Social Science & Medicine 52 (2001) 1815–1826
Adolescent girls, illegal abortions and ‘‘sugar-daddies’’ in Dar
es Salaam: vulnerable victims and active social agents
Margrethe Silberschmidta,*, Vibeke Raschb
a Department of Women and Gender Research in Medicine, Institute of Public Health, Panum Institute, University of Copenhagen,
Blegdamsvej 3, 2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark
b Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Odense University Hospital, DK-5000 Odense C, Denmark
Adolescent girls’ early sexual activity, early pregnancy, induced abortions and the increase in HIV infections have
become major concerns in Sub-Saharan Africa. Efforts, though, to understand their sexual behaviour and to preventreproductive health problems are almost non-existent. Adolescent girls are normally seen as victims and easy preys of(often older and married) men’s sexual exploitation. This article, which is based on a qualitative study of 51 adolescentgirls who had just had an illegal abortion in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, reveals that these girls are not only victims butalso willing preys and active social agents engaging in high-risk sexual behaviour. In order to get material benefits theyexpose themselves to serious health risks, including induced abortion } without realising their own vulnerability. Inour study, one out of four girls had more than one partner at the time they became pregnant, and many counted on anillegally induced abortion if they got pregnant. Even if adolescents are now allowed free access to family planninginformation, education and services, our study shows that this remains in the realm of theory rather than practice. Moreover, most adolescent girls are not aware about their right to such services. The paper concludes that thevulnerability of adolescent girls increases without the recognition that sexuality education and contraceptive services donot constitute a licence to practice illicit sex } but rather a means to create more mature and responsible attitudes andto increase sexual and reproductive health. # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: High-risk sexual behaviour; Adolescent girls; Induced abortion; Sugar-daddies; Dar es Salaam; Tanzania
HIV infections occur among the 15–24 years old, withyoung girls being at particular risk from contact with
Promoting adolescent sexual and reproductive health
older men (Key actions for further implementation of
} in particular that of girls } in the developing world
has become a major issue on the international agenda.
The issue of induced abortion in most sub-Saharan
Close to 17 million girls under the age of 20 give birth
countries is highly controversial } as the heated
each year. Most of these pregnancies are unplanned, and
discussions at the International Conference on Popula-
it is estimated by the WHO that as many as 4.4 million
tion and Development in Cairo in 1994 clearly reflected.
abortions are sought by adolescent girls each year
The issue is even more controversial when it concerns
(WHO, 1998). In addition, more than 50% of all new
adolescent girls, who are not expected to be sexuallyactive, though it has been repeatedly documented thatthey are (Bledsoe & Cohen, 1993). Their early sexual
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +45-353-27987; fax: +45-353-
activity is generally attributed to fundamental socio-
E-mail address:
economic change, the erosion of moral codes, familial
control and abandoned rituals such as initiation
0277-9536/01/$ - see front matter # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 2 7 7 - 9 5 3 6 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 2 9 9 - 9
M. Silberschmidt, V. Rasch / Social Science & Medicine 52 (2001) 1815–1826
ceremonies which served to prepare adolescents for their
abortions constitute 13% of all maternal deaths
roles and responsibilities as adults. As such, early sexual
(WHO, 1998). In Tanzania, illegal abortions are punish-
activity is perceived as a moral problem.
able by imprisonment of up to 14 years for the
Adolescent girls’ ‘illegitimate’ sexual activity, unin-
abortionist, seven years for the woman herself and three
tended pregnancies, induced abortions and deteriorating
years for any person supplying drugs or instruments to
sexual and reproductive health are often linked to the
induce such an abortion. Illegal abortions, however, are
fact that young girls are objects of (older) men’s choices.
hidden realities. Although the law is very strict,
The ‘sugar daddy’ phenomenon which is particularly
prosecutions for abortion are rare (Tumbo-Masabo &
widespread in African cities is well described in the
Liljestro¨m, 1994). High morbidity is connected with
literature (see, for example Mpangile, Leshabari, Kayaa,
illegal abortions as most are performed unsafely and by
& Kihwele, 1996; Haram, 1995; Komba-Malekela &
unskilled persons. This is reflected in the increasing
Liljestro¨m, 1994; Bledsoe & Cohen, 1993). With
number of women who have become infertile after an
increasing awareness of HIV/AIDS, these men are now
induced abortion (ibid). Tubal block is a principal cause
increasingly blamed for luring younger, ‘safer’ girls who
of failure to conceive and about 25% of these women
are hopefully too young to be infected by HIV into
have a history of adolescent septic abortion (ibid). Thus,
sexual relations by promising them some degree of
the risk of being prosecuted seems negligible compared
financial security. The character, though, of these
with the health risks involved in induced abortions.
relationships, the role that these men play in the girls’
The rates of unplanned pregnancies and induced
lives, the use of contraceptive measures and the degree
abortions in Tanzania are much higher than generally
of male involvement in the girls’ induced abortion are
perceived by parents, teachers and policy makers
(Mpangile & Mbunda, 1993). A study of four public
In Tanzania, adolescent girls’ sexual activity is on the
hospitals in Dar es Salaam showed that about a third of
rise, and their unwanted pregnancies and illegal abor-
the women admitted with complications from an illegal
tions constitute a major threat to their sexual and
abortion were teenagers } 41.3% of whom aged 17 or
reproductive health (UMATI, 1994; Tanzania Demo-
under Mpangile, Leshabari, and Kihwele (1993). In the
graphic and Health Survey, 1993, 1997). In order to
early 1990s, 22% of women who delivered at the
obtain a deeper insight into sensitive and less visible
Muhimbili Medical Centre in Dar es Salaam were
aspects of such adolescent girls, a qualitative study was
teenagers. Among women hospitalised in Muhimbili
undertaken in a hospital setting in Dar es Salaam. The
gynaecological wards due to abortion-related complica-
aim was to understand illegal abortions in a broader
tions, 54% were teenagers (Tumbo-Masabo & Liljes-
socio-economic and cultural context } to acquire an in-
tro¨m, 1994). A study carried out from 1991–1993 in Ilala
depth knowledge of adolescent girls’ sexual activity,
District, Dar es Salaam showed that illegally induced
their relation with their partners, to find out whether the
abortions contributed to 15% of maternal deaths in that
girls were ‘lured’ into unprotected sexual activity, or if
district. One-third of these abortions occurred among
they were active social actors themselves. Emphasis was
also made to explore their access to contraceptives, and
Nystrom, 1996). Studies from other sub-Saharan coun-
the factors that influenced them to have an illegal and
tries report similar findings (Kinoti, Gaffikin, L, Benson,
expensive abortion. Although Tanzania’s Strategy for
Reproductive Health and Child Survival 1997–2001
A recent hospital-based study from Dar es Salaam
(1997) does give priority to adolescents’ reproductive
indicates that of the 362 women who had allegedly
health, there are no well co-ordinated programmes that
miscarried the majority had in fact had an illegal
address adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health
abortion. Half of the women were aged 20 years and
needs and issues. Consequently, our aim was also to
under (Rasch, Silberschmidt, & Mchumvu (2000a);
contribute knowledge for future reproductive health
Rasch, Muhammad, Uric, & Bergstro¨m (2000b)).
initiatives aimed at adolescent girls.
Similar findings are reported in hospital-based studiesfrom other sub-Saharan countries (ibid). In general,though, the data on the extent of induced abortions in
sub-Saharan Africa are unreliable. Accurate reporting isdiscouraged by the sensitive nature of the issue:
Only very few African countries (e. g. Zambia,
community-based surveys tend to produce gross under-
Burundi and recently South Africa) permit induced
estimates, and underreporting constitutes a major
abortion for reasons other than those threatening life.
problem. As a result, many aspects of adolescent girls’
Elsewhere, induced abortions being illegal, the number
sexual behaviour, and why they are having an induced
of safely induced abortions in sub-Saharan Africa is
unknown. According to the WHO, 5,000,000 unsafe
Until 1994, family planning in Tanzania would be
abortions are performed annually in Africa; these
used solely for child-spacing purposes. Hence family
M. Silberschmidt, V. Rasch / Social Science & Medicine 52 (2001) 1815–1826
planning advice was given primarily to married clients
partner, the circumstances under which they met, and
with at least one child. Adolescents’ access to education
the girls’ feelings and expectations toward their partner.
and information on sexual matters, including contra-
Other questions addressed whether the interviewee was
ception had been seriously neglected, largely because of
certain that a particular partner had made her pregnant,
fear of encouraging any ‘immoral’ or unrestrained
if she had other partners at the time she became
sexual behaviour. However, acknowledging the increas-
pregnant, and if she would have continued the relation-
ing problem of pregnancies among adolescents, the
ship had she not received material benefits.
National Policy Guidelines and Standard for Family
The principal investigator collaborated very closely
Planning were revised in, 1994 (Tanzania National
with the interviewer during the data collection, and each
Policy Guidelines and Standards for Family Planning
interview was discussed in detail and repeatedly. The
Service Delivery and Training, 1994). It now states that
insight gathered from the initial interviews was used to
‘‘all males and females of reproductive age, including
develop and add more in-depth guideline questions.
adolescents irrespective of their parity and marital
Each interview lasted from two to two-and-a half hours.
status, shall have the right of access to family planning
No incentives were given, but the interviewee was
information, education and services’’ (1984, p. 83).
offered a refreshment during the interview. Afterwards,
However, as will be discussed below, a wide discrepancy
our interviewer accompanied the girl to the family
exists between these guidelines and their practical
planning clinic at the hospital. Here she was provided
application to adolescents’ access to services.
with a choice of contraception and given a date toreturn.
All interviews were entered into a computer and
grouped thematically and according to the followingcategories: age, religion, tribe, civil status, education,
The present study was carried out in Dar es Salaam,
occupation and place of residence of the interviewees;
the capital of Tanzania, which has about two million
age at first time of sexual contact; number of partners
inhabitants and is divided into three districts. Each
since first intercourse; number of partners when inter-
district has one district hospital, and the city has one
viewee became pregnant; planned or unplanned preg-
referral hospital. The data collection took place at
nancy; contraceptive knowledge, attitude and practice;
district hospital level in one of the districts.
access to contraception; number of STDtreatments;
From July to September 1997, a group of adolescents
number of previously induced abortions. Each inter-
registered in the admission book with the diagnosis
viewee was also asked to identify what type of relation-
‘incomplete abortion’ were approached consecutively.
ship she had with the partner responsible for the
Fifty-one adolescents who admitted having had an
pregnancy and provide information on partner’s age,
induced abortion were included in the study. Thirty-
civil status, number of children and occupation of
eight had the abortion performed under safe conditions
partner; length of relationship with partner; frequency
at the hospital where the interviews were carried out.
of sexual meetings; material exchange between inter-
The remaining thirteen were admitted with complica-
viewee and partner; partner’s attitude to use of contra-
tions from an unsafe abortion performed by an unskilled
person. All patients were informed that participation in
pregnancy; partner’s (relatives’ or friends’) involvement
the study was voluntary and would not affect their
in providing access to and paying for the abortion;
further treatment. Informed, oral consent was obtained,
whether the interviewee was still seeing the partner, and
if she expected the relationship to continue after the
The interviews took place in a private room in the
gynaecological ward. One female nurse-midwife with
Because of the open-ended nature of the interview, the
extensive experience in interviewing women who had an
many different case stories and many quotations, each
abortion, conducted the interviews. In order to establish
interview was scrutinised and analysed individually. This
a comfortable interaction between the interviewer and
was done in order to capture all nuances, and to get a
the respondent, an open, sympathetic and trustworthy
full picture of the interviewee, her situation, and how she
approach, free of moral judgements, was taken. Open-
ended questions on sexual activity, access and use of
In order to contrast our data } obtained in a district
contraception, the reason for having an induced abor-
hospital setting } with data collected in a non-hospital
tion, and partner’s role and involvement, etc., were
setting, one focus group discussion was carried out in
developed. The interviewer used guideline questions to
the village of Bunjo, a rural area of Dar es Salaam with a
focus the discussion, but was encouraged to probe
group of nine young unmarried women (15–29 years).
respondents, follow leads and note as many quotations,
All of them had several self-induced abortions provoked
details and case stories as possible. Special emphasis was
by using locally grown herbs. They knew each other very
placed on eliciting information on the relationship with
well, and had agreed to participate after being informed
M. Silberschmidt, V. Rasch / Social Science & Medicine 52 (2001) 1815–1826
beforehand about the theme of the discussion. The
school uniform to a dress, which they had brought
principal investigator and two of her research assistants
along. The partner rented a room in a lodging.
led the discussion that lasted three and a half hours. The
According to most girls, as both they and their partner
same type of themes/questions were asked as were in the
were afraid of being discovered, the intercourse took
place in a great hurry. In most cases, the sexual activitylasted from 15 to 30 min.
Condoms were hardly ever used. According to the
Analysis of Data from the hospital setting
interviewees, the reasons given by the men were that‘they did not get the full pleasure out of the activity’ (a
viewpoint that was shared by some of the girls);‘condoms delayed the activity’; ‘they are against God’s
All 51 girls interviewed were unmarried. Their age
will’; ‘they give discomforts and skin reactions’. The
varied from 15 to 19 (on average 17.5). They had
withdrawal method had not been practised. It was a
different ethnic backgrounds. Eighteen of them were
‘killer procedure’, some men argued. Besides, many girls
Christians and 33 were Muslims. Twenty-five of them
had been told by their partner that sperm entering their
(close to 50%) were still in school and resided with their
vagina were good for them; ‘sperm should not be
parents or relatives. The other 26 girls (51%) who were
employed as house girls, barmaids or engaged in petty
A few girls overlooked the possibility of becoming
trade, stayed in a room at their workplace or rented a
pregnant. Some thought they were too young to
room. Nineteen girls (27%) had finished primary school.
conceive. ‘‘Only girls over 18 can get pregnant’’, one
Age at time of first sexual contact varied from 13 to 16.
16-year old girl said. A few others believed that when
Several girls said they been forced by another adoles-
the sexual act was carried out in a hurry, or in a
cent, a houseboy or a schoolteacher to have sex, mainly
standing position, it was not possible to get pregnant.
the first time. Most of the girls’ current sexual partners
Another few argued that they had not become
were married men twice their age. Five of the girls
pregnant with their previous partners. Therefore, it
(10.2%) had had an abortion before. One of them had
did not occur to them that they would get pregnant
three abortions before this one. One girl had a child.
with this one. Most of the girls, though, were aware thatthey could get pregnant through unprotected sex.
However, it was not a major worry. Many thought ofthe possibility of having an abortion if they did get
As described in the literature, gaining trustworthy
pregnant. They also relied on their partner’s support, as
answers, in general, and on sexual activity, in particular,
some of them had promised assistance to ‘‘solve the
has proven to be difficult due to the sensitive character
problem’’ in case of pregnancy. Quite a few kept their
of the issue (Rosenthal, Burklow, Biro, Pace, &
DeVellis, 1996). When evaluating the first 35 interviews
Only five of our respondents became pregnant
after the first month of interviewing, it was found that
intentionally. They had expected their partner to marry
the majority of the girls claimed to have had two or three
them if they did get pregnant. When their partner failed
sexual partners (on average 2.7) since their sexual debut.
to recognise paternity, they decided on an abortion. One
The interviewer was then urged to elaborate (with
18-year old house girl had, in fact, used contraceptives
sensitivity and a caring attitude free of any moral
which she purchased from a woman who worked at a
judgement) on this issue and to ascertain if this really
family planning clinic. When she met her present
corresponded to the reality: the average number of
partner, she stopped using them because her partner
sexual partners rose from 2.7 to 5.6 with the number of
promised to marry her. She was convinced that if she got
sexual partners varying from one to eight in the
pregnant, ‘there was no way for him to leave her’.
remaining 16 interviews, and with many of girls
However, when she revealed that she was pregnant he
reporting that they had several partners simultaneously.
denied responsibility: he was married, had two children,
Twenty-five percent of the total sample admitted to
loved his wife and refused to see her anymore. She
having had more than one sexual partner at the time of
decided to have the pregnancy aborted.
conception. These girls could not say who was
Most of the girls were also aware of the possibility of
contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD) but
All the girls had regular intercourse, one to three
they were not very concerned. Some of the girls had been
times a week. None of the 25 girls staying with their
told by their partner that there was no reason to fear
parents (except one) had told them that they were
HIV since they were the only one the partner had
sexually active, and that they had regular intercourse.
relations with. Others did not know if their partner had
Their sexual encounters were carried out in secrecy }
other relations. Seven of the girls reported having
often after school. Many would change from their
previously had a STD. These girls had all been treated,
M. Silberschmidt, V. Rasch / Social Science & Medicine 52 (2001) 1815–1826
and mentioned that if they were to contract a STDagain
they could always get treated for it.
None of the girls in our sample lived with their sexual
partner. As mentioned earlier, the vast majority wasinvolved with a man who was twice as old. Forty-five
In a study of induced abortions in four public
percent of them were between 30 and 39 years and
hospitals in Dar es Salaam (Mpangile et al., 1993),
27.5% 40 and over. Only seven girls (13.7%) reported
88.5% of adolescent girls aged 17 and under did not
that their partners aged 25 and under. In another study
know about any contraceptive method. In our study, all
of abortion in Dar es Salaam almost a third of the
the girls except one illiterate girl knew of several types of
adolescent girls had male partners aged 45 or above
contraceptive measures, in particular, oral contracep-
(Mpangile, Kihwele, Munos, & Indriso, 1997). Most of
tives and injections (such as Depo-ProveraTM).
the men were businessmen, involved in petty business
However, even if they were able to mention different
(e.g., selling oranges and coconuts, etc.). A few were
contraceptive methods, their knowledge was very super-
shopkeepers. One was a banker who had a relationship
ficial. A common belief was that the pill should only be
with his house girl. According to the girls in our study,
taken on the day of intercourse. Nine girls had tried oral
half of their partners were already married } or said
contraceptives. Some had stopped using them because of
they were. This is a much higher number than reported
side effects (e.g. irregular bleeding), and some because
in other studies. However, as also noted in Mpangile’s
they wanted to become pregnant } hoping that
study, the marital status of men who have affairs with
pregnancy would result in marriage. Others had become
teenage girls is difficult to establish from the teenagers’
pregnant while using contraception. Three girls com-
accounts. They rarely inquire about the marital status of
plained of having become pregnant after having been
their sexual partners, and if they do, it is unlikely that
injected with Depo-ProveraTM. This is a recurring
the truth will be revealed. In our study, 15 girls knew of
phenomenon, often mentioned by other women inter-
their partners having children. The remaining 36 girls
viewed (Silberschmidt, unpublished). It is assumed that
did not know whether their partners had any children.
these women did not get their follow-up injection at the
The length of the relationships varied, but they
seemed fairly stable with ten of them having lasted one
A vast majority of the girls had heard about different
year or more. Twenty-nine had lasted from 5 to 12
side-effects such as irregular bleeding and abdominal
months. The girls reported regular sexual contact with
pain, both from oral contraception and injections. They
their partners (one to three times a week). Over 30 of the
had also heard rumours that oral contraception might
girls said that they were still seeing their partner at the
lead to infertility if taken by a girl/woman who had not
time of the interview. Fifteen girls said that they were
given birth, and had received this information from
definitely not seeing the partner anymore: the partner
friends or relatives. One 18-year old student had been
had either disclaimed paternity or had disappeared as
told by her 40 year-old partner that contraceptives were
soon as the girl had revealed the pregnancy. The rest of
dangerous for her. In two cases, a mother had advised
the girls said that they were still seeing their partner.
her daughter not to use contraception because it could
However, some of them admitted that they did not
correspond now as much as before and some felt a bit
However, the majority of the adolescent girls we
ignored. A couple of the girls suspected that their
interviewed had never used any contraception, nor did
partner had found another girlfriend. Apart from the
they know that they were entitled to receive free
five girls who had counted on marriage and therefore
contraceptives from a family planning centre. To their
had intentionally become pregnant, the rest of the girls
knowledge, only women who had children were allowed
never intended to marry their partner, and their
at the family planning clinics. A few girls had purchased
contraception from health personnel that they knew or
In a study of the role of male partners in induced
had heard about and who were selling these on the side
abortions among teenagers in Dar es Salaam, three types
to supplement their salary. When checking at one of the
of relationships are identified (Mpangile et al., 1996).
government health centres if adolescents had access to
The first is rafiki } a boyfriend with whom the girl has
family planning measures, we were immediately told
regular contact. The second is mshikaji wa muda } a
about the new health policy (1994) that allowed
temporary partner; regularity of contact varies. Such a
adolescents access. However, we were also told that
relationship can range from short-term to a complex
only two 16-year-old girls had received any family
longer-term symbiotic relationship, often involving
planning measure (in this instance, Depo-ProveraTM)
acquisition of property (varying from food and clothes
during the past year at this centre. And they were
to more expensive items). In the city of Dar es Salaam,
prostitutes, according to the judgement of the FP-nurse
relationships with men identified as rafiki receive more
social acceptance and recognition than relationships
M. Silberschmidt, V. Rasch / Social Science & Medicine 52 (2001) 1815–1826
with a mshikaji wa muda (Mpangile et al., 1996). The
An 18 year-old girl who worked in a bar complained
third category comprises men with whom contact is
about her partner: ‘I tried my best to make him give me
infrequent or men that a girl has only had a single
some money, but he only gave me beer and food. When I
told him I was pregnant, I never saw him again’.
In our sample, a fourth type of relationship was
However, she was not sure if he was the one who had
mentioned by a couple of girls: mpenzi} someone they
made her pregnant. She also had other partners because
considered having a love relationship with and even
} as she said } her salary was small, and she needed
hoped to marry. However, the vast majority of girls
referred to their partner as a mshikaji wa muda asa buzi (a goat to milk). A 17-year old student who had
Men’s role in advising/paying for the induced abortion
a relationship with a 22 year-old man } referred tohim as a mshikaji wa muda. Most of the time, she
As mentioned above, in the existing literature on
received money from him in exchange for sex } but
induced abortions in Sub-Saharan Africa, there is hardly
not always. ‘Something is better than nothing’, she
any information about the role that men play in the
reasoned. She was now, however, looking for a man
decision of a woman to terminate her pregnancy,
who could give her more money. She had also had
beyond an indication that some men pay for induced
sexual encounters with other partners at the time she
abortion (Kinoti et al., 1997). In the early 1990s, when
teenagers constituted 22% of women who delivered at
All the girls were provided with small ‘luxuries’ such
the Muhimbili Medical Centre in Dar es Salaam, 40% of
as underwear, soap, cream and also pocket money and
them did not have a partner willing to acknowledge
textbooks in exchange for their sexual services. ‘No
paternity (Tumbo-Masabo & Liljestro¨m, 1994). In a
money } no sex’ was a recurring remark. One girl
study by Mpangile et al. (1993), men responsible for the
mentioned that her 40 year-old, married partner had
pregnancies did not assist in looking for a solution to the
fallen in love with her. He gave her 5,000 Tanzanian
problem (e.g. abortion services) to the same extent that
shillings (Tsh) (roughly US$8) the first time they had
other social support networks, such as mothers and
intercourse. Other days he gave her 3,000 to 4,000 Tsh,
other female relatives, did. Nevertheless, the men
but not always. In spite of the fact that, according to the
responsible tended to end up paying the bills. In a later
girl, they were in love, she had no intention of
study by Mpangile et al. (1996), one-third of the
continuing the relationship if she did not receive money
partners had advised the girls where to go for an
from her partner. As she said: ‘there is no use of a
abortion, and almost half of them had paid the fees
partner who has no money’. Some girls also had a meal
required for the abortion. According to a study by
when they met with their partner. Others who were only
Leshabari, Mpangile, Kaaya, and Kihwele (1994), only
treated with sodas and snacks were looking for a new
60% of the girls had initially confided in the men with
whom they had conceived. Nearly all these men had
One 19 year-old girl, who worked as a hair-maker,
assisted in looking for an abortionist and paying for the
found that ‘life is difficult without a buzi. Her buzi was
also her landlord, and he let her stay in her rented room
In our study, all the girls had informed their partner
for free. He was 45 years-old, married and had six
of their pregnancy. Twenty-one (41%) of the partners
children. ‘He comes to me to escape frustrations from
had advised the girls where to go for the abortion and
home’. ‘He takes me out for beer and snacks’. She took
had also paid for the procedure (i.e. about 30,000 Tsh)
no sexual pleasure at all from the sexual activity and
when the abortion had been carried out at a hospital.
‘wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible’, ‘but he
Seventeen of the girls had been advised by a girlfriend
is my major source of income, and I use him as my buzi.
and had provided the money themselves. The majority
She was not concerned about getting a STD. It had
of these girls had their abortion performed outside the
happened to her twice before, and she had received
hospital at the cost of about 10,000 Tsh. They were the
treatment. If she got HIV now, it would be purely
ones in our sample who had been admitted to the
accidental } it would be ajali kazini (accident at work).
hospital with complications. The remaining 14 girls had
This was her second abortion. As she had other partners
confided in their social support network and had
she did not know who had made her pregnant this time.
received advice and financial assistance from mothers
But she had ‘decided to give the burden to this buzi
because he had money’. She had been convinced that
Summing up, even if most relationships in this study
she could make him pay for an abortion if she got
seemed relatively stable, none of the men (or the girls for
pregnant. She was right. He facilitated her abortion at
that matter) intended to have a child with their partner
the hospital and paid Tsh. 35,000 (roughly US$58. The
(see below). And there was no disagreement between the
government minimum monthly wage for an unskilled
girl and her partner in terms of the termination of the
pregnancy. With men refusing to use condoms and with
M. Silberschmidt, V. Rasch / Social Science & Medicine 52 (2001) 1815–1826
many of them promising an induced abortion in case of
1995). We assume that the interaction between the
pregnancy, it must be assumed that they were well aware
interviewer and the respondents explains the much
that their young girlfriend might end up with a
higher numbers of sexual partners admitted to by the
pregnancy. And while some refused to acknowledge
paternity, twenty-one did take responsibility.
‘I love him because he gives me money’
As noted by Bledsoe and Cohen (1993), documenting
trends in adolescent fertility is a much easier task than
According to Bledsoe and Cohen (1993), becoming
explaining these trends. The same can be said about our
pregnant deliberately is often a strategy for obtaining a
attempt to explain adolescent girls’ sexual behaviour in
husband and gaining in social status. Linked to this,
Dar es Salaam. Contrary to boys, girls are easily
most adolescent girls seem to believe that the need to
dismissed by the community as promiscuous, if it is
find a suitable husband and begin a family far outweighs
known that they are sexually active. Consequently, and
the costs to their education and career opportunities
although girls are today exposed to freer and more
(ibid). However, none of the girls in our sample } but
unrestrained behaviour regarding love and sex, their
for five } had any intention of ‘trapping’ a husband.
sexual experiences are still surrounded by secrecy. Peers,
Also, even if their relationships seemed fairly stable, the
not parents, are the most important source of knowledge
fact that they referred to their ‘benefactors’ as mshikaji
on sexual matters (Fuglesang, 1997). Many parents,
wa muda implies that most girls had no long-term goals
though, are perfectly aware of their daughters’ esca-
for the relationship. Nor did they plan to get pregnant.
pades, and that they barter their sexuality for economic
On the contrary, they counted on an abortion in the
gains. But they choose to close their eyes because it
event of pregnancy. The same attitude has also been
relieves them of their financial responsibilities.
reported in Studies from Kenya and Nigeria (Barker &
As to the girls in our sample, even if it may not be
socially acceptable to have a mshikaji, they were proud
While most of the girls in our sample were aware that
of having a mshikaji wa muda or a buzi as their ‘financial
they could get pregnant if they had unprotected sex }
resource’. They were also flattered by older men’s
except for those few who had used a contraceptive
interest in them. As documented in other studies, a buzi
method } they accepted the fact that their partners
gives prestige among peers since a girl’s status within
refused to use condoms. They were not in a position of
this group is often dependent on having nice clothes and
negotiation, because they either did not dare to propose
other material possessions. Such things are achieved
condom use for fear of loosing their partner, or it did
most easily by entering a sexual relationship with a man
not occur to them that they could propose condom use.
who is willing to provide. Moreover, not many girls or
They did not expect to propose condom use. Not even a
women would enter into a premarital sexual relationship
wife would dare to propose that her husband used a
without the potential for material recompense. It is
condom for fear of being accused of having had other
believed that sexual services are commodities that
sexual relations. Even if she suspected/knew that her
should be paid for. Only women with no self-respect
husband had been unfaithful, she could not ask him to
would give such services for free (Silberschmidt,
use a condom } this would imply a lack of respect on
unpublished data). Men are aware of this conception,
her part. Only prostitutes can ask their clients to use a
and they accept it as a fact. In exchange for financial
compensation men gain sexual access and control over
As a result, abortion was used as a contraceptive
young women, a relationship which acts as a booster to
method, because cultural and practical barriers }
their virility and self-esteem (Silberschmidt, 2001, 1999,
including access to contraception } present greater
obstacles (shame) than the risk (fear) of having an
While the girls in our study were involved in overtly
abortion. Moreover, with 25% of girls having more than
transactional sex, this exchange was by no means
one sexual partner at a time, the non-use of condoms,
comparable to or associated with prostitution. In fact,
the not-knowing who was responsible for the pregnancy,
and as mentioned above, most women in a Tanzanian or
and 14% of girls having had a STDpreviously, all point
an East African context } married or not } with any
to high-risk sexual behaviour on the part of the
self-respect would be very reluctant to engage in a sexual
adolescent girls. Other Tanzanian studies of adolescent
relationship with a man without any material benefits.
girls have stated a lower number of sexual partners
Men who are unable to provide such benefits are met
(Kapiga, Hunter, & Nachtigal, 1992; Kapiga, Lwihula,
with contempt (Silberschmidt, 1999, 2001). It was also
Shao, & Hunter, 1995; Weinstein, Ngallaba, Cross, &
apparent to the adolescent girls in our study that no man
Mburu, 1995; Mnyika, Kvale, & Ole, 1997), and also
would give them money or other material benefits
lower numbers of STDinfections (Weinstein et al.,
without receiving something in return. Sexual services
M. Silberschmidt, V. Rasch / Social Science & Medicine 52 (2001) 1815–1826
were all these girls could bargain with. And they were
men that ought to be targeted in the first place in
very willing to offer their services. Not as a means of
Tanzania (Mpangile et al., 1992, 1996). This is in line
survival } but rather as a means to gain access to small
with the increasing international focus on the vulner-
‘luxuries’, textbooks, etc. not to mention prestige from
ability of adolescent girls, the advocacy for gender
peers. Even if the word ‘love’ was used by many during
equality and the promotion of male responsibility and
the interview, it was closely associated with money. ‘No
partnership with women in sexual and reproductive
money, no sex’ was a recurrent remark. A 16 year-old
health (The Hague International Forum, 1999; Overall
student said about her 30 year-old partner: ‘I love him
review and appraisal of the implementation of the
and enjoy sex with him, because when I buy coconuts
Programme of Action of the ICPDReport of the Ad
from him, I do not pay, and I can use the money as
Hoc Committee of the Whole of the 21 Special Session
pocket money’. Or as one of them said, ‘I love him,
of the General Assembly, 1999; UNAIDS, 2000).
because he gives me money’. Also girls who said they
However, this being said, our data also indicate that
loved their partner would not continue the relationship
the relationship between our interviewees and their
without material benefits. Some of them were actually
‘sugar-daddies’ was not a one-way exploitation. While
planning to find one more partner ‘in order to increase
young girls are often regarded as objects of other
their financial resources’. The same observations are
people’s choices } often those of ‘sugar daddies’ }
made in a study from northern Tanzania, where the
these girls are also active social agents, entrepreneurs
transactional aspect of sexual relationships is crucial.
who deliberately exploit their partner(s). However, they
Once gifts cease to flow the relationship will soon come
are unaware of the potential consequences of their high-
risk sexual behaviour, and the health hazards that they
Contrary to boys, who often refer to their ‘lust’ and
expose themselves to. Moreover, while the ‘sugar
regard sex as the most pleasureful activity, (Silbersch-
daddies’ trust that they are having ‘safe sex’ with their
midt, unpublished) the majority of the girls in this study
young girlfriends, they may, in fact, be jeopardising their
did not consider sex as an activity by which their own
own health, that of their wife and other partners.
sexual needs would be met. Sex was something that girls
Consequently, both the behaviours of adult men and of
provided in return for a material benefit. As one of them
the adolescent girls they engage with need to be
said, ‘I only engage ‘minimum’ with this buzi. I enjoy sex
addressed. If behavioural change is proposed as an
more with other partners’. A buzi or a ‘sugar daddy’,
intervention, it should target not only male irresponsible
however, is a good source of income that most girls do
behaviour but also that of young girls. To the knowl-
edge of the author of this article, no interventions in
While the young girls were overtly entrepreneurial and
Tanzania have so far addressed the issue of adolescent
risk-taking in their approach to sex they were at the
girls’ irresponsible behaviour. However, the ‘sugar-
same time little aware of their own vulnerability having,
daddy’ phenomenon is well known, and young girls
for instance, no negotiating power in terms of contra-
are advised to avoid such ‘daddies’.
ception. Moreover, they did not appear motivated orconcerned. On the economic front, the consensus was
Urban versus rural girls and their access to safe abortion
that had they tried to negotiate condoms, they mighthave lost their buzi. On the health front, some girls
The girls in our study represent a privileged group of
would note ‘he looks healthy so why bother’.
women who were either able to have their partner/
Higher HIV seroprevalence rates amongst girls are
relative pay or raise the money themselves for a safe
now being recorded in Tanzania, (Tanzania Demo-
abortion or have their complications treated profession-
graphic and Health Survey, 1997) as in other East
ally. From this point of view, our sample is biased. It
African countries (Barnett & Blaikie, 1992 and many
represents a group of privileged young girls. They can
others). This increase is closely associated with the
certainly not be compared with the young girls living in
‘sugar daddy’ phenomenon } such men are seen as
the streets of Dar es Salaam, who, in order to survive,
responsible for bringing the AIDS virus to the teenage
engage in sexual contact with poor men who cannot
afford ‘more sophisticated prostitutes’ and are often
Urassa, 1998). If this is the case, there are serious
drawn into life-threatening relationships (Bamurange,
implications for the teenage female population, which in
1998). Nor can they be compared to the nine adolescent
turn increase the risk associated with abortions. Thus,
girls/young women (15–29) from Bunjo, rural Dar es
the sexual irresponsibility of the men carries some
Salaam, who did not have a ‘sugar-daddy’ to pay for a
serious repercussions on their young partners. From a
safe abortion or were able to raise the money needed to
gender point of view, the male partner exploits and takes
advantage of the adolescent girl, who, without realising
In Bunjo, we learnt during a focus group discussion
what she exposes herself to, ends up in a life-threatening
that many unmarried girls bleed to death or become
situation. Therefore, it is the behaviour of these adult
infertile after six to eight induced abortions. All the girls
M. Silberschmidt, V. Rasch / Social Science & Medicine 52 (2001) 1815–1826
who participated in the discussion had had several self-
unable to care for a child, or when she was afraid of
induced abortions using locally grown herbs. They were
‘missing’ a husband, because her pregnancy might have
very knowledgeable about many different types of roots
been caused by someone other than her fiance´. In that
which could be used (muharobaini, mlonge, paw paw,
case, inducing an abortion can be a way of trying to
mmavimavi, etc.) sometimes combined with chloroquine
‘save face,’ and ‘it must be a personal secret’.
or cafanol tablets which are sold over the counter andrequire no prescription. One of the girls, though,admitted that she almost died once, when she combined
‘one tea cup of boiled muharobaini roots with eightchloroquine tablets’. The girls recommended ‘cassava
Although this study was carried out in Tanzania, the
leaf sticks’ (which contain cyanide) as the safest remedy.
issue of illegal induced abortions has wider implications.
Even if they were aware of potential ‘misfortunes’ when
As do the issues of adolescent sexuality, family planning,
inducing an abortion, they were not overtly concerned.
abortion, communication with one’s partner, STD/HIV
Five of the young women, though, who were in their
as well as male responsibility. In Sub-Saharan Africa }
mid- to late 20s had no children. They were all sexually
as elsewhere in the world } these issues are pertinent,
active but did not use any type of contraception. Why
and at the forefront of public health discussions. At the
did they opt for induced abortion rather than trying to
Cairo+5 conference meeting in the Hague (1999),
prevent getting pregnant? ‘It is very difficult to get these
adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health was re-
modern methods, because many of us are still young and
garded as one of the major challenges national govern-
unmarried’. ‘The modern devices are given to married
ments and non-governmental agencies face worldwide.
women who have children. Therefore, most of us resort
Governments are now being urged to promote women’s,
to traditional methods, which are cheap and easy to get:
and, in particular, adolescent girls’ sexual and repro-
for instance, we make knots (mafundo) on a special
ductive health (Key Actions, 1999). However, in spite of
string and tie it around the waist. One knot equals one
the growing acceptance of the importance of addressing
year. So it depends on someone’s plans: the number of
reproductive health care needs, such acceptance must be
knots equals the number of years that one wants to wait
translated into adequate operational action at the
before getting pregnant’. However, if these traditional
methods did not work as a contraceptive method, the
As reported in an increasing number of studies from
girls agreed that then ‘you can tell your friend who is
Tanzania (Leshabari, 1988; Kapiga et al., 1992; Lesha-
somehow adult that she goes to the hospital and
bari, & Muhondwa, 1992; Leshabari, & Kaaya, 1996;
pretends that she needs family planning pills. And when
Klepp, Biswalo & Talle, 1995; Rwebangira & Liljestro¨m,
she gets them she can give them to you’. This was the
1998) and underlined in our study, adolescent girls have
only way for young unmarried women to gain access to
an urgent need for sexual and reproductive health
information as well as access to preventive measures.
All of the girls we spoke to in Bunjo knew of where
These girls are engaging in high-risk sexual behaviours,
and clandestine, usually unsafe, abortions have become
‘professional’ as well as its cost (Tsh 10,000 for a one-
a common occurrence. While more privileged women
month pregnancy, Tsh 30,000 for a three-month
can afford to pay for an abortion that will be performed
pregnancy). However, ‘we have no money, and it is
safely in a hospital setting, most women though, have to
difficult to request money from parents or relatives to go
resort to much less safe interventions. They are the ones
and have a properly performed induced abortion.
admitted to the hospital with complications (Justesen,
Therefore, we decide to perform it ourselves and get
Kapiga, & van Asten, 1992; Mpangile et al., 1997) unless
ready for any complication. Because we are sure that
they bleed to death before getting there. However, the 51
parents will be forced to take us to the hospital for more
girls in our study from urban Dar es Salaam were also
care. They cannot afford to see us dying. So it is easier to
putting their health and lives at risk. The way in which
force them to take care of complications than requesting
they negotiate their own sexuality leaves them extremely
vulnerable, and their economic gains seem negligible
None of the girls relied on assistance from a partner.
compared with the health risks they unknowingly take.
The age of their partners ranged from 22 to 35 and
The Tanzanian Government is aware that teenagers
above. The younger ones ‘tended to insist on sex only’,
are sexually active and, in 1994, launched a policy to
whereas the older ones were ‘quite helpful’ with small
encourage the provision of family planning information
luxuries. However, the latter had big families, many
and measures to people in need, including teenagers.
children, felt no responsibility and, according to the
Information and services to adolescents also figure
girls, would run away if they got pregnant. Therefore,
prominently in Tanzania’s Strategy for Reproductive
the decision to induce the abortion was made by the girls
Health and Child Survival 1997–2001 (1997). However,
themselves. Often because the girl was still in school and
there is still a vast discrepancy between policy guidelines
M. Silberschmidt, V. Rasch / Social Science & Medicine 52 (2001) 1815–1826
and their practical application. Adolescent girls face
children, particularly their daughters in order to enable
serious cultural barriers, not the least from the health
them to take responsibility for their own lives (ibid).
services where health workers have strong moral
How this is to be carried out in practice and under harsh
objections to offer them the services that they are
socio-economic decline is yet to be seen (Silberschmidt,
entitled to according to the revised National Policy
1999, 2000). The concept of ‘male involvement’ which
was emphasised both at the ICPDin Cairo (1994), and
However, even if adolescents do have access to
again at the Hague Forum reflects the recent emphasis
information and services, evidence from around the
on encouraging men to be supportive and involved
world shows that abortions cannot be completely
partners. It recognises that the health and socio-
eradicated (Kulczycki, Potts, & Rosenfield, 1996).
economic problems of women cannot be solved without
Therefore, as abortions continue to happen, the
involving men. However, there is so far no generally
controversial issue and ethical challenge of how to make
accepted understanding of what male involvement
clandestine abortions safe is now receiving increasing
actually means. In the meantime, adolescent girls as
international as well as national attention. According to
those in this study cannot wait for their sugar-daddies to
recommendations from The Centre for Reproductive
become responsible partners. They need to be assisted
Law and Policy (1999), there is a need to address the
both in the development of more mature and responsible
practice of unsafe abortions, particularly its high
attitudes as well as in gaining access to information and
incidence among adolescents. Linked to this, govern-
services, so that they can begin to take better care of
ments should consider enacting laws that permit
abortion on broad grounds. In addition, law enforce-
A few health and family planning initiatives specifi-
ment officials should refrain from prosecuting women
cally aimed at addressing adolescents’ needs are now
who have undergone abortion procedures and the
operated by NGOs in Tanzania. These initiatives are the
providers who have performed abortions (ibid). This is
‘Youth Friendly Services’ and ‘Youth Family Planning
in line with observations already made among others by
Services through Peers’, which provide education,
Kinoti et al. (1997), Sai (1996), and Rogo (1996), who
information and services to adolescents. However, as
argue that abortion laws not only in Tanzania but in
virtually no operational research has been carried out on
Africa, in general, need to take into account adolescent
how information and services can best be designed to
girls’ vulnerability and consider how clandestine abor-
meet the needs of adolescent girls (Kinoti et al., 1997),
tions can be made safe. Even if abortion is legalised,
there is still an urgent need for such research. There is a
unsafe abortions will continue to be performed because
particular need for research on how such services can be
of health budget constraints in developing countries.
made sustainable. More research is also needed on men’s
However, legalisation means transforming abortion
perspectives on their own role, responsibility and the
from a ‘guilty secret’ into a socially accepted method
implications of their relationships with adolescent girls.
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How Do Drug Prices Respond to a Change fromEvidence from a Danish Regulatory Reform ∗ Abstract Reference pricing is a widely used cost containment tool where the maximum reimburse-ment obtained by a patient is determined by the government using prices of similar drugs asa reference. We study the effect of a change in the design of reference price systems using aDanish regulatory reform. I
Ulipristal (ellaOne®) for post-coital contraception • Ulipristal is a first-in-class progesterone receptor modulator licensed for post coital (‘emergency’) contraception up to 120 hours (5 days) following unprotected intercourse. • Ulipristal has demonstrated efficacy in non-comparative and randomised comparative studies versus levonorgestrel. The results indicate that