Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 75 (2003) 173 – 179
Dimenhydrinate produces a conditioned place preference in rats
Alison G. Halperta, Mary C. Olmsteada, Richard J. Beningera,b,*
aDepartment of Psychology, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6
bDepartment of Psychiatry, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6
Received 14 October 2002; received in revised form 1 March 2003; accepted 4 March 2003
Dimenhydrinate (DMH; trade names Gravol and Dramamine) is a compound of diphenhydramine (DP) and 8-chlorotheophylline in
equimolar ratios. DMH has been reported to be abused by humans for its euphoric and hallucinogenic properties but few studies haveevaluated its reinforcing effects in animals. To evaluate the hypothesis that DMH and its constituents DP and 8-chlorotheophylline arerewarding in animals, rats were tested for conditioned place preference (CPP). The paradigm consisted of pre-exposure (three 15-minsessions of access to both sides of the chamber), conditioning [eight 30-min pairings of one side with drug (four sessions) and, on alternatedays, the other side with vehicle (four sessions)] and test phases (three 15-min sessions of access to both sides of the chamber). Significantpreferences for the drug-paired location were found on test session one after conditioning with 60.0, but not 25.0, 40.0 or 50.0 mg/kg ofDMH, and after conditioning with 37.8 but not 27.0 or 32.4 mg/kg of DP. No preference was found after conditioning with 23.0, 27.6 or 32.2mg/kg of 8-chlorotheophylline. All three drugs stimulated locomotor activity during conditioning sessions and DMH and DP showedsensitization over conditioning sessions. DMH doses that showed sensitization (25.0 and 40.0 mg/kg) were lower than the dose (60.0 mg/kg)that produced a CPP revealing a dissociation of locomotor stimulating versus rewarding effects. Results reveal that DMH and DP haverewarding properties, although the molar equivalent dose – response curve for DP appeared to be further to the right than that for DMH. Future investigations into the neurotransmitter systems modulating this effect are awaited. D 2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: 8-Chlorotheophylline; Conditioned place preference; Dimenhydrinate; Diphenhydramine; Dramamine; Gravol; Locomotor activity; Reward;Sensitization
DMH is composed of the antihistaminergic agent diphen-
hydramine (DP), sold under the trade name Benadryl, plus
Dimenhydrinate (DMH), an over-the-counter antiemetic
the methylxanthine 8-chlorotheophylline in equimolar ratios
known by the trade names Gravol or Dramamine, has been
reported to be abused by humans. For example, street drug
subjective effects of large doses of DMH are believed to
users will self-administer 750 – 1250 mg (15 – 25 tablets) of
be due to its antihistaminergic component
DMH to experience euphoria and hallucinations
1992). Animal behavioral paradigms such as self-adminis-
Sigmundson, 1969; Malcolm and Miller, 1972; Rowe et al.,
1997). Psychiatric patients will tolerate up to 5000 mg (100
tablets) in a single dosage to experience the drug’s anti-
that antihistamines are rewarding in animals (review:
depressant, anxiolytic or locomotor-activating effects
pert et al., 2002). Although DP acts at the H1 receptor
and Mellor, 1990; Gardner and Kutcher, 1993; Oliver and
and Serafiin, 1996), the antidepressant, anxiolytic or
Stenn, 1993). Thus, there is considerable evidence suggest-
euphoric effects seen after its administration suggest that it
ing that DMH has rewarding effects in humans.
may interact, either directly or indirectly, with other neuro-transmitter systems as well. Specifically, DP may antagon-ize muscarinic receptors modulateserotonin functioning potentiate
* Corresponding author. Department of Psychology, Queen’s Univer-
sity, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6. Tel.: +1-613-533-2486; fax: +1-
E-mail address: (R.J. Beninger).
receptors Thus, the rewarding effects of DMH
0091-3057/03/$ – see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0091-3057(03)00068-6
A.G. Halpert et al. / Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 75 (2003) 173–179
administration may be attributable to the action of its
were arranged so that the configuration was different for each
of the four chambers. Two Plexiglas guillotine doors could be
The other component of DMH, 8-chlorotheophylline, is
used to close the tunnel off from the separate compartments
an adenosine antagonist. Adenosine has a general inhibitory
and a Plexiglas lid covered each chamber. Six photocells
effect on neuronal activity and when adenosine activity is
were located in each chamber: two (height 5 cm) trisected
diminished, there is a resultant increase in neurotransmis-
each compartment into equal sections and two (height 3 cm)
sion. Thus, psychomotor stimulant effects are seen follow-
similarly trisected the tunnel. An 80C188EB-based Experi-
ing theophylline administration both in mice
ment Control Board using custom-made software written in
ECBASIC used information from these photocells to record
amount of theophylline present in a standard dose of DMH
the amount of time spent in each compartment, as well as the
does not have stimulatory effects in humans
number of beam breaks created by each rat. The chambers
1962), the behavioral effects induced by higher doses of this
were indirectly lit by 7.5-W light bulbs, ventilated with a
small fan and housed in wooden boxes that were insulated
There are several possible neuropharmacological mech-
with sound-attenuating Styrofoam (for further details of the
anisms underlying the behavioral effects following DMH
administration. Whether the behavioral effects are due to theantihistaminergic actions of DP, the stimulant actions of 8-
chlorotheophylline or a synergism of the two have yet to bedetermined.
DMH, DP and 8-chlorotheophylline (Sigma-Aldrich
The notion that DMH has abuse liability is supported
Canada, Oakville, ON) each were dissolved in dimethylsulf-
both by human case studies and by animal experimentation
oxide (DMSO). DMH was tested at 25.0, 40.0, 50.0, and
60.0 mg/kg. Due to the appearance of side effects such as
research was to determine whether DMH, or either of its
convulsions, higher DMH doses were not tested. The doses
components DP and 8-chlorotheophylline, has rewarding
of DP and 8-chlorotheophylline were selected to correspond
value in the rat, assessed by the CPP paradigm. It was
with the amount of each component present in 50.0, 60.0
hypothesized that a dose-dependent preference for the drug-
and 70.0 mg/kg of DMH. Thus, DP was tested at 27.0, 32.4
paired location would be found for DMH.
and 37.8 mg/kg and 8-chlorotheophylline was tested at 23.0,27.6 and 32.2 mg/kg. On drug conditioning days, rats wereadministered the appropriate drug and dose plus DMSO
solution. On the vehicle days, the rats were given DMSOalone. All drugs were injected intraperitoneally with 1.0 ml/
Male Wistar rats (N = 120) weighing from 250 to 350 g
were housed in pairs and had water and food freely availablein their home cages. They were kept on a reversed 12-h
All experiments were conducted between 0900 and 1900
light – dark schedule and were tested in the dark portion of
h. Each dose of DMH, DP or 8-chlorotheophylline was
the cycle. Handling of the animals occurred daily for 5 days
evaluated in the CPP using a group of 12 randomly assigned
immediately prior to the commencement of each experi-
experimentally naı¨ve rats. The experiment consisted of three
ment. The rats were treated according to the regulations of
phases, a pre-exposure phase of three sessions, a condition-
the Canadian Council on Animal Care and the experimental
ing phase of eight sessions and a test phase of three
protocol was approved by the Queen’s University Animal
sessions; sessions were separated by 24 h.
During the 15-min pre-exposure sessions the tunnel was
open. The compartment into which a rat was placed to begin
a session was constant for all pre-exposure sessions for eachrat but counterbalanced among the rats, so that in each
The CPP apparatus consisted of four chambers, each with
group six rats began in the left compartment and six in the
two distinct compartments (38 Â 27 Â 36 cm) and a connect-
right. No drugs were administered during this phase.
ing tunnel (8 Â 8 Â 8 cm). One compartment had urethane-
On conditioning sessions 1, 3, 5 and 7, rats were injected
sealed walls and the other had 1.0-cm-wide black-and-white
with their respective drug 15 min prior to being placed into
vertical stripes. The floors of the compartments were also
one compartment of the chambers for 30 min and on
distinct: one had steel mesh flooring and the other had
conditioning sessions 2, 4, 6 and 8, they were injected with
stainless steel rods. The mesh floor was in the right compart-
the vehicle solution and placed into the other compartment.
ment in two of the chambers and in the left in the others.
The compartments were separated from each other and from
Similarly, the stripes were in the right compartment in two of
the tunnel with the use of the guillotine doors during the
the chambers and in the left in the others. The floors and walls
conditioning sessions. The drug-paired compartments were
A.G. Halpert et al. / Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 75 (2003) 173–179
counterbalanced across rats so that the start compartmentwas the drug-paired compartment for half the rats and thevehicle-paired compartment for the other half. Activity wasassessed during conditioning sessions.
The 15-min test sessions followed. The rats were placed
into the start compartments used in the pre-exposure ses-sions. The amount of time spent in each compartment wasmeasured for the pre-exposure sessions and the test sessions.
An alpha level of .05 was used for all statistical tests.
Preference for the drug-paired compartment was assessed bycomparing the amount of time in this location during thefirst test session to the amount of time spent in thiscompartment over the average of the three pre-exposuredays. Each dose for each drug tested served as an individualexperiment and was evaluated with a planned paired t test. For each compound tested, a three-variable mixed-designanalysis of variance (ANOVA), with sessions and phases aswithin factors and dose as a between factor, was alsoconducted to evaluate the possible decay of the CPP effectover test sessions and to test for a dose effect.
Activity data consisted of total counts for each of eight
conditioning sessions, four with drug and four without. Foreach compound, these data were analyzed using a three-variable mixed-design ANOVA with repeated measures onday and condition (drug vs. vehicle) and independentgroups. Significant main effects or interactions were fol-lowed by tests of simple effects and pairwise comparisonswhere appropriate.
On average, rats spent approximately half of the session
time on the drug-paired side during pre-exposure, showingno significant bias towards either side. For example, theDMH 25.0 mg/kg group spent a mean time of 414.3 s on theto-be-drug-paired side and 428.6 s on the to-be-vehicle-
Fig. 1. Mean ( ± S.E.M.) difference in time (s) spent on the drug-paired sidefrom the average of the three pre-exposure sessions to the first test session
paired side during the average of the pre-exposure sessions;
for groups treated with DMH (A), DP (B) or 8-chlorotheophylline (C)
these values did not differ significantly. Tunnel time from
during conditioning. * Significant ( P < .05) change in time spent on the
the pre-exposure phase for each drug and dose was com-
pared to the tunnel time for the relevant first test sessionsand no differences were found. For example, for the 25.0-mg/kg DMH group, respective mean tunnel times were 57.1
between 10 and 90 s The change in time was
and 59.2 s. Thus, observed differences in time spent in the
significant at 60.0 mg/kg [t(11) = 2.57, P < .05], but not at
drug-paired side from pre-exposure to test were not affected
25.0 mg/kg [t(11) < 1.00, P>.05], 40.0 mg/kg [t(11) = 2.13,
P>.05] or 50.0 mg/kg [t(11) = 1.23, P>.05]. The Session Â
shows the differences in time spent on the drug-
Phase  Dose ANOVA yielded only a significant phase
paired side between the pre-exposure and the first test
effect [ F(1,44) = 10.98, P < .05], indicating that for all doses
session for each dose of DMH, DP and 8-chlorotheophyl-
combined more time was spent on the drug-paired side after
line. After conditioning with DMH, increases in time spent
conditioning (the data for the individual pre-exposure ses-
on the drug-paired side were seen for all doses, ranging
sions and for test sessions 2 and 3 are not shown).
A.G. Halpert et al. / Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 75 (2003) 173–179
Conditioning with DP yielded increases in time spent in
itization to the stimulant effects of DMH over the four
the drug-paired location that ranged between 29 and 77 s
conditioning sessions. Activity during vehicle sessions was
While the change in time spent on the drug-paired
similar in the different dose-groups and generally decreased
side was not significant for the 27.0 mg/kg [t(11) = 1.48,
P>.05], or 32.4 mg/kg doses [t(11) = 1.24, P>.05], 37.8 mg/
The three-variable ANOVA revealed a significant
kg showed a significant effect [t(11) = 2.63, P < .05]. The
three-way interaction of Day  Condition  Dose-group
doses used were equivalent to the amount of DP found in
[ F(9,120) = 1.98, P < .05], showing that the relationship
50.0, 60.0 and 70.0 mg/kg DMH, respectively. The three-
among dose-groups differed across conditions and days.
way Session  Phase  Dose ANOVA for the experiments
Tests of simple interaction effects for each condition revealed
with DP revealed a significant phase effect [ F(1,44) = 10.98,
a significant Day  Dose-group interaction for the drug
P < .05]; thus, overall the rats preferred the drug-paired
condition [ F(9,132) = 2.56, P < .01], but not for the vehicle
compartment after conditioning with DP.
condition. For the vehicle condition, there was a significant
After administration of 8-chlorotheophylline, the changes
effect of days [ F(3,120) = 10.33, P < .001], showing that the
in time spent on the drug-paired side ranged from a decrease
decline in activity over days of the four dose-groups com-
of 41 s to an increase of 30 s None of the effects
was significant [t’s(11) = 0.59, 1.04 and À 1.18, all P>.05].
Further analyses of the drug-condition data revealed a
These doses were equivalent to the amount of 8-chlorotheo-
significant effect of days for the 25.0 mg/kg DMH group
phylline contained in 50.0, 60.0 and 70.0 mg/kg of DMH,
[ F(3,30) = 10.63, P < .001]. The day effect was near sig-
respectively. There were no significant effects found in the
nificance for the 40.0-mg/kg group [ F(3,27) = 2.61, P=.072],
three-way Session  Phase  Dose ANOVA.
and not significant for the 50.0 and 60.0 mg/kg groups.
In summary, preference for the drug-paired location was
Furthermore, in tests of simple main effects of groups at each
found after conditioning with 60.0 mg/kg of DMH. While
day, dose-groups only differed significantly on Day 4
location preference was also seen after testing with DP, the
[ F(3,40) = 3.88, P < .02]. Newman – Keuls post hoc com-
dose – response curve appeared to be shifted to the right;
parisons of groups on Day 4 revealed that the 40.0 mg/kg
thus, a DP dose of 37.8 mg/kg, corresponding to the amount
dose-group differed from the 60.0 mg/kg dose-group
of DP found in 70 mg/kg of DMH, but not a DP dose of
( P < .01); the corresponding difference for the 25.0 versus
32.4 mg/kg, corresponding to a DMH dose of 60.0 mg/kg,
60.0-mg/kg dose-groups was near significance (.05 <
produced a CPP. No preference was recorded after condi-
P < .06). These analyses confirm that DMH stimulated
locomotor activity during conditioning sessions at lowerdoses (25.0 and 40.0 mg/kg) but not at the higher doses
(50.0 and 60.0 mg/kg) and that the stimulant effect wasseen as a sensitization to the drug effect over the 4 days of
DMH stimulated locomotor activity at lower doses but
not at the highest dose Increases were seen in
The activity data for the groups conditioned with DP are
later conditioning sessions suggesting that there was sens-
shown in In general, activity was higher in the drug
Fig. 2. Mean ( ± S.E.M.) activity counts (per 30 min) during each of the four conditioning sessions on the drug-paired side (left panels) and on the vehicle-paired side (right panels) for groups treated with DMH (A), DP (B) or 8-chlorotheophylline (C). ANOVA revealed significantly higher activity on the drug-paired side for each drug treatment. Groups treated with DMH or DP during conditioning also showed significant sensitization, motor activity increasing fromsession to session. * Significantly ( P < .05) different from 60.0 mg/kg in Newman – Keuls post hoc test following significant simple main effect of groups onconditioning day 4 following significant interaction in ANOVA of groups over days of conditioning with drug.
A.G. Halpert et al. / Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 75 (2003) 173–179
condition than in the vehicle condition and the stimulant
further emphasizes the dissociation of locomotor and place
effect seemed to show sensitization like that seen in the
DMH experiments, the highest levels of activity being seen
A change in the amount of time spent in the tunnel
on Drug Day 4 of the conditioning phase. In contrast, the
between preconditioning and test days could alter the
vehicle-treated groups showed a gradual decrease in activity
significance in the amount of time spent in the drug-paired
location. Upon examination of tunnel times for all experi-
The three-variable ANOVA revealed a main effect of drug
ments, it was concluded that this variable did not signific-
condition [ F(1,30) = 14.77, P < .001], confirming that activ-
antly influence the place preference results. The vehicle,
ity was higher on drug versus vehicle days. The ANOVA
DMSO, can impair acquisition of conditioned autoshaped
also yielded a significant Day  Condition interaction
[ F(3,90) = 9.27, P < .001]. This interaction occurs when
possible behavioral effects of DMSO associated with a
dose-groups are combined and reflects the general increase
particular compartment, DMSO was administered on both
in activity seen over drug days versus the general decrease in
drug and vehicle conditioning days. Neither a change in
activity seen over vehicle days. Individual two-way ANOVA
tunnel time nor possible behavioral effects of DMSO
done separately on the drug and vehicle conditions both
confounded the significant findings in the present study.
yielded only significant days effects [ F(3,90) = 3.72, P < .02,and F(3,90) = 11.13, P < .001, respectively]. These analyses
confirm that DP stimulated activity and that the stimulanteffect showed sensitization over days; however, there were
The place preference induced by DMH supports the
hypothesis that DMH has rewarding properties. This finding
8-Chlorotheophylline also seemed to produce higher
is consistent with case studies in which doses exceeding the
levels of activity than vehicle but there was no evidence
recommended daily intake were self-administered to achieve
of a sensitization effect such as that seen with DMH and
Miller, 1972; Rowe et al., 1997). The CPP paradigm can be
effects of days [ F(3,99) = 4.19, P < .01], and condition
used to identify rewarding drug states, as has been shown in
[ F(1,33) = 18.75, P < .001]. The days effect reflects the
experiments using cocaine, morphine, amphetamine and a
generally downward trend in activity over days in both
conditions and the condition effect confirms that treatment
fore, the finding that DMH administration can induce a CPP
with 8-chlorotheophylline enhanced locomotor activity. As
suggests that DMH may have rewarding properties similar to
was the case with DP, there were no significant effects of
those associated with other drugs of abuse.
The antihistaminergic component of DMH, DP, also
In summary, DMH, DP and 8-chlorotheophylline
produced a place preference, but at a higher dose (37.8
enhanced locomotor activity. DMH and DP produced sens-
mg/kg) than that (32.4 mg/kg) found in the rewarding dose
itization, the stimulant effect being apparent on the latter
of DMH. Antihistamines have been shown to induce a
conditioning days. Differential dose effects were only seen
with DMH; for DMH lower but not higher doses stimulated
substituted for cocaine in drug substitution studies et al., 2001; Rumore and Schlichting, 1985). These reports,coupled with the present findings, suggest that DP, and
antihistamines in general, have rewarding properties. Therewarding effects of DMH may reflect its antihistaminergic
The present study demonstrated that high doses of DMH
and its component DP can produce a CPP, suggesting that
8-Chlorotheophylline did not produce a place preference.
they are rewarding. No preference was seen after condition-
Theophylline can increase schedule-controlled responding
ing with 8-chlorotheophylline. Activity counts were in-
creased by lower doses of DMH and by DP and 8-
man, 1988), possibly reflecting its stimulant effects. On the
chlorotheophylline. DMH (25.0 and 40.0 mg/kg) and DP
other hand, methylxanthines, including 8-chlorotheophyl-
produced sensitization, the locomotor stimulant effect
line, produced dose-dependent increases in the reinforce-
increasing from session to session. For DMH, there was a
ment threshold in intracranial self-stimulation paradigms
dissociation between place conditioning and locomotor
stimulation; the dose (60.0 mg/kg) that produced a CPP
pounds produce a decrease in threshold. 8-Chlorotheophyl-
did not produce locomotor stimulation and the doses (25.0
line alone does not seem to have rewarding properties.
and 40.0 mg/kg) that produced locomotor stimulation did
Consideration of the CPP results for the three compounds
not produce a CPP. Locomotor activity was also increased
together suggests that 8-chlorotheophylline may synergize
by DP and 8-chlorotheophylline but there was no significant
with DP to enhance the rewarding properties of DP. Thus,
effect of dose. In the case of 8-chlorotheophylline, this result
the dose of DMH that was rewarding, 60.0 mg/kg, contained
A.G. Halpert et al. / Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 75 (2003) 173–179
32.8 mg/kg of DP. However, 32.8 mg/kg of DP alone did
histamine antagonism. Psychomotor stimulation is seen fol-
not produce a CPP although a higher dose, 37.8 mg/kg, did.
lowing theophylline administration, and correlates with the
A 60.0-mg/kg dose of DMH also contains 27.6 mg/kg of 8-
agent’s ability to antagonize adenosine receptor sites
chlorotheophylline. This dose of 8-chlorotheophylline did
et al., 1981). DMH and both of its components, DP and 8-
not produce a CPP. A DMH dose (60 mg/kg) that contained
chlorotheophylline, have significant effects on locomotion.
an ineffective rewarding dose of DP (32.4 mg/kg) and an
Lower doses of DMH and DP (all doses combined)
ineffective rewarding dose of 8-chlorotheophylline (27.6
produced sensitization. Slight locomotor stimulation was
mg/kg) produced a significant rewarding effect in the CPP
produced by these compounds in the first conditioning
test. Thus, 8-chlorotheophylline and DP synergize in DMH
session and generally greater effects were seen from session
to session. Sensitization has been reported for a number of
The rewarding effects of DMH are likely due to the
locomotor stimulants including amphetamine and cocaine
antihistaminergic actions of DP but may also be potentiated
and doses that produce sensitization generally
by the methylxanthine, 8-chlorotheophylline. Drugs of
abuse are believed to induce their rewarding properties
finding of a dissociation between DMH doses that produce
through actions on the mesolimbic DA system
sensitization of the locomotor response and those that
and Berridge, 1993). This may indicate that the rewarding
produce a CPP suggests that the underlying mechanisms
properties elicited by DMH and DP administration are due
mediating the two processes may be different. Further
to either a direct or an indirect interaction with the DA
studies are needed to characterize the nature of these
system. Neurochemical evidence supports this notion; H1
antagonists can both inhibit DA reuptake in the striatum
In the present experiment, the drug doses capable of
eliciting a motor response did not correspond to the doses
capable of producing rewarding effects. While the reinfor-
transmitter systems, such as the cholinergic, serotonergic,
cing properties of some drugs of abuse are related to their
adrenergic, opioid and adenosine systems are modulated by
the administration of antihistamines, but whether these
this was not the case for DMH, DP or 8-chlorotheophylline.
interactions influence the agent’s rewarding capacity is
This finding supports a previous experiment where doses of
undetermined. Rewarding effects of the antihistamines
DP that substituted for amphetamine in pigeons did not
DMH and DP may be the result of their ability to stimulate
produce stimulatory effects and doses of DP that produced
convulsions in monkeys did not substitute for amphetamine
Theophylline is an adenosine receptor antagonist. While
modulation of this system is not generally associated with
elucidate the neurochemical mechanisms responsible for
reward, there is evidence that adenosine A1 receptor ant-
agonism will increase striatal extracellular DA levels et al., 1986) and A2 receptor antagonism will produce a placepreference 8-Chlorotheo-
phylline may indirectly potentiate the rewarding effect of DPthrough its interactions with the adenosine system. There-
The present study confirmed the hypothesis that DMH
fore, rewarding properties observed after DMH administra-
has rewarding properties, like drugs of abuse. This appears
tion may be due to the antihistamine-induced increases in
to be due to the action of its antihistaminergic component,
DA transmission, which may be further potentiated by the
DP, though administration of DP alone had a dose – response
methylxanthine’s indirect influence on this neurotransmitter
curve that was shifted to the right. The abuse potential of
system. This notion is in line with the anecdotal evidence
DMH may be related to its influence on mesolimbic DA
that DMH abuse is reported more often than DP abuse.
transmission; antihistamines directly increase DA levels inthis system while methylxanthines indirectly enhance DA
activity via adenosine antagonism. Thus, 8-chlorotheophyl-line may potentiate the rewarding effects of DP making
The agents evaluated in this experiment were all capable
DMH (a compound made up of DP and 8-chlorotheophyl-
of eliciting motor effects. DMH increased activity at lower
doses; DP and 8-chlorotheophylline also increased activity
There was a dissociation between doses of DMH, DP and
but statistical analyses revealed no significant differences
8-chlorotheophylline that produced increased activity and
among the doses tested. These results are in line with previous
those that produced reward. The stimulatory and rewarding
reports of the stimulating effects of antihistamines and
effects of DMH and its components may be modulated
methylxanthines. For example, antihistamine administration
through different neurotransmitter mechanisms and further
studies are needed to elucidate these putative mechanisms.
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