Modulation of radiation-induced biochemical changes
in cerebrum of Swiss albino mice by Grewia asiatica
Rashmi Sisodia*, Muktika Ahaskar, K.V. Sharma, and Smita Singh
Radiation Biology Laboratory, Department of Zoology, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, 302004 India,
The present study evaluates the possible radioprotective effect of Grewia asiatica fruit (rich in anthocyanin, carotenes,
vitamin C, etc.) pulp extract (GAE) on cerebrum of Swiss albino mice exposed to 5 Gy gamma radiation. For this, healthy
mice from an inbred colony were divided into four groups: (1) Control (vehicle treated), (2) GAE treated mice in this group
were orally supplemented with GAE (700 mg/kg. b.w. /day) once daily for fifteen consecutive days, (3) Vehicle treated
irradiated mice, and (4) GAE + Irradiated Mice in this group received distilled water orally equivalent to GAE (700 mg/kg.
b.w./day) for fifteen days consecutively. Mice were sacrificed at various intervals viz. 130 days. Radiation-induced
augmentation in the levels of lipid peroxidation of mice cerebrum was significantly ameliorated by GAE pretreatment.
Radiation-induced depletion in the level of glutathione and protein was prevented significantly by GAE administration. Key words: Grewia Asiatica, antioxidants, cerebrum, radioprotection
(Phalsa) cultivated on a commercial scale mainly in the
northern and western states of India (Hays 1953, Sastri
Synthetic protectors have toxicity, which limits their 1956) is known for its medicinal properties. The fruit is
value in the clinical field. Therefore, now the search is astringent and stomachic. Morton (1987) reported that
on for some natural compounds that can quench the unripe phalsa fruit alleviates inflammation and is
reactive energy of free radicals and eliminate singlet administered in respiratory, cardiac and blood disor-
oxygen, one of the major participants in lipid peroxi- ders, as well as in fever reduction. Furthermore, infu-
dation (LPO). A large number of compounds from var- sion of the bark is given as a demulcent, febrifuge, and
ious plant sources have been shown to possess antioxi- treatment for diarrhea. Grewia asiatica has been report-
dant properties (Bhattacharya et al. 1996, Yen et al. ed to contain anthocyanin type cyanidin 3-glucoside
1996, Bhatia 1998). Antioxidants of plant origin are (Nair et al. 2004), vitamin C, carotenoids, minerals and
vitamin E, C, selenium, phenolic compounds, dietary fibers, etc. (Yadav 1999). The antioxidant prop-
flavonoids, etc. (Chandha 1997). It has been assumed erties of carotenoids and vitamin C are well known and
that nutritional intervention to increase intake of phyto- anthocyanin has recently emerged as a powerful antiox-
antioxidants may reduce the threat of free radicals. idant. Therefore, Grewia asiatica may prove to be an
India has a rich heritage of medicinal plants, many of efficient antioxidant.
which have been explored for various bioactivities for
Brain tissue is highly susceptible to oxidative dam-
ages, but the radioprotective potential of the plants have age due to its high utilization of oxygen (20% of the
been hardly explored. In this context Grewia asiatica total oxygen inhaled by the body) that accounts for the
increased generation of oxygen free radicals and reac-
Correspondence should be addressed to R. Sisodia,
tive oxygen substrates. Reactive oxygen species (ROS)
are capable of oxidation of proteins, lipids and DNA
Received 25 June 2007, accepted 3 October 2007
leading to cellular damage. Free radicals are potentially
2008 by Polish Neuroscience Society - PTBUN, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology Grewia asiatica against radiation in cerebrum 33
dangerous for cells (Hochstein and Atollah 1988). LPO
is a good biomarker of damage occurring due to radia-
tion and the inhibition of lipid peroxidation is sugges-
The cobalt teletherapy unit (ATC-C9) at Cancer
tive of radioprotective action. Brain has a poorly devel- Treatment Center, Radiotherapy Department, SMS
oped antioxidative defense mechanism. The concentra- Medical College and Hospital, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
tion of various antioxidative enzymes is low in brain. was used for irradiation. Unanesthetized animals were
The glutathione (GSH) concentration is also very much restrained in well-ventilated Perspex boxes and the
reduced in the brain when compared to other organs in whole body was exposed to gamma radiation at a dis-
the body (Zhang et al. 1993). Brain is also enriched tance (SSD) of 77.5 cm from the source to deliver
with polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) that renders it a dose rate of 1.07 Gy/min.
susceptible to oxidative attack. The present study is
therefore an attempt to evaluate the possible protective
effects of Grewia asiatica fruit extract in mice cere-
brum against radiation-induced oxidative stress.
Thiobarbituric acid (TBA), glutathione (GSH), and
DTNB (5,5 dithio-bis 2-Nitrobenzoic acid) were pur-
chased from Sigma Co. USA. 1,1,3,3, tetramethoxy
propane and other chemicals used were of analytical
grade and were procured from Central Drug House
The animal care and handling was done according to
the guidelines set by World Health Organization,
Geneva, Switzerland and INSA (Indian National
Science Academy, New Delhi, India). The Depart-
Dose selection of Grewia asiatica was done on the basis
mental Animal Ethical Committee approved this study. of a drug tolerance study in our laboratory by Ahaskar and
Swiss albino mice, 68 weeks old, weighing 23 ± 2 g, others (2007). Various doses of Grewia asiatica (100, 400,
from an inbred colony were used for the present study. 700, 1.000, 1.300 mg/kg b.wt.) were tested against gamma
These animals were maintained under controlled con- irradiation (10 Gy) and 700 mg/kg b.wt./day was obtained
ditions of temperature and light (light/dark, 10 h/ 14 h). as the optimum dose based on survivability of mice. This
Four animals were housed in a polypropylene cage dose was used for further experiments.
containing sterile paddy husk (procured locally) as
bedding throughout the experiment. They were provid-
ed standard mice feed (procured from Hindustan
Levers Ltd., India) and water ad libitum. Tetracycline
Mice selected from an inbred colony were divided
water was given once a fortnight as a preventive meas- into 4 groups (30 animals in each group).
(1) Control vehicle treated mice of this group
received only DDW water for 15 days; (2) GAE treated
mice of this group were administered only once with
only GAE (700 mg/kg of b.w./day) for 15 consecutive
Fresh fruits of Grewia asiatica collected locally in days; (3) Irradiated mice received DDW (volume
summer season were washed, shade dried and pow- equal to Grewia asiatica solution) for 15 days and were
dered after removal of seeds. Methanolic extract was whole-body exposed to 5 Gy of gamma-radiation; (4)
then prepared by refluxing for 36 hours (3 × 12) at GAE treated + Irradiated in this group oral adminis-
40°C. The extract thus obtained was vacuum evaporat- tration of GAE (700 mg/kg of b.w./day) was made once
ed to produce a powdered form. The extract was redis- daily for 15 consecutive days as done in GAE treated
solved in doubled-distilled water (DDW) just before the group. One hour after administration of the last dose of
oral administration. For various concentrations, GAE, mice were whole-body exposed to a single
a known amount of GAE was suspended in DDW and dose of 5 Gy gamma-radiation as in group three.
50 µl of GAE suspension was given to each mouse by
Six mice from each group were necropsied at various
oral gavage as given by Ahaskar and colleagues (2007). intervals viz. 1, 3, 7, 15, and 30 days post irradiation.
The mice were sacrificed by cervical dislocation. An
Lipid peroxidation product as reflected by TBARS
incision was made at the sides of the jaws to separate equivalent content was augmented after radiation
the upper and the lower palates. The upper palate was exposure in both GAE-treated and vehicle treated-irra-
cut in the middle and, after having cleared the sur- diated mice cerebrum. This increase in lipid peroxida-
rounding tissue the brain was excised and separated tion product was not stable up to day 7 post-exposure,
from the spinal cord at the decussation of the pyramids. as there was a slight decline on day 3 post-exposure.
The intact cerebrum was then removed carefully from After day 7, a continuous decrease in TBARS content
the brain and homogenate was prepared and used for was observed in both groups up to day 30 post-irradia-
quantitative estimation for various biochemical tion. The magnitude of such a recovery from oxidative
damage in terms of TBARS content was significantly
higher (P<0.001) in GAE treated-irradiated mice as
compared to vehicle treated-irradiated mice. Moreover,
GAE treated-irradiated group has attended the normal
Lipid peroxidation (LPO) assay: LPO was measured level of TBARS at 30 day post-irradiation. Only GAE
by the method of Buege and Aust (1978). Briefly, to treated mice didnt show any significant deviation in
tissue homogenate (0.8 ml), 1.2 ml solution of TCA- the level of TBARS equivalent as compared to control
TBA-HCl prepared in 1/1/1 was added. This final mix- (Table I).
ture was heated on a water bath for 30 min at 80°C and
Glutathione (GSH) content was decreased after radi-
cooled. After centrifugation the absorbance was ation exposure in the GAE treated and vehicle treated-
recorded at 532 nm using a UV-Vis double beam spec- irradiated mice cerebrum. Such a decrease in GSH
trophotometer. The LPO has been expressed as MDA content was noted continuously up to the seventh day
post-exposure. After day 7, a continuous increase in
Reduced glutathione (GSH) assay: The reduced glu- GSH content was observed in both groups up to day 30
tathione (GSH) content of tissue samples was deter- post-irradiation. The magnitude of such a recovery
mined by the method of Moron and coauthors (1979). from oxidative damage was significantly higher
Tissue sample was homogenized in the sodium phos- (P<0.001) in GAE treated + irradiated mice as com-
phateEDTA buffer then 0.6 M DTNB [5,5-dithiobis- pared to vehicle treated-irradiated mice. GAE treated +
(2-nitrobenzoic acid)] was added. The optical density irradiated group showed a higher degree of recovery at
of the yellow colored complex developed by the reac- day 30 post-exposure by attaining control level. Only
tion of GSH and DTNB was measured at 412 nm using GAE treated mice also showed a significant increase
a UVvis spectrophotometer. The results were (P<0.01) in GSH content as compared to control
Protein assay: Estimation of protein was based on
Protein estimates also showed a statistically signifi-
the method proposed by Bradford (1976) and 10% cant decrease after radiation exposure in both GAE
homogenate was prepared (1 g of tissue in 9 ml of treated and vehicle treated-irradiated mice cerebrum.
NaCl) and 0.1 ml of the sample was taken for the Such a decrease in protein content was noted continu-
Bradford assay. Three repeats of the assay from each ously till day 7 post-exposure. After day 7, a continu-
animal were carried out. The absorbance was read at ous increase in protein content was observed in both
groups up to day 30 post-irradiation. The magnitude of
such a recovery from oxidative damage was signifi-
cantly higher (P<0.001) in GAE treated + irradiated
mice as compared to vehicle treated-irradiated mice.
The results obtained in the present study were Moreover, GAE treated + irradiated group attained the
expressed as mean ± SEM. The statistical differences normal level of protein at 30 days post-irradiation.
between various groups were analyzed by the Only GAE treated mice also showed a significant
Students t-test and the significance was observed at increase (P<0.001) in protein content as compared to
the P<0.05, P<0.01, and P<0.001 level.
Grewia asiatica against radiation in cerebrum 35
Radiomodulatory influence of Grewia asiatica fruit extract on cerebrum LPO ± SEM (n=12) (nm MDA/g protein) of
Swiss albino mice at various post irradiation interval after 5 Gy radiation exposure
137.19 ± 1.33 131.28 ± 1.11 139.16 ± 0.84 134.24 ± 1.76 128.65 ± 2.36
GEA treated 124.71 ± 1.77 121.43 ± 1.57 126.69 ± 1.52 118.88 ± 1.48 107.19 ± 1.27
(a) Control (vehicle treated) vs. GAE treated; (b) Control (vehicle treated) vs. Irradiated; (c) Irradiated vs. GAE treated +
Sisodia (2006) after oral administration of GAE. The
preservation of cellular membrane integrity depends
One of the basic mechanisms of radiation damage is on protection or repair mechanisms capable of neutral-
production of free radicals leading to the formation of izing oxidative reactions. The presence of antioxidants
peroxides and oxidative reactive species. The peroxides in the GAE suppresses the formation of free lipid rad-
via lipid peroxidation damage the cell membrane and icals and thus prevents the formation of endoperoxida-
other components of the cell. In the present study, there tion. Riveron and colleagues (2007) reported that
was a considerable increase in TBARS content after MDA levels were significantly higher in Alzheimers
radiation exposure. The magnitude of such a recovery disease (AD) patients compared with normal controls,
from oxidative damage in term of TBARS content was which means that these patients were exposed to
higher in GAE pretreated irradiated animals (Table I).
oxidative stress via lipid peroxidation. Similar results
Similar results against 5 Gy gamma radiation on the were reported by Marcus and colleagues (1998), sup-
whole brain of mice were noted by Ahaskar and porting other findings in brain tissues and cere-
Radiomodulatory influence of Grewia asiatica fruit extract on cerebrum GSH ± SEM (n=12) (nm/100 mg tissue) of
Swiss albino mice at various post irradiation interval after 5 Gy radiation exposure
(a) Control (vehicle treated) vs. GAE treated; (b) Control (vehicle treated) vs. Irradiated; (c) Irradiated vs. GAE treated +
brospinal fluid of AD patients (Rinaldi et al. 2003, calculated to be 1.53 for GAE in earlier studies in our
Galbusera et al. 2004, Kawamoto et al. 2005, Migliore laboratory (Ahaskar et al. 2007).
In the present study, supplementation of only GAE
Glutathione plays an important role in antioxidant has also resulted in a statistically significant (P<0.001)
defense, nutrient metabolism, and regulation of cellu- increase in protein content in comparison to control
lar events (including gene expression, DNA and pro- mice. There was considerable decrease in protein con-
tein synthesis, cell proliferation and apoptosis, signal tent after radiation exposure at all the post irradiation
transduction, cytokine production and immune intervals, whereas, in the GAE pretreated irradiated
response, and protein glutathionylation). Glutathione group, it seems that GAE provides protection as evi-
deficiency contributes to oxidative stress, which plays dent by higher values at all the intervals reaching nor-
a key role in aging and the pathogenesis of many dis- malcy at day 30 (Table III).
eases, including Alzheimers disease (AD) (Wu et al.
Decrease in the protein content after exposure to
2004). The present study showed that in GAE pretreat- irradiation might be due to either decline in the rate
ed irradiated group, the glutathione level reached the of protein synthesis or increase in the consumption
control level on day 30th p.i. and was also significant- of protein. It may also be the result of the depression
ly higher than the corresponding irradiated group at all of enzyme involved in the activation of amino acid and
the post irradiation intervals studied (Table II). The transferring to t-RNA or by the inhibition of release
increased glutathione levels by GAE pretreatment in of synthesized polypeptides from polysomes (Kim et
irradiated mice may facilitate the reduction of oxida- al. 1970). Some studies have indicated that oxidative
tive free radicals by H+ donation. This allows the stress diminishes and the levels of some proteins vary
restoration of glutathione by glutathione reductase during the progression of AD (Nunomura et al. 2001,
Lee et al. 2005). Increased protein concentration in the
Most of the researchers have observed that glu- present study may be due to improved ribosomal activ-
tathione levels decreased with ageing (Zemlan et al. ities, which enhance protein synthesis.
1989, Villa and Gorini 1993, Mo et al. 1995). Results
The results of the present investigation demonstrate
presented by Riveron and coauthors (2007) showed that GAE pretreatment protects the mice cerebrum
that GSH levels were quite low in AD patients com- against radiation-induced damage by inhibiting the glu-
pared to normal controls. Similar results for LPO and tathione and protein depletion and ameliorating lipid
GSH in whole brain, liver and blood of mice with GAE peroxidation levels. GAE contains anthocyanin type
treatment were also noted (Ahaskar and Sisodia 2006, cyanidin 3- glucoside (Nair et al. 2005), vitamin C, and
Sharma et al. 2007). Dose reduction factor (DRF) was carotenoids, etc. (Yadav 1999). Anthocyanins are
Radiomodulatory influence of Grewia asiatica fruit extract on cerebrum protein ± SEM (n=12) (mg/g) of Swiss albino
mice at various post irradiation interval after 5 Gy radiation exposure
(a) Control (vehicle treated) vs. GAE treated; (b) Control (vehicle treated) vs. Irradiated; (c) Irradiated vs. GAE treated +
Grewia asiatica against radiation in cerebrum 37
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OH and O2 and are better agents against lipid peroxi-
dation than a-tocopherol (up to seven times). It has Bhatia AL (1998) The anti-aging role of vitamin A and b-
been reported that fruits that are richest in anthocyanins
carotene. Indian Journal of Gerontology 12: 7079.
(>20 mg/100 g FW) are very strongly colored (deep
Bhattacharya SK, Satyam K, Ghoshal S (1996) Antioxidant
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activity of glycowithanolides from Withenia somnifera. asiatica is also strongly colored. Moreover, following
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tection afforded by GAE treatment may be due to the Delgado-Vargas F, Jimenez AR, Paredes-Lopez O (2000)
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vention. Mech Ageing Dev 116: 141153.
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