WASHOE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Reno, Nevada REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES April 3, 2012 TITLE: Presentation and Approval of the Fiscal Year 2012-13 Tentative Budget FROM: Mike Schroeder, Interim Chief Financial Officer PRESENTER(S) & PRESENTATION TIME: Mike Schroeder, Interim Chief Financial Officer (15 minutes) DATE REPORT WRITTEN: March 30, 2012
SUMMARY: Nevada Revised Statute 354.596 requires the District file a tentative budget for the ensuing fiscal year on or before April 15. A copy of that budget, on the prescribed Department of Taxation forms, as wel as a narrative of the significant changes for the FY 12-13 budget as compared to the FY 11-12 budget for each fund is submitted as part of this item. WCSD Administrative Regulation 3120 requires Board approval of the tentative budget, although State statutes do not. ADDITIONAL BACKGROUND INFORMATION: A Board budget work session was held on March 13, 2012. At the session, a budget shortfall of $40 million was explained and recommendations to offset the shortfall were made. In addition, budget realignment to provide for strategic program initiatives was discussed. The budget is still “tentative” at this point in time because the budget reduction recommendations, realignments and public input are still in progress. In addition, we are still waiting to hear from the Department of Taxation and Department of Education regarding the impact of the final property tax revenue projection. A public hearing on the tentative budget is required to be held on the third Wednesday of May (May 16, 2012), upon which the Board can indicate changes, if any, to be made to the tentative budget and approve a final budget. If the final budget is not approved at this time the District has until June 8, 2011 to adopt a final budget by a majority vote, however the last available Board meeting prior to act would be on May 22, 2012. PREVIOUS BOARD ACTION: (For additional information regarding the previous agenda action listed
below, refer to the district’s website at www.washoe.k12.nv.us in the Calendar section under Meetings, Agendas,
Related Action: Discussion of Proposed Budget Process and Timeline for the Fiscal Year 2012-13 Budget
Related Action: Fiscal Year 2012-13 Budget Update
FY 2012-13 Tentative Budget March 30, 2012 Page 2
Related Action: Board work session to discuss the Fiscal Year 2012-13 Budget
Related Action: Fiscal Year 2012-13 Budget Update
A) Department of Taxation Budget Document for Fiscal Year 2012-13
WCSD STRATEGIC PLAN: The budget supports all five goals of Envision WCSD 2015 LEGAL: As required by NRS 354.596, “On or before April 15 of each year, the officer charged by law shall prepare, or the governing body shall cause to be prepared, on appropriate forms prescribed by the Department of Taxation for the use of local governments, a tentative budget for the ensuing fiscal year.” In addition, local government entities must prepare and file a “balanced” budget. This means that the combination of proposed expenditures and proposed ending fund balance must be equal to and not exceed the combination of estimated revenues and opening fund balance. FINANCIAL: The budget provides tentative appropriation authority for approved programs included in Fiscal Year 2012-13 tentative budget. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: Six town hall meetings will be held in March and April. ALTERNATIVES: None. RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Board of Trustees approves the Tentative Budget for FY 2012-13 as submitted
FY 2012-13 Tentative Budget March 30, 2012 Page 3 WASHOE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT SUMMARY OF FISCAL YEAR 2012-13 TENTATIVE BUDGET Pages 11 - 20 summarize the District’s budgets for each fund and the changes from the prior year. The District is required to report revenue and expenditure categories in accordance with the Nevada Financial Accounting Handbook prepared by the State Department of Education. A brief description of the categories utilized in the budget follows. GENERAL FUND (PAGES 11-12 and Pages 21-22) As mentioned above, there is a $40 million budget shortfall for Fiscal Year 2012-13. The shortfall is due to a combination of declining resources, increased expenditures and changes to opening and ending fund balance. $39 million of the shortfall is due to the use of non- recurring offsets used to address the Fiscal Year 2011-12 budget shortfall. These non- recurring amounts roll into Fiscal Year 2012-13 and combine with a $1 million budget shortfall related to Fiscal Year 2012-13 changes in revenues and expenditures. The changes to each of the revenues (resources) and expenditures (applications) categories that contribute to the $40 million shortfall are detailed on page 21 and 22 of this report. As the report indicates, revenue reductions created $6.7 million of the shortfall, changes to opening and ending fund balances $7.8 million, increased salaries and benefits $23.6 million and operating expense increases caused $2.1 million of the shortfall. For example, column G lists the changes to the District’s revenues. Ad valorem taxes indicate a decrease of $6.4 million (-7%), LSST shows an increase of $3.8 million, DSA Apportionment increased $2.6 million and Transfers from Other Funds decreased $6.6 million for a total decrease in revenue of $6.7 million. This total is reflected on line 92 of column G. Opening and Ending fund balance changes are reflected in column I and contributed $7.8 million to the shortfall as summarized on line 92 of column I. Salary and benefit revisions contributed $23.6 million towards the shortfall and are summarized on line 92 of column K. The revisions to the salary and benefits include the following (in millions):
Employee Concessions not Negotiated for FY12
Restore Health Insurance Premium Holidays
Salary & Benefit Savings (ESIP, SESIP, Unemp)
Available Funds for Early Childhood FDK Programs
FY 2012-13 Tentative Budget March 30, 2012 Page 4 Changes to operating expenses are shown in column M and include restoring textbooks of $2 million and realigning anticipated energy savings to provide for license and maintenance fees and gasoline. The total for the changes is $2.1 million as indicated on line 92 column M. The $40.1 million total for all the changes are indicated on line 92 of column Q and represent the Fiscal Year 2012-13 budget shortfall. The shortfall consists of $18.9 million in reduced sources and $23.2 million for increased applications. The recommendations to offset the shortfall are indicated by category in column S and include the following:
Use of Reserve to Cover Loss of Federal Funding
Increase Class Size by 0.50 (Gr 4-12) - 29 FTE
Forego Planned Expansion of FDK & Early Childhood
Total Recommendations 40,185,486
In addition to the adjustments to offset the budget shortfall, column S reflects a realignment of existing resources to provide for important District and departmental needs to meet objectives and initiatives related to the District’s strategic plan. The needs were vetted through the District’s management team for approval and have all been offset by reducing other areas of the budget. Initiatives include an $860,000 expansion of Full Day Kindergarten so all District kindergarten students will have access to full day opportunities. The full day proposal provides a full-time kindergarten to all elementary schools not currently allocated for full day kindergarten and also includes funding to provide a teacher aide for classrooms with excess students. The funding comes from the salary and benefit savings identified above that was put aside for expanding full day kindergarten and early childhood programs. Also included is $972,000 to implement 1:1 21st Century learning for three middle schools with expansion to two high schools in the second year. This will expand the District’s state of the are learning opportunities for students and contribute to increased academic achievement. The funding comes from the salary and benefit savings identified above that was put aside for expanding full day kindergarten and early childhood programs.
FY 2012-13 Tentative Budget March 30, 2012 Page 5 The final initiative included is an expansion for the District’s virtual school (WOLF) and for the District’s credit recovery program costing $168,000. This will expand the District’s on- line learning for full time students as well as provide credit recovery opportunities at each of the District’s comprehensive high schools. The funding comes from the salary and benefit savings identified above that was put aside for expanding full day kindergarten and early childhood programs. Various departmental needs that have been offset by reductions of existing resources include an attorney to handle special education caseloads, a 21st century learning coordinator position, transportation for early childhood and a budget project manager position. GENERAL FUND RESOURCES (page 11):
Local Sources:
Ad Valorem Tax - Property tax assessed at $ .75 per $100 of assessed valuation,
adjusted for tax cap abatements. A 7% reduction in ad valorem tax was originally projected based on Assessor and Department of Taxation information. However, the recent release by the Department of Taxation of the actual ad valorem amounts indicate the reduction will be about 3%. The net impact of this change to ad valorem tax and the Distributive School Account will allow the District to offset the budget reduction by $3.8 million. Source data: Washoe County Assessor and certified by State Department of Taxation.
Local School Support Tax (LSST) – Sales tax assessed at $ .0225 for every $1.00
of gross retail sales in Washoe County ($.026 since Fiscal Year 2009-10). Sales tax will increase, however any increase is offset by a decrease to the Distributive School Account as part of the K-12 education funding methodology for Nevada. Conversely, should the anticipated sales tax not materialize, the State would provide for the difference. Source data: State Department of Taxation.
Franchise Taxes - Tax of 2% of net proceeds of public utilities business outside of
the incorporated cities in Washoe County.
Government Services Tax - District’s portion of the tax of $ .04 for every $1.00 of
value of all of the vehicles licensed in Washoe County. This amount is anticipated to be slightly less than the prior year. Source data: State Department of Taxation.
Revenue in Lieu of Taxes – 50% of Washoe County motorboat registration fees
collected by the State Division of Wildlife.
Tuition – Amounts paid for students enrolled in our schools who reside outside
Washoe County; amounts paid for students enrolled in summer school; and amount paid for adult continuing education. Summer school programs have been drastically reduced as stretch runs and graduation interventions have been implemented.
Earnings on Investments - Interest earned from investing the District’s cash.
FY 2012-13 Tentative Budget March 30, 2012 Page 6
Other Local Revenue – Other local revenues such as transportation
reimbursements for field trips, rental income from use of school facilities, indirect costs from grants, grant administration fees, salary reimbursements and miscellaneous income.
State Sources:
Distributive School Account (DSA) - This represents the tentative per pupil
funding provided by the State. The amount will be subject to change based on the final ad valorem projection. Enrollment was originally projected to be flat but a recent revision to the District’s 10 year enrollment projection warrants a slight increase .4% or 250 students. WCSD’s per pupil amount is anticipated to be $5,305, an increase of $112 per student over the prior year. For the Tentative Budget the calculation is as follows:
Source Data: State Department of Education per Pupil Calculation.
Federal Sources:
Forest Reserve - Washoe County’s portion of the revenue received from the Federal
government for the sale of forest products, minerals, and land use for national forests that are located in our state.
National Energy PL 95-619 (E-Rate Refund) – Federal program that provides
discounts in telecommunications services to schools and libraries.
Impact Aid – Public Law (P.L.) 81-874 provides revenue to the District from the
Federal government for Federal properties located within Washoe County that are exempt from county property taxes. The distribution of funds is based upon the number of children enrolled in our District whose parents are employed by and work on those exempt properties.
Other Sources:
Sale of Fixed Assets – Proceeds from sale of District surplus vehicles and
FY 2012-13 Tentative Budget March 30, 2012 Page 7
Transfer From Other Funds – $6.56 million from the class-size reduction fund. Opening Fund Balance:
Nonspendable – Non-monetary balances. The District maintains an inventory for
the warehouse. This represents the year end amount.
Assigned – These represent funds earmarked in the prior year for use in the current
year and include assignment for subsequent year’s expenditures, for budget shortfall by using energy and central office savings, balancing the subsequent year’s budget, replacement loss of federal funding, special education maintenance of effort, decline in property tax and outstanding and unresolved Incline Village lawsuits.
APPLICATIONS (page 12): All existing programs for fiscal year 2011-12 are provided for in the fiscal year 2012-13 budget. The increases and decreases to each of the expenditure categories are due to a combination of the various expenditure changes described above. By referencing Page 22 of the report and noting the column descriptions, the impact of each item on the particular expenditure category is provided. A brief description of the expenditure categories utilized in the budget follows.
Instruction - Expenditures associated with providing direct instruction to students
consisting mostly of salaries and benefits for teachers, teacher aides and assistants, as well as other direct instruction costs for supplies, textbooks and equipment.
Special Programs - Expenditures associated with activities for elementary and
secondary students receiving special education and related services. The category for the General Fund is for gifted and talented instruction an support services.
Vocational Programs - Expenditures associated with providing learning
experiences to individuals to develop the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed for employment in an occupational area.
Other Instructional Programs – Expenditures for the cost of operating the
District’s English as a Second Language (ESL) program and the summer school program.
Co/Extra-Curricular Programs - Expenditures for activities that typically take
place outside the traditional classroom. Included are costs for athletics; including coaches, officials, dues, administration and transportation; band, choir and other extra curricular activities.
Student Support Services – Expenditures to assess and improve the well-being of
students and to supplement the teaching process, including counselors, psychologists, nurses & clinical aides, attendance, and related supplies and equipment.
FY 2012-13 Tentative Budget March 30, 2012 Page 8
Instruction Support Services - Expenditures associated with assisting the
instructional staff with the content and process of providing learning experiences for students including costs for curriculum support, librarians, library assistants, student assessment, staff training and related supplies and equipment.
General Administration – Expenditures concerned with establishing and
administering policy for operating the district including costs for the superintendent, assistant superintendents, Board of Trustees, legal counsel, community/state/federal relations and related supplies and equipment.
School Administration - Expenditures for the overall administrative responsibility
for a school including salaries and benefits for school principals, vice-principals, school secretaries and clerks and related supplies and equipment for the school offices.
Central Services – Expenditures that support other administrative and instructional
functions including fiscal services, human resources, planning and administrative information technology. Other costs include purchasing, printing, risk management, grant services, public information services, internal audit, research and evaluation and the related supplies and equipment.
Operations/Maintenance of Plant - Expenditures related to keeping the physical
plant open, comfortable and safe including the costs for custodians, maintenance workers, school police, building maintenance, grounds maintenance, equipment repair, all utilities and the related supplies and equipment.
Student Transportation - Expenditures for the costs related to pupil transportation
including bus drivers, mechanics, support personnel, vehicle repair and maintenance, gasoline and related supplies and equipment.
Interfund Transfers – Funds that are transferred from the General Fund to other
funds such as the Insurance Trust Fund, Debt Service Fund, Special Education Fund and Capital Projects Fund.
Contingency – Funds reserved for future use for unforeseen circumstances.
Ending Fund Balance:
Nonspendable Inventory – The District maintains an inventory for the warehouse.
Assigned For: – These represent balances set aside for various obligations or
commitments. The outstanding and unresolved Lawsuits amount is related to several Incline Village property tax disputes. The original amount was $7.5 million but $2 million is being recommended for use to offset the budget shortfall. The Subsequent Year’s Expenditures represents the District’s policy for a minimum reserve of 2%.
FY 2012-13 Tentative Budget March 30, 2012 Page 9
All other opening assignments will be fully utilized in Fiscal Year 2012-13 thereby creating a $21.9 million contribution to the significant budget shortfall anticipated for Fiscal Year 2013-14.
OTHER DISTRICT FUNDS The District maintains funds other than the General Fund. The Tentative Budget reflects the anticipated revenues and expenditures for all of the District’s funds to continue programs related to those funds. Separate funds are utilized to identify various operations of the District and account for specified revenue sources, which can only be used for specific purposes. A description of the various funds included in the Tentative Budget follows. Building and Sites Fund (page 13)
This fund accounts for the proceeds from sales of District property and the expenditures allowable with these proceeds. Capital Projects Fund (page 14)
This fund accounts for the District’s resources and expenditures for capital projects. The local sources are from Government Services Tax. The government services tax has been primarily utilized for environmental, government mandated, portable classroom and remodel issues (asbestos, mold, lead, underground storage tanks, backflow prevention, ADA accessibility, salary related to government compliance, etc.) unless otherwise approved. Special Revenue Funds (page 15)
This fund accounts for the District’s resources and expenditures for all grants, adult education, other non-general fund special state appropriations, and other special revenues. Since the grants received from year to year can vary in amount and nature, the budget typically reflects amounts similar to the prior year. Also, because the State does not require a budget augmentation to spend grant money, any amounts received above those budgeted are, by law, authorized to be spent. The District will lose federal funding due to the expiration of ARRA and EduJob grants, however these reductions will be offset by increases to Reading Improvement and IDEA grants. Special Education Fund (page 16)
This fund accounts for the District’s resources and expenditures for providing special educational programs of the District. The fund accounts for the direct costs to teach, transport, and provide related services for Special Education students. The changes to the various categories are similar to the salary and benefits changes made to the general fund for rollups, concessions, concessions not negotiated and addition for special education maintenance of effort costs.
FY 2012-13 Tentative Budget March 30, 2012 Page 10 Class Size Reduction Fund (page 16)
This fund accounts for the District’s resources and expenditures of State money provided to reduce class sizes in kindergarten, first, second and third grades. Class sizes for FY13 will be maintained at FY12 levels so the District can utilize the savings to offset the budget shortfall.
Debt Service Fund (page 17)
This fund accounts for the District’s revenues and expenditures related to retiring bond and other debt. The District receives revenues, after tax cap abatements, from property tax assessed at $ .3885 per $100 of assessed valuation on all of the property in Washoe County to utilize for bond debt retirement. In addition, a transfer will be made from the District’s General Fund to pay for medium term debt for buses, energy retrofits and QZAB’s. Recent legislative changes decreased the required fund balance the District must maintain in support of outstanding debt. The District used available fund balance to defease outstanding debt during Fiscal Year 2011-12. The reduced fund balance coupled with historically low interest rates will result in a diminished level for Earnings on Investments. Internal Service Fund (page 18)
This fund accounts for transactions relating to the District’s risk management services for property and casualty insurance, health insurance and workers’ compensation. A transfer is made from the General Fund to cover the cost for the retiree subsidy in the Health Insurance Trust Fund. Because the funds have sufficient reserves, premiums charged for worker’s compensation and property and casualty insurance will be maintained at their Fiscal Year 2011-12 levels. The two health insurance holiday premiums included in Fiscal Year 2011-12 will also be repeated. However the premiums will ultimately need to be restored as the reserves are being depleting (note combined net loss for all insurance funds of $4.0 million). Food Service Fund (page 19)
This enterprise fund accounts for the District’s resources and expenditures for the food service program. The program’s management is outsourced and the profit for the year is estimated to be $300,000. Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) Trust Fund (page 20)
This trust fund accounts for funds used to pay for healthcare and life insurance costs for qualified District retirees.
WASHOE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT GENERAL FUND BUDGET COMPARISON FY 12 FINAL vs FY 13 TENTATIVE BUDGET Tentative RESOURCES Local Sources: State Sources: Federal Sources: Other Sources: Opening Fund Balance: Nonspendable Inventory
Budget Shortfall (FY12 Central Srvc Reduction
TOTAL RESOURCES $ 440,116,416 $ 436,667,812 (3,448,604) WASHOE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT GENERAL FUND BUDGET COMPARISON FY 12 FINAL vs FY 13 TENTATIVE BUDGET Tentative APPLICATIONS Expenditures: Other Financing Uses: Ending Fund Balance: Nonspendable Inventory TOTAL APPLICATIONS $ 440,116,416 $ 436,667,812 (3,448,604) WASHOE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT BUILDING AND SITES FUND FY 12 FINAL vs FY 13 TENTATIVE BUDGET Tentative RESOURCES Revenue: Local Sources: State Sources: Federal Sources: Other Sources: Total Revenue Opening Fund Balance: TOTAL ALL RESOURCES $ 1,030,000 $ 430,000 (600,000) APPLICATIONS Expenditures: Other Financing Uses: Ending Fund Balance: TOTAL APPLICATIONS $ 1,030,000 $ 430,000 (600,000) WASHOE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND BUDGET COMPARISON FY 12 FINAL vs FY 13 TENTATIVE BUDGET Tentative RESOURCES Revenue: Local Sources: State Sources: Federal Sources: Other Sources: Total Revenue Opening Fund Balance: TOTAL ALL RESOURCES $ 6,062,000 $ 6,061,000 $ (1,000) APPLICATIONS Expenditures: Transfer to Debt Service Fund Ending Fund Balance: TOTAL APPLICATIONS $ 6,062,000 $ 6,061,000 $ (1,000) WASHOE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT SPECIAL REVENUE FUND BUDGET COMPARISON FY 12 FINAL vs FY 13 TENTATIVE BUDGET Tentative RESOURCES Revenue: Total Revenue Opening Fund Balance: Total Opening Fund Balance: TOTAL ALL RESOURCES $ 72,380,066 $ 76,364,743 3,984,677 APPLICATIONS Expenditures by Function: Other Uses: Ending Fund Balance: TOTAL APPLICATIONS $ 72,380,066 $ 76,364,743 3,984,677 WASHOE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND BUDGET COMPARISON FY 12 FINAL vs FY 13 TENTATIVE BUDGET Tentative RESOURCES State Sources: Transfers In TOTAL RESOURCES $ 53,667,239 $ 55,195,855 1,528,616 APPLICATIONS Expenditures: TOTAL APPLICATIONS $ 53,667,239 $ 55,195,855 1,528,616 WASHOE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT CLASS SIZE REDUCTION FUND BUDGET COMPARISON FY 12 FINAL vs FY 13 TENTATIVE BUDGET Tentative RESOURCES Revenue: Total Revenue Transfers In TOTAL ALL RESOURCES $ 18,717,383 $ 19,093,824 $ 376,441 APPLICATIONS Expenditures by Function: TOTAL APPLICATIONS $ 18,717,383 $ 19,093,824 $ 376,441 WASHOE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGET COMPARISON FY 12 FINAL vs FY 13 TENTATIVE BUDGET Tentative RESOURCES Combined Bonds: Opening Fund Balance Subtotal - Combined Bonds Medium-Term Financing: Opening Fund Balance Subtotal - Combined Bonds TOTAL RESOURCES $ 108,210,060 $ 68,021,102 (40,188,958) APPLICATIONS Combined Bonds
Incline Property Tax Refunds & Interest
Subtotal Combined Bonds Medium-Term Financing: Subtotal Combined Bonds TOTAL APPLICATIONS $ 108,210,060 $ 68,021,102 (40,188,958) WASHOE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT INTERNAL SERVICE FUND BUDGET COMPARISON FY 12 FINAL vs FY 13 TENTATIVE BUDGET Tentative Operating Revenue Total Operating Revenue Operating Expenses Total Operating Expense Operating Income (Loss) Nonoperating Revenues Nonoperating Expenses Total Nonoperating Expense Net Income Before Operating Transfers Operating Transfers Net Operating Transfers Net Income (Loss) WASHOE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NUTRITION SERVICES FUND BUDGET COMPARISON Tentative Operating Revenue Total Operating Revenue Operating Expenses Total Operating Expense Operating Income (Loss) Nonoperating Revnues Nonoperating Expenses Total Nonoperating Expense Net Income Before Operating Transfers Operating Transfers Net Operating Transfers Net Income WASHOE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT OPEB TRUST FUND FY 12 FINAL vs FY 13 TENTATIVE BUDGET Tentative Additions Total Additions Deductions Total Deductions Net Increase Net Assets Held in Trust for OPEB WASHOE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT GENERAL FUND TENTATIVE BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2012-13 Fund Balance Sal & Benes Operating FY13 Prelim FY13 Tentative Final Budget Revisions Revisions Adjustments RESOURCES Local Sources: State Sources: Federal Sources: Other Sources: Opening Fund Balance:
43 Budget Shortfall (FY12 Energy Savings)
Budget Shortfall (FY12 Central Srvc Reduct
53 TOTAL RESOURCES 440,116,416 (6,707,631) (12,221,419) (18,929,050) 421,187,366 15,480,446 436,667,812
GFSUM 13 (Tentative) $40 mil balanced GF Adj Comp Tent
WASHOE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT GENERAL FUND TENTATIVE BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2012-13 Fund Balance Sal & Benes Operating FY13 Prelim FY13 Tentative Final Budget Revisions Revisions Adjustments
55 APPLICATIONS Expenditures: 440,116,416 (4,398,450) 23,577,578 2,077,308 21,256,436 461,372,852 (24,705,040) 436,667,812 Net Difference (Budget Shortfall) (40,185,486)
GFSUM 13 (Tentative) $40 mil balanced GF Adj Comp Tent
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