Talk about david for 1 minute

His full name is David Lloyd. He is 15. He was born in Wales where
he lives in the outskirts of Cardiff. His parents are divorced .His father
( who used to have his own practice but now works for the Welsh
rugby team : the Dragons) and his stepmother are both
physiotherapists . David whose real mother is a painter in Swansea ,
has chosen to live with his father and his stepmother near Cardiff
which is the Capital of Wales. No wonder David is a rugby fan!! As
he wants to join the rugby team , he is having a medical to see if he is
fit for rugby. When the doctor looks at David’s application form , he
finds out that David is allergic to penicillin , he has known that he is
allergic to penicillin for a few years when he broke his leg and came
out in a terrible rash after having an injection. He has also been
learning Welsh since last December and he has been singing since he
was 8 , for 7 years. Then the doctor checks David’s lungs , ears,
throat, and eyesight . David must be short-sighted because he can’t
read the letters . So he needs glasses but he can join Llandaff rugby
To be as fit as a flea : to be in the pink: être en super forme
EX 1 :Write 7 sentences with ….
TAKE OFF HIS SHIRT : enlever sa chemise
BREATHE DEEPLY : respirer profondément
LIE DOWN: s’allonger
PUT HIS SHIRT BACK ON: remettre sa chemise
SAY “AAAH”: dire “ aaah”
READ THE TOP LINE : lire la ligne du haut
GO AND SEE AN EYE DOCTOR: aller voir un ophtalmologue
1) The doctor wants David to ……….
2) He asks David to …….
3) David must …….
4) The doctor would like David to…….
5) David has to …….
6) Davis is asked to ……….
7) The doctor tells David he should…….
EX 2 : for ? since ?
1) She has lived in Wales …. 1995.
2) They have been married …… seven weeks.
3) He has not seen his friend …….Christmas.
4) She has known ……… a long time.
5) He has been keen on tennis ……. 2 years.
6) I have been going to England every summer ……. I was 13 years old.
7) They have been speaking English ………. 2 o’clock.
8 )I have had a headache ……… 2 hours.
9) We have had some rain ……… yesterday.
10) He has liked rugby ……. he started playing.
EX 3: translate into English
1) David fait du rugby depuis son 12ème anniversaire.
2) Il fait du basket depuis 2000.
3) Il fait du foot depuis 1999.
4) Il marche une heure par jour.
5) Il a une heure de karaté par semaine.
6) Cela fait 20 ans que son père fume7)Il y a 2 mois il fumait 2 paquets par jour . 8)David est allergique aux chats.
9)En 1999, il s’est cassé la jambe gauche.
10)Il a y 6 mois il s’est cassé le bras droit ! David is accident-prone: he often hurts himself.


Pii: s1529-9430(01)00024-9

Cervicogenic headaches: a critical reviewScott Haldeman, DC, MD, PhDa*, Simon Dagenais, DCba Department of Neurology, University of California, Irvine, Medical Center, 101 The City Drive South, Orange, CA 92868, USA b Research Division, Southern California University of Health Sciences, 16200 East Amber Valley Drive, Whittier, CA 90609-1166 Received December 22, 2000; revised January 8, 20

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Approved by Dr. Cohen, D.O._______________________________ Description: Following a hard blow to abdomen (by rock, fist, bicycle handlebar, etc.), an Internal organ such as the spleen or liver may be ruptured and bleed into the abdominal cavity slowly but continuously, and the patient may lose enough blood to develop signs of shock. Physical findings: 1. History of blow to abdomen 2. Symptoms ma

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