Cutaneous absorption of retinyl palmitate and acetate in healthy volunteers
H. Egekvist1, P. Jacobsen2, P. Bjerring1 Department of Dermatology, Aarhus University Hospital1 and Department of Pharmacology, Aarhus University2, Aarhus, Denmark. Introduction
Vitamin A derivatives (retinoids) have been demonstrated to stabilize cutaneous free radicals. Retinoids have subsequently been used in re- duction of cutaneous photo aging and photocarcinogenisis. Retinoic acid has been related to decreased epidermal hyperplasia, to increased dermal collagen content, and to decreased collagenase activity. Compli- ance to daily use of topically applied retinoic acid is however, de- creased by side effects: burning and stinging sensation, development of erythema and papules. Therapeutic use of retinyl esters has been hampered by lack of cutane- ous absorption. The development of percutaneous drug delivery by liposomes has however, offered new possibilities. Figure 1.
Sonographic picture (subject 01) before application of retinyl cream.
The aim was to investigate cutaneous absorption of the esters retinyls
Superficially is the high-echogenic epidermal entrance echo, below
palmitate and retinyl acetate from topical repetitive cream application.
is the dermal echo of lower echogenicity. Most profound is the sub-cutaneous layer with absent echo.
Material and methods
Fifteen healthy women, age (45 ±2.1)(mean ±SD) years participated in the present investigation. Retinyl cream (Beauté Pacifique, Denmark) (0.3 ml) with 10.000 IU retinyl/g, 60% retinyl palmitate and 40% reti- nyl acetate, or placebo cream were applied to a skin area of 36 cm2 of the medical side of the upper arms once daily in five consecutive days. The creams were applied placebo-controlled, double-blinded and ran- domized. High frequency ultrasound (20 MHz) examination of the skin was performed prior to and after skin application period. Side effects as stinging, burning, redness and scaling were scored from 0 (none) to 3 (severe).
Sonographic picture (subject 01) after application period of reti-
Suctions blisters from all treated skin areas were made and the blister
nyl cream. The dermal echo demonstrates increased markedly
fluids were by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
analyzed for concentrations of retinyl palmitate, retinyl acetate and
The sonographic skin measurement demonstrates an increased
From sonographic skin examination no significant difference in thick-
dermal density without change in low-echogenic density, i.e. water
ness of epidermal entrance echo, thickness of dermal echo or of total
content. This may reflect either increased cellularity or increased
fiber content. The present data demonstrates a cutaneous uptake of
retinyl palmitate from a cream vehicle and suggests a subsequent
However, a significant percent increase in mean dermal sonographic
density from the skin treated with retinyl cream (25.2% ±24.8%)(mean ±SD) compared to placebo cream (10.4% ±22.2%) was demonstrated.
No significant percent change in low-echogenic density between skin
treated with retinyl cream and placebo cream was demonstrated.
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2. Sporn MB et al. Mechanism of action of retinoids. J Am. Acad
8.6 ng/ml) were both significantly higher in the suction blister fluid
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The retinyl acetate concentration in the blister fluid was not signifi-
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treated with active cream. No subjects developed erythema of the skin.
ALL CHANGE AT THE BWPDA AGM From left to right, Howard Marsh, Immediate Past President of the BWPDA, Dr Chris Coggins, outgoing Director and BWPDA President, and Les Meikle, Deputy President This year’s BWPDA AGM heralded a new era for the Association as members voted to accept the proposed changes to the Articles of Association, thus formally dividing the BWPDA into two new trad
BÕRGYÓGYÁSZAT AJÁNLÁS AZ ACNE VULGARIS KEZELÉSÉHEZ • Semmelweis Egyetem ÁOK, Bõr-, Nemikórtani és Bõronkológiai Klinika Munkacsoportja • 3. LOKÁLIS FAGGYÚMIRIGY-MÛKÖDÉST bõrbetegség, a 11 és 30 év közötti serdülõk és CSÖKKENTÕ SZEREK fiatal felnõttek csaknem 80%-át érinti. Nincs jelenleg a piacon ilyen hatású lokálisPatomechanizmusában 4 fõ