Microsoft word - checklist tourism_feb2014.doc

Tourism/ Sports Event/ Concert
This information leaflet has been generated by the German Missions in South Africa. This leaflet stipulates the legal requirements of a Schengen Visa application. Applicants are requested to read it carefully and follow the regulations as stated below – see I. until IV The following documents have to be submitted / completed
One completed visa application
• Will be sent to you via email or alternatively printed at the Visa Application Centre. Needs to be fully completed and signed and dated by applicant. • If the applicant is under the age of 18, signed „Letter of consent“ needs to be attached including copies of parents / legal guardians passport. Passport
• Validity minimum 90 days from the date of expiry of the requested Visa • Passport must contain at least 2 empty pages for entry and departure stamp • Undamaged pictures securely affixed to passport by paper clip • Non- South African citizens must hold a valid Visa which allows re-entering South One recent biometric passport sized photograph
• Please read the guidelines attached to your confirmation email Photocopies
• 2 passport copies of pages containing personal data Document confirming employment situation
• Employees: Letter of employment, or • Self employed Company registration /Letter from Accountant /Letter from SARS, or • Students: Proof of school/university attendance confirming that the student is exempt from attending lectures during the requested travel period • Medical Doctors: Licence to practice from HPSCA, or • Lawyers: Proof of registration with Law Association Documents reflecting the nature of the trip
• Signed letter of invitation from private person + passport copy, or • Legalised letter of invitation or concert/sport event tickets, or
• Package Tour/ Cruises/ Individual Trips (proof of accommodation for every day) or
Documents confirming sufficient funds are available for the trip
• Current 3 months stamped bank statement of private bank account, or
• Current 3 months stamped bank statement of business account, or
• Original stamped and signed letter from bank confirming the account balance, or • Legalized letter of obligation + written statement explaining the relationship between Flight-ticket and hotel reservation
• Flight reservation or travel itinerary and • Hotel reservation with full address for the entire time of stay in Shengen State(s) or
• Signed Invitation letter from a host / company in Germany with full address
Overseas medical insurance
• Valid for the duration of the requested Visa • Minimum coverage of EUR 30,000 and repatriation • Conditions must be stated either on insurance document or on separate • Please note: Medical insurances connected to credit cards are not accepted For accompanying minors (younger than 18 years of age)
• Full unabridged birth certificate ( displaying fathers and mothers name ) • Guardian’s declaration of consent signed by both guardians / parents • Copy of first page of passport of Minor • Full unabridged marriage certificate of the parents Please note: In the absence of one parent during the appointment, the absent party must have signed a power of attorney ( please go to for more information ) II. INFORMATION FOR THE APPLICANT
The processing time for Visa applications takes two weeks according to the Schengen Visa Codex. The German missions and Intergate are committed to keep the processing time to a minimum. Due to the Biometric Data collection and processing a minimum of seven working days is required to process all Visa applications. Only complete applications can be accepted; Non-submission of necessary documentation may lead to a refusal During the processing period the passport has to remain with the German missions. Passports can only be withdrawn if a written request, signed by the applicant, is received. Consequently the application will be cancelled and the passport will be available for collection within 2 working days from Intergate. False or falsified documents will lead to refusal of visa and/ or further consequences The German missions reserve the right to ask for further supporting documents / information Visa extensions within Germany are generally not possible Applicants may not apply for permanent residence in Germany while on this Visa The German Mission may shorten the validity of the Visa without prior consultation In case of a one-year or multiple year visa being issued, the period of stay in a Schengen may not exceed 90 days per half a year, this period of stay beginning with the first day of entry into the Schengen state. Have you already had your fingerprints taken at an earlier application for a C-Schengenvisa ? If so, it may not be necessary for you to apply in person. However, in case the biometric capturing of your fingerprints failed or has been compromised due to a technical problem and cannot be used you must have your fingerprints taken again. In such case, you will be contacted by the mission or by “Intergate “respectively III. REMARKS INTERGATE
• Applicant requests a Visa with extended validity □ • Applicant travels alone □ with family members □ with a group □ • Applicant has previously had a Shengen Visa and copies have been attached □ • Applicant has been advised that his documents are incomplete □ Additional comments:
For the Visa applicant: I have read and agreed to the Intergate
terms and conditions valid for the visa application as per the above Signature (s) :


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