
Format Dynamics :: CleanPrint :: Page 1 of 2 Scientific pursuits
Counter and in Your Water? The Most Effective Filtration of Pharmaceuticals." He earn Patel invite to
became interested in the issue of pharmaceutical contaminants in Delaware's White House event
drinkingwater after reading The News Journal in 2010 and learning that many common drugs, like the pain relievers acetaminophen and ibuprofen, were found There is an elated quiver in Priyen Patel's Science Fair on Tuesday. Then again, that supply and over 51 million Americans are meeting Gov. Jack Markell last year after So, like a good scientist, he started with a Patel, a junior at Sussex Technical High students from across the country, and the To answer the question, he decided to test White House for the second annual science were at removing acetaminophen and fair. His invitation came after winning a store-bought devices (like a water-filtering faucet) and even tested distillation (which involves boiling water and collecting the students like Patel who excel in the areas of science, math, or STEM. Several reports, including one released Monday by the President's Council of Advisors in Science and Technology, show there are more jobs in science, math and engineering fields than there are students studying these fields. The Obama administration has prioritized STEM education in an effort to make Americans more competitive and place more people in these jobs. Patel's project was titled "Over-the- Format Dynamics :: CleanPrint :: Page 2 of 2 condensation from the steam). He sought Challenge, where 36 students competed. He wasn't one of 10 selected to participate professor of chemistry at Delaware State in the international competition, but he University, and called on his family to help explain his work. He received an honorable mention and the chance to go to the White "The activated carbon and ion exchange acetaminophen," Patel said. "The water distiller was most effective, removing 100 advanced, Wang said. Patel is working with scientists at the University of Delaware, and his goal is to advance to the international requires a lot of energy and cost to have to boil all that water and wait to cool it down." For now, though, he is just basking in the Patel, who hopes to become a doctor like glory of shaking the commander in chief's his father, has been interested in science first inspired to enter the school science fair in seventh grade, thanks to Michele Thomas, his Science Olympiad coach and a teacher at Sussex Academy of Arts and Sciences. Thomas, who is coaching 30 Science Olympiad students this year, said Patel has a natural inclination toward science and also works hard. Patel has won numerous science competitions over the years, but after winning his school science fair in 10th grade with his pharmaceutical project, he advanced to the Sussex County Science Fair, and then moved on to the Delaware BioGENEius Challenge, sponsored by the Delaware Biotechnology Institute and other state partners, such as AstraZeneca. He was one of three Delaware finalists to advance to the U.S. National BioGENEius


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