P ublication of rtgin al D o cu m e n t0
L A N C A S H I R E A N D C H E S H I R E . J o h n P a u l R y l a n d s , F . S . A . , Highfields, B id s t o n R o a d , Birkenhead, Sir G e o r g e J. A r m v t a g e , Bart., D .L ., F .S.A., Kirklees Park, B rig- Lieut.-Col. H e n r y F i s h w i c k , F.S.A ., T he Heights, Rochdale, Vice- H e n r y B r i e r l y , I ! . A., 26 Swinley Road, Wigan.
W i l l i a m F a r r e r , D .Litt., H all Garth, C a rnforth.
R o b e r t G l a d st o n e, Jun., H . C . L . , M . A . , V ale R o a d , W oolton, near W m. F e r g u s s o n I r v i n e , M.A., F .S .A ., 56 Park Road South, B irken­ Colonel J o h n P a r k e r , C.B., D .L., F .S .A ., Brow sholme, Clitheroe.
W . D. P in k, Winslade, Lowton, Newton-le-W illows.
R . D. R A D C L IF F E , M.A., F .S .A ., Old Swan, Liverpool.
C h a r l e s W . S u t t o n , M .A., Free R eference Library, M anchester.
W m . A s h t o n T o n g e , S t a n e c ly ff e , D i s ley.
F. C. B e a z l e y , F.S .A ., 27 Shrewsbury Road, Oxton, Birkenhead.
R o n a l d S t e w a r t - B r o w n, M .A., F .S .A ., 34 Castle Street, Liverpool.
A N D NOW P R E S E R V E D IN T H E P R O B A T E C O U R T AT F r o m 1 7 9 3 t o 1 8 1 2 .
A L I S T O F T H E W I L L S P R O V E D I N T H E L ieut.-Col. H E N R Y F I S H W I C K , F . S .A.
T i i e R e c o r d S o c i e t y .
T h e twenty-th ird volume of the Society’s publications, which a p ­ peared in 1 8 9 1 , contains a List of the I^ancashire W ills proved at Lancaster from 1 748 to the end o f 179 2, and of H a lt o n W ills T h e present volume continues the list do wn to 1 8 1 2 , the latest date allowed for present publication.
T h e Wills o f the five Western Deaneries of the A rc h d e a c o n r y of Richm ond ceased to be proved at Lancaster in 18 5 7 (see Introductions to Vols. X , X I I I , and X X I I 1).
T h e Wills in this volume are at Lancaster, where all the Lancashire Wills proved in the Archdeaconry of R ic h m o n d since date were, in 18 74 , moved to Somerset House. application by the Yorkshire Archaiological Society, the Wills relating to the Eastern Richm ond Deaneries o f B o ro u g h bridge, Catterick, and Richm ond were transferred from S om erse t H o u s e to the District Probate Registry at York. application it was suggested that this Society should apply for the transfer, to Lancaster, of the Lancashire portion o f the Richmond Wills at Somerset House, but the C o u n c il declin ed to do so as it was considered that the documents were more conveniently accessible in London (where there is a skille d body o f professional searchers and transcribers) than at Lancaster. In the early part of the present year the H onorary S ecretary was informed that it was proposed to remove the Lancash ire portion o f the R ichmond Wills to York (where the Y orksh ire portion had already gone), and upon inquiry at the Principal Probate Registry it was found that the removal to Y ork of the remaining R ic h mond Wills had been authorised but not yet c a rried out. Strong protests were at once made by this Society and other Archaeological Societies, to the President of the Probate D iv ision and also to the R oyal Com m issio ners now sitting to inquire into the custody and preservation o f public records, and it is satisfactory to be able to state that in c o n se q u e n c e o f these protests it was decided in February last that the R ich m o nd Wills, other than those o f the Y orksh ire D e a n erie s, should T h is volume also includes a list o f the Wills proved within the Peculiar of the M anor of H alto n for the same p erio d. are very few, and since the death o f William Bradshaw , Esq. (L ord o f the M anor o f H alton), in 1 8 1 5, no Will has been T h e Society is indebted to the President o f the P ro b a te Divi­ sion of His Majesty’s H igh Court o f Ju s t ic e fo r permission to permit these indices, and I must also personally th ank B. D. Adams, Esq., the Distric t Registrar at L a n c aster, for kind E X P L A N A T I O N OF T H E A B B R E V I A ­ A d . means an administration but no Will. A.W . signifies an Administration with Will annexed.
T u o n or C u r o n B o n d signifies a B ond given for the guardian­ ship o f the infant child or children of the deceased.
A ,” “ F , ” K , ” L , ” at the end of the description, indicate the Deanery in which the papers are filed (Amounderness,



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