Volume Sixteen • Number Four • July 2007 By Eve Greenberg, MA, LPC, CTN, Staff Reporter for EXPLORE! Publications, USA
“In recent years, Autism, Asperger’s and other related
therapy and various forms of physical therapy, supplements,
illnesses on the autism spectrum have become treatable to a
medication and “magical formulas”, meaningful laboratory
large degree, especially when appropriate interventions are
testing for autism, food preparation and practical tips for
started early. Significant progress has been made in
parents, effective and gentle methods of detoxification, energy
understanding the toxic brain injury and brain inflammation
medicine including homeopathy, microcurrent technology,
that starts the downhill cascade of events in genetically
microwave shielding, and inhaled ionized oxygen. Throughout
susceptible children. Genetic Mapping with its subsequent
the seminar practical tips and tricks were offered, including
targeted nutritional csuggestions is an evolving science that
demonstrations of physical exams, tools and techniques.
is starting to provide important therapeutic pearls. What is
There are six illnesses that have the same underlying
largely overlooked is the devastating effect of electromagnetic
causes and respond to similar treatment strategies, explained
radiation on children, from household electric wiring, wireless
Dr. Klinghardt. These are autism, Asperger’s syndrome,
internet, cordless phones and microwave (from cell phone
allergies, atopic skin disease, asthma, ADHD and seizure
Autism Recovery
networks). What also does not seem to be addressed enough
disorders. Environmental and genetic factors seem to
is the effect of mycotoxins from mold in the home and Lyme
determine how a child adapts to the toxic insult and which
disease, which is often passed on from the asymptomatic
In Germany, only one in four children are still healthy,
Autism Recovery: A Practical Resource-Oriented
said Dr. Klinghardt. “Recent literature reviews show that the
Workshop for Concerned Parents and Practitioners was
incidence of ASD has increased from 0.4 children per 1000
offered by Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, Ph.D. and faculty in
in 1985 to 1 in 150 children in 2000 with the highest number
. Klinghard
Bellevue, WA on March 30-April 1, 2007. Both practitioners
(nearly 1 in 100) in New Jersey. Today, it is possible that 1 in
and parents of autistic children attended. The three day seminar
was punctuated with lively question and answer periods from
Dr. Klinghardt began by exploring the world of the
very aware parents and well-versed practitioners. Faculty
autistic child, which, he said, is consistent with the expected
included Lee Cowden, MD, Tomatis instructor Liliana Sacarin,
and reported findings of severe mercury toxicity and chronic
MS, RC, Andreanna Rainville (Vaughan), RN, Amy Derksen,
Lyme disease. On a physical level, mirror neurons are blocked
ND, Elizabeth Sheehan, DC, CCN and Aristo Vojdani, Ph.D.
in the frontal cortex, which creates an inability to spread them
of Immunosciences Laboratory. A post-conference seminar
out as far apart as possible and give them as late in age aspossible.
was offered by Lee Cowden, MD, focusing on Laser EnergeticDetoxification, a method of shining laser light throughhomeopathic remedies to quickly unblock detoxification
Toxins in the Home – EMF and Mold
Dr. Klinghardt says that, “Autism starts in the womb
Topics explored included toxicity, infections, biotoxins,
which lives in a home. The home has a huge influence on
EMF exposure and its catastrophic effect on the genes and
autism.” Dr. Klinghardt describes our houses as cardboard
biochemistry, healing the toxic home, neurosensory
boxes with plastic wrapped around them. Our houses do not
development through Tomatis work, family constellation
breathe, they build up toxic chemicals and they permit
electromagnetic radiation to come in. By the time a person
The most important immediately effective measure to
moves into a new house, it is already moldy. Most U.S. children
protect our children from further harm, Dr. Klinghardt says,
grow up in homes that are toxic or electromagnetically
is by using a propolis vaporizer at all times. Propolis attaches
contaminated. Adults present with loss of zest, short term
to mold spores. It is amazingly effective in neutralizing mold
memory loss, lack of creativity, sex drive and potency,
spores and harmful bacteria in the home.
insomnia, fatigue, dulling of the senses, and a dramatic increase
For electrosmog, Dr. Klinghardt suggests moving the
in neurological and psychiatric illnesses.
child’s sleeping location until the child wakes up refreshed.
Cordless phones are the worst offenders, says Dr.
Install a “demand switch” or disconnect fuses for every outlet
Klinghardt. The effect is like a gunshot going off in the brain.
in the child’s bedroom walls. Buy corded phones for the home
Known medical effects include disturbance of all known
or disconnect cordless phones at bedtime. Do not use wireless
intrinsic rhythms (EEG, heart rate variability, breathing
internet. Inspect the neighborhood for cell phone microwave
patterns, 24 hour meridian activity, bowel movements,
emitters. Install an anti-electrosmog mosquito net. Sleep on a
detoxification and more). The blood brain and gut barrier
silver coated bedsheet with or without grounding, and move
(leaky gut syndrome) are stuck in an open position, there is a
synergistic effect with other fields and mold growth increasesin homes. Microwave technology, such as in cell phone
Tomatis Method
radiation from the base station, affects the blood brain barrier
The Tomatis Method of Sound Stimulation was
in a 1.6 mile radius. The known medical effects include
discussed by Liliana Sacarin, MS, RC, Tomatis instructor. The
increased cancer rate three fold in ten years after cell phone
ear perceives well in autism, she said. But motor input does
radiation is brought into a community, after a five year
not follow. Train the ear and the voice change instantly.
incubation period. Severe EEG, HRV and EKG changes,
Through the Tomatis method, the child’s ability to control
delayed and disturbed brain development in infants, decreased
and perceive the world changes. The method helps to increase
melatonin and hormone production, an open blood brain
the child’s ability to analyze by helping to comprehend smaller
barrier with increased toxicity all affect endothelial cells in
gut mucosa and endothelium, and are responsible for illness
Laboratory Testing
and death in trees, especially right in front of the cell towers.
Dr. Vojdani from Immunosciences Laboratory offers a
Melatonin induces sleep. We only heal and detoxify in
premier autism panel that tests for streptococcal antigens,
deep non-rem sleep. Electrosmog reduces melatonin
gliadin peptides antibodies, casein peptides antibodies,
production in the pineal grand. Dr. Klinghardt quoted a study,
antibodies to mercury-binding antigens (fibrillarin),
Melatonin protects against mercury induced oxidative tissueAutism Recovery
dipeptidylpeptidases antibodies, anti-myelin basic protein
damage, published in Basic and Clinical Pharmacology &
antibodies, anti-neurofilament antibodies, metallothionein,
Toxicology, Vol. 91, Dec. 2003, pp. 290-296 that says that
natural killer cell cytotoxic activity, measles antibodies,
melatonin is the most effective and potent neuroprotective
immunoglobulins, varicella zoster virus, cytomegalovirus or
chemical in the CNS and prevents damage from mercury, lead,
CMV, Epstein-Barr virus or VCA, Herpes Type 1 2 and 6
aluminum, chemicals, mycotoxins, viruses, cigarette smoke,
viruses. Immunosciences also offers laboratory testing panels
bacterial and parasitic endo- and exotoxins outgassing from
for autism that includes immune function, intestinal barrier
carpets and new car plastics, etc. Without melatonin no
. Klinghard
function, food allergy and intolerance, infectious agents,
regeneration and no detoxification can occur. Fluoride also
neuron-autoimmune antibodies induced by dietary proteins
and infectious agents, autoimmune reaction and involvement
Molds are spore forming organisms. The spores hatch
in the human body, often in the nasal passages, and releasepotent neurotoxins. Neurotoxins destroy the ability of the
Food Allergies and Supplements
nervous system to both develop and function normally.
The best diet for an autistic child, said Dr. Klinghardt,
Neurotoxins are often also immuno-toxins and alter or
is a common sense diet. Eliminate all grains, especially gluten
suppress functions of our immune system. Some neurotoxins
containing barley, rye, oats, wheat and spelt, all cow dairy, all
are also carcinogens. Mold grows in moist areas of the house.
soy, all corn, and all non-organic food. Give enzymes at the
The spores spread from there to every nook and corner of the
end of each meal (digestive enzymes are pH dependent and
house and are impossible to remove completely. Exposure to
work in alkaline environments. The pH in the stomach is 1.5
high levels of indoor mold can cause injury and dysfunction
before eating and 4.5 at the end of a meal, much more alkaline.
of multiple organs and systems, including respiratory,
In terms of probiotics, saccaromyces boulardii is yeast that
hematological, immunological and neurological system, in
competes with other yeast for nutrients. It is very effective in
immuno-suppressed individuals. Mold damages healthy
the treatment of candida, even systemic candida. If still
breastfeeding, mothers can take chlorella 3-4 times per day to
clear toxins from the milk. Chlorella is product sensitive. It
toxic substances, and has an anti-viral effect for HPV.
is important that the chlorella has had its cell wall cracked by
Hydroxy-B12 has been found to remove toxic nitric oxide
sound waves. Dr. Klinghardt recommends Biopure chlorella.
Children often love chewing the chlorella tablets, says
Glycine is the most important rate limiting amino acid
Dr. Klinghardt. The more the better. Swiss mothers have
in the detoxification pathways used to eliminate solvents,
reported complete resolution over 12 months of their children’s
PBDEs, phthalates and other chemicals which are almost
autism by giving 120 or more tablets of chlorella daily.
always involved in ASD. Toxins harm enzymes involved in
Chlorella detoxifies the gut and GALT. It elevates intracellular
methylation. The damage may be to the genes, the epigenome
glutathione, activates PPAR, has sporopollein increases
or other mechanisms. The activation and silencing of genes is
metallothioneine and it has specific peptides to remove
dependent on methylation, the restoration of glutathione and
mercury, lead and all other toxic metals, and it alkalinizes the
many other issues. To bypass the glitch, consider methyl B12,
system. Chlorella contains a high amount of Vitamin B12.
folinic or methylated folic acid, Sam-e and Di-or Trimethyl
Using CGF liquid can be a nice first step since it binds and
mobilizes. This way chelation may be started very slowly.
Autonomic response testing is a form of kinesiology that
Cilantro is capable of mobilizing mercury, cadmium,
incorporates the health of the autonomic nervous system, i.e.
lead and aluminum in both bones and the central nervous
the sympathetic nervous system, the parasympathetic nervous
system. It is very effective in mobilizing mercury stored in
system, and all the ganglia that innervate our body systems,
the intracellular space, including the nucleus. Cilantro contains
including the digestive system and the brain. ART helps create
a mildly toxic compound which is neutralized when it is placed
treatment protocols specific to each client’s needs. I
in a small amount of hot water before ingesting. It should betaken together with chlorella which is a binding agent. Detoxification for Everyone
Vitamin B6 has benefits in autism when given in high
The elimination of toxic metals is most important,
doses, 300-500 mg/day or 30 mg/kg/day as pyridoxal HCL.
followed by the elimination of organic toxins such as
Dr Klinghardt suggests a 6 week trial. If the patient has no
insecticides, wood preservatives, PBDEs and phthalates.
beneficial response during that time, he recommends
“Everyone is toxic,” said Dr. Klinghardt, and everyone needs
continuing to give closer to a normal dose for the entire length
to be detoxed for lead and mercury. We all have PBDEs (fire
of treatment time. Given as P5P, higher doses are needed, he
retardants), phthalates and more. Detoxification needs to
happen in the order that the body can handle.
Folic acid is a key nutrient in brain development. Folates
Once ethyl mercury is introduced as thimerosol into the
are critical enzyme co-factors for DNA and RNA synthesis
body via injection, it is picked up by unmyelinated nerves
and methylation. They have a strong anti-viral effect against
and travels inside the axons of the nerves in less than 24 hours
Autism Recovery
HPV and are the most important nutrients of the brain. There
into the spinal cord. In another 24 hours it reaches the brain,
are three forms. Folic acid is synthetic oxidized folate not
where it is initially taken up by the astrocytes. They become
found in nature. Unmetabolized folic acid has an anti-folate
ill and start failing in one of their most important jobs: to
effect. Folinic acid is naturally occurring. In some, but not all
create the blood brain barrier. Later, the mercury is taken up
children it can be converted to metabolically active folates,
by all protein molecules inside the brain and brain-cells: GAGs
including the mitochondrial folate functions, and L-5
in the matrix, receptors on cell walls, enzymes, structural
methyltetrahydrofolate (L-5MTHF – monoglutamate form),
molecules and GTP, the enzyme which creates tubulin,
. Klinghard
the only folate that crosses the blood brain barrier. A common
enzymes of the citric acid cycle inside the mitochondria and
problem in ASD children is folate receptor antibody syndrome
more. The main volume of mercury is trapped in the connective
(selectively in the brain). The brain is starved for folate. Give
tissue of the muscles, bones, ligaments outside the CNS. It is
both folinic acid for the mitochondrial functions (100-400 mcg
also trapped in the lymphatic tissue and adipose tissue. Overall,
four times per day) and MTHF to bypass the folate receptor
only a small amount reaches the brain. The amount is
problem in the brain (400-1200 mcg four times per day).
According to Dr. Klinghardt, there have been
The order of the ethyl mercury elimination protocol is
misunderstandings regarding B12 and folic acid. In addition
very important. It is paramount that the body is treated by
to folinic acid and MTHF, giving folic acid in combination
clearing the excretory organs before treating the brain. If the
with hydroxyl-B12 (5:2 ratio) is helpful when given at the
brain is treated first, the toxins from the body will move into
same time sublingually several times/ day. This combination
the brain and the patient will be retoxified. Mercury and lead
has been found to demethylate toxins (and makes them more
have a lethal synergistic effect. Use an agent first that removes
easily processed) and can be very effective for stims, tantrums
only lead, and then the stronger agents. Start with EDTA
and any daily acute crisis. Dr. Klinghardt says that it is best to
(intravenous or suppository). Hair testing is inexpensive and
use ART testing to find which form of folic acid is the right
non-invasive. It can be helpful to monitor progress. Since it
form for this particular patient today. Folic acid de-methylates
does not require provocation, it can be done in very sensitive
or ill children without concern. When the hair test is negative
Polygonum cuspidatum which increases brain microcirculation
for lead, start removing the bulk of mercury first which is not
and decreases autoimmunity, and Rizoles from BioPure which
bound in the central nervous system. IV or IM DMPS and
are fairly recently discovered compounds that form when
Vitamin C, DMSA orally, Zn-DPTA, and chlorella are ideal,
natural oils are ozonated for extended periods of time.
Depending on the organic plant oil used, the time of exposure
Many parents have found the child’s personal protocol
to pure medical grade ozone gas, voltage and amperage in the
ultimately by trial and error, since many of the commonly
high-voltage chamber, different compounds with unique
used expensive laboratory tests do not lead to real
properties are formed. The rizoles were developed by
improvement. Defects in the methylation-sulfation- and
Professor and chief of the department of Chemistry Gerhard
acetylation-detox pathways are shared by most ASD children
Steidl of the University of Erlangen, Germany.
and the available solutions are limited, but should all be tried. Autonomic Response Testing can individualize protocols. Clinical Tips
Mercury affects every aspect of biochemistry. Without
Clinical tips for parents and practitioners were offered
addressing the mercury toxicity at the deepest level, no
by Amy Derksen, ND. Common treatments she uses for
permanent progress is made with the biomedical approach.
Dr. Cowden’s laser energetic detoxification is a new
Parasites: BioPure organic freeze dried garlic,
revolutionary and effective approach that should be included
Vermox/Mebendazole (100 mg BID 3 cays, then repeat
in every child’s detox regimen, says Dr. Klinghardt. In this
after 3 weeks), Biltricide (compounded 150 mg QID for
method laser light passes through a clear glass vial of
three days, then repeat after 3 weeks, or full dose for
homeopathic substance and sweeps the patient’s body so the
Bilharzia: 600 mg tbl: 3 tbl tid for 3 days, repeat after 3
body can release and/or resolve substances that are affecting
weeks). Tinidazole (500 mg BID for 10 days, usually
the patient. The substances to be swept are determined by
following with Iodoquinol 650 mg tid for 3 weeks, Alinia
kinesiology or electrodermal screening. Toxins, allergens,
(1000 mg bid for 3 weeks is the optimal dose to treat
autoimmunity and even infections may be resolved. A
CNS larvae, otherwise 500 mg bid, 3 days and repeat).
treatment takes 32-52-3 minutes. According to Dr. Cowden
in his presentation, LED is a safe and highly effective rapid
banderol, smilax, stephania root, Japanese knotweed,
detoxification therapy that removes many toxins in 24 hours
SpiroNil, Cumanda, PhytoLymex by Nutriwest.
that otherwise might take 50-100 days to release. The process
Fungal: Diflucan 200 mg for 1-3 months continuous
can be very helpful in treating autism.
(this also helps to address Lyme), Nystatin, AmphotericinB, GSE, Colloidal Silver, Florastor/saccharomyces, Beta
Autism Recovery Infections and Infestations
Glucan probiotic, Pleo Pseu or Nig for environmental
The most common opportunistic infections in ASD are
measles virus persistent in the intestinal tract, Borna viruses
Tonsils: Pleo Not and/or Pleo San Pseu (5 drops,
(responsible for psychiatric symptoms), Giardia and amoebas,
TID for 6 weeks followed with Pleo Sancom for 1 year).
roundworm threadworms and tapeworms, herpes viruses, strep
Tonsilla comp, Lymphomyosot, Itiris, have a full ENT
infections and consequences, Lyme and co-infections, molds
evaluation for chronic enlarged tonsils since this backs
up drainage from the brain, King Bio Tonsil Cure and CS
. Klinghard
Many homes in the U.S. have elevated levels of mold
including aspergillus, cladosporium, stachybotrys, caused by
Kidneys: This organ is an absolute most to support
poor building plan and materials. Dr. Klinghardt suggests
if you are chelating metals. Renelix, Matric Electrolytes,
getting an indoor air quality inspection, using a propolis room
Solidago, acupuncture/neural therapy, K Drain by
vaporizer which kills most known indoor molds, bacteria and
Transformation Enzymes, Energen C, M Water
viruses, clean bedding regularly and vacuum and sweep
Metals: TD-DMPS, TD-DMSA, BioPure Chlorella
pyrenoidosa or CGF Chlorella, BioPure CGF liquid, Bio
“Almost every child with ASD we have tested so far
Pure Cilantro tincture, Zeolite tincture, NDF, Heavy Metal
has been positive for Lyme disease,” says Dr. Klinghardt.
Detox by Transformation Enzymes, multi-minerals (liquid
“Always suspect this when the child is not responding to typical
forms seem easiest for kids to tolerate). Toxaway foot
protocols.” Products Dr. Klinghardt explores with patients
bath, Biopure phospholipid exchange (oral). Designs for
include PC-Samento and PC-Noni from Biopure, Nutramedix
Health PaleoGreens, Nutramedix Algas Metal Detox,
Banderol and Cumanda, SpiroNil/Teasel Root from Jernigan
Metal Free spray, PCA-Rx, PectaSol Chelation Complex.
Neutraceuticals, PhytoLymes by Nutriwest, Lyme frequency
General Detox Support: glutathione (nebulized, IV
CD’s, KMT technology, LymePlex spray by King Bio,
or lipoceutical), B12/folic acid from AMT, Dr. Vinitsky’s
Andrographis paniculata which is protective against
protocol or Dr. Neubrander’s protocol for
neurodegeneration and excreted rapidly via the kidneys,
methylcobalamin, sub-cutaneous injections to keep
bowels moving. Fibercleanse for toxin binding
Immune Support: ambrotose, coriolus, banderol,
(www.newsunhealth.com). Cod Liver Oil by Carlsons or
Nordic Naturals (especially the DHA Junior by Nordic
The conference also featured products sold by BioTools,
Naturals), krill oil (NKO), BioBuilder by Body Health
including microcurrent devices. Microcurrent devices use
amino acids that easily are absorbed. Designs for Health
alternating currents and low amperage. When a current is
PaleoCleanse and Amino D-tox, Metagenics Fola Pro,
pulsed, a multitude of biological effects can be achieved,
dependent on the frequency, shape of the wave, pauses between
Virusus: Biotics Bio-A-emulsion forte Vitamin A,
the waves, length of the individual wave and variation of other
Monolaurin, Olive leaf, Mycophyto Complex as a tea,
parameters. Microcurrent has been shown to increase
Amy Yasko’s RNA remedies, Valtrex, Trifal by Ayush
intracellular ATP levels, dissolve deep scar tissue, trigger the
(also acts as digestive support), Thymactiv, Lysine, fish
formation and release of numerous growth factors and
oil, coconut oil, Pharmax selenium liquid, DFH allicillin
stimulate new nerve growth and tissue healing. KMT
technology focuses on the vasodilation of lymph and blood
Multi Vitamins: Brainchild Nutritionals Spectrum
vessels, downregulation of the sympathetic nervous system,
Support II, Super NuThera, Liquid Health Attention,
microbial growth inhibition and toxin mobilizing effects.
BioTools offers an air activation system that Dr.
Probiotics: Beta Glucan Probiotic by BioImmersion,
Klinghardt says is very effective for oxygenating the whole
Klaire Ther-Biotic Complete, PCHF Acidophilus Bifidus,
system. It offers an ionic footbath that draws toxic and ionized
VSL#3, Metagenics Ultra Bifidus, BioK, Pharmax HLC
substances out of the soles of the feet and energizes the
autonomic nervous system and acupuncture meridians on the
Digestive Enzymes: Houston Nutraceuticals AAFP
feet and turns on the detox function of the kidney, liver, gut
Peptizyde or Zyme Prime, Kirkman DPP4, Pharmax
and skin. BioTools also features devices that clean electrosmog
Minerals: Minerals of Life by World Health Mall,
Attendees, including myself, left with a great deal of
Nutramedix Trace Minerals Relax, Comprehensive
new, important information to put into action in their
Minerals by Cardiovascular Research, Pharmax Trace
Digestive Support (non-enzymes): Designs for
About the Author
Health GI Revive, ground flax seeds, Allergy ResearchMastics, vitamin A (measles), PCHF Vermex and Bowel
Eve Greenberg, AM, LPC, CTN is a Licensed Counselor and Certified Tra-
Autism Recovery
ditional Naturopath who practices in Boulder, Colorado offering microcurrent
therapy, color therapy, autonomic response testing, laser
Brain Support: MHP Brain Liquid, NeuroCalm,
energetic detoxification, drainage, homeopathy, herbs and
Serotonin/Dopamine, PCHF-Brain Enhancement Liquid,
nutrition. Eve has studied with Dietrich Klinghardt, MD,
NeuroRecover liquid, Serotonin/Dopamine, Neuro Relax,
Ph.D., Robert Zieve, MD, Lee Cowden, MD and Dickson
Neuro Calming, Heel Coenzyme compositum, Thalamus,
Thom, ND. Eve has been an adjunct faculty member forseveral colleges including Naropa University ian Boulder.
Body Health Bio Builder amino acids, Designs for Health
Prior to Boulder, Eve was homeopathic medical assistant
sublingual B6, phosphatidyl serine, Carniclear, Electrolyte
. Klinghard
to Robert Zieve, MD, which whom she is still affiliated.
Dr. Zi8eve is an integrative physician practicing in Prescott
Liver: Hepatics, Dandelion root, burdock, ultrathistle
(milk thistle product), castor oil packs, coffee enemas (not
Eve is a staff reporter for Explore Magazine, has appearedin the WisdomNetwork’s Journeys into Healing, is a workshop presenter, and has trained
therapists internationally in action-oriented methods. This article has been reprinted fromExplore! for the Professional,
which comes out six times yearly, is a journal featuring alternative health and alternative energy and is published by
Explore Publications, P.O. Box 11510, Prescott, AZ 86303.
To subscribe, please contact Explore Publications, PO Box 11510, Prescott, AZ 86303
Telephone: 800-320-6035, 928-541-1920, Fax: 928-541-1906, www.explorepub.com
Clinical Update Renal Function in the Elderly An estimated 1.9 million Canadians have chronic kidney disease.1 Renal Adjustments impairment is more common in the elderly, and rising steadily, with the for Patients number of Canadian seniors developing kidney failure more than doubling over the past 10 years.2 Approximately 10% of community-dwelling adults, and up with Rena
La notation sur internet touche aussi les médicaments Mots clés : Médicaments, Notation, Site Participatif, Afssaps Par Pauline Fréour 16/12/2010 | Mise à jour : 19:09 Réagir Crédits photo : François BOUCHON/Le Figaro Depuis un mois, meamedica.fr propose aux internautes de noter leurs médicaments. Une démarche qui n'inquiète pas trop les professionnels. En pleine affaire du Me