File: jfch-p/jfci-p

Alcohol Use/Student Drug Abuse
Possession, use, transmitting, and/or being under the influence of any unprescribed chemical (for example: narcotics, alcoholic beverages, and/or stimulant drugs) at school or school related activities, may result in ten (10) day suspension and/or a recommendation for expulsion. Each of these situations warrants a different approach. Sale/Distribution A student shall not sell, solicit, offer to sell, transmit, or distribute any hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, caffeine tablets, alcoholic beverage, or other prescribed chemical of any kind, at any time while school is in session; at school-sponsored activities; on school premises; off school premises at any interscholastic competition, extracurricular activity, or any other school program or activity that is not located in a school or on property that is owned or controlled by the Board of Education; in any vehicle whose use is controlled or organized or arranged by the school; when the student is within the school district's off-premises institutional authority; or at any time when the student is subject to the authority of the Board of Education or school personnel. A student shall not have in his/her possession a quantity of unprescribed chemicals (hallucinogenic drugs, amphetamines, barbiturates, marijuana, caffeine tablets, alcoholic beverages, etc.) that can be construed as being possessed for sale by that student. When a student is found to have or is observed transmitting any unprescribed material, or has a "large' quantity in his/her possession, the following will occur: 1. The student may be suspended from school and recommended for expulsion. 2. The action will be reported to the police. 3. Alternatives, if any, must come from the expulsion hearing under normal expulsion Use/Possession/Under the Influence A student shall not possess, conceal, consume, show evidence of having consumed or used illegal drugs, unprescribed drugs, look-alike drugs or any mind-altering substance while school is in session; at school-sponsored activities; on school premises; off school premises at any interscholastic competition, extracurricular activity, or any other school program or activity that is not located in a school or on property that is owned or controlled by the Board of Education; in any vehicle whose use is controlled or organized or arranged by the school; when the student is within the school district's off-premises institutional authority; or at any time when the student is subject to the authority of the Board of Education or school personnel. Included in this prohibition are any substances represented as a controlled substance, nonalcoholic beers, steroids, and drug paraphernalia, including rolling papers. Students found in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action as described within the student code of conduct up to and including expulsion and referral for prosecution. Violation of the above will result in the following: 1. The student may be suspended from school and recommended for expulsion. 2. The action will be reported to the police. 3. A second offense of use, or possession of any unprescribed chemical will result in immediate suspension with a recommendation for expulsion and referral for prosecution. An alternative, for example, an assessment must come as a result of the expulsion hearing. Student Assistance Team The purpose of the Student Assistance Team is to gather observable behaviors that at-risk students are exhibiting and to suggest options which may best assist this student in his or her success in school. Students are referred to the Student Assistance Team by staff in the building who are concerned about behaviors that are being exhibited by the student. These behaviors and concerns vary from student to student. When a student is referred to the Student Assistance Team, each of their teachers is asked to complete a student observation form and return it to an assigned team member. That team member then organizes the data and presents the information to the team. After a student is discussed, feedback is given to all staff on how they might better address the needs of the student. Parents of the students referred are contacted, as needed, by the counselor or coordinator. [Adopted: 7/31/97] Revised: 11/08/99 Revised: 04/14/03 Cross References: JECE/JECE-P, Student Withdraw from School


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