Concurrent Infection of the Central Nervous System by Borrelia burgdorferi and Bartonella henselae Evidence for a Novel Tick-borne Disease Complex Eugene Eskow, MD; Raja-Vemkitesh S. Rao, PhD; Eli Mordechai, PhDObjectives: To investigate Bartonella henselae as a po-
disease were evaluated for possible coinfection with Bar-
tential human tick-borne pathogen and to evaluate its role
tonella species. Elevated levels of B henselae–specific an-
as a coinfecting agent of the central nervous system in
tibodies were found in these patients using the immu-
nofluorescent assay. Bartonella henselae–specific DNA wasdetected in their blood. None of these patients exhib-
Design: Case report study.
ited the clinical characteristics of cat-scratch disease. Find-ings of cerebrospinal fluid analysis revealed the pres-
Setting: A primary health care center in Flemington, NJ,
ence of both B henselae– and Borrelia burgdorferi–
and the Department of Research and Development at
specific DNA. Bartonella henselae –specific DNA was also
Medical Diagnostic Laboratories LLC in Mt Laurel, NJ.
detected in live deer ticks obtained from the householdsof 2 of these patients. Subjects: Two male patients (aged 14 and 36 years) and 2 female patients (aged 15 and 30 years, respectively) with Conclusions: Our data implicate B henselae as a po-
a history of tick bites and Lyme disease.
tential human tick-borne pathogen. Patients with a his-tory of neuroborreliosis who have incomplete resolu-
Main Outcome Measures: Laboratory and diagnos-
tion of symptoms should be evaluated for B henselae
tic findings before and after antimicrobial therapy. Results: Patients residing in a Lyme-endemic area of New Jersey with ongoing symptoms attributed to chronic Lyme LYMEDISEASEisatick-borne experienceinneuroborreliosistreatment.3
Infections with Bartonella species
acute arthritis in southeastern Connecti-
ported tick-borne illness in the UnitedStates. There are myriad potential neuro-
For editorial comment see page 1345
meningitis, encephalitis, demyelinatingencephalopathy, chorea, ataxia, seizures,
cranial nerve palsies, myelitis, Guillain-
als, including bacillary angiomatosis, pe-
liosis hepatitis, lymphadenitis, and asep-
scratch disease.4 Bartonella species are
vector-transmitted, blood-borne, intracel-
tom in patients with late-stage Lyme dis-
lular, gram-negative bacteria that can in-
ease. The symptoms tend to be diffuse and
duce prolonged infection in the host. Per-
nonspecific, and patients typically report
animals result in a substantial reservoir of
Mordechai), Flemington, NJ,and the Medical DiagnosticBartonella organisms in nature that can
therapy, is well known to clinicians with
2001 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. METHODS
were synthesized by Research Genetics (Huntsville, Ala) andpurified by high-performance liquid chromatography. Their
Venous blood (10 mL) was obtained by venipuncture andcollected in a yellow-top tube (ACD solution A; Becton Dick-
The PCR mixtures (50 µL) contained extracted DNA (5 µL,
inson, Franklin Lakes, NJ). Peripheral blood lymphocytes
0.2 µg/µL), P24E and P12B primers (50 nM), 10 mM tris-
were isolated by the Ficoll-Hypaque gradient centrifuga-
hydrochloride (pH, 8.3), 50 mM potassium chloride, 3 mM
tion of the blood (Sigma Chemical, St Louis, Mo) at 1600
magnesium chloride, 0.001% (wt/vol) gelatin, the nucleo-
rpm for 30 minutes, in a Centra CL2 labtop centrifuge
tides dATP, dCTP, dGTP, and dTTP (each at a concentra-
(Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, Pa). The lymphocyte ring was
tion of 200 mmol/L), and 2.5 U of Taq DNA polymerase
isolated and rinsed twice with phosphate-buffered saline,
(Perkin-Elmer, Foster City, Calif ). The PCR was carried
and cells were stained with trypan blue to determine cel-
out in 0.2-mL tubes. The thermocycler was a Perkin-
Elmer GeneAMP PCR system 2400. The PCR program ranfor 3 minutes at 94°C, followed by 40 one-minute cycles
at 94°C, 1 minute at 56°C, and 1.5 minutes at 72°C. Theprogram finished with an additional 10-minute extension
Serum samples were obtained from all 4 individuals and
step at 72°C. A 30-µL sample of the final reaction product
assayed by Western blot analysis for B burgdorferi IgG and
was run on 1% agarose gel containing 0.5 µg of ethidium
IgM using the commercially available Marblot strip test sys-
bromide per milliliter, and the gel was photographed
tem (MarDx Diagnostics, Carlsbad, Calif ). The interpre-
under UV light. For optimization of the PCR conditions
tation of B burgdorferi Western blot results satisfied the sur-
for clinical specimens, normal blood was artificially spiked
veillance case definition of B burgdorferi infection of the
with in vitro–cultivated B henselae. A controlled number
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
of B henselae (American Type Culture Collection 49882,
ATCC, Rockville, Md), ranging from 10 to 105 pathogenswas added to 5 mL of whole blood. These spiked samples
The lymphocytes were dissolved in 470 µL of tris-EDTA
were treated as described above. The PCR analysis of B burg-
buffer (10 mM tris-hydrochloride [pH, 8.0] and 1 mM
dorferi, B microti, and Ehrlichia was carried out as de-
EDTA), 25 µL of 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate, and 12 µL
of freshly prepared deoxyonuclease-free proteinase K (10mg/mL). The mixture was incubated at 55°C for 2 hours;
DNA was extracted by phenolchloroform extraction andethanol precipitation. The purified DNA was dissolved in
Aliquots (5 µL) of the newly extracted DNA were mixed
pyrogen-free, double-distilled water, and quantified using
in a 50-µL PCR reaction mixture containing 10ϫ PCR buffer
a Genesys-5 spectrophotometer (Spectronic Instruments,
(Perkin Elmer), 3 mM magnesium chloride, 200 mM dNTP,
Rochester, NY). The purified, quantitated DNA was used
2.5 µL of Taq DNA polymerase (5 U/µL), and 1 µL (8 pmol)
as a template for Bartonella henselae and B burgdorferi PCR
of 5Ј- and 3Јhistone amplifier primer set. The histone prim-
analysis. Nucleic acid was extracted for Ehrlichia PCR test-
ers are complementary to the DNA of a constitutively ex-
ing by the DNAzol method (Invitrogen; Molecular Re-
pressed human histone gene H3.3 as described.15 The am-
search Center Inc, Grand Island, NY), as described by the
plification process was subjected to 30 cycles of PCR (each
manufacturer. The DNA extraction process for B microti
cycle at 94°C for 45 seconds, 60°C for 45 seconds, and 72°C
from human blood specimens was described by Persing et
for 90 seconds) in a 2400 Perkin-Elmer DNA thermocy-
al.10 Briefly, whole blood (1 mL) was treated with TE, hy-
cler. The histone primers served as internal controls for the
potonic lysis solution (10 mM tris [pH, 7.4] and 1 mM
sample’s DNA integrity, presence of inhibitors, and inters-
EDTA) and then centrifuged (at room temperature, 16000g,
ample equivalency of total amount of DNA analyzed.
for 5 minutes). The pellet was washed 3 times with TE, tak-
ing care to remove the erythrocyte ghost layer after eachwash. To the pellet was added 200 µL of buffer K (50 mM
The extraction of DNA and PCR were performed under ster-
tris [pH, 8.3], 1.5 mM magnesium chloride, 0.45% noni-
ile conditions and in separate rooms. In addition, all posi-
det P-40, 0.45% Tween 20, and 10 µg of proteinase K
tive samples were confirmed by reextraction from the origi-
per milliliter). The pellet was dispersed by vortexing and
nal sample, followed by amplification in triplicate. Bartonella
incubated at 55°C for 1 hour, at 95°C for 10 minutes to
henselae DNA–positive status was defined as samples that
inactivate the protease and denature the genomic target
were positive initially, and in at least 1 of the replicates af-
DNA, and then cooled immediately on ice. The purified,
ter reextraction. Pyrogen-free water was used in the isola-
quantitated DNA was used as a template for B microti PCR
tion of DNA from the blood specimen. The Eppendorff mi-
crocentrifuge tubes and the PCR tubes were sterilized inan autoclave and UV irradiated. New Finn pipettes were
used solely with the filter tips for PCR. Disposable plastic
The PCR primers for the identification of B henselae,11 B burg-
trays were used to prepare PCRs in a UV-irradiated PCR
dorferi,12 B microti,10 and Ehrlichia13 have been described.
biohood. Blood and CSF samples (n = 10: 5 of CSF and 5
The sensitivity and specificity of the B burgdorferi primers are
of blood) from individuals with no evidence of tick-borne
well described.14 No statistically significant differences be-
disease were used in the PCR assays as negative controls.
tween chromosomal gene primer pairs and plasmid primer
In addition, the patients in this study were the first in our
pairs were seen in CSF and skin specimens.14 The primers
laboratory to test positive for B henselae.
2001 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Table 1. Sequences and Positions of Oligonucleotide Primers Used for Bartonella henselae Polymerase Chain Reaction Amplification Oligo Name Oligo Sequence Target Gene Equivalent Nucleotide Position
Ly-1 chromosomal Borrelia burgdorferi
*Oligo indicates oligonucleotide primer; rRNA, ribosomal RNA; and rDNA, ribosomal DNA. Arrows indicate the direction of the primer.
can range from 50% to 95% in select rodent, cat, deer,
to attend school owing to severe fatigue, headaches, and
cognitive dysfunction. He was previously an excellent
It has been speculated that ongoing symptoms in
student with rare absences from school. Computed
chronic Lyme disease may be caused by a second tick-
tomographic scans of the brain revealed no distinct
borne pathogen.6 A recent study from the Netherlands
found a surprisingly high percentage of Ixodes ricinus
Results of further testing revealed B henselae in the
ticks infected by Bartonella species.7 Bartonella-specific
blood (IgG titer, 1:64 using the immunofluorescence
DNA has also been amplified from I ricinus ticks in
assay [IFA]). Bartonella henselae–specific DNA was suc-
Poland.8 A novel Bartonella species has been found in
cessfully amplified from his blood and CSF (atraumatic
the blood of wild mice (Peromyscus leucopus) exclu-
spinal tap). Interestingly, results of PCR analysis of this
sively in conjunction with B burgdorferi and Babesia
same CSF specimen were positive for B burgdorferi–microti.9 These findings have generated interest in the
specific DNA. It should be noted that the patient denied
role of Bartonella species as a possible human tick-
exposure to cats in the months preceding his illness. He
was treated with a 6-week course of cefotaxime sodium
Our study was based on clinical and laboratory data
(6 g/d) and experienced a prompt resolution of his
obtained from patients with chronic Lyme disease resid-
ing in central New Jersey. These patients exhibited a va-
During his therapy, a live deer tick (I scapularis) was
riety of ongoing symptoms despite previous courses of
found in his household. Findings of PCR analysis of this
antibiotic therapy. One of the coinvestigators, who was
tick were positive for both B henselae– and B burgdorferi–
unaware of the clinical status of the study subjects, con-
ducted polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analyses of ce-rebrospinal fluid (CSF) for both B burgdorferi and Bar-tonella species. Polymerase chain reaction amplificationswere also performed on Ixodes scapularis ticks obtained
A 36-year-old man presented with a history of late-stage
from the households of 2 of these patients. The clinical
Lyme disease. He remained symptomatic despite receiv-
course of these patients is described.
ing an 8-week course of intravenous ceftriaxone sodium(2 g/d). Specifically, he continued to report frontal head-
aches, fatigue, recent memory loss, depression, andarthralgia. He also reported episodes of confusion and a
markedly shortened attention span. He was disabledfrom his job as a truck driver for a period of several
Our first patient was a previously healthy 14-year-old male
months. Magnetic resonance images of his brain
adolescent who developed gradually worsening frontal
revealed no distinct abnormality. He exhibited positive
headaches, fatigue, and knee arthralgia. These symp-
B henselae serologic test results (IgG ratio, 1:128 using
toms were accompanied by low-grade fever, insomnia,
IFA). Bartonella henselae–specific DNA was successfully
and the inability to concentrate in school. He revealed
amplified from his blood. Lumbar puncture was per-
that 3 months prior to the onset of illness, a small tick
formed, and PCR findings revealed the presence of both
was removed from his scalp. However, he did not seek
B henselae– and B burgdorferi–specific DNA in the same
CSF sample. Therapy was initiated with intravenous
Results of initial testing for Lyme disease and babe-
cefotaxime sodium (8 g/d for 28 days). He became more
siosis were negative. There was no improvement in his
lucid, and his ability to concentrate improved. He also
symptoms following a trial of therapy with doxycycline
reported improvement in his recent memory and resolu-
hyclate (200 mg/d for 6 weeks). The patient was unable
2001 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Figure 2. Detection of a Borrelia burgdorferi–specific DNA target from DNA isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patient 3 before (lane 1) and after Figure 1. Detection of a Bartonella henselae–specific DNA target in DNA
(lane 4) antimicrobial therapy. The arrow indicates a B burgdorferi–specific
isolated from the blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of naturally infected
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) product of 231 base pairs (bp). Aliquots of
individuals (case reports) before and after antimicrobial therapy. A specific
DNA isolated from CSF before and after antimicrobial therapy (lane 1 and lane 4,
primer pair was derived from the B henselae 16S ribosomal RNA gene
respectively) were subjected to B burgdorferi amplification. Both M lanes
fragment. The arrow indicates a B henselae–specific polymerase chain reaction
contain a 100-bp ladder DNA marker. The positive controls (lanes 2 and 5)
(PCR) product of 279 base pairs (bp). Aliquots of DNA isolated from blood
contain an American Type Culture Collection B burgdorferi–positive control. The
(lanes 1 and 3) and CSF (lanes 2 and 4 to 5) were subjected to B henselae
negative controls (lanes 3 and 6) contain all the PCR components without DNA.
amplification before and after antimicrobial therapy (lanes 1 and 2 and 3 to 5,respectively). Lane M contains a 100-bp ladder DNA marker. The positivecontrol (lane 6) contains an American Type Culture Collection B henselae–
method). Treatment was initiated with a 28-day course
positive control. The negative control (lane 7) contains a control for the PCR.
of intravenous ceftriaxone sodium (2 g/d). The patientexperienced symptomatic improvement by the end of the
However, his arthralgia persisted throughout his
ceftriaxone regimen, and a second lumbar puncture was
therapy. A second lumbar puncture was done after 28
done. Borrelia burgdorferi–specific DNA was no longer
days of cefotaxime treatment. The 16S ribosomal RNA
detectable (Figure 2, lane 4, after antimicrobial therapy);
of B henselae was successfully amplified from DNA iso-
however, B henselae–specific DNA persisted. It should be
lated from peripheral blood lymphocytes and CSF
mentioned that this lumbar puncture was atraumatic (0
(Figure 1, lanes 1 and 2, respectively). Twenty-eight
red blood cells per high-power field).
days after antimicrobial therapy, B henselae DNA was not
At this point, treatment was changed to intrave-
detected in the blood and CSF of this patient (Figure 1,
nous doxycycline hyclate (100 mg every 12 hours). Most
lanes 3 and 4 to 5, respectively). To increase the sensi-
of her previously mentioned symptoms returned within
tivity of our PCR, the amount of input DNA isolated from
3 days of starting doxycycline therapy, including confu-
the CSF was doubled. Bartonella henselae DNA was not
sion and the inability to concentrate. Antibiotic therapy
detected after therapy (Figure 1, lane 5). In addition,
was changed to intravenous azithromycin (500 mg/d for
B burgdorferi DNA was no longer detected (data not
14 days). Her symptoms resolved promptly under azithro-
mycin treatment. Specifically, her ability to read and per-
form mathematical tasks improved greatly. She re-ported improvement in memory, more restful sleep, and
The third patient was a 15-year-old female adolescent with
a history of Lyme disease treated with an 8-week courseof doxycycline hyclate (200 mg/d). Following this therapy,
the patient developed a gradual recurrence of symp-toms over a 3-month period. She described arthralgia pri-
Our fourth study subject was a 30-year-old woman who
marily affecting the hips, knees, and ankle joints. These
became ill within a week after the removal of 2 ticks from
symptoms were accompanied by fatigue, night sweats,
her skin. She complained of fever, frontal headache,
headache, photophobia, menstrual irregularity, de-
dizziness, fatigue, and upper extremity arthralgia. She
pressed mood, dizziness, insomnia, and the inability to
noticed several small ticks on her pet cat, and these were
concentrate in school. She was previously an excellent
subsequently identified as I scapularis. These ticks were
student, but she was unable to attend school for a 2-month
positive for B henselae–specific DNA and negative for
period owing to this symptom complex. B burgdorferi–specific DNA. Her headaches and dizzi-
There was no history of cat exposure and no known
ness intensified, and computed tomographic images of
history of tick bite. Bartonella henselae serologic testing
the brain were taken, which revealed no distinct brain
was done, and the results revealed the presence of
abnormality. Nonetheless, her neurologic symptoms
B henselae–specific antibodies (IgG titer, 1:64 using IFA).
persisted. Bartonella henselae was found on serologic
Neuroborreliosis was suspected, and a lumbar puncture
testing (IgG titer, 1:256 using IFA). Bartonella henselae–
was performed. Results of CSF analysis revealed the pres-
specific DNA was amplified from her blood.
ence of both B burgdorferi– (Figure 2, lane 1, before an-
This patient exhibited no laboratory evidence of ba-
timicrobial therapy) and B henselae–specific DNA (PCR
besiosis, ehrlichiosis, or Lyme disease by PCR or West-
2001 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Table 2. Summary of Pretreatment Laboratory Data and Symptoms* Bartonella henselae B henselae B henselae Cognitive Antibody IgG PCR Blood Western Blot Headache Dysfunction
*PCR indicates polymerase chain reaction; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; plus sign, positive findings; and minus sign, negative findings. Table 3. Summary of Posttreatment Laboratory Data and Symptoms* Bartonella henselae B henselae Cognitive Patient No. PCR Blood Headache Dysfunction
*PCR indicates polymerase chain reaction; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; plus sign, positive findings; minus sign, negative findings; and ellipses, not applicable.
ern blot analysis. Lumbar puncture was performed, and
of Bartonellaorganisms is very incomplete.5 Vector-
findings of CSF analysis were negative for B burgdor-
mediated transmission of B henselae to cats via fleas
feri– and B henselae–specific DNA. She was treated with
has been demonstrated.26 Three of our study subjects
a 28-day course of oral doxycycline hyclate (300 mg/d),
had no prior exposure to cats. Our fourth patient
and her symptoms resolved during that period.
removed several small ticks from her cat, and these
In summary, the common symptoms before therapy
tested positive for B henselae using PCR. This case was
for all 4 patients were cognitive dysfunction, headache,
included in our study to illustrate that B henselae
and fatigue. All of our study subjects had a clinical pre-
infection could be acquired as a tick-borne disease
sentation consistent with mild encephalopathy (Table 2).
independent of B burgdorferi infection. One of our
After antimicrobial therapy, our study subjects exhib-
patients found a live deer tick in his household that
ited improved cognitive function, resolution of head-
tested positive on PCR analysis for both B henselae and
aches, and a marked improvement in energy levels
B burgdorferi. These findings implicate the deer tick as
(Table 3).
a potential carrier of B henselae.
Three of our patients had a history of chronic
Lyme disease with persistent symptoms despite previ-ous attempts at antibiotic therapy. The concurrent find-
Both B henselae and B burgdorferi have a well-established
ing of B henselae– and B burgdorferi–specific DNA in
ability to infect the central nervous system, with a variety
their CSF probably explains their prior lack of response
of resultant neurologic consequences. Cases of encepha-
to antibiotic therapy directed exclusively at Lyme dis-
lopathy due to B henselae infection have been well de-
ease. There were 8 CSF samples obtained from other
scribed.16-18 Patients typically complain of persistent gen-
patients during the same period that were negative for
eralized headache and restlessness and may present with
both B burgdorferi and B henselae using PCR analysis.
combative behavior.19 Nearly half of these patients with
Our third patient had persistently detectable
encephalopathy can develop seizures that may range from
B henselae–specific DNA in spinal fluid after a 28-day
focal to generalized, and from brief and self-limited to
course of ceftriaxone therapy. Our second patient dem-
status epilepticus. Bartonella henselae–induced encepha-
onstrated the absence of both B henselae– and
lopathy may be a relatively frequent cause of status epi-
B burgdorferi–specific DNA after a 28-day course of
lepticus in school-aged children.20 The ability of this patho-
cefotaxime treatment. Interestingly, B henselae has been
gen to cause persistent dementia following encephalitis
shown to have in vitro susceptibility to cefotaxime
has been demonstrated.21 Neuroophthalmic effects, in-
(minimal inhibitory concentration [MIC90] of 0.25
cluding loss of vision, have been well documented.22-25
µg/mL).27 One of our patients exhibited prompt resolu-
Cat-scratch disease is the most commonly re-
tion of symptoms with a trial of azithromycin. A pro-
cognized manifestation of human infection with
spective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
B henselae. Interestingly, none of our study subjects
study has demonstrated azithromycin’s efficacy against
displayed the clinical characteristics of cat-scratch
B henselae.28 The report by Bass et al28 has been the only
disease. There have been no previously reported cases
study of its kind describing the efficacy of azithromycin
of tick-borne B henselae infection in humans. Vector
competency has not been clearly established for tick
All of our patients were tested for other tick-borne
species, and knowledge related to vector transmission
diseases (Babesia and Ehrlichia). The results were nega-
2001 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
tive on PCR analysis (data not shown). All of our
continue to be challenged to explain the pathophysiol-
patients exhibited varying levels of B henselae–specific
ogy behind chronic Lyme disease. Persistent symptoms
antibodies on IFA. However, in a significant number of
following even aggressive therapy for Lyme disease con-
cases, the diagnosis cannot be made on the basis of
tinue to frustrate both patients and their physicians. We
IFA antibody testing alone.29 Serologic testing was per-
put forth concurrent B henselae infection as one reason
formed, including for IgM, and the IgM results were
for ongoing symptoms in chronic Lyme disease. We con-
negative in these 4 cases. The limitations of serologic
sider this an introductory study and look forward to a
testing for B henselae have been described.30 The sensi-
more comprehensive evaluation of the role B henselae plays
tivity of culture for this organism is low when com-
as a coinfecting agent in chronic Lyme disease. How-
pared with PCR-based detection methods.31 Polymerase
ever, we are convinced that concomitant B henselae in-
chain reaction detection of B henselae is especially use-
fection should be considered in neuroborreliosis cases
ful in cases with a broad differential diagnosis32,33 and
PCR played a pivotal diagnostic role in our study.
Despite antibiotic treatment, some patients with
Accepted for publication May 24, 2001.
Lyme disease persistently exhibit symptoms associated
Corresponding author and reprints: Eli Mordechai, PhD,
with chronic Lyme disease syndrome or post-Lyme syn-
Medical Diagnostic Laboratories LLC, 133 Gaither Dr, Suite
drome. These symptoms include neurocognitive impair-
C, Mt Laurel, NJ 08054 (e-mail:
ment, persistent arthralgia, fatigue, and subjective memoryloss.34 The persistent symptomatology might be attrib-
uted to several factors. First, coinfections: in addition totransmitting B burgdorferi, a tick may harbor other patho-gens, including Babesia, Ehrlichia, and Bartonella spe-
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2001 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
UNCA LA CARPA Y LA PREVENCION DEL BLANQUEAMIENTO DE I . Presentación de la Carpa (1): Hasta 1954, el manejo de los fondos ha sido efectuado por los Procuradores judiciales lo que permitía a los abogados descuidarse de las preocupaciones contables y dedicarse totalmente al desempeño de la Pero, los conflictos de la postguerra y las evoluciones que tendían a dispensar ciertas j
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