Nutr Hosp. 2011;26(6):1242-1249 ISSN 0212-1611 • CODEN NUHOEQ S.V.R. 318 Revisión Effect of weight loss on metabolic control in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus: systematic review M.ª de las Cruces Souto-Gallardo1, M. Bacardí Gascón2,3 and A. Jiménez Cruz2,3 1 Estudiante del doctorado en Ciencias de la Salud. Profesor de Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de Ensenada. UABC. 2Profesor de la Facultad de Medicina y Psicología. Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. 3Miembro del CuerpoAcadémico Consolidado de Nutrición. Postgrado en Nutrición. Tijuana. Baja California. México.Abstract EFECTO DE LA PÉRDIDA DE PESO EN EL CONTROL METABÓLICO DE PERSONAS Objective: The aim of this systematic review was to CON DIABETES MELLITUS TIPO 2: examine randomized clinical trials (RCT) regarding REVISIÓN SISTEMÁTICA long-term effects of weight loss (WL) on biological mark- ers in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Methods: We searched for articles published in English and Spanish recorded in the databases of Pubmed and Objetivo: El propósito de esta revisión sistemática es Cochrane , and the journal collections platforms of Ebsco evaluar ensayos clínicos aleatorios (ECA) acerca de los and Scielo between January 1, 2000 and January 1, 2010. efectos a largo plazo de la pérdida de peso en los marcado- Inclusion criteria included RCT with follow-up ≥ 12 res biológicos en personas con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 Results: A total of 842 articles were identified, 95 of Métodos: Se buscaron estudios publicados en Inglés o them contained information on the effect of WL on bio- Español registrados en la base de datos de Pubmed y logical markers. Twenty studies fulfilled the inclusion cri- Cochrane, y en las plataformas de acceso a colecciones de teria. WL percentage ranged from 0.8 to 20%. A reduc- revistas Scielo y EBSCO, del 1° de Enero de 2000 al 1° de tion of A1C was observed in nine studies, blood glucose in Enero de 2010. Los criterios de inclusión fueron ECA con seven, of total cholesterol and LDL in four, systolic and un seguimiento ≥ a 12 meses. diastolic blood pressure in three, and the use of hypo- Resultados: Se identificó un total de 842 artículos, de glycemic drugs in four; an increase of HDL was observed los cuales 95 trataban del efecto de la pérdida de peso en in seven studies. Remission of T2DM was reported in only los marcadores biológicos. Veinte estudios cumplieron one study, which included surgical treatment. The quality con todos los criterios de inclusión. La pérdida de peso of the studies ranged from very low to high; however, the osciló entre 0,8 y 20%. Se observó una reducción de la study with the longest follow-up that did not involve sur- A1C en nueve estudios, de glucosa sanguínea en siete, gical treatment, was 52 months. colesterol total y LDL en cuatro, presión arterial sistólica Conclusion: The evidence of the beneficial effect of WL y diastólica en tres y el uso de medicamentos hipogluce- on biological markers on long-term studies in people with miantes en cuatro; y un incremento en los niveles de HDL T2DM is inconclusive. These results warrant longer and en siete estudios. La remisión de la DM2 se reportó única- better designed studies. mente en un estudio y era de tratamiento quirúrgico. La calidad de los estudios osciló de muy bajo a alto; sin embargo el estudio con mayor seguimiento que no era de DOI:10.3305/nh.2011.26.6.5244 tratamiento quirúrgico fue de 52 meses. Conclusión: La evidencia de que la pérdida de peso
Key words: Weight loss. Diabetes. Systematic review.tiene un efecto benéfico en los marcadores biológicos en personas con DM2 a largo plazo no es concluyente. Estos resultados muestran la necesidad de más estudios bien diseñados y a largo plazo. DOI:10.3305/nh.2011.26.6.5244
Palabras clave: Pérdida de peso. Diabetes. Revisión siste-Correspondence: Arturo Jiménez Cruz. Calzada Universidad no. 14418. Parque Industrial Internacional. CP 22390 Tijuana B. C. México. E-mail:
Recibido: 17-II-2011. 1.ª Revisión: 9-III-2011. Aceptado: 14-III-2011. Introduction
AND “weight loss” AND “body weight changes”). The MesH descriptors were used to search in
A worldwide increase in overweight (OW) and
Pubmed, Cochrane and Ebsco, and their equivalent in
obesity (OB) has taken place in the past two decades,
which has become a public health problem.1,2 Genetic,
Inclusion criteria were the following: randomized
environmental, biochemical, neurological, physio-
clinical trials (RCT), papers written in English, con-
logical, cultural, and socio-economic factors play
ducted on T2DM people, with at least 12 months of fol-
important roles in the development of OB.3,4 Along
low-up, which recorded weight changes (BMI or kg),
with the rise of OB, there is an important increase in
metabolic parameters (A1C, blood glucose, total cho-
the incidence of type 2 diabetes (T2DM).2,3 The World
lesterol, LDL, HDL, Triglycerides, SBP, DBP) and the
Health Organization (WHO) reports that more than
use of hypoglycemic drugs (Figure 1). From the initial
220 million people worldwide have diabetes and that
search, several studies were removed due to the inclu-
in 2005 an estimated 1.1 million people died from dia-
sion of people without diagnoses of T2DM (747), lack
betes, an estimation that will be doubled by 2030.5 It
of BMI or weight data (7) and those with a follow-up
has been estimated that up to 75% of the risk of
T2DM is attributable to OB.6 Eighty-six percent of
Given the heterogeneity in study design, a meta-
people with T2DM are OW or OB, and 52% are
analysis was not appropriate; however, we conducted a
obese.7 People with OW or OB are at a higher risk of
systematic review of the available studies. Each study
developing T2DM; on the other hand weight loss has
was evaluated according to the number of subjects, age
been associated to a decrease in risk.8-14 Several
(median), percentage of retention, type of intervention,
weight reduction strategies have been used to
duration of intervention or follow-up (months), initial
improve the metabolic control of diabetes, including
and final BMI, percentage of weight change and effects
lifestyle interventions,10-12 drugs,15-18 and surgical treat-
ment19,20 which have shown to be effective as a pri-
The quality of the randomized clinical trials was
mary prevention and/or as a strategy to delay the
assessed using the GRADE scale.31,32 The design of the
onset of T2DM. The benefits of weight reduction in
study, methodological strengths and weakness, and sig-
people with T2DM are not thoroughly documented.
nificance of the findings were used to characterize the
Weight lost has resulted in the reduction of use of
quality of the evidence of any given study. According to
hypoglycemic drugs21-24 and/or remission of dia-
this scale, randomized clinical trials could receive the
betes.25 In the review conducted by Aucott (2008), the
number four as a maximum score. One point was sub-
influences of weight loss on long-term diabetes out-
tracted when the following occurred: a) significant base-
comes were assessed.3 The author concluded that
line differences between intervention groups (weight,
intentional weight loss reduces the risk of T2DM by
BMI, age, prevalence of OW or OB), b) percentage of
lifestyle interventions, drugs or surgical treatment,
retention ≤ 70%, c) no intention- to -treat analysis, d)
including in some cases remission of the disease. This
uncertainty of directness (questionable validity of instru-
study also showed that in order to obtain significant
ments/techniques), e) sparse data, f) high probability of
reductions on blood glucose, greater and sustained
reporting bias (sample, population characteristics), g)
weight loss is required. Although literature reviews
internal inconsistency (data, values). Two points were
and meta-analyses were included in this study, the
subtracted when the study showed: a) very serious
results included people with and without T2DM and
design limitations (sample, population characteristics),
most of the studies were cohorts. Few randomized
b) serious uncertainty of directness (validity of instru-
clinical trials were evaluated and most of them had
ments). One point was added when: a) the study pos-
less than 12 months of follow-up.26-28 Since diabetes is
sessed strong association without plausible confounders,
a chronic disease and its implications on other health
consistent, and direct evidence, b) all plausible con-
problems are discovered in the long-term, the conduc-
founders would have diminished the effect size. Each
tion of longer follow-up studies is warranted29-30.
study was assessed independently with the criteria rec-
The present paper examines the long-term effects
ommended by GRADE and mentioned above, by two of
(≥ 12 months) of randomized clinical trials (RCT) of
the authors (MSG, AJC). When there was no consis-
weight loss intervention on people with diabetes.
tency a consensus was reached with the aid of a thirdauthor (MBG) using the same criteria for evaluation inquality of the studies.
The search was conducted in the databases of
Pubmed and Cochrane, and the journal collectionplatforms of Ebsco and Scielo. The studies were
Our search resulted in 842 articles; 95 of them con-
searched using the following Mesh descriptors:
tained information on the effect of weight loss in meta-
(“2000/01/01”: “2010/06/01”) AND (“Diabetes Mel-
bolic parameters in people with T2DM (fig. 1). Twenty
litus, Type 2” AND “obesity” AND “overweight”
published studies (table I) fulfilled the inclusion crite-
↓ A1C and systolic BP in both Rimonabant groups
There was a significant difference in weight loss between groups
and hypoglycemic drug use in Orlistat group
There was a significant difference in weight loss between groups
There wass a significant difference in weight loss between groups
↑ systolic and diastolic BP in Sibutramine (15 mg/day) group
There was a significant difference in weight loss between groups
There was a significant difference in weight loss between groups
There was a significant difference in weight loss between groups
There was a significant difference in weight loss between groups
76% and 15% of surgical and conventional program
Randomized clinical trials on the effect of weight loss in people with type 2 diabetes
M.ª de las Cruces Souto-Gallardo et al.
↓ of diastolic BP in high- protein diet
↓ of hypoglycemic drugs in meal replacement group
↓ A1C, BG, diastolic BP, insulin concentration and
At 18 months there was a significant difference in weight loss
between groups, but not difference was found in A1C
↓ BG and systolic BP in portion-controlled diet
Low-GI group had much lower likelihood of switching to a new
drug or increasing dosage of hypoglycemic drugs
e; F = female; MED = Mediterranean style; NA = not available; BG = blood glucose; A1C = ; TC = total cholesterol; LDL = low den
rt and Education; GI = glycemic index; ADA = American Diabetes Association; ITT = Intention-to-treat. Randomized clinical trials on the effect of weight loss in people with type 2 diabetes
N = number of subjects; RET % = retention percentage; BMI = body mass index; WC = weight change; T2D = type 2 diabetes; M = mal
tein; HDL = high density lipoprotein; BP = blood pressure; MUFA = monounsaturated fat; CHO = carbohydrate; DSE = Diabetes Suppo
Abstracts Reviewed from ElectronicDatabases (RCT from 2000-2010):
Fig. 1.—Flow diagram of the articleselection in the systematic review ofliterature.
ria.22-25,33-48 A summary description of all 20 studies
follow-up of this study was up to 12 months.24 Esposito
included in this systematic review is presented in
et al., using a Mediterranean (MED) diet, reported a
table I. The mean age of study participants was 55.6
weight loss of 4.4% of BW after 48 months of follow-
years (20 to 82 years). Seven studies (35%) included
up,41 and Barnard et al. reported weight loss after 18
participants with insulin therapy,22,25,34-37,40,44 and four-
teen studies (70%) used isocaloric diets in all partici-pants.22-24,33,34,36-38,41-43,46-48 Compliance to diets was evalua -ted by food records22,34-36,40-42,48 and diet recalls,22,34,44
while compliance to medications was evaluated by pillcount.22,33,43,45 No specific guidelines regarding physical
All studies included in this revision assessed the
activity (PA) modifications were provided in 45% of
reduction of A1C, but only nine of them (45%)
these studies.23,24,35,37-39,42,43,45 Only one study (5%) estab-
reported a significant reduction after the follow-up
lished a specific PA program,34 three studies (20%)
period. Of these studies, five were RCT with good
assessed PA levels using diary records,41,44,48 and one
quality and had the maximum punctuation using the
with pedometers;36 six (30%) studies generally encour-
GRADE scale, four of them used drug therapy,22,23,33,47
aged participants to increase PA.22,25,33,40,46,47
and one used the MED-diet.41 One of them42 had zeropoints using the GRADE scale due to importantmethodological weaknesses such as differences
between groups in baseline characteristics, insufficientsamples, retention percentage < 70%, and a lack of
All studies included in this revision reported weight
intention-to-treat analysis. The rest of the studies also
loss after the follow-up period. According to the weight
reduction strategies, a greater mean reduction was
BG was assessed in only 16 studies (80%), seven of
reported using surgical treatment (-20% of body
which (44%) reported a significant reduction. Four of
weight (BW)), followed by drug therapy (-2.3-7.7% of
the studies were evaluated and received four points
BW), and lifestyle interventions (-0.8-4.6% of BW).
using the GRADE scale, three of them used drug thera -
Greater mean weight reduction was reported using soy-
py22,33,47 and one MED-diet.41 The rest had insufficient
based meal replacements (-4.6% of BW); however, the
M.ª de las Cruces Souto-Gallardo et al.
studies had a follow-up of 12 months, four studies hada follow up ≥12 months, and the longest non surgical
The effect of weight loss on lipid values was
study had a follow-up of 48 months. One of the studies
assessed in 18 studies (90%). Four of them (20%)
with the longest follow-up (24 months) reported
reported a significant reduction in total cholesterol,
weight loss, reduction in BG, A1C, and the use of
three of them used Orlistat to reduce body weight22,33,42
hypoglycemic drugs after bariatric surgery, however,
and received four points using the GRADE scale; one
the sample size was insufficient to obtain 80% of statis-
study44 used the low-GI diet or ADA-diet but had
tical power, and no intention-to -treat analysis was
important methodological weaknesses. Also, four of
used, which resulted in an evaluation score of 2. One of
them (20%) reported significant reduction in LDL, two
the studies with the follow-up of 18 months reported
used Orlistat (4 points with GRADE scale),22,23 one the
reductions in weight; however, the quality score of this
low-GI diet (0 points with GRADE scale)44 and one the
study was 2 because neither intention-to-treat nor sta-
MED-diet (4 points with GRADE scale).41 Seven studies
tistical power was reported. One of the longest studies
(35%) reported an elevation of HDL, three using
(18 months) had the highest quality score (4) and
drugs,33,42,47 one with a portion controlled diet,38 one
reported no significant changes in any parameter. The
with the MED-diet,41 one with the high-MUFA and
study that included low carbohydrate Mediterranean
diet also had the highest quality score and reported areduction of BG, A1C and LDL and an increase ofHDL, after 48 months of follow-up, with no difference
Previous reviews assessed the impact of weight loss
Sixteen studies (80%) assessed blood pressure, of
in patients with T2DM, but the results included people
which only three (19%) reported a significant reduc-
with and without T2DM; they only assessed one type
tion in systolic BP23,38,47 and three others in diastolic
of intervention, and most of the studies were cohorts.
BP.36,37,43 In one study using sibutramine (15 mg/day) a
Few RCT were evaluated and most of them had a fol-
significant elevation of systolic, diastolic BP and pulse
low-up of less than 12 months.3,18,49,50 This study
includes RCT with a follow-up ≥ 12 months in order toassess the long term sustainability of the effects on bio-logical markers. The results observed in this study con-
firm that the metabolic control of people with diabetesis challenging at the long-term.
Nine studies (45%) assessed if there was a reduction
People with OW or OB have an increased risk of
in the use of hypoglycemic drugs. A significant reduc-
developing T2DM, and weight loss has been associ-
tion was observed in four (44%) of these studies. Two
ated with a reduced risk.8-14 Several large RCT have
used Orlistat,22,23 one used surgical treatment,25 and one
shown that weight loss might be an important manage-
ment strategy for OW and OB persons with pre-dia-betes, as it may delay or prevent the progression of cli -nically defined T2DM.10,51 Consistently, some studies
have shown that weight loss in obese people withT2DM can significantly improve glycemic control, and
Remission of T2DM was only reported in the study
some subjects can discontinue insulin or oral therapy.49
using surgical treatment as the weight control strategy.25
However, most studies assessed short-term improve-
The remission was observed in the surgical group
ments and long-term effects were less described.
(76%) and in the conventional treatment group (15%).
The results of this study suggests that the treatment
of OB and OW on people with T2DM should focus inencouraging lifestyle changes and improving biologi-
cal markers, instead of establishing weight loss goalsthat are difficult to reach, as an intermediate objective
This revision indicates that the effect of WL on bio-
to improve biological markers. However, these results
logical markers on long-term studies in people with
warrant longer and better designed studies.
T2DM is inconclusive. WL percentage ranged from
The strength of this study is the inclusion of studies
0.8 to 20%, reduction in A1C was observed in nine out
of ≥ 12 months of follow-up, since diabetes is a chronic
of 20 studies, blood glucose in seven out of 16, total
disease and its implications on other health problems
cholesterol and LDL in four out of 18, systolic and
are discovered in the long-term; therefore, the result are
diastolic blood pressure in three out of 16 and the use of
not overestimated by shorter-term intervention (< 6
hypoglycemic drugs in four out of nine; an increase of
months). Unfortunately, several studies had to be
HDL was observed in seven out of 18 studies. In addi-
excluded due to the inclusion of combined data from
tion, remission of T2DM was only reported in the study
people with and without diabetes. The main limitation
in which subjects underwent bariatric surgery. Most
of the study is the lack of a meta-analysis due to the het-
erogeneity of the studies’ design. In addition, the treat-
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"There can be." Yasmin reached out to run herfingernails lightly across his chest. "You're an ambitiousIt was J'hanos's turn to smile. "Yes, you could sayHer fingers followed the curve of muscle, stroking just This story is printed by Kadanzer Weyr ( softly enough to leave his nerves tingling. "There are too approved by Anne McCaffrey in 1995. Kadanzer Weyr is a non-prof