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Yau SY, Lau BWM, Ong JB, Wong R, Ching YP, Qiu G, Tang SW, Lee TMC, So KF. Hippocampal neurogenesis and dendritic plasticity support running-improved spatial learning and depression-like behaviour in stressed rats. PLoS ONE. (in press). 2. Chan CCH, Wong AWK, Ting KH, White-Gabrieli S, He JF, Lee TMC. Cross auditory-spatial learning in early blind individuals. Human Brain Mapping. (in press). Gao J, Cheung RTF, Lee TMC, Chu LW, Chan YS, Mak HKF, Zhang JX, Fung G, Cheung C. Possible retrogenesis observed with fiber tracking: an anteroposterior pattern of white matter disintegrity in normal aging and AD. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. (In press) Qiu G, Wan R, Hu J, Mattson MP, Spangler E, Liu S, Yau SY, Lee TMC, Gleichmann M, Ingram DK, So KF, Zou S. Adiponectin protects rat hippocampal neurons against excitoxicity. Age. 2011; 33(2): 155-165. 5. Lau WM, Yau SY, Lee TMC, Ching YP, Tang SW, So KF. Effect of corticosterone and paroxetine on masculine mating behavior: Possible involvement of neurogenesis. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2011; 8:1390-1403. Xi C, Zhu Y, Niu C, Zhu C, Lee TMC, Tian Y, Wang K. Contributions of subregions of the prefrontal cortex to the theory of mind and decision making. Behavioural Brain Research. 2011; 221(2): 587-593. 7. Leung AWS. Cheng SKW, Mak AKY, Leung KK, Li LSW, Lee TMC. Functional gain in hemorrhagic stroke patients is predicted by functional level and cognitive abilities measured at hospital admission. NeuroRehabilitation. 2010; 27(4): 351-358. 8. Tang JLY, Lee TMC. Transforming role of rehabilitation psychologists: New paradigm, challenges, and directions. Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2010; 25: 293-300. 9. Lee TMC, Lee TMY, Raine A, Chan CCH. Lying about the Valence of Affective Pictures: An fMRI Study. PLos ONE. 2010; 5: e12291. Ma TMK, Hou WK, Hung A, Lee TMC. Personality traits and social behaviors predict the psychological adjustment of Chinese people with epilepsy. Seizure: European Journal of Epilepsy. 2010; 19: 493-500. 11. Chan CCH, Li YZ, Guo LG, Zhou XN, Luo YJ, Lee TMC. Chinese herbal medicine and cognitive and emotional functions during 60-day head-down bed rest. Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine. 2010; 81: 754-760. Lee TMC, Ip AKY, Wang K, Xi CH, Hu PP, Mak HKF, Han SF, Chan CCH. Faux pas deficits in people with medial frontal lesions as related to impaired understanding of a speaker’s mental state. Neuropsychologia. 2010; 48: 1670-1676 13. Chan SC, Raine A, Lee TMC. Attentional bias towards negative affect stimuli and reactive aggression in male batterers. Psychiatry Research. 2010; 176: 246-249. 14. Wang H, Lau BWM, Yau SY, Li SY, Leung N, Wang NL, Tang SW, Lee TMC, So KF. Roles of paroxetine and corticosterone on adult mammalian ciliary body cell proliferation. Chinese Medical Journal. 2010; 123: 1305-1310. 15. Jones-Gotman M, Smith ML, Risse GL, Westerveld M, Swanson SJ, Baxendale S, Giovagnoli AR, Lee T, Mader-Joaquim MJ, Piazzini A. The contribution of neuropsychology to diagnostic assessment in epilepsy. Epilepsy and Behavior. 2010; 18: 3-12. Yuan Y, Zhu ZD, Shi JF, Zou ZL, Yuan F, Liu YJ, Lee TMC, Weng XC. Gray matter density negatively correlates with duration of heroin use in young lifetime heroin-dependent individuals. Brain and Cognition. 2009; 71: 223-228. 17. Lee TMY, Guo LG, Shi HZ, Li YZ, Luo YJ, Sung CYY, Chan CCH, Lee TMC. Neural correlates of Traditional Chinese Medicine induced advantageous risk-taking decision making. Brain and Cognition. 2009; 71: 354-361. 18. Mak AKY, Wong MMC, Han SH, Lee TMC. Gray matter reduction associated with emotion regulation in female outpatients with major depressive disorder: A voxel-based morphometry study. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry. 2009; 33: 1184-1190. Mak AKY, Hu ZG, Zhang JXX, Xiao ZW, Lee TMC. Sex-related differences in neural activity during emotion regulation. Neuropsychologia. 2009; 47: 2900-2908. Mak AKY, Hu ZG, Zhang JXX, Xiao ZW, Lee TMC. Neural correlates of regulation of positive and negative emotions: An fMRI study. Neuroscience Letters, 2009; 457: 101-106. 21. Chan CCH, Wong AWK, Lee TMC, Chi I. Modified automatic teller machine prototype for older adults: A case study of participative approach to inclusive design. Applied Ergonomics. 2009; 40: 151-160. 22. Kwok KY, Lee TMC. Neuropsychology: Behavioural evaluation and intracarotid Amobarbital Procedure (IAP). The Hong Kong Medical Diary. 2009; 14: 10-12. Qin J, Lee TMC, Wang F, Mao L, Han S. Neural activities underlying environmental and personal risk identification tasks. Neuroscience Letters. 2009; 455: 110-115. 24. Qin J, Lee TMC, Han S. Theta and alpha oscillations linked to risk identifications. Lau BWM, Yau SY, Lee TMC, Ching YP, Tang SW, So KF. Intracerebroventricular infusion of cytosine-arabinoside causes prepulse inhibition disruption. Neuroreport.
2009; 20: 371-377. 26. Liu KPY, Chan CCH, Wong RSM, Kwan IWL, Yau CSF, Li LSW, Lee TMC. A randomized controlled trial of mental imagery augments generalization of learning in acute poststroke patients. Stroke. 2009; 40: 2222-2225. Lee TMC, Chan CCH, Leung AWS, Fox PT, Gao JH. Sex-related differences in neural activity during risk taking: An fMRI study. Cerebral Cortex. 2009; 19: 1303-1312. Lee TMC, Chan SC, Raine A. Hyperresponsivity to threat stimuli in domestic violence offenders: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2009; 70: 36-45. 29. Lee TMC, Au RKC, Liu AHL, Ting KH, Huang CM, Chan CCH. Are errors differentiable from deceptive responses when feigning memory impairment? An fMRI study. Brain and Cognition. 2009; 69: 406–412. 30. Leung KK, Lee TMC, Yip P, Li LSW, Wong MMC. Selective attention biases of people with depression: Positive and negative priming of depression-related information. Psychiatry Research. 2009;165: 241–251. Leung KK, Lee TMC, Wong MMC, Li LSW, Yip PSF, Khong PL. Neural Correlates of Attention Biases of People with Major Depressive Disorder: A Voxel-Based Morphometric Study. Psychological Medicine. 2009; 39: 1097-1106. 32. Lee YK, Hung SF, Lam WC, Lee TMC. The ability of Hong Kong children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder to recognise facial emotion. Hong Kong Journal of Psychiatry. 2009; 19: 18-25. Lee TMC, Chan SC, Raine A. Strong limbic and weak frontal activation to aggressive stimuli in spouse abusers. Molecular Psychiatry (Nature Publishing Group). 2008; 13: 655-660. (Findings also reported and discussed in Science:321 1023. Lee TMC, Chan CCH, Han SH, Leung AWS, Fox PT, Gao JH. An event-related fMRI study on risk taking by healthy individuals of high or low impulsiveness. Neuroscience Letters. 2008; 438: 138-141. Mok N, Tsang L, Lee TMC, Llorente AM. The impact of language on the equivalence of Trail Making Tests: Findings from three pediatric cohorts with different language dominance. Applied Neuropsychology. 2008; 15: 123-130. Lee TMC, Leung AWS, Fox PT, Gao JH, Chan CCH. Age-related differences in neural activities during risk taking as revealed by functional MRI. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 2008; 3: 7-15. 37. Kwok FY, Lee TMC, Leung CHS, Poon WS. Changes of cognitive functioning following mild traumatic brain injury over a 3-month period. Brain Injury. 2008; 22: 740-751. 38. Leung KK, Lee TMC, Xiao ZW, Wang ZX, Zhang JXX, Yip PSF, Li LSW. Neural activities for negative priming with affective stimuli: An fMRI study. Neuroscience Letters. 2008; 433: 194-198. 39. Lee TMC, Ng EHH, Tang SW, Chan CCH. Effects of sad mood on facial emotion recognition in Chinese people. Psychiatry Research. 2008; 159: 37-43. 40. Chan CCH, Wong R, Wang K., Lee TMC. Emotion Recognition in Chinese People with Schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research. 2008; 157: 67-76. 41. Lau ALD, Chi I, Cummins RA, Lee TMC, Chou KL, Chung LWM. The SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) pandemic in Hong Kong: Effects on the subjective wellbeing of elderly and younger people. Aging & Mental Health. 2008; 12: 746-760. 42. Ng KYY, Hon KYL, Lee TMC. Aging effect on face Recognition. Asian Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 2007; 2: 93-98. 43. Parrott AC, McGregor IS, Lee TMC, Scholey AB, Morgan MJ. International Conference on Memory (ICOM-4), University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. July 16th -21st 2006 - Ecstasy/MDMA and Memory Symposium. Journal of Psychopharmacology. 2007; 19: 21:895-897. Zhu CY, Lee TMC, Li XS, Jing SC, Wang YG, Wang K. Impairments of social cues recognition and social functioning in Chinese people with schizophrenia. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2007; 61: 149–158. Lau WM, Qiu G, Helmeste DM, Lee TMC, Tang SW, So KF. Corticosteroid decreases subventricular zone cell proliferation, which could be reversed by paroxetine. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience. 2007; 25: 17-23. 46. Lee TMC, Leung AWS, Chan CCH. Regulation of human behaviours. Future 47. Qiu G, Helmeste DM, Samaranakake A, Lau WM, Lee TMC, Tang SW, So KF. Modulation of the suppressive effect of corticosterone on adult rat hippocampal cell proliferation by paroxetine. Neuroscience Bulletin. 2007; 23: 131-136. Chan CCH, Leung AWS, Luo YJ, Lee TMC. How do figure-like orthographs modulate visual processing of Chinese words. NeuroReport. 2007; 18: 757-761. Chou KL, Lee TMC, Ho AHY. Does mood state change risk taking tendency in older adults? Psychology and Aging. 2007; 22: 310-318. Chow KWS, Chan CCH, Huang YX, Liu KPY, Li LSW, Lee TMC. Temporal course of vibrotactile imagery. NeuroReport. 2007; 18: 999-1003. 51. Yuen KSL, Lee TMC, Wai YY, Liu HL, Mok ENH, Li LSW, Chan CCH. Cortical reorganization for response regulation with unilateral thalamic stroke detected by functional MRI. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. 2007; 21: 467-471. 52. Liu S, Zhou W, Ruan X, Li R, Lee T, Weng X, Hu J, Yang G. Activation of the hypothalamus characterizes the response to acupuncture stimulation in heroin addicts. Neuroscience Letters. 2007; 421: 203-208. 53. Li G, Gao, JH, Lee TMC, Fox P, Jack Jr. CR, Yang ES. Cognitive processing in Chinese literate and illiterate subjects: An fMRI study. Human Brain Mapping. 2006; 54. Lee TMC, Chan MWC, Chan CCH, Gao JL, Wang K, Chen EYH. Prose memory deficits associated with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research. 2006; 81: 199-209. 55. Yip JTH, Lee TMC. Selective impairment of sadness and disgust recognition in abstinent ecstasy users. Neuropsychologia. 2006; 44: 959-965. 56. Lee TMC, Chi I, Chung LWM, Chou, KL. Ageing and psychological response during the post-SARS period. Aging & Mental Health. 2006; 10: 303-311. 57. So KF, Ho LSH, Tay KCT, Lee TMC. Light delays synaptic deafferentation and potentiates the survival of axotomized retinal ganglion cells. Neuroscience Letters. 2006; 395: 255-260. Lee TMC, Zhang JX, Chan CH, Yuen KSL, Chu LW, Cheung RTF, Chan YS, Fox PT, Gao JH. Age-related differences in response regulation as revealed by functional MRI. Brain Research. 2006; 1076: 171-176. 59. Cheung CCY, Lee TMC, Yip JTH, King KE, Li LSW. The differential effects of thalamus and basal ganglia on facial emotion recognition. Brain and Cognition. 2006; 61: 262-268. Mak EGY, Lee TMC. Detection of feigned memory impairments using a Chinese word task. Psychological Reports. 2006; 98: 779-788. Xiao ZW, Lee T, Zhang JX, Wu Q, Wu R, Weng X, Hu X. Thirsty heroin addicts show different fMRI activations when exposed to water-related and drug-related cues. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2006; 83: 157-162. 62. Wang K, Hoosain R, Lee TMC, Wang CQ, Meng Y, Fu J, Yang R. Perception of six basic emotional facial expressions by the Chinese. Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology. 2006; 37: 623-629. 63. Xi CH, Wang K, Niu CS, Fu XM, Lee TMC, Li XS, Zhu CY, Du J. Impairment of social cognition following damage to the prefrontal cortex. Chinese Journal of Neurology. 2006; 39: 651-654. Lee TMC, Liu HL, Chan CCH, Fang SY, Gao JH. Neural Activities Associated with Emotion Recognition Observed in Men and Women. Molecular Psychiatry (Nature Publishing Group). 2005; 10: 450-455. Yip JTH, Lee TMC. The effect of ecstasy use on neuropsychological function: A study in Hong Kong. Psychopharmacology. 2005; 179: 620-628. 66. Lee TMC, Liu HL, Hung KN, Pu J, Ng YB, Mak AKY, Gao JH, Chan CCH. The cerebellum’s involvement in the judgment of spatial orientation: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neuropsychologia. 2005; 43: 1870-1877. 67. Wang K, Fan J, Dong Y, Wang CQ, Lee TMC, Posner M. Selective impairment of attentional networks of orienting and executive control in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research. 2005; 78: 235-241. 68. Lee TMC, Zhou WH, Luo XJ, Yuen KSL, Ruan XZ, Weng XC. Neural activity associated with cognitive regulation in heroin users: a fMRI study. Neuroscience Letters. 2005; 382: 211-216. Lee TMC, Liu HL, Chan CCH, Ng YB, Fox PT, Gao JH. Neural correlates of feigned memory impairment. NeuroImage. 2005; 28: 305-313. 70. Lee TMC, Chan CCH, Ho SL, Li LSW. Prose memory in patients with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders. 2005; 11: 453-458. Lee TMC, Cheung PWY. The relationship between visual-perception and attention in Chinese with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research. 2005; 72: 185-193. Wang K, Lee TMC, Gu JH, Dong Y, Xia HT, Feng ZH, Meng Y, Yin SJ. The neural basis special for processing fearful expression. Chinese Journal of Neurology. 2005; 38: 769-772. Zhu CY, Wang K, Lee TMC. Executive control in people with schizophrenia. Progress of Psychological Science. 2004; 12: 743-751. Yip JTH, Leung KK, Li LSW, Lee TMC. The role of sub-cortical brain structures in Emotion Recognition. Brain Injury. 2004; 18: 1209-1218. 75. Lee TMC, Yuen KSL, Chu LW, Chi I. Differential age-related change of prose memory in older Hong Kong Chinese of Higher and lower education. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 2004; 19: 216-222. 76. Liu KPY, Chan CCH, Lee TMC, Hui-Chan CWY. Mental Imagery for Promoting Relearning for People After Stroke: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2004; 85:1403-1408. 77. Liu KPY, Chan CCH, Lee TMC, Hui-Chan CWY. Mental imagery for relearning of people after brain injury. Brain Injury. 2004; 18: 163-1172. 78. Ng KM, Lee TMC, Chi, I. Relationship between living arrangements and the psychological well-being of older people in Hong Kong. Australasian Journal on Ageing. 2004; 23: 167-171. Chan MWC, Yip JTH, Lee TMC. Differential impairment on measures of attention in patients with paranoid and nonparanoid schizophrenia. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 2004; 38: 145-152. 80. Tsang HL, Lee TMC. The effect of ageing on confrontational naming ability. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. 2003; 18: 81-89. 81. Chan, RCK, Hoosain, R., Lee TMC, Fan, YW. Are there sub-types of attentional deficits in patients with persisting post-concussive symptoms? A cluster analytical study. Brain Injury. 2003; 17: 131-148. 82. Yip JTH, Lee TMC. Cultural differences in facial emotion recognition. Brain and 83. Yuen KSL & Lee TMC. Could mood state affect risk-taking decisions? Journal of Lee TMC, Lam PK, Yee LTS, Chan CCH. The effect of the duration of exposure to the electromagnetic field emitted by mobile phones on human attention. NeuroReport. 2003; 14: 1361-4. Wang K, Hoosain R, Lee MC. Frontal function and episodic memory. Chinese Journal of Neurology. 2003; 36: 291-293. Yip JTH, Lee TMC, Tsang KL, Ho SL, Li LSW. Emotion recognition in patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders. 2003; 18: 1115-1122. Yuen KSL, Lee TMC. Perceptual space of six basic emotional expressions of healthy Hong Kong Chinese: A pilot study. Brain and Cognition. 2003; 51: 170-172. 88. Lee TMC, Cheung CYC, Lau EYY, Mak A, Li LSW. Cognitive and emotional dysfunction after Central Pontine Myelinolysis. Behavioural Neurology. 2003; 14: 103-107. Lee TMC, Yip JTH, Jones-Gotman M. Memory Deficits After Resection from Left or Right Anterior Temporal Lobe in Humans: A Meta-Analytic Review. Epilepsia. 2002; 43: 283-291. 90. Lee MMK, Lee TMC, Ng PKK, Hung ATF, Au AML, Wong VCN. Psychosocial Well-being of Carers of People with Epilepsy in Hong Kong. Epilepsy and Behavior. 2002; 3: 147-157. Lee TMC, Yuen KSL, Chan CCH. Normative Data for Neuropsychological Measures of Fluency, Attention, and Memory Measures for Hong Kong Chinese. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 2002; 24: 615-632. 92. Chan RCK, Hoosain R, Lee TMC. Talking while performing a task: A better attentional performance in patients with closed head injury? Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 2002; 24: 695-704. 93. Chan CCH, Lee TMC, Yuen HK, Chan F. Attitudes toward people with disabilities between Chinese rehabilitation and business students: An implication for practice. Rehabilitation Psychology. 2002; 47: 324-338. Tsang KL, Ho SL, Chi I, Lee TMC. Translation and validation of the standard Chinese version of PDQ-39: a quality-of-life measure for patients with Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders. 2002; 17: 1-5. 95. Chiu VWY, Lee TMC. Detection of malingering behavior at different levels of task difficulty in Hong Kong Chinese. Rehabilitation Psychology. 2002; 47: 194-203. Lee TMC, Liu HL, Tan LH, Chan CCH, Feng CM, Hou J, Mahankali S, Fox PT, Gao JH. Lie detection by functional magnetic resonance imaging. Human Brain Mapping.
2002; 15: 157-164. Liu KPY, Chan CCH, Lee TMC, Li LSW & Hui-Chan CWY. Self-regulatory learning and generalization for people with brain injury. Brain Injury. 2002; 16: 817-824. Chan CCH, Lee TMC, Fong C, Lee C, Wong V. Cognitive profile for Chinese patients with stroke. Brain Injury. 2002; 16: 873-884. Pau CWH, Lee TMC, Chan SFF. The impact of heroin on frontal executive functions. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. 2002; 17: 663-670. 100. Tong BSK, Yip JTH, Lee TMC, Li LSW. Frontal fluency and memory functioning among multiple sclerosis patients in Hong Kong. Brain Injury. 2002; 16: 987-995. 101. Lee TMC, Liu HL, Hoosain R, Liao WT, Wu CT, Yuen KSL, Chan CCH, Fox PT, & Gao JH. Gender differences in neural correlates of recognition of happy and sad faces in humans assessed by functional magnetic resonance imaging. Neuroscience Letters. 2002; 333: 13-16. 102. Lee TMC, Pau CWH. Impulse control differences between abstinent heroin users and matched controls. Brain injury. 2002; 16: 885-889. 103. Chan RCK, Hoosain RH, Lee TMC. Reliability and validity of the Cantonese version of the test of everyday attention among normal Hong Kong Chinese: a preliminary report. Clinical Rehabilitation. 2002; 16: 900-909. 104. Lee TMC, Chan JKP. Factors affecting the cognitive status of people with epilepsy. Revista de Neurología. 2002; 34: 861-865. 105. Ho SMY, Lee TMC. Computer usage and its relationship with adolescent lifestyle in Hong Kong. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2001; 29: 258-266. (IF=3.325; CITES=34) 106. Lee TMC, Ho SMY, Tsang LYH, Li LSW, Chan CCH. Effect on human attention of exposure to the electromagnetic field emitted by mobile phones. NeuroReport. 2001; 12: 729-731. 107. Lee TMC, Liu HL, Feng CM, Hou J, Mahankali S, Fox PT, Gao JH. Neural correlates of response inhibition for behavioral regulation in humans assessed by functional magnetic resonance imaging. Neuroscience Letters. 2001; 309: 109-112. 108. Lee TMC, Yang SHC, Ng PKK. Epilepsy in Chinese Culture. American Journal of 109. Lau VWY, Lee TMC, Ng PKK, Wong VCN. Psychosocial adjustment of people with epilepsy in Hong Kong. Epilepsia, 2001; 42: 1169-1175. 110. Ho A, Ng KK, Chan CCH, Lee TMC. Quality of life of people with epilepsy following temporal lobectomy: A preliminary report. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2000;91:1035-1039. 111. Lee TMC, Chan CCH. Comparison of the Trail Making and Color Trails Tests in a Chinese context: A preliminary report. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2000; 90: 187-190. 112. Lee TMC, Cheung CCY, Chan JKP, Chan CCH. Trail making across languages.
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 2000; 22: 772-778. 113. Lee TMC, Chan CCH. Stroop interference in Chinese and English. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 2000; 22: 465-471. 114. Lee TMC, Chan CCH. Are Trail Making and Color Trails Tests of equivalent constructs? Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 2000; 22: 529-534. 115. Lee TMC. Memoria Posterior a la Lobectomia Temporal (Memory after Temporal Lobectomy). Revista Española de Neuropsicología. 2000; 2: 46-60. 116. Lee TMC, Chan CCH. Dose-response relationship of phototherapy for seasonal affective disorder: a meta-analysis. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 1999; 99: 315-323. 117. Lee TMC, Ho DSW, & Chan CCH. Preliminary neuropsychological outcomes of angioplasty and stenting of extracranial cerebral arteries. Perceptual and Motor Skills.
1999; 88: 167-270. 118. Lee TMC Chan CCH. Vulnerability by sex to seasonal affective disorder. Perceptual 119. Lee TMC, Chen EYH, Paterson JG, & Janzen HL, Blashko CA, & Chan CCH. Seasonal Affective Disorder. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. 1998; 5: 275-290. 120. Lee TMC, Chan CCH, Paterson JG, Janzen HL, & Blashko CA. Spectral properties of phototherapy for seasonal affective disorder: a meta-analysis. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 1997; 96: 117-121. 121. Lee TMC, Blashko CA, Janzen HL, Paterson JG, & Chan CCH. Pathophysiological mechanisms of seasonal affective disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders. 1997; 46: 25-38. 122. Lee TMC, Paterson JG, Chan CCH. The effect of occupational therapy education on students’ perceived attitudes toward persons with disabilities. American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 1994; 48: 633-638. 123. Lee T & Rodda M. Modification of attitudes towards people with disabilities. Canadian Journal of Rehabilitation. 1994; 7: 229-238. Books 124 Lee TMC, Wang K (2010). Neuropsychological Measures: Normative Data for Chinese – 2nd edition (Revised). Neuropsychology Laboratory, HKU. 125 Lee TMC, Wang K (2008). Neuropsychological Measures: Normative Data for Chinese – 2nd edition. Neuropsychology Laboratory, HKU. 126 Lee TMC (2003). Normative Data: Neuropsychological Measures for Hong Kong Chinese. Neuropsychology Laboratory, HKU. Invited Chapters in Edited Book 127 Ho NSP, Lee TMC (in press). Developing epilepsy-specific international cognitive assessment: Approaches, opportunities and limitations. In M. Lassande, C. Helmstaedter, B. Hermann, A. Arzimanoglou, P. Kahane. Progress in Epileptic Disorders. John Libbey Eurotext. 128 Lee TMC (2006). Brain imaging of deception. In D. Blumel & A. Rappoport (eds). McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science & Technology 2006. New York: McGraw Hill. P.40-41 129 Lee TMC, Ho S (2005).Epilepsy: Attention and Memory. In S.M. Benjamin (ed.). Trends in Epilepsy Research. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 120 Chan CCH, Lee TMC, Li C, & Lam P (1999). Evidence based practice. In K. Jacob & C. M. Bettencourt (ed.). Ergonomics for Therapists. Butterworth Heinemann, MA, USA. 131 Lee TMC & Chan C (1998). Attitudes towards people with disabilities. In K. N. Anchor (ed.). Disability analysis in practice. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, Iowa, USA. 132 Chan CCH, & Lee TMC (1998). Clinical Evaluation - From validation to practice. In K. N. Anchor (ed.). Disability analysis in practice. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, Iowa, USA. Creative Work 133 Adaptive Design of ATM for Use by Old People: Development of Operation and Training Prototypes for the Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (2002).


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