Accumulation of heavy metals in soil and tree leaves in heavy traffic affected area

TECHNOFAME- A Journal of Multidisciplinary Advance Research Vol.1 No. 2, 58-62 (2012) Received: Aug. 2012; Accepted: Nov.2012 Enzyme and bacterial population as affected by Farm Yard Manure
(FYM) and Vermicompost application in rhizosphere soils of Withania
somnifera L. Dunal
Renu Gupta and Zakia Banoo
Division of Soil Sciences and Agricultural Chemistry, FOA, Shere - e- Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Jammu, Chatha, J&K Abstract
Withania somnifera L. Dunal (Ashwagandha) is a medicinally important and commercially valuable plant. The medicinal properties in the plant are due to the presence of
steroidal alkaloids and lactones commonly known as withanoloids. They have anticancer,
antiinflamatory, hepatoprotective properties. Organic manures act not only as a source of
nutrients and organic matter, but also increase size, diversity and activity of the microbial
population in soil, nutrient turnover and many other physical, chemical and biological parameters
of soil. An attempt has been made to study the effect of Farm Yard Manure (FYM) and
Vermicompost on bacterial properties and phosphatase (acid and alkaline phosphomonoesterase)
activity in rhizosphere soil of Withania somnifera L. Dunal. Five treatments were replicated in
Randomized block design (RBD), each having 5 seedlings. The soil samples collected at various
days of transplantation were analysed for phosphatase and bacterial population. The acid
phosphomonoesterase and alkaline phosphomonoesterase activity increased significantly with
application of FYM and Vermicompost over control. The acid phosphomonoesterase increased
with increasing crop age up to 90 days after transplantation (DAT) and thereby showed a
declining trend up to 180 DAT. The alkaline phosphomonoesterase followed the reverse trend.
The bacterial populations showed an increasing trend and further declined towards the crop
harvest. Thus FYM and Vermicompost contributed to bacterial population and activities which
are key factors in soil nutrient cycling and production of plant growth influencing materials.
Key words: Farmyard manure, Vermicompost, bacterial population, Withania somnifera,
Days after transplantation
India, cultivation of W. somnifera is TECHNOFAME- A Journal of Multidisciplinary Advance Research biological parameters of the soil [1,15] were collected at crop growth stage i.e. that makes the plant food elements in the Results and Discussion
fertilizer which contain higher level of organic matter, organic carbon, total and increased significantly with application increased with increasing crop age up to activity in rhizosphere soils of Withania activity showed a reverse trend (Table.2) Material and Methods
showed an abrupt rise in activity [1]. In Withania somnifera were transplanted to sand and FYM in the ratio of 5:3:2. Five order followed as:T4>T3>T2>T1> from T0-control, T1 – FYM – 15t/ha, T2 decline with crop maturity. The activity 3t/ha, T4 – Vermicompost – 5t/ha. The TECHNOFAME- A Journal of Multidisciplinary Advance Research phosphatase enzyme activities [6]. It has activities, which are key factors in rates of soil nutrient cycling and production of Acknowledgements: Authors are
and further declined at the crop harvest utilization. Soil microbial population Table 1. Acid Phosphomonoesterase activity (µg PNP g -1 soil) in rhizosphere soil of Withania somnifera S. No Treatment Mean TECHNOFAME- A Journal of Multidisciplinary Advance Research Table 2. Alkaline Phosphomonoesterase activity (µg PNP g -1 soil) in rhizosphere soil of Withania somnifera at DATS S. No Treatment Table 3 Bacterial population expressed in cfu x 10 -5 dilution rhizosphere soil of Withania somnifera at DATS S. No Treatment
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