H:\wd main files\water conservation 393\programs\homeowners movein\washcoplantlist21.wpd

Washington County Plant List
Common Name
Botanical Name
Water Use
fast growing, tolerates all kinds of soil Withstands hot, dry conditions, Lows - 10E and dry alkaline soils; Upright growthhabit, may exceed 40-50'; good choicefor street or lawn tree Fraxinu veluntina ‘Rio Grande’ fast growing, G. t. inermis are thornless and disease tolerant; flaking bark addscharacter LARGE TREES
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Water Use
Needs well drained soil, water deep & Requires slightly acid soil, good shade tree SMALL TREES
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Water Use
dry alkaline soils. Canyon/wash small tree Not good in full sun, Produces edible fruit Sensitive to iron deficiency, good espalier Brilliant fall leaf color, tolerates all soils, but drought tolerant; vivid red and orange fallcolor FLOWERING TREES
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Water Use
Chiltalpa tashkentensis ‘Pink Dawn’ FLOWERING TREES
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Water Use
takes well to desert conditions, edible fruit Adapted well to St. George, flowers bloom can grow well in clay soils, but struggle if Bright purple showy flowers, tolerates poor soil and drought tolerant, fast growth butwood brittle CONIFERS
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Water Use
fast growing screen tree, tolerant of soils, Adapted to the cooler area of the county, Common Name
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Water Use
Common Name
Botanical Name
Water Use
Common Name
Botanical Name
Water Use
Native to desert, flowers in spring, edible Luscious green leaves, doesn’t like alkaline will tolerate dry, exposed conditions and poor soils, but must have good drainage, has small flowers and leaves With out support will be a foot high ground cover, or with support will cover a wallcompletely blossoms attract bees and birds, produces Common Name
Botanical Name
Water Use
plant bears prickly pears you see sold in Evergreen shrub with bright orange berries Foliage turns red in fall; Canyon/wash large Evergreen flowering shrub, tolerant of heat grow in any well drained soil, low growing Handles poor soil, yellow blooms, 6-10 ft.
somewhat reminiscent of oleander in habit Difficult under ordinary garden conditions, not as stiff and metallic looking as most PERENNIAL FLOWERS
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Water Use
Fragrant chocolate yellow blooms, thrives Yellow flowering, does well in sunny, hot Convolvulus althaeoides tenuissimus Easy-to-grow; Yellow flowing, about 1-2 ft.
gardens, containers. Full Sun. Toleratesdrought.
can show tip burn on leaves if soil containsexcess salts or if plants are kept too wetwhere drainage is poor.
can show tip burn on leaves if soil containsexcess salts or if plants are kept too wetwhere drainage is poor.
Common Name
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Water Use
Low desert perennial, salmon color flowers plumelike flowers; tolerates alkaline soil VINES, GROUND COVERS
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Water Use
Ice plant relative, but looks less like ice stepping stones, or for velvety greenpatches Fast-growing vine to 40 ft., orange bell- Use as filler between stepping stones, soft Common Name
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Water Use
Common Name
Botanical Name
Water Use
Native of dry climate, area, heat resistant Tall ornamental grass, white plumes 8-12' Among the showiest and liveliest looking of slender yellow or purplish flower spikes in the most graceful of ornamental grasses,use in containers or in perennial or shrubborders Native clump grass, very drought tolerant This list is a collaboration between Rick Heflebower, Extension Agent, Horticulture & Natural Resources and those plants that can befound in demonstration gardens around our community.
Loc: Plant material demonstrated at local gardens are indicated by the following:
* The Garden, 1851 Dixie Drive (in Tonaquint Park;, St. George UT
** Santa Clara Arboretum; Santa Clara UT
***Three Falls Elementary School Native Plant Society Garden; Hurricane UT

Source: http://wcwcd.state.ut.us/downloads/conservation/Washington%20County%20Plant%20List.pdf


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