
Personnel Information
Name: Dr. Vishal B. Badgujar
Qualification: M. Pharm.PhD
Designation: Principal
Specialization: Pharmacognosy
Mobile: +91-9422286864
Experience: Principal- 3 months
Assistant professor – 7 year 11 month
Research – Research fellow5 year 2 month
Working as Principal at KYDSCT’s College of Pharmacy, Sakegaon, Bhusawal Worked as Assistant professor at R. C. Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical
Education and Research, Shirpur (MS) 1st Dec. 2002 – 31st October 2010 –( Worked as Research Fellow at R. C. Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical Education
and Research, Shirpur (M.S.) – 15 Dec. 2006 to Jan 2012 Research interest: Mainly in development of analytical methods, fingerprinting and
quantification of significant components, investigation of different pharmacological Scholarly activities/Industry experience:
Four weeks training in Capsule, Tablet and Liquid Oral sections at Mann H.P.T.L.C. Training: Training course on HPTLC at Anchrome Research Lab., Publications:
Journal of Science and Pharmacy, Jan-Mar, 2004. “Analgesic activity of stem bark of Helicteresisora Linn.” “HPTLC method for determination of Carvedilol from tablet formulation” “Validated HPTLC method for estimation of Desloratadine from tablet formulation” Journal of Science and Pharmacy, Jul. – Sept. 2005 “Analgesic activity of stem bark of Kigeliapinnata Linn.” Journal of Science and Pharmacy, Jan. – Mar. 2006 “CNS depressant activity of stem bark of Kigeliapinnata Linn.” Indian Journal of Natural Products, 22 (2) , 2006 “Antimicrobial activity of stem bark of Helicteresisora” Indian Journal of Natural Products, 22 (3), 2006 “Antimicrobial activity of stem bark of Kigeliapinnata” Journal of Pharmacy Research, 2009, 2(8), 1311-1312. Spectrophotometric determination of Ambroxol hydrochloride from bulk and Journal of Pharmacy Research, 2009, 2 (9), 1370-1372 Quantitative determination of β – sitosterol from stem bark of Helicteresisoralinn. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research ,Vol.2 Issue 4, October- Anti-inflammatory activity of Helicteresisoralinn. stem bark extracts in rats. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research ,Vol.2 Issue 4, October- Quantitative determination of β – sitosterol from stem bark of Kigeliapinnata International Journal of Pharma Tech Research,Vol.1, No.4, pp 1376-1377, Oct-Dec A Phytochemical analysis of Medicinal Plant: Helicteresisora. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology (RJPT), (In communication) Investigation of in vitro anthelmintic activity of Miliusatomentosaleaves extract. Der Pharmacia Lettre, 2009, 1 (2) 172-181. Investigation of anxiolytic effects of Mitragynaparvifolia stem-bark extracts on animal Antifungal activity of stem bark of Helicteresisora Linn. Veterinary world, Vol.3(7): 326-328July 2010) In vitro investigation of anthelmintic activity of Mitragynaparvifolia (Roxb.)Korth. RevistaBrasileira de Farmacognosia, (20(5):773-780, Nov. 2010) Anxiolytic effects of Dolichandronefalcata stem-bark in elevated plus maze and marble burying test on mice, (International peer reviewed, Impact factor 1.68). Medical Principles and Practice, (In communication), Anti-inflammatory and Antinociceptive Effects of Dolichandronefalcata Fruit Extracts in Animal Models, (International peer reviewed, Impact factor 0.54). Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, (volume 7, issue 1, Article 23, Anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities of methanol extract and alkaloid rich fraction of Mitragynaparvifolia stem-bark in animal models, (International Peer Iranian Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. (Volume 10, no. 1, 7-10 January 2011). Comparative investigation on antimicrobial property of Miliusatomentosa leaf oil and leaf extract. (International Peer reviewed journal). Presentations:
54th IPC, Pune 2002
1. “Quantitative estimation of  - carotene and  – sitosterol in leaves of Helicteres isora (Sterculiaceae) by HPTLC.” (Author) 55th IPC, Chennai 2003
1. “Phytochemical and Pharmacological investigation of stem bark of Helicteresisora Linn.” 8th APTI, Hubli 2003
1. “Marketing training for budding Pharmacist: Is it a current need” (Author) 2. “Screening of problem: Is it the way for successful Pharma Marketing?” (Co-author) World Herbo Expo, Bhopal 2004
1. “Phytochemical and pharmacological investigation on stem bark of Kigeliapinnata” 2. “Herbal Approach to the cancer treatment” (Author) 3. “Ethno pharmacological study of Toranmal forest: Traditional knowledge compared with modern biological science“(Co-author) International APTI Convention, Visakhapatnam, 2004
1. “Lycopene: for healthy human being” 2. “Crude drug information centre at Pharmacy colleges: A need?” 3. “Spectrophotometric determination of Carvedilol from its bulk and formulations” 4. “HPTLC method for estimation of Carvedilol from tablet formulation” 56th IPC, Kolkatta, 2004
1. “A Phytochemical Analysis of medicinal plant Kigeliapinnata Linn.” International Herbal Conference, Banglore, India, 2009
1. Galactogogues herbs: A nature’s tool for mother’s breastfeeding. Conferences/seminars/workshops:
1. Two week program “Development of basic teaching competencies amongst the
pharmaceutical teachers in India” conducted by TTTI Bhopal, Pune,17 - 28th Jan
2. One day workshop on “Emerging trends in Phytochemistry& Biotechnology” at
Allana college of Pharmacy, Pune, 29thJan 2005. 3. One day workshop on “ Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Analysis” at
R.C.PatelCollege of Pharmacy, Shirpur on 24th September 2005. 4. Two day workshop on “Screening Technique in Experimental Pharmacology” at R.C.PatelCollege of Pharmacy, Shirpur on 1st – 2nd October 2005. 5. Three day workshop “FEEL Teacher” at R.C.Patel Institute of Technology, on 10-12 6. Two days national seminar on “Recent trends in Phytomedicine and
Neutraceuticals” at R.C.PatelCollege of Pharmacy, Shirpur on 5th – 6th November
7. Two days National seminar on “Current challenges and Novel approaches in
Pharmacological research” At H. R. Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical Education
and Research, Shirpur on 23-24th October, 2010. Professional affiliations:
 Life Member, Association of Pharmacy Teachers of India , Bangalore (APTI)  Life member, State pharmacy council, Maharashtra (As a Pharmacist)

Source: http://bpharmacysakegaon.org/faculty/biodatas/V-B-Badgujar.pdf

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UPMC Health Plan University of Pittsburgh 2010 PRESCRIPTION DRUG RIDER For Faculty & Staff Enrolled in Any University-sponsored Medical Plan Effective: July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS PRESCRIPTION DRUG SUPPLY OVERVIEW………………………………………2 RETAIL PRESCRIPTION DRUGS/30-DAY SUPPLY INFORMATION…………….3 MAIL-ORDER PRESCRIPTION D


FUNDACION PRIVADA G3T INFORME MENSUAL, SEPTIEMBRE 2004. Hoy, que estamos a pocos días del fin de la segunda fase de la transición, podemos observar en el país la división entre la clase política. Los partidos del G10 (mayoritariamente Tutsi) rehusaron ocupar sus escaños en el Consejo de Ministros, el Parlamento y el Senado debido a un desacuerdo en lo concerniente al reparto

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