipped to meet these demands. It
analysed using the McMaster Guidelines for the critical
is therefore important to examine the effectiveness of
review of quantitative research studies developed
CST programmes and their congruence with occupa-
by the McMaster University Occupational Therapy
Evidence‐based Practice Research Group (Law et al.,1998). This comprehensive tool designed by a team of
occupational therapists focuses specifically on thecritical review of evidence concerned with the
effectiveness of occupational therapy interventions
A resource librarian assisted with the selection of
and development of programme evaluation tools
appropriate information sources as well as search
(Law, 2007). The McMaster Guidelines (Law et al.,
terms and combinations. An expert in the field verified
1998) were used to assist in the analysis of study
the appropriateness of the search strategy. Twenty‐four
design, methodology, results, conclusions and clinical
computerized databases (Table A1.1) and 13 grey
literature sources (Table A1.2) were searched in order
From the McMaster Guideline results, a descriptive
to access a wide scope of sources related to
analysis table was developed to provide an overview of
occupational therapy, rehabilitation, medicine, allied
each study including methodology, results, implications
health care, psychology and gerontology. Basic and
and limitations (Table A4). Each component that could
advanced searches were implemented with each
be quantified through yes or no qualifiers along with
information source by using the search terms described
additional criteria relevant to the present study were
in Table A2. Search combinations were developed by
recorded and scored (Table A5). A summary of paper
grouping terms in accordance with the main compo-
quality based on the percentage of criteria reached on this
nents of the search question: population, intervention
scale is presented in Table A6. To establish the interrater
and outcome. Wherever possible, ongoing searches
agreement of this measure, a second independent rater
with email alerts occurring at one‐week intervals were
was randomly assigned six of the papers identified.
set up to take place from August 2008 to May 2009.
Blinded to the results obtained by the first rater, the
The following journals were hand searched: Alzheimer's
second rater was provided the papers, the analysis tools
& Dementia; Dementia & Geriatric Cognitive Disorders;
and the general scoring guidelines. Interrater reliability
Aging Neuropsychology & Cognition; Dementia; Geriatrics
for the quantified components of the McMaster Guide-
& Gerontology International and all relevant occupa-
lines was calculated using the interrater correlation
tional therapy journals. Citations of all pertinent papers
coefficient (ICC[1,1] = 0.57 [95% CI 0.45 to 0.68]). This
retrieved from the search were reviewed.
calculation was obtained using the statistical softwarepackage SPSS version 13.0 (Statistical package for the
social sciences inc. Chicago Illinois USA, 2004).
To analyse the quality of RCTs, a modified version
Papers published in the English language were selected
of the Jadad Quality Scale was used (Jadad et al., 1999).
from academic journals by comparing abstracts
This scale has high interrater reliability (Oremus et al.,
generated from the aforementioned search. As prelim-
2001) and has been used in systematic reviews of drug
inary searches yielded no relevant results prior to 1990,
trials for AD (Qaseem et al., 2008). A score of 3 or
the search was limited to papers published between the
greater on the Jadad Quality Scale represents a good
years 1990 and 2009. In order to gain a comprehensive
quality RCT (Jadad et al., 1999). The updated Oxford
understanding of the nature and quality of CST, a wide
Centre for Evidence‐based Medicine (OCEBM) Levels
range of study designs were considered for inclusion.
of Evidence Scale for therapeutic treatments described
Table A3 outlines the specific inclusion criteria utilized
by Howick (2009) was also implemented. This scale
to identify relevant studies for the present review.
rates the level of evidence of each individual study andprovides an overall evidence grade ranging from A
(high quality) to D (low quality) (Howick, 2009).
Relevant papers were identified by analysing abstracts
To determine the congruence of CST with occupa-
yielded in the search. Papers that met the inclusion
tional therapy, common themes were extracted from
criteria (Table A3) were all quantitative and were
study results and organized according to ICF domain
Occup. Ther. Int. (2011) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
(Table A7). Prominent CST programme values de-
scribed in each study were identified and matched to
Table A5 reports data extracted from the McMaster
corresponding professional values central to the
Guidelines, modified Jadad Quality Scale and OCEBM
Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists as
Levels of Evidence Scale. Nine studies analysed met
described in Townsend and Polatajko (2007).
over 70% of the quantified McMaster Guidelinescriteria with two studies reaching over 90%. As
summarized in Table A6, the majority of studiesreached the good to high quality range, and three
studies were found to be of fair quality. All analysed
The search yielded a total of 507 abstracts, 23 of which
studies scored highly in the reporting of appropriate
were relevant to the present review. Of the 23 studies
results, conclusions and clinical implications. Methods
identified, 12 met the inclusion criteria (Table A3).
to avoid cognitively stimulating co‐interventions were
Seven of the selected studies were RCTs, three were
not reported; however, this is difficult to completely
quasi‐experimental cohort designs, one was a retro-
control for in a clinical setting, and there is no reason
spective cohort design and one was a retrospective
to suspect this would be more likely to occur in one
outcome study. The majority of eliminated papers
group over another. Procedures to avoid contamina-
described multimodal interventions that included a
tion of the control group were also not reported. This
range of additional components such as training
was not considered to be a significant issue as
activities of daily living or participation in general
outcomes did not favour the control group. Results
recreational activities. Other primary reasons for paper
of studies that utilized the Mini‐Mental State Examina-
exclusion included intervention approaches not com-
tion (Folstein et al., 1975) as a sole outcome measure
parable with CST or lack of focus on cognitive
must be interpreted with caution as outcomes may have
outcomes. One additional paper, a pilot study by
been within the standard error of the assessment
Quayhagen and Quayhagen (1989), was found in the
citation search and did not meet the date of
Overall, the seven RCTs analysed approached good
publication criteria for the present review. This paper
quality on this scale with a total of four studies scoring
was therefore not reviewed extensively; however, it was
3, for an average score of 2.43. Studies primarily lost
taken into account for the review of subsequent
points for an inadequate description of randomization
research completed by Quayhagen et al. (1995) and
procedures and lack of double blinding. On the
Quayhagen and Quayhagen (2000, 2001).
OCEBM Levels of Evidence Scale, one study scored1a, nine studies achieved a score of 2b, one scored 2c
and one scored 4. As a result, an overall grade of B wasawarded representing good quality evidence.
Table A4 provides a detailed summary of the resultsobtained using the McMaster Guidelines. Among the
studies analysed, there was moderate variabilitybetween study design, sample, intervention duration,
Table A7 illustrates research findings from each CST
outcome measures utilized and results. A common
programme according to their respective ICF domain
trend among the results was that CST interventions
and provides an overview of the prominent Canadian
were found to have the potential to enhance cognitive
Association of Occupational Therapists values central
function or at least slow the rate of decline. Although
to each programme. The CST interventions described
changes on cognitive outcome measures were relatively
in each study corresponded with a wide range of values
small, the results were considered to be clinically
important to occupational therapy. Prominent themes
meaningful because of the progressive nature of
included respectfulness of individuality, recognition of
dementia. Common limitations of the studies analysed
capacity for self‐determination, encouragement of
in the present review included small unjustified sample
participation in meaningful activities and optimization
sizes, lack of placebo controls, unequal amounts of
of overall well‐being. Furthermore, CST programmes
attention across groups and limited descriptions of
consisted of therapeutic goals and outcomes relevant to
occupational therapy. Half of the analysed studies
Occup. Ther. Int. (2011) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
reported positive functional outcomes including en-
(Spector et al. 2003). The authors indicated that these
hanced emotional regulation and interpersonal rela-
results should be interpreted cautiously because of the
tionships. The studies that examined environmental
inherent differences between pharmacological and
factors such as caregiver outcomes suggested that CST
non‐pharmacological approaches. Woods et al. (2006)
programmes have the potential to reduce symptoms of
found that CST participation was associated with
enhanced quality of life in functionally relevant areasincluding improved relationships with significant
others, energy levels and ability to perform chores. Chapman et al. (2004) reported that CST improved
components of communication while reducing symp-
There is a growing foundation of research supporting
toms of dementia such as apathy and irritability. The
the use of CST interventions for optimizing cognitive
authors of this study also found reduced caregiver
function in individuals with mild to moderate
distress following the intervention.
dementia. Clinical trials exploring the effectiveness ofCST have demonstrated a trend towards improvement
in cognition or delayed decline relative to those whoare not receiving the intervention. The results of the
Cognitive stimulation therapy provides a useful
present review have demonstrated this evidence to be
foundation for occupational therapists to build mul-
of respectable quality. CST is appropriate for use by
tidimensional programmes for individuals with mild to
occupational therapists as it is a person‐centred
moderate dementia. In the UK, the National Institute
approach, consistent with values central to the
for Clinical Excellence recommends that opportunities
profession, which aims to preserve cognitive function
to participate in cognitively stimulating programmes
in order to enable optimal levels of engagement in
should be provided to individuals with mild to
moderate dementia of all types, including thosereceiving drug treatments for cognitive symptoms(NICE, 2006). Engaging individuals in such pro-
grammes has the potential to play an integral role in
Cognitive changes following CST are relatively modest;
striving towards the achievement of therapeutic goals
however, the observed trend towards improvement or
for this population. The integrative and inclusive nature
maintenance of cognitive function must not be
CST also provides therapists with relevant information
ignored. Results of studies that utilized the Mini‐
that may complement functionally based assessments or
Mental State Examination (Folstein et al., 1975) as a
development of person‐centred care plans.
sole outcome measure must be interpreted with
Cognitive stimulation therapy is appropriate for
caution, however, as outcomes may have been within
implementation in both community‐based and insti-
the standard error of the assessment utilized. The
tutional settings. Therapy assistants may also be trained
majority of studies analysed in the present review
to lead CST programmes. It is important to note that
utilized more than one cognitive outcome measure.
programme effectiveness may depend upon therapeu-
Overall, the results of research on CST interventions
tic approach and administrator experience level.
are clinically meaningful and functionally relevant.
Although some CST interventions described in the
A large multicenter RCT conducted by Spector
literature may be difficult to reproduce clinically
et al. (2003) identified that CST might have outcomes
because of limited intervention descriptions, there are
comparable with pharmacological treatments. These
positive components of each that may be drawn upon.
findings were based on the results of numbers needed
This includes creating a climate of acceptance and
to treat analysis, which involves calculating the
appreciation (Koh et al., 1994), adopting a reactivation
number of individuals needed to be treated to achieve
approach (Bach et al., 1995), providing caregivers with
one favourable outcome. The results of this study
goal‐oriented home programmes (Quayhagen et al.,
were noteworthy as the duration of the CST trial
1995; Quayhagen & Quayhagen, 2000, 2001) and
occurred over 7 weeks, a relatively short time frame
implementing ongoing sessions to maintain function
compared with drug trials lasting up to 30 weeks
over time (Orrell et al., 2005). When adapting and
Occup. Ther. Int. (2011) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
implementing CST programmes, the principles of
supporting the use of CST interventions is of
neuroplasticity described by Kleim and Jones (2008)
provide a useful frame of reference for therapists asresearch by Quayhagen and Quayhagen (2001) indi-
cated that cognitive changes observed appear to be
related to the specific programme focus.
When interpreting the findings of the present review, it
One of the most rigorously researched CST
is important to consider the following strengths and
programmes was developed in the UK by Spector
limitations. The search strategy was extensive, covering
et al. (2001, 2003). It has been extensively described in
a wide range of databases and grey literature sources. It
a programme manual for group leaders (Spector et al.,
was approved by a resource librarian and an expert in
2006). This structured programme includes 14 themed
the field. A broad range of research designs was
sessions implemented over 7 weeks. Session themes
considered appropriate to achieve a comprehensive
include physical games, sounds, childhood memories,
understanding of the scope and quality of existing
food, current affairs, faces and scenes, word associa-
evidence corresponding to the proposed research
tion, creativity, object categorization, orientation,
question. The inclusion of heterogeneous study designs
presented challenges to data analysis; however, multi-
(Spector et al., 2006). This CST programme is clinically
ple analysis tools were utilized in order to minimize
reproducible and is supported by relatively high‐
bias. The quantitative and qualitative properties of
quality evidence. It has been found to be cost effective
selected measures were useful in the extrapolation of
(Knapp et al., 2006), and a North American version is
clinically relevant information from each paper.
also available (Spector et al., 2005).
The exclusion of papers prior to the year 1990 may
have limited the search results, omitting relevant
studies such as the work by Quayhagen and Quayhagen,
The specific neurobiological mechanisms responsi-
(1989) that was obtained after the database searches
ble for the positive outcomes following CST are
were completed. The psychometric properties of the
currently not well understood. One plausible expla-
McMaster Guidelines have not yet been established. As
nation might be that cognitive stimulation mediates
there was no standardized procedure for obtaining and
neurodegeneration and facilitates neuroplasticity. A
scoring quantitative data from the McMaster Guide-
recent study on individuals with mild to moderate
lines, general scoring guidelines were developed for the
dementia found that reminiscence therapy improves
purposes of the present review. Because of time
blood flow in the brain, particularly the frontal lobe
constraints, only six of the 12 studies were reviewed by
(Tanaka et al., 2007). A similar effect may be observed
a second rater. This small sample size might account for
following person‐centred, integrative cognitive stimula-
the moderate level of agreement observed between
raters. The Jadad Quality Scale is a validated measure;however, it does not award points for single blinding
procedures. This is an important consideration asdouble blinding is not always possible in clinical
Despite the previously reported methodological limita-
settings. An additional limitation is that change on
tions to the analysed studies, overall, the evidence was
cognitive measures may be considered a surrogate
found to be of respectable quality. This remained
outcome with limited clinical importance. This was a
consistent on three different measures assessing
primary reason for the inclusion of a wide range of study
quality. The results obtained using the McMaster
designs as it permitted the extraction of information
Guidelines were favourable, particularly in the appro-
illustrating the impact of cognitive changes in multiple
priate reporting of results and conclusions. On average,
RCTs approached an adequate score on the JadadQuality Scale. Further support was achieved on the
OCEBM Levels of Evidence Scale. As the overallevidence grade awarded was B, with only one study
The results of the present review have highlighted
scoring below level 2c, it is clear that existing evidence
future directions for research on CST interventions
Occup. Ther. Int. (2011) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
including the need to examine the outcomes of CST
• The use of CST is supported by quality evidence
within the context of everyday functioning and
that has demonstrated a clinically meaningful
components central to the ICF. This includes initiatives
degree of effectiveness in maintaining cognitive
focusing on determining the effectiveness of CST in
reducing caregiver burden or identifying changes in
• CST is appropriate to be implemented by occupa-
activity participation following the intervention. There
tional therapists as the approach encompasses values
is a need for future studies to establish a clearer
and goals central to the profession.
distinction between the efficacy of CST in comparisonwith standard recreational activities or other cognitive
approaches. Furthermore, there is currently a lack of
The opportunity to engage in this research project
awareness regarding the optimum duration, intensity
was made possible by the Department of Occupa-
and frequency of CST required in order to achieve
tional Therapy and Faculty of Rehabilitation Med-
icine at the University of Alberta. I would like to
The results of the present review warrant more high‐
extend my thanks to all who contributed to the
quality RCTs that include sample sizes comparable
completion of this literature review, particularly
with those used in drug trials and a placebo control
Dr Vivien Hollis for her inspirational advice and
group where participants receive the same amount of
attention as the treatment group. There is an evengreater need for high‐quality qualitative researchexamining the ethnographic or external validity ofCST as the search strategy for the present review
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• Medical diagnosis of dementia (AD, VaD or mixed type) according
• May or may not have been receiving pharmacological treatments
• CST programmes or comparable approaches with respect to
theoretical basis, guiding principles, methodology, selected tasks,
• Integrative approach that recognizes the interrelated nature of
cognitive functions within a social context (focuses on more than
• Structured programme for groups or individuals• May or may not have included the involvement of family caregivers• May have occurred at various sites including community‐based
programmes, adult day support and outpatient or inpatient facilities
1. Canadian Institute for Health Information
− multimodal approaches including additional interventions to CST
− cognitive training interventions (including spaced‐retrieval,
computer‐based interventions or other interventions centred
• Improved or maintained cognitive function (in comparison with
7. Intute: Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health
baseline) over a period where decline is commonly expected
• Secondary outcomes associated with cognitive changes related to
9. CAOT (Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists)
other relevant components/domains of the ICF
10. BJOT (British Journal of Occupational Therapy)11. WFOT (World Federation of Occupational Therapists)
AD, Alzheimer's disease; CST, cognitive stimulation therapy; ICF,
International Classification of Function, Disability and Health; VaD,
1. Older adulta2. Elderly3. Seniora4. Dementiaa5. Alzheimer's6. Cognitive function7. Cognitive processa8. Cognition9. Cognitive stimulation10. Cognitive therapya11. Cognitive stimulation therapya12. CST13. Rehabilitation14. Therapya15. Occupational therapy16. Psychology17. Validity18. Reliability
Occup. Ther. Int. (2011) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Occup. Ther. Int. (2011) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Occup. Ther. Int. (2011) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Occup. Ther. Int. (2011) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Occup. Ther. Int. (2011) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Occup. Ther. Int. (2011) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Occup. Ther. Int. (2011) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Occup. Ther. Int. (2011) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Occup. Ther. Int. (2011) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Bach Breuil Chapman Koh Matsuda Orrell Spector Spector Woods Quayhagen Quayhagen
Occup. Ther. Int. (2011) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Bach Breuil Chapman Koh Matsuda Orrell Spector Spector Woods Quayhagen Quayhagen
Scoring procedures: yes = +1; no or not addressed = 0.
The Jadad Quality Scale scores were based on a rating between 0 and 5; adequate score was ≤3 (Jadad et al., 1999). aIndicates studies examining combined effects of donepezil and cognitive stimulation therapy.
Table A6. McMaster criteria results summary
Quality ratings in this summary are based upon percentage of criteria reach on the quantified data obtained from the McMaster Guidelines for
review of quantitative studies (Law et al., 1988).
Occup. Ther. Int. (2011) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Occup. Ther. Int. (2011) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Occup. Ther. Int. (2011) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Protocolos Dispensación activa Farmacéutica de Carbayín Alto (Asturias). REAP de quinolonas por vía oral En los últimos años, se observa una tendencia creciente dosis. Se han utilizado dosis más elevadas de 1.500 mg/día. en la demanda de quinolonas, tanto de antiguas moléculas como de nueva generación. Dentro del grupo de antibióti- • Información para la correcta a