Indian Journal of Comprehensive
Dental Care
ABSTRACT Background: The guided tissue regeneration with bioresorbable membrane is a predictable technique for infra-bony defects, and the addition of the tetracycline root conditioning provides an added advantage to the results. Objective: 1.To assess the change in the depth of the base of the defect after
1. Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine,
Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (JNMC), Aligarh Muslim
the periodontal treatment. 2. Assessment of the change in the overall area of
the infra-bony defect after the periodontal surgical treatment. Study design:
2. Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Jawaharlal
Nehru Medical College (JNMC), Aligarh Muslim University
An intervention study. Setting: Department of Periodontics, Subharti Dental
College, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India. Participants: Ten systemically healthy
3. Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Jawaharlal
Nehru Medical College (JNMC), Aligarh Muslim University
patients, (age of 20-46 years) Sampling: Purposive sampling method. Statistical Analysis: Data entry and statistical analysis was carried out using
4. Senior Resident. Department of Periodontics & Community
Dentistry, Dr. Z. A. Dental College, A.M.U, Aligarh (UP), India.
SPSS 10. Significant difference was determined using the paired student “t” statistics. The result was assessed using Mean ± Standard Deviation and difference was accepted significant at more than 95% (p value <0.05). Results: The application of the paired student “t” statistics to Infra I and osseous fill Corresponding author:
values at six months revealed the effect of TTC-HCl root conditioning along with
Name : Dr. Ruby Khan E-5 Abdullah Apartment, Girls College road
GTR membrane on the patients as significant i.e. p < 0.05 and p < 0.001 for the
Phone 09236005373(M)Email:
Conclusion: It was concluded that the G.T.R. procedures using bioresorbable membranes along with TTC-HCl root conditioning offer an easy and dependable treatment alternative in cases of intra-bony defects. Keywords: infra-bony defects, guided tissue regeneration, tetracycline root conditioning, collagen membrane. Introduction:
is chemotactic for fibroblasts, acts as a barrier for migrating
epithelial cells in vitro and is a weak immunogen. Collagen
The aim of treating destructive periodontal disease is the
when used as a barrier is pliable when moist, conforms well
regeneration of the lost attachment apparatus; i.e., the
to the surgical area and provides a thrombogenic surface
formation of new cementum, a new periodontal ligament
that is sealed coronally to the root surface by a fibrin clot.
(PDL), and new alveolar bone. Literature has demonstrated the possibility of favoring the regeneration of a new
The effect of acid conditioning on healing after surgical
connective tissue attachment to denuded root surfaces by
debridement has been extensively reported. Tetracycline
allowing the selective coronal regrowth of the PDL cells
hydrochloride (TTC-HCl) solution treatment of the root
while excluding the gingival tissues from reaching contact
surface has been demonstrated to dissolve the smear layer
with the root during wound healing by means of a barrier
produced by instrumentation and enhance the binding of
membrane, a process known as Guided Tissue Regeneration
fibronectin to dentin, thus stimulating fibroblast growth and
GTR procedures use type I collagen as membrane
attachment. Previous studies have indicated that
barrier due to it's following properties: it is absorbable, no
reattachment and new cementum formation can be
surgical procedure is required for it's removal, is the major
achieved with root demineralization with TTC-HCl in
extracellular macromolecule of the periodontal connective
tissue and is physiologically metabolized by these tissues, it
Indian Journal of Comprehensive Dental Care
There is ample evidence to suggest that present regenerative
clinically after flap reflection and recorded. The same was
techniques lead to significant amounts of regeneration at
measured radiographically and all further radiographic
localized sites on specific teeth. However, if complete
measurements were calibrated according to this scale.
regeneration is to become a reality, additional stimuli like
The infra-bony component was assessed on the following
root conditioning, bone morphogenetic proteins, growth
factors and enamel matrix derivatives etc. are needed to
Infra I: Difference of the distance CEJ to BD minus
enhance the regenerative process. Thus, the present study
was designed to evaluate the effect of GTR with TTC root conditioning in the treatment of infra-bony defects using a
Infra II: An auxillary line (AUX I) was drawn in the
barrier membrane with the following objectives: 1. To assess
direction of the tooth axis, another line (Aux II)
the change in the depth of the base of the defect after the
perpendicular to the tooth axis was drawn through
periodontal treatment. 2. Assessment of the change in the
the most coronal extension of the lateral wall of the
overall area of the infra-bony defect after the periodontal
infra-bony defect. Infra II was measured from the
point where AUX II crossed the contour of the root to BD.
Materials and method: The present study entitled “Enhanced Repair and Regeneration of Periodontal Lesions
BDW: i.e. the width of bony defect was measured
in Tetracycline Root Conditioning -Treated Patients” was
from the lateral margin of the infra-bony defect to
conducted in the Department of Periodontics, Subharti
the point where AUX II crossed root surface.
Dental College, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India. Ten
Infra III: The third side of the defect triangle was
systemically healthy patients, (age of 20-46 years) were
measured as Infra III i.e. the distance from BD to AC
recruited for treatment after informed consent from the
undergraduate clinic, Periodontics of the Subharti Dental
Defect area: calculated as Infra II X Infra III X BDW.
College, Meerut. Approval for study was passed from the institutional board of study meeting. Purposive sampling i.e.
Osseous fill was calculated by subtracting the preoperative
nonrandom sampling to include subjects that serve the
and postoperative defect areas where Bony defect (BD)
specific purpose was used. The patients had received oral
was the most coronal point where the periodontal
hygiene instructions and root planing before surgical
ligament space showed a continuous width and Alveolar
procedure. Each patient displayed an interproximal infra-
crest (AC) was the crossing of the silhouette of the
bony defect in a posterior tooth which was evident
alveolar crest with the root surface. (Illustration 1.)
radiographically and which manually probed 6mm. Statistical Analysis: Data entry and statistical analysis was Tr e a t m e n t P r o c e d u r e s : Fo l l o w i n g a n e s t h e s i a ,
carried out using SPSS 10. Significant difference was
mucoperiosteal flaps were reflected using sulcular incisions,
determined using the paired student “t” statistics. The result
granulation tissue removed, and the teeth were root planed
was assessed using Mean ± Standard Deviation and
with currettes and sonic scalers. Root surfaces were
difference was accepted significant at more than 95% (p
conditioned with TTC-HCl solution applied by cotton pellets,
burnishing the exposed root for 3 minutes and then rinsed
Result: On comparing the values of infra 1 and osseous fill at
extensively. Membranes were fitted to cover the defects and
baseline and at six month time period, it was seen that there
sutured with 5-0 resorbable sutures. In cases where
was an increase in the level of bone height of the patients
adequate adaptation was possible due to the defect
after the treatment. Also, there was a decrease in the defect
anatomy, the membrane was adapted without the use of
area after the treatment, thus favouring the use of
sutures using the pouch technique as advocated by Mattson
tetracycline root conditioning with bioresorbable membrane
et al. The flap was repositioned to cover the membrane
in the treatment of these defects. The application of the
and sutured with 3-0 silk suture. (Figure no. 1). Patients were
paired student “t” statistics to Infra I and osseous fill values at
prescribed antibiotics and instructed to rinse twice daily with
six months revealed the effect of TTC-HCl root conditioning
a 0.12% chlorhexidine solution for 6 to 8 weeks. Sutures were
along with GTR membrane on the patients as significant i.e. P
removed after one week and follow up was done at 1, 3 and 6
< 0.05 and P < 0.001 for the decrease in these values. (Tables
months. Radiographs were taken at baseline and six month
time, using images obtained in a digitized format. In order to
Discussion: Therapeutic procedures such as bone grafting
calibrate measurement digitally the distance from the cusp
and GTR are in common usage throughout the world, yet the
tip to the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) was measured
ability to reconstruct all components of the periodontium in
Indian Journal of Comprehensive Dental Care
Table 1: Infra I & Osseous fill pre operative at
Table 2.Statistical test application on Infra1 & Osseous fills
baseline & post operative at interval of 6 months
SD=Standard Deviation, * P < 0.05= statistically significant
, *P < 0.001= statistically significant
prevent colonization of the exposed root surface by gingival cells; second, to allow selective repopulation of this surface
by periodontal ligament cells. Given the extensive
microbiologic research suggesting that specific bacteria can
be associated with different clinical forms of periodontitis, it
seems rational that antibiotics directed against these organisms would be a useful adjunct to other treatment
modalities used in treating periodontal disease. Accordingly, drugs such as tetracycline and metronidazole, which are
effective against Gram-negative anaerobic infection, have been useful in cases which are unresponsive to conventional
The idea that microorganisms have their major effect locally
within the pockets and that the destructive aspects of the disease are seen in the periodontal tissues which are
areas where the roots have been denuded as a result of
adjacent to the sulcular area is a concept that has not been
inflammatory periodontal disease and have been exposed to
challenged in modern times. It has been reported that, when
the oral environment still remains an unrealized and
TTC-HCl therapy was employed in such cases along with
unpredictable goal. The results of this study have
conventional periodontal therapy (i.e., scaling, root planing
demonstrated that it is possible to favor the regeneration of a
surgery) exemplary results were observed in the arrest of
new connective tissue attachment to denuded root surfaces
by a surgical procedure based on the principle of GTR, thus,
The present study was designed to evaluate the healing
response following the use of combined procedures of
that progenitor cells arising from the periodontal ligament,
epithelium and gingival flap exclusion via collagen
and possibly from bone, have the capacity to form new
membranes coupled with TTC-HCl application which could
attachment. Results of all of these studies indicated that the
afford significant advantage over either procedure alone.
formation of new attachment is related to the problem of
Results of the study demonstrated that: 1) periodontal
guiding the growth of granulation tissue in such a way that
healing following the use of the GTR procedure resulted in an
the root surface becomes repopulated by those specific cells
increase in connective tissue and alveolar bone
which possess the biological capacity of regenerating the
regeneration; and 2) adjunctive TTC-HCl root conditioning
attachment apparatus. Partial regeneration of periodontal
tissues was obtained when a "barrier" made of collagen was
In the present study, the linear and surface area
interposed between the gingival tissue on one side and the
measurements obtained showed more positive values when
exposed root surfaces and the supporting alveolar bone on
the combined approach was utilized. In essence, this may
the other. The role of the barrier was two-fold: first, to
mean that some benefit may arise from supplementing GTR
Indian Journal of Comprehensive Dental Care
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Intrabony Defects with Collagen Membrane Barriers.
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treatment may have favored the stabilization of the fibrin clot
10. Eickholz P, Horr T, Klein F, Hassfeld S and Kim TS:
to the root surface and, therefore, its subsequent
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gratitude to all the participants for their co-operation and for
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Indian Journal of Comprehensive Dental Care
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