No está claro cuán grande es el papel de los antibióticos en las relaciones competitivas entre los microorganismos en condiciones naturales. Zelman Waxman creía que este papel era mínimo, los antibióticos no se forman sino en culturas limpias en entornos ricos. Posteriormente, sin embargo, se descubrió que en muchos productos, la actividad de síntesis de antibióticos aumenta en presencia de otros tipos o productos específicos de su metabolismo.

Dr. Serge PINTO
CNRS Tenured Researcher

Laboratoire Parole et Langage (LPL)
UMR 7309 CNRS/ Aix-Marseille Université
5 avenue Pasteur
13 100 Aix-en-Provence - France
• Habilitation Thesis “ Dysarthria in Parkinson’s disease: understanding its
pathophysiology ”, Aix-Marseille Université, 2012 • Ph.D. in Neurosciences - Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble (France), “ Subthalamic nucleus stimulation and dysarthria in Parkinson’s disease: biomechanical and neuroimaging studies ”, 2002 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE • Tenured researcher at the CNRS (Scientific Research National Centre, France), (2006 – • Researcher (non-permanent positions): Pierre Wertheimer Neurological Hospital, Lyon, France & University Hospital, Neurology department, Grenoble, France (2005 – 2006) • Post-doc, Sobell Department of Motor Neuroscience and Movement Disorders – Institute of Neurology, Functional Neurosurgery Unit, London, United Kingdom (2003 – 2005)
PUBLICATIONS for the Past 5 Years

1. Krainik A, Maillet A, Fleury V, Sahin M, Troprès I, Lamalle L, Henry-Lagrange C,
Thobois S, Fraix V, Villien M, Warnking J, Pollak P, Pinto S, Krack P. L-dopa does not change cerebral vasoreactivity in Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders (in press) 2. Maillet A, Krainik A, Debû B, Troprès I, Lagrange C, Thobois S, Pollak P, Pinto S. (2012) Levodopa Effects on Hand and Speech Movements in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease: A fMRI Study. PLoS ONE 7(10): e46541. doi:10.1371/journal.pone. 3. Ghio A, Pouchoulin G, Teston B, Pinto S, Fredouille C, De Looze C, Robert D, Viallet F, Giovanni A (2012) How to manage sound, physiological and clinical data of 2500 dysphonic and dysarthric speakers? Speech Communication 54(5), 664-679. 4. Pinto S, Mancini L, Jahanshahi M, Thornton JS, Tripoliti E, Yousry T, Limousin-Dowsey P (2011) Functional MRI exploration of combined hand and speech movements in Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders 26(12): 2212-2219. 5. Moreau C, Ployart O, Pinto S, Plachez Audrey, Annic A, Viallet F, Destee A, Defebvre L (2011) Modulation of dysarthropneumophonia by low-frequency STN DBS in advanced Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders 26(4): 659-663. 6. Tripoliti E, Zrinzo L, Martinez-Torres I, Frost E, Pinto S, Foltynie T, Holl E, Petersen E, Roughton M, Hariz M, Limousin P (2011) Effects of subthalamic stimulation on speech of consecutive patients with Parkinson’s disease. Neurology 6(1):80-86. 7. Pinto S, Ghio A, Teston B, Viallet F (2010) La dysarthrie au cours de la Maladie de Parkinson. Histoire naturelle de ses composantes: dysphonie, dysprosodie et dysarthrie. Revue Neurologique 166(10):800-10. 8. Cantin S, Krainik A, Fraix V, Jiang Z, Fleury V, Troprès I, Seigneuret E, Warnking Y, Pinto S, Grand S, Krack P, Le Bas J.-F, Chabardès S, Pollak P. (2010) IRM morphologique dans les syndromes parkinsoniens. Pratique Neurologique, 1(2), 135-144. 9. Sarr MM, Pinto S, Jankowski L, Teston B, Purson A, Ghio A, Régis J, Peragut JC, Viallet F (2009) Contribution de la mesure de la pression intra-orale pour la compréhension des troubles de la coordination pneumophonique dans la dysarthrie parkinsonienne. Revue Neurologique 165:1055-1061. 10. Obeso JA, Jahanshahi M, Alvarez L, Macias R, Pedroso I, Wilkinson L, Pavon N, Day B, Pinto S, Rodriguez-Oroz MC, Tejeiro J, Artieda J, Talelli P, Swayne O, Rodriguez R, Bhatia K, Rodriguez-Diaz M, Lopez G, Guridi J, Rothwell J. (2009) What can man do without basal ganglia motor output? The effect of combined unilateral subthalamotomy and pallidotomy in a patient with Parkinson's disease. Experimental Neurology 220(2):283-92. 11. Pinto S. (2009) Contrôle neurologique de la parole. Rééducation Orthophonique, 239, 19- 12. Pinto S. (2009) Apport de l'imagerie cérébrale fonctionnelle pour l'étude de la parole. Rééducation Orthophonique, 239, 213-221. 13. Fillâtre G, Pinto S. (2008) La dysarthrie parkinsonienne. 2. Effets de la stimulation du noyau subthalamique : revue de la littérature. Glossa, 105, 4-17. 14. Fillâtre G, Pinto S. (2008) La dysarthrie parkinsonienne. 1. Physiopathologie et évaluations instrumentales. Glossa, 104, 4-17. 15. Cantin S, Krainik A, Fraix V, Savoye P.-Y, Troprès I, Chabardès S, Seigneuret E, Warnking Y, Pinto S, Grand S, Le Bas J.-F, Pollak P. (2008) Intérêts de l’IRM dans la prise en charge des syndromes parkinsoniens. Feuillets de Radiologie, 48(5), 291-302. 16. Pinto S, Ghio A. (2008) Les pathologies du contrôle moteur de la parole : contribution de l’étude des dysarthries et des dysphonies à la compréhension des mécanismes de la parole normale. Revue Française de Linguistique Appliquée, XIII-2, 45-57.
Book Chapters

1. Pinto S. Functional neuroimaging for the investigation of motor speech disorders. In:
Lowit A, Kent RD (eds). Assessment of Motor Speech Disorders. Plural Publishing Group, San Diego. 2011, pp. 285-303. 2. Pinto S. Intérêt de l'utilisation de la tomographie par émission de positons pour l'étude de la parole normale et pathologique. In : Marchal A, Cavé C (eds). L’imagerie médicale pour l’étude de la parole (Traité Cognition et Traitement de l’Information, IC2). Hermès Science Publications - Lavoisier, Paris. 2009, pp. 215-236. 3. Pinto S, Fillâtre G, Ghio A. Functional neuroimaging of speech production in Parkinson's disease: towards a better understanding of dysarthria physiopathology. In: Fuchs S, Loevenbruck H, Pape D, Perrier P (eds). Some aspects of speech and the brain. Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien. 2008, pp 115-140.
My research interests mainly focus on the understanding of dysarthria physiopathology, i.e.
motor speech disorders physiopathology, in Parkinson’s disease and other Movement
Disorders. This leads to investigate Parkinsonian dysarthria by various means: its different
forms, its peculiarities vis-à-vis other Parkinsonian motor symptoms, its similarities with
dysarthria present in other movement disorders and its cerebral anatomo-functional correlates
revealing the associated dysfunctional brain networks. I’m also interested in the effects of
treatments on this very disabling symptom that is usually less responsive that other disease
My investigation is generally twofold: one approach, that could be called "peripheral", aims at studying acoustically the alteration of speech production in Parkinson’s disease patients and the impact of this change on their intelligibility and quality of life; a "central" second approach looks for the brain dysfunctions at the origin of dysarthria and the functional brain reorganization that may be implicated. Regarding this latter point, the specific alteration of the brain activation profile in dysarthria allowed me to argue in the favor of a combined dysfunction of both neural networks implicated in speech motor control: the basal ganglia loop and the cerebellum-motor cortex pathway. This research is interdisciplinary by nature, which also has to deal with size constraints: integrating theoretical frameworks of linguistics and phonetics, confronting neurophysiological models of limb movements to speech production, and taking into account the methodological approach related to lesion as the origin of the variation studied. OTHER INFORMATION Invited editor. « Deep brain stimulation and speech production in Parkinson’s disease » Journal of Neurolinguistics. Special Issue, vol. 25(2), pages 63-138 (March 2012).

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