Tuesday 8th August 2006 10:00 Council meeting (Boardroom 5.68 in the Wills Memorial Building) 14:00 Registration (Wills Memorial Building) 14:00 Installation of Group 1 Posters (Merchant Venturers Building) 19:00-21.30 Welcome Reception (In the Museum adjacent to the Wills Memorial Building)
Wednesday 9th August 2006 08:00 Registration (Wills Memorial Building) 08:00 Installation of Group 1 Posters (Merchant Venturers Building) 09:00 Congress opening (The Great Hall) To be opened by The Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of Bristol, Councillor Peter Abraham. THE D.G.M. WOOD-GUSH MEMORIAL LECTURE The Great Hall Chair: Marek Spinka 09:30 Author: Alistair Lawrence Title: Is there a future for applied ethology? 10:30 Coffee Break and Poster Session 1 (Merchant Venturers Building) Sponsored by the RSPCA 11:15 Spoken Papers The Great Hall The Reception Room Chair: Hans Erhard 11:15 Plenary Paper: 1 Author: Mike Appleby Title: Where did it all go right? Applying applied ethology worldwide TOPIC: GENES AND BEHAVIOUR TOPIC: MOTHER AND OFFSPRING Chair: Mark Rutter Chair: Anna Olsson 12:00 Author: Per Jensen Author: Cathy Dwyer Title: Genetic inheritance of acquired Title: Contributions of ewe and lamb
behaviour to the maintenance of body temperature in neonatal lambs of two breeds
12:15 Author: Andrew Fisher Author: Gudrun Illmann Title: The identification of quantitative Title: Responsiveness of sows towards
trait loci for stress and learning responses in piglet vocalization during 24 h after birth the sheep
12:30 Author: Joop Lensink Author: Jenny Loberg Title: Parental effects on the behaviour of Title: Weaning and separation at different 12:45 Author: James Serpell Author: Emma Baxter Title: Breed differences in aggressive Title: Predictors of neonatal piglet survival 13:00 Lunch: Sandwiches in the Merchant Venturers Building
14:30 Spoken Papers The Great Hall The Reception Room TOPIC: SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR (I) TOPIC: EARLY EXPERIENCE Chair: Harold Gonyou Chair: Suzanne Millman 14:30 Author: Carol Petherick Author: Hanno Würbel Title: Mate choice by female beef Bos Title: Developmental plasticity and animal
welfare: adaptive plasticity, phenotypic mismatch or pathology?
14:45 Author: Anja Wasilewski Author: Jolanda Pluijmakers Title: 'Friendsheep'? Non-reproductive Title: Is there a "sensitive period" at the 15:00 Author: Anette Wichman Author: Angelica Terrazas Title: Influence of light/dark incubation on Title: High-energy food supplementation
in the last 15 days of pregnancy facilitates the establishment of non-olfactory recognition of the kid in underfed goats.
15:15 Author: Johannes Baumgartner Author: Severine Henry Title: Preferences for littermates or non- Title: Influence of various early human-
littermates in social behaviour of weaned
foal interference on subsequent human-foal
pigs kept in mixed groups of different size
15:30 Coffee Break and Poster Session 2 (Merchant Venturers Building) Sponsored by the RSPCA
16:15 Spoken Papers The Great Hall The Reception Room TOPIC: SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR (II) TOPIC: FEEDING BEHAVIOUR Chair: Per Jensen Chair: Birte Nielsen 16:15 Author: Hans Erhard Author: Sarah Redgate Title: Dominance has a quantitative Title: Post-ingestive feedback on diet
selection in horses (equus caballus); dietary experience changes feeding preferences
16:30 Author: Susanne Waiblinger Author: Nicky Roberts Title: Social bonds of dairy cows affect Title: Absence of variation between sheep
reactions in a challenging situation and
16:45 Author: Karen Thodberg Author: Fernando Borderas Title: The acute effect of a synthetic pig Title: Feeding behaviour and response to
weaning of calves fed limited or ad libitum
17:00 Author: Janne Winther Christensen Author: Lesley Smith Title: Habituated companion horses reduce Title: Grazing behaviour of herbivores is fear responses in naïve test horses
affected by nutritional environment and maternal investment
17:15 Author: Suzan Dudink Author: Laura Hänninen Title: Announcing the arrival of Title: Effect of method of feeding
reduces weaning stress induced behaviours
17:30 Author: Lisa Collins Author: Andrea Ellis Title: A birds-eye view of stocking Title: Effects of high concentrate versus
high fibre diets on the behaviour of horses
crowded conditions in which they are kept commercially?
17:45 – 18:45 Poster Session 3 (Merchant Venturers Building) 20:00 – 22:00 To be announced…
Thursday 10th August 2006 09:00 Spoken Papers The Great Hall The Reception Room Chair: Joseph Garner 09:00 Plenary Paper: 2 Author: Jaak Panksepp Title: Affective neuroscience and the ancestral sources of socio-emotional feelings within animal minds TOPIC: EMOTION TOPIC: ASSESSING LAMENESS, Chair: Carol Petherick PAIN AND INFLAMMATION Chair: Dan Weary 09:45 Author: Elizabeth Paul Author: John Church Title: Doing emotion and feeling emotion: Title: The effects of using lidocaine on the
constructing a framework for investigating
10:00 Author: Mike Mendl Author: Mitja Sedlbauer Title: Studies of emotion-cognition links in Title: Lameness and pain in dairy cows humans as a basis for developing new measures of animal emotion 10:15 Author: Lucile Greiveldinger Author: Jeffrey Rushen Title: Ability of lambs to form Title: Local anaesthetic as a means to
validate measures of lameness in dairy cows
10:30 Author: Bart Houx Author: Anne Marie de Passillé Title: What do 50-kHz vocalizations tell Title: Effects of lameness on activity in
dairy cows and the effects of hoof trimming
10:45 Author: Alain Boissy Author: Andrew McMullan Title: Inconsistent behavioural and cardiac Title: Associations between behavioural
patterns in ewes' responses to the separation indicators and inflammatory disease in dairy from their lambs
11:00 Author: Patrick Zimmerman Author: Eranda Rajapaksha Title: Anticipation as a tool to explore Title: Development and assessment of a 11:15 Coffee Break and Poster session 4 (Merchant Venturers Building) 11:45 Remove Group 1 Posters 12:00 Spoken Papers The Great Hall The Reception Room TOPIC: PERSONALITY, TOPIC: GAS INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES Chair: Charlotte Nevison Chair: Kate Breuer 12:00 Author: Suzanne Held Author: Richard Kirkden Title: Changes and individual consistency Title: Strength of aversion to carbon
over several parities in two tests of maternal dioxide in rats during a gradual-fill responsiveness in outdoor sows
12:15 Author: Corinna Clark Author: Lee Niel Title: Do age and experience matter? Title: Rat responses to CO2 euthanasia:
Consistency of aggressive responses and the effects of novelty versus distress effect of repeated resident intruder tests on pigs
12:30 Author: Hilde Vervaecke Author: Ellen Jongman Title: Measuring dominance styles in Title: Aversion of finisher pigs to CO2 and 12:45 Author: Emma Creighton Author: Victoria Sandilands Title: Animal personality and animal Title: Aversion of chickens to various 13:00 Preparation for Excursions 13:30 Excursions Bus Departure Friday 11th August 2006 08:30 Installation of Group 2 Posters (Merchant Venturers Building) 09:00 Spoken Papers The Great Hall The Reception Room Chair: Janice Swanson 09:00 Plenary Paper: 3 Author: Innes Cuthill Title: Other ways of seeing: Vision, ecology and welfare TOPIC: PERCEPTION AND TOPIC: ENRICHMENT LEARNING Chair: Kate Littin Chair: Cathy Dwyer 09:45 Author: Ashleigh Bright Author: Oliver Burman Title: Plumage colour and feather pecking Title: A multidisciplinary study of the
long-term effects of environmental enrichment on laboratory rat welfare
10:00 Author: Go Kurosu Author: Helena Chaloupkova Title: Preference for visual variability in Title: Enrichment of pre-weaning housing
Lister-hooded rats and European starlings
decreases later agonistic behaviour in domestic pigs
10:15 Author: Claire Guest Author: Camilla Munsterhjelm Title: Individual differences in a complex Title: Effects of environmental enrichment
scent discrimination task: Cancer Detection
early in life on aggressive and explorative
10:30 Author: Dorthe Rasmussen Author: Arianna Manciocco Title: Learning performance differs with Title: The response to different
environmental enrichments in the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus): Comparison among laboratory and zoo colonies
10:45 Author: Jan Langbein Author: Kamara Scott Title: Learning how to learn - learning set Title: Environmental enrichment for pigs:
formation in dwarf goats during voluntary
11:00 Coffee Break and Poster session 5 (Merchant Venturers Building) Sponsored by CIWF Trust
11:45 Spoken Papers The Great Hall The Reception Room TOPIC: PREFERENCES AND TOPIC: COMPANION ANIMAL MOTIVATION (I) BEHAVIOUR AND HUMAN-ANIMAL Chair: Anna Valros INTERACTIONS (I) Chair: Paul Koene 11:45 Author: Georgia Mason Author: Nicola Cross Title: Substitutability effects in a closed Title: Causal factors for excessive barking 12:00 Author: Ragen Trudelle-Schwarz Author: Yoshiko Uchida Title: Dogs' social hierarchy in the Title: 'Need' or 'luxury'? Measuring
motivation for contrafreeloading in laboratory mice
12:15 Author: Louise Holm Author: Eva Baranyiova Title: The importance of a food feedback Title: Dog bites to children in the Czech 12:30 Author: Alexandra Harlander-Matauschek Author: Sabine Gebhardt-Henrich Title: Motivation in laying hens for Title: Feeding behaviour and daily energy
feathers and wood shavings when presented
12:45 Lunch: Free-Foraging in Bristol 14:15 Spoken Papers The Great Hall The Reception Room TOPIC: PREFERENCES AND TOPIC: COMPANION ANIMAL MOTIVATION (II) BEHAVIOUR AND HUMAN-ANIMAL Chair: Georgia Mason INTERACTIONS (II) Chair: James Serpell 14:15 Author: Anne Lene Hovland Author: Helene Leruste Title: Using the 'maximum price paid' to Title: On-farm measurement of the human-
animal relationship for veal calves housed
14:30 Author: Tarja Koistinen Author: Janet Talling Title: The preference for sand floor in Title: The influence of driving style on the 14:45 Author: Eva Søndergaard Author: J. Elizabeth Bolhuis Title: Horses' motivation for three levels of Title: Effects of social support by a social contact as measured by operant
familiar person or conspecific on responses
15:00 Coffee Break and Poster session 6 (Merchant Venturers Building) Sponsored by CIWF Trust 16:00 – 18:00 ISAE Annual General Meeting 18:00 Preparation for Banquet 20:00 Buses depart for Banquet 20:30 – 24:00 Banquet
Saturday 12th August 2006 09:00 Spoken Papers The Great Hall The Reception Room Chair: Deborah Goodwin 09:00 Plenary Paper: 4 Author: Jane Hurst Title: What the nose knows: How scents underlie social recognition and assessment TOPIC: TESTS, METHODS AND TOPIC: HUSBANDRY SYSTEMS AND MODELS (I) HUSBANDRY PROCEDURES (I) Chair: Gudrun Illmann Chair: Alain Boissy 09:45 Author: Barbara Schoening Author: Frank Tuyttens Title: Validation of a behavioural test of Title: Long-term consequences of early
and late castration of male piglets on social
10:00 Author: Joanne van der Borg Author: Gry Færevik Title: Behavioural test for the diagnosis of Title: Behaviour and social interactions of
dairy calves kept at different group sizes
10:15 Author: Paul Koene Author: Laura Boyle Title: Vocal expressions of density, group Title: Behaviour and welfare of yearling
dairy heifers out-wintered on an all-weather
10:30 Author: Rachel Casey Author: Jonathan Cooper Title: Refinement and validation of the Title: Competition for resources by laying 10:45 Author: Mairi Stewart Author: Bas Rodenburg Title: Changes in eye temperature, Title: Welfare of laying hens in furnished
measured using infra-red thermography, can cages and in non-cage systems detect pain due to disbudding in calves
11:00 Coffee Break and Poster session 7 (Merchant Venturers Building) 11:45 Spoken Papers The Great Hall The Reception Room TOPIC: TESTS, METHODS AND TOPIC: HUSBANDRY SYSTEMS AND MODELS (II) HUSBANDRY PROCEDURES (II) Chair: Jonathan Cooper Chair: Alison Hanlon 11:45 Author: Rob Thomas Author: Cassandra Tucker Title: Impacts of capture and handling on Title: Sprinklers and shade cool dairy cows 12:00 Author: Lindsay Matthews Author: Virginie Remience Title: A novel method for automatically Title: Effects of space allowance on the
pastoral livestock in naturalistic settings
12:15 Author: Gesa Neisen Author: Marcus Karlen Title: Automatic recording of social Title: Aggression, stress and immune
responses of gestating sows in stalls and in large groups on deep litter
12:30 Author: Mariko Lauber Author: Paul Hemsworth Title: Behavioural responses to novel and Title: Behaviour and stress physiology of
gestating sows in a combination of stall and group housing
12:45 Author: Mark Rutter Author: Kathalijne Visser Title: Using GPS animal tracking, grazing Title: The effect of different housing
conditions on the welfare of two-year old
mapping to estimate diet selection in cattle
13:00 Lunch: Free-Foraging in Bristol 14:30 Spoken Papers The Great Hall The Reception Room Chair: Stine Christiansen 14:30 Plenary Paper: 5 Author: Joe Garner Title: Standardization and the Red Queen: applying methodologies from ethology, neuropsychology, and field biology to problems in high-throughput behavioural methods TOPIC: TESTS, METHODS AND TOPIC: HUSBANDRY SYSTEMS AND MODELS (III) HUSBANDRY PROCEDURES (III) Chair: Hanno Wuerbel Chair: Heleen van de Weerd 15:15 Author: Lynne Sneddon Author: Keelin O'Driscoll Title: Using selective attention strategies to Title: Effect of milking frequency and understand the importance of the subjective 15:30 Author: Maarit Mohaibes Author: Lorenz Gygax Title: The importance of external validity Title: Comparing stress in two types of
either partially forced or free cow traffic: daily periodicity in milk cortisol concentration
15:45 Author: Daniela Lexer Author: Usama AbouIsmail Title: The Analytic Network Process - a Title: Let sleeping rats lie: does the timing 16:00 Author: Jim McLeod Author: Charlotte Burn Title: From Boids to Sheepoids Title: Early experience of cage-cleaning does not affect adult rat anxiety, but identification tail-marking does 16:15 Coffee Break and Poster session 8 (Merchant Venturers Building) 17:00 Spoken Papers The Great Hall The Reception Room TOPIC: STEREOTYPIES TOPIC: HUSBANDRY SYSTEMS AND Chair: Ruth Newberry HUSBANDRY PROCEDURES (IV) Chair: Janet Talling 17:00 Author: Maria Andersson Author: Moira Harris Title: Behaviour problems in horses - a Title: Assessing the welfare, housing and
further look into factors associated with crib husbandry of elephants in U.K. zoos biting and weaving
17:15 Author: Andrew Hemmings Author: Verity Bowell Title: Opioid circuitry and the aetiology of Title: Positive reinforcement training and
human interaction reduces the stress of capture
17:30 Author: Megan Jones Author: Nora Lewis Title: To stereotype or not to stereotype? Title: Group versus multiple individual behaviour, can we distinguish between the two? 17:45 Author: María Díez León Author: Drewe Ferguson Title: Are stereotypies less interruptible Title: Effect of duration of road transport 18:00 Author: Naomi Latham Author: Sandra Edwards Title: We've got to get out of this place: Title: Supplementation of pregnant ewe
frustration, enrichment and the development diets with docosahexaenoic acid reduces of stereotypies in laboratory mice (Mus
18:15-18:45 Close of the Congress (The Great Hall)
The Low-Iodine Diet (adapted from Thyroid Cancer Survivor’s Association) Thyroid cancer patients with papillary or follicular thyroid cancer often receive a dose of radioactive iodine (RAI) about two months after their surgery in an attempt to destroy (ablate) any remaining thyroid cells in their bodies. Most thyroid cancer patients also undergo whole- body radioiodine scans at periodic int
CHAPTER 6: Panic, Anxiety, Obsessions, and Their Disorders Chapter Overview/Summary Although anxiety disorders were initially considered neuroses, this term has been largely abandoned ever since DSM-III (1980). The anxiety disorders have panic or anxiety or both at their core. Today anxiety impacts 25–29 percent of Americans. Anxiety is defined as an anticipation for possible fu