No está claro cuán grande es el papel de los antibióticos en las relaciones competitivas entre los microorganismos en condiciones naturales. Zelman Waxman creía que este papel era mínimo, los antibióticos no se forman sino en culturas limpias en entornos ricos. Posteriormente, sin embargo, se descubrió que en muchos productos, la actividad de síntesis de antibióticos aumenta en presencia de otros tipos o productos específicos de su metabolismo.
Pbio.1001716 1.5
How Basic Scientists Help the Pharmaceutical IndustryMarket Drugs
Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, D.C., United States of America
clinical epidemiologists (40%), but less than
who do not receive industry funding.
clinical researchers (67%) translational re-
searchers (61%), or ‘‘multimodal’’ research-
of having a conflict of interest, Joseph J.
ers (71%) [7]. At the 50 universities that
Staszak, responded, ‘‘What conflict of
analyses that compared results from stud-
reported receiving a research-related gift in
the late 1990s [8]. Gifts included biomate-
sponsorship. This systematic review found
a conflict of interest is ‘‘a set of circum-
rials (24% of respondents), discretionary
that industry-sponsored studies, compared
stances that creates a risk that professional
funds (15%), equipment (11%), travel funds
results for drugs or medical devices; less
secondary influence’’ [2]. More simply,
conflicts of interest may be seen as cir-
was expected in return for the gift.
conclude that a therapy was beneficial [9].
cumstances in which ‘‘individuals’ profes-
Sponsor expectations that the gift be used
sional responsibilities diverge from their
cause they utilize a scientifically reliable
personal interests (or when different pro-
fessional responsibilities clash)’’ [3].
edged in publications, are certainly rea-
synthesizes evidence that meets pre-spec-
ified criteria and use explicit methods to
of interest (also called competing interests)
third (32%) of gift recipients reported that
avoid bias in selecting studies for review.
industry and physicians or clinical resear-
the use of the gift. This expectation was
and publications, and may be important to
respondents reported that the firm wanted
industry in the production and dissemina-
to receive prepublication review of articles
effects of industry funding on basic science
research. What information exists, howev-
to be used for applications that competed
of biomedical research, paying for nearly
twice as much research (58%) as the federal
Positive results for therapeutics in ani-
government (33%) [4]. Most of this funding
clinical studies. Species differences certain-
to publish results that favor a sponsor’s
design, reporting bias, analytic bias, and
creased from about half (55%) in 1998 to a
publication bias also may be important.
quarter (25%) in 2010 [5]. A 2007 survey of3,080 academic life science researchers
Citation: Fugh-Berman A (2013) How Basic Scientists Help the Pharmaceutical Industry Market Drugs. PLoS
Biol 11(11): e1001716. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001716
relationship with industry [6]. Among the
1,663 research faculty at academic medical
Copyright: ß 2013 Adriane Fugh-Berman. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in anymedium, provided the original author and source are credited.
relationship with industry. This numberwas similar to health services researchers/
Funding: The author received no specific funding for this work.
Competing Interests: I have read the journal’s policy and have the following conflicts: I direct PharmedOut, aGeorgetown University Medical Center research and education project that advances evidence-based
The Perspective section provides experts with a
prescribing and educates healthcare professionals about pharmaceutical marketing practices. I am a paid
forum to comment on topical or controversial issues
expert witness on behalf of plaintiffs in litigation regarding pharmaceutical marketing practices, including
litigation against Pfizer (which owns Wyeth), GlaxoSmithKline, and Takeda Pharmaceuticals.
November 2013 | Volume 11 | Issue 11 | e1001716
‘‘It is to industry’s advantage to selectively
studies in 160 meta-analyses of neurolog-
support particular researchers whose point
researchers actually concluded that eryth-
many studies (1,719) had a ‘‘positive’’
ropoietin had potential antitumor effects
encourage selective publication of articles.’’
(919 studies) would have been expected to
biases are the most likely explanation.
friendly results. Although the question of
analyses found a statistically significant
summary effect; of these, the vast majority
of industry-funded researchers to reassur-
– 108 of 112 studies –favored the thera-
ing clinicians and policymakers regarding
studies. Writing up studies requires time
found significant positive effects of treat-
motivated to publish negative data, espe-
cially when it is perceived that negative
are important tactics for industry. Industry
relies on abstracts and posters to convey
graduated to testing in humans [10].
marketing messages at scientific meetings,
because abstracts and posters are usually
journals won’t publish negative studies,
from design or reporting bias. Let’s take
altered up to the time of presentation.
submitted. A study of papers presented at
agents (ESAs), which were licensed in the
early 1990s for treating anemia in cancer
preclinical studies, case reports, or prelim-
inary results of clinical trials. Promising
published clinical studies and meta-analy-
preliminary results might be presented as
ses appeared to show a benefit of ESAs on
mortality [11]. It is now known, however,
cized, but if the final results of the study
do not support commercial goals, the full
from industry-funded studies are less likely
to be submitted for publication, industry-
overall mortality in cancer patients [12];
buried in an obscure, low-impact journal.
funded clinical trials overall are less likely
In either case, scientists may have a posi-
tive impression of a therapy from a poster,
trials listed in found
and never learn that the therapy failed to
that within two years of study completion,
about a third of studies that received full
questions about potential adverse effects
and abstracts with positive results are far
half (54%) of trials funded by government,
more likely to be published than negative
and 56% of trials funded entirely through
atic review of 79 reports found that less
basic science research found that research-
Less information is available about basic
presented at scientific meeting were sub-
science studies, but there is reason to be
sequently published as full studies [14].
concerned. A key analysis of 16 systematic
investigators to report that ESAs promot-
reviews of experimental animal studies of
publication rates; 42% of posters at three
acute ischemic stroke found that 98% (515
significant effects of treatment on infarct
volume [20]. It’s impossible to say exactly
and posters at a neurosurgery meeting was
events. None of the ten researchers funded
trim-and-fill to account for missing data,
ported EPO-induced signaling events.
ing on drug addiction were published [15].
It should be noted that these studies may
were conducted but not reported; the non-
not have picked up data from posters that
publication rate was estimated to be 14%.
was incorporated into other articles rather
bias may have accounted for about a third
reviews [20]. In other words, the absence
favor a sponsor’s drug has obvious com-
of negative studies may result in systematic
mercial benefits. According to the former
therapy is more beneficial than it actually
November 2013 | Volume 11 | Issue 11 | e1001716
for publication for many valid reasons.
speakers, consultants, and researchers to
In contrast to clinical research, in which
to expand the market for the anti-seizure
a specific drug is safe or effective in a
‘‘The work of basic scientists is used for
indirect and sometimes direct marketing to
basic science is to define mechanisms and
‘‘expand the speaker base—identify and
highlight a therapy’s mechanism of action,
to suggest surrogate markers of safety and
cesses. Full publication of negative results
users to speak locally for Neurontin.’’
efficacy, and to differentiate a product from
competitors’ based on these findings.
grants to ‘‘key influencers’’ and organized
a named lecture series featuring neurology
clinical messages in academic presentations
information and recognition of a student’s
with a more ‘scholarly’ understanding of
directors to improve ‘‘public relations
efforts, but without the expectation that a
rontin new prescriptions.’’ To promote
off-label prescribing for neuropathic pain
and bipolar disorder, Parke-Davis directly
years before it is submitted for regulatory
approval [21], when it is still in animal
educational programs and used a so-called
studies, so preclinical studies may be used
publication strategy ‘‘to disseminate the
little incentive to preserve the integrity of
to create ‘‘buzz’’ about a new drug years
information as widely as possible through
before it arrives on the market. Bias in the
the world’s medical literature’’ [25].
threat of funding withdrawal hangs over a
researcher who insists on publishing neg-
clinical studies has been found in certain
manufacturer of the bestselling menopaus-
proved for treating obesity in 2006, then
practical standpoint, there is little justifi-
cation for the belief that journals will only
meetings, promoting hormones off-label to
be prescribed ‘‘off-label’’ – that is, for
endpoints supported this use, so speakers
invoked observational studies, studies with
the drug was approved. Although it is legal
surrogate endpoints (i.e. cholesterol-lower-
prescribe a drug off-label, it is illegal
about adverse effects, preclinical studies
drugs off-label. Off-label use is common,
are used to promote a marketed drug for a
accounting for about one in five prescrip-
condition for which efficacy in humans has
not yet been shown or has been disproven.
Table 1. Examples of journals that publish negative results.
Journal of Negative Results in Biomedicine
Journal of Negative Results in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results
Journal of Interesting Negative Results in Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning
November 2013 | Volume 11 | Issue 11 | e1001716
nize as advertisements. Marketing messag-
articles to imply clinical benefits in the
es may not mention the targeted drug; for
absence of clinical trials (or the presence of
that a targeted disease is underdiagnosed,
imposed for suppressing risks or mislead-
that a mechanism of action is particularly
ing clinicians about risks [34]. For exam-
exciting, that a class of drugs has unique
agreed to pay a record-breaking $3 billion
significant drawbacks. Marketing messages
to the US government to settle allegations
are disseminated in research studies, case
related to Avandia (rosiglitazone, a diabe-
ters, as well as in presentations and posters
and Paxil (paroxetine) off-label [35]. The
contractors to ghostwrite ‘‘false and mis-
leading’’ articles that claimed, for exam-
ple, that the safety and efficacy of Paxil for
statistical or editorial ‘‘assistance’’ creates
interest were not disclosed [27,28].
an opportunity for results to be suppressed
strated despite the fact that the study cited
disadvantage competing therapies. Partic-
publication also minimized adverse effects.
ment of publications or posters is ethically
suggestions on whether or not to publish,
present, bury, or selectively report specific
physicians and scientists to ‘‘author’’
publications crafted by industry [4]. Arti-
and misrepresentation of reported results
distorts the biomedical literature, makes
write their own articles may still submit
to ‘‘ghost-management’’ [37], allowing a
company to provide statistical analysis or
‘‘editorial assistance’’ (often an industry
health. It goes without saying that scien-
tists should accurately report and analyze
studies are crucial to assessing benefits
Zyprexa (olanzapine) [39], Paxil (paroxe-
and risks of therapies and to determining
tine), ‘‘Fen-phen’’ (fenfluramine and phen-
whether further research is indicated.
termine, used for weight loss), Neurontin
(gabapentin, approved for seizures), Vioxx
ment disclosed in litigation from Wyeth’s
(rofecoxib, an analgesic), and Zoloft (ser-
traline, an antidepressant) [25]. Undoubt-
‘‘Industry is a major funder of basic science
a planned article, ‘‘The Atherosclerotic
Process and the Impact of Estrogens’’
ships and public/private sector partnerships
‘‘The Impact of Timing of Initiation of
participate in ghostwritten articles is un-
searchers to do work of value to industry
starting to pay attention to the fact that
partners and to help demonstrate that value
ment Therapy’’ [33]) that would use basic
science studies and observational studies to
on articles they have not written, but in
2010 only 13 (26%) of the top 50 academic
medical centers in the US had policies in
place that prohibit participation in medi-
cal ghostwriting [40]. While these policies
are laudable, no researcher in the US has
yet been sanctioned for ghostwriting [41].
sponsor to ghostwrite an article, industry
cations of industry influence on clinical
review of articles by a sponsor may result
dollars in fines for off-label promotion,
discussed widely within basic science. It
November 2013 | Volume 11 | Issue 11 | e1001716
difficult conversation regarding the ethical
former pharmaceutical executive for extremely
helpful insights and comments on an earlier
I would like to acknowledge Kenneth Dretchen
PhD, Richard Gillis PhD, Tony Scialli MD,Elizabeth Jeffery PhD, and an anonymous
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