
January 4, 2006
The monthly meeting of the Will County Community Health Center Governing Council held at the Will
County Health Department, 1106 Neal Avenue, Joliet, IL was called to order at 6:05 p.m., Ms. Terry
Donald-Nixon, Chairperson presiding.

ROLL CALL - No Quorum Present

Terry Donald-Nixon, Chairperson
Steven Davis, Treasurer
Pedro Frausto
Alma R. Martinez
Steve Wilhelmi
Deb Bacharz
Aleeto Barton
Brian Bruckner, M.D.
Luis Calderon
Pastor Richard D. House
Dorothy Jones
Barb Ormins
Druel Parker
Frank Stewart
Lettie Wheat
Will Rodgers, Interim CEO, WCCHC
Mary Coffey, COO, WCCHC
Jan Gerkitz, Program Coordinator, WCCHC
Michelle Ronchetti, Program Coordinator, WCCHC
James E. Zelko, Executive Director
John Cicero, Assistant Executive Director
Dave Delrose, MH Counselor I and Chief Union Steward
Joy Yasko, MH Intake Specialist, Union Secretary
John Hines, President, WCBOH
Mary Tatroe, Assistant State’s Attorney

The meeting opened with a discussion on the need for a quorum to conduct any substantive business at the
Governing Council meeting. Will Rodgers addressed membership on the Council, as presented in the By-
Laws, indicates that members not meeting the attendance requirements, may be removed by way of a ruling
by the Council. Mary Tatroe, State’s Attorney’s Office, explained that it appears to operate automatically;
a vote is not required to remove a Council member, it happens automatically. A letter must be sent to the
member indicating they are terminated from the Council. Council members agreed that, in order to have a
quorum and address the Community Health Center critical issues, members not meeting the necessary
membership requirements as stated in the By-Laws, should be dismissed from the Council.

At this point in the discussion, Ms. Terry Donald-Nixon read a letter of resignation from Barbara Ormins,
and a second resignation letter signed by Debra Bacharz, Dorothy Jones (witnessed by Barbara and John
Ormins), Luis Calderon, Druel Parker, Barbara Ormins and Aletto Barton.
At 6:50 p.m., Ms. Donald-Nixon suggested a second roll call to see if a quorum is present.
Terry Donald-Nixon, Chairperson
Steven Davis, Treasurer
Pedro Frausto
Alma R. Martinez
Steve Wilhelmi
Brian Bruckner, M.D.
Pastor Richard D. House
Frank Stewart
Lettie Wheat

Steve Davis read the Will County Community Health Center’s Mission Statement.

Governance Nomination Committee – November 16 and 29, 2005 and December 21, 2005

• The Governance Committee has interviewed Mary Stokes, an active user since 2002, and highly qualified and eager to serve on the Governing council. The Committee recommends Ms. Stokes her nomination be accepted. • For the record, Ms. Donald-Nixon, as chairperson of the Governing Council, ratified the Governance Committee membership as determined at the October 19, 2005 meeting.
CQI Report

CQI and QA reports were presented per Michelle Ronchetti as attached. • Implementation of an Education Day, modeling after area hospitals, for the purpose of staff training fulfilling all regulatory requirements and training is proposed for 2007. • Steve Davis suggested a binder with CQI and QA reports be assembled for all Council members to track the information presented at the Council meetings. • Jan Gerkitz presented the Diabetic Registry Summary and the Diabetic Collaborative summary as distributed. Discussion and comments followed the presentation.
Finance Committee
• John Cicero reported on the Financial Statement as distributed, reviewing the schedule of revenues and expenditures for the month of December.
Interim CEO

• Will Rodgers began by thanking all involved with the move to make the transition to the new • WCCHC has been approved for it participation in Medicaid’s status for expedited payments for a
Chief Operating Officer

• Joe Roche and Dr. Joseph Troiani from the Mental Health Department presented an in-service on • FTCA redeeming has been approved. As part of the redeeming requirements, risk management training shall be provided to staff. The first presentation will be “Dealing with Difficult People.” • The auditor from Family Planning will be coming to a staff meeting to discuss the audit and how • Ms. Coffey credited the Governing Council for their insight and efforts in the successful completion of the Community Health Center. OLD BUSINESS

Cooperative Agreement and By-Laws Committee Appointment

• The appointment of a committee to begin the groundwork to begin reviewing the Cooperative Agreement and By-Laws was recommended by Mr. Rodgers. Ms. Donald-Nixon appointed members of the Governing Council members to work on the committee. Moved: (Mr. Davis, second Mr. Wilhelmi) To appoint Alma Martinez, Steve Davis, and Terry Donald-Nixon to work on the committee to review the Cooperative Agreement and By-Laws. Motion carried. Revised UDS Numbers – 2003, 2004 Users and Encounters – 2005 Projections

• Will Rodgers reported on the letter he sent to Brenda Wise, Project Manager regarding the revised UDS numbers for 2003-2004 and the projected numbers for 2005. Every attempt is being made to ensure the accuracy of the numbers and to correct any misinterpretations. • UDS numbers for 2005 will be submitted in February. Mr. Davis questioned why the numbers varied so drastically. Mr. Rodger responded the only explanation would be that activities, not users were counted for the report. Mary Coffey and Lyyti Dudczyk have since gone for training on reporting UDS numbers, identifying who to count as users when reporting to the federal government. Depo-Provera (DMPA) Policy

Jan Gerkitz presented Policy #01-00-04, Healthy Women Services on the Guidelines for Depo-Provera usage. Depo-Provera is an injectable contraceptive that prevents pregnancy for three months. Ms. Gerkitz explained the procedures, contraindications, side effects, calcium needs and client education for administration of Depo-Provera. The policy has been revised to address the FDA ‘black box’ on the potential calcium deficiency. Moved: (Mr. Wilhelmi, second Ms. Martinez) To approve the revised Depo-Provera Policy. Motion carried.

Family Planning Audit and Action Plan

• The agency’s corrective action plan submitted after receiving the Annual Clinical Review of the Title X, Family Planning program on-site audit held in October, 2005, was reviewed and accepted on December 19, 2005.
Nominations for New Governing Council Members – Motion

Moved: (Mr. Davis, second Mr. Wilhelmi) To approve the nomination of Ms. Mary Stokes as a member of the Governing Council, effective February 1, 2006.
Approval of the Narrative and Business Plan for the 330 Grant – Motion

Moved: (Steve Wilhelmi, second Steve Davis) To approve the narrative and business plan for the 330 Grant.
Dental Policy Change - Motion

Moved: (Mr. Wilhelmi, second Mr. Frausto) To approve the Revised Dental Policy Plan to accept adult patients without a referral.

Ms. Donald-Nixon announced that members would not be meeting in Executive Session. Resignations

Moved: (Mr. Davis, second Mr. Wilhelmi) To accept the letters of resignation from Barbara
Ormins, Debra Bacharz, Dorothy Jones, Luis Calderon, Druel Parker and Aletto Barton effective


Mr. Wilhelmi commented that a thank you letter should be sent to each resigned member for their
services to the community and the Governing Council.
Mr. Davis commented that he is serving on the Governing Council so patients can be heard, help
them, and bring their concerns and provide the services that we are here to provide.
Mr. Zelko announced the dedication for the new Community Health Center will be held on
January 25, at 1:30 p.m. An open house for the public will be held in the spring.
Staff Comments

Jan Gerkitz commented that after working under two administrations, she is very comfortable
working with Ms. Coffey and Mr. Rodgers. Ms. Gerkitz continued to say that she is working to
provide health care and guidance for the people that come to the center and it is important to recognize this as our reason for being at the Center.
On a motion by Mr. Davis, second by Mr. Frausto, the Regular Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

Source: https://www.willcountyhealth.org/Portals/0/EasyDNNNewsDocuments/294/01GCMeeting010406.pdf


To the Staatsanwaltschaft beim Landgericht Berlin Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Berlin District Court Turmstr. 91 10559 Berlin Germany Hereby we file criminal charges and initiate legal proceedings against Dr. med. Frank Ulrich Montgomery, President of the German Medical Association (Bundesaerztekammer), Herbert-Lewin-Platz 1, 10623 Berlin, Germany, Prof. Dr. med. Günter Kirste, Chief Me


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